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5-4-1956 1956 and Gold Vol 39 No 09 May 4, 1956

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Recommended Citation "1956 Brown and Gold Vol 39 No 09 May 4, 1956" (1956). Brown and Gold. 323. https://epublications.regis.edu/brownandgold/323

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at ePublications at Regis University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brown and Gold by an authorized administrator of ePublications at Regis University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. See Literarx Sec. 34.85 (E) P.L.&R. Supplement irnwn anb ~nlb U.S. POSTAGE PAID Page 3 Regis College Student Ne'!lpaper DENVER, COLORADO PERMIT Ho. 840 VOL. XXJIX, HO. 9 DENVER. COLORADO MAY 4. 1956 \G~rl Sodalists On .Campus Institute Scheduled At I Campus Tomorrow 1 Regis College will be host to I the students- of Loretto Heights College, St. Joseph's, St. An­ thmiy's, and M e r c y Hospital Nurses' Homes, and the· Regis Night School tomorrow, May 5, when some 200 college students gather here for the annual Spring r Sodality .fnstitute. The topic of the Institute will be CHRIST IN OUR ICAREERS. The Sodalists will dis­ cuss the application of the Cath­ olic principles, learned in college, to their vocations in life. Father Lucius F. Cervantes, S.J., Shown, from left to right. are Ted Sermonet, Mick Challeran. Dr. Joseph J. McGill, and Mr. M. Philip Ruoff, Bob Kopp. and Harry Qucrdrcrcci. These Soph­ omores are constructing booths for the forthcoming bazaar. -J. Murphy will be the guest lec­ tures for the day. Father Cer- 1vante's is familiar to Regis students through his Marriage and Sociol­ Total Bazaar Procee~ds Will ogy classes. Dr. McGill is a promi­ nent Denver Surgeon, and Mr. Murphy is a well-known lawyer Marguerite Dickerson, John Kirchner, Rev. Harold Klocker. from Colorado Springs. S. J., Paul Erramouspe, Mary Grcrce, and Chuck Woodward ~Boost Pr,oposed :field ~ Ho1use The Institute will begin with look over plans for the forthe<>ming Sodality Institute, which will be held on the campus tomorrow. Students from Regis Mass at 8:30 a.ni. in the Regis The entire returns from the annual Regis Bazaar, which is to College, Loretto Heights, St. Joseph's, St. Anthony's, and Mercy College Chapel, followed by a Hospital nurses' homes. The institute will begin at 8:30 a.m. be Sunday, May 6, will be given to the college, it was announced re­ breakfast. At 9:45 a.m. the guest in the Regis College chapel. It is hoped that every Regis stu· cently by the chairmen of the Bazaar,. Rev. Stephen Krieger, S.J., speakers will begin the talks with dent will be able to attend. Included in the c:onference will be Rev. Eugene Kelly, S.J., and Mr. Ray Dillon. These returns will then a panel discussion in the library, discussions in the fields of Education, Medicine, Law, Social. be placed in a fund for the construction of a Regis fieldhouse, which followed by group discussions on Work, Business, and the Home. is planned for the near future. 1 • • • the fields of Education, Medicine, The Bazaar will .start at one Iprizes Will b.e sold up to the time Law, Social Work, Business, and o'clock with the servmg of a meal of the drawmgs. , the Home. The day will close with prepared by the Regis Mother's j · · Benediction in the R'egis Chapel ~~ \o~m ::• FIRST CLASS RANK Club, Women's Club, and College/ 1 at 3:30p.m. Sorority. n will consist of prime PRESENTATION CHANGE rib of beef, mashed potatoes, · · The Institute is sponsored by President Tim Harrington ex-! GIYEINJO BROWN the Inter-Collegiate Sodality Un­ vegetables, pie and . Prices JIN (. J. HAVES AWARD ion, composed of Socialists from plained' a new motion at the last 1 AN·D GOLD BY A( p for the dinner are $1.25 for adults student council meeting. This m!J-~ · • • • I the Catholic colleges in the Den­ and $.75 for children. Dfuner will Changes concerning the annual tion was deemed necessary in ver area. Paul Erramouspe, pre­ order that the executive board The Regis College Brown and J?e served fro~ 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 \Carlton J. H. Hayes History Award fect of the group, remarked, "Al­ p.m. have been annouhced by the Regis might become better acquainted Gold newspaper has just received The highlight of the Bazaar will College History club. though· the Institute is sponsored with the activities of the various word from the Associated Collegi- by the Sodality, we hope that most clubs on campus. . . be the raffling of a · fully equip- Rather than having an essay of the Regis students will be able . . th t ted

