The roots of our history Out of Cervantes’ imagination, a legend was born ... from the heart of our Quixote is born. “ More than 150 years full “ of changes, but whose essence remains intact: love for the land itself The 19th Century, the origins of the estate

The story of Casa del Blanco, an estate in the municipal area of Manzanares (Ciudad Real) spans more than 150 years in which the land has seen the passing of hard-working people, historical events, political struggles, 1 2 several periods of unrest, storms, freezing weather, and years of peace interrupted by terrible wars. The Casa del Blanco estate has seen more than 150 years full of changes, but whose

3 4 essence remains intact: a love for the land itself, which despite everything, 1. Mr. Blas García de Quesada y Aguilera, remains the same as before, only Navasequilla Marquis / 2. Ms. Francisca García de Quesada y Dusmet (his wife) / 3. Mr. D. Pedro García cultivated under the protection of de Quesada y García de Quesada, V Navasequilla Marquis / 4. Calatrava Cross. modernity, of evolution.

The beginnings of Casa del Blanco de San Juan, acquired this estate as epicentre at that time of lives and affairs, story go back to when Alfonso Carrión successors and owners of the assets of the Castillo (Castle) under which the registered it in the Land Registry of the founders: Don Francisco Camacho, Villa itself was born by the 13th Century. Manzanares. Some details are told in Don Gervasio Blanco, the old Blancos, that registry of Estate 323 of Manzanares: and other additions, without the title of The Villa de Manzanares was one of “Country estate named Casa Quintería acquisition being written in this registry, the most important pieces of land of de labor, named “del Blanco” in the and that Lady, together with her eldest son, the Order of Calatrava, whose owner, district Villa de Manzanares, situated in Don Blas García de Quesada y Aguilera, or controller, lived in the castle and the middle of a piece of land, in total 474 current Marqués de Navasequilla, administered the revenues of the Order fanegas*. The land is divided into five lots inhabitant of the city of Jaen, married, in the district. Moreover, the importance named: olivar, mangada, piqueras, pitilla, signed for it on August 31, 1854.” resided (and still does) by its position on and picajo. This estate was valued at 146 the map: the meeting point of two of the Reales fanegas, and for a greater value The city of Manzanares is historically most important Cañadas (cattle trails) in that the house could be had, its price was marked by its territorial location: a large all of . This is relevant to the Casa 68,606 reales. plane in the centre of the peninsular, less del Blanco because its strategic location, than 200km from the big city: Madrid. A the ground characteristics, the unique Doña Carlota Aguilera y Blanco, Marquesa strategic position taken advantage of in topography, and continental climate Viuda de Navasequilla, and Don Pedro Medieval times by the Order of Calatrava, make it especially fertile and apt for García de Quesada, native of Alcázar creator of the Castillo de Pilas Bonas, true vine growing. Manzanares, witness of historical events 1 2 1. Leopoldo O´Donnell / 2. Cánovas de Castillo.

But within this ideal geographical framework passed an unrestful and revolutionary 19th Century, tiring and gloomy, but at the same time hopeful for those who foresaw the coming changes like the accommodation of Spain in the new era of Europe, which was already dreaming of electricity, steam engines, and new governments.

In the middle of Carlist in Manzanares in the middle of place. But a simulated combat, uprisings, of ecclesiastical and the 19th Century. It was at that which over time has become feudal confiscations, of moderate time when the fourth Marqués known as “La Vicalvarada”, left and progressive governments, de Navasequilla, Blas García everyone awaiting the Manifesto in “glorious” revolutions, of a de Quesada y Aguilera graced of Manzanares, published on July constituent assembly and “First the land with his distinguished 7, 1854 (edited by Cánovas del Republics”, the Casa del Blanco presence, in the year 1854. Castillo). estate cut its teeth. Whether coincidence or not, Manzanares bore witness to this Francisco Camacho and Gervasio in that same year, the Villa vital event that gave a small twist Blanco, together with the Blanco of Manzanares appeared on in the ever-changing history of family, named the estate. They what we may call today the Spain. The Manifest demanded gave it its first identity. They international press, due to political reforms together with were the first to plough its lands an event which reflected the the creation of the constituent and they cultivated its first fruits. extraordinarily complex social assembly. They wanted to They were difficult times in and political moments which promote a liberal regeneration, which heat only came through our country had experienced. as they called it. It is possible that large bonfires, water through One year earlier, the soldier and as a consequence of this event in waterwheels and great wells, and politician Leopoldo O’Donnell Manzanares, barely a year later cattle supported manual labour. rose up against the government. in 1855 began a second stage of They sent General Blazer to face seizures thought the Madoz Act. Mills, farms, mansions, and large him. Vicalvaro was the chosen extensions of arable land close to 700 metres above sea level constituted the profile of the Villa The arrival of the railways and electricity

