Anthropological Science Vol. 126(3), 135–149, 2018

Forelimb long bones of (KNM-BG 35250) from the middle in Nachola, northern Kenya

Tomo Takano1*, Masato Nakatsukasa2, Yutaka Kunimatsu3, Yoshihiko Nakano4, Naomichi Ogihara5**, Hidemi Ishida6 1Japan Centre, Kanrin 26, Inuyama, Aichi 484-0081, Japan 2Laboratory of Physical Anthropology, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan 3Faculty of Business Administration, Ryukoku University, Kyoto 612-8577, Japan 4Laboratory of Biological Anthropology, Department of Human Science, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan 5Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8522, Japan 6Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan

Received 1 May 2017; accepted 22 October 2018

Abstract This paper provides a thorough description of humeral, ulnar, and radial specimens of the Nacholapithecus holotype (KNM-BG 35250). A spool-shaped humeral trochlea (and keeled sigmoid notch of the ulna) is a hallmark of elbow joint evolution in hominoids. In lacking this feature, the elbow of Nacholapithecus is comparatively primitive, resembling that of proconsulids. However, the humer- oulnar joint in Nacholapithecus is specialized for higher stability than that in proconsulids. The humer- oradial joint (humeral capitulum) resembles that of extant and . This condition may represent an intermediate stage leading to the fully modern elbow in extant apes. If this is the case, spe- cialization of the humeroradial joint preceded that of the humeroulnar joint. Nacholapithecus elbow joint morphology suggests more enhanced forearm rotation compared to proconsulids. This observation ac- cords with the forelimb-dominated positional behavior of Nacholapithecus relative to proconsulids, which has been proposed on the grounds of limb proportions and the morphology of the phalanges, shoulder girdle, and vertebrae.

Key words: Hominoid evolution, Miocene, humerus, ulna, radius

2012; Senut et al., 2004; Ogihara et al., 2016) after the pre- Introduction liminary reports. This paper provides a full description of the Nacholapithecus kerioi is a middle Miocene hominoid forelimb long bones of KNM-BG 35250. Previous studies (16–15 Ma) known from the Aka Aiteputh Formation (Itaya have concluded that Nacholapithecus was more specialized and Sawada, 1987; Sawada et al., 1987, 1998; Ishida et al., for forelimb-dominated behaviors than proconsulids (sensu 1999) in Nachola, northern Kenya. The holotype specimen Alba (2012)) from the early Miocene (Nakatsukasa et al., KNM-BG 35250 is a partial skeleton that was discovered at 2003, 2007; Nakatsukasa and Kunimatsu, 2009; Ishida et al., the site BG-K during the 1996 and 1997 field seasons 2004; Ogihara et al., 2016). We re-examine functional fea- (Nakatsukasa et al., 1998; Ishida et al., 2004; Nakatsukasa tures of the forelimb of Nacholapithecus, including compar- and Kunimatsu, 2009). KNM-BG 35250 preserves various ative fossil specimens not investigated in previous reports. skeletal elements, such as the maxilla, mandible, vertebrae, Similarities and dissimilarities with middle–late Miocene and many of the forelimb and hind limb bones, and repre- Eurasian apes are also discussed. sents an essential specimen in the study of the morphologi- cal evolution of fossil apes (Nakatsukasa et al., 1998; Ishida Materials and Methods et al., 2004). Descriptions of KNM-BG 35250 were pub- lished by anatomical region (Nakatsukasa et al., 2003, 2007, The forelimb long bones described in this paper are listed in Table 1. KNM-BG 35250 was a full adult male with a * Correspondence to: Tomo Takano, Japan Monkey Centre, Kanrin body mass estimated to be close to 22 kg (Ishida et al., 26, Inuyama, Aichi 484-0081, Japan. 2004). Most KNM-BG 35250 specimens have suffered ero- E-mail: [email protected] sion, cracking, or plastic distortion. Due to the issues of ** Correspondence to: Naomichi Ogihara, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, preservation, the utility of metric data is limited. Ten humer- Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-8522, Japan. al and nine ulnar lengths were taken, and conventional ratios E-mail: [email protected] were calculated (Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5). We se- Published online 5 December 2018 lected these measurements based on previous studies in J-STAGE ( DOI: 10.1537/ase.181022 (Richmond et al., 1998; Gebo et al., 2009). The original

© 2018 The Anthropological Society of Nippon 135 136 T. TAKANO ET AL. Anthropological Science

Table 1. Forelimb specimens of KNM-BG 35250 described in this deformation were evaluated using computed tomography study (CT) (X-CT Research SA+; Norland-Stratec Co., Germany). Accession number suffix Part Separation of bone from matrix is clear in the Nachola spec- M Right distal humerus imens compared with hominoid fossil specimens from other U Right proximal humerus shaft Miocene localities in Kenya. Pixel size was set at 0.1 mm N Left distal humerus with a slice thickness of 0.2 mm. BU Left humeral shaft V Right ulna Descriptions C Left ulna V Right ulna KNM-BG 35250M (right distal humerus) W Right distal radius This is a large piece of the distal right humerus, preserv- ing the distal joint and part of the shaft (Figure 1). The total length is c. 10 cm. Approximately the distal one-third of the whole bone is considered to have been preserved. The spec- specimens were examined in the National Museums of imen comprises five large joined pieces: two shaft frag- Kenya, Nairobi. Comparative samples of living taxa were ments, the lateral supracondylar ridge, and medial and later- examined in the American Museum of Natural History, the al pieces of the distal epiphyseal region. The last two pieces National Museums of Kenya, and the Research In- are joined at the middle of the trochlea (Figure 1f, h, j). The stitute, Kyoto University. Examined taxa and numbers of whole bone is compressed anteroposteriorly. Some parts are examined individuals are listed in Table 4 and Table 5. Lin- missing, including the most proximal part of the lateral su- ear lengths were measured to the nearest tenth of a millime- pracondylar ridge, medial side of the shaft c. 2 cm above the ter using digital sliding calipers. medial condyle, and the mediodistal portion of the trochlea. Cortical bone distribution and degree of postmortem However, several traits of the distal portion, notably of the

Table 2. Humeral measurements Measurement Right (KNM-BG 35250M and U) Left (KNM-BG 35250N and BU) Definition Bicondylar breadth (<53.4)* — (c) in Rose et al. (1992) Capitular height (<16.9) — (f) in Rose (1988) Articular width (<38.7) — (a) in Rose (1988) Capitular + zona width 18.9 — (d) in Rose (1988) Trochlear width (anterior) (<18.9) (17.3) (e) in Rose (1988) Capitular width 14.1 — (i) in Rose (1988) Medial trochlear rim height — 15.0 (c) in Rose (1988) Lateral trochlear rim height (13.9) 13.7 (j) in Rose (1988) Trochlear notch height (11.1) 10.5 (k) in Rose (1988) Posterior breadth of distal articulation (15.8) — (1) in Harrison (1982) * Values in parentheses represent estimates or values affected by deformation.

