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Acquasparta, Matteo of (Franciscan Minister Beatrice 82, 85;inPurgatorio 99, 101, 109–13, General andCardinal) 151–2 118; andthe ‘ 515’ 118–21, 122;inParadiso Ad conditorem (Bull, 1322), see John XXII 122, 123, 125, 128–9, 163, 169, 182, 183, 187 Aeneas 47, 60 beguines 25 Alfani, Gianni 17 beguins (of Provence) 28, 164, 165, 166, Angelic Pope 97 172–5 Angelo Clareno 28, 39, 41, 42, 75, 166 Benedict, St 123, 147, 160, 185 Angiolieri, Cecco 10–11, 12 Benvenuto da Imola (commentary on Aquinas, St Thomas: on avarice 46; definition Commmedia) 93, 103 of ‘poor in spirit’ 88;inParadiso 149–51 Berlinghieri, Bonaventura, see Pescia Arnoldus of Villanova 75 Bernard, St (of Clairvaux) 24–5, 32–3, 34; and Assisi 51, 86, 139; frescoes in Upper Church wilderness 25;inParadiso (cantos 32–3) 177 143 Bible: Genesis 156; Proverbs 15, 23;Songof Augustine, St 34, 46, 148; definition of ‘poor Songs 168;Isaiah168; Jeremiah 168; in spirit’ 88, 99, 108 Matthew 23, 54, 55, 57, 88, 101, 133, 138, 156, authority, of Boniface VIII 66–8; of Cardinals 157, 172; Mark 55, 127, 137, 138; Luke 23, 84;ofChurch158; of Dante as persona, 55, 58, 106, 127, 133, 136, 156, 157; John 55, writer andvernacular poet 3, 5, 54, 58, 71, 84;ActsofApostles55, 57, 137, 157; 2 109, 123, 176–80, 186–7;ofEmperor156–7; Corinthians 30; Revelation 42, 53, of evangelical poverty 3, 58, 124, 131, 155;of 79, 80, 103, 110, 113, 115, 122, 171, 172, Nicholas III 77; of Papacy 2, 4, 27, 45, 57, 178; 2 Maccabees 71 60, 63, 71, 72, 81, 86, 96, 130, 154, 156, 161, Boccaccio, Giovanni 187 162, 163, 184 Boethius 23, 32 avarice (avarizia) 1, 13, 34, 43, 189; ‘avarice of Bologna 25, 33 high position’ 45, 63, 104, 179;and Bonagiunta da Lucca in Purgatorio 109 apocalyptic imagery 114; Aquinas on 46; Bonaventura, St 3, 28, 33, 114, 150; Apologia Augustine on 46;inConvivio 102;in Pauperum 56, 77, 78; Collationes in ‘Doglia mi reca’ 20–1;inInferno (cantos Expositio Regulae 94; Hexaemeron 114, 115; 1–7) 44, 46–50; personified 30, 33, 101, 117; Legenda maior and Legenda minor (lives of in Purgatorio (canto 19) 102–4; sin of clerics St Francis) 33, 34, 107, 121, 131, 135, 140, andPopes 48–9, 57, 72, 79, 83, 114, 125, 126, 190;inParadiso (canto 12) 83, 138, 150–3 155, 158, 179 Bonconte da Montefeltro (Purg. 5) 68 Avignon 1, 35, 36; Papacy at 71, 72, 117, 160, Boniface VIII (Pope) 5, 29, 37, 40, 41, 42, 71, 162, 163; Papal inquiry (1309–12) 36, 41, 45, 73, 75, 116, 151, 152, 154, 156, 178, 184;in 51, 57, 73–81, 152, 164 Inferno (19) 54, 58, 61, 71, 82, 85, 126, 169, 170;inInferno (27) 45, 50, 51, 57, 162, 179; Bardi Dossal (Franciscan panel painting at in Paradiso 153, 160, 168, 169; temporal Santa Croce) 33, 91, 130, 132, 135–7, 142, ambitions 64; in Ubertino’s Arbor vitae 190–1 120 Bartholomew of Pisa (late 14th c. Franciscan Brunetto Latini 23 writer) 95 Burr, D. 2, 39, 41