Judging from the official data of the Casa del Blanco estate, these events, far from intimidating García de Quesada y Aguilera, led to a flowering and resurgengence of the lands, especially those destined for vine-growing. Clearly amongst this repertoire of political events, an event was necessary that had already been experienced in other surrounding In 1860 the former Camino The García de Quesada family As a relevant fact, the Marqués European countries: the Real (Royal way), which passed maintained and developed the de Navasequilla was a senator through Manzanares, was Casa del Blanco until the 60’s for the province of Jaen in 1843 arrival of the railways. converted into the Camino de last century. One century of their with the restauration of the Hierro (Iron way). With it, as history is now the history of Casa Bourbon monarchy after the end now and for almost the last 150 del Blanco, stemming from Blas of the Carlist War, although he years, the Casa del Blanco estate García de Quesada y Aguilera, reisgned from the position for became big. It wasn’t in vain that fourth Marqués of Navasequilla, health reasons. from the initial 47 fanegas* – in native of Valdepeñas, Jaen. the middle of the 1850’s – by Another relevant fact, as much the year 1900 the estate already Don Blas, as he was called, was as or more so than the arrival consisted of 140 fanegas with born right at the end of the of the railways, was the boost 163,000 plants of varying ages. 18th Century, on December 26, given to these lands by the 1799, to be precise. He was a presence of electricity. This was Provincial Deputy of Jaen and in 1895. It all began with the formed part of the regional work and fortune of a genius government which was formed creator from Manzanares, after the capture of the city. In Diego Martin Quevedo who in 1857 Queen Isabel II named addition founded the Compañía him supernumerary advisor in Termoeléctrica (Thermoelectric the province of Jaen. He died in Company) in Manzanares, of 1884 – one year before the Casa which the famous inventor Isaac del Blanco estate passed into the Peral, Agatino Chacón Salinas hands of another family member, and other personalities of the Francisca García de Quesada. city formed a part. The hard work in the fields

The lights were switched on in Manzanares just after the turn of the new century. Industrial advances, albeit little by little, were arriving to Spain while the colonies were being lost, while political and economic failures were happening, and uncertainty was to be found in every corner. A few years later after revolts and republics, the would arrive. Faced with this The rules of work in the 19th the fruit, the Gañanes had to was from light to light. In other environment hostile to Century, the century of the go out to collect the grapes at words, the work stretched from beginnings of the Casa del midnight or one o’clock in the first light until the workers could everything, the people Blanco estate, were established morning in order to be with no longer see the grapes in front had to work, and to work by customs and traditions. By their loads in the at seven of them. The pisadores (grape those times, labour conditions or eight in the morning. crushers) of the winery, who were in the countryside was had changed little since the generally day-labourers entered hard, very hard – in the 18th Century. The figure of the The workers in the field the pit for grapes at four so-called “Gañanes”, or mule- in Manzanares were called o’clock in the morning, and left open air, with few means drivers, of the countryside, stands “Jornaleros” (day-labourers). work at about ten o’clock at night. and resources, and ever- out. They were workers who used They were, and are, the people Those long days were rewarded to be contracted for one year. who carry out all the manual with a salary of 3.50 to 4 pesetas lasting working days on Their task consisted of carrying agricultural tasks (the vines, a day. The so-called “Pisador de frozen lands during the out all the agricultural and the harvesting, the horticulture, Chancla” earned 4 pesetas in farming jobs and transporting etc.). Wherever a man’s hand those days, and his work consisted winter days, and under everything that was harvested. was needed to resolve any in spreading the grapes inside the the long burning hot days agricultural problem, there was pit so that they reached a height During the grape-harvesting the Jornalero. of about 40cm, then to begin a of the summer. season, with the objective that the rhythmic dance on the grapes until -producers and pisadores During the approximately two they had managed to extract all the (the people who stepped on the months of grape collecting, the juice from the grapes’ interiors. grapes to crush them) wouldn’t timetable of the grape picker stop in their activity of crushing Life in the countryside

Later, evolution took over from traditionalism, the pits were mechanized with presses and grinders, and the working day, which stretched from six in the morning until eight in the evening, was reduced considerably. Obviously, working conditions these days are vastly different. The evolution has been progressive and in recent times more marked, in a very special way in Pago Casa del Blanco, where mechanical equipment has taken over work from the constant use of primitive elements, and leaving behind the necessity for the brute force of man accompanied or helped by mules and other cattle.