~en~~~y ~~~fho~:tw~~ :ae:ee~~~~~!~ ; !..--..- ._- _- _- _ -_--_- _----,---...... :_ ·- --·-·-·------law. Among them were: Francis\:---....,..------. Bacon, John Donne, Robert Her- 'New And Best Selection of rick, Thomas Carew, and Henry I Vaughn. - I Mr, Kiene spent a year in the I Mile High city before he joined i the Regis faculty. During this time' SATURDAY, MAY 5 he• worked with the Denver Cath-1 And Parchment Greeting Cards in olic Register, and he taught night i scho()l at Lowry Air Force Base. ' North Denver Featuring._. Students seeking part time em- I ON DISPLAY AT 33' 45' 78' Records ployment, keep him busy because, I in addition to his other duties, he i Jazz, Mood, Classical and Popular Music is the assistant director of the,. KARE:N'S SPECIAL.TY SHOPPE. placement office. Regi~ men cramped for tim~ I CHAFFEE PARK SHOPPING CENTER 2o/o DISCOUNT TO REGIS may be wondering where Mr. 48TH AND PECOS Kiene finds time for all his activ- .1_ ity. One solution· may be that he Open DaiJ~ 9:30 to 6:00 p.m. has solved the problem which so Monday and Friday ENes Till 8:00 ·p.m. many of· us · are ·seeking....:.keeping 1 5040 No. Federal GL 5-7301 the body functioning without that I Phone GE 3-5813 · as slee. _..:...======....,..---.;..·.;.·__ , Jagger . KPsi President Boeing The Gamma Sigma Chapter of ities for the bazaar have been the AKPsi fraternity installed new stepped up in order. to get pre­ The Brown and Gold has been one of the larger plane manufac- has decided to accept and intends officers for the coming year at its pared for it on May 6. Commit­ informed that five Regis men have turers. The where he will to start work after graduation. Jast busine~ meeting. ;r'he follow­ te~s and chairmen have been ap­ accepted positions with Boeing apply his efforts is in Fort Worth, ing were elected: Jun Jagger, pomted for the various booths Aircraft Corp. Jerry Powell, Dick Texas. Of course, not all of this year's president; Ed Kelly, treasurer; and and arrangements are being c'om-' ' Cordes, John Eldridge, Bill Hof­ grads intend to start working paul Iten, Master of Ritual. Re­ pleted for all activities. If anyone schulte, and Bernie Hammons will Tony D'Amore and Jerry Powell right away. Paul Devlin will take tiring president Bernie Hanunons wants to win $75 in clothing, see leave this sununer for Seattle to were recentlY offered positions a Fellowship at Kansas State. And congratulated the new officers on any member of the fraternity, to take over positions as accountants with the Shell Oil Co. We now Walt Sickles, an English Major, their positions, and stated that the learn how it can be done. there. · have it on authority from the is going to study at DU for his true spirit of AKPsi would, he Placement Office that D'Amore M.A. hoped, be carried out in the fu- Two other Regis accounting ture. majors, Bob Burns and Bill Kemp------Paul Iten has been elected dele­ Kiene Clos~es ker intend to leave for gate to attend the AKPsi Na­ where they will hold positions tional Convention. The convention, with Cal-Pak, a large cannery. O~t EV&tf C.s: .. (bh'~e /lfuz which is an annual affair, is being Treasure Chest held in Detroit, Michigan, August Jack Mathis, a Chemistry major, The Regis College-KBTV Treas­ 28. Iten will give a report to the has accepted a job with · Convair, ure Chest of Knowledge series flllt/IWh'lt!h t1te Qt(J()f/ertl?g trJ/tq tratemity when he returns to concluded its presentations for school in September. this season with a discussion of ~------; As part of the regular function, the Natural Law and its ramifica- Variety Bakeries the members of the fraternity at­ tions by Mr. Donald Kiene of the tended Mass and received Holy Regis English department. 