
GEOLOGICAL SURVEY • Guide 55 Kari OF Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF FINLAND Guide 55 2010

Guidelines and Procedures for Naming ISBN 978-952-217-140-5 (PDF) ISSN 0781-643X Geological Units in Finland 2010 Edition Stratigraphic Commission of Finland: Precambrian Sub-Commission

Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.) Geologian tutkimuskeskus Geological Survey of Finland

Opas 55 Guide 55

Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.)


2010 Edition Stratigraphic Commission of Finland: Precambrian Sub-Commission

Espoo 2010

Cover photo: Bedforms in quartzites of the Kometto Formation in Siikavaara, northern Finland. Photo: Kari Strand. Strand, K., Köykkä, J. & Kohonen, J. (eds.) 2010. Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland. 2010 Edition Stratigraphic Commission of Finland: Precambrian Sub-Commission. Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 41 pages, 6 figures and 1 table. This guide and procedure for naming Precambrian geological units in Finland was produced under the supervision of the Stratigraphic Commission of Finland. The role of the commission is to provide guidance for stratigraphic procedures, terminology and the revision of geological units in Finland. An increasing need for advice on the use of stratigraphic terminology and for rules for establishing geological units has clearly been apparent in recent years, both nation- ally and internationally. Effective communication in geosciences requires accurate and precise internationally acceptable terminology and procedures. In this guide, the principal types of related to Precambrian are outlined and guidelines and recommendations are provided on the procedure for recognizing and formalizing geological units and termino- logical usage. A significant development in principles has included recognition of the meaning of correlative unconformities in the rock record as a part of stratigraphy, and their application in sequence stratigraphy. The definition and description of geological units and their possible stratigraphic order forms an essential part of every country’s geological vocabulary. To avoid misunderstanding and confusion and to help in transferring knowledge of geoscience infor- mation and systems, geological units need to be named and classified according to accepted guidelines and stratigraphic codes. This guide seeks to be taken as an essential tool for geoscientists, students and information professionals in defining and naming geological units in Finland. The adopted procedures will then also provide valid information for the stratigraphic databases used in the country. The Geological Survey of Finland is maintaining the stratigraphic database under its map services (http://www.geo.fi) in collaboration with the Stratigraphic Commission of Finland. With sig- nificant new international recommendations, online updates of this guide will appear under the guidance of the Stratigraphic Commission of Finland. The use of the guide in everyday work is the best way to ensure best practices in naming the Precambrian geological units in Finland.

Keywords (GeoRef Thesaurus, AGI): , stratigraphic units, lithodemic units, tectonostratigraphic units, sequence stratigraphy, , Precambrian, nomencla- ture, guidelines, Finland

Kari Strand* Thule Institute, University of P.O. Box 7300, FI-90014, Oulu, Finland E-mail: [email protected]

* Corresponding editor

Juha Köykkä Department of Geology, University of Oulu P.O. Box 3000, FI-90014, Oulu, Finland

Jarmo Kohonen Geological Survey of Finland P.O. Box 96, FI-02151, Espoo, Finland

ISBN 978-952-217-140-5 (PDF) ISSN 0781-643X Strand, K., Köykkä, J. & Kohonen, J. (toim.) 2010. Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland. 2010 Edition Stratigraphic Commission of Finland: Precambrian Sub-Commission. Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55, 41 sivua, 6 kuvaa ja 1 taulukko. Tämä Suomen prekambristen geologisten yksiköiden nimeämisohjeet ja käytännöt kokoava opas valmisteltiin Suomen stratigrafisen komitean johdolla. Komitean tehtävänä on ohjeistaa, uudistaa ja valvoa Suomen stratigrafisen luokittelun ja nimistön käyttöä. Viime aikoina kan- sainvälisesti ja kansallisesti on tullut esille selkeä tarve saada ohjeet ja käytänteet stratigrafisen terminologian käytöstä ja siitä, miten nimetä geologisia yksiköitä. Johdonmukainen geologi- nen keskustelu vaatii käyttämään kansainvälisesti hyväksyttyä ja tarkkaa terminologiaa ja käy- täntöjä. Tässä oppaassa on koottuna prekambrisen geologian kannalta keskeisimmät stratigra- fiset menetelmät ja annetaan ohjeet ja suositukset käytänteistä ja keskeisen terminologian käy- töstä. Merkittävä kehitys stratigrafisissa periaatteissa on ollut korreloitavien epäjatkuvuuksien merkityksen ymmärtäminen kiviseurannoissa ja näiden soveltaminen sekvenssistratigrafiassa. Geologisten yksiköiden kuvaus ja systemaattinen nimeäminen sekä mahdollisen stratigrafisen järjestyksen määrittäminen ovat keskeisiä jokaisen maan kannalta. Väärinkäsitysten välttämi- seksi ja geotieteellisen tiedonsiirron ja -hallinnan kannalta on tärkeää, että geologiset yksiköt nimetään ja luokitellaan hyväksyttyjen ohjeiden ja stratigrafisen käytänteiden mukaisesti. Tämä opas halutaan geotieteiden tekijöiden, opiskelijoiden ja tietoammattilaisten keskei- seksi työvälineeksi nimettäessä ja kirjattaessa Suomen prekambrisia geologisia yksiköitä. Opas antaa ohjeita myös Suomen stratigrafisten tietokantojen kokoamiseen. Geologian tutki- muskeskus ylläpitää stratigrafista tietokantaa karttapalvelunsa kautta (http://www.geo.fi) yh- teistyössä Suomen stratigrafisen komitean kanssa. Jos merkittäviä uusia kansainvälisiä suosi- tuksia ilmaantuu, tämä opas tullaan päivittämään Suomen stratigrafisen komitean ohjauksessa. Oppaan mukaanotto käytännön työhön takaa parhaiten sen, että Suomen prekambriset yksiköt tulee nimettyä parhaiden käytäntöjen mukaisesti.

Asiasanat (Geosanasto, GTK): litostratigrafia, stratigrafiset yksiköt, litodeemiset yksiköt, tek- tonostratigrafiset yksiköt, sekvenssistratigrafia, kronostratigrafia, prekambri, terminologia, ohjeet, Suomi

Kari Strand* Thule-instituutti, Oulun yliopisto PL 7300, 90014 Oulu Sähköposti: [email protected]

* Vastaava toimittaja

Juha Köykkä Geotieteiden laitos, Oulun yliopisto PL 3000, 90014 Oulu

Jarmo Kohonen Geologian tutkimuskeskus PL 96, 02151 Espoo Contents Contents 4 PREFACE 6 Contents 1 INTRODUCTION 7 1.1 Background 7 PREFACE ...... 6 1.2 Purpose of the guide 7 2 GENERAL RULES FOR NAMING AND DEFINING GEOLOGICAL UNITS 1 INTRODUCTION ...... 7 8 1.1 Background ...... 7 2.1 Categories and ranking of geological units 8 1.2 Purpose of the guide ...... 7 2.1.1 Material categories 9 2 GENERAL RULES FOR NAMING AND DEFINING GEOLOGICAL UNITS ...... 8 2.1.2 Categories based on geological time or 9 2.1 Categories and ranking of geological units ...... 8 2.1.3 Other categories 9 2.1.1 Material categories ...... 9 2.2 Formal and informal units 10 2.1.2 Categories based on geological time or age ...... 9 2.2.1 Definition of formal units 10 2.1.3 Other categories ...... 9 Naming 12 2.2 Formal and informal units ...... 10 Stratotypes 12 2.2.1 Definition of formal units ...... 10 Boundaries, dimensions and age 13 Naming ...... 12 2.2.2 Definition of informal units 13 Stratotypes ...... 12 Naming and designation 13 Boundaries, dimensions and age ...... 13 2.2.3 Revision and abandonment of formal units 14 2.2.2 Definition of informal units ...... 13 Redefinition and revision 14 Naming and designation ...... 13 Abandonment 14 2.2.3 Revision and abandonment of formal units ...... 14 2.2.4 Procedure in Finland 14 Redefinition and revision ...... 14 3 LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC UNITS 15 Abandonment ...... 14 3.1 General properties, rules and boundaries 15 2.2.4 Procedure in Finland ...... 14 3.2 Classification and ranking of lithostratigraphic units 17 3 LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC UNITS ...... 15 3.2.1 Formation 17 3.1 General properties, rules and boundaries ...... 15 Formation nomenclature 17 3.2 Classification and ranking of lithostratigraphic units ...... 17 3.2.2 Member 17 3.2.1 Formation ...... 17 Member nomenclature 17 Formation nomenclature ...... 17 3.2.3 Bed 18 3.2.2 Member ...... 17 Bed nomenclature 18 Member nomenclature ...... 17 3.2.4 Group 18 3.2.3 Bed ...... 18 Group nomenclature 18 Bed nomenclature ...... 18 3.2.5 Supergroup 19 3.2.4 Group ...... 18 Supergroup nomenclature 19 Group nomenclature ...... 18 3.3 Misuse of the term “” for group or supergroup 19 3.2.5 Supergroup ...... 19 3.4 Use of the terms “belt” and “domain” 19 Supergroup nomenclature ...... 19 4 LITHODEMIC UNITS 20 3.3 Misuse of the term “series” for group or supergroup ...... 19 4.1 General properties, rules and boundaries 20 3.4 Use of the terms “belt” and “domain” ...... 19 4.2 Classification and ranking of lithodemic units 21 4.2.1 Lithodeme 21 4 LITHODEMIC UNITS ...... 20 Lithodeme nomenclature 22 4.1 General properties, rules and boundaries ...... 20 4.2.2 Suite 22 4.2 Classification and ranking of lithodemic units ...... 21 Suite nomenclature 22 4.2.1 Lithodeme ...... 21 4.2.3 Supersuite 23 Lithodeme nomenclature ...... 22 Supersuite nomenclature 23 4.2.2 Suite ...... 22 4.2.4 Complex 23 Suite nomenclature ...... 22 4.2.3 Supersuite ...... 23 Supersuite nomenclature ...... 23 4.2.4 Complex ...... 23 Volcanic complex 24 Structural complex 24 Misuse of the term “series” 24 Volcanic complex ...... 24 Complex nomenclature 24 Structural complex ...... 24 5 USAGE OF LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC VS. LITHODEMIC Misuse of the term “series” ...... 24 UNITS IN FINLAND 25 Complex nomenclature ...... 24 6 TECTONOSTRATIGRAPHIC UNITS 25 5 USAGE OF LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC VS. LITHODEMIC UNITS IN FINLAND ...... 25 6.1 General properties, rules and boundaries 25 6.2 Classification and ranking of tectonostratigraphic units 6 TECTONOSTRATIGRAPHIC UNITS ...... 25 26 6.1 General properties, rules and boundaries ...... 25 6.2.1 26 6.2 Classification and ranking of tectonostratigraphic units...... 26 Nappe nomenclature 27 6.2.1 Nappe ...... 26 6.2.2 Thrust sheet 27 Nappe nomenclature ...... 27 Thrust sheet nomenclature 28 6.2.2 Thrust sheet ...... 27 6.2.3 Nappe 28 Thrust sheet nomenclature ...... 28 Nappe System nomenclature 28 6.2.3 Nappe System ...... 28 6.2.4 Nappe Complex 29 Nappe System nomenclature ...... 28 Nappe Complex nomenclature 29 6.2.4 Nappe Complex ...... 29 6.3 Tectonostratigraphic 29 Nappe Complex nomenclature ...... 29 6.3.1 Terrane nomenclature 30 6.3 Tectonostratigraphic terrane ...... 29 6.3.2 Use of the terms “province” and “block” 30 6.3.1 Terrane nomenclature ...... 30 6.4 Tectofacies 30 6.3.2 Use of the terms “province” and “block” ...... 30 7 SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY 31 6.4 Tectofacies ...... 30 7.1 General properties, rules and boundaries 31 7 SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY ...... 31 7.2 Classification and order of sequence stratigraphic units 7.1 General properties, rules and boundaries ...... 31 32 7.2 Classification and order of sequence stratigraphic units ...... 32 7.3 Application and limitations for the Precambrian record 7.3 Application and limitations for the Precambrian record ...... 34 34 8 CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY ...... 34 8 CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY 34 8.1 General properties, rules and boundaries ...... 34 8.1 General properties, rules and boundaries 34 8.2 Ranking and nomenclature of chronostratigraphic units ...... 34 8.2 Ranking and nomenclature of chronostratigraphic units 8.2.1 Eonothem ...... 35 34 8.2.2 ...... 35 8.2.1 Eonothem 35 8.2.3 System ...... 35 8.2.2 Erathem 35 8.2.4 Series ...... 35 8.2.3 System 35 8.2.5 ...... 35 8.2.4 Series 35 8.2.6 ...... 36 8.2.5 Stage 35 8.3 Use of chronostratigraphy for the Precambrian record ...... 36 8.2.6 Chronozone 36 8.4 Misuse of the term “series” ...... 36 8.3 Use of chronostratigraphy for the Precambrian record 8.5 Corresponding geological time division () ...... 36 36 8.4 Misuse of the term “series” 36 9 USE OF TRADITIONAL GEOLOGICAL TERMS IN THE PRECAMBRIAN OF FINLAND .... 37 8.5 Corresponding geological time division (geochronology) REFERENCES ...... 38 36 9 USE OF TRADITIONAL GEOLOGICAL TERMS IN THE PRECAMBRIAN OF FINLAND 37 REFERENCES 38 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.)