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Cacciaguida 4, 19, 62, 82; andDante’s exile discourses of Franciscanism 5, 43, 98, 127 161–2, 167, 170, 175, 179, 182;and Canzone del fi’ Aldobrandino 10 Franciscan Spirituals (differences) 121, 159, Cato in Purgatorio (canto 1) 93, 176 175, 185; Monarchia 4, 6, 48, 54, 64, 86, 121, Celano, Thomas of 58, 131, 133, 135, 136, 140, 124, 133, 154, 155, 186; Mon. 3 andPapal 189, 190 power 153–9, 185; andpoverty ( see also Celestine V (Pope) 29, 39–40, 41, 42, 63, 97; poverty) 4, 9, 121, 177; andUbertino da in Inferno (canto 3) 47, 49, 50 Casale 36, 81; Papacy in Dante’s scheme of Charles Martel 125 history (see also Papacy) 71, 168–70, 171, Chaucer, Geoffrey 187 176, 179, 184–6; ‘Dante’ andprophetic role Cicero 23 110, 176–80; reading of Revelation 122;and Cimabue 51, 94 Romieu as pilgrim 127–8, 177;andSiren Cino da Pistoia 17, 18 101; andthe ‘ 515’ (of Purg. 33) 118–21 Cistercians 24 Davis, C. T. 2, 7 Clare, St 130, 148 Dominic, St 86, 124, 127;inParadiso Clement V (Pope) 1, 2, 3, 5, 27, 37, 38, 40, 81, (canto 12) 111, 139, 149, 159 83, 85, 152, 154, 164;andExivi de Paradiso Dominicans 30, 31, 37, 181, 186;inParadiso (bull, 1312) 73–4, 77, 78, 82, 153;andPapal (canto 12) 150 inquiry (1309–12) 36, 41, 45, 51, 57, 73–81, Donation of Constantine 52, 64, 113, 154–5, 152, 164;inInferno (canto 19) 45, 57, 61, 156–7 70–87;inParadiso 153, 160, 169 Duffy, E. 190 Compagni, Dino (Florentine chronicler) 82, 152 evangelical poverty, see Franciscans Conradof Offida 39, 41 Exiit qui seminat (Bull, 1279), see Nicholas III Conradof Saxony 104 Exivi de Paradiso (Bull, 1312), see Clement V Constantine, Donation of, see Donation of Constantine Fitzralph, Richard 14, 183 Conventuals, see Franciscans Florence 8, 12, 18, 132; andavarice 47; Cook, W. R. 3, 132, 190 mendicant Orders in 31, 130; andthe power cord, Franciscan, see Franciscans of the florin 126, 152 Cum inter nonnullos (Bull, 1323), see folly, wisdom of 58–60, 61, 84 John XXII Folquet (Folco) 6, 124–7 cupiditas (see also avarice) 46;inMonarchia Forese Donati 8, 11;inPurgatorio 108, 129; 154, 155 tenzone with Dante 10, 11–2, 15, 108 Francis, St 5, 23, 25, 33, 34, 50; Admonitions 89; Da Barberino, Francesco 14, 15 as angel of the sixth seal 119; andbuildings Da Buti, Francesco (commentator on 25, 26;andcity26; cordas sign of Commedia) 143, 145 commitment 65; death 111; early Lives 91;as Da Campagnola 2 fool 58–9; images in painting andmosaics Dante ‘Dante’ comparedto Apostles 106–7, 33, 91, 94, 124, 179, 190–1;inInferno (canto 111; andauthority 3, 5, 83–5, 123, 176–80; 27) 45, 62, 66, 68, 162, 179; in Jacopone’s apocalypticism in 81; ‘Dante’ as ‘brother’ laude 69; miracles 91; andmoney 26;in (frate)tosoulsinPurg.andPar. 