The Reigning Woman As a Heroic Monarch? Maria Theresa Traced As Sovereign, Wife, and Mother
The Reigning Woman as a Heroic Monarch? Maria Theresa Traced as Sovereign, Wife, and Mother Anne-Marie Metzger The Empress is one of the most beautiful princesses in Europe: despite all her vigils and puerperia, she has held up very well. When she was younger, she loved hunting, games, and theatre. Today, her only pleasures are governing her empire and the education of her children.1 This quotation from Carl Joseph, Baron of Fürst and Kupferberg, contains essen- tial aspects that can be found very often in representations of Maria Theresa: the dual nature of her representation, namely on one hand the monarch and on the other the mother. Maria Theresa consciously used – among others – these two elements to create her identity. It is interesting to see how contemporaries per- ceived these two contrary public personas and how these personas promoted the adoration of Maria Theresa as an “Austrian heroine”,2 as she was called in a eulo- gy for her husband, Francis Stephen.3 The impact was at any rate so strong that 1 All English translations, unless otherwise indicated, are my own. “Die Kaiserin ist eine der schönsten Prinzessinnen Europas: all ihren Nachtwachen und Wochenbetten zum Trotz hat sie sich sehr gut erhalten. Früher liebte sie Jagd, Spiel und Theater. Das einzige, woran sie jetzt Geschmack findet, ist die Regierung ihres Staates und die Erziehung ihrer Kinder.” Carl Joseph Maximilian Freiherr von Fürst und Kupferberg. Severin Perrig (Ed.), “Aus müt- terlicher Wohlmeinung”. Kaiserin Maria Theresia und ihre Kinder. Eine Korrespondenz, Weimar 1999, p. 17. 2 “Österreichische Heldinn”, Ignaz Mayrhoffer, Trauerrede auf Franzen den Ersten römi- schen Kaiser, Grätz 1765, p.
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