This guide was produced under the supervi- guide. The main responsibility for the writing and sion of the Stratigraphic Commission of Finland revision of the sections of the guide was assigned (SCF), working under the Finnish National Com- to the following members or invited experts: Kari mittee of Geology and with the support of the Ge- Strand, Jarmo Kohonen and Juha Köykkä – lithos- ological Survey of Finland. The financial support tratigraphic units; Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä, Jouni by the Geological Survey of Finland is gratefully Vuollo and Jouni Luukas – lithodemic units and acknowleged by the Stratigraphic Commission of the usage of lithostratigraphic vs. lithodemic units; Finland. All the members of the Precambrian sub- Juha Köykkä, Raimo Lahtinen and Mikko Nironen commission, including Prof. Juha Karhu, Docent – tectonostratigraphic units; Kari Strand and Jarmo Jarmo Kohonen, Prof. Raimo Lahtinen, Docent Kohonen – sequence stratigraphy; Kari Strand and Jouni Vuollo and Prof. Kari Strand (chair), and Juha Karhu – chronostratigraphy; Jarmo Kohonen Juha Köykkä M.Sc. as the sub-commission sec- and Kari Strand – the usage of traditional geologi- retary, have contributed to the compilation of the cal terms for the Precambrian of Finland. guide. The materials and guidance provided by the An increasing need for advice on the use of sub-commission’s invited experts, Docent Mikko stratigraphic terminology and for rules for estab- Nironen, Jouni Luukas Ph.Lic. and Tuomo Man- lishing geological units has been clearly apparent in ninen M.Sc. from the Geological Survey of Fin- recent years. With evolving concepts in Earth Sci- land, are very much appreciated. The preparation ences and with new international recommendations, of the guide was coordinated by the editors Kari however, future needs for revision will appear. The Strand (University of Oulu, Thule Institute), Juha SCF will consider the need for new editions of the Köykkä (University of Oulu, Department of Geol- guide and the editors of the guide encourage the ogy) and Jarmo Kohonen (Geological Survey of guide users to present ideas and suggestions for Finland). The sub-commission held its first meeting future modifications or additions to the SCF. The in October 2006, after the SCF had established two use of the guide in everyday work is the best way sub-commissions to respectively prepare guides to ensure best practices in naming the Precambrian for naming the Precambrian and the geological units in Finland. geological units in Finland. Since then, the Pre- cambrian sub-commission has organized several Prof. Kari Strand working meetings related to the preparation of this Chair of the Precambrian sub-commission

6 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland

1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background

The geological knowledge disseminated and ex- graphic Nomenclature (NACSN) have opened new changed through geological maps, scientific pub- insights into the application of stratigraphy. lications and various reports is built on common In 2005, the Stratigraphic Commission of Fin- geological concepts and expressed by the language land (SCF) was founded by the Finnish National of earth sciences. The definition and description of Committee of Geology. The role of the SCF is to geological units and their order is termed stratigra- provide guidance for stratigraphic procedure, ter- phy, and it forms an essential part of the geological minology and revision of the geological units in vocabulary. To avoid misunderstanding and confu- Finland. The increasing importance of stratigraphy, sion, geological units need to be named and classi- and geological classification systems in general, is fied according to accepted international or national due to the following reasons: guidelines and stratigraphic codes. The traditional stratigraphic classification sys- · The creation of geological databases requires tems and codes have evidently had limitations when solid and uniform classification systems. applied to Precambrian geology (see NASC 2005). · National and international efforts to harmonize Especially challenging are the intensely deformed geological information call for internationally Precambrian with complex metamorphic compatible terminology. and plutonic rock assemblages. Consequently, the · The global working environment and the need stratigraphic classification and procedures have not for global communication, data exchange and yet been formalized in all parts of the Precambrian interoperability is no longer only for leading sci- of Finland. Nevertheless, the new stratigraphic con- entists, but for everybody in the broad field of cepts developed by the international stratigraphic geology. organizations and documented in publications by · The search for information, especially with the International Union of Geosciences (IUGS), the modern information technology tools, can be International Commission of Stratigraphy (ICS) highly improved by consistent terminology and and the North American Commission on Strati- hierarchical classification systems.

1.2 Purpose of the guide

Although several stratigraphic guides or codes denote rock units and their spatial and temporal re- are already available for local and international us- lations. To be effective, the suggested guidelines age (e.g. Hedberg 1976, NCS 1989, Salvador 1994, and procedures must be widely accepted and used; NACSN 2005), the purpose of this guide is to pro- geological organizations and journals may adopt its vide a primary national standard for defining and recommendations for stratigraphic procedures. naming the Precambrian geological units in Fin- The guide was compiled to: (1) help mapping land, and to improve the efficiency and effective- geologists and researchers to overcome stratigraph- ness of communication of geological unit informa- ic problems characteristic for complex, high-grade tion. The objective was to meet the practical needs metamorphic terrains, (2) establish the backbone of Finnish geologists working with the Precambrian for the further work of the Precambrian sub-com- geology of the Fennoscandian Shield. mission of the SCF, (3) support the compilation of The guide is a formulation of current views on a database for the Precambrian geological units in stratigraphic principles and procedures designed Finland, seamless map databases of Finland and to promote standardized classification and formal other national efforts by the Geological Survey of to informal nomenclature of rock units. It provides Finland, (4) assist university lecturers and students the basis for formalization of the language used to in studying the stratigraphic code in Finland and (5)

7 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.) improve the efficiency and effectiveness of commu- in use, and in many cases the usage and content has nication of geological unit information. transformed beyond the original definition. As a re- This guide has its emphasis in the international sult, there are misleading terms, and in particular stratigraphic classifications, which are widely used there has been overlapping cross-usage of formal in Precambrian geology. Therefore, some categories, and informal terms for the same geological unit in e.g. biostratigraphy and , have the Finnish geological literature, which has caused been omitted from this guide. When there is a need confusion. This guide has been seen as necessary for practical examples for the formalization of the ge- to encourage a common approach to stratigraphi- ological units, the reader can turn to the International cal practice by offering proper guidelines for geolo- Stratigraphic Guide (Salvador 1994), the North gists working in Finland. One chapter of this guide American Stratigraphic Code (NACSN 2005) or, for is devoted to discussion on the appropriate usage of instance, the Rules and recommendations for naming traditional terminology. geological units in Norway (NCS 1989). To be effective, the suggested guidelines and Every country and geological region has a procedures must be widely accepted and used; unique research tradition and heritage related to geological organizations and journals may adopt geological units and their usage. The geological its recommendations for nomenclatural procedure. literature of Finland and the Fennoscandian Shield ‘Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambri- has a long history, and contributors represent vari- an Geological Units in Finland’ seeks to be taken ous nationalities and conceptual schools. As a re- as an essential tool for geoscientists, students and sult, the legacy of information is characterized by a information professionals in defining and naming rich flora of stratigraphic terms reflecting tradition geological units in Finland. The adopted proce- more than formal scientific language with defined dures will then also provide valid information to the terminology. Many of the traditional terms are still stratigraphic databases used in the country.

2 GENERAL RULES FOR NAMING AND DEFINING GEOLOGICAL UNITS 2.1 Categories and ranking of geological units

The term geological unit(s) stands for a volume (i) material categories of units and units defined on of rock or other superficial deposits, some geologi- the basis of physical properties, and (ii) categories cal structure, or geological time unit, which has expressing or related to geological age, which can a recognizable name (e.g. for maps and scientific be divided into time or material units that formed articles), and usually has mappable and recogniz- within a specific time span. Different stratigraphic able characteristic features (e.g. lithology or pe- categories can be applied in the same area, but ter- trography), and the origin and the age of the unit minology of the categories must never be mixed. are sometimes identifiable. The termcategory com- For example, a formation can be described within a prises one or more geological unit(s), having one or nappe, but the formations can not be included to the more common feature(s). In addition, stratigraphy subdivision of a nappe or a nappe complex. is a science of rock strata, concerning different char- In this guide, six major and principal categories acters, boundaries and attributes of rock strata (e.g. of geological units are presented to serve the strati- distribution, form, geochemical properties, age, graphic classification of the deformed and meta- lithological composition), and the interpretation morphosed Precambrian in Finland (Table of rock strata in terms of their environment, origin 1). and geological history. Thus, all different classes of rocks and superficial deposits are defined, de- Ø Categories of material units and units defined on scribed and classified stratigraphically (formally or the basis of physical properties and content: informally). Stratigraphic classification and the dis- 1) A lithostratigraphic unit is a stratum or body tinguishing of different geological units is based on of strata, comprising stratified rocks and su-

8 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland

perficial deposits (conforming to the Law biological contents or properties of rock serve as of Superposition, i.e. sedimentary layers are the basis for distinguishing and defining the fun- deposited in a time sequence, with the oldest damental formal units. Lithocorrelation can be on the bottom and the youngest on the top), used when linking different geological units of a which are distinguished and defined based similar lithology and stratigraphic position, or se- on lithological properties and stratigraphic quential or geometric relations of lithodemic units. boundary relations (Chapter 3). The lithostratigraphic and lithodemic units are the 2) A lithodemic unit is a non-stratified body of fundamental and the most important geological intrusive, volcanic or highly metamorphosed units in the Precambrian stratigraphic framework and/or completely deformed rock (not con- of Finland when establishing rock successions (Ta- forming to the Law of Superposition) that ble 1). Thus, the principles of lithostratigraphy and mostly lacks primary depositional structures lithodemy should be the priority methods when (Chapter 4). approaching and defining the geological units of the Precambrian bedrock in Finland. The tecton- Ø Categories of material units and units defined on ostratigraphic units and sequence stratigraphy (Ta- the basis of bounding unconformities and physi- ble 1) can be used for more detailed studies, e.g. cal limits: basin analysis, and if they serve a clear purpose in 3) A tectonostratigraphic unit is a body of rock Precambrian stratigraphic work with a genetic ap- that has been shifted or displaced along a proach. While lithostratigraphic, lithodemic and , i.e. is located above or between tectonostratigraphic units are necessary for defin- thrusts (Chapter 6). ing the rock successions and sequence stratigraphy, 4) Sequence stratigraphy studies the relation- bio-, magneto- and isotope stratigraphy are the ships between the architecture of the strati- most useful procedures for calibrating and correlat- graphic record and cyclic changes in a base ing successions (Dawson et al. 2002). level, where the different depositional trends can be studied and analyzed from variable scales (Chapter 7). 2.1.2 Categories based on geological time or age

Ø Categories expressing or related to geological The categories based on geological time or age age, which can be divided into time or material (chronostratigraphic and geochronological units) units that formed within a specific time span: represent the period of time during which a se- 5) A chronostratigraphic unit is a synchronous quence of rock layers, or a chronostratigraphic unit, (i.e. simultaneous) bounded body of stratified was deposited. For these types of units, characteriz- rock that forms a material reference for all the ing collective names are given such as the Siderian rocks formed during the same period of time System (chronostratigraphic unit) and Siderian Pe- (Chapter 8). riod (geochronological unit). Chronocorrelation is 6) A geochronological unit is a division of time a term that refers to a correspondence between the defined on the basis of boundaries of chron- age and chronostratigraphic position of a geologi- ostratigraphical units (Chapter 8). cal unit.

2.1.1 Material categories 2.1.3 Other categories

The material categories (lithostratigraphic, lith- Another useful property in stratigraphic work is odemic, tectonostratigraphic and sequence strati- the magnetic property of rocks, which is the change graphic units) are based on the content or physical in the direction of the remanent magnetization of limits of rock bodies. The composition and related the rocks caused by reversals in the polarity of the lithostratigraphical characteristics (e.g. texture, Earth’s magnetic field.Magnetostratigraphy is gen- structure etc.) or different physical, chemical or erally defined as all aspects of stratigraphy based on

9 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.) remanent magnetism (paleomagnetic signatures). for correlating data is an effective tool if it is used Four basic paleomagnetic phenomena can be de- together with other stratigraphical information, e.g. termined or inferred from remanent magnetism: lithostratigraphy (Karhu 2005). The proportions of polarity, the dipole-field-pole position (including some critical isotopes when incorporated in biogen- apparent polar wander), the non-dipole component ic minerals (calcite, aragonite, phosphate) change (secular variation), and field intensity. A magne- through time in response to fluctuating palaeoenvi- tostratigraphic unit is a body of rock unified by ronmental and geological conditions. This primary specified remanent-magnetic properties and is dis- signal, however, is often masked by later diagenetic tinct from underlying and overlying magnetostrati- or metamorphic alteration of the sediments, espe- graphic units having different magnetic properties. cially in older deposits. The use of carboniferous or The upper and lower limits of a magnetopolarity strontium stratigraphy for the Precambrian bedrock unit are defined by boundaries marking a change of Finland is quite limited, because both methods of polarity. Such boundaries may represent either a are generally limited to carbonate samples, and the depositional discontinuity or a magnetic-field tran- strontium seawater curve is only well defined for the sition. The boundaries are either polarity-reversal Cenozoic age. Although some other isotopes, e.g. horizons or polarity transition zones, respectively. uranium-lead, are quite useful for the Precambrian The international codes or guides generally only bedrock of Finland, isotope stratigraphy is never- consider polarity reversals, which now are widely theless only a correlative tool in the stratigraphic recognized as a stratigraphic tool. However, appar- framework and does not alone provide the neces- ent polar-wander paths offer increasing promise for sary information or tools for defining and naming correlations within Precambrian rocks (Mertanen geological units according to the hierarchical clas- & Pesonen 2005). Thus, it is only a correlative, not sification, as presented in Table 1. Thus, it is only a a fundamental method for defining and naming the correlative, not a fundamental method for defining Precambrian geological units in Finland, and thus is and naming Precambrian geological units in Fin- not treated in this guide. land, and is consequently not treated in this guide. The use of carbon, oxygen, or strontium isotope In addition, biostratigraphic, pedostratigraphic and stratigraphy in correlating strata has been promis- allostratigraphic units are not used or presented ing and quite useful, especially for the Cenozoic in this guide, because they do not serve practical deposits, but is also used for some older deposits, needs in the Precambrian geology of Finland or the if the have been poorly exposed. Although stratigraphic framework, and are more pronounced the importance of geochemistry in geological work for the Quaternary deposits in Finland. cannot be disputed, the use of isotope stratigraphy

2.2 Formal and informal units

The Code, followed here, distinguishes between ally only descriptive terms. Although the informal formal and informal geological units. Formal units nomenclature is very useful in Precambrian strati- are named and defined with an established scheme graphic work, the usage of formal nomenclature for of classification, by capitalizing the initial letter of the geological units should be emphasized. The fol- the rank or unit term (e.g. the Paljakkavaara Forma- lowing chapters describe how to define and name tion). Informal names and definitions are given to formal and informal geological units in Finland. geological units that have not been established in accordance with rules given in this guide for the definition of formal units (Chapter 2.1), and which 2.2.1 Definition of formal units have not been approved as formal names by the Stratigraphic Commission of Finland. The importance of formal geological units is Informal names are not protected by the stability that they serve a function for a long time, retain- provided by proper formalization, and they are usu- ing a stable, unambiguous geological significance

10 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland

Table 1. Categories and ranks of different geological units followed in this guide (modified after NCS 1989, NACSN 2005). The lithostratigraphic and lithodemic units are the most important material categories of geological units, and the most applica- ble to the Finnish Precambrian bedrock (bold framed). Fundamental units in the hierarchical classification are underlined.

