ADRIAN, MICHIGAN ■ THE DAILY TELEGRAM ■ SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 2019 ■ A3 SHARE YOUR NEWS: Community news items, including announcements for clubs, churches and nonprofits, LENAWEE should be directed to Marge Furgason by calling 517-417-2021, or by email at
[email protected]. XFROM PAGE 1A 100 YEARS AGO Wolakota (cont.) counselor specializing in With the launch of WYP, MARCH 23, 1919: A healing trauma work with If you go Schoonmaker’s vision is WHAT: serious freight wreck in has experienced firsthand adolescents, has led the Kickoff celebration for the new Wolakota Youth expanding, the release the Britton area has tied the power of building re- trips. Programs said. up traffic on the Adri- lationships on a founda- “Wolakota is not a mis- WHEN: 1 to 7 p.m. Sunday, March 24 “With the support of an-Detroit route of the tion of mutual respect and sion trip,” Schoonmaker WHERE: The Seasons, 136 S. Main St., downtown Adrian the WYP board of direc- Wabash. Officials said the honor. said in the release. “It is an COST: tors and the broader com- Wolakota Youth Pro- empowerment experience Free; food will be offered for sale and there will be munity these empower- accident was caused when a silent auction a tower man overestimated grams (WYP) is a continu- of creating meaningful ment opportunities will be ation of the Omega Proj- DETAILS: A keynote address by Lakota elder George the distance of an ap- connections through the available to so many more ect, which has for the past mutual sharing of differ- Apple will take place at 1 p.m., an open house will be from youth,” he said.