Table 3. Ulnar measurements KNM-BG KNM-BG KNM-RU KNM-WK KNM-BG 17824 KNM-RU 1786 Measurement* 35250V 35250C 2036CF 16950R Definition Nacholapithecus Ekembo nyanzae Nacholapithecus Nacholapithecus Ekembo heseloni Turkanapithecus Sigmoid notch depth (SND) (<16.9)* 17.0 (>16.2) 20.0 11.5 9.8 Begun (1992), Richmond et al. (1998) Anteroposterior thickness at (>27.3) 29.5 (28.3) — 19.3 16.2 Begun (1992) distal beak of trochlear notch (PAAP) Proximal shaft anteroposteri- 20.1 (<22.1) (<20.9) 26.5 14.8 11.8 Begun (1992), or thickness (PAP) Richmond et al. (1998) Olecranon process mediolat- — (14.9) (14.2) 19.0 11.5 10.5 Richmond et al. (1998) eral breadth (OPML) Sigmoid notch mediolateral — 12.8 (10.9) 14.1 9.7 8.5 Richmond et al. (1998) width (SML) Trochlear articular mediolat- — 17.5 — 18.6 11.4 9.9 Begun (1992), eral breadth (TAB) Richmond et al. (1998) Sigmoid notch proximodistal — — (18.6) — 15.0 11.5 Richmond et al. (1998) length (NPD)** * Values in parentheses represent values affected by damage. ** Distance between tips of the olecranon beak and coronoid process projected to the shaft axis. This definition differs from the original definition by Richmond et al. (1998). Vol. 126, 2018 NACHOLAPITHECUS FORELIMB BONES 137

Table 4. Humeral ratios Medial trochlear rim Articular width/ Capitular + zona width/ Capitular height/ Taxon Specimen height/lateral trochlear bicondylar width trochlear width capitular width rim height Nacholapithecus KNM-BG 35250M (0.73)* (1.0) 1.2 (1.09)** ?Rangwapithecus KNM-SO 31232 0.72 0.98 1.19 1.25 E. heseloni KNM-RU 2036AH 0.81 0.91 1.11 1.23 K. wickeri KNM-FT 2751 0.79 0.97 1.17 1.25 Pan troglodytes n = 11 0.73 0.99 1.14 1.22 range 0.70–0.76 0.86–1.06 0.92–1.20 1.17–1.39 Hylobatids† n = 5 0.74 1.27 1.33 1.15 range 0.72–0.77 1.16–1.34 1.19–1.42 1.08–1.29 Cercopithecus mitis n = 12 0.77 1.42 1.16 1.46 range 0.74–0.82 1.24–1.60 0.99–1.26 1.28–1.75 Colobus guereza n = 9 0.81 1.76 0.98 1.33 range 0.77–0.85 1.58–2.09 0.85–1.07 1.05–1.53 Alouatta seniculus n = 10 0.71 1.57 0.95 1.29 range 0.65–0.79 1.33–1.89 0.87–1.02 1.04–1.45 * Values in parentheses are affected by deformation. ** Measured on the opposite (left) side (KNM-BG 35250N). † Hylobates and Hoolock.

Table 5. Ulnar ratios PAAP/SND TAB/SML TAB/SND Nacholapithecus KNM-BG 35250V 1.73 1.37 1.03 Nacholapithecus KNM-BG 35250C 1.75 — — E. nyanzae KNM-RU 1786 — 1.30 0.93 E. heseloni KNM-RU 2036CF 1.63 1.18 0.99 ?Rangwapithecus KNM-KT 38000B* 1.63** — Turkanapithecus KNM-WK 16950R 1.65 1.16 1.01 Pan troglodytes (n = 11) 1.64 — (1.20)† range 1.46–1.73 Hylobatids (n = 5) 2.18 — — range 2.0–2.39 Cercopithecus (n = 12) 1.83 — — range 1.68–2.0 Colobus (n = 9) 1.91 — (0.94)† range 1.81–2.10 Alouatta (n = 10) 1.74 — — range 1.62–1.85 * Measurements adopted from Gebo et al. (2009). ** Affected by damage. † Calculated from mean values of TAB and SND in Begun (1992). capitulum, are preserved. lum. The radial fossa is shallow and indistinct. On the other The shaft is cracked and widened because of anteroposte- hand, the coronoid fossa is a deep circular depression (Fig- rior compression. The bi-epicondylar width is 53.4 mm. ure 1f, Figure 2c). The medial epicondyle is robustly built, This value should be regarded as greater than the original long, and projects posteromedially. The angle of retroflexion one due to the distortion of the medial epicondyle. Above the is c. 40°. However, this value must have originally been lateral epicondyle, the brachialis flange is well developed. higher (i.e., stronger retroflexion) before the bone was sub- The margin of this flange shows a weak concave curvature in jected to anteroposterior compression. the anterior view, rather than a convex curvature. In the lat- The capitulum is large and globular, being proximodistal- eral view (Figure 1e), the most distal part of the supracondy- ly taller than wide (Table 2). This height is likely increased lar ridge changes its course distoanteriorly and merges with from the original dimension due to anteroposterior compres- the lateral epicondyle. The lateral epicondyle is relatively sion (a thin crack can be observed on the distal surface). In high in position and massive, and shows marked lateral pro- distal view (Figure 1j), the articular surface on the capitulum jection (Figure 1f). The proximal border of the lateral epi- is wide. The zona conoidea is damaged anteriorly, but the condyle is c. 24 mm above the distal surface of the capitu- medial part of the capitular surface and the zona are ob- 138 T. TAKANO ET AL. Anthropological Science

