Archi Language Tutorial Powerpoint

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Archi Language Tutorial Powerpoint LAGB 2008 ARCHI LANGUAGE TUTORIAL Marina Chumakina Greville G. Corbett Dunstan Brown Surrey Morphology Group The support of ELDP and of the ESRC is gratefully acknowledged. INTRODUCTION • Archi: special language • a special place • previous research • a special dictionary • the Workshop 2 3 4 Korjakov (2006 : map 10) 5 East Caucasian (=Northeast Caucasian, =Nakh-Daghestanian) Nakh Avar Andic Tsezic Lak Dargi Lezgic Khinalugh Chechen-Ingush Avar Akhvakh Bezhta Lak Dargi Archi Khinalugh Chechen Andi Hinuq Nuclear Lezgic Ingush Bagwalal Hunzib Aghul Tsova-Tush (=Batsbi) Botlikh Khvarshi Budukh Chamalal Tsez(=Dido) Kryz Godoberi Lezgian Karata Rutul Tindi Tabassaran Tsakhur Udi Sources: Ethnologue, Comrie (2008) 9 recent surveys of Daghestanian languages • van den Berg (2005) • Comrie (2008) 10 Archi phonology outline 1. Vowels 2. Consonants: • primary articulation (manner and place) • secondary articulation (ejectiveness, labialisation, fortis / lenis distinction) • pharyngealisation: secondary articulation or prosody? 11 vowels front central back high i / iː u /uː middle e / eː ǝ o /oː low a / aː (1) ʁiniš ʁiniːš from there from there higher than the speaker higher and way away from the speaker 12 consonants bilabial dental alveolar palatal velar plosive p b t d k g nasal m n trill r fricative s z š ž affricate c č approx w j lateral approx l 13 consonants bilabial dental alveolar palatal velar uvular pharyngeal laryngeal plosive p bt d k g q ʕ ʔ nasal m n trill r fricative s z š ž χ ʁ ħ h affricate c č approx w j lateral l approx 14 consonants bilabial dental alveolar palatal palato-velar velar uvular pharyngeal laryngeal plosive p b t d k g q ʕ ʔ nasal m n trill r fricative s z š ž χ ʁ ħ h affricate c č lateral ɬ ɮ fricative lateral kɬ affricate approx w j lateral l approx 15 consonants bilabial dental alveolar palatal palato-velar velar uvular pharyngeal laryngeal plosive p b t d k g q ʕ ʔ p’ t’ k’ q’ nasal m n trill r fricative s z š ž χ ʁ ħ h affricate c č cʼ čʼ lateral ɬ ɮ fricative lateral kɬ affricate kɬʼ approx w j lateral l approx 16 consonants bilabial dental alveolar palatal palato-velar velar uvular pharyngeal laryngeal plosive p b t d k g q ʕ ʔ p’ t’ k’ q’ pː tː kː qːʼ nasal m n trill r fricative s z š ž χ ʁ ħ h sː šː χː affricate c č cʼ čʼ cːʼ čːʼ lateral fricative ɬ ɮ ɬː lateral affricate kɬ kɬʼ approx w j lateral approx l consonants bilabial dental alveolar palatal palato- velar uvular pharyngeal laryngeal velar plosive p b t d tʷ dʷ k g kʷ gʷ q qʷ ʕ ʔ p’ t’ k’ kʼʷ q’ pː tː kː kːʷ qːʼ qːʼʷ nasal m n trill r fricative s z sʷ zʷ š ž šʷ žʷ χ ʁ χʷ ʁʷ ħ h sː sːʷ šː šːʷ χː χːʷ affricate c cʷ č čʷ cʼ cʼʷ čʼ čʼʷ cːʼ čːʼ lateral ɬ ɮ fricative ɬː ɬːʷ lateral kɬ kɬʷ affricate kɬʼ kɬʼʷ approx w j lateral l approx examples: laterals (2) was kammu-tːu ʁudu ɬːunne 2SG.DAT shoot.PFV-ATR.I.SG I.SG.flee.PFV The one who shot at