MATERIAL CATEGORIES BASED ON PHYSICAL PROPERTIES, CONTENT OR LIMITS Lithostratigraphic Units Lithodemic Units Tectonostratigraphic Units Sequence Stratigraphy*

Supergroup Supersuite Nappe system+

Group Suite Nappe complex+ Complex

Formation Lithodeme Nappe Sequence#

Member Phase (or Thrust sheet (including small Systems tract# Zone)* thrust sheet) (or Lens, or Tongue) Parasequence#



System Period


Stage Age

Chronozone+ Chron+

* Not yet formalized and standardized in the international stratigraphic guidebook. + Units without hierarchical rank or ranking equally within the category. # Hierarchical classification is not comparable to other units. * Internal category under lithodeme. (NCS 1989, NACSN 2005). in geological maps, scientific works, and other 3. A proposal for category and rank (subdivi- documents. There are several requirements for the sion mentioned if possible); formally named geological units. Defining, naming 4. Historical background (if available); and establishing, as well as revising, redefining or 5. The stratotype (type area or type section) of abandoning a new formal geologic unit(s), requires the unit (if suitable); a publication in a recognized scientific medium, 6. A definition of the unit boundaries, including which should include fundamental information contacts, dimensions and shape (if possible); such as: 7. The geological age, correlations and genesis 1. A detailed description of the unit; (if possible). 2. The naming of the unit (see Chapter;

11 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.)

In addition, the exact locality of the type area(s) possible. Geographical terms are derived from the and section(s) and the possible reference area(s) or permanent areas or near where the geological unit section(s) of the units, e.g. formations and members, is present, and it is recommended that these names should be given. These requirements also apply to are shown on official maps (e.g. topographic maps offshore and subsurface units, where the unit can of the National Land Survey of Finland). It is pref- be named after the borehole or mine, which repre- erable to give geographical names to established sents the stratotype, or after a nearby geographical units, so that the location or the areal extent of the feature. If a new unit is mentioned in a map legend, unit in question can easily be comprehended, and abstract, figure caption, or mentioned at a scientific to make scientific discussion clearer. Two differ- meeting, presented in a thesis or dissertation, or ent names should not be derived from one and the distributed by an author over the Internet, it does same geographical feature, and units should not be not meet the requirements of a recognized scientific named after the source of their components. A his- medium, i.e. it is mentioned in an improper publica- torical nomenclatorial background for the proposed tion. Guidebooks with a limited distribution to the geological unit should be included with a descrip- participants of a field excursion are also somewhat tion and definition, e.g. references to the previous unfavourable publications, and thus other media are treatment of the unit. more preferable. In these days, electronic media are Already formally established names should not acceptable publications, if published and/or recog- be modified without a proper need, and if neces- nized by some scientific community or academic sary, redefinition, revision or abandonment of a unit institution. must be done properly, as explained in this guide A new formal unit must serve a clear strati- (see Chapter 2.2.3). The geographical part of a for- graphical purpose, be described and defined appro- mally named and established stratigraphical unit is priately and in detail, and the intent to establish or retained, although the geographical feature(s) may designate it must be specific. The description and change. All the chronostratigraphical units belong definition should be so good that other geologists or to already well-known and established, and accept- scientists should also be able to recognize and find ed names with diverse origins. the geological unit and its characteristic features in the field. In the case of the Precambrian units of Finland, the category and rank of a new or revised Stratotypes unit must be specific, and follow the proposed hier- archy that has been presented in this guide (see Ta- A stratotype (type section or location) is a ge- ble 1). In addition, it is also recommended that dif- ological standard for a named geological unit or ferent data and samples of a formal unit should be boundary, including the basis for the definition or stored in appropriate places for later examination. recognition of that unit, and it is thus a fundamental The Stratigraphic Commission of Finland can on “element” for all formal units. Stratotypes should request approve formally defined units when these be described in detail, both geographically and ge- are established according to the rules presented in ologically, by using coordinates and maps etc. In this guide. other words, the description should be so good that other geologists or scientists should also be able to recognize and find this stratotype and its character- Naming istic features in the field. There are two kinds of stratotypes for Precam- The compound name of a formal geological brian stratigraphic work: (i) the unit stratotype and unit should consist of a geographical name (e.g. (ii) the boundary stratotype. The former refers to a Puolankajärvi), combined with a rank (e.g. Forma- type area or section for a stratified or non-stratified tion) or descriptive term (e.g. ), and the first geological deposit that represents a standard for the letters of all words used in the names of formal geo- definition and recognition of a formal geological logical units are capitalized. The three-part names unit. The latter is the type locality for the boundary should not be used, or should be avoided whenever reference point for a stratigraphic unit, i.e. the up-

12 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland per and lower limits of the unit. A type section or 2.2.2 Definition of informal units location is the specific geographical location of a formal unit stratotype or unit boundary, where the Informal units form also an important part of the unit was first defined and named. A stratotype may Precambrian stratigraphic framework, and they can also consist of several reference sections to demon- be used temporarily during ongoing scientific in- strate the areal extent or totality of a stratigraphic vestigations or geological mapping, when prelimi- unit. nary research results are being published, or when writing reports and theses that are not going to be Boundaries, dimensions and age published. Informal units can also be used in a long- lasting sense if there is no practical reason to es- Different boundaries between geological units tablish formal units. Most of the rules for informal have great importance in the Precambrian strati- units are the same as for establishing formal units, graphic framework, and a unit and its boundaries but the main differences are the publication, docu- should thus be carefully recognized and described. mentation, naming and designation. Informal units The boundaries may be placed at clearly visible and can be documented and published without fulfilling distinguished contacts between two different rock the requirements of a recognized scientific medium units, or a unit may change through gradation into, and also be used in the database of the Geological or intertongue with, a rock body with clearly dif- Survey of Finland. ferent characteristics. In Precambrian deposits and bedrock, it may be necessary or unavoidable to draw an arbitrary boundary within the zone of gradation. Naming and designation The dimensions and regional relations of a ge- ological unit, such as the thickness, tectonostrati- Informal geological units can be designated in graphical thickness, composition, relations, and many ways by using a lithological or other descrip- possible stratigraphic correlation with other units, tive term alone (e.g. laminated ), or by us- should be included in the description and definition. ing the rank or unit designations from the formal ter- The origin of a geological unit is also an interesting minology, or combined with a lithological or other and important feature to describe, although it may descriptive designation (e.g. a sandstone sequence). play no proper role in the definition of the unit. An In addition, a number and/or letter code combined informal designation is always advisable if the unit with formal or informal rank or unit designations is known only in an area of limited extent. can be used (e.g. formation A), and position des- For the material-based geological units, geo- ignations such as lower, middle and upper are also logical age plays no proper role in the definition, acceptable (e.g. lower sandstone unit). Sometimes, except in the case of chronostratigraphical units designations can also come from economic mining (see Table 1). The age is an important feature of a geology, or from geographical names in conjunc- unit, and should be mentioned whenever possible. tion with lithology or some characterizing features In the case of lithodemic units, a distinction should (e.g. Forssa gabbro). be made between the age of the unmetamorphosed The most important point to remember when protolith (i.e. parent rock) and the naming informal geological units is that the names or deformation. It is recommended to use the term of informal units are not to be combined with a geo- numerical age for all ages determined from isotopic graphical name in conjunction with a fundamental, ratios, fission tracks, and other quantifiable age-re- more highly ranking unit in hierarchical classifi- lated phenomena. The age of a geological event or a cation systems (see Table 1). For example, Forssa stratigraphic unit may be expressed in years before gabbro is an informal name, but the Forssa Forma- the present (e.g. ka, Ma or Ga), and abbreviations tion or the Forssa Gabbro are the formal names of for the number of years, without reference to the the units. (NCS 1989, NACSN 2005). present, are informal (e.g. y for years or my for mil- lions of years, etc.).

13 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.)

2.2.3 Revision and abandonment of formal units Abandonment

All formally named and defined geological units A formally established geological unit can be may be redefined, revised, or abandoned, whenever abandoned or rejected if it is improperly defined, necessary, but the procedure for revision or abandon- is equivalent to a previously formally defined unit, ment requires as much justification as the establish- is defined to the wrong category, or if it does not ment of a new geological unit. Redefinition includes qualify under some other previously mentioned no- changing the view or emphasis on the content of the menclature or definition rules. A unit may also be geological unit without changing the boundaries, abandoned if it proves impracticable, being neither rank, or category, whereas revision involves minor recognizable nor mappable elsewhere. A previous- changes to the definition of boundaries and/or rank, ly established and abandoned unit name becomes and/or the category of the geological unit. available and can be used for some other unit if a long period has passed since the name was used in its original meaning, but explanation of the history Redefinition and revision of the name should be part of the designation. Pre- viously abandoned unit(s) can also be reinstalled, The redefinition of a Precambrian geological whenever it is necessarily (e.g. abandonment is unit can be carried out if there is (i) a change in the found to be erroneous). lithological designation, or (ii) the original litho- Abandonment, additions, or changes to this logical designation is inappropriate. For example, Code may be proposed in writing to the Stratigraph- igneous rocks originally described and defined as ic Commission of Finland by any geoscientist, at monzonites can be modernized and appro- any time. The Commission will evaluate whether priately termed as . In addition, the formal the proposed abandonment, addition or change to compound formation name, e.g. , can be re- a unit is necessary or reasonable, and whether it placed by the term limestone without changing the fulfils all the previously mentioned requirements. original proper geographical term, if the chemical (NCS 1989, NACSN 2005). and mineralogical composition is appropriate for that. If the revision only modifies a minor part of the content of a previously established geological 2.2.4 Procedure in Finland unit, the original name can be retained. The hierarchical rank of a geological unit can On a practical level, the national authority re- be changed without redefining the unit boundaries sponsible for geological information and databases or changing the geographic part of its name (e.g. a is the Geological Survey of Finland. The mainte- lithodeme may become a suite, or vice versa). In ad- nance and further development of the newly estab- dition, the original type locality or type section is lished database for the Precambrian geological units retained for the newly ranked geological unit, but the in Finland demands defined procedures and hierar- same name of the unit cannot be used both for the chical stratigraphic classification systems. The da- unit as a whole and for a part of it. However, when a tabase will be maintained by the Geological Survey geological unit is changed to a different category, the of Finland in collaboration with the Precambrian proper geographical name also has to be changed, sub-commission of the Stratigraphic Commission unless the unit is redefined to a closely related cat- of Finland (SCF), where new suggestions for the egory (e.g. from a metamorphic lithodemic unit to a naming of Precambrian geological units in Finland metamorphic lithostratigraphical unit). If a geologi- can be submitted, preferably in electronic form by cal unit is divided into two or more units having the using the designed web portal (Figure 1). The SCF same hierarchical rank as the original one, the origi- also approve the new formally defined units to be nal defined proper names should not be used for any added to the map database. of the new divisions. The original proper name of The guidelines and procedures for naming Pre- the established unit can be retained if the rank of that cambrian geological units in Finland have been unit is raised following the new division. formulated under the supervision of the SCF and

14 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland

Figure 1. The roles of the Stratigraphic Commission of Finland and the Geological Survey of Finland in the development of stratigraphic procedures and databases.

with the support of the Geological Survey of Fin- the guidelines or procedures and for possible future land. The SCF will consider the needs for updating modifications or additions to this guide.

3 LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC UNITS 3.1 General properties, rules and boundaries

Lithostratigraphic units consist of the organi- commonly stratified and tabular in form. Lithos- zation of rock strata, which are defined and dis- tratigraphical units are defined independently of tinguished on the basis of lithological character- inferred geological history or the mode of gene- istics (Figure 2). A lithostratigraphic unit can be sis, and the units are, in decreasing order of rank, a defined body of sedimentary, extrusive igne- supergroup, group, formation, member and bed/ ous, metasedimentary, or metavolcanic strata and flown, where the formation is the fundamental can be delimited by its stratigraphic position. A unit. Overall, lithostratigraphic units are the basic lithostratigraphic unit generally conforms to the units of general geological work and serve as the Law of Superposition, i.e. sedimentary layers are foundation for delineating strata, local and region- deposited in a time sequence, with the oldest on al structures, economic resources, and geological the bottom and the youngest on the top, and it is history in regions of stratified rocks.

15 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.)