Figure 1. Right humeral elements of KNM-BG 35250. KNM-BG 35250U from (a) anterior, (b) posterior, (c) proximal, and (d) distal views. KNM-BG 35250M from (e) lateral, (f) anterior, (g) medial, (h) posterior, (i) proximal, and (j) distal views. In (a) and (f), arrows indicate levels at which CT images in Figure 2 were taken. served to form a deep groove in the distal surface. The zona most to the proximal break, c. 85 mm from the distal surface conoidea is wide and extends distally as much as the capitu- of the capitulum. CT of the distal shaft (Figure 2b) reveals lar surface does. that compression caused numerous small fractures in the Preservation of the ulnar joint is worse than that of the medial and lateral cortex. Determining the original morphol- radial joint. In the anterior aspect, the trochlear surface is ogy is thus difficult. The cortex is similarly thick anteriorly flattened. In addition, the tip of the most distal part of the and posteriorly. medial trochlear rim is missing (Figure 1f, j). However, a KNM-BG 35250U (right humeral shaft fragment) small intact portion of the rim (Figure 1f, Figure 2d) indi- This is a 45 mm long fragment of the right humeral shaft, cates that the medial part of the anterior trochlear surface is preserving the distal part of the deltoid plane (Figure 1a–d). convex mediolaterally, as seen in extant apes. The most an- The shaft is flattened. The cortex medial to the deltoid plane terior part thus lies slightly lateral to the medial trochlear rim is cracked and collapsed toward the posterior cortex (Fig- and the medial portion of the trochlea shows a truncated, ure 2a). KNM-BG 35250U does not join the right distal ball-like form rather than a cone-like form (Figure 1j). The portion KNM-BG 35250M. However, the missing part is trochlear notch is shallow and blunt. The medial portion of probably short, given the similarities in size and shape of the the trochlea is wide, whereas the lateral portion is much nar- breaks in these pieces (Figure 1d, i). The preserved part of rower. The lateral rim of the trochlea is low and blunt. Dis- the deltoid plane is flat. The width of the plane is 19.3 mm at tally, this lateral rim disappears near the lateral wall of the the widest part. The deltopectoral crest is sharp. However, olecranon fossa. In the posterior view, the medial border of this condition is a result of deformation, since the cortex the trochlear articular surface runs distomedially to proxi- under the crest appears implausibly thin (Figure 2a). molaterally. A groove-like depression exists medial to the KNM-BG 35250N (left distal humerus) posteromedial margin of the trochlear surface. This depres- This specimen is a distal humeral fragment, preserving sion probably represents the area for the attachment of the the medial epicondyle and medial portion of the humeral posterior band of the ulnar collateral ligament. trochlea (Figure 3). The anterior surface of the trochlea is The olecranon fossa takes a right-angled, triangular form. flattened due to anteroposterior compression (arrows in Fig- The lateral border is aligned with the proximodistal direction ure 3a). and forms a prominent keel. The medial border runs disto- The lateral trochlear rim is low and blunt (arrow in Fig- medially. The posterior surface lateral to the olecranon fossa ure 3e) and the trochlear groove is shallow. The medial por- is wide and flat. The medial border is on a thick pillar lead- tion of the trochlear articular surface is much wider than the ing to the medial epicondyle. lateral portion (brackets in Figure 3), so the deepest part of The distal part of the shaft is almost perpendicular to the the groove lies rather laterally. The medial portion of the distal joint axis. The lateral supracondylar ridge reaches al- trochlear groove is convex mediolaterally in the posterior Vol. 126, 2018 NACHOLAPITHECUS FORELIMB BONES 139

KNM-BG 35250BU (left humeral shaft) This specimen is a 116 mm long left humeral shaft con- sisting of a large region of the deltoid plane and a short piece of the mid-shaft portion (Figure 4). The proximal two-thirds of the bone are badly smashed anteroposteriorly. The mid- shaft portion has not suffered from compression, although some pieces of the cortex are missing. The medullary cavity of the distal portion is filled with siliceous matrix (Fig- ure 4a). At the most distal part of the deltoid plane (arrow ‘d’ in Figure 4b), the mediolateral thickness of the shaft is 17.3 mm and the anteroposterior thickness is 18.9 mm. The proximal part bearing the deltoid plane is thoroughly flattened. The anterior cortex is entirely collapsed into the medullary cavity (Figure 4f). The deltopectoral crest is sharp, but the shadows (probably microfractures) in the cor- tex cross-section (arrow in Figure 4f) suggest that this part was subjected to deformation. Curvature of the anteroposterior shaft is not remarkable (Figure 4c, e). However, the shaft might have undergone lateral bowing, if not strongly (Figure 4b, d), although this observation is not definitive. On the posterior aspect, the cortex just below the proximal break flares posteriorly (Fig- ure 4d). This flaring was probably continuous with the but- tress of the humeral head. If this is the case, then this humer- us would have lacked strong medial torsion of the head. KNM-BG 35250BV (right humeral head) This is a flattened right humeral head, broken below the surgical neck and with loss of the proximal half of the head and most of the greater tuberosity (Figure 5). A short part of the shaft is missing between this specimen and KNM-BG Figure 2. Cross-sectional CT images of KNM-BG 35250U and M 35250 BU. Otherwise, this specimen is unremarkable due to (view from distal side). (a) KNM-BG 35250U in the deltoid plane. (b) severe deformation. KNM-BG 35250M at the proximal level of the brachialis flange, (c) at the level of the coronoid fossa, and (d) at the capitulum. Scale bar = 1 cm. In (d), the internal structure is not clearly visible due to Ulna high material density. However, at the anteromedial part of the trochlea KNM-BG 35250C (left ulna proximal half) (bracketed part), trabecular struts are arranged regularly, indicating This is a proximal portion of a left ulna that preserves the minimal postmortem damage, if any. olecranon process, a large part of the sigmoid notch, the coronoid process, and the proximal one-third of the shaft (Figure 6). The preserved length is 105 mm. The olecranon (and anterior) view (Figure 3e). A groove for the posterior was compressed mediolaterally during fossilization, result- band of the ulnar collateral ligament is deeply excavated ing in a parasagittal furrow along the proximal surface of between the trochlea and the base of the medial epicondyle. olecranon (Figure 6b). A deep depression posterior to the The medial epicondyle is thick and moderately long, and proximolateral part of the sigmoid articular surface also re- projects posteromedially with a higher angle of retroflexion sulted from this compression (Figure 6c). The anterior tip of than the right counterpart, at c. 50°. This angle is genuine. the olecranon beak and the distomedial portion of the sig-

Figure 3. KNM-BG 35250N distal fragment of left humerus in (a) distal, (b) medial, (c) anterior, (d) lateral, and (e) posterior views. In (e), ar- row indicates the lateral trochlear keel. Note the keel is low and obtuse. The trochlear groove is asymmetrical, with the medial portion much wider than the lateral portion (indicated by brackets). 140 T. TAKANO ET AL. Anthropological Science

Figure 4. KNM-BG 35250BU left humeral shaft in (a) distal, (b) anterior, (c) lateral, (d) posterior, and (e) medial views. (f) CT images of the shaft (distal view). In (b), arrow labeled ‘d’ indicates the distal extent of the deltoid plane. ‘bg’ indicates the medial ridge of the bicipital groove. This position is reflected in the posterior view (d). In (d), a remnant of the head buttress is indicated by a bracket. Bracket in (f) shows the deltoid plane.