you, he ran away. (Bear story, 8) (3) ɬon ɬːonnol five (when counting sheep) wife, woman ɬʷert ɬːʷaːna scar, trace resemble kɬan kɬ’an hole love 19 fortis consonants (4) q'ˤel kes qː'ˤel collapse crack, split (noun) χat χːat scratch tie-beam 20 21 22 pharyngealisation (5) baqa baqˤa it(III.SG) got cold it(III.SG) came aˤraˤč’ reasonably big 23 baqa pharyngealisation baq a 24 ħabaši ha təra 25 pharyngealisation (6) daki un za-tːi-k b-eˤ‹r›šːu-r why 2SG.ABS 1.OBL.SG-SUPER-LAT III.SG-‹IPFV›run-IPFV Why are you running towards me? (Bear story, 10) (7) χir q’ʷˤet’u k’onc’ol-u χir i-tːu-b jam... after two cub(IV)[SG.ABS]- and behind be-ATR-III.SG wolf(III)[SG.ABS] Then there was the wolf, and with two cubs behind him... (Bear story, 6) 26 morphology word classes (in order of appearance): nouns adjectives verbs (supporting cast, not discussed): pronouns adverbs postpositions particles numerals 27 noun morphology: stems ‘ram’ baˤk’ (stem 1) baˤk’-ur (stem 3) beˤk’-iri (stem 2) baˤk’-ur-čaj (stem 4) 28 noun morphology: stems ‘ram’ SG PL ABSOLUTIVE baˤk’ (stem 1) baˤk’-ur (stem 3) ERGATIVE beˤk’-iri (stem 2) baˤk’-ur-čaj (stem 4) 29 stem formation SG PL ram ABS baˤk’ baˤk’-ur ERG beˤk’iri baˤk’ur-čaj eagle ABS liq’ˤi loq’ˤor ERG liq’ˤi-li loq’ˤor-čaj hide ABS ili ollo ERG elle ollor-čaj child ABS lo lobur ERG laha lobur-čaj cow ABS χˤon bucː’i ERG χˤini bucː’i-li 30 number plural formation SG PL liver dilik' dilik'-mul spring (water) q'ulli q'ulli-tːu ear of a grain lok lokːor cheek eχˤ eχˤut ram baˤk' baˤk'ur claw χːeč χːečum Russian oˤroˤs oˤroˤsul knee poˤmp poˤt hide ili ollo man bošor kɬele 31 formation of new plurals SG PL driving the bulls around the threshing floor liχːi liχːitːu pea čaq čaq mul 76 regular out of 93 SG PL skin, fruit peel qal qalum honey imc’ omcː’om potato qʷˤib qˤobor 32 33 Archi cases (non-spatial) baˤkʼ ‘ram’ value form example SG PL shared case SG PL endings absolutive stem1 stem 3 baˤk’ baˤk’-ur ergative stem2 stem4 beˤk’-iri baˤk’-ur-čaj genitive -n beˤk’-iri-n baˤk’-ur-če-n dative -s, -sː beˤk’-iri-s baˤk’-ur-če-s comitative stem2 + stem4+ -ɬːu beˤk’-iri-ɬːu baˤk’-ur-če-ɬːu similative shared shared case -qˤdi beˤk’-iri-qˤdi baˤk’-ur-če-qˤdi causal case endings -šːi beˤk’-iri-šːi baˤk’-ur-če-šːi comparative endings -χur beˤk’-iri-χur baˤk’-ur-če-χur partitive -qˤiš beˤk’-iri-qˤiš baˤk’-ur-če-qˤiš substitutive -kɬ’ǝna beˤk’-iri-kɬ’ena baˤk’-ur-če-kɬ’ena Chumakina, Brown, Quilliam & Corbett (2007), and sources there. 34 example (8) ʁudu k'onoč laha-s zari han that.I.SG k’onoč boy.OBL.SG-DAT 1SG.ERG what(IV) [SG.ABS] uw-li edi do.IV.SG.PFV-CVB1 That k’onoč guy, what (harm) had I done to him? [i.e. what harm had I done, to make him want to shoot and put me in this situation] (Bear story, 9) 35 The formation of spatial forms: STEM 2 / STEM 4 + localisation + directional case localisation form SG PL localisation affixes IN -a/-aj- INTER stem2 + stem4+ -qˤ(a)- SUPER localisation localisation -tːi-/-t SUB affixes affixes -kɬ’(a)- CONT -ra- 36 Directional cases directional cases: directional case endings ESSIVE - ELATIVE form of -š LATIVE localization + -k ALLATIVE directional case -ši TERMINATIVE endings -kena TRANSLATIVE -χutː 37 examples (9) t’eˤ-li-tːi-k iskalat’-l-a-š flower-OBL.SG-SUPER-LAT warehouse-OBL.SG-IN-ELAT ‘onto the flower’ ‘from the warehouse’ šahru-l-a-ši liq’ˤi-li-ra-š town-OBL.SG-IN-ALL eagle-OBL.SG-CONT-ELAT ‘to the town’ ‘from the eagle’ darc’-li-ra-kǝna dunil-li-tːi-χut post-OBL.SG-CONT-TERM sky-OBL.SG-SUPER-TRANS ‘up to the post’ ‘in (through) the sky’ 38 examples (10) daki un za-tːi-k b-eˤ‹r›šːu-r why 2SG.ABS 1.OBL.SG-SUPER-LAT III.SG-‹IPFV›run-IPFV Why are you running towards me? (Bear story, 10) (11) kʷač’-ur-če-t o‹b›sd-er žu-s harak paw(III)-PL-OBL.PL-SUPER ‹III.SG›stand.PFV-RPRT LOGOPH.I.OBL.SG-DAT in.front (it came)... and allegedly stood on its (hind) paws in front of him (Uncle Umar). (Bear story, 6) 39 gender and number (evidence from verbs) GENDER NUMBER singular plural I (male human) w-/‹w› b- II (female human) d-/‹r› III (some animates, all b-/‹b› Ø- insects, some inanimates) IV (some animates, some Ø-/‹Ø› inanimate, abstracts) 40 (12) šipiʕ-li e‹b›ɬːu-li tumank’ kammu-li Shapi(I)-SG.ERG ‹III.SG›put.PFV-CVB1 gun( III )[SG.ABS] shoot.PFV-EVID Shapi, having put the gun (i.e. having aimed) , shot. (Bear story, 3) (13) zari han uw-li was 1SG.ERG what(IV ) [SG.ABS] do.IV .SG.PFV-CVB1 2SG.DAT ‘What have I done to you?’ (Bear story, 7) 41 Gender assignment 42 gender assignment MEANING FORMS 43 gender assignment system type MEANING Kannada semantic FORMS 44 gender assignment system type MEANING Kannada semantic Russian semantic and formal FORMS 45 GENDER III GENDER IV domestic animals and birds young animals and birds (wild and domestic) χˤon ‘cow’, dogi ‘donkey’, qaz ‘goose’ biš ‘calf’, k’eˤrt ‘foal (of donkey)’ larger wild animals and birds smaller wild animals and birds pil ‘elephant’, jam ‘wolf’, isu ‘owl’ mejmanak ‘monkey’, hudhud ‘hoopoe’, žibəla ‘swallow’ all insects hilku ‘fly’, nibsu ‘moth’ mythical beings žin ‘genie’, ilbis ‘demon’ musical instruments most tools and cutting instruments parx ‘drum’, moxol ‘tambourine’ bel ‘spade’, dab ‘awl’, k’os ‘knife’ (see Kibrik, Kodzasov, Olovjannikova & Samedov 1977a: 55-66 for details, and Corbett 1991: 27-29 for discussion of their data). 46 GENDER III GENDER IV cereals cloth, most clothing qoqol ‘wheat’, maχa ‘barley’ at’ras ‘satin’, palatnoj ‘linen’, k’az ‘shawl’, χalac'i ‘sleeve’ trees metals had ‘lime’, kal ‘fir’ lacut ‘iron’, qalaj ‘tin’ water phenomena liquids ɬat ‘sea’, baˤri ‘lake’, ɬːan ‘water’, čiχir ‘wine’ biɬʷ ‘whirlpool’, qol ‘ice’ nabq ‘tears’, χːˤel ‘rain’ astronomical and meteorological abstracts (including some temporal concepts) phenomena bac ‘moon’, barq ‘sun’, marχːəla ‘snow’ iq ‘day’, sːan ‘year’, mukul ‘beauty’ 47 Does gender also include person in Archi? • No unique phonological material for person • For Kibrik et al.
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