light and at night y o u ^ tiW u e e d an owl's optics to read. them,. W# understand that when the hdnor About rowii Heard A lopg^Main Street roll was ordered it was underatootf lighting would be provided. We, haven’t tried to read the honor roll 8uru#t Council, Degree of Ppea- Mtitvehester's Side Streetn^ T oo at night and the complahjt we honUi, iwin meet *t thc^ heard came from a war jworker clubhouse Monday evening. The] ^itrr.s a_ e stands In 'vfor what bad been done, by some­ who doesn’t happen ,lo be in the Charles Henry Sturtevant; trcas> election of officers to serve for the. one hlghsi lip. A few days ^ter- vicinity of the Center during day­ H p l o D ia s Presented to urer,„Jean.Bridget Brennan. next six months v.ill be held. an-J; the varlotfs m *^ cl« are^the bane ‘ of uie^lerks, and the plckets^^ ward the same customer came In­ light hours. Address to Class , List of Oradnataa a njemorial service will follow for to the store. He dug down among Following are the graduates : deceased members. hwisers are as bad, we afe-. .^told. In one local store . a cus- The .^grapee,' hauling out, first one Our attention was called the j 1 by Rev. McLeab; Joan Therasa Bennebi, kRay» buncJt'ajnd tlien another. ITlnally, othier day to a Negro truck driver ; mon Armand Berthiauma, xJeatt^^i *Qlaek Hawk^ Division Atnves h t Children Of Mary Sodality oT S t.: tomers was particularly J*oo»>'- . the Graduates. James^ church will h a v ej^ r dog The clerks g o f to know him atid the man fwttjd a bunch to his lik­ who wa.s unloading cjises of| Bridget Brennan. Leo Patrick ‘ Rpds Aver Poles roast toiaorrow afternoon at, Mori-, hi, habits real well. ing. He handea'Qiem to ‘.he clerk. canned goods, and other heavy I — Brennan, Marguerite Mary Chete- , ; cartons in front of a local storer arty's cottage, Coyemry lake. The He comes Into the store, takes The------Clerk ,put thenkjn a bag to Rev>W illi8in^. Dunn, pastor ofi'iat, Martin Thomas I>snahy, plenty of time picking out frulU j weigh them and collected for The workman was wearing a wide ' St. James*a^hurcilspreaented dlplo-1 cille GborgetU Dancoasa, Dobo- oirls arc to bring their own frank­ leather kidney support belt, the! furters anfl'Tolte, and to meet at and vegeUWes and before he is them,till. . ^avrsdiiates of thy Arlene Darwent, Margaret . Confess to Long St. Japjea'a school. The last car through he has >racrically sort­ What the purchaser didn’t kntrw, kind that motorcyclists w-ear to mas to a Louise Delsney, xMarJorle Louisa wilMMve at one o’clock sharp. ed out the whole lot. He digs down was this. When the clerk put the irotect, their backs from' the vi- ^ St. James s schooV^tt^m Dlmlow, Anji, Regina Fitzgerald. Parts; among the tomatoes, picking grapes in the ^ g he, gave the nation'while riding. ' i exercises held in Philip Wllllahi Calner, gRobeii Miss Jessamine'Smith, librariM them over and finally buying three. grapea a good sejUeezing. When iquiry brought the information night. Of these, 25 were g ^ s and Alien Johnson, ^ m a r d John Ka. at the Mary Cheney Ubrary, left He shakes up the strawberry bas­ the ,bag;was weighed the grapes that'^ulte frequently truck work­ 18 boys. sulkl, Leonard Edward Keama er* who have to lift heavy articles this morning for her old home in kets to see how they "lodk oh the got another squeeiing and when The heat had its effect on Francis John Klely, Bernice Joann RnOand, VL She Will spend the bottom. He even punches the they were being handfd to . the wear these belts. It not, only attendance and the number Kc^um, Nelson Richard Martin, major portion of her vacation at pest-purchaser the ^irrapes 'go.t supports Their backs. prevents church during the exerctses was ^ ~;dward Francis McCarthy, Eliza- watermelons *.o see if they are ^ straining b ^ aUso seems" to. givp, Admit Killing of 594 . lak e Bomoseen. ripe and then doesn’t buy any. another squash. When the feilow smaller than on other years. This bh McCluskey, xRlchard Soldiery Want got home he must have had grape & '■ them more strength! was unusual as at other graduat­ John\McCt>nyille, Beatrice Patricia Well, one of the clerks took him “ j While this may not be new you Russian Officers, Anti- Judge Edward j. Quinlan of the to task a week or so ago. And he Juice, but he hasn’t been ■ in .’to ing exercises overflow j;atherings MdGow^n, Raymond Joseph Noo­ Tliose in Rear Are Ham«. Superior Court has granted a di­ complain. ,. I can leafn ..something every day Ospi. Raymond ft: Moscer was the rule. ' nan. Soviet Spying and i n ­ simply said that fif he was going Mias Evelyn Utile that you dltJh’t know before, In the awarding of scholarships Real Problems vorce to William, Herron of 489 to have to pay big prices he w as - Ann M i^elifia Mooney. Brunig mered by 200 Massed tain street from Mrs. Elisabeth first honor went to Marjorie Louise ferring With Ger­ re ?'x^ going to gex\^^ best. TTiC clerk Hollywood is, no doubt the cap- \ Mr, \x', t . Little of 195 Dr. Raymond R. Mo'zaer,-. who Charles Moske. Mary' sFllzabelh on, now of Hartford, on the Wonder why all the.