In Finland, the formal lithostratigraphic units wackes have been difficult to formally divide into should be defined and used if they serve a practi- lithostratigraphic units (Kohonen 1995). cal purpose, and for the purposes of nomenclatural The boundaries of lithostratigraphic units are stability; a type locality and reference localities of placed at positions of lithological change, at distinct lithostratigraphic units should be always designat- contacts or, at some selected arbitrary level, within ed, whenever possible. A high grade of deformation zones of gradation. Both vertical and lateral bound- and metamorphism does not necessarily inhibit the aries are based on the lithic criteria that provide the use of lithostratigraphic units. greatest unity and utility. Unconformities, where The application of principles of lithostratigraphy objectively recognizable based on lithic criteria, are for the deformed and metamorphosed Precambrian ideal boundaries for lithostratigraphic units. If no sedimentary rocks in Finland has been useful, and lithological distinction can be adequately defined, is encouraged, when mapping these rock bodies. a widely recognizable boundary can be made, and For example, Laajoki et al. (1989) established a only one unit should be recognized, even though formal lithostratigraphy for the northern part of the it may include rock that accumulated in different Kainuu Belt, and Laajoki (1991) extended it to also epochs, periods, or eras. The boundaries of lithos- include the associated gneiss complex. Marmo et tratigraphic units should be chosen on the basis of al. (1988) and Kohonen & Marmo (1992) success- lithological changes, and when feasible should also fully established a formal lithostratigraphy for the correspond with the boundaries of genetic units, so Palaeoproterozoic deposits in the Nunnanlahti-Ko- that subsequent studies of genesis will not have to li-Kaltimo area of eastern Finland. In the Höytiäin- deal with units that straddle formal boundaries. en area, however, the turbiditic arenites and grey-

Figure 2. Schematic illustration of the Precambrian bedrock and its lithostratigraphic units (A–H), and their possible classifica- tion (Modified from NSC 1989). (NCS 1989, NACSN 2005).

16 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland

3.2 Classification and ranking of lithostratigraphic units

3.2.1 Formation An example of usage of lithostratigraphic forma- tion nomenclature in Finland comes from the north- A formation is the fundamental unit in lithos- ern parts of the Kainuu Belt. A general fragmen- tratigraphic classification. It is a body of rock iden- tation of the Late basement corresponded tified by lithological characteristics and stratigraph- to the deposition of three interfingering formations ic position; it is prevailingly but not necessarily in its type area at Kurkikylä: (1) the coarse-clastic completely tabular and is mappable at the Earth’s Laanhongikko Formation, (2) the volcanic Matin- surface or traceable in the subsurface. Mappable vaara Formation and (3) the coarse volcaniclastic is, however, a loose criterion and it depends on the Ahven-Kivilampi Formation (Strand 1988, Laa- scale of mapping. In general practice, a formation joki 1991). The Nunnanlahti-Koli-Kaltimo area in should be mappable at 1:50 000 scale and readily North Karelia is another area where formal forma- represented at 1:100 000 map scale. The distinctive tion names have been established, including the gla- lithological characteristics include chemical and ciogenic Urkkavaara Formation and the quartzose mineralogical composition, texture, and such sup- Koli and Jero Formations (Marmo et al. 1988). The plementary features as colour, primary sedimen- Archean Hattu in the Ilomantsi area tary or volcanic structures, fossils (viewed as rock- consists of the volcanic Pampalo, the metapelitic forming particles), or other organic content (coal, Tittalanvaara, and the conglomeratic to arenitic Si- oil shale). vakkavaara Formations (e.g. Sorjonen-Ward 1993, and volcanic rock that are Sorjonen-Ward & Luukkonen 2005). (NCS 1989, interbedded may be assembled into a formation NACSN 2005). under one name that should indicate the predomi- nant or distinguishing lithology. The mappable dis- tinguishable sequences of stratified volcanic rock 3.2.2 Member should be treated as formations or lithostratigraph- ic units of higher or lower rank. Formations com- A member is the formal lithostratigraphic unit posed of low-grade (defined for next in rank below a formation and is always a part this purpose as rock in which primary structures are of some formation. It is recognized as a named en- clearly recognizable) are, like sedimentary forma- tity within a formation because it possesses char- tions, mainly distinguished by lithological charac- acteristics distinguishing it from adjacent parts of teristics. The mineral facies may differ from place the formation. A formation need not be divided to place, but these variations do not require the def- into members unless a useful purpose is served by inition of a new formation. High-grade metamor- doing so. Some formations may be completely di- phic rocks whose relation to established formations vided into members; others may have only certain is uncertain are treated as lithodemic units. parts designated as members; still others may have no members. A member may extend laterally from one formation to another. Formation nomenclature

A formation can be given a formal or informal Member nomenclature name, depending on the purpose and/or general rules of naming (see Chapter 2). The name of a formal A member is established when it is advanta- lithostratigraphic unit is a compound. For most cat- geous to recognize a particular part of a heteroge- egories, the name of a unit should consist of a geo- neous formation. A member, whether formally or graphic name combined with an appropriate rank informally designated, need not be mappable at the (the Paljakkavaara Formation) or descriptive term scale required for formations. (Ruka Quartzite). The first letters of all words used An example usage of a formal member name, in in the names of formal geologic units are capitalized. Finland, is a thin metaconglomerate – metaquartz-

17 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.) ite unit called the Himmerkinlahti Member, in the classification. Many flows are informal units. The southeastern part of the Palaeoproterozoic Kuusa- designation and naming of flows as formal rock- mo Belt, northern Finland. The lithostratigraphic stratigraphic units should be limited to those that position of the Himmerkinlahti Member has been are distinctive and widespread. problematic. It was originally defined by Laajoki Formally named beds are rare in the Finnish (2000), who included it in the middle part of the geological literature, but one example usage is the Karelian supracrustal rocks of the belt, ca. 2.1–2.4 Kuvajavaara Bed, which is located inside the Kal- Ga (Hanski et al. 2001), and correlated it to the - hamajärvi Complex, in the Kainuu Belt (see Laajoki stone Formation or Greenstone Formation III (see 1991). The Kuvajavaara Bed is an at least 30 m thick Silvennoinen 1972), but it was more recently inter- quartzite bed among feldspar with amphi- preted to be related to the post-1.88 Ga molasses- bolite layers, dipping vertically with conformable like development in northern (Laa- contact with the gneisses (op. cit.). The whole bed joki & Huhma 2006). is mainly composed of a distinctly bedded, light- Other examples: the Early Nuot- brown quartzite with bluish or greenish ortho- tilampi Member, the Pentinsuo Member and the quartzitic parts. Laajoki (1991) also described and Pikku-Äikkä Member in the Kainuu Belt (see Laa- informally named the Kuivikkovaara bed from the joki et al. 1989, Laajoki 1991). same area, which forms an almost horizontal, tightly folded quartzite bed about 2–10 m thick, underlain by mica gneisses and overlain by amphibolite. 3.2.3 Bed

A formally or informally recognized division of 3.2.4 Group a member is called a bed or beds, except for volcan- ic flow rocks, for which the smallest formal unit is a A group is a lithostratigraphic unit next higher flow. Members may contain beds or flows, but may in rank to a formation, always consisting of two never contain other members. A bed, or beds, is the or more associated formations of the same class smallest formal lithostratigraphic unit of sedimen- of rocks. Groups are defined to express the natural tary rocks. A bed usually represents a single depo- relations of associated formations. They are useful sitional event in a sedimentary succession. A flow in small-scale mapping and regional stratigraphic is usually a volcanic extrusive rock formed during analysis. Groups are frequently separated from a single eruption. each other by major unconformities. Bed nomenclature Group nomenclature

The designation of a bed or a unit of beds as a Groups are only given formal names, in accord- formally named lithostratigraphic unit should gen- ance with general rules of naming (see Chapter 2). erally be limited to certain distinctive beds whose The name combines a geographical name and the recognition is particularly useful. A key or marker term “group”. bed is a thin bed of distinctive rock that is widely Formal example usages of groups in Finland are distributed. Such beds may be named, but are usu- those at the eastern margin of the Kainuu Belt con- ally considered as informal units. Individual key sisting of the (1) Kurkikylä Group and (2) Honka- beds may be traced beyond the lateral limits of a järvi Group, which occupy approximately the same particular formal unit. stratigraphic position. These groups form relics of A flow is a discrete, extrusive volcanic rock body continental rift sequences with glacially influenced distinguishable by texture, composition, order of rocks in the upper parts (Strand & Laajoki 1993). superposition, paleomagnetism, or other objective The overlying units are (3) the Korvuanjoki Group, criteria. It is part of a member and is thus equiva- which represents the first quartz arenitic (Kainuan) lent in rank to a bed or beds of sedimentary-rock sequence over the Kurkikylä Group, and (4) the

18 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland

East Puolanka Group, which consists of succes- Such units have proved useful in regional and pro- sions of relatively mature (Jatulian) of vincial syntheses. Supergroups should be named the proximal cratonic margin. only where their recognition serves a clear purpose. Other examples: The Kyykkä Group and the Supergroups are given formal names, in accord- overlying Herajärvi Group in the Nunnanlahti- ance with the general rules of naming (see Chapter Koli-Kaltimo area, eastern Finland representing the 2), that combine a geographical term with the term lowermost part of the Paleoproterozic sedimenta- “supergroup”. ry sequences deposited nonconformably upon the The term supergroup is rare in the Finnish geo- Archean basement complex (Kohonen & Marmo logical literature. It has mainly been used for the 1992); the Forssa Group and the Häme Group in the Karelian and Svecofennian Su- Häme belt (see Hakkarainen 1994, Lahtinen 1996, pergroups (see e.g. Ojakangas et al. 2001, Vuollo Kähkönen 2005). (NCS 1989, NACSN 2005). & Huhma 2005), which refers to a formal usage of the term supergroup, but the same term has also been used in an informal and collective sense for 3.2.5 Supergroup the same area, such as the Karelian formations and the Karelian supergroup (e.g. Laajoki 2005 and A supergroup is a lithostratigraphic unit next references therein). This kind of overlapping cross- higher in rank to a group, comprising two or more usage of formal and informal terms for the same groups, having a natural vertical or lateral relation- geological unit is rather confusing, and a clear ship to one another. distinction between the formal and informal units should therefore be made. The Kuhmo Supergroup (Archean) and the Karelia Supergroup (Protero- Supergroup nomenclature zoic) are used in a formal way in the map database of the Geological Survey of Finland. (NCS 1989, A supergroup is a formal assemblage of related NACSN 2005). or superposed groups, or of groups and formations.

3.3 Misuse of the term “series” for group or supergroup

Although “series” is a useful general term, it is an assemblage of formations or an assemblage of applied formally only to a chronostratigraphic unit formations and groups, as it has been, especially in and should not be used for a lithostratigraphic unit. studies on the Precambrian. These assemblages are The term “series” should no longer be employed for groups or supergroups.

3.4 Use of the terms “belt” and “domain”

A belt is a zone or band of a particular kind of hja Belt (see Nironen et al. 2002, Vaasjoki et al. rock strata exposed on the surface. A belt, 2005). however, is an old traditional term that refers to Domain usually refers to the areal extent of rock rock strata that are predominantly elongated and assemblages with similar lithology and tectonic or metamorphosed. A belt is also a regional surface depositional history (see also chapter 6.3.2). The zone along which mines and prospects occur. A domain of a facies of sedimentation, however, re- belt can additionally be understood as an elon- fers to an area where a given set of physical con- gated area of mineralization. In Finland, term belt trols have combined to produce a distinctive de- has mainly been used in defining an area with a posit. A magnetic domain is a region within a grain linear shape and internal structures, e.g. of magnetically ordered mineral, within which the Belt, Kainuu (Schist) Belt and Peräpo- spontaneous magnetization has a constant value

19 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.) characteristic for the mineral composition and tem- tinctive lithological or bulk chemical composition. perature. Sometimes, the domain is understand as Domain is also mentioned in relation to structural a macroscopically recognizable part of an altered terms in petroleum geology. (NCS 1989, NACSN rock, frequently of a mafic volcanic or plutonic ig- 2005). neous rock, that can be regarded as having a dis-

4 LITHODEMIC UNITS 4.1 General properties, rules and boundaries

A lithodemic unit consists of one or more bodies they serve a practical purpose, and for the purposes of predominantly intrusive, plutonic, or extrusive of nomenclatural stability, a type locality and refer- rocks and/or highly metamorphosed and deformed ence localities of lithodemic units should be always rocks, which are defined and distinguished on the designated, whenever possible. The usage of princi- basis of lithological characteristics (Figure 3). A ples of lithodemic stratigraphy or lithodemic units lithodemic unit does not generally follow the funda- for the deformed and metamorphosed Precambrian mental principle of the Law of Superposition, where bedrock in Finland has not been very customary, the oldest rocks are on the bottom and the young- but should be encouraged when mapping these est on the top, unless some later processes disturb rock bodies. Laajoki and Luukas (1998) studied the this arrangement. Its contacts with other geologi- stratigraphy of the Salahmi-Pyhäntä area and ap- cal units may be sedimentary, extrusive, intrusive, plied, presumably for the first time, the principles tectonic or metamorphic (Figure 3). The lithodemic of lithodemic stratigraphy to the Precambrian bed- units are, in decreasing order of rank, supersuite, rock of Finland. However, many formally or infor- suite and lithodeme, where the lithodeme is the fun- mally named, unstratified rock bodies still predate damental unit and comparable to a formation. A lithodemic nomenclature. complex is also a lithodemic unit and comparable The boundaries, vertical or lateral, of lithodemic to a suite or supersuite, but it is not ranked. units are based on and should be placed at posi- In general, lithodemic units can be defined and tions of lithological change. They may be placed recognized by observable rock characteristics. They at clearly visible and distinguished contacts in two are the practical units of general geological work in different rock units or within zones of gradation, in which the bedrock lacks primary unam- where a lithodemic unit changes through gradation biguous stratification. The definition of a lithode- into, or intertongues with, a rock body with clearly mic unit from the bedrock should be based on as different characteristics. In Precambrian deposits complete knowledge and observations as possible and bedrock, it may be necessary or unavoidable of its lateral and vertical variations and its contact to draw an arbitrary boundary within the zone of relations with other rock units. In Finland, formal gradation. lithodemic units should only be defined and used if

20 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland

Figure 3. Schematic illustration of the Precambrian bedrock and its lithodemic units (A–H), and their possible classification. Deformed and metamorphosed lithodemes may form a suite, supersuite or complex, which is at a higher rank level than a litho- deme, and the plutonic lithodemes or the dyke lithodemes may form a plutonic suite or dyke suite, respectively. Genetically related plutonic and dyke rocks can be grouped as a magmatic supersuite. (Modified from NSC 1989). (NCS 1989, NACSN 2005).

