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A Study of the Idea of the VERBAL INSPIRATION OP the SCRIPTURES A Study of the Idea of THE VERBAL INSPIRATION OP THE SCRIPTURES with special reference to. the Reformers and Post-Reformation Thinkers of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Divinity of the University of Edinburgh in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Ph.D. degree. Allan Andrew Zaun, B.A., B.D- May 15,1937 PREFACE. At the outset of this study it will be well to define terms. By "verbal Inspiration11 we mean the theory which main­ tains that in the process of recording the Scriptures, the Holy Spirit Himself selected the very words which the writers used. In the same sense that Milton is the author of Paradise Lost, the Holy Spirit is held to be the author of Scripture. Whether communicated by suggestion or actual dictation, the words of the text are the exact words, and no other, which God wished to have employed. The form, as well as the content, is liter­ ally given by Gk>d. This, briefly, is the verbal theory. We recognize the intimate, but not absolutely inseparable, con­ nection between thought and language. To the extent that words can be an adequate expression of the thought, Inspiration is verbal; however, the classic formulation of the doctrine, in its insistence upon dictation and verbal inerrancy, introduced mechanical features with which many scholars today cannot find themselves in full agreement. In the Reformation and post-Reformation periods we are confining our study principally to the dogmaticians of Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands; nq attempt has been made to trace the development of the doctrine in England and Scotland, which, however, were profoundly influenced by the Genevan Reformation. Likewise, we end our investigation with the seventeenth century, for there was no essentially new advance in the idea of verbal Inspiration; rather, what followed con­ stituted a reaction. i. And now a personal word. I wish to express my sincere appreciation of the privilege of having begun this study under the late Reverend Professor Hugh R. Mackintosh, whose wise guidance and kindly encouragement were a bene­ diction. My sincere thanks are due also to Professor Karl Heim, whose classes in Tubingen were a constant source of inspiration, and whose personal counsel was most gracious; to Professors John Baillie and Hugh Watt for their pertinent suggestions; to my principal Adviser, Professor G-. T. Thomson, whose painstaking criticism and warm interest have been ex­ tremely helpful; and to Rev. Dr. A. Mitchell Hunter for his discerning criticism of the chapter on Calvin. Finally, I desire to thank the Librarians of the Universitats-Bibliothek in Tubingen, and of the New College Library, Edinburgh, for their patience and solicitude in placing the required research materials at my disposal. ii. TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface i Introductory: Non-Christian Conceptions of Inspiration A. The primitive conception of Inspiration ....... 1 B. The Hindu idea of Inspiration ............ 3 C. Greek and Roman conceptions ............. 5 D. Muslim view of Inspiration ............. 10 Part I. PRIOR HISTORY OF THE IDEA OF INSPIRATION Chapter I. Biblical Doctrine of Inspiration. A. Old Testament. 1. The claims of Inspiration by the writers ...... 16 2. God's direct command to the Prophets to write. ... 22 3. Development of the idea of infallibility ...... 24 B. New Testament. 1. Jesus' attitude toward the Inspiration of the Old Testament ................ 32 2. Affirmation of the Inspiration of the Old Testament by the New Testament Writers .......... 36 a. Direct affirmations ............... 36 b. Method of quotation from the Old Testament .... 40 c. Placing of the New Testament writings on a level with those of the Old .............. 42 d. Tendency to identify God and Scripture ...... 43 3. Inspiration promised by Christ to the Apostles ... 45 4. Claim of the Apostles to have the Spirit in fulfilment of Christ's promise. ......... 47 Chapter II. Post-Biblical Jewish Views of Inspiration A. Rabbinic views .................... 53 1. General characteristics of the period. ....... 53 2. Methods of Rabbinical exegesis ........... 54 3. Higher Inspiration of the Torah. .......... 58 4. Influence upon the Early Church doctrine ...... 61 B. Philo and the Alexandrian school ........... 61 1. Features of the period ............... 61 2. Conception of Inspiration. ............. 63 3. Allegorizing tendencies. .............. 66 C. Josephus 1 view of Inspiration. ............ 68 Chapter III. Early Christian Doctrine of Inspiration. A. Formative factors. .................. 70 B. Opinions of representative Fathers .......... 74 1. Clement of Rome. .................. 74 2. Justin Martyr. ................... 