^ferf.hlks who .Dimlow; seepnd to,-'-Felix Louis American Guns; Ma­ reminded film that others would ItOl city of lavish expendihirrj street announce the en- has been serving with the armed Sambogna and third to Jean Brid­ Miildoon, N a tJ ^ Anita Ohellette, mans, Four Leaders Of Peace Met nds of Intolerable criielty. have to be served and, ‘.hat he Anyone who can talk In bi)t four"! want to raise chickens'^>id who xPaul John PeteVa Lorraine Cal- gage^vent . Of their, .daughter forces in Europe and is 'now ita- get Brennan. , / ^ rines' Slash S pi| th o f ■ shouldn’t leave his picking to figures is a h'a'n guttersnipe out are rank anjateurs in the poultry llata Petepson, E n able Ellzabetk Among 12 Confessing. game, don’t check hack with some i^ti^- time and money in tryiflg it, • Conferring diplomiui and prizes bara Ann Walker, Dolores Petro- cluding killing 594 Russian Giiam, June 18.— (A*) — . Yet the brochure .was for use sired It. She counted up the famil swimming team, and at Fordham land '-rom victory In Europe, de . All sorts of tilings happen— University where he received his -r-The, Rev. William Ounn. neila-Zelenak. offlcelra, anti-Soviet c.'jplonage, F our'of Japan’s smaller war day, rtiost of, the enemy' S N A P S H O T S only of motion picriire theater red ration point.s and found that dared today his soldiers "pas- Hungs they never expected. And. pre-dental training, he wa.s on the Acjdress to Graduates—The Rev. x-^-With honors. and cohferrttigr with the Germans. industriaLlilets on raising them, there O.D.S.jdegree from Colpmbia Unlr "Hymn'to the gacred Heart"— Twelve defendants con­ of peace can and must be meL’’^ ELITE STUDIO by tbs general public. To us It ting Into the future supply : £ Cleanup of Weakening in the rear were hammered are still a Tot of obstacles not list­ verslty years ago this month; Sisters of St. Francis. fessed. 'iTiese^^cluded "the four Climaxing a spectacular-'home- 450 American Super-Foi‘‘ MAIN STREET seems an amazing waste of time points. after which he interned in Surgery by 2Q0 mas.sed American V POLES She was 01 Very proud wife and ed in the rule books. Better take Benediction o f the MoA Blessed leaders. Generkl Okulicki;,^ Jan .coming that saw hlmi ride over the tresses which caught the en­ Japanese Resistance; and money. Motion pictures are your chances in the. poultryi sind at Fordham Hospital, Bronx, bl.Y., Sacrament. Jankowski, vlce^premier; .Adam guns. Marines , riashed south Of. Ctotbsa Polea . Fence Posts booked on the block-booking sys­ mother wheiv>tu: annountped to the If YSii Want^To capital's historic trl^ p h a l parade emy by surprise but ftiet ex­ Air Force Get Credit. Kunishi tidge, by-pasSlng Japa­ Asbea Removed : x egg market than feed a lot of nice prior to entering the service. O Esca 'Viatorum—Cantata Bien, former W a r s ^ ju d ge/a n d route—PennsylVaniaXavgnUe — Captured swastikas displayed by 86th "Wack Hawk" division decorate the transport James Parker, tem and the theater managers Tamlly .Fridav night that they Captain Mozzer is the son o f Mr, tremely accurate anti-air­ nese pockets on each side, and pilvewaya Repaired \ young chicks to the rats and Catholics. \ Stanrtiaw JaSlukowKz, fonWer pas*, wildly cheering m ^ 'a n d wo as She docks at a pier. First division to come home as a unit, Yhe 86th arrived aboard three have little or nothing to say about would have a treat for Sunday and Mrs. Boleslaw Mozzer of 105 transports. 'Men will be deployed to the Pacific theater of operatlonji.— (NEA telephoto). craft gunfire over one target. soldiers of two divisions broke up < dinner and opened the door of the hawks. ♦ ■ Act of Conisecration to the Sa­ Buy Or: Sell ipe'mber of Parllament^^'l^ree oth­ men, • Generat Eiaenhbwer told i Bulletin! what they will show. Eldridge street, and has a young cred Heart of Jesus—Graduates. ers confessed to poftlons/of the Results Called Excellent defenders of the plateau into scat­ Consequently the Impre.ssion refrigerator to display her pin-., son whom he has nevef seen. joint session of Congress and'the ■ Manila. June 18.— — tered gtxnips, forcirig. the major f, Fitzgerald leClerc chase. The rest of the- family An incident that look place in Tantum Efgo—Slovak Melody. charges. The youngest meml^r of Supreme court: The rifles hit, each of less than TEUEPHONR t-141f such brochures are suppo;jed to Lord God. Our King—-Beaulieu. the acensed 16,, Z. Stypvilowskj, a Japanese soldiers are surren­ withdrawal. / f u n e r a i ^ ^ m b ■make Is loot snd a lot of money, prslseu her for making her quick „ West. Side’ tavern this week, ' One Mehaoe Eliminated 200,009 population, were Kagoshi­ dering Ir the Cagnynn valley Admiral 'fUita Uinwelf decision as it was some time since demonstrated .how plentiful money or. appear to, btif that the lit­ , Recessional; "Song of the An­ ^Wfirssw law’yeV. did not plead Pickets Patrol ma'^ and Oniuta on Kyushu island ^ 1IHES REMOVED good artistic talent and fine hard- gels’’—Williams. REAL guUty. \ "The ^ n lus and power of Amer- Sbyiets Demand Curb of northern Luron in "the At least pne enemy leader, Ad­ 2R M ain S t ^ to-get paper are lost s4 the same they had had a really good piece is around town and how freely sufTcring done would be better and Hamamatsu .and Yokkalchl greateat haul’ of the South- of meat. ia being spent; - « ..for all in the final analysis. . Mrs. May Barry, organist. The graying Ok'ullckl, who head­ ^Ica have,:with her Allies, eliinl- on Hon.shu island. llesultB at all miral Minoru Ota, Naval bass Phone SYflt lima. Class motto— “ Christus Rex.