4.2 Classification and ranking of lithodemic units

4.2.1 Lithodeme defined and are thus informal. Such informal terms include zone or phase, which is used in the map da- A lithodeme is a body if intrusive, volcanic or tabase of the Geological Survey of Finland. metamorphosed and/or deformed rock that lacks A lithodeme may consist of (i) a single rock primary depositional structures, and it can be dis- type, (ii) a mixture of two or more different rock tinguished from other adjacent geological units by types, or (iii) a heterogeneous lithology, which in it- its lithological properties. It is a fundamental unit self constitutes a separated unit that is distinct from in lithodemic classification and nomenclature, and adjoining or surrounding rock units. The different it is comparable to a formation (see Table 1). A distinctive lithological characteristics may include lithodeme is mappable at the Earth’s surface and mineralogy, textural features (e.g. grain size) and sometimes traceable into the subsurface by using structural features (e.g. gneissic), and a lithodeme geological and/or geophysical methods. Units be- may change its character regionally. It may also be low the rank of lithodeme have not been formally characterized by chemical, electrical, thermic, mag-

21 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.) netic, radiometric, hydraulic and seismic or some or zone in use in the map database of the Geologi- other physical properties derived from its lithologi- cal Survey of Finland e.g. phases in the Akanvaara cal properties. The unit is usually informal, if it is . distinguished from its adjoining rock unit(s) only Other examples: Forssa gabbro in the volcanic by means of some preceding characteristics. dominated Häme belt, in southern Finland (see Hak­ka­ rainen 1994, Peltonen 2005); Koli sill in North Kare- lia (see Vuollo & Piirainen 1992, Vuollo 2005, Vuollo Lithodeme nomenclature & Huhma 2005); the Penikat intrusion in the Tornio- Näränkävaara belt (see Alapieti & Lahtinen 1986, Il- A lithodeme can be given a formal or an informal jina & Hanski 2005). (NCS 1989, NACSN 2005). name, depending on purpose and/or general rules of naming (see Chapter 2). The name of a lithodeme is a compound, consisting of a geographical name, 4.2.2 Suite combined with a lithological name or descriptive term. The lithological term should always be com- A suite is a lithodemic unit next higher in rank mon and well known, like gneiss or gabbro. In Pre- to a lithodeme, typically consisting of two or more cambrian bedrock, some of the bodies associated lithodemes of the same class of rocks are difficult to characterize with a single lithologi- (e.g. metamorphic or igneous). Like a lithodeme, cal term and some of the plutonic rocks may not be a suite is also mappable at the Earth’s surface and intrusions. Therefore, the descriptive term should sometimes traceable into the subsurface by using preferably be compositional (e.g. gabbro), but may geological and/or geophysical methods. It usually also denote form (e.g. sill), or be neutral (e.g. in- has some regional extent, or consists of two or more trusion). Terms implying to rock genesis should be distinct units that together have a regional extent. always avoided. The informal term phase or zone is Suites can be defined and should be used for also acceptable and can be applied to the designa- the purpose of expressing and clarifying the natu- tion of lithodemic units (e.g. mineralized zone or ral relations of associated formal and/or informal, pegmatitic zone in lithodemic boundaries). or unnamed lithodemes, which have one or more An example usage of lithodeme nomenclature lithological features in common. Depending on the in Finland is the Akanvaara intrusion, which was geological history and/or mode of origin, a suite described in detail and defined by Mutanen (1997) may change or lose all of its lithological character(s) (see also Hanski & Huhma 2005), and it gives a regionally to some extent, making it more practi- good example of how to define and classify igneous cal and clearer to designate the unit as a lithodeme stratigraphy. The Akanvaara intrusion stratigraphy in areas beyond its type area, and retain the same is here summarized and modified after Mutanen originally defined name. However, as long as the (1977) and Hanski & Huhma (2005). It contains original sense of the natural relations and common different lithological units, in which the layered lithological features of units are not violated or dis- succession above the lower chilled margin was for- rupted, it may be treated as a suite. mally divided into three major zones or units: (i) the Lower Zone, consisting of a lower orthopyroxene unit and an upper gabbroic unit, and several chrom- Suite nomenclature itite layers; (ii) the Main Zone, which begins with a chromitite unit (the Uppermost Lower Chromitite) Suites are only given formal names, in accord- and is followed by a peridotite unit and a thicker ance with the general rules of naming (see Chapter sequence of noritic gabbro cumulates with minor 2). The name combines a geographical name, the anorthositic interlayers; and (iii) the Upper Zone, term suite, and sometimes a descriptive term. The also consisting of chromitite (the Upper Chromitite) geographical name of a suite may not necessarily overlain by noritic gabbros and anorthositic unit. be the same as the lithodeme component, but intru- Units below the rank of lithodeme are not formally sive assemblages usually share the same geographi- defined and are thus informal terms, such as phase cal name if an intrusive lithodeme is representative

22 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland of the suite. If it is necessary to change the rank of 2). The name combines a geographical term with two or more mappable lithodemes to a suite, the the term “supersuite”. original geographic component of the name can be So far, no formally (or informally) named super- retained, but the original name should not be re- suites has been defined from the bedrock of Fin- tained for one of the divisions of the original unit. land, although, for example, some of the Finnish A formal example usage of the term suite in Fin- terrains or areas consist of two or more assemblage land is the Rapisevankangas Gneiss Suite, which of suites or complexes, which have some natural was described in detail, defined and classified by relationship to one another, and could be formally Luukas (1987) and Laajoki & Luukas (1988). The defined as a supersuite. In Finland, the term “super- Rapisevangas Gneiss Suite mainly consists highly suite” is usually substituted by a term “complex” metamorphosed and deformed banded gneisses and (see the next chapter). In the map data of Finland, mica , including seven different lithodemes the Karelia layered intrusion supersuite is used. in a relatively small area (Luukas 1987, Laajoki Other examples include the Western Finland su- & Luukas 1988), which gives a good example of persuite, the Southern Finland supersuite and the how the highly metamorphosed and deformed Pre- Southern Finland rapakivi supersuite. (NCS 1989, cambrian rock assemblage should classified by us- NACSN 2005). ing the lithodemic stratigraphic nomenclature. The name Rapisevankangas Gneiss Suite also contains the descriptive term “Gneiss”, which has not been 4.2.4 Complex very customary in Finland. Other examples: the Köyry Suite (see Hanski A complex is not a ranked lithodemic unit, and 2002), the Mellajoki Suite (see Perttunen 2002, consists of an assemblage or mixture of two or Perttunen & Hanski 2003) and the Tankajoki Suite all classes of sedimentary, igneous and metamor- (see Lehtonen et al. 1998), which are all located in phic rocks. It is commonly comparable to a suite Finnish Lapland. (NCS 1989, NACSN 2005). or supersuite, although it is unranked. A complex is mappable at the Earth’s surface and sometimes traceable into the subsurface by using geological 4.2.3 Supersuite and/or geophysical methods, and generally has some regional extent. A supersuite is a lithodemic unit next higher Complexes can be identified as an assemblage of in rank to a suite, comprising two or more suites diverse rock units, and should be used in bedrock or complexes, having a natural vertical or lateral areas where the mapping of each separate lithologi- relationship to one another. A supersuite is com- cal component is impractical or difficult at ordinary parable to a supergroup and it is mappable at the mapping scales. Therefore, a complex may consist Earth’s surface and sometimes traceable into the of two or more formally named lithodemes, lithos- subsurface by using geological and/or geophysical tratigraphical units, and/or informal and unnamed methods. lithological units, which have usually been more or A supersuite has some regional extent and it con- less deformed together in the Finnish Precambrian sists of lithodemic units belonging to the same and/ bedrock. or a different class or classes of rocks. A supersuite Bedrock consisting of an assemblage of diverse can be defined and should be used after detailed types of a single class of rock, as in some Precam- mapping and scientific documentation, and only if brian terranes, should not be designated or defined it has any practical value. as a complex, but terms such as metamorphic suite or plutonic suite, for example, should rather be used. However, exceptions to this rule include the terms Supersuite nomenclature volcanic complex (Chapter and structural complex (Chapter The term “complex” is Supersuites are only given formal names, in ac- also sometimes connected with tectonostratigraphi- cordance with the general rules of naming (Chapter cal classification (see Chapter 6).

23 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.) Volcanic complex Complex nomenclature

A volcanic complex refers to a diverse assem- Complexes are given a formal or an informal blage of different kinds of volcanic or metavolcanic name, in accordance with general rules of naming rocks and associated intrusive and weathering prod- (see Chapter 2). A geographical term in the name ucts (e.g. Pyhäsalmi volcanic complex). If volcanic should only be used for formally defined complex- complexes are included in a thick sequence of sedi- es. mentary rocks, they can be defined together with it In the Finnish geological literature, the term as a supergroup. “complex” has been widely used, mostly informal- ly, for many fault-bounded parts of the bedrock, or for an igneous complex. According to the general Structural complex rules for naming and defining geological units, the term “complex” should be capitalized (Complex) if Usually, a structural complex refers to an as- it is formal, which is not very common in the Finn- semblage of two or more different kinds of rocks ish geological literature. An example usage of the intermixed by tectonic processes, in which some in- term “complex” in Finland is the Iisalmi complex, dividual components are not mappable (e.g. Vuot- mainly consisting of 3.2–2.6 Ga old strongly de- so Complex as the former Tana Belt). A structural formed and/or metamorphosed tonalitic gneisses complex may also consist of only a single class of and amphibolitic migmamatites, and some younger rock if the mixing or disruption is clearly due to granites and diabase dikes, which have intruded the tectonic processes. gneisses (Nironen et al. 2002, Vaasjoki et al. 2005). The Iisalmi complex also contains some Archean paragneisses and a smaller Archean Misuse of the term “series” complex. Other examples: the Koillismaa (layered igne- Especially in some studies on the Precambrian ous) complex in the Tornio-Näränkävaara belt (see bedrock, the term “series” has sometimes been Alapieti 1982, Iljina & Hanski 2005); the Nurmes used or applied for lithodemic and lithostratigraphi- gneiss complex in the Kianta (see Kontinen cal units, or to a sequence of rocks resulting from 1991, Sorjonen-Ward & Luukkonen 2005); and the a succession of eruptions or intrusions. This prac- Suomujärvi Complex in the Koillismaa terrain (see tice is improper and the term “series” should not be Evins et al. 2002, Sorjonen-Ward & Luukkonen used in formal names or any geological units of this 2005). Many of these complexes may presently also sort, or for any tectonostratigraphical units. Term be defined according to stratigraphic guidelines and “series” should be replaced by the terms “suite”, procedures, e.g. the Nurmes suite and the Koillis- “complex” or “supersuite”, and in addition the term maa layered intrusion suite. (NCS 1989, NACSN “group” should be used for volcanic and low-grade 2005). metamorphic rocks, and “intrusive suite” for intru- sive rocks of the group rank, instead of “series”.

24 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland


The usage and the boundaries of lithostrati- be selected at some arbitrary level within zones of graphic vs. lithodemic units in Finland is some- gradation. Those boundaries are placed at positions times a complicated task, and there have been diffi- of lithological change. However, if the body of rock culties in some studies in formally dividing bedrock lacks primary sedimentary or volcanic structures, into lithostratigraphic units (e.g. Kohonen 1995), or the bedrock consists of one or more bodies of especially if the body of rock is not highly meta- intrusive, plutonic or extrusive rocks, the use of the morphosed and/or completely deformed. The main principles of lithodemic units should not be avoid- problems arise when mapping, defining, and estab- ed (Chapter 4). The boundaries of lithodemic units lishing the rock unit in the field and the lithological may be placed at clearly visible and distinguished characteristics are not clearly visible. A sequence of contacts in two different rock units or within zones rocks may sometimes conform to the Law of Super- of gradation. position in one area, whereas this property may be Thus, it is important to note that the boundary lacking in another area. This can lead to lithostrati- dividing the use of lithostratigraphic or lithodemic graphic and lithodemic units that are nevertheless units is not the degree of metamorphism or defor- correlative (e.g. rock sequences containing quartz- mation, but rather the mappable lithological proper- ite in southern Finland). ties. This implies that geologists in the field, with In general, the principles of lithostratigraph- careful consideration, must ultimately make con- ic units (Chapter 3) for the Precambrian bedrock clusions and decisions about the rock unit(s) and should only be used if the primary sedimentary the hierarchical model to use, which will later be structures are somewhat clearly visible, and the evaluated by the Stratigraphic Commission of Fin- boundaries can placed at distinct contacts or may land.

6 TECTONOSTRATIGRAPHIC UNITS 6.1 General properties, rules and boundaries

Tectonostratigraphic classification and division of individual . The term thrust sheet may may be used for rock units that are stacked on top also be used as a general unit term without the hi- of each other by compressional forces (Figure 4). erarchical rank. A tectonostratigraphic unit is a body of rock that Essentially, tectonostratigraphical units can be has been shifted or displaced along a thrust fault defined and recognized from the underlying older (floor thrust), and may be delimited either by a roof or younger rocks by a tectonic thrust(s), and in thrust or by the surface. It may consist of addition, the packets of stacked rock bodies may one or more lithostratigraphic and/or lithodemic be bounded by other vertical or lateral tectonic units. Thus, tectonostratigraphic classification dif- surfaces, intrusive contacts and later depositional fers fundamentally from lithostratigraphic and lith- surfaces or by the erosion surface. In Finland, it is odemic classifications. sometimes unavoidable or advisable to use a tec- The tectonostratigraphical units are, in decreas- tonostratigraphical and/or tectonic approach to the ing order of rank, nappe system and nappe complex, Finnish deformed and faulted Precambrian bedrock nappe, and thrust sheet, where the nappe is the fun- (e.g. see Laajoki 1990, 1991, 2005) or, for instance, damental unit and comparable in hierarchy to a for- to the faulted Pre-Quaternary rocks in Finnish La- mation or lithodeme. A nappe complex and nappe pland (see Lehtovaara 1986, 1988, 1989, 1994, system have equal rank in a hierarchical classifica- 1995, Lehtovaara & Sipilä 1986). A repetition of tion, but they can be distinguished from each other strata by thrusts is probably much more common by knowledge of the displacement and relative age than yet recognized in Finnish bedrock that has

25 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.)

