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" ) KRAB(FM) : PROGRAM LI STING NUMBER FIFTY-SIX FEBRUARY 24 - ~~RCH 9_ 1965 ) KRABts program list ings are prin~ed each two \.,.ep.'ks B and are mailed out, under incr~dibie con di4ions~ to subscribers who make our non~cPmmerc cial, frae- forum broadcasting possible by S.,'CT!ding us $12 or more a year. Students get the same at the rate of six dollars for nine months. .... .... :A .. * AN ANNUAL TELEVISION EVENT We would really have liked to have known William Blake in his prime •• • to have been a casual friend D to walk with him down the dirty streets from the print-shop to the grog-house; to share a bucket of ale with him, He had a great feel for the fires of the casting=roomr 2.pd the fires of the mind. We would like to have spawned a fe\.,. of our best ideas for him; our few craggy chunks of unrefined gold ••• to watch him take them and drop them into the furnace of Ius crazy phil osophYt burnish the edges e roll them, out with a fine sheen of gold / If Blake were alive now e he ' d have hi.5 p ~' t~ ~ shop on Avenue vA ~ in New York City; his soC'i.r. wouldn ll t match and his overcoat \-lQuld be nIl streaky with blobs of ink ••• anJ \'ine;.ll we'd \'Ialk with him r we ' d get taIigled in the legs and sha ~ dm.,.s of the El and we ' d tell h~m our theory of The ~1aladroi t Justice of Contemporary Wartime Lead< ership ••• To wit: r-Iebbe i t' s all thcn'J"S.ei':tais.<;8i1co pla)"~ '\e ' vi seenr but \oJe get lhe ,<f.;clin~ tInt \\' her. t' i ::~-:-' \",er ~ wars e pal~tlcal leaJers who st~ ~ ted thcm . w~r ~ right up at thl! front and !!o t what they ur.::) Y VCl.1- r f you were a shre\.,.d king and a crafty warmon~er J you lead your men to battle» won 9 and got al'l the booty. If you were a dumb leader '(TO PAGE 10) KRAB PAGE ::; WEDNES DAY FEBRUARY 24 5. 30 JANET HE WS with t he Children's Program. 6. 00 THE NATURA LI ST ~- 19 -- Thc Reindeer. (SBC) 6.15 MUSIC OF TilE BAOULE of the Ivory Coast . 7.00 AGAINST MEDI CARE. A repeat of Doug Hanson ' s Commentary from early J an ary. 7.30 Conunentary : WILLIAM HALL IDAY . (R) 8.00 A POLICE REVIEW BOARD FOR SEATTLE? Further recordings from t he City Council 's hearingsp this time featuring t he Po l ice fs p esentation. 10. 00 SONGS FOR S\VINGI NG POLI CEME • (R) Leadbe lly: There's a Man Go ing Round Taking Names . Morley: Fire, Fire. Selections from the Gold Coast Police Band. I-Iolborne : Night Watch. Winchester: Down Fuzz. 10.30 THE POETRY OF ROBERT HUFF . The author of , Col. Johnson' s R~de" recorded dunng his recent visit to Seattle o 11.00 BLUE GRASS IUS C wi th Ron Ginther. TIiURSDAY FEBRUARY 25 5.30 LENA KApLAN with the Ch~ldren vs Program. 6.00 TIlE UNQUIET GRAVE. James Brow begins a series of readings from Cyril Connolly's book. 6.30 CHARLES 'IV ES: NEI~ ENGLAND HO LIDAYS. Previously only available in excerpts, a new CRI release gi ves us the first complete recording of the most character istic of all Ives' erches ral works • ., .IS SOVIET PRESS with William ~1andel. (KPFA) (R) 7.30 Commentary: WILLIAM HANSON. (R' 8.00 TIlE CIIRISTIA"'l' VOCATION. A discusslon of the Chr~stian clergy and laymen i n the Mode World; with Chris Kearns and Thomas Fran 1S Pitts both of the Cathol ~or j Ja. Fo est of t he Ca ho lie Peace Fellows h p , and PAGE 4 KRAB THURSDAY FEBRUARY Epiphany Apostolic 9, 00 Music of the XVth Century Flemish composer, featuring his Mass for the Dead; recorded at the University of Illinois, 9, 45 THE KU KLUX KLAN RIDES KRAB AGAIN. Nally Butterworth asks flU , S. Mail-tampering and Destruction-- -Who but Employees are Guilty?" and t ouches further on the "treason of Congress" and "the Gestapo nature of the Anlerican police, " 10,05 THE WRITER SPEAKS---JAMES JONES, author of "From Here to Eternity", "The Thin Red Line" etc. is interviewed by Leslie Hanscom. (NAL) 10.30 ruIYTHM OR BLUES. (R) FRIDAY FEBRUARY 26 5. 30 ~~RJ O R IE NELSON with the Children' s Program , 6.00 NEWTON MINOW: EQUAL TH1E. More from the f or mer Chairman of the FCC. 6. 30 MUSIC FOR ONE- ARMED PAPERHANGERS. Prokofiev: Concerto #4 . Ravel: Concerto for the Left IIand , 7.30 Commentary: FREDERICK B EXNER. (R) 8. 