Today, with the helping hand of The old days bear little or no Another typical dish was the The dinners of the agricultural keep warm, handcrafted with technology in Casa del Blanco, resemblance to the present day. so-called “migas gañanas” workers were similar and based wool of different colours. The planting and harvesting is more In aspects such as the diet of the (breadcrumbs). This was made by around habitual ingredients: garlic, garments used on the head were effective and produces better people in the countryside, despite again putting oil in the pot and sliced potatoes; e.g. “majuelero” a hat with a viser, with neither a fruits. Mechanical planters strong traditions, changes are frying pieces of pork fat. They which was made with water, sliced crown nor brim, a Bilbao beret, according to the size of the becoming plain to see. were taken out when golden. After, potatoes, garlic, onions, salt and or a bullfighter’s hat made from seed, different types of farming they added a few cloves of garlic, peper. Everything was left on a animal skin. implements attached to tractors, The agricultural workers of then added water and salt, and as slow flame until cooked perfectly. packing machines... the jobs are Manzanares in the 18th , 19th and soon as it was boiling they added Sandals were used as footwear made more simpler this way, and beginnings of the 20th century chopped bread. Fortunately, the gastronomy these in the field, rustic and primitive, the hardness of the days has had a few repetitive meals during days is much richer and more which were made from the become more benevolent... their working days. For example, At midday Cocido Castellano varied. Agricultural work, thanks strongest part of bull hide. the labourers, in the morning (a regional stew) was typical. to technology has advanced Since this material was not very The annual maintenance of before daybreak ate a type of Its creation began with adding notably. There has also been an flexible, to attach them to their the has also changed porridge, which they made by chickpeas to a large pot of evolution in the form of dressing feet they added ropes or strings notably in scarcely 100 years. putting oil in the pot with a few simmering water, on a slow flame. of the countryside workers. of different materials which they Engineered selection of the pieces of pork fat. Once fried they Then it was seasoned with pork fat, tied to their legs. After many vine and the stock, pruning with separated them and added a few meat and morcilla (blood sausage) The man used to wear a blouse, years the soles would be replaced electric shears, tools to rid the garlic cloves, then when these and boiled until lunchtime. short and dark, but very wide, by pieces of rubber tyres from vines of shoots, drip irrigation were golden, they added paprika, Another stew of the era used white in keeping with certain roman cars or trucks. to make the most of a resource followed by flour to accompany. beans instead of chickpeas. tunics. The outfit was completed as scarce as water is today in As soon as the floor was fried, they with long and wide corduroy Castilla La Mancha... added water, and kept stirring it, trousers, an undergarment to bringing it to the boil. The 20th Century

The Casa del Blanco estate has evolved over many years. Since the acquisition by Blas García Quesada y Aguilera, the successive owners were through way of inheritence for six generations. Finally the family decided to sell the entire estate in the middle of the 60’s, not subject to any charges, to the company named De Juan y Ayala S.R.C. (integrated by Juan Ayala-Cueva, Jesus de Juan Díaz de Lopez Diaz) for 1,600,000 pesetas.

Among inheritences and sales to the But before the Sanchez-Contreras new company, during the first half family entered the scene, the De of the 20th Century the Casa del Juan y Ayala S.R.C. company, Blanco estate passed through several for around 24 years also made hands, but above all they were times progress electrifying the farm and in which many things happened, establishing irrigation. In 1976 the and which affected especially the title-holder had changed to De vineyards of Manzanares: phylloxera, Juan Hermanos S.R.C company which arrived to Castilla La Mancha but in January 1990 got rid of that at the end of the 19th Century business entity and spread throughout the whole peninsula until well into the 1930’s. It was a complex challenge, but the Sanchez-Contreras family opted to The 20th century in Spain, from buy the estate, and has added to it the point of view of vine-growing in over the years to create a unified the region had been a case of desire whole, solid and with a view to the without success, practically until future that saw the construction the 1980’s. In Casa del Blanco that of the current winery which has “desire” began by the hand of the existed since 2002. current management, iniciated by Joaquín Sánchez. The current era

Today, the Casa del Blanco estate, of important historic value in the area, is now Pago Casa del Blanco, a family enterprise with its sights set in the the present and the future without forgetting the history of the estate, which often reveals facts that have always been there but had never come to light. The long journey of the Casa del Blanco estate is an example, a journey that Today, Pago Casa del Blanco finds Designation of Origin: Pago Casa This specific land and has passed through highs and lows itself in its most fruitful time ever, del Blanco. This recognition microclimate give the wine its and witnessed important moments exemplified in the commercialization implies the maximum possible own unique characteristics. of the elaborated under the category that a wine can have of a political and social nature. brands Quixote and Castillo de Pilas according to Spanish legislation, We hope and expect that this will Bonas, which now find themselves and manifests the existence of a not be the last contribution from recognised by expert tasters and “Pago Vitícola” (wine estate) in the Sanchez-Contreras family to as among the best wines a defined geographical region the Casa del Blanco estate. We in Spain. with very specific climatic don’t lack hope. characteristics and ground On June 25, 2010, the regional composition that are not found in government of Castilla La Mancha the surrounding area. granted recognition of the Protected *one fanega = 1.59 acres/0.66 hectares “ More than 150 years full “ of changes, but whose essence remains intact: love for the land itself