Figure 4. Simplified schematic illustration of the Precambrian mountain chain, from the right foreland to the left nappe region, and its tectonostratigraphic units. (Modified from NSC 1989).

been subjected to contractional deformation during repetition of strata and collisional history; it is par- . Although the generally flat topography of ticularly important that the floor thrust is defined. the Finnish bedrock is challenging, the identifica- Overprinting by subsequent extensional structures tion of tectonostratigraphic units helps to reveal the may complicate the system (cf. Caledonides).

6.2 Classification and ranking of tectonostratigraphic units

6.2.1 Nappe displaced, due to thrust faulting and/or sliding, a large distance in a horizontal or near subhorizontal A nappe is a sheet-, slice-, wedge- or lens- (gently dipping) direction over the plane of sepa- shaped slab of bedrock that has been moved and ration along a thrust fault. It is a fundamental for-

26 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland mal unit in tectonostratigraphic classification and thrust of the nappe. It must not be given the same nomenclature, and it is comparable to a formation geographical name as is used for the lithological or lithodeme (see Table 1). A nappe is mappable units within the nappe. The type locality of a nappe at the Earth’s surface and sometimes traceable into should be within the area in which the thrust sheets the subsurface by the use of geological and/or geo- forming the nappe are located. physical methods. No limitations are placed on the Good examples of the use of the tectonostrati- size of a nappe. graphic scheme and formal nappe nomenclature A nappe consists of one or more nappe sheets or in Finland are the allochthonous Jerta Nappe, the thrust sheets that are assumed to have undergone Nalganas Nappe, the Nabar Nappe and the Vaddas displacement together on the floor thrust of the Nappe in the northwest part of Finnish Lapland nappe. In addition to the floor thrust, a nappe may (see Lehtovaara 1986, 1988, 1989, 1994, 1995, Le- be bounded by later depositional surfaces, other htovaara & Sipilä 1986). According to Lehtovaara tectonic surfaces, intrusive contacts, and the ero- (op. cit.), the Caledonian tectonostratigraphic se- sion surface. quence consists of the Archaean basement gneisses, A nappe may consist of one or more rock types, overlain by the autochthonous Proterozoic/Early allochthonous or parautochthonous, with the same Cambrian sedimentary rocks, which are overthrust- or a different origin, age, composition, facies or ed by a thick sequence of allochthonous schistose degree of metamorphism and deformation, which and strongly lineated nappes of Cambrian-Ordovi- have originated from the tectonic environment(s) cian emplacement. These are overlain by an ultra- (e.g. a on the ). basic magmatic thrust complex, which completes Thus, it is possible to distinguish and define differ- the Caledonian tectonostratigraphic sequence in ent lower rank lithostratigraphical, lithodemic and Finland. biostratigraphical units within the nappe. A nappe Other examples: the Väyrynkylä Nappe, the can be defined and recognized from the underly- Tupala Nappe and the Tulijoki Nappe in the Kainuu ing older or younger rocks by a tectonic thrust fault Belt (see Havola & Kontinen 1991, Laajoki 1991). (floor thrust), and in addition, it may be bounded (NCS 1989). by other vertical or lateral tectonic surfaces, intru- sive contacts and later depositional surfaces or by the erosion surface. In the Precambrian bedrock, a 6.2.2 Thrust sheet nappe may be somewhat tectonically complicated, consisting for instance of duplexes or different fold A thrust sheet is a sheet-, slice-, wedge- or lens- structures such as fold nappes. shaped slab of bedrock above a thrust fault that has A nappe may consist of imbricate fans and du- been displaced along a horizontal, near subhorizon- plexes in which the stratal sequence remains in its tal (gently dipping) or listric (concave upwards) original way-up orientation or the sequence may thrust fault. A thrust sheet is next lower in rank to a have been overturned in fold nappes. Because of nappe and comparable to a member in a lithostrati- deformation and erosion, a nappe may be found as graphical classification system, but thrust sheet can detached nappe remnants (klippen) and may envelop also be used as a non-ranking tectonostratigraphi- one or more windows. The tectonostratigraphic units cal term. A thrust sheet that forms a part of nappe underlying the nappe are exposed in the window. can be called a nappe sheet. A thrust sheet is map- pable at the Earth’s surface and sometimes trace- able into the subsurface by using geological and/ Nappe nomenclature or geophysical methods. There are no limitations for the size or the length of transport of a thrust A nappe is a non-genetic term, which can be giv- sheet. Like a nappe, a thrust sheet may be eroded en a formal or an informal name, depending on the and divided into klippen, and it may surround one purpose and/or general rules of naming (see Chap- or more windows. ter 2). If a nappe is given a name, it must consist A thrust sheet may consist of one or more rock of the same geographical name as that of the floor types, with a common or different origin, age,

27 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.) composition, facies or degree of metamorphism been used in Finland. An example is the Mattila and deformation. Thus, it is possible to distinguish Nappe Sheet, which is a narrow wedge-like slab of and define different lithostratigraphical, lithodemic bedrock within a nappe complex, forming part of and biostratigraphical units within a thrust sheet. a nappe (see Laajoki 1991). Since the term nappe A thrust sheet is distinguished from the underlying sheet is equivalent to thrust sheet, it is not recom- older or younger rocks by a leading thrust or floor mended. (Boyer & Elliot 1982, NCS 1989). thrust, or from an overlying thrust sheet by a trail- ing thrust or roof thrust. In addition, a thrust sheet may be bounded by later depositional surfaces, 6.2.3 Nappe System other tectonic surfaces, intrusive contacts and the erosion surface. A nappe system is a tectonostratigraphical unit next higher in rank to a nappe, and equivalent to a nappe complex. It comprises two or more nappes, Thrust sheet nomenclature having a geometrical relationship to one another. The movements and displacements of distinct and A thrust sheet can be given a formal or an in- individual nappes, due to thrust faulting and/or slid- formal name, depending on the purpose and/or ing, have taken place during the same deformation general rules of naming (see Chapter 2). When us- event (cf. Chapter 6.2.3). A nappe system is map- ing the term “thrust sheet” formally for a tectonos- pable at the Earth’s surface and sometimes trace- tratigraphical unit that has already been defined as able into the subsurface by using geological and/or a nappe, the geographical name of the nappe must geophysical methods. It usually has some regional be always used together with the term thrust sheet. extent, although not all the individual and distinct In addition, if the floor thrust under the thrust sheet nappes in the system need to be present whenever a has already been formally or informally named, nappe system is found. the same name must be used for the sheet. A thrust A nappe system may consist of several individ- sheet must not be given the same geographical ual and distinct nappes and/or thrust sheets, and it name as was used for the lithological units in the is possible to distinguish them from one another by nappe or thrust sheet. A thrust sheet that has been their content of lithostratigraphical, lithodemic and defined and given a formal name can have its status biostratigraphical units. In Finland, the term nappe changed to a nappe sheet or nappe if investigations system should only be used if the movements and show this to be desirable. displacements of the individual nappes are well Examples of the rarely used term thrust sheet in known and documented, and they belong to the Finland are the Oratunturi thrust sheet, the Martin- same deformation event. vaara thrust sheet, the Ellitsa thrust sheet and the Leviäaapa thrust sheet, located in the Sodankylä area in the central part of the Lapland Greenstone Nappe System nomenclature belt, which represents a complex thrust duplex within a nappe overlying the Belomorian Archaean A nappe system can be given a formal or an basement and autochthonous Luirojoki calc-silicate informal name, depending on the purpose and/or Proterozoic cover rocks (Evins & Laajoki 2002). general rules of naming (see Chapter 2). A nappe According to Evins & Laajoki (2002), the whole system must not be given the same geographical Sodankylä area can be divided into seven different name as a component nappe, or as any of the lithos- domains, which are bounded by faults, displaying tratigraphical, lithodemic or biostratigraphical unique lithologies, metamorphic conditions, struc- units in it. The original name of the nappe system tural patterns and/or aeromagnetic anomalies. In is retained, although in some areas it may become Finland, the term thrust sheet has sometimes also thinner, and even if it is attenuated and may be vis- been used as a general descriptive unit term by ig- ible and represented by only one of its component noring the hierarchical rank. This usage is not rec- nappes. The formal name combines a geographical ommended. In addition, the term nappe sheet has name with term “Nappe System”. Informally, the

28 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland geographical name can be used together with the other by their content of lithostratigraphical, litho- term “the nappes”. demic and biostratigraphical units. So far, no clearly formally or informally defined and/or described nappe systems have been pub- lished in the Finnish geological literature. In some Nappe Complex nomenclature articles, the term nappe system is confused with term term nappe complex (e.g. the Outokumpu A nappe complex can be given a formal or an nappe system vs. the Outokumpu nappe complex), informal name, depending on the purpose and/or which should be avoid in all circumstances to clar- general rules of naming (see Chapter 2). A nappe ify the tectonostratigraphic nomenclature. (NCS complex must not be given the same geographical 1989). name as a component nappe, or any of the lithos- tratigraphical, lithodemic or biostratigraphical units within it. The original name of the nappe complex 6.2.4 Nappe Complex is retained, although in some areas it may become thinner, and even if it is attenuated and may be vis- A nappe complex is a tectonostratigraphical unit ible and represented by only one of its component equal or next higher in rank to a nappe. In the lat- nappes. The formal name combines a geographical ter case it may then be comprised of two or more name with term “Nappe Complex”, and in an in- nappes, having a geometrical relationship to one formal context, the geographical name can be used another. The movements and displacements of dis- together with the term “the nappes”. tinct and individual nappes, due to thrust faulting Formally or informally named nappe complexes and/or sliding, have taken place during different de- are rare in the Finnish geological literature. Probably formation phases or , or the movements the best definitions and example usages of formally and displacements are unknown, or they have un- named nappe complexes can be found from the Kai- certain relative ages (cf. Chapter 6.2.4). A nappe nuu Belt area, which is characterized by thrusting and complex is mappable at the Earth’s surface and nappe tectonics (see Havola & Kontinen 1991, Laa- sometimes traceable into the subsurface by using joki 1991). The main tectonostratigraphic units with- geological and/or geophysical methods. It usually in the Kainuu Belt area include, for example, the Ko- has some regional extent, although not all the indi- rhololanmäki Nappe Complex, comprising mainly ca. vidual and distinct nappes in the complex need to 2000–1960 Ma riftogenic turbidites and black schist, be present whenever a nappe complex is found and the allochthonous Törmänmäki Nappe Complex, A nappe complex may consist of several individual comprising distinct nappes and thrust sheets (see op. and distinct nappes and/or thrust sheets, character- cit.). Another example of usage of the term nappe ized by an earlier and different deformation type complex is the Outokumpu nappe complex, which and metamorphic grade, but may have undergone is structurally complex, consisting of several distinct later and common deformational and metamorphic nappes of both Paleoproterozoic cover and Archean event(s). It is possible to distinguish individual and basement slices (see e.g. Laajoki 2005). (NCS 1989). distinct nappes and/or thrust sheets from one an-

6.3 Tectonostratigraphic terrane

A tectonostratigraphic terrane or terrane is a (iii) blocks bounded by regional transform faults, fault-bounded body of rock of regional extent, char- or (iv) pieces of the Earth’s crust having complex acterized by a geological history different from that and structurally composite fault surfaces. of contiguous terranes or bounding continents. Ter- Tectonostratigraphic terranes can be defined and ranes may be (i) large or small continental blocks, recognized by their observable and characteristic bounded by suture zones and newly formed ocean- geological structure and evolution, age, fauna and floor crust, (ii) nappes bounded by thrust faults, flora, paleomagnetic history and bounding faults.

29 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.)

Sometimes, terms like a suspect terrane, exotic Some smaller tectonostratigraphic terrane exam- terrane, metamorphic terrane, composite terrane ples can be found, for instance, from the Caledo- or disrupted terrane can be used to emphasize the nian mountain chain, which coincide with nappe origin, history, spatial and genetic relations, or units. The geometry and the shape of a tectonos- some characteristic features of the terrane. It is im- tratigraphic terrane is the product of its history of portant that the term “terrane” is not confused with movements and tectonic interactions. the term “terrain”, which is a general term for the region or area, the third or vertical dimension of the Earth’s land surface. 6.3.2 Use of the terms “province” and “block”

A province refers to any large area or region 6.3.1 Terrane nomenclature which is characterized by similar features and his- tory. A more specific term, geological province, Tectonostratigraphical terranes or terranes can is defined as any large areas or extensive regions be given informal names by using their assumed characterized by a similar geological history, or by plate tectonic origin (e.g. rift basin terrane), com- similar structural, petrographic or physiogeograph- bined with a geographical name from the type area. ic features. The boundaries with adjacent areas are If a tectonostratigraphical terrane combines with a those of collided continental units or a continental previously defined and named tectonostratigraphi- unit and an accreted arc complex; an oceanic ba- cal unit, then the properly defined name of that unit sin is considered to have existed between different should be used in the name of the terrane in formal provinces. Nowadays, the term geological province nomenclature. However, if the recognized terrane usually refers to sections or regions of a craton rec- has different boundaries from the previously de- ognized within a given time-stratigraphic period. fined and named tectonostratigraphical units, then The term domain has also be used in a meaning it should be defined and named by using the general very close to that of the geological province (e.g. rules of naming (see Chapter 2). Korsman et al. 1997). Tectonostratigraphical terranes can be any size Blocks and fault blocks are defined as complete- and shape, having varying degrees of composition- ly or partly fault-bounded bodies within terranes. al complexity, and thus Antarctica or India, for ex- They behave as a crustal units during block faulting ample, are single great terranes (see Howell 1985). and tectonic activity (Howell 1985, NCS 1989).