* ed thS' Polish home, arm of the pa^d one menace to our country’s Rubber .Plants; weat Pacific, MaJ. Gen. Robert, force commander, killed himself. Came Saturday dawn, however,, ..'A young man entered the place >• perhaps a lecture on "grpwlng four were described as excellent, S. Belghtier, comriander of and a rude awakening. Some tin^ when it was jammed with pains" would fit In well at one of First prize In' scholarship, Mar­ ESTATE London Polish government after lom—even her very existence On Assembly Powers Japanese communiques, spying Hla.Jfod.v, with throat slit;’ .wras In thebe days of meat shortage jorie Louise Dimlow. Donated by the surren^r of Gen; Tadeusz StUI Vtothef remains to be crush' the S7th Infantry division, nd in an elaborate under­ it rarely happens that a family is during the night the mechanlstn^OT tomCrs. There were a b o u t/a s '^ho-se hearings scheduled by the the raids lasted from one to more the refrigerator refused to WWk The Children of Mary Sodality. A t / . / (B orl Komorowskl, and his fellow ed in tn^Facifle before peace'Will said tqday an hi* nien drove ground command post. able to get Just what It wants In many women a.s mgh in the , zoning tioard—or at all of them, 205006 Are Hit t - than five hours, claimed fires rapidly northward bn ttie val-.- A R E M IN K R ! and, with the weather beinR fairly Second P r ^ in Scholarship, Fe­ defendants heard the charges' be restoi started.Jn Hamamatsu and Yok- The Japanese were dying at thp.; Quality Garde* Fertilizer the way o f protein provender. Last tavern. The stranger Was dressed lix Louis Sambogna. Donated by Reopening of Contro­ ley fl^ r. Bellghtler- mnde vVeek, however, a North End Warm, the housewife had to make In a kahkr trousers and shirt and The W e s t" Side playground, without emotion^ One of the 16 ■' Saying h^^spoke for the Ameri­ kaichl were brought pnrfer con­ rate of 1.600^a day, aald Admiral WIkb Yoq Need Moife The Children of Mary Sodality. accused Poles was ill , and did not Chines^ Smash atatement to HainlltojK W. $2.25 per W® poumds himsewlfe was Informed by her the sad decision that it would, be Was bareheaded. At first glance sometimes called the West Side Eair^riccs can men and «(omen he command­ Slrike Vote to Be Con- versy May Be Enough trol nearly.four hour! after the Cheiiter W. * Nimttz announcing dangerous to use the pork for Sun­ Prize for Christian Doctrine, attend..- ed. the Allied ^ prem e comifian- Faron, .vaaocluted Pyedl'War 12,756 had been slain in eight At thfr butchm that he would be able to one could easily take him for a Oval, la better known to the older Jean Dridget Brennan. Donated by bombers left and those on Omuta rorreapnndent w lth -^ e S7th, day dinner. .. residents of the town as the Four ■n»e trials were held In the same der declared: at Firestone To Block Scheduled and Kagoshima were "mostly "ex­ days, swelling to'-fiO,469 the num­ INSURANCE The refrigerator mishap has soldier. He went from table *.o Th^ Holy Name Societyv- c g n blUe-walled hall of the Labor after staff offlyeia completed ber killed'since the Invasion be- ; table and said "Have you a, quar­ Acr?s lot.. The name was so pop­ ^ "Though we drea'm oLfetum to On to Tatang; tinguished" a little more-than an nr* s Theft • Aatninobile PRANK Y. WtLLIAMS ; posed another problem for this Father Reidy Memorial Prize 'building where. the Tro?tkyist As ^ . Three Goodyear Windup Next Saturday counting 44T^)>rlMners taken gaii April , ter?” and held but his hand. With ular th a t, a Cheney boarding our.Joved ones, we « e ready, as hour after the all-clear signal. IMS touwa Tpk. Bnckland family—how to get It repaired. It for U.'S. History, Charles Henry piiTge trials were held In 1937.1716 we always have been, i p .do our In one 24-hour period. The estimated 8.000 to 12,009 dr Pumitare but feW exceptions, everybody dug house for women workers which Sturtevaid. Donated by The Lk- Factories Kept Idle. t>omei, admitting some damage, D O H WILLIS it.expected that it will be weeks same judge, Vasily V. Ulrich: pre­ duty' to dilr country, no\matter San Francisco, June 18.— Near Luieliow Japanese still fighting were fall­ before the repairman will, be able uuy...down Into....V. pocket -or purse,r ------pro-r-- once stood On Cooper s^et was dics of Conimbtia. Wm. Fi Jahnson sided. said additional raiders flying Manffa, June 1$ — (J’l — U. S. ing back behind "laat-stand” ridge CALL duced the quarter dollai and gave jfn later years called "The Four- * Knights of Columbus. . Contest what it rosy be.” (P)— Only^^one issue stands either singly or- in small forma­ to get the necessary part. So .a Okulicki was accused of pos­ Earlier In his prepared s;ipbpch, Akron, O., June 18.—(P^rt-While Sixth Army troops, spearheaded by at the smithern edge of the pla- • GARAGE really good Sunday, dinner, at it to the stranger. The exceptions acres." Prizes previously awarded.' First V. Ruilder/ — Rgal Efitate between tna United Nations tions roareef-bver the four cities sessing at the time of his arrest the general asserted the "p "pr r ^ - pickets patrolled' the three strike- the hard-drivlnw 37 th Infantry teau. ■I', Gcberal Trucking home looks' a long way off. brought questions as to what the We were Interested In that prize, Marjorie Louise Dimlow; by the Red Army a document in Advances Made Against after the jnaln body of the bomb­ Complete Ante Service lems of peace ean be-no. more di^\ bound plants of the Goodyear Tire i ® adjournment, Some of them apparently trle^ ALEXANDER money wa-s for and the stranger name the other day and it came to second prise, Mary Margaret Sla­ :.