Figure 5. KNM-BG 35250BV left humeral head in (a) posterior, (b) anterior, and (c) distal views.

moid notch are eroded. The radial notch is badly deformed (Figure 6e). A depression is evident anterodistal to the radial due to the compression. The shaft is cracked, and some small notch, for the annular ligament (arrows in Figure 6c). Unlike cortex fragments are missing. a previously described ulnar specimen (Rose et al., 1996), The olecranon process is high. In side view, the posterior the insertion for m. brachialis is not remarkable (Figure 6a). border is straight (Figure 6c). The proximal surface is higher This is probably due to the breakage of the shaft cortex (Fig- anteriorly and the highest part is positioned anteromedially. ure 6e, ‘3’), since the corresponding insertion site is well The tubercle for the attachment of the ulnar collateral liga- developed in the right counterpart (Figure 7a, b). ment is clearly marked on the medial side of the olecranon Near the distal break, the shaft is less severely affected by process. A wide extension of the articular surface of the sig- plastic deformation. However, microcracks in the cortex moid notch is seen toward the lateral side of the olecranon (Figure 6e, ‘4’) suggest some deformation due to mediolat- (arrow in Figure 6a). The articular surface of the sigmoid eral compression. The cross-section of the shaft is anter- notch is only weakly convex transversely (Figure 6e, ‘2’). oposteriorly elongated and pear-shaped with the anterior Due to erosion of the articular borders, the articular surface portion wider than the posterior portion. The cortex is thick- appears narrow at the mid-height. However, the correspond- est posteriorly and then anteriorly. ing articular surface is much wider in the right counterpart KNM-BG 35250V (right ulna proximal half) (see below). The coronoid process projects anteriorly with This is a proximal portion of the right ulna (Figure 7). The weak distal inclination (Figure 6a, c), although the angle of preserved length is 122 mm. A large part of the proximal end inclination is not measurable due to erosion of the lateral (anteroproximal part of the olecranon process and proximal portion. The radial notch is anteroposteriorly long (outlined part of the sigmoid notch) is broken off. The shaft is heavily in Figure 6c). Although the radial notch faces laterally, the squashed mediolaterally. However, the coronoid process exact original orientation cannot be determined for this spec- appears mostly intact. imen due to the severe mediolateral compaction of the shaft The posterior profile of the olecranon process is almost Vol. 126, 2018 NACHOLAPITHECUS FORELIMB BONES 141

Figure 6. KNM-BG 35250C left ulna in (a) medial, (b) anterior, (c) lateral, and (d) posterior views. (e) CT images of the bone (proximal view). Scan levels (1–4) are indicated in (a) and (b). Arrow in (a) indicates the attachment site of the ulnar collateral ligament. In (c), the radial notch is outlined by a dotted line. Distally, arrows denote a deep depression for the annular ligament. In (e), arrow approximates the brachialis insertion.

Figure 7. KNM-BG 35250V right ulna in (a) medial, (b) anterior, (c) lateral, and (d) posterior views. (e) CT images of the bone (proximal view). Scan levels (1–4) are indicated in (a) and (b). Arrows indicate the anterior beak-like tip of the coronoid process. In (b), the boundary between the medial and lateral areas of the coronoid process is denoted by a dotted line. In (c), the coronoid projection angle is drawn. straight, showing no sign of retroflexion. The area of attach- The coronoid process projects anteriorly, with a weak ment for the ulnar collateral ligament is deeply concave. A downward inclination of 22° (Figure 7c). The articular sur- small part of the articular extension of the sigmoid notch is face on the coronoid process is wide (17.5 mm) and most of preserved on the lateral side of the olecranon. The posterior the surface is concave (Figure 7b). The articular surface is part of the olecranon is wider than that of the left counterpart divided into a narrow, flat, band-like area along the lateral (Figure 6d, Figure 7d), indicating damage to the left ulna. border and a wide, concave area. No distinct border sepa- 142 T. TAKANO ET AL. Anthropological Science rates these areas. These areas correspond to the narrow later- showing flat anterior and rounded posterior surfaces- bor al and much wider medial portions of the articular surface of dered by a sharp interosseous crest. the humeral trochlea, respectively (Figure 3c). The lateral Due to the anteroposterior compression (Figure 8d), the area is slightly higher than the medial one. Anteriorly, the distal articular surface is uninformative. The styloid process lateral area ends at a beak-like anterior tip, while the medial is massive and long (Figure 8c, d). The articular surface on area extends further anteriorly (and distally) (Figure 7b). the styloid process is wide anteroposteriorly (c. 8.5 mm) and The radial notch is elongated anteriorly to posterodistally extends a short distance on the posterior aspect. However, (12.4 mm long). Although facing laterally (Figure 7c), this the styloid process is not free from postmortem compres- orientation is altered from the original condition by shaft sion, as the internal trabecular structure is damaged in some fracture (Figure 7e). A distinct depression encroaches on the areas (Figure 8e, ‘4’). radial notch anterodistally (arrow in Figure 7c), representing an attachment area for the annular ligament. From the pos- Discussion terodistal margin of the radial notch, the supinator crest de- scends distally and continues to the interosseous crest. On Humerus the medial side, the insertion of m. brachialis forms a deep The humerus of Nacholapithecus shows no sign of groove near the anterior border of the shaft (bracket in Fig- marked medial torsion of the head, representing a point of ure 7a, b). Although the mediolateral compression hampers difference from extant great apes. Marked humeral torsion is determination of the original width of the shaft (Figure 7e), also absent in hylobatids (Larson, 1996). The humeral shaft the proximal part of the shaft is deep anteroposteriorly. The bears a flat deltoid plane with a sharp deltopectoral crest. cortex of the shaft is thick anteriorly and posteriorly. This condition is regarded as primitive for catarrhines (Rose, 1994), and is shared with the early Miocene Ekembo Radius heseloni (Napier and Davis, 1959) and the contemporaneous KNM-BG 35250W (right radius distal half) africanus (Le Gros Clark and Leakey, 1951; This specimen is a 136 mm long distal portion of the right Sherwood et al., 2002) as well as later Eurasian taxa such as radius (Figure 8). The distal portion (c. 4 cm long) is (Klein Hadersdorf) and Sivapithecus (GSP smashed anteroposteriorly. The distal radioulnar joint and 30754) (Zapfe, 1960; Pilbeam et al., 1990; Begun, 1992; radiocarpal joint surfaces are crushed, except for the Rose, 1993, 1997). scaphoid surface on the styloid process. The proximal por- The brachialis flange, from which mm. brachioradialis tion of the shaft is better preserved. The shaft is robust and and extensor carpi radialis longus originate, is well devel- bows slightly laterally. The cross-section is crescentic, oped in Nacholapithecus. However, the flange does not flare out as seen in Pan or some papionins (Fleagle and McGraw, 2002). In this regard, Nacholapithecus resembles wickeri (KNM-FT 2751) and Ekembo heseloni (KNM-RU 2036, a juvenile). On the other hand, a recently reported proconsulid (?Rangwapithecus gordoni) humerus from Lower Kapurtay (KNM-SO 31232) and a large humerus from Songhor KNM-SO 1007 ( major) both show an outward flaring flange (Senut, 1989, 2016; Gebo et al., 2009). The significance of this difference remains unclear. Of note, Senut (2016) proposed that both belong to Ugandapithecus major, which was previously in- cluded within the genus Proconsul (Senut et al., 2000). While this possibility is worthy of consideration, conclu- sions must await additional specimens. The morphologies of the radial and coronoid fossae distin- guish middle Miocene African hominoids (Nacholapithecus, Equatorius, and K. wickeri) from proconsulids (Ward et al., 1999; Ishida et al., 2004). In proconsulids (and Pliobates from Spain (11.6 Ma) (Alba et al., 2015)), the radial fossa is better developed than the coronoid fossa (see Figure 9a, b). This condition is also common with Dendropithecus and cercopithecoids, and thus probably represents the primitive condition for catarrhines. Middle Miocene hominoids dis- play a deep circular coronoid fossa with a reduced radial fossa, and this condition is shared with extant great apes and hylobatids (Ward et al., 1999; Ishida et al., 2004). Although this characteristic is supposed to reflect structural differenti- Figure 8. KNM-BG 35250W right radius in (a) medial, (b) posteri- ation of the elbow joint among fossil apes, no hypothesis or, (c) anterior, and (d) distal views. (e) CT images of the radius (view appears to have been proposed to explain the meaning of this from proximal side). Scan levels (1–4) are indicated in (c). difference. One may speculate on a more lateral (rather than Vol. 126, 2018 NACHOLAPITHECUS FORELIMB BONES 143