00 EUGENE O'NEILL: STRANGE INTERLUDE. The Actors Studio Theatre production of 1963 directed by Jose Quintero with Betty Field, Jane Fonda, Ben Gazzara, Pat Hingle, Geoffrey Horne, Geraldine Page, William 'Prince, Franchot Tone and 'Richard Thomas. (Columb ia) SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27 6.00 sbNrGS OF ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIA. 6.30 BOB AND RAY: Lampoonerie of the Old West, the Dentist's Office and Charles the Poet. 7. 00 HAS THE REVOLUTION A FUTURE? The first part o~an article by Richard Lowenthal . (Encounter) KAAB P~E~ SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27 continued) 7.30 Commentary: CHARLES. R) 8. 00 CLASSIC JAZZ with Mike Duffy. (R) 9.00 BOOKS with Kenneth Rexr oth. H97 (KPFA) 9.30 THE DEATH AND LIFE OF GRE AT AMERICAN CITIES . Ed O'Keefe reads about The Curse of Bo rder Vacuums from the book by Jane Jacobs. 10.10 FLAMENCO: The Joys and Sorrows of And alusia; old. scratchy, but still exciti ng. 10. 55 POE~IONTAGES. A furt her selection from t he Folkways ant hology of Modern French poetry. 11.25 ARTUR SCHNABEL plays BEETHOVEN Variati ons and Rondos; reissued recordi,ngs of the 3 Os. SUNDAY FEBRUARY 28 5.10 MUSIC FROMm E ITAL IAN BROADCASTING SYSTEM . Piccini's opera "Dido"--a rarely heard major work by Gluck's greatest rival . 7 • 30 Commentary: JOHN W SP'ELLMAN. (R) 8. 00 PROGAAM tHTH A HOLE for last minute filli ng. 9.00 FROM THE ARCHIVES: An interview with Don Shaw of Summerlane School and Camp. ~ T~ t of a new series of KRAB hits of ye steryear. 9.40 FEST IVAL OF CO NTE~IPORARY MEXICAN MUS IC . Works of BIas Glaindo, Silvestre Revue ltas ~ Daniel Ayala etc. HONDAY MARCH 1 5.30 NOEL BATDORFF with the Children's Program . 6.00 EQUAL TUiE. ~lore of Minow's speeches'. 6. 30 CZECH CHAMBER MUSIC-----l. Martinu: Piano Quartet HI. Smetana: Trio in G Minor, op.15. 7.30 Commentary: JANET TURTELOT. (R) 8. 00 1963 AUTUMN IN WARSAW FESTIVAL •••••• Par t 3. W.Kilar: Generique. T.Baird: Epiphanic Husic. Z.Wisniewski: Trio. G.Bacewicz: Second 'cello Concerto. PAGE 6 KRAB MONDAY MARCH 1 (continued) 8. 45 "Last time \~e dId a program on BIRTH CONTRO L t here weren ' t any wome n on it already." So sai d one of our subscribers . A live panel with Lee Mint o of the Planned Parenthood As sn. 9 Dr .Wa lter Keifer OB= GYN i Irma Levine D subscr i ber &mother , and Dr. Ray Clark &D r . Ray Thi el e, both Catholic obstetricians. (R) 10.00 MUSIC FOR TIlE VIRGINAL . Works of Byrd g Bull and Gibbons. 10 .15 BR ITISH PE RIODICALS. Readings by C.Melgar do 10 030 JE AN SHEPHERD, man of many WORds. CR) 11 . 15 GEORGE RUSSELL : Jazz Music of the Space Age. TUESDAY MARCH 2 5.30 JUDY BUCK with the Children 9 s Program. 6.00 CYRIL CONNOLLY : TIiE UNQUIET GRAVE o More . 6. 30 THE VIRTUOSO PIANO. Earl Wild plays Her z g Godowsky, Rubi ns tein g Thalberg &H ummel. 7. 15 THE CITI ZEN iS COUNCIL p Jacks'on9 Mi ss . 7. 30 Commentary: DOUG HANSON. (R) 8000 KOREAN MUSIC \~ i t h Robert Garfias . #7 (R) 8030 WILLIAM STRINGFELLOW. The att orney and l ay theologian discusses "Riches" in the second of th'e series of talks on "The Christian Wi tness in Social Crisis". (R) 9. 30 KENNETH REXROTH r eviews Art Books. (KPFA)(R) 10.00 JAZZ NOW with Lowell Richards . WEDNESDAY MARCH 3 5. 30 THE CHILDREN t S PROGRAM \d th Janet Hews. 6.00 THE NATURALISTa-20--Trans=Atlantic Travellers. 6.15 TWO SHORT PIECES BY HENRY JACOBS. Sonata for Loudspeaker;' Umdagums ubudu . 6.30 LETTERS AN D THINGS. Playback. ' 7. 00 THE LEADER OF A NI GHT PEOPLE. A speech of Andre Malraux read by Marguerite Davi d. 7.30 Commentary: FRED TAUSEND. (R) KRAB PAGE 7 'WE'DN"ESDAY MARCH 3 hco.ntinued) 8.00 DE LETE D AND F REI GN RE CORDS with Dick Frahm. 9. 00 THE ECSTATIC COMMUNITY . Talks by Dr Ri chard Alpert and Dr Timothy Leary recorded at t he Human Growth Institute i n Palo Alto. They discuss the ne\'l genetic codes 9 what t he cells are doin g~ and the development of the mind.(R) 10. 30 COMPOSERS ' RECORDING S. The first of a new series features contemporary American Liturgical music from t he CRI catalo&p wi th an anthem by former Seattlite Alan 'Stout 9 and Louise Talma's La Corona p a cantat a on the Holy Sonnets of John Donne. THURSDAY MARCH 4 5.30 THE CHIL DRE N' S PROGRAM with Lena Kaplan. 6.00 THE UNQUIET GRAVE ~ Connolly's melancho l ia.