Nihilism in Japanese Anime Marco Olivier Department of Journalism, Media and Philosophy, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University E-mail:
[email protected] In this article I try to show that one can use a conceptual framework on different kinds of nihilism, bor- rowed from Nietzsche, to understand certain themes in Japanese animated film, known as anime. First it is shown that Nietzsche provides us with a framework (the Apollinian and the Dionysian) applicable to all cultures, and then his distinction between different types of nihilism is explained, before briefly reconstructing the (relevant) history of Japanese culture and society. Against this background attention is then given to a number of anime films with the purpose of evaluating them as far as the appearance of nihilistic motifs in their narratives is concerned. Care is taken to show that, although the origins and appearance of nihilism in Japanese culture (as detectable in anime films) are different from its appear- ance in Western cultural forms, they do share certain features. Key words: Nihilism, Nietzsche, Japanese, anime, film. In hierdie artikel probeer ek aantoon dat ‘n begripperaamwerk oor verskillende soorte nihilisme, van Nietzsche afkomstig, gebruik kan word om sekere temas in Japanese anime (geanimeerde film) te verstaan. Eerstens word daarop gewys dat Nietzsche se skema van die Apolliniese en die Dionysiese beginsels op alle kulture van toepassing is, en dan word sy onderskeid tussen verskillende tipes ni- hilisme verduidelik, voordat die (relevante) geskiedenis van Japenese kultuur en samelewing kortliks gerekonstrueer word. Teen hierdie agtergrond word dan aandag geskenk aan ‘n aantal anime films ten einde hulle te beoordeel wat nihilistiese motiewe in hul narratiewe betref.