Figure 9. Humeral specimens of fossil hominoids. (a) E. heseloni (KUM-RU 2036AH), (b) ?Rangwapithecus (KNM-SO 31232), (c) K. wickeri (KNM-FT 2751), and (d) Nacholapithecus (KNM-BG 35250M). KUM-RU 2036AH is reversed for the purposes of comparison. Arrows indicate the most distal portion of the trochlear articular surface. anterolateral) position of the radial notch on the ulna, en- Nacholapithecus (Figure 9c). In Equatorius (KNM-TH largement and globularization of the capitulum (which may 28860G), observation of this trait is impossible due to pres- cause reduction of the radial fossa), and/or a more anteriorly ervation issues. Although the trochlear groove is very shal- projecting coronoid process of ulna (leading to emphasis on low in these early/middle Miocene apes, the humeroulnar the coronoid fossa). Although we favor the last interpreta- joint of Nacholapithecus probably had higher stability tion, testing should be performed by morphometric analysis against mediolateral shearing forces thanks to a more com- with the accumulation of better-preserved fossil specimens. plex concavoconvexity of the articular surfaces. Ratios for the distal humeral joints of Nacholapithecus are The capitulum in Nacholapithecus is distinct from that of similar to those of proconsulids (Table 4). In these fossil the other fossil apes in its marked globularity. In addition, the apes, the humeroradial joint surface (capitulum and zona) capitulum is tilted more medially and the groove adjacent to takes about half of the whole distal humeral articular surface the zona is deep and narrow. This configuration probably (anteriorly), as in Pan. This ratio is much higher in Old entailed greater stability for the radial head during rotation. World monkeys and hylobatids. Conversely, this implies a The medial epicondyle of Nacholapithecus is moderately greater role of the ulna in supporting the elbow in these fos- long and projects posteromedially with an angle of retroflex- sil apes and Pan. Reduced weight-bearing role on the radius ion of c. 50°. This angle is close to that of Colobus and high- may relate to more enhanced rotation of the radial head. The er compared to small catarrhines of the Oligocene and early capitulum is proximodistally high, rather than being medio- Miocene, such as Aegyptopithecus, Dendropithecus, and laterally broad (Table 4). Simiolus (c. 30°: Harrison, 1982; Rose et al., 1992). The On the other hand, a difference is evident between angle is higher than that of proconsulid KNM-SO 31232 Nacholapithecus and other fossil apes. The ratio of trochlear (40°: this study), but lower than that of K. wickeri (54°: rim heights (medial rim height relative to the lateral rim) is McCrossin, 1994; McCrossin and Benefit, 1997). Strong lower in Nacholapithecus than in proconsulids and K. retroflexion and abbreviation of the medial epicondyle are wickeri (Table 4), implying that the medial rim is less salient usually considered as adaptations to habitual use of the fore- distally. This index of Nacholapithecus was obtained from a arm in a pronated position and a signal of diminishing wrist fragmentary but less deformed specimen KNM-BG 35250N and digital flexors in relation to terrestrial locomotor special- and may be variable depending on the definition of the me- ization, since a retroflexed medial condyle approximates the diolateral orientation of this fragment. However, even at a line of actions of the pronators and flexor muscles to the axis glance, the medial trochlear keel of the proconsulids is of the forearm and thus reduces the medial torque exerted to pointing distally, unlike Nacholapithecus (Figure 9). Thus, the medial epicondyle (Jolly, 1967; Fleagle and Simons, the most distal portion of the trochlear surface is situated on 1982). McCrossin and Benefit (1997) proposed semiterres- the medial keel in the proconsulids, whereas it is laterally trial adaptation of K. wickeri based on the presence of this separate from the medial articular border in Nacholapithecus feature along with several other postcranial characters, such (Figure 3c, Figure 9). In this regard, K. wickeri resembles as a greater tuberosity that projects slightly higher than the 144 T. TAKANO ET AL. Anthropological Science humeral head and a relatively long, moderately retroflexed by a prominent lateral wall that projects posteriorly beyond olecranon. However, high dependence on terrestriality is the posterior surface of the shaft. Because of this wall, the contradictory to the highly developed manual grasping func- olecranon fossa takes a right triangular form. A similar mor- tion of Nacholapithecus as inferred from the well-developed phology is observed in K. wickeri, but not in either E. secondary shaft features of the manual phalanges heseloni (KNM-RU 2036) or Dendropithecus. This trait was (Nakatsukasa et al., 2003). In fact, the medial epicondyle is previously posited to represent a derived character that de- not abbreviated in Nacholapithecus (Figure 1j), unlike that veloped in middle Miocene hominoids to elaborate joint in K. wickeri (Figure 9c). Mosaicism or multiple functional stability against mediolateral shear forces (Nakatsukasa and adaptations are not rare in primate postcranial anatomy. Ex- Kunimatsu, 2009). However, a similar condition is also evi- tant African apes exhibit mosaic adaptations for arboreal and dent in an adult proconsulid humerus (KNM-SO 31232: terrestrial locomotion. Whereas chimpanzees (and gorillas Gebo et al., 2009). This feature might be common in early- to a lesser degree) exhibit elongated forelimbs and medial middle Miocene hominoids. If so, the absence in the ex­ metacarpals, abbreviated hind limbs, and a proximodistally amined E. heseloni specimen may be linked to its immaturi- shortened navicular and cuboid, representing adaptions for ty. Additional specimens are necessary to reach a firm con- vertical climbing and suspension, the wrists and hands are clusion. heavily modified for terrestrial knuckle-walking (Lovejoy et At a quick glance, the humerus of Nacholapithecus ap- al., 2009). Late Miocene Hispanopithecus laietanus had pears to retain a primitive condition as seen in proconsulids. very long, curved, non-pollical manual proximal phalanges However, the humerus is derived in terms of some elbow apparently specialized for suspension, but the proximal joint joint features, especially of the humeroradial joint, perhaps surface is dorsally canted, which would allow hyperexten- reflecting more enhanced pronation–supination movements. sion of the metacarpophalangeal joints as in Ekembo/ A truncated ball shape (as opposed to a cone shape) of the Nacholapithecus or cercopithecids (Almécija et al., 2007; medial trochlear portion probably increases the stability of Nakatsukasa et al., 2016). However, the elbow morphology the ulna against mediolateral shearing stress. of Nacholapithecus is unlikely to represent an overprint of terrestrial locomotion on primitive arboreal adaptation. As Ulna discussed below, the globular capitulum of the humerus and The ulnae of Miocene apes are derived relative to early deep zona signify more emphasized rotations of the forearm catarrhines such as Aegyptopithecus in terms of increased compared with proconsulids. Nacholapithecus optimized rotational mobility of the forearm in non-pronated hand pos- efficiency of the pronators and wrist/digital flexor muscle tures, but not comparable to more specialized living apes activities in the pronated position for some reason. The that are adapted for suspension or climbing (Richmond et meaning behind the retroflexion of the medial epicondyle is al., 1998). This generalization also holds for Nacholapithecus, not sufficiently understood and warrants functional explora- which is similar to proconsulids in lacking the distinctive tion. For example, Colobus polykomos shows a greater angle features of living apes such as a reduced olecranon or keeled of retroflexion than Cercopithecus mitis (Rose et al., 1992), sigmoid notch (Richmond et al., 1998; Ishida et al., 2004). but this angle is irrelevant to terrestriality. On the other hand, the ulna of Nacholapithecus displays The olecranon fossa of Nacholapithecus is characterized some derived traits relative to proconsulids. The coronoid

