Folke Gernert Fictionalizing Heterodoxy

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Folke Gernert Fictionalizing Heterodoxy Folke Gernert Fictionalizing heterodoxy Folke Gernert Fictionalizing heterodoxy Various uses of knowledge in the Spanish world from the Archpriest of Hita to Mateo Alemán ISBN 978-3-11-062872-2 e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-062877-7 e-ISBN (EPUB) 978-3-11-062878-4 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license. For more information, see Library of Congress Control Number: 2019941632. Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data are available on the Internet at © 2019 Folke Gernert, published by Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston Printing and binding: CPI books GmbH, Leck Contents Acknowledgements VII Introduction 1 The Tratado de la divinança by Lope de Barrientos, in the European Context 7 PhysiognomyinPrintand its Readers 20 The Legitimacy of the Partially Occult Sciences, Physiognomyand Chiromancy in the Face of the Inquisition 35 The Precariousness of Knowing the Occult: The Problematic Status of Physiognomy 59 The Physiognomic Knowledge of the Archpriest of Hita 81 The Problematic Competences of the Female Rogue: La LozanaAndaluza and La pícara Justina 100 Predictive Astrology: From King Alcaraz to La Lozana Andaluza 112 Miscellaneous Knowledge, Good and Bad, in aBookofChivalry: the Baldo of 1542 127 The Accumulation of (un)useful Knowledge in the Moralistic Commentaries of the Baldo and the Guzmán de Alfarache 153 Bibliography 173 Index 198 Acknowledgements The essays collected in this book are English translations of previouslypub- lished material. Iwould like to thank the following publishers and journals for the kind permission to reprint this material here: Chapter One: “El Tratado de la adivinanza de Lope de Barrientos en el contexto europeo.” Los reinos peninsulares en el siglo XV:Delovivido alonarrado.En- cuentro de investigadores en Homenaje aMichel García.Ed. Fernando Toro Cebal- los. Andújar:Ayuntamiento, 2015.101-110. Chapter Two: “La fisiognomía en la imprenta temprana ysus lectores.” Adivinos, médicosyprofesores de secretos en la España áurea.Ed. Folke Gernert.Toulouse: Méridiennes, 2017.21-31. Chapter Three: “La legitimitaddelas cienciasparcialmenteocultas:fisonomía y quiromancia ante la Inquisición.” Saberes humanísticos.Ed. Christoph Strosetz- ki. Madrid /Frankfurt: Vervuert,2014. 105-128. Chapter Four: “La precariedad del saber oculto – el estatus problemáticodela fisiognomía.” Saberes inestables: Estudios sobre expurgaciónyCensuraenlaEs- paña de los siglos XVI yXVII.Ed. Víctor Lillo, Dámaris Montes and María José Vega Ramos. Frankfurt /Madrid: Vervuert /Iberoamericana, 2018. 75-100. Chapter Five: “El saber fisiognómicodel Arcipreste.” Actas del IV Congreso sobre El Arcipreste de Hita yel“Libro de Buen Amor” en Homenaje aAlberto Blecua.Ed. Fernando Toro Ceballos. Alcalá la Real: Ayuntamiento, 2016.https://cvc.cer Chapter Six: “Los saberes problemáticos de la pícara: La LozanaAndaluza y La pícaraJustina.” Estrategias picarescas en tiempo de crisis.Ed. AmarantaSagura and Hannah Schlimpen. Trier: Hispanistik Trier,2016.43-51. Chapter Seven: “La astrología judiciaria. Del reyAlcaraz a La Lozana Andaluza.” Juan Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita, yel“Libro de buen amor”:Dueñas, cortesanas yal- cahuetas: “Libro de buen amor”, “La Celestina” y “La lozana andaluza.” Home- naje aJoseph T. Snow.Ed. Fernando Toro Ceballos. Alcalá la Real: Ayuntamiento, 2017.111-120. OpenAccess. ©2019 Gernert, published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. VIII Acknowledgements Chapter Eight: “Saberes misceláneos, buenos ymalos, en el Baldo castellano (1542).” Los malos saberes.Ed. Folke Gernert.Toulouse: LesMéridiennes, 2016. 159-174. Chapter Nine: “La acumulacióndesaberes (in)útiles en las Moralidades del Baldo yenelGuzmán de Alfarache.” Saberes(in)útiles: El enciclopedismo litera- rio áureo entre acumulación yaplicación.Ed. Mechthild Albert. Frankfurt /Ma- drid: Vervuert /Iberoamericana, 2016.129-144. Introduction Autor.– […]Toma, tráeme un pocodepapelytinta, que quieronotar aquí una cosa que se me recordóagora.[…]¿En qué pasáis tiempo, mi señora? Lozana.– Cuando vino VuestraMerced, estaba diciendoelmodo que tengo de tenerpara vivir,que quien veza alos papagayos ahablar, me vezaráamí aganar.Yoséensalmar y encomendar ysantiguar cuando alguno está aojado, que una vieja me vezó, que era saludadera ybuena como yo.Séquitar ahitos,sépara lombrices, sé encantar la terciana, sé remedio paralacuartana yparaelmal de la madre. Sé cortarfrenillos de bobos ynobobos, sé hacer que no duelanlos riñones ysanar las renes yséensolversueños,séconocerenla frente la fisionomía ylaquiromancia en la mano, yprenosticar.