6.4 Tectofacies

In Finland, the terms tectofacies and tectofacies canic history of a basin or nearby basins. Thus, the classification have mainly been used for the major use of tectofacies nomenclature may add a broad units of the North Karelia and Kainuu belts, which tectonic setting or framework to the stratigraphical are bounded by unconformities (e.g. see Laajoki classification, although it is not included in the hier- 1990, 2005). Laajoki (op. cit.) defined tectofacies archical tectonostratigraphic classification or units to include all the formations formed during a spe- that are proposed here. cific broad tectonic phase of the depositional or vol-

30 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland

7 SEQUENCE STRATIGRAPHY 7.1 General properties, rules and boundaries

Sequence stratigraphy is currently utilized as a reflect combinations of depositional trends that in- modern approach to integrated stratigraphic analy- clude progradation, retrogradation, aggradation and sis, which combines insights from all other types downcutting. The mappability of systems, tracts and of stratigraphy and several non-stratigraphic dis- sequence stratigraphic surfaces depends on the dep- ciplines such as sedimentology, geomorphology, ositional setting and the types of data available for geophysics and basin analysis. Although sequence analysis (Catuneanu et al. 2009). Sequence stratig- stratigraphy is a modern approach to integrated raphy is concerned with the large-scale arrange- stratigraphic analysis, it is the only type of stratig- ment of sedimentary strata, and the major factors raphy that is not yet standardized in international that influence their geometries are sea-level change, stratigraphic codes. The key to the formal inclu- contemporaneous fault movements, basin subsid- sion of sequence stratigraphy within the array of ence and sediment supply. Sequence stratigraphy stratigraphic disciplines is the recognition of what has revolutionized the thinking on and methods of are thecore aspects versus those of lesser signifi- stratigraphic analysis, and, in contrast to most other cance, and an appreciation that the approach to types of stratigraphy, it places strong emphasis on standardization has to be entirely unbiased. The processes of facies formation and preservation, and general approach to standardization is to promote on the nature and timing of the contacts that sepa- those concepts that can be accepted by all, and thus rate various stratigraphic units. retain flexibility in the application of the sequence The predictable association of depositional sys- stratigraphic method. Fundamentally, sequence tems into sequences and component systems tracts stratigraphy deals with the sedimentary response is made possible by the fact that processes in all to changes in the base level, and the depositional depositional environments respond to a common trends that emerge from the interplay of sedimen- control: the base level. In turn, changes in the base tation and accommodation, i.e. the space available level depend on the interplay of allogenic controls for sediments to fill. such as sea-level change (eustasy), tectonism and A sequence stratigraphic framework includes climate. The base level is therefore the link that genetic units that result from the interplay of ac- ‘synchronizes’ depositional processes in all envi- commodation and sedimentation (i.e., forced re- ronments across a sedimentary basin, bringing co- gressive, lowstand and highstand normal regressive, herence to the sequence stratigraphic mode (Figure and transgressive), which are bounded by sequence 5). This in turn means that sequence stratigraphy is stratigraphic surfaces. Each genetic unit is defined an effective tool for correlation on a regional basis. by specific strata stacking patterns and bound- The method is now commonly utilized as a modern ing surfaces, and consists of a tract of correlatable approach to integrated stratigraphic analysis, com- depositional systems (i.e., a systems tract). Stratal bining insights from all other types of stratigraphic stacking patterns respond to the interplay of chang- as well as several non-stratigraphic disciplines (Ca- es in rates of sedimentation and the base level, and tuneanu et al. 2009).

31 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.)

Figure 5. Primary vs. secondary aspects in sequence stratigraphy after Catuneanu (2006). Primary aspects are validated and generally accepted. Secondary aspects are model-dependent. Once the sequence is formalized as a generic concept, one can take a step further and list the various types of sequences, by defining what surfaces are selected as sequence boundaries in each case.

7.2 Classification and order of sequence stratigraphic units

The main methods that need to be integrated III. End of regression (during base-level rise at into a sequence stratigraphic analysis include facies the shoreline); analysis of ancient deposits (outcrops, cores) and IV. End of transgression (during base-level rise modern environments, analysis of well-log signa- at the shoreline). tures or analysis of seismic data and the achieve- ment of time control via relative or absolute age These four events control the timing of formation determination. of all sequence stratigraphic surfaces and systems Four main events are recognized during a full tracts. A generic definition of a sequence leaves the cycle of base-level changes: selection of sequence boundaries to the discretion of the individual, thus providing the necessary flex- I. Onset of forced regression (onset of base- ibility that allows one to adapt to the particularities level fall at the shoreline); of each case study, and the freedom to experiment II. End of forced regression (end of base-level with new concepts and ideas. Once the ‘sequence’ fall at the shoreline); is formalized as a generic concept, one can take a

32 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland

Figure 6. Timing of the seven sequence stratigraphic surfaces relative to the four main events of the base-level cycle (from Catuneanu 2006). Abbreviation: (–A) – negative accommodation.

step further and list the various types of sequences, Parasequence: a relatively conformable succes- by defining what surfaces are selected as sequence sion of genetically related beds or bedsets bounded boundaries in each case. In this, the process-based by flooding surfaces or their correlative surfaces understanding of the origin of all genetic types of (Van Wagoner et al. 1988, 1990, Arnott 1995). Par- deposits and their bounding surfaces is fundamen- asequences are commonly used to describe indi- tal to the success of the sequence stratigraphic ap- vidual prograding lobes in coastal to shallow water proach. systems, where evidence of abrupt water deepening Sequence stratigraphic surfaces are surfaces that (i.e., documentation of flooding surfaces) is easiest can serve, at least in part, as systems tract bounda- to demonstrate. Parasequences are commonly used ries. Seven sequence stratigraphic surfaces are de- to describe individual prograding sediment bodies fined relative to the four main events of the base- in coastal to shallow-water systems, and confusion level cycle (Figure 6). The recognition of sequence regarding the meaning of parasequences has arisen stratigraphic surfaces in the rock record is data-de- with the application of the term to fully fluvial as pendent. well as deep-water systems, where the concept of Sequence: a relatively conformable succession ‘flooding surface’ becomes meaningless (Catune- of genetically related strata bounded by uncon- anu et al. 2009). formities or their correlative conformities (Mitch- Systems tract: a sequence may be subdivided um 1977). A sequence corresponds to a full cycle into component systems tracts, which consist of of base-level changes. The definition of a sequence packages of strata that are genetically distinct (e.g. is independent of temporal and spatial scales. The forced regressive, normal regressive, transgres- relative importance of sequences is resolved via the sive). Systems tracts are interpreted based on stratal concept of hierarchy. Higher-rank sequences may stacking patterns, the position within the sequence, consist of two or more lower-rank sequences. and types of bounding surfaces.

33 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.)

7.3 Application and limitations for the Precambrian record

The genetic facies level approach, when applied The cyclicity of Proterozoic sedimentary rocks to the Precambrian sedimentary record, can make it is still a rather crude concept, but studies by Chris- possible to constitute depositional systems, which tie-Blick et al. (1988, 1995), Harris and Eriksson are generally bounded by unconformities or un- (1990), Jackson et al. (1990), Catuneanu and Eriks- related facies transitions. The possible causes and son (1999), Strand and Laajoki (1999) and Strand effects of the relative changes in sea-level and con- (2005), among others, prove that Proterozoic non- nections with the tectonic history of the cratonic fossiliferous strata are applicable to a sequence margin can then be evaluated from the deposition- stratigraphy approach and provide, for instance, al systems tracts and the main sequences distin- evaluation of what were the major factors control- guished. The sequence stratigraphy of coastal and ling Precambrian sea-level changes. The applica- shallow shelf deposits is very complex because of tion of sequence stratigraphy to the Proterozoic the interplay of such factors as the rate of sea-level rock record, however, often encounters difficulties change, the rate of sediment supply, the rate of sub- because of poor preservation, some tectonic or me- sidence, the frequency and amount of wave erosion, tarmophic overprint and a lack of age determina- and the nature of the local palaeogeography (Miall tions. (Catuneanu 2006, Catuneanu et al. 2009). 1997).

8 CHRONOSTRATIGRAPHY 8.1 General properties, rules and boundaries

Chronostratigraphic classification provides a tratigraphic units can be extended only within the means of establishing the temporally sequential or- limits of resolution of available means of chrono- der of rock bodies. The principal purposes are to correlation, which currently include palaeontology, provide a framework for (1) the temporal correla- numerical dating, remanent magnetism, thermo- tion of the rocks in one area with those in another, luminescence, relative-age criteria and such in- (2) placing the rocks of the Earth’s crust in a sys- direct and inferential physical criteria as climatic tematic sequence and indicating their relative posi- changes, the degree of weathering, and relations tion and age with respect to the Earth’s history as a to unconformities. Traditionally, the Precambrian whole, and (3) constructing an internationally rec- stratigraphy is classified chronometrically by abso- ognized Standard Global Chronostratigraphic Scale lute age, i.e. the base of each Precambrian eon, era (see Grandstein et al. 2004). and period is assigned an arbitrary numerical age. The boundaries of chronostratigraphic units However, continual improvements in data coverage should be defined in a designated stratotype on the and methodology could also lead to standardization basis of observable palaeontological or physical of the chronostratigraphic units for the Precambrian features of the rocks. The boundaries of chronos- rock record.

8.2 Ranking and nomenclature of chronostratigraphic units

A chronostratigraphic unit is a body of rock es- rock record that has a time range. It may be any tablished to serve as the material reference for all arbitrary but specified sequence of rocks, provided constituent rocks formed during the same span of it has properties allowing chronocorrelation with time. A chronostratigraphic unit may be based upon rock sequences elsewhere. the time span of a biostratigraphic unit, a lithic unit, The hierarchy of chronostratigraphic units, in a magnetopolarity unit, or any other feature of the order of decreasing rank, is eonothem, erathem,

34 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland system, series, and stage. Of these, system is the 8.2.3 System primary unit of world-wide major rank; its primacy derives from the history of development of strati- The unit of rank next lower to erathem is the graphic classification. At any level in the chron- system. Rocks encompassed by a system represent ostratigraphical hierarcy, an initial capital letter a time span and an episode of Earth history suffi- is used for each formal component of the name, ciently great to serve as a worldwide chronostrati- e.g. Paleoproterozoic Erathem or Orosirian Sys- graphic reference unit. The temporal equivalent of tem. Chronostratigraphical units may be formally a system is a period. Presently, the Archean is not divided into Lower, (Middle) and Upper, and the divided into systems. The Paleoproterozoic erath- corresponding geochronological units into Early, em encompasses the Siderian (2500–2300 Ma), (Middle) and Late. The use of lower case initial let- Rhyacian (2300–2050 Ma), Orosirian (2050–1800 ters implies an informal usage (see Grandstein et Ma) and Statherian (1800–1600 Ma) systems. The al. 2004). erathem encompasses the Calym- mian (1600–1400 Ma), Ectasian (1400–1200 Ma) and Stenian (1200–1000 Ma) , and the 8.2.1 Eonothem erathem encompasses the Tonian (1000–850 Ma), Cryocenian (850–630 Ma) and The unit highest in rank is the eonothem. The (630–542 Ma) systems (see Grandstein Eonothem encompasses the Paleo- et al. 2004). The Precambrian-Cambrian boundary zoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic Erathems. Although is defined to 542 Ma by Amthor et al. 2003). older rocks have to date been assigned to the Pre- cambrian Eonothem, they have also recently been assigned to the Archean (2850–2500) and Protero- 8.2.4 Series zoic (2500–542 Ma) eonothems by the IUGS Pre- cambrian Subcommission. The Hadean eonothem A series is a conventional chronostratigraphic refers to the possibly older than 3850 Ma record unit that ranks below a system and is always a divi- and events on the Earth, where the age has been de- sion of a system. A series commonly constitutes a rived from the oldest preserved supracrustals so far major unit of chronostratigraphic correlation within found. The span of time corresponding to an eono- a province, between provinces, or between conti- them is an eon. nents. Although many European series are increas- ingly being adopted for dividing systems on other continents, provincial series of regional scope con- 8.2.2 Erathem tinue to be useful. The temporal equivalent of a se- ries is an epoch An erathem is the formal chronostratigraphic unit of rank next lower to eonothem and consists of several adjacent systems. The span of time cor- 8.2.5 Stage responding to an erathem is an era. Presently, the Archean eonothem encompasses the Eoarchean A stage is a chronostratigraphic unit of smaller (3850–3600 Ma), Paleoarchean (3600–3200 Ma), scope and rank than a series. It is most commonly Mesoarchean (3200–2800 Ma), and Neoarchean of greatest use in intra-continental classification and (2800–2500 Ma) erathems. The Proterozoic eono- correlation, although it has the potential for world- them encompasses the Paleoproterozoic (2500– wide recognition. The geochronological equivalent 1600 Ma), Mesoproterozoic (1600–1000 Ma) and of a stage is an age. Neoproterozoic (1000–542 Ma) erathems (see Grandstein et al. 2004).

35 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.)

8.2.6 Chronozone though a chronozone is an isochronous unit, it may be based on a biostratigraphic unit (e.g. Cardioceras A chronozone is a nonhierarchical, but com- cordatum Biochronozone), a lithostratigraphic unit monly small, formal chronostratigraphic unit, and (Woodbend Lithochronozone), or a magnetopolar- its boundaries may be independent of those ranked ity unit (Gilbert Reversed-Polarity Chronozone). chronostratigraphic units such as stage or series. Al-

8.3 Use of chronostratigraphy for the Precambrian record

Precambrian stratigraphy is presently formally record, but presently the formal stratotypes are not classified only chronometrically, i.e. the base of defined. Boundaries should be placed at key events each Precambrian eon, era and period is assigned or transitions in the stratigraphic record. An ideal an arbitrary numerical age (Plumb & James 1986, stratotype for a chronostratigraphic unit is a com- Plumb 1991, Granstein et al. 2004). In the definition pletely exposed unbroken and continuous sequence of the earlier Precambrian chronological divisions, of fossiliferous or non-fossiliferous stratified rocks a different geochronology is applied. For example, extending from a well-defined lower boundary to the Proterozoic-Archaean boundary is commonly the base of the next higher unit. Unfortunately, only defined as being at 2500 Ma. The geological time few available sequences are sufficiently complete scale for the Precambrian is still incomplete and to define stages and units of higher rank, which are now defined in terms of strictly chronometric, i.e. therefore best defined by boundary stratotypes. The absolute age boundaries that are divorced from bedrock of Finland may provide some prominent the primary, sometimes objective record of plan- Archean and Paleoprotorezoic stratotypes if suf- etary evolution. In the future, the Precambrian time ficiently studied and recorded in the above-men- scale should also be defined in terms of extant rock tioned way.