Figure 10. Ulnar specimens of fossil hominoids. (a) E. heseloni (KNM-RU 2036CF), (b) E. nyanzae (KNM-RU 1786), (c) ?Rangwapithecus (KNM-KT 38000B), and (d) Nacholapithecus (KNM-BG 35250V). KNM-RU 1786 and KNM-KT 38000B are reversed for the purposes of com- parison. Vol. 126, 2018 NACHOLAPITHECUS FORELIMB BONES 145 process projects more anteriorly, rather than anterodistally apes seem likely to be principally uniform, enabling very as seen in extant apes (Rose et al., 1996; Nakatsukasa and deep dorsiflexion of the wrist. Kunimatsu, 2009). The humerus of Equatorius (KNM-TH 28860K) shows a similar feature. In proconsulids, the coro- Elbow functional adaptation noid process slants more distally (Figure 10). Anteroposteri- While the forelimb long bones of Nacholapithecus are or thickness at the distal beak of the trochlear notch is generally primitive, resembling those of proconsulids and >170% of the sigmoid notch depth in Nacholapithecus, the proximal humeroulnar joint also shows the primitive compared to c. 165% in proconsulids (Table 5), although cylindrical type rather than the extant hominoid type, the this index is not useful for comparisons between phylogenet- proximal humeroulnar joint of Nacholapithecus exhibits ically distant taxa due to the variability of the sigmoid notch some derived features differing from the condition in pro- depth (SND). The coronoid process is wider in consulids. The humeroulnar joint appears more stable, ow- Nacholapithecus. The trochlear articular mediolateral ing to a broader coronoid process with a mediolaterally breadth (TAB) is 137% of the mediolateral width of the sig- concave articular surface. The medial part of the humeral moid notch (SML) in Nacholapithecus and 116–130% of the trochlea exhibits reciprocal morphology to this coronoid ar- SML in proconsulids (Table 5). The superior articular sur- ticular surface. The coronoid process projects more anterior- face of the coronoid process is mediolaterally concave in ly than that in proconsulids. The long, anteriorly projecting Nacholapithecus. No such feature is observed in proconsu- coronoid process in extant apes may be associated with the lids or Equatorius. These features correspond to the articular reduction in the olecranon beak that allows full elbow exten- shape of the humeral trochlea (see above) and probably in- sion. A more anteriorly projecting coronoid process may crease the stability of the humeroulnar joint. Such joint sta- compensate for this reduction in order to maintain stable ar- bility permits greater rotational mobility of the radius (Rose, ticulation with the trochlea. However, since the elbow in 1988; Richmond et al., 1998). The ulnae of extant apes dis- Nacholapithecus does not show specialized features for full play a median keel of the sigmoid notch that continues to the extension (as the olecranon is straight and high), the deep anterior beak of the coronoid process, dividing the coronoid coronoid in Nacholapithecus probably represents a selection surface into a laterally slanted lateral area and a medially to increase articular contact area through the range of flexion slanted medial area. This median keel provides universal and extension. Although the radial head is not preserved in stability of the humeroulnar joint from full extension to flex- the KNM-BG 35250 skeleton, the globular and proximodis- ion of the joints (Rose, 1988). In Nacholapithecus, the coro- tally tall humeral capitular form strongly suggests enhanced noid surface corresponding to this lateral area is merely a rotation of the radial head. A deep zona contacts with a bev- narrow band, since the anterior beak is positioned quite lat- eled area on the proximal surface of the radial head and erally. However, the coronoid surface must have provided probably supports effective rotation of the radial head. The higher stability for the humeroulnar joint than a less curved deepened area of attachment of the annular ligament may surface in proconsulids. In proconsulids (and probably in suggest reinforcement of the proximal ulnoradial joint. Elab- Equatorius), the medial and lateral areas appear less asym- orated stability of the humeroulnar joint is probably impor- metric in breadth, although the boundary between them is tant to ensure enhanced forearm rotation. The proportionally obscure. large forelimb of Nacholapithecus, along with the morphol- The olecranon process is straight, showing no sign of ret- ogy of the phalanges, shoulder girdle, and vertebrae, sug- roflexion. This condition differs from that in the ulna of E. gests that the forelimb played a greater role in supporting the nyanzae (KNM-RU 1786; Figure 10), which shows retrof- body than seen in proconsulids in relation to a higher fre- lexion of the olecranon as in terrestrial cercopithecines (Senut, quency of arboreal orthograde behaviors (Ishida et al., 2004; 1989; Rose, 1993). Olecranon retroflexion in E. nyanzae Nakatsukasa and Kunimatsu, 2009). may be related to elbow-extended quadrupedalism (Senut, Since a wide range of pronation and supination is critical 1989) or overhead use of the forelimb during arboreal activ- to utilizing variously positioned or oriented arboreal sup- ities (Rose, 1993). However, no olecranon retroflexion is ports (twigs, branches, trunks, etc.), it seems reasonable to observed in the ulna of Turkanapithecus (KNM-WK assume that functional adaptations for more enhanced 16950R: Rose, 1993) and the condition in E. nyanzae may pronation-supination were selected for in Nacholapithecus thus be derived. (or, more broadly, middle Miocene apes). If some features shared in both Nacholapithecus and extant apes (e.g. reduc- Radius tion of the radial fossa and a more developed coronoid fossa The large and robust styloid process bearing an anteropos- of the humerus) represent synapomorphies, Nacholapithecus teriorly wide articular surface with dorsal extension suggests might exhibit an early stage in the evolution toward the fully that the wrist joint may have experienced radial deviation modern elbow joint mechanism seen in extant apes, which with quite deep dorsiflexion. Although the condition in are endowed with further stability through the range of full KNM-BG 35250W may be affected by plastic deformation, extension to flexion owing to the spooled trochlea and the radii of E. heseloni show a similar condition, even keeled sigmoid notch (Rose, 1988). Alternatively, it cannot though the styloid process takes varying forms (pyramidal to be precluded that some elbow joint similarities between square-shaped) (Daver and Nakatsukasa, 2015). The dorsal Nacholapithecus and extant apes represent homoplasy and articular extension on the styloid process is observed in both that the elbow joints of extant apes have evolved through a radii of KNM-KPS individual VIII. The distal epiphysis as- different course. Current fossil evidence is insufficient to sumes a triangular shape. The distal radii of these Miocene solve this question. 146 T. TAKANO ET AL. Anthropological Science