75 3. Athenagoras. .................... Page 4. Irenaeus ...................... 79 5. Clement of Alexandria. ............... 81 6. Tertullian ..................... 83 7. Origen ....................... 86 8. Cyprian. ...................... 90 9. Theodore of Mopsuestia ............... 92 10. Augustine. ..................... 94 C Summary. ....................... 98 Chapter IV. Mediaeval Roman Catholic Conception of Inspiration. A. The Scholastic spirit. ................ 99 B. Views of representative Schoolmen. .......... 102 1. An3elm ....................... 103 2. Abelard. ...................... 105 3. Peter Lombard. ................... 108 4. Thomas Aquinas ................... 109 5. Duns Scotus. .................... 112 6. William of Occam .................. 114 Part II. REFORMATION VIEW OF INSPIRATION Introductory A. Influence of Humanism. ................ 118 B. Some precursors of Luther. .............. 121 1. Lorenzo Valla. ................... 122 2. John of Goch .................... 123 3. Johannes Wessel. .................. 125 4. John Colet ..................... 128 5. Reuchlin ...................... 130 6. Erasmus. ...................... 130 Chapter V. Luther*s View of Inspiration. A. Contradictory elements in Luther's teaching. ..... 136 B. Exegetical methods .................. 139 C. Critical judgments upon the Canon. .......... 142 D. His broad view of Inspiration. ............ 151 1. Rejection of verbal, mechanical conceptions. .... 151 2. Distinction between "Word of God11 and "Scripture". 153 3. Emphasis upon the spiritual content of the Scriptures .................... 155 4. The experience of the Spirit in the heart of the believer ................... i6]_ E. Stricter aspects of his theory ............ 164 1. Contributing factors. a. Inheritance from mediaevalism ........... 164 b. Sacramental controversy ...........]* 165 c. Reaction against the "enthusiasts". .......! 167 4-. Irenaeus ...................... 79 5. Clement of Alexandria. ............... 81 6. Tertullian ..................... 83 7. Origen ....................... 86 8. Cyprian. ...................... 90 9. Theodore of Mopsuestia ............... 92 10. Augustine. ..................... 94 C. Summary. ....................... 98 Chapter IV. Mediaeval Roman Catholic Conception of Inspiration. A. The Scholastic spirit. ................ 99 B. Views of representative Schoolmen. .......... 102 1. Anselm .............. 103 2. Abelard. ...................... 105 3. Peter Lombard. ................... 108 4. Thomas Aquinas ................... 109 5. Duns Scotus. .................... 112 6. William of Occam .................. 114 Part II. REFORMATION VIEW OP INSPIRATION Introductory A. Influence of Humanism. ................ 118 B. Some precursors of Luther. .............. 121 1. Lorenzo Valla. ................... 122 2. John of Goch .................... 123 3. Johannes Wessel. .................. 125 4. John Colet ..................... 128 5. Reuchlin ...................... 130 6. Erasmus. ...................... 130 Chapter V. Luther's View of Inspiration. A. Contradictory elements in Luther's teaching. ..... 136 B. Exegetical methods .................. 139 C. Critical judgments upon the Canon. .......... 142 D. His broad view of Inspiration. ............ 151 1. Rejection of verbal, mechanical conceptions. .... 151 2. Distinction between "Word of God" and "Scripture". 153 3. Emphasis upon the spiritual content of the Scriptures .................... 155 4- The experience of the Spirit in the heart of the believer ................... 161 E. Stricter aspects of his theory ........... " 154 1. Contributing factors. a. Inheritance from mediaevalism ........... 164 b. Sacramental controversy ............ 1 [ 155 c. Reaction against the "enthusiasts". ......!. 157 Page 2. The absolute authority of Scripture. ........ 168 3. Assertion of verbal inerrancy. ........... 172 4. Emphasis upon the external Word. .......... 175 5. Contradictions left to Luther's followers. ..... 178 Appendix A. Melanchthon's Conception of Inspiration ........ 179 Chapter VI. Zwingli and Inspiration. A. Relation to Luther .................. 187 B. Humanistic background. ................ 190 C. Free view of Inspiration ............... 193 1. The possibility of inspired writings outside the Bible. .................... 193 2. Freedom of interpretation; "testimony of the Spirit" 193 D. Assertion of the full authority and Inspiration of the Scriptures. ................ 201 Appendix B. Heinrich Bullinger's View of Inspiration. ....... 212 Chapter VII. Calvin's Doctrine of Inspiration. A. His Biblicism. .................... 215 B. Strict conception. .................. 221 1. Assertion of verbal dictation. ........... 221 2. Spirit and the Word inseparable. .......... 231 3. Calvin 1 s Inspiration-theory an impulse to later controversies. ............... 235 C.
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