Catalogue Io Se Ate University of Mich

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Catalogue Io Se Ate University of Mich C AT ALO GUE I O S E A T E UNIVERSITY OF MI H AN C G , O F T H O S E W H O H AV E R EC EKV ED I T S R EGULAR AN D HON OR AR Y DEGR EE S . AN N AR BO R P U B L I S H E D B Y T H E U N I V E R S I T Y . C O N T E N T S . of Arts Bachelors , of exce t n Bachelors Philosophy, p those amed under some e oth r title, . page of Bachelors Science, except those named under some other title, . page Civil Engineers, except those named under some other title, page 1 t Mining Engineers, except those named under some othe itle, page o ther title, page 42 4 . page 3 of Law, except those named under some other title, page 55 Ad eundem 6 Post Graduate and degrees, . page 7 page 69 AN EXPL AT I O N S . This mark (t)indicates those Wh o have served in the Union Presidents of universities and colleges, and the higher national ffi . and state o cers, are indicated by capitals Whol e n umb er of those Wh o have received degrees . Livin g Whole n umber of Al umni D eceased Living W h ole n umber of B achel ors of Arts D eceas ed h n um b er of B ach e or of Ph oso h e ce W ole l s il p y, x pt un der som o her head e t , W hol e n um be of Bachel ors S i en ce e ce t thos r of c , x p e som e other head W hole n m ber of C i il En in ee s e ce hose atalo ued un der som e u v g r , x pt t c g D eceased Living W hol e n um b er of M in in En ineers e ce th ose catal o ed n der s m g g , x pt gu u o e oth er h ead D eceased Living hol e n um b er of Ph arm ace ical C hem is s e ce hose ca alo ued nu W ut t , x pt t t g der som e oth er h ead ho e n um ber of D oc ors of M ed cin e e ce hose ca a o ued n der W l t i , x pt t t l g u som e other head D eceased som e other head Whol e n um b er of Pos t Graduate D egrees con ferred Wh ole n um ber of H on orary D egrees con ferred A A EM I E A C D C S N T E. O F R EGEN T S . Un il th e ado i on of th e Revi s e on s u on th e Govern or of th e S a e w as t pt d C tit ti , t t res n h oa a n s rum en con erre u on th e e en s h ofi cio P ide t of t e B rd. Th t i t t f d p R g t t e power to a cio Pres en of th e oar fi id t B d . n er s o er th e firs Pres en w as c os en in 5 U d thi p w , t id t h 18 2. 1 E 83 7 S T VEN S T . MAS ON WILLIAM WOODBR IDGE 1 841 JAMES WR IGHT GOR DON A LPHEUS FELC H 4 I IA GR EEN 1 8 7 W LL M L. LY . BAR R 1 850 JOHN S . Y 1 852 HEN R Y PHILIP T A PPAN ER AS T US OT IS H AVEN 1 869 HEN R Y S IM MON S FR IEZE 1 871 JAMES BUR R ILL AN GELL R E GEN T S EX OFF I C I O. v C n oo effec th e L eu en an o ern or th e an c ellor Un til th e Re is ed on stitutio t k t, i t t G v , Ch ' rem e our for th e m e ein ere ex o czo m em ers of th e an d th e Jus tices of th e S up C t ti b g, w fi b B oard of Regen ts . LIEUTENANT GOV ERNORS. 1 83 7 Edward Mundy 1 840 J. Wright Gordon D 1 842 Origen . Richardson 1 846 William L . Greenly 1 848 William M . Fenton A CH NCELLORS . 