Nacholapithecus and middle-late Miocene Eurasian apes and cross-sectional shape (oval in Nacholapithecus but sub- The higher of Nacholapithecus among Mio- triangular with flat posterior surface in G. suessi) (Alba et cene apes from Africa and Eurasia remains contentious. al., 2011). Whereas the much greater body size in G. suessi While some authors have classified Nacholapithecus as a is likely to have introduced this difference as an allometric member of the subfamily Afropithecinae (Proconsuloidea), scaling effect, the larger body size might have caused the which is confined to the Afro-Arabia (e.g. Fleagle, 2013; more stereotypical forelimb use in G. suessi, resulting in less Tuttle, 2014), others group it together with Equatorius, variable stress-loading modes in the humerus. The ulnar Kenyapithecus, and Griphopithecus into the Griphopithecinae specimen from Klein Hadersdorf is similar to (male) (Begun, 2010) or Kenyapithecinae (Alba, 2012) in the Hom- Nacholapithecus in overall size (see Zapfe, 1960). Since the inidae (= great apes + humans). Proponents of the latter proximal epiphysis is completely fused, this ulna is likely to view (including the authors) regard this group as the ances- come from an adult female of the highly sexually dimorphic tral stock from which later Eurasian great apes have evolved. G. suessi. The ulnae of Nacholapithecus and G. suessi are In this sense, contextualizing the results of this study in the primitive in retaining a non-keeled sigmoid notch. On the evolution of Eurasian apes is interesting. other hand, both exhibit derived features such as a more an- Nacholapithecus, Kenyapithecus, and Equatorius exhibit teriorly projecting coronoid process and a well-developed similarly derived features in the humerus and ulna. All of concavity on the medial part of the coronoid process (see these species show a deep circular coronoid fossa with a re- Figure S2 in Alba et al., 2012). The ulna of Nacholapithecus duced radial fossa of the humerus. The most distal portion of differs from that of G. suessi in that the coronoid process is the humeral trochlear surface is not situated on the medial wider mediolaterally and in the olecranon lacks retroflexion keel, but laterally apart from the medial articular border (un- (weakly retroflexed in G. suessi). Surface features of the known in Equatorius). The coronoid process projects more proximal shaft (e.g. well-developed supinator crest, deep anteriorly than in proconsulids (unknown in K. wickeri). groove-like insertion of m. brachialis) resemble each other. These features might represent shared derived features of In summary, some of the features that distinguish this group. However, additional postcranial specimens are Nacholapithecus from proconsulids are observed in G. suessi. necessary to reach a robust hypothesis regarding this issue. However, since such features might be obscured by the In addition, they also show morphological differences to marked differences in body size, the morphological affinity of each other. The medial epicondyle is not extremely reduced the forelimb between Nacholapithecus and Griphopithecus in Equatorius (despite being somewhat small) and needs to be tested against specimens of G. alpani. Nacholapithecus, unlike K. wickeri. Although the estimated Sivapithecus is currently the earliest documented (c. body mass of KNM-TH 28860 Equatorius (Ward et al., 12.5 Ma) to show the derived spool-shaped humeral trochlea 1999) considerably exceeds that of KNM-BG 35250, the (Pilbeam et al., 1980, 1990). The humerus of Sivapithecus humerus and ulna are much more robustly built in the latter. exhibits a deep coronoid fossa and reduced radial fossa as in Clarifying the evolutionary polarity of these different char- Nacholapithecus and other middle Miocene apes from Africa acter states is also important to elucidate relationships be- (Alba et al., 2011). The distal humeral joint is well preserved tween these African and Eurasian fossil apes. in Sivapithecus indicus (GSP 30730). Although S. indicus is The forelimb bones of Griphopithecus suessi are known derived compared to Nacholapithecus in its spool-shaped from Klein Hadersdorf, Austria, as a humeral shaft and an trochlea associated with a deeper zona conoidea, the capitula ulna lacking the distal end (Begun, 1992). These specimens are similar in the globular and proximodistally tall form are also referred to as G. darwini (e.g., Alba et al., 2011). (Alba et al., 2011). The primitive shaft morphology, such as However, we follow the taxonomic revision described by lateral bowing and flat deltoid surface (Pilbeam et al., 1990; Casanovas-Vilar et al. (2011) and consider here G. darwini Richmond and Whalen, 2001), suggests that Sivapithecus as a junior subjective synonym of G. suessi. This locality was not specialized for suspensory activities, unlike extant was previously regarded as 14–13 Ma based on the fauna, apes. Various postcranial elements (including distal humer- but a recent chronological revision (Casanovas-Vilar et al., us) suggest engagement in both pronograde activities and 2011) suggests a considerably younger age (11.6–11.1 Ma). antipronograde activities such as vertical climbing and The genus Griphopithecus includes an older species, G. clambering, with a relatively high frequency of the latter alpani, known from Turkey (14–13 Ma). Postcranial speci- (Rose, 1993; Madar et