98–103, Paradiso (cantos 11 and 12) 19, 86, 111, 107–10, 128–9; canzoni 4, 8, 18–22, 43, 131, 123–4, 125, 128, 130–49, 178;inParadiso 180; composition of Inferno 72; (canto 32) 178; andpoverty 19, 29, 30;and composition of Paradiso 161–2; Convivio 1, preferment in the Church 29; renunciation 4, 8, 9, 15, 16–7, 18, 20, 30, 31, 32, 43, 64, of worldly goods 33, 106, 144; resurrection 128, 180; wealth andpoverty in fourth 119; 1221 Rule 55;inSacrum commercium treatise of Convivio 22–4, 102, 131; Detto 90, 112; and solitude/wilderness 26, 91–2, d’amore 12, 16; Epistolae 4, 10–11, 17, 18, 20, 139–43, 147; Stigmatization 91, 132, 140–3, 51, 54, 86, 102, 140; Epistola 11 (to cardinals 144, 190; 1226 Testament 26, 42 at Avignon) 1, 83–5, 180; exile 1, 4, 8, 11, Franciscans: apocalypticism 27, 29, 35, 44, 52; 16–20, 22, 167, 177; and‘schools of the andApostles 53, 54; andthe Apostles’ purse religious’ (Conv. 2.12.7) 32, 34, 35, 39; Il 55–7, 80; Cardinal Protectors of Order 38, Fiore 12–16; associations with Franciscans 50;andcity25–6; ‘Conventuals/ (see also Francis, St and Franciscans) 32; Community’ 29, 35, 181; cord 54, 65–6, 158, ‘Dante’ comparedto Franciscan 45, 54;and 177; drama 105;inFlorence31; 209

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Franciscans apocalypticism (cont.) Innocent III (Pope) 27, 37, 130, 144 andFlorentine laity 31; habit 62, 94–6;and Innocent IV (Pope) 27, 38, 158 money 26; Observants 182; andPapacy 2, 27, 37–43, 55, 153, 160–76;inParadiso Jacopone da Todi 29–31, 33, 37, 39, 40, 41, 45, (canto 12) 150; andpoverty 2, 19, 21, 25, 60, 69–70, 114, 117–8, 170 26–9, 34, 36, 73, 77, 80, 153, 181–3; James II (King of Aragon) 167 preaching andpopularizing 34, 182, 186; Jerome of Ascoli (Franciscan Minister 1221 Rule 26, 55, 94, 137; 1223 Rule 26, 27, General, subsequently Pope Nicholas IV) 94, 137; Rule-commentaries 137;and 39 shoes/sandals 132–9; andsolitude/ Joachim of Fiore 27, 53, 97 wilderness 92, 113, 142–3, 190; Spiritual John of (Franciscan Minister General) Franciscans 2, 6, 28, 29–31, 35, 39–43, 51, 55, 102, 189 57, 92, 160–1, 181, 190, 191; Spirituals in the John the Baptist, St 123, 148, 178, 179 Marche 39; four Spirituals burnt at John the Evangelist, St 148, 178, 179 Marseilles (1318) 165–6, 173, 174; Spirituals John XXII (Pope) 2, 3, 6, 27, 36, 37, 38, 40, in Provence 39, 42, 74, 165, 167; Spirituals 42, 73, 83, 116, 149, 153, 154, 158, 160–3, 176, in Tuscany andSicily 82, 100, 164, 165, 166, 181, 186; Ad conditorem (Bull, 1322) 181; 167; Statutes of 1260 and 1316 94; texts, Bulls of 1317 and 1318 concerning traditions and painting 4, 6, 91, 124, Spirituals 165; Cum inter nonnullos (Bull, 130–49, 190;andusus pauper (doctrine of 1323) 160, 181; Gloriosam ecclesiam (Bull, restricteduse) 34, 36, 77, 161 1317) 165, 166;inParadiso (cantos 18 and frate (‘brother’) meanings anduses in 27) 160–76 Commedia 53–4, 98–103, 107–10, 128–9, John de Rupescissa 183, 185 176 Justinian, Emperor in Paradiso 127 164, 165, 166, 167, 182, 186 Juvenal 30 Frederick III (King of Sicily) 165, 167 Frugoni, C. 1, 3, 190 La Verna 36, 140, 143 Lambert, M. 2 Geremek, B. 4 Lana, Jacopo della 66 Giacomo Colonna (Cardinal) 40, 73, 74, 75, Le Goff, J. 92 84 Leff, G. 2, 27 Giotto 9, 94, 