1 83 7 Elon Farnsworth 1 842 Randolph Manning 1 846 Elon Farnsworth E JUSTICES O F T H SUPREME COURT. William A . Fletcher George Morrell Epaphroditus Ransom Charles W . Whipple Alpheus Felch Epaphroditus Ransom Daniel Goodwin Warner Wing Edward Mundy Abner Pratt George Martin or an a on of th e Un vers ll 1852 th e Re en s were g iz ti i ity ti , g t John F. Porter Jonathan Kearsley Gideon O . Whittemore n Gurdo C . Leach Robert M cC lellan d Seba Murphy Daniel Hudson r Cha les C . Trowbridge t Michael A . Pa terson Jonathan Kearsley William Draper Francis J. Higginson m Sa uel W . Dexter Lewis Cass Zina Pitcher M artin Kundig George Goodm an UN IVER S IT Y OF MIC HIGAN . Dewitt C . Walker Robert R. Kellogg Andrew M . Fitch Randolph Manning Elisha Cra n e William A . Fletcher Jonathan Kearsley Marvin Allen R edfield Alexander H . Edward Mundy John Owen George D uffield Zina Pitcher Austin E . Wing Minot T . Lane C h arles C . Taylor Elijah H . Pilcher Elon Farnsworth Jonathan Kearsley R edfiel Alexander H . d Marvin Allen John G. Atterbury Justus Goodwin Zina Pitcher Epaphroditus Ransom Gustavus L . Foster Robert M cC lellan d Elon Farnsworth B llJah H . Pilcher Jonathan Kearsley R e fi Alexander H . d eld A ADE I E AT E C M C S N . R EGEN T S B Y ELEC T I ON . T h e am en ded Cons titution of 1851 provided for th e electi on of a Regen t in each S en a M 1 85 2 ichael A . Patterson 1 85 2 Edward S . Moore Elisha Ely Charles H . Palmer Andrew Parsons Henry Horatio Northrop William Upjohn Benjamin L . Baxter J . Eastman Johnson ‘Levi Bishop Do n ald M cI n tyre E . Lakin Brown Henry Whitin g ‘ Luke H . Parsons : John Van Vleck Oliver L. Spaulding William M . Ferry George Bradley it w as provided that th e Board ‘ ‘ 1 864 Edward C . Walker 1 864 Thomas D . Gilbert ' ' 1 864 H enry C . Knight “ 21 864 ! Alvah Sweetser 1864 James A . Sweezey 1 864 Cyr us M . Stockwell C G UN IVER S IT Y OF MI HI AN . Edward C . Walker George Willard J . M . B . Sill Thomas D . Gilbert Joseph Estabrook M o Jonas H . cG wan Claudius B . Grant Charles Rynd Charles W . Whipple Anthony Ten Eyck James Valentine Campbell Eben N . Wilcox O . W. Moore Edward R. Chase Al exander Winchell John Li vingston Tappan Daniel Leonard Wood John Henry Burleson Henry D . Bennett b Charles C . Trow ridge John Norton H . K . Sanger A . H . Sibley John J . Adam Digby V . Bell d John J . A am h John M . C ase Henry Wolsey Welles Volney Chapin Donald M cI n tyre LI BR AR I AN S . 1 856 John Livm gston Tappan S UPER I N T EN DEN T S OF P UB LI C I N S T R UC T I ON . Oliver C . Comstock Ira M ayhew John M. Gregory Hosford P R ES I D EN T S O F T H E UN I V ER S I T Y . 1 852 HEN R Y PHILIP T APPAN 1 863 ER AS T US O T IS HAVEN 1 869 HEN R Y S IMMON S FR IEZE (acti ng) 1 871 JAMES BUR R ILL AN GELL A D HE R I R R AN T A . DEPAR TMEN T O F SC IENC E , LTE TU E TS PR O F ES S O R S . MORAL AN D INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY. Edw ard T li omp son An drew T en B rook William S . C ur tis H en ry Philip T app a n E ' as tus O lis H a ven B enjam in F ran klin C ooker ANCIENT LANGUAGES . 1 841 George Pa lm er Willia m s 1 841 1 845 John H olmes Agn ew 1 852 James Robinson Boise LATIN LANGUAGE AN D LITERATURE . 1 853 Eras tus O tis H aven 1 854 Henry Simmons Frieze GREE K LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE . 1 852 James Robinson Boise ’ 1 868 Martin Luther D O ogé (acting) ’ 1 870 Martin Luther D O ogé 1 870 Elisha Jones (acting) MATHEMATICS . 1 863 Edward Olney PHYSICS . Alexander Winch ell 1 855 11 85 9 De V olson Wood 1 860 James Craig W atson 1 863 George Palmer Williams Z B OTANY AND OO LOGY. 1 842 1 85 5 Alexander Winchell GEOLOGY . CHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY.
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