^JohnMn-Built, Rome* which he declared that In the ers left. • division, were slamming rapidly ASllES REMOVED 18 Main St. Tel. 8083 us that it would be worth looking ter; third prize, Paul Behjamin flcult than the one you had to but that one, Raised by Rus­ Stubborn Resistance; tp reform near Makabe on th* One rf'th e Jamaicans wcirking merely said; "For a good cause. ’ event of a Soviet victory over Rubber -Co., employee of ,an- Total tonnage of the lijcendlary northward on ■ Luzon today in a W'estern sjde of--the plateau and r a n g e a n d ' f u e l o tt. in this area ^ tobacco walked Into Intor The records In the asses- Peters. BRD^AD STREET solve more than three years ago sia, may be enough, to block bomba dropped In the low-level JARVIS With nearly $8 in his/ pbsses- Germany, England would have to major Akron rubber pro- Indications of Stiff bid for an early cleanup of weak­ everything up to eight-inch ALEXANDER STREET C ------a soda shop Here the .Other, day aor.s’ - office gave' us the Informa­ Class Offlcers^President, FeHlX ...w ith the same determination, attacks was not announced. The Mbn, the stranger walked, to the TELEPHON E 7426 form a western European bloc to ducer’\prepared toddy , to vote on the scheduled windup next ening J^anese resistance. Gen. howitzers slammed Into them Weekday! and Bwndkya JAMES A. W OODS N - and asked for an' "ice cream sun­ middle of the tavern and-made a tion we sought. The whole prop­ Louis Sambogna; vice presideni^ the same optimistic resu utlon and Fight Ahead for Base. raids were part of the 2j8t Bomb­ combat .the Russians. The docu­ the same mutual consideration whetheV.^ey too shoqld walk out. Satui*day. Russia is, demand­ Douglaa MscArthur announced simultaneously. OEea tin EMiaopw WK 29 Pearl Street ' TeL 6M6 dry.” The clerk wondered If he little speech saying that persons erty bounded on the .west by Bartara Ann Walker; secretary. ment was said t<> assert that Ger­ er command’s new program of go­ were hearing incorrectly and ask­ Cooper street, on the east by Ce­ among AUieai...the problems of The N ^ ob a l Labor Board was ing restriction of powers al- ing after smaller Japanese cities that the Philippines campaign had ^The Sixth Marine division, should make certain they are giv­ many and Poland should be In the Bulletin! cost the ene’my 502,363 casualties Oil Burners ed him to repeat the order. The dar street, on the north by Pleas­ peace can and must be me^” to 'conduct^ strike vote among leady formally' proposed for the that many small but Im­ finished ■ mopping up on Oruku ing money to a worthy cause and bloc. / in eight months. Jamaican said "I want to try one ant street and on the . south by Hundredis of thouaMda of wild­ the 15,000 employes of the Fire­ general assembly of the proposed Chungking, June. 18.— — portant factories and thousands peninsula where Ola’s body was -. and then reminded them that tltf May Ask Death Penalty stone Tire ano\Rubber Co., just world organization }ja discuss and TTie 'Chineee high command Breakdown of the Japaheae found, joined the final battle and o f those .ice cream sundries like Seventh War Loan Drive w * Cooper Hill street, measures ex- ly shouting men. women snd chil-^ of “ backyard” shops. the sign in the window says you actly 7:7 acres. But that includes Indications were that the Red 21 days after this striking Good­ make recommendattona' on any declared today Its troo^' had tranaport • aystem under Jiite re­ It was., this outfit that lopped off furnaces on. He then went to every person, dren, veterans of this wa:. and the year workers voteff-yes by a three Kagoshima Brightly Lighted lentless poundiqg of U^- S -' Fifth serve;” the Washington school, the West Jl^NE K. J AY E Army prosecutor would ask the last, jvounded veterans, the .old nvattec, affecting International re­ driven; to within 21 miles of one enemy-force. returned the money, and walked death penalty a t'lea st In sbme to one margin in a Mmilar .ballot. lations. Moscow wants this Filers said thpy found all of Air Force planes, was given mdeh A Few Still Available. The clerk figured the Jamaican Side. Re/reation CenUr and the and the young, raised then voices strategic Litichow, rail center The M a rii^ attacked ' on tha mcahl"'sn' ordtnHry - “sundae" - end -out.- No- on*.ih,the place., knew changed/ toj-coverr-ronly-.quegtions. Kagpshtma-.terifehtly4 ighted..—in-; ot the cce^t for.U^-faat-ady.anca small form aila nursery' fn 'a'iidgiffy ttfinu _ : 82. Diapnted .|sM>ea : _ ___ - andr-fermer -Amertranr air w ist fiitnk iti^ cu l- off-: tlfe-:j^a.- '• RACKLIFFE OIL CO. that, he served him. The Jamaican him. Ancf Her Dancefs Appeidring In The secretary of the court said The Goodyear strike, tKithorized "relating to the maintenance -of base, despite, a Japanese eluding Its fiaVal anchorage, arid of the ground 'fpTOes ^northward in deep- left field. . of the Army rode through their down the CSgaykn valley, where nese neat Mezadp, northwest of SMI Maple Avenue — Hartford was still confused. He wanted to The , playground Itself now OkuUcki bad confessed to sending by the' CIO-United Rubbei\Work- International peace and security." eouhter-offenslve and other ran Into strqng flak. The fire All this hulaBaloo about the new midst. borribs set blazes that sent smoke the laat majof cb'ncentration of Makabe and less than three miles lat. Hartford 1-81R1.