I rNW LAXMTGoLDoRNA HousE LrMrrED -b CIN : L36911GJ2O1OPLCO59127 Darer0B/08/2021 - To, The MaMger, I i<rino Dan.+manr National Stock Exchange oflndia Limited Exchange P1aza, Bandra Kurla Complor Bandra [East), Mumbai-400051 NSE Scrip S,'rnbol: LGHL Dear Sir/ Madam Subiece NEWSPAPER ADVERTISEMENT FOR 12rlt ANNUAL GENFRAL MEETING. BOOK CLOSURE AND E- VOTING INFORMATTON with reference to the above subiect, please find enclosed herewith the copies of the public notice published in newspapers of Ahmedabad edition viz. western Times (Englishl and Westem Times (regional languageJ confirming dispatch of Notice of 12tb Annual General Meeting along with the Annual Report 2020-21, Book Closure and E-voting information. You are rcquested to kindly take note ofthe same in your records. Thanking You, certified True copy For, LIXMI GOLDORNA HOUSE LIMITED pqs 15:ss-:c\l.-SA=-- ot \c layesh Chinubhai Shah - lexreoaeaoJ f, Mana8ing Director DIN: 02479665 Q:r4 Enct Copy of Newspaper Publication R.gd. Offlc.: Loxmi House, opp Bondhorono Khoncho, M-G. Hoveli Rood, lYonekchowk. Ahmedobod - 380001, Gujorot. A cs@laxmilifestyl€.co.in I
[email protected] | @ www.loxmilifestyle.co.in q +917922149444 I +919A9aO33O4zl International AHMEDABAD SUNDAY 8/8/2021 5 US unemployment drops to Aussie PM rules out mandatory 5.4% in July amid resurgence Covid vaccine laws Washington, fell by 0.5 percentage point Canberra, The unemployment to 5.4 per cent, after unex- Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has rate in the US dropped to 5.4 pectedly rising by 0.1 per- ruled out introducing new laws that would allow per cent in July amid a resur- centage point to 5.9 per employers to mandate Covid-19 vaccines.