132; frescoes of St Francis in Legenda trium sociorum 58 Santa Croce 91, 142, 143–4, 190 Liberato, Brother (Peter of Macerata) Giovanni di Paolo (illustrations of Paradiso) 39–43 144–8, 149 Lucan, Bellum Civile 22, 23, 131 Giovanni Gaetano Orsini (Cardinal), see Nicholas III (Pope) Manselli, R. 7, 9, 14 Gloriosam ecclesiam (bull, 1317), see John XXII Marsilius of Padua and papal authority 158, Gregory IX (Pope), see Ugolino 182–3; definition of ‘poor in spirit’ 89 Gui, Bernard(Dominican Inquisitor) 28, 79, Matelda in Purgatorio 109 173–5 Michael of Cesena (Franciscan Minister Guido da Montefeltro (in Inferno 27) 45, 50, General) 42, 158 162, 177, 179;inConvivio 64 Michel Le Moine (Franciscan Inquisitor) 165, GuidodaPisa48 166, 167 Guido del Duca (Purg. 14) 62 Mineo, N. 7 Guillaume de Saint-Amour 14, 15, 65 Minnis, A. J. 3 Guinizzelli, Guido in Purgatorio 99, Mollat, M. 4 109 Napoleone Orsini (Cardinal) 37, 40, 51, 78, Hadrian V (Pope) in Purgatorio 99, 102–4, 84, 85 108, 110, 179 Nicholas III (Pope) 3, 5, 27, 42, 85, 158; belief Hawkins, P. 3 that he was deposed by angel 79, 80;as Henry VII (of Luxembourg, Holy Roman of Franciscans 50, 57; Emperor) 71, 72, 81, 82, 86, 140 and Exiit qui seminat (bull on Franciscan Honorius III (Pope) 27 poverty) 35, 37, 38, 41, 51, 56, 73, 78, 83;in Hugh of Digne 28, 152 Inferno (19) 44, 46, 50, 62, 63, 71, 72, 85, Humiliati 25 102, 114, 126, 169, 179 210

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Oderisi da Gubbio in Purgatorio 99 usus pauper (doctrine of restricted use) 34, Olivi, see Petrus Iohannis Olivi 36, 77, 161; value of 16–20;oftheVirgin Orsini, see Napoleone and Nicholas III Mary 104–5, 106; in visual art 3

Papacy: authority of 2, 4, 27, 45, 57, 60, 63, Raymondof Fronsac 74, 76 71, 72, 81, 86, 96, 130, 154, 156, 161, 162, 163, RaymondGaufridi(Franciscan Minister 184; and‘adultery’ 126; andDante’s scheme General) 39, 75 of history 71, 168–70, 171, 176, 179, 184–6; Remigio de’ Girolami 23 andFranciscans 2, 27, 37–43, 130, 158, Richardof St Victor 53 160–76; andFranciscan poverty 2, 124, 127, Robert of Anjou 72, 74 153, 158; andSpiritual Franciscans 154, 156, Roman de la Rose 12, 14, 15 160–1;inMonarchia (Book 3) 153–9, 185;in Rome 24, 47, 112, 121, 126, 155; Romans in later cantos of Purgatorio 101;inParadiso Mon. (Book 2) 155 (canto 27) 168–71; symbolism of keys and Romieu (Romeo) in Paradiso (6) 6, 124–5, swords 45, 57, 63, 64, 96, 97, 156;and 127–8, 155 wealth 6 Paris 36 Sacrum commercium Beati Francisci cum Paul, St (apostle) 19, 60;inParadiso 138, 162, Domina Paupertate 6, 10, 11–2, 28, 131; 163, 176 dating, authorship, manuscripts 188–9; Pescia panel (of scenes from Life of St Francis, Lady Poverty’s view of Christian history 1235) 91, 132, 140–2 121; parallels with Purgatorio 89–93, 97, Peter Damian, St 26;inParadiso (canto 21) 6, 101–2, 105, 112 24, 25, 138–9, 147, 160 Salimbene de Adam (Franciscan chronicler) Peter Lombardin Paradiso 127 52 Peter, St (apostle) 26, 47, 53, 57, 64, 80, 96, Santa Croce (Franciscan convent in Florence) 148, 185;inParadiso 4, 6, 19, 110, 123, 126, 4, 8, 31, 37, 53, 91, 100, 132, 190–1 138, 147, 160, 162, 163, 176–8, 179, 180, 185; Santa Maria Novella (Dominican convent in speech about Papacy (Par. 27) 168–71, 178 Florence) 31, 32 Petrus Iohannis Olivi 3, 6, 8, 28, 29, 152; Santo Spirito (Augustinian convent in apocalyptic exegesis 36, 42, 53, 57, 79, Florence) 31 114–7, 160, 165, 184; andthe Avignon Sapia in Purgatorio 99 inquiry (1309–12) 74, 79–80, 164;and Scripta Leonis 94–5, 107 ecclesia carnalis 57, 120; influence in Seneca 23, 34 fourteenth century 186; andJohn XXII’s Servasanto da Faenza 33–4 inquiry 165; Lectura/Postilla super Servite in Florence 32 Apocalypsim 79; andletter-prophecies 120; Simon Magus 51 andthe meretrix magna (Rev. 17) 115–7, Speculum perfectionis 59, 94, 95 172; Postilla/Lectura super Matthaeum 56, Spiritual Franciscans, see Franciscans 172; (andparallels with Purg. 32) 114–7;his Questiones de Perfectione Evangelica 35, 56, Tocco, F. 6, 7 77, 114, 137; at Santa Croce 33, 34–7, 132, 191; andthe Spirituals 41, 172–5; Tractatus Ubertino da Casale 3, 8, 28, 40, 53, 166; de usu paupere 35, 56, 77; writing on usus apocalyptic exegesis 57; Arbor vitae pauper 36 crucifixae 36, 56, 79, 119, 120, 131;atthe Pharisees 64–5, 84, 172, 182 Avignon inquiry (1309–12) 41, 75–81, 115, Piccarda Donati in Paradiso 6, 124–5, 129–30 138, 173; texts of his submissions to the Pier Pettinaio 100;inPurgatorio 99–100 Avignon inquiry 76; andBoniface VIII Plutus (Inferno 7) 47–48 120; career andattitudes 41–2;and poverty (see also Franciscans): of Apostles 19, evangelical poverty 36; andJohn XXII 165; 21, 25, 55; in Dante’s early work 1–2, 11–24; in Paradiso (canto 12) 151–3, 167;on debate about Franciscan poverty 26–9, 55, resurrection of St Francis 119;atSanta 73–81, 83, 189; eremitical traditions 24–5; Croce 33, 34–7, 100, 132, 191 evangelical poverty 2, 19, 21, 25, 29, 34, 36, Ugolino dei Conti di Segni (Cardinal, 73, 77, 80, 123, 161, 189; involuntary subsequently Gregory IX) 27; first Cardinal poverty 9–16, 159;inlaude 3, 29; Protector of Franciscans 38; Quo elongati personified 10, 11–2, 90, 123, 130, 131, 132, (bull on Franciscan poverty, 1230) 38 144, 189; poverty in spirit 88–9, 99, 108; Ulysses in Paradiso (canto 27) 123 211

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usury 11, 34 Franciscan 45, 54;inInferno 44, 47, 54, 58, usus pauper, see Franciscans 60, 86;inPurgatorio 88, 99, 176 Virgin Mary in Purgatorio and Sacrum Vaticinia de summis pontificibus 42, 52–3, 55, commercium;inParadiso 148 70, 78, 181 Vernani, Guido 186 Waldensians 25 Vienne, Council of (1311–12) 73, 81 wealth 13 Villani, Giovanni (Florentine chronicler) 52, William of Ockham 42, 82 158 Virgil 32; comparedto discipleon road Wolf,K.B.1, 10, 189 to Emmaus 106–7; comparedto Wyclif, John 183, 187


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