November 5, 2013
volume 14 - issue 10 - tuesday, november, 5, 2013 - uvm, burlington, vt - 42523. the end of uvm confessions by mikestorace by wesdunn Rest in peace, Lou Reed. You will be Around the end of last week, long remembered by the world of Rock UVM Confessions, the Facebook and Roll. On October 28th, Lou passed page devoted to anonymous post- away due to liver failure after a transplant ing “liked” by around half of the he received in April did not stick. It ap- university’s population, was no pears that Reed’s massive alcohol and drug more. In the wake of pressure use finally overcame him at the age of 71. from the administration, the ad- Lou had a good run at the top (and in the ministrators of the page have been middle), and he has left a massive wave of forced to surrender and flee to the influence in his wake. safer ground of a new page en- It seems like everyone in the past week titled “Burlington Confessions (in has paid tribute to the late music visionary, no way, shape, or form, associated including David Byrne, The Who, Arcade with the University of Vermont or Fire, and the Arctic Monkeys, among oth- its affiliates).” ers. These tributes have come over Twitter, According to Luke Rossi, one through covers at concerts, or in inter- of the formerly anonymous admins views. Win Butler states a few words in a of the page, the demise of UVM Reedesque voice at the beginning of their Confessions began with Nick Ne- new song “Normal Person” and gave Lou grete, the Assistant Dean of Stu- a tribute on their recent concert on NPR.
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