- - know the difference • between a measures just 5.2 acres. How the tha message about the European ers, followed two weeks of^ o m ' Small Nations Resist . strong enemy reaction. The from Okinawa’s soutlwrn tip. ’sundae” and’a "sundry." zoning rules and regulations we bloc over one of the many radio One Of OreateOt 0\'atlons panytuftlon negotiations op 32^1s boiling UP more than 1^.000 feet Nipponese.!! holding out on north­ like to think of as "growing Jract ever acquired the name /^'MARDI GRAS" > Reopening this controversy has Japanese oounter-offcnslve. It ern Luzoti. » , Smash Japanese Defenaea The clerk w^even more con­ 'Four Acres Lot" we don’t know atatlons which the Red Army took It was one of the greatest oya- piited issues climaxed Saturdi WM disclosed, began a week and burned a "hole” Itv the over­ fused until he went out and looked pains.” As the town expand^ It tiona the nation’s capital ever stirred anew amall nation reslst- cast at 7,600 feet th/ough which Hundreds of burned but trucks A Tegiment of the freSher Sixth from the J6 Poles on trial. He when the 'URW Executive com- ce to big power leadership in 1^0 and rolled to the vicinity at the sign in the ^ p la y -window. must go through a cfrtaliyrinount A Sparkling Dance Revue! N^uoted the message as saying: rendered. mittee recommended "nonconcur- bright flames could-ke seen. and tanks, victims of air attack, Su^enoiigh, the artNiorder at the of aches and ills. Therf^iW , al­ A small soc-ial Item In the^Sdek- the Writing o f a United Nations o f Tsinkong, highwa.v Junc­ "I think v'e cap'^write Off Kago­ were fund along roadsides as the (Continued on Page ^ g h t) ville news this week Intrigued ^ e "In case o f victory o f the U. 8. It.started when the European rence” In the latest company pro­ tion 55 miles southwest of top of the window \advertised ways be objectors ,to anything commander left his giant plane at posals. •' security charter. \/r ’ . | shima. for th^clty was blazing 37th division of Maj. Gen. Robert ^(JS/Ly <^£^LC5 “ Coca-Cola.’’ At one side of the that represents change and these office Gagman. The ^iwji-stetM 8. R. over Germany, not only • F.orbign Minister Herbert V .' Lluehow In Kwaiigsl pro.vlnce, S. Belghtier gained 13 ahd, 14 briefly that a meeting was to be Wednesday, June 20, 8:15 P. M. ^England's in te r s ^ but all of Eu­ the National ^airport and continued More than 20,000 employes are right to th ^ water . fronl," said slgli It read “ Ice Cream’Nand on objectots are responsible for the Evatt df, Australia has let It be | before It w-as halted. The- Lieut, G e o ^ Mott of East Tallas miles In one day In parallel driyeS held that evening In Mrs; Soand And rope’s will be ttarratened.” through, lines often 10 deep to tJIS Idle because of the strike. C. V.' K receivei the futt benefit* the other side "Sundries." “ growing pains.” It hurts tp have Pentagon building.' Into the city known tliat he is considering, re-j CTilnese two days later press­ see, Ala^/who piloted the last B-29 through ihe broad valley,, reaclfihg ^ MONDAYf JUNE 18 so’s home. |Mt rained, the meet , "fTijs cjourt took under advise­ Wheeler., president of the URW’s opening other issues by startlrtg: pi our pertofwl dtrection So the Jamaican .thought he the appe«3l* cut out and It hurts past the Uncoln Memorial, down Goodyear local, eatimated some ed back-pnd retook Szelinku over the target; CahSjran and Sabatuan. ing .was to be, held in Mrs, Whatsit s ment a request from the general a new fight against the Big.' Five ' totvnshlp, 34 miles southwest Flashes! would try something different-\an tp have a tooth extracted, but one '-iO-MlIe Advance In 'Three-Day! ..n^fittver amount it *ponL\ home. / Thursday, June 21, 8:15 P. M. that a list o f witnesses'be called, broad Constitution avenue to his­ 16,700 production workers were Crows who bombed Omuta,^sald "lee cream sundry’."' wouldn’t stand the pain If It were toric Pennsylvania and thence to w to In the woNd security council.) of Uigkow', ((ir bigh eotri- restilLs were, "good to excrifcm" (Late BuUetms ol the ^ Wire) “ Wfissa matter," grunted the including an unspecified officer'of involved and company officials In­ Secretary of Shrie Stettinlus put The Buckeye division had ad IN THE SOUTHWEST SECTION ♦ * ' ■ X to preserve his well being. the seat of the lawmakers on Cap­ structed the 4.000 office employes mand said. with several large explosfohs, no vanced 40 miles in three days Supernumerary' Policeman H1riinyman.“ Does the roo^ **** the British Military mission in himself, Evatt an^ovlgt Ahibas- .r So it Is with zoning changes, -soandso’s house leak?” Manchester High School Hall itol hin. ' not to report to worlt today. fighter opposition, and meager since fighting out onto the valley Unenwa Injured Seriously learned the other evening Moscow. • - sador Andrei Gromyko on * special Chungking, June 18.