5040 Federal Blvd. Communion Sunday, April 28, in Mr. Kiene touched upon the 4406 Lowell Blvd. ICEROYS the Regis student chapel. A break­ opinions of noted jurists and QB 7·8817 fast was held at Ernie's Supper philosophers regarding the nature Club, following Mass. . of man and his rights in the poli- With the on-rush of time, activ- tical community. He also showed the effect of divergent views on BROTHERS OF HOLY CROSS Notre Dame. are Smoother man's nature, including the com­ plete denial of the natural law College men and high school graduates interested in the D'R. JAMES PHI"LPOT . in totalitarian countries S\ich as religious liiie caJll serve Christ Germany during the rise of Hit­ as a Brother in teaching, youth 1 ler to power. work, writing, foreign mis· SPEAKS TO BI'OLOGY The program was viewed on sions, etc. For information, 1 Channel 9 at 5:15 p.m. Saturday. write: ClUB PARTICIPAN TS Brother Eymard. C.S.C. 72 Dujarie Hall 1 Dr. James J. Philpot Jr., emi­ ~ Notre Dame, ID.diana nent Denver dermatologist, ad­ · REGISTRAR IN D.ETROIT dressed the Biology Club, Thurs- , day evening. His subject was, Rev. John J. Gibbons, S.J., Reg­ "What is Dermatology, and its Re­ istrar at Regis College, is in De­ WE CALL FOR AND troit this week for the 42nd an­ DELIVER lations to Fundamental Biology?" nual meeting of the American Complete Auto Service In his introductory remarks, Dr. Association of Collegiate Reg­ Philpot illustrated the cellular istrars and Admissions Officers. Jerry's structures of the skin as sign posts The meeting will feature national- I Conoco Service for healthy or disease conditions ly known speakers including Dr. I conductive to diagnosis not only Phone GR 7·9960 John .J. Theobald, President of I 4900 Lowell Blvd. of skin conditions, but fundament­ Queens College of New York. I ally of disturbance in the organ­ e TIBES e TUBES Father Gibbons is a member ' e RETREADS isms as such. He also touched on of the housing division of the an­ birth-marks. e AUTO ACCESSORIES nual meeting committee. Next e CAR WASBIMG Dr. Philpot is a graduate of year's meeting will be held in I e TUifE·UP Colorado University's School of Medicine, and he took specializa­ Denver. ~------~ tion studies in dermatology at Michigan University. Fifty stu­ dents attended the lecture.

MULKINS GABAGE Ernie's Supper Club Here is the reason: Only VICEROY has 20,000 Body Work - Painting Auto Bepalr • Accessories filters in evezy tip-twice as many filters as the GG Lowell GRand 7·9884 "What the Regis Men Like" other two largest-selling filter brands-to give J... Mulkilul. Prop. that smoother taste-that VICEROY taste!

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LOMBARDI'S CLEANEBS Viceroys have twice ~ many .. 2834 W. 44th Aft. IJRGE LA VENDER Phone GE 3-4881 A Cleaning With ORCHID CORSAGES $3.50 filters as the other two Smillng Satisfaction Double Cynbidium Orchid Corsage $5.00 leading filter brands! La\Dldromat White Orchids $7.50 HALF HOUR LAUNDRY THE MOST FILTERS' FOR THE 3008 w. 44th Avenue Other Corsages from $1.50 and up SMOOTHEST TASTE Oft Federal Blvd. Phone GL 5·2562 LEHRER'S 38th & Irving • GR 7·1688 600 Marion • AM 6·1424 Jack's Barber 10115 E. Colfax • EM 6·3511 Shop 4032 w. 50th Bar BQ ·Ribs - P1ck Up cmd Delivery Service ASHXER'S AUTO SERVICE Out Of This World / 4890 Lowell Blvd. GL 5·7529 EddieBolma

LOWELL DRUG PIG'N WHISTLE WE WILL CASH YOUR CHECKS The exclusive VIceroy filter Is made . 4901 Lowell Blvd. 480 I West Colfax from pure cellulose-soft, snow-white, naturall

NCIJ 4. 1151 ••• THE DOWN & GOLD ••• ~ageS NeHers Conquered B·y Falcons Softball Begins; •th Ad Sl I T d Interest High Tang Ie WI ams a e 0 .ay The intramural softball season is now officially under way, and The Regis tennis team was de- bined to defeat the Falcon's it seems that the House of Karst feated by the Air Force Academy West-Lee team 6-4, 6-4. is on the road to recapturing the in its first match of the spring. This year's edition of the league crown. The Falcons won four of five Ranger netters is composed of singles matches and divided a pair The Wonderboys are missing freshmen and sophomores, who, some of the power that won them