Regis University ePublications at Regis University Brown and Gold Archives and Special Collections 5-4-1956 1956 Brown and Gold Vol 39 No 09 May 4, 1956 Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, and the Education Commons Recommended Citation "1956 Brown and Gold Vol 39 No 09 May 4, 1956" (1956). Brown and Gold. 323. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at ePublications at Regis University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Brown and Gold by an authorized administrator of ePublications at Regis University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. See Literarx Sec. 34.85 (E) P.L.&R. Supplement irnwn anb ~nlb U.S. POSTAGE PAID Page 3 Regis College Student Ne'!lpaper DENVER, COLORADO PERMIT Ho. 840 VOL. XXJIX, HO. 9 DENVER. COLORADO MAY 4. 1956 \G~rl Sodalists On .Campus Institute Scheduled At I Campus Tomorrow 1 Regis College will be host to I the students- of Loretto Heights College, St. Joseph's, St. An­ thmiy's, and M e r c y Hospital Nurses' Homes, and the· Regis Night School tomorrow, May 5, when some 200 college students gather here for the annual Spring r Sodality .fnstitute. The topic of the Institute will be CHRIST IN OUR ICAREERS. The Sodalists will dis­ cuss the application of the Cath­ olic principles, learned in college, to their vocations in life. Father Lucius F. Cervantes, S.J., Shown, from left to right. are Ted Sermonet, Mick Challeran. Dr. Joseph J. McGill, and Mr. M. Philip Ruoff, Bob Kopp. and Harry Qucrdrcrcci. These Soph­ omores are constructing booths for the forthcoming bazaar. -J. Murphy will be the guest lec­ tures for the day. Father Cer- 1vante's is familiar to Regis students through his Marriage and Sociol­ Total Bazaar Procee~ds Will ogy classes. Dr. McGill is a promi­ nent Denver Surgeon, and Mr. Murphy is a well-known lawyer Marguerite Dickerson, John Kirchner, Rev. Harold Klocker. from Colorado Springs. S. J., Paul Erramouspe, Mary Grcrce, and Chuck Woodward ~Boost Pr,oposed :field ~ Ho1use The Institute will begin with look over plans for the forthe<>ming Sodality Institute, which will be held on the campus tomorrow. Students from Regis Mass at 8:30 in the Regis The entire returns from the annual Regis Bazaar, which is to College, Loretto Heights, St. Joseph's, St. Anthony's, and Mercy College Chapel, followed by a Hospital nurses' homes. The institute will begin at 8:30 a.m. be Sunday, May 6, will be given to the college, it was announced re­ breakfast. At 9:45 a.m. the guest in the Regis College chapel. It is hoped that every Regis stu· cently by the chairmen of the Bazaar,. Rev. Stephen Krieger, S.J., speakers will begin the talks with dent will be able to attend. Included in the c:onference will be Rev. Eugene Kelly, S.J., and Mr. Ray Dillon. These returns will then a panel discussion in the library, discussions in the fields of Education, Medicine, Law, Social. be placed in a fund for the construction of a Regis fieldhouse, which followed by group discussions on Work, Business, and the Home. is planned for the near future. 1 • • • the fields of Education, Medicine, The Bazaar will .start at one Iprizes Will b.e sold up to the time Law, Social Work, Business, and o'clock with the servmg of a meal of the drawmgs. , the Home. The day will close with prepared by the Regis Mother's j · · Benediction in the R'egis Chapel ~~ \o~m ::• FIRST CLASS RANK Club, Women's Club, and College/ 1 at 3:30p.m. Sorority. n will consist of prime PRESENTATION CHANGE rib of beef, mashed potatoes, · · The Institute is sponsored by President Tim Harrington ex-! GIYEINJO BROWN the Inter-Collegiate Sodality Un­ vegetables, pie and coffee. Prices JIN (. J. HAVES AWARD ion, composed of Socialists from plained' a new motion at the last 1 AN·D GOLD BY A( p for the dinner are $1.25 for adults student council meeting. This m!J-~ · • • • I the Catholic colleges in the Den­ and $.75 for children. Dfuner will Changes concerning the annual tion was deemed necessary in ver area. Paul Erramouspe, pre­ order that the executive board The Regis College Brown and J?e served fro~ 1:00 p.m. to 8:00 \Carlton J. H. Hayes History Award fect of the group, remarked, "Al­ p.m. have been annouhced by the Regis might become better acquainted Gold newspaper has just received The highlight of the Bazaar will College History club. though· the Institute is sponsored with the activities of