¹ [AUTHOR.–…Now take this and getmealittle paper and ink. Iwant to jot something down Ijust remembered … How do youspend your time, Madam Lozana? Lozana.– When your lordship arrivedIwas describing how Imakemyliving, and anyone whocan teachparrots to talk can teach me my ways of earningmoney too. Iknow how to curebyspells and by makingthe sign of the cross over someone whohas been bewitched by the evil eye, for an old cronewho was as good apractitioner as Iamnow taught me. I know how to cureacuteindigestion; Ican cure worms; Iknow how to charm tertiary fevers away;Ihave remedies for quartan fever and for ills peculiar to mothers;Iknow how to cure tongue-tied fools and less than fools as well; Iknow how to restore kidneysand takeaway their pain; Ican treat disease of both men and women; Iknow how to curedeafness.and I can interpret dreams; Iknow how to readthe bumps on aforehead and the palm of ahand and predict the futureaswell.] In Francisco Delicado’s La Lozana Andaluza,the very author is acharacter and an interlocutor of the protagonist.His companionship with the characters of his own making highlights the fictionalityofthe text and its creation by means of metafictional commentaries.Writing Lozana and writing about Lozana entails writing about knowledge.Delicado’sprotagonistisdefined by an array of mostly controversialcompetences that must be read against the backdrop of scientific developments of that time. As the sociologist Thomas F. Gieryn remarks, “science is no single thing:its boundaries are drawnand redrawninflexible, historically changingand sometimes ambiguous ways” (1983, 781). Lozana’sknowledge is dangerouslyclose to heterodoxy with regard to its academic status and with re- gardtoher genderand social rank, and as well as on religious grounds. Speaking about the Middle Ages and the Renaissance,Arielle Saiber ob- serves that “literature and science werealigned in manyquestions and strug- gles” (2010,423), which are – Imay add – particularlyimportant for my research on Delicado’snovel and other earlymodern Spanish texts: La Lozana Andaluza XLII(2013,215), translation Damiani (1982, 187–188). OpenAccess. ©2019 Gernert, published by De Gruyter. This work is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 License. 2 Introduction HowdoIdisseminatemywork(or keep it secret,asthe case maybe)? Should Iwritein Latin or the vernacular; should Ifollow the styleand contentofthe “ancients” or the “mod- erns”?Does my work teach properly? How do Ireconcile what Iobserveinthe natural world and in human naturewith Church doctrine?[…]How do Ipresent my work such that it pleases apatron and garners support?Why not saywhatIwant to,how Iwant to?(2010,423) The essays assembled in this book are concerned with these questions, assuming that “both literature and science are systems dedicated to the production of knowledge” (Marchitello and Tribble 2017,xxv). The editors of the recent Pal- grave HandbookofEarly Modern Literature and Science open theirintroduction with aconsideration regardingthe publication of twomayor works of Western culturein1623: Galileo’s Il Saggiatore and Shakespeare’sComplete Works. This coincidence, both booksbeing published in the sameyear,calls into question classicaldichotomies such as literaryvs. scientific, creative vs. empirical or fac- tual vs.imaginative: These two trajectories – which by convention we will cometocall disciplines(in the broad- est sense of the term) – and the separation between them have typicallybeen understood to describe afundamental division of the kingdom of human culture and experience: on the one side, the unfetteredworkofthe human imagination and on the other the relentless (and accumulative)production of arigorouslyrational and explicable catalogofsolid truths.(Marchitello and Tribble 2017,xxiii) Current Literature and ScienceStudies have overcome such abinaryview and are conscious,² especiallywith regard to earlymodern times, that – as Cummins and Burchell argue –, “[l]iterary and rhetorical forms contributed to the develop- ment of science as amoderndiscipline so that earlymodern ‘literature’ and ‘sci- ence’ cannot always be sharply distinguished” (2007, 2). As ascholar of medieval and earlymodern Spanish literature, Iamcon- cerned especiallywith the aesthetic dimension of knowledge in fiction.³ Apart from identifying scientific contents,⁴ the form and structure of their presentation See the articles editedbyFreiburg, Lubkoll and Neumeyer (2017) and the introduction by the
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