of doubles contests to outscore with a little experience and school the crown a year ago and are the Ranger netmen 5-2. somewhat weaker. However, they support, should turn in some fine still have the fine arm of Dick Jim Hansen was the Regis stal- exhibitions. They have the poten- Eckhard, and the bats of "Horse" wart as he won the only singles tial to finish the season with a Hower and "Bugs" Wick. They victory for the Rangers 4-6, 6-1, winning record and make a name should be the team to give the 6-0. Bob Strauss, a sophomore, for themselves next year. House a battle. looked sharp as he carried his op­ On the entertaining as well as ponent to the limit before drop­ Tomorrow the squad journeys the competitive s i d e will be ping a heartbreaker 6-3, 4-6, to Alamosa where they will en­ Quad's Snack Bar Goodies. They gage the Adams State tenis team. are led by Ray Nass, Jim Ping­ Len Collins, pitcher for Regis College, dodges a low close oue. 11-13, this despite a blister on his in the game between Air Force Academy and Regis. Tbe finger and two broken racket On May 9 the netters have a re­ pank, and "Mo" O'Hallearn. This turn match with the Air Academy Academy took the game by a score of nine to six. The recold strings. team lacks a pitcher but could of Regis now stands at four and seven. and are in the process of making surprise everyone, including them­ In the doubles department, Ed matches with Lowery AFB, Fitz­ selves. Curran and Warren Meidl com- simons, and Colorado Mines, The Leftovers and AKPsi fra­ R1angers Conquer Colorado U.; ternity are fielding fine teams which should make for a suc­ cessful softball campaign. .Repeat With Victory Over Fitz Friday and Saturday, April 27 and 28, the Ranger diamond aces GOLFER'S, !ROUND BY ROUND came out on the long end of two one run · thrillers. They down Colo­ Na·me rado University 9-8 and Fitzsimons 5-4. AFA* DU cu cc• cu AFAt Ave. ltangers The win over C. U. was only the second in the last ten years. In that game Freshman Lee Abbot held Colorado to only two hits ' T. McCarty .. .. , .. 80 80 78 75 78.2 AII-Fo·e·Team in six innings to gain the decision. He was relieved by Pete DeLong­ D. Johnston ...... 78 78 78 79 78 78.2 champs, who handcuffed the Buffs for the last three innings. The Regis basketball team last Dick Dines, Ray Schnerringer, R. Meyer ...... 78 73 79 84 78 84 79.3 week picked an All-Opponent Tony Oreskovich, and Dick Golesh The Regis record is now 3-7. squad from the many (perhaps B. Johnston '····· - 83 81 78 78 82 80.4 were the big sticks for the Ran- The other win was a 16-3 rout of too many) fine players they faced gers. Schnerringer had three sin- the Colorado Miners. In that game M. Kennedy ...... - 77 79 82 82 80.7 during the season. gles and Golesh hit a three-run . P. Bob'rschmldt 83 81 84 82.6 .At the foreward slots Jim double. Dines and Oreskovich De Longchamps a g a 1 n came Powell of Denver and Mason Cope each chipped in two hits in the through with a beautifully pitched G. Park ...... 84 77 77 81 82 85 82.6 of Kentucky Wesleyan nosed out Rangers potent ·attack. game to gain credit for the win. Bob Gibson of Creighton. Powell Last Saturday the Rangers He hurled a -mighty five-hitter as SEASON RECORD: WON* LOST TIEt led the Pioneers to two victories edged Fitzsimons 5-4 for their Lee Abb_ott and _, Ron Bettinger 1 2 3 1 over the Rangers with his tre­ second straight win. Pete DeLong- backed him up With home nms. mendous rebounding and . deadly champs went the route for ~egis, I Regis has lost games .to Colo­ shooting eye. Cope, a Kentucky striking out six and walking' o~y rado u., 16-15, Fitzsimons, 11-10, speedster, showed his heels to the four. He gave up only seven hits and the Air Academy 9-6. Mooremen as he and Kentucky in the nine frames. ' Wesleyan raced by Regis on their Ray Schnerringer and De Long- Chuck Thomas, a four-year var- Links~me ~ n Point f:oBro ,admoor; eastern swing. Bob Gibson was champs led the hit parade. The sity pitcher, was namd to lead the the stalwart for Creightun as they stellar shortstop, Schnerringer, team for the rest of the season. knocked the Rangers out of the had a double and a single, and De Chuck is a senior from Denver NAIA Christmas tourney. Longchamps· helped his own cause 1and has been a mainstay for the S h~a rpen Up AI Alamosa Today Jim Patters_pn, a 6-8 "stu:tfer" with a two-run single. 