—(J’)—Chi­ Middletown, June 18—(JVT Joha AO S t r e ^ West of Siain Street, Prom.the Center South wVwouIdn’l be suffering So muph ' — A. Non, The Poleg sat immobile through 'On arriving at the capitol the Wheeler said the strike began anti-aircraft fire. floor after a long slugging match a there are laws that apply lit frorrtUhe zoning rules today IP'we Tickets 75 Cents, Tax Included. committee yesterday to wprk outi nese troops have smashed -to Klein, 52. of 29 Audubon atreei. /RURKE@ ball as well aa in the .poUcb game. the lengthy reading of the charges, smiling Eisenhower .strode; down In the rim plaht... where workers a compromise on the Russian de­ Those who hit Hamatsu describ- lip the iQountaIndua gorge trayers; and South of West Center Street. had ol^vcd the doctor e.aritbr and tlje center aisle of a House cham­ walked out Saturday after de­ 'Tttang; ,vital ' road junction 11 .ed bombing conditions aa "excel­ ed by Highway No. 5. ■ New Haves, w m injured eertoualy ^ .\t ,• In uniform and apparently on duty had the trouble -takeij care of | which Included allegations of con­ mand. Today he had to Inforift the today when hla body capie la coa- spiracies engaged In by the gen­ ber reveri^ratlng with cheers and manding an additional 'man In lent" and results good, with "fine” ' Once out jn the open, the Amer­ at the north end hje roamed dovm when, we .should. Wc^re getting a Conference Executive ’compilttee miles southwest o f strategic Ifik- tact with 2,400 volta whUe he wia, ‘ I r 5M ClNUiST M4N;H!ST!PajlOf eral stall of the Polish London atolause. each rim crew. that It had faffed to do so, G fires set. smoke riitlng to J5,000 icana have .riot been hampered aeri- to the playground where a softball little old for "gnet^ing pains” b u t; embers of Congress and pack­ chow hi K.wangsi province, ’ the doing maintenance work In relo- game was in progress. WANTED; Housekeeper, government ai^ainst the Russian - Me The Goodyear, plants are almost ko, under Instructions from feet, and broken' overcast that oiialy. X headquarters spokesman that’s the fault of tOnje of the ed galleries applauded, whistled (Chinese high commaHd announc­ declared that It,how would be very ratin8 wirea In Middletown’s High­ / Me dtdn.’t walk along the fence, • conripanion for elderly woiri- _ __ % army. w 100 per cent Irt war production. . cow, was unable to accept . an ^ kept Interceptors and antl-alrcraft town’s edkller qbjectors. They, put and cheered for two full minutes '■As the walkout spread, th.e ed today, and another Chinese difficult for the Japane’se to make land district. Klein, Employed by off the playing field. He cut right an. Pleasant home, good sal- Each of t^he Polish defendants compromise and could only report epliimn pushing east fikm Ishgn the Electrical and Trtephone Con- off the operation stoo long. . :' *' — - ■- .< as' the tall, sun-burned Kansan back to Moscow what was offered. (Oontinned on Page a strong stand anywhere In- the into right field. T he game was has'stabbed 'ivlthin\.27. njlles paralyzed'com-1 Strui-tlon C>- president of Trinity CoUfe«, came rolled in \vaves through the pack Ouster QrSer- If at all possible, Stettinlus’ evi- dications ^.|^hat the Japanese, .in­ half miles north of the 37th divl- danger list; ' tOjUR NEW HOME Americbn players -yelled *it him to get off Favors Farced ed room. He chatted briefly with denUy- hoped to avoid an open floor Uie field, but It .twik the atnpiraAo to town to addi’ess » dinner meet­ tended' to''’|^t up a stiff flKht for • simiS’ latest positions, \/here ..the ing of the old Business Meiva.As- To Settle. A " Estate— FOXCROFT DRiVE^ House Speaker -Bam Rayburn and fight which might provoke lengthy Lluehow, rail'junction -nd form­ Jffghway. crosses the broad Cagay-1 GIri Plunges Ui Death go tokim and.explahvtoat even"k Senator McKellar (D., Tenn.)., Charge Worcester, .MasSn June J8— police officer couldn’r'-cemaln on sociatlon, which preceded the Flopr Sandii^ a^Rooin Slagle, available., Ruled Invalid debate and could end in defeat for er U. S. I4th Air Force I base. an rivSr just south of the towin'of, ■*' ' “ 6-FAMlLY BRICK— Training Plans president pro tern of the Senate. -Russia If the small nation* lined up A plunge fromi the eighth floor oC,, ‘ the playing field when a^am g^is Chamber of -Coinmerce. Dr. Lu­ Lsytng Slid Finishing'' .. space fpr two npatalrti. , Oil Meanwhile, r'eiiffprc*^ Chinese Naguilian. Then th(S highway ’ol-l WITH JARVIS The general was presented by strongly behind, Evatt. The'next the State Mutual building annex B IH bo, in progrress. ther told ^ the local business men IndivMnal eteam hieht-each heat; hot water. Screens and In Kiangsi Tirovlnce ’ recaptured 1lows the river northward to Apar-1 Speaker Rayburn, and another move was up to the Executive Joyce, American - Born today took' the life of Mias Bar­ FOR COMPLETENE^^ OF DETAIL TH^T WILL that In developing their commu­ J./ E. Jensen apartment and Z-tamlly aiit, storm wludpws. Recreation Justice Douglas Deliv­ Tlngrnan, 135. miles - kor-heapt of nity, this town, they would suffer .oil bonier heat. Also etz ga­ room. Large lot. Woodmm Committee ts committees. _ lOoatInued on Page Four) bara Rolierts, 25, a c^rk (or the We trust that some means has Phone Z-0B20 < (Conttnoed on t^ge -Eight) Canton, after, a day -o’f fighting ‘Lord Haw Haw,' Pre­ State Mutual Life Assurance com­ MAKE A HOMEtHAT YOt WILL WANT TO KEEP been-'provided for lighting the "growing pains." He said that rages,. Oah Street,-acar Mata )4kely to Recommend ers 5-3,^ Opinion, of But the Week-end brought ' a" which followed a dawn counter­ some ndight suffer more than othc It No Answer—5S2f Street. Very good biveet- • . i '|■.L^ ■ ■ • - whirlwind cleani'p of other contro­ pany. .Miss Roberta had been In 111 ON LIVING IN! f p t m H T town honor roll at the Center, At • ^ •'’■n attack Saturday, the high com­ sented in British Court. hemth, detectivea said, and had re­ night It is ftractically impossible to meat. ’ BARNARD STREET. Universal Training. Court bii Deportation. versies that had bfeen argued out ' '' over days past: mand saio. Tingjian 4s a key point turned ta work only today. Ideo- Our Drafting Department is at your disposal to read the names because there is HARTFORD^ in pommupicatlons linking Kiangsi Strike Threat EAST CENTER S T ^ Coasts Share 1. A conference committee. last London.. June 18—(Jb—- William tiflratlon. WM made at 1:35 p. an. no lighting. 