the various word from the Associated Collegi- by the Sodality, we hope that most clubs on campus. be the raffling of a · fully equip- Rather than having an essay of the Regis students will be able . th t ted <ate Press that 1t has been grven Th t ped .1956 Hard . Top . Merclll'Y. competition open to all students, to attend. Our theme is one of e mown was us sa : . - f •ts Sedan, complete V.:1th radio, ~e~ter the presentation of the award, "That all clubs prepare a type- a First Class Honor Ratmg or 1 vital interest. to every Catholic written brief listing their accom- over-all e:x;cellence for the past and Me::-0-Mahc. trans~nssi?n. this year and in' the future, will student." The drawmg for thiS auto IS bemg be based on two things: perform­ plishments thus far this semester, school year of '55 and '56, under handled by Rev. ~ernard Karst, ance in the history comprehensive and their plans and activities for the guidance of the former editors, S.J., a.D:d the members of the ~G exams, and the over-all grade the rest of the semester. Dick Salada and Dick Connor. fratermty. Also, ~t the drav.:mg average of subjects in the history The clubs not conforming with I Scoring 1540 points in all, the ot the .Mercury .u;t the eve~g, I field. In the event that two or m ·GBROADCASTS this ultimatium will be subject to B&G received 140 points over the th~re will be drawmgs fo~ s~lall more students are rated equally, the following sanctions: minimum for First Class rating, pr~ ?onated by the RegiS G~d, extracurricular activities will be 1) Loss bf their voting power. and lacked only 60 points for the y.ohich ~elude a port~ble TV, fiSh- considered to determine the re­ FROM NEW STUDIO, 2) Suspension froii} all activi- highest rating given-All Ameri­ mg equipmeny · ~lectrrc razors and Icipient. The changes automatical­ Radio Station, KREG will be- ties until the brief is completed., can. The rating .for the B&G for cloc~, to .mentio~ a few. ot~er ly limit eligibility to graduating, gin broadcasting May 7, in its '54-'55 was Third Class, thus rep- special prrzes bemg offered m- History majors. new DeSmet Hall studio which IFJSHING OUTING resenting a large jump in this elude a $75 men's ensemble from . was just completed yesterday. The year's ra~ing. Cottrell's a gift of the AKPsi fra- Memb~rs of the His.tory depart- · t• h 'll b f Regis Sportsmen's Club will Commendation was especially te 'ty ' ment will act as JUdges. The b road cas mg ours WI e rom hold fuel... first annual fishing rnl · award, an inscribed plaque, will 2·30 till 4·00 Monday through A4 given in the field of general news · .day · ' · outing on May 10 at the town of coverage, and in sports. New booths for this Year's be g1'ven at the June commence­ Fri · South Platte. Various trophies B~aar include a Hot Pizza booth ment exercises: Five new speakers have been will . ·be awarded for the largest Colleges from several states sponsored by the Italian Club and installed in the DeSmet Hall Snack and smallest trout caught. A were entered in the critical ser­ a Sports Shop to be handled by Bar. The funds for these speakers separate contest will pit bait service which was conducted at was provided by the student coun-. fiShermeDI against lure fisher· the journalism ·school of the Uni- ~~b s~:s~:~ !;~!or~e ::~I - DOCTOR cil. men. versity of Minnesota. popular sponge booth where all H:OCHWALT :~~o:efr l::~~fte ~~e:::.t ca~ YISI ~ TS O!NCAMPUS Other traditional booths, which will again be on hand, include the Dr. Carroll Hochwalt, vi c e Regis Junior-:Seni ~ or P:rom to Be -H.eld May 14 Darts, Balloons, Milk Bottles, Over president in charge of research ( . & Under, Horse Races, Ham & and operations for the Monsanto Will Stokes and his Chicago­ Bacon, Win a Duck, Panda Bear, Chemical Company was a visitor Land Ordhestra Will be featured and the Candy, Cake, Apron, and on the campus recently. at the annual Junior-Senior Prom, to be held at the Amer· Linen pooths. Thi~ year's Bazaar A reception was held in Dr. ican Legion Post No. 1 (14th and will also note the return of Bingo, Hochwalt's honor by Rho Chi Broadway), on Monday, May 14. a favorite of many of the older Sigma, the fraternity for chem­ Vocalist Hank Lund• will spot­ folks as well as young. istry majo~, in room 4 of Loyola light the program. Festivities should end. some­ Hall.
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