1 staff for the last four years. On a rather crisp April 11 the Ranger linksmen went out in from Gustavus Adolphus, was unanimous choice at the center search of their third consecutive victory of the spring campaign. It post. He was picked as the out­ was the Denver University Pioneers that the Rangers had their sights standing player on the "all-ver­ set on, but the men from the Hilltop had just enough 1-0 victories sus" team because of his scoring to pull out a slim 51,2 -4lh win. 1 punch and defensive work. And Ray Meyer with a 73 carried 1dividual winner for the Rangers he's only a sophomore. . ' Ias he defeated Casey Brauns 1-0. The guard spots were the big­ medalist honors for the day as he However, Mike Kennedy and gest toss-ups. Four players rated defeated his opponent 1-0 and jBerry Johnston tied their indivi­ mention for their fine work. Tin- , teamed with Dick. Johnson• who 1 dual opponents and teamed to de­ ville Puckett, the second player lost 1-0 to take the1r team match, feat them in doubles competition. from Kentucky Wesleyan, and Cal by the same score. After dropping two in a row Bauer of Seattle were the top­ George Park, playing in the the Rangers came roaring back choices. This is Cal's second year number three spot came through like lions . as they journeyed to on the Ranger All-Opponent. The with a handy 77 to, defeat Barry 1Colorado Springs on April 21. At other two guards are both from Sharp of D. U. 1-0. He teamed It he famous Broadmoore course Murray State. Howie Crittendon with Mike Kennedy in the doubles they -crossed clubs with the Colo­ and Jack Kinder made things match. ~hey lost 1-0 to their _op- 1rado College squad. The Ra~ers mighty tough for Regis in Ken­ ponents for the day. Iturned on the power, and emerged tucky. Ed Zimmer accounted for the victorious 17lh-9lh· half points as he tied Ron Chase Ray Meyer and George Park LA ·BATES in his individual m atch. He and both won their individual matches Stcmclard Sentce Berry Johnston lost to their op- and teamed to win their doubles Complete Lubrlcatlall ponents in the doubles 1- 0. also. Terry McCarty and Berry _ Tire Repair On the following Friday the Johnston won their individual and 4.904 Federal Blvd. doubles matches by scores of 3-0. GL. 5-9703 R angers p 1ay e d h os t t o th e C o10 - rado Buffs on the Lakewood I Friday, April 27, the Bangers course. After nine holes it looked I journeyed to Boulder where they as if the mighty Buffs might go Iproceeded to be routed pack home down in defeat, but a late splurge by the Buffs 231,2 to 31,2. Chaffee Park by the C. U. linksmen was just 'j WASB·A·IIAT too much for the Rangers. How- On the 28th they played the • Self Semc:e Lclaadly ever, Regis finished on the short IAir Fo~ce team and came out with 1511 West 48th Ave. end of a respectible 6-3 score. a 9-9, t1e. Terry McCarty was low GE. 3-4302 ·--Terry- -McCarty------1 was the lone in- man------for the Rangers with a 75. L------....1-=;...______~----~------~ , r------~ TUX SMARTLY STYLED CORSAGES RENTAL Lavender Orchids ...... $.3.50 to $5.00 White Orchids . . . . $6.00 to $10.00 SKYLINE Gardenias, Roses or CLEANERS Combinations .... . $2.50 to $5.00 A Large Variety from which to choose ••. And familiar things are the best. Like Coca-Cola. Full Denver's ~ost Modern of fresh, keen sparkle . .. natural quicl<: energy .•. and it's so pure and wholesome- naturally friendly to your Cle-anin: Plant Fehr's Flowers figure. Have it whenever you like. In Cavaleri's Mart 1948 w. 48th Ave. at Tejon Phone GRand 7-2367 ,. 4986 Lowell Blvd. Bonded Members - Telegraph Delivery Service 80TTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA·COLA COMPANY IY DENVER COCA·COLA BOTTLING COMPANY (Ac:roas From Regia) Don't Forget Flowers For Mother's Day, Sunday, May 13 "Coke" is o registered trade-mark. © 1956, THE COCA·COLA COMPANY

.• THE BBOWH & GOLD •.. ~I!.J6L~--~~-"""""-~~-~~--~---~~-...... :.~---~---~~-~---"-'-"-----~~--~----