8.4 Misuse of the term “series”

The term “series” has sometimes been used as a Narkaus intrusion). Series is not recommended to lithostratigraphical designation, or as a designation be used in such connections, and can only be used for groups of magmatic rocks (e.g. layered series in formally in a chronostratigraphic sense.

8.5 Corresponding geological time division (geochronology)

Geochronological units are divisions of time necessarily equal epochs and need not form a con- traditionally distinguished on the basis of the rock tinuum. An eon is the time represented by the rocks record as expressed by chronostratigraphic units. constituting an eonothem; an era by an erathem; a A geochronological unit is not a stratigraphic unit period by a system; an epoch by a series; an age by (i.e., it is not a material unit), but it corresponds to a stage; and a chron by a chronozone. the time span of an established chronostratigraphic The names for periods and units of lower rank unit, and its beginning and ending corresponds to are identical to those of the corresponding chronos- the base and top of the referent. tratigraphic units; the names of some eras and eons The hierarchy of geochronological units in order are independently formed. Rules of capitalization of decreasing rank is eon, era, period, epoch, and apply to geochronological units. The adjectives age. Chron is a non-hierarchical, but commonly Early, Middle, and Late are used for the geochrono- brief, geochronological unit. Ages in sum do not logical epochs. (NCS 1989, NACSN 2005).

36 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland


The Fennoscandian Shield in Finland has been a al. 2001), and it overlaps with the Rhyacian period, focus of long-term geological interest and targeted which is endorsed by the International Commission variable geological nomenclature since the advent of Stratigraphy. of modern geology in the 19th century (see Ram- In order to avoid further confusion, the use say 1902, Sederholm 1932, Eskola 1925, Simonen of these traditional terms should be restricted to 1980, Laajoki 1986, 1990, 1991, Hanski 2001). The broad, informal discussion. In lithostratigraphical Fennoscandian Shield consists of the Precambrian sense, such traditional terms can only be used in- crystalline rocks that crop out among younger sedi- formally, as these are not defined as stratotypes in mentary rocks and the Caledonian mountain chain any specific area. These are, however, useful terms in Northwest Europe. The Precambrian crust of in defining specific Paleoproterozoic successions Finland forms the central part of the Fennoscandian or types of sedimentary rocks deposited over the Shield. A synonymous term is the (see Archaean basement complex in the Fennoscandian Gaál & Gorbatschev 1987), which can be aban- Shield. These rocks are commonly categorized as doned to prevent confusion. The Fennoscandian the Karelian formations of a certain age, which in- Shield, however, is only related to an uplifted and cludes all the rocks deposited or extruded on the excumated geographical area, and is not related to Archean basement in eastern and northern Finland the division of Precambrian rocks. However, this (see Eskola 1925, Simonen 1980, 1986). A term relatively well-documented Precambrian terrain such as only refers to an orogenic area has long lacked a systematic naming of geologi- that consists of these so-called Karelian formations. cal units. The existing traditional names have been This term should not be confused with stratigraphic used for many purposes and sometimes out of their units. Similarly, the term Svecofennides only refers original context. The Finnish geological literature to an orogenic area that consists of the so-called is rich in multiple regional or informal unit names, Svecofennian formations, and should also not be often assigned conflicting meanings. Recently, confused with stratigraphic units. however, attempts have been made to avoid confu- The use of these terms in a geochronological sion in lithological-geographical naming (Vaasjoki sense, however, should be avoided and used only et al. 2005). informally. In practice, these terms may have a The poorly defined traditional terms such as Sari- clear tectonic meaning in characterizing certain ola, Sumi-Sariola, Lapponi, Kainuu, Jatuli, Ladoga, basin stages during Precambrian margin develop- Kaleva and Jotuni have variously been used to ment. Nowadays, many useful examples exist of the name sedimentary facies, chronostratigraphic units use of formal geological units in these successions. or lithostratigraphic groups (see Sederholm 1897, The Svecofennian formations are, however, 1932, Meriläinen 1980a,b, Simonen 1980, Laajoki discriminated by the Paleoproterozoic convergent 1986, Hanski et al. 2001, Ojakangas et al. 2001). margin successions aggregated against the Archae- For example, the terms Jatuli and the Jatulian in- an basement complex, sometimes with the Kare- clude meta-arenites, and associated metavolcanics, lian formations between. Examples of the formal metapelites and overlying the Kainuu- naming of these formations are only few, and in type rocks in Karelia have been named as the Ka- the Svecofennian Domain the current tendency is leva, while the Kalevian is a metapelite-dominated also to try to take into use the formalized geological unit in northern Karelia, deposited unconformbaly units (e.g. Ehlers et al. 1986, Kähkönen 1991, 2005, on the Jatuli rocks (see Eskola 1925). How these Korsman et al. 1997, Strand 2002). terms are used is not always clear. Adjectival form The rocks of the Precambrian terrains can be endings with the –an or –ian, however, refer to considered as variably deformed and metamor- “the chronostratigraphical units”. In a chronostrati- phosed, but their preservation is often good enough graphical sense, the Jatulian stage is from the ca. to permit the establishment of formal stratigraphic 2.3 to 2.15 Ga (Melezhik et al. 1997, Ojankangas et or geologic units. To avoid misunderstanding and

37 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.) confusion, the geological units need to be classi- http://www.stratigraphy.org/ fied and given names and content in accordance http://www.stratigraphy.org/column. with generally agreed guidelines. This guide aims php?id=Stratigraphic%20Guide to provide consistency in this respect. North American Comission on Stratigraphic No- Supplementary information on the web: menclature http://www.agiweb.org/nacsn/ International Commission on Stratigraphy of the http://www.agiweb.org/nacsn/code2.html International Union of Geological Sciences


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38 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland

Finnish Lapland and their bearing on the timing of Pre- Laajoki, K. 1986. The Precambrian supracrustal rocks of cambrian volcano-sedimentary sequences. Geological Finland and their tectono-exogenic evolution. Precambri- Survey of Finland, Special Paper 33, 255–279. an Research 33, 67–85. Hanski, E. & Huhma, H. 2005. Central Lapland greenstone Laajoki, K. 1990. Early Proterozoic tectofacies in eastern belt. In: Lehtinen, M., Nurmi, P. A. & Rämö, O. T. (eds.) and northern Finland. In: Naqvi, S. M. (ed.) Precambrian The Precambrian Geology of Finland – Key to the Evo- continental crust and its economic resources. Develop- lution of the Fennoscandian Shield. Amsterdam: Elsevier ments in Precambrian geology, Vol. 8. Amsterdam: Else- B.V., 139–194. vier, 437–452. Havola, M. & Kontinen, A. 1991. Tectonostratigraphy of the Laajoki, K. 1991. Stratigraphy of the northern end of the Early Proterozoic Kainuu Schist Belt, Eastern Finland. 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39 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Kari Strand, Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.)

Lehtovaara, J. J. 1994. Halti. Geological Map of Finland North American Comission on Stratigraphic Nomencla- 1:100 000, Pre-Quaternary Rocks, Sheet 1842. Geological ture, NACSN 2005. North American Stratigraphic Code. Survey of Finland. AAPG Bulletin 89 (11), 1547–1591. Lehtovaara, J. J. 1994. Kilpisjärvi. Geological Map of Fin- Norwegian Committee on Stratigraphy, NCS 1989. Rules land 1:100 000, Pre-Quaternary Rocks, Sheet 1823. Geo- and recommendations for naming geological units in Nor- logical Survey of Finland. way. Norsk Geologisk Tiddskrift, Vol. 69, Supplement 2, Lehtovaara, J. J. 1995. Kilpisjärven ja Haltin kartta-aluei- 1–107. den kallioperä. Summary: Pre-Quaternary Rocks of the Ojankangas, R., Marmo, J., & Heiskanen, K. 2001. Basin Kilpisjärvi and Halti Map-Sheet Areas. Geological Map Evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Karelian Supergroup of of Finland 1:100 000, Explanation to the Maps Pre-Qua- the Fennoscandian (Baltic) Shield. 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40 Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Opas 55 – Geological Survey of Finland, Guide 55, 2010 Guidelines and Procedures for Naming Precambrian Geological Units in Finland

Sederholm, J. 1932. On the Geology of Fennoscandia with Strand, K. 2002. Volcanogenic and sedimentary rocks within Special Reference to the Pre-Cambrian. Explanatory the Svecofennian Domain, Ylivieska, western Finland – Notes to Accompany a General Geological Map of Fen- an example of Paleoroterozoic intra-arc basin fill. Interna- noscandia. Bull. comm. géol. Finl. N:o 98, 1–30. Fennia tional Association of Sedimentologists, Special publica- 55, N:o 2. tion 33. Oxford: Blackwell Science, 339–350. Silvennoinen, A. 1972. On the stratigraphy and structural ge- Strand, K. 2005. Sequence stratigraphy of the siliciclastic ology of the Rukatunturi area, northeastern Finland. Geo- East Puolanka Group, the Paleoprotetrotsoic Kainuu Belt, logical Survey of Finland, Bulletin 257. 48 p. Finland. Sedimentary Geology 176, 149–166. Simonen, A. 1953. Stratigraphic and sedimentation of the Strand, K., & Laajoki, K. 1993. Palaeoproterozoic glaci- Svecofennidic. Early Archean supracrustal rocks in south- omarine sedimentation in an extensional tectonic setting: western Finland. Bull. comm. géol. Finl. N:o 160, 1–64. the Honkala Formation, Finland. Precambrian Research Simonen, A. 1980. The Precambrian in Finland. Geological 64, 253–271. Survey of Finland, Bulletin 304, 1–58. Strand, K. & Laajoki, K. 1999. Application of the par- Simonen, A. 1986. Stratigraphic studies on the Precambrian asequence concept to the Paleoproterozoic record of the in Finland. In: The development of geological sciences northern Fennoscandian Shield. Precambrian Research in Finland. Geological Survey of Finland, Bulletin 336, 97, 253–267. 21–37. Vaasjoki, M., Korsman, K. & Koistinen, T. 2005. Over- Sorjonen-Ward, P. 1993. An overview of structural evolu- view. In: Lehtinen, M., Nurmi, P. A. & Rämö, O. T. (eds.) tion and lithic units within and intruding the late Archean The Precambrian Geology of Finland – Key to the Evo- Hattu schist belt, Ilomantsi, eastern Finland. In: Nurmi, P. lution of the Fennoscandian Shield. Amsterdam: Elsevier A. & Sorjonen-Ward, P. (eds.), Geological development, B.V., 1–18. gold mineralization and exploration methods in the late Vuollo, J. 2005. The Koli layered sill in North Karelia, East- Archean Hattu schist belt, Ilomantsi, eastern Finland. Ge- ern Finland. In: Fifth international dyke conference, Rova­ ological Survey of Finland, Special Paper 17, 9–102. niemi, Finland. Pre-Conference field trip A guide book: Sorjonen-Ward, P. & Luukkonen E. J. 2005. Archean Southern and Central Finland, 37–53. rocks. In: Lehtinen, M., Nurmi, P.A. & Rämö, O. T. (eds.) Vuollo, J. & Piirainen, T. 1992. The 2.2 Ga old Koli lay- The Precambrian Geology of Finland – Key to the Evo- ered sill: The low-Al tholeiitic (karjalitic) magma type and lution of the Fennoscandian Shield. Amsterdam: Elsevier its differentitation in northern Karelia, eastern Finland. B.V., 19–99. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 114, Strand, K. 1988. Alluvial sedimentation and tectonic setting 131–142. of the early Proterozoic Kurkikylä and Kainuu Groups Vuollo, J. & Huhma, H. 2005. Paleoproterozoic mafic dikes in northern Finland. In: Laajoki, K. & Paakkola, J. (eds.) in NE Finland. In: Lehtinen, M., Nurmi, P. A. & Rämö, O. Sedimentology of the Precambrian formations in eastern T. (eds.), The Precambrian Geology of Finland – Key to and northern Finland: proceedings of IGCP 160 Sympo- the Evolution of the Fennoscandian Shield. Amsterdam: sium at Oulu, January 21–22, 1986. Geological Survey of Elsevier B.V., 195–236. Finland, Special Paper 5, 75–90.

41 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY • Guide 55 Kari OF Strand, FINLAND Juha Köykkä and Jarmo Kohonen (eds.) www.gtk.fi [email protected]

This guide for naming the Precambrian geological units in Finland was produced under the supervision of the Stratigraphic Commission of Finland under the Finnish National Committee of Geology, and with the support of the Geological Survey of Finland. The rocks of the Precambrian terrains can be considered as variably deformed and metamorphosed, but their preservation is often good enough to permit the establishment of formal stratigraphic or geological units. To avoid misunderstanding and confusion, the geological units need to be classified and given names and content in accordance with generally agreed guidelines. The Geological Survey of Finland is maintaining the stratigraphic database under its map services in collaboration with the Stratigraphic Commission of Finland. This guide aims to provide consistency in this respect. The use of the guide in everyday work is the best way to ensure best practices in naming the Precambrian geological units in Finland.

ISBN 978-952-217-140-5 (PDF) ISSN 0781-643X