al., 2002; DeSilva et al., 2010) like mens of G. alpani are limited to phalanges, which are gener- Nacholapithecus. The differing elbow anatomies of these ally primitive suggesting primarily pronograde quadrupedal species may be explained by differences in body size. Even a behaviors (Ersoy et al., 2008; Nakatsukasa et al., 2016). smaller species such as S. indicus (male) is chimpanzee-sized While G. alpani is comparable to Nacholapithecus in (c. 50 kg) (DeSilva et al., 2012), more than double the size body size when these phalanges are taken into account of a male Nacholapithecus. As body size increases, arboreal (Nakatsukasa et al., 2016), the Klein Hadersdorf humerus is need to solve more demanding problems in terms within the size range of Pan (Zapfe, 1960; Aiello, 1981) and of positional behaviors (Cartmill and Milton, 1977; Cant, much bigger than the humerus of KNM-BG 35250. This 1992). Adaptive changes to the joint surface topology would humeral specimen preserves only the shaft portion. Humeral be effective in preventing ligamentous or muscular injuries shafts of Nacholapithecus and G. suessi share primitive fea- even if larger primates stop maintaining functional equiva- tures such as a flat deltoid plane, a sharp deltopectoral crest, lence as smaller species do when they engage in the same and a well-developed brachialis flange. On the other hand, type of arboreal behavior, and adjust kinetic (speed, acceler- they differ markedly in robustness (less in Nacholapithecus) ation) or kinematic (limb posture, excursion range) locomo- Vol. 126, 2018 NACHOLAPITHECUS FORELIMB BONES 147 tor characteristics to avoid injuries or reduce the risk of falls. Later large fossil apes (Hispanopithecus laietanus: 11.1– Acknowledgments 9.5 Ma; Rudapithecus hungaricus: c. 10 Ma; and Oreo- We wish to thank NACOSTI for permission to carry out pithecus bambolii: 8.5–6.5 Ma) in Europe have acquired an this research in Kenya and are grateful to the directors and extant ape-like humeroulnar joint (Knussman, 1967; other staff of the National Museums of Kenya for their sup- Morbeck, 1983; Alba et al., 2011, 2012), although the height port of and collaboration with this project. We are grateful to and sharpness of the median keel of the sigmoid notch vary the reviewers for the useful comments and to David Alba (Alba et al., 2012). If these functional innovations held a and Salvador Moyà-Solà for casts of Pliobates. This study common origin with Sivapithecus, they would have evolved was supported by JSPS Grants-in-Aid KAKENHI to H. I. by 12.5 Ma at the latest. Unfortunately, no fossil ape speci- (nos. 10041164, 13375005) and M. N. (16H02757). men with preservation of the humeroulnar joint is known from western Eurasia between 14 and 12.5 Ma (even the el- References bow morphology of (12 Ma) is unknown). Additional fossils from western Eurasian middle Miocene Aiello L.C. (1981) Locomotion in the Miocene Hominoidea. In: Stringer C.B. (ed.), Aspects of . Taylor and and African early late Miocene localities are necessary for a Francis, London, pp. 63–97. better understanding of the evolutionary history of modern Alba D.M. (2012) Fossil apes from the Vallès-Penedès basin. Evo- forelimb anatomy in fossil apes. lutionary Anthropology, 21: 254–269. Alba D.M., Moyà-Solà S., and Almécija S. (2011) A partial homi- noid humerus from the middle Miocene of Castell de Barberà Conclusion (Vallès-Penedès Basin, Catalonia, Spain). American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 144: 365–381. The morphology of the elbow joint of Nacholapithecus Alba D.M., Almécija S., Casanovas-Vilar I., Méndez J.M., and lacks the spool-shaped humeral trochlea (and keeled sig- Moyà-Solà S. (2012) A partial skeleton of the fossil great ape moid notch of the ulna) that is a hallmark of the elbow joint Hispanopithecus laietanus from Can Feu and the mosaic evo- evolution in hominoids. In this sense, the elbow of lution of crown-hominoid positional behaviors. PLoS One, 7: Nacholapithecus is comparatively primitive, resembling that e39617. of proconsulids. Likewise, the proximal humerus is primitive Alba D.M., Almécija S., DeMiguel D., Fortuny J., Pérez de los Ríos M., Pina M., Robles J.M., and Moyà-Solà S. (2015) Mi- in retaining only slight medial torsion of the head, a flat del- ocene small-bodied ape from Eurasia sheds light on hominoid toid plane, and possibly lateral bowing of the shaft. Howev- evolution. Science, 350: aab2625. er, the elbow of Nacholapithecus exhibits some derived Almécija S., Alba D.M., Moyá-Solá S., and Köhler M. (2007) features. Like living apes, the coronoid process is more ante- Orang-like manual adaptations in the fossil hominoid riorly projecting. A deep coronoid fossa of humerus might be Hispaniopithecus laietanus: first steps towards great ape sus- related to this feature. The coronoid surface is mediolaterally pensory behaviours. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 274: 2375–2384. wide and quite concave, and is distinguished from the nar- Begun D.R. (1992) Phyletic diversity and locomotion in primitive rower, flat surface in proconsulids. Corresponding to this European hominids. American Journal of Physical Anthropol- morphology, the medial part of the humeral trochlea takes a ogy, 87: 311–340. truncated, ball-like form rather than the cone-like form seen Begun D.R. 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