'The names are small AIJCB dOFRAM 7-Room House. Coni beat. Washington, June 18.-M>Pi— Un- Wiaapitlgton, June” 18.—(yP)—The' with Kwangtung province. It-had .Joyce, the American-born "Lord i r v ' » 1 • “ by Ra.^-mond N. Hayes, head of 11the draw plans and write specifications for the home of O ^ N G E h a l l and not too easily- read in good Beeotlfnl 8-Roon single, 4 night voted 23 to 3 (14 nations ab­ (Raowa As Roeea Alice)- Open stairway. Large lot. lesf it changef:^ its mind, the Supreme court -today riiied invalid staining) to write into the charter been taken by the Japanese Thurs­ Haw Haw',” wl\o taunted the Brit­ ” vei* tjelfiElllIil department In which the girl w; ypur choice. * \ . . ' Seventh Doaghter of o Seventh Boa Radio Repairing bedrooms, large eleephig porch ' Wobdrum committee will recom­ a deportation order against'Har- day as part of a general enemy ish over the German radio, was aad son porch. 2-car garaga,. Roasting; Heat authocHy for the proposed league • ' employed. She w m a well knovknown., Bon With a Vet) mend soon'that.,the iy. Bridges, west coast'CIO lead­ formally.charged with high treaa------■ amateur violinist and rhurrh musi­ 0 0 beat. Large lot WHITNEY ROAD— either to expel or suspend mem­ We have sites available in all parts of town. The BIG PRIZES! Beadlnga Dally, taeladliig Soaday. . Pick Up Service! .adopt univeraaLtrainlng as a part er. . bers which violated its jlrinciples. (Continued on Page Four) son today In ancient - Bow street cian. 0 A. M. to a F. M. Or By AppoUit- Ju-stU-e Douglas delivered the Nation Uneasily Awaits ] Auto Radios MAIN STREET. 4-Room Single with avail­ oC^its permanrat .post-war mili­ Swelter Over Week-End TTie big powers had fought .--par­ court. following is a partial list of locations submitted for your meat, la the Servloo of the Peo­ able epnee for two additional tary policy. Enactment of the nee court’s 5-3 opinion. Justice Jack- ticularly for the expulsion clause. Treasury Balance 'The charge was based on ttie Srilor Drowning Victim ple for W Fears. ’’ • \^ Home Radios MANCHESTER— room s Seml-air ctmdlttoning cssary iq^slatlon, however, is in son took no part in the case. Chief 2. This committee also approved contention that "’Ijetween Sept. 2. Return of King; Alxli- "New London, June. 18.— approval: , ^ Admission 25c SPtBITDAl. MEDIUM As South, Midwest get Justice Stone wrote a dissent in Tablfi Model Radios S-Famlly House. 1st i>rar d h n t. . Laimdry in basement . doubt. 29 to 14 a Belgian plan that future WaahirigtOn,' June -18-;-(^-rThe 1939 and May. 29, 1945, being a ration lit ' DeinanilAI. swimming party ended In traged.v 16^ Church' Street, Hartford. Coaa. rooms and dreplaee; findmior Storm windows ecreens ..On:' The apdclal House grqup cre­ Milder- Temperatures. which Justices Frankfurter and amendmenta to the charter should position of the Treasury' June 15: person. owing . allegiance to His lust night when Karl W. Smth, ALEXANDER ST. PARKER ST. Fhoae d-2024 Bought and Sold! 5 rooms aad Sreplhee} Sid rage. Ftreplaee. SS7JI6 nranth- ated to study post-war military Roberts concurred. become elf.ectlve after_^lng raU- ReceipU, $318,438,104.10; ex­ Majesty the king, he adhered to 18. seaman second clasa, of the door 4 Ifpoma. OO -heat ly after reasonable dokn pay- - ' poUcy;* win hear oongreaslonaF tes­ CTlniaxea Heven-Vear Fight penditures, $376.!556.762.89; net the king’s enemies elsewhare than Briisseta, June 18 — (Jb — The Submarine' Base, whose home Saws By Tfie Associated Press thrjCat of a general strike bung - CALL 2-0840 thraagpoot. timony tomorrow before dostna The court’s decision 'climaxed a -4>alahce, $10,256,207,493:52. In the 'king's realnwto wit. the Is Childress. Texas, w m drowned CENTER ST. PROCTOR ROAD meat. The'.nation’s eastern and west­ (Gnnttnned on Pngs Two) over Belgium today as the country Hospital .Also 4-Room Sfaigla with aO its public consideration of petace- seven-year fight oyer government German realm contrary, to the shortly after 9. o’clock In A s poud/ EAST CENTER ST. PORTER ST. tlme draft proposals. It already ern coasts zhared a yveek-end efforts to send the alien Bridgea- uneasily awaited the return of FENDER AND heaL" roast, sweltering In a pre-!uipmer treason act." of the Groton towarsnnd pit hi Manchester SUMMIT STREET^ has listened to nsore^than 100 wit­ back to Australia—whence be King Leopold amid new demands Flshtown rood, Noank. The p eel'' \ Expense Plan heat wave as southern and mld- Shows Little Emottoii'' ; that he abdicate. EARL ST. PRINCETON ST. BODY W ORK SO. MAIN STREET— 4-Room Single.'Spaoe to da- nesses. came a quarter-century ago. at the bottom of the pit hee a - FtA- MUn, IVomeB and* . - R odiO !::Service weatern states enjoyed milder Attorney (Jeneral Biddle order­ Thousands of Acres Will Joyce, looking older than hia Brussels street car workers an­ 8-Room Slngta, all Improve­ lab off two more opetairs Compulsory Training Favored temperatures but were hairassed 39 years, showed little emotion as nounced' that they would strike as treacheroua bottom on wMah " FOREST ST. RICRaW ROAD Children SOLIMENE A FLAGG An informal pell of the 23-man ed Bridges deported on the ground oandbara. with only a foot or ftra store Open 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. ments ezeept furnace beat. Steam heat, oopjper phunMng." by thunderstorms- and a threat of that the Longshoremen’s unim he heard the magistrate read the aoon M Leopold sets foot upon PAYS FOR; INC Lot 168x170 tt. te-d^y «**•' committao showed today that a flood damage. of water over them, alternats w4th' GERARD ST. SCA^OROUGH RDAD 73ilBirch Street Inaalatton. eercene, storm win­ executive had beeniva member of Be Flooded by Missouri charge and was bound over for SIckiMas or aeddent oxpensea «S4 Oeater St. ToL 8101 nancy. Owner awvliig. Price top-hemry majority favors the San Francisco endured an eight- trial beginning Jtuie 25. ^Special police guards jvera ata- j **oles 25 « m®ra **** *■?► dows Large loL principle .of compulsory:peacetime the (Communist party. Biddle at GREEN ROAD ST. JOHN ST. when ooallaed mmj hospital iM 0 6 . day heat wave, with a tempera­ that time said the party advocat­ Londoners queued up outride the tlon^^at the National Radio ata-| • P®®' ^ ^ U ^ ed ^ moynhoro in the D. B. A. Mr training. Indications sre that few- ture yesterday of 86 degrees;that Bow street coiirt to get a glimpse tion and the Central Telegraph o f-j trpm the bank on one^ o f______Roons OBd boaid ox- pt than five members will dissent. ed violent overthrow of the United Kansas City, June 18 tyPi era -to leave theig homes. The flee as a precaiKionarV' measure, sandbar* and dropped, sundra^ HOLLISTER ST. ^VICTORIA ROAD nmmmAm. was the hottest June 17 since the Platte river In northwestern XUs- of "Haw Maw.” who, appeared .on peo ses up to ffi.00 per doy lor ^ t the committee’s recommen­ States government. Thousands of-acres of rich farm I Into deep water, acranHng ta 146 FARM AND HOME LISTINGS WANTED! clty^gan keeping records in 1875. Bridgea contended Biddle’s or­ aburi hM risen to Us previous the docket with m half-dozen Reaffirms .Ahdleatlon Demand trot SO days’ cooBoeiiieat— dation will ha only the start of Inland, California temperatures land will be flooded in the midwest rompahlnna. NYE ST. ' #ALKER ST. WB RKPKBSBNT THE 8TRON6B8T der violated right! guaranteed to by the Missouri'river ai^ Ua tribu­ record height of last April. drunks and prostitutes. He had The Socialist party Executive BXM per day for oast 9# days’ long and bitter battle. shot up to 100 degrees at Sacra­ been brought here from Buasel.s board reaffirmed the party’s de­ RETURNED WAR VETERANS! See Ua For Complete Details of legislation must. be an alien by the constitution. He taries as a result of recent heavy At Trenton, Mo., a funeral party Chinese Recapture WTeachew OAK ST. W'EST CENTER ST. eeafinensoat. This ptaa may bo STOCK AND DIYIDBND mento, 104 at Needles and 105 .St by air Saturday and spent the mand that the king abdicate. The Details About a New Home. blueprinted by either the House Frexhio. Today brought little hope denied that he ever had been ! rslnX; according to a Weather bur- of 50 persona narrowly etcaped Chungking. Jdns 19<—(1 ohaaged aad dsalgaiid Oe dt the ‘ ' being trapped In a cemetery when week-end In a Bow street cell. He Communist Le Dra- aeeds of aay ladlvldnel gram P A Y IN G \ot the Senate Military committee. for relief. member of the Communiat^ party esu official. dny)— The Chinese Mgk QTIS ST. WESl^lINSTER ROAD or was affUiafed with It. The sky was expected to clear flood waters In the ‘creek ^^waahed still .was limping from a bullet peau Rouge issued a special edi­ o f iasarad afuthen. No esedl- Normally the House group would Eastern heat yesterday drove wound Inflicted In hla leg by one tion declaring that "nil the forcee mead. annnnanad that 0$ C O M P AN U S act first, but there is a possibility 3,000,90 New Yorker! to teek re­ . The Justice department replied today that will ba too late to save out a concreta bridge. ’ . fotees reeaptnred Wsyiehsw, OLCOTT DRIVE WELLINGTON ROAD eal erawriaatloa. The undertaker and two ceme­ of the Britiah officers who cap­ of dsmocracy and laboi" are be­ PhoM, Wrtta or OaB Oa It may await Senate action. lief at nearby lieaehea, while an that the Federal government bad the corn-growing, aoU in eastern klaag provtaws aeaposL 216 sovereign power through it! legis­ Kansas snd western' Miasouii, tery workers were preparing ■ the. tured him near FlenSburg. hind the cabinet of SqplaUat Prem­ INSURE JARVIS REALTY CO. Many House members, includ­ additional 1,000,000 turned hope­ Fahit Sueer oa FSee ier AchiUe van Acker, which re­ sooth e i ghangkal, at 6 ing some of the most ardent pro­ fully to Central Park for an even lative and executive arms "to rid River Observer Ralph Aldrich In­ grave when a latecomer Informed Mooday. Tlw Ugh Bm I Isteta ^ Im v m m p them that water was flowihg over Joyce, stood erect In the dock, signed Saturday In protest against ALLEN & IN ponents of a peacetime draft, do closer antidote to the 90-plus tem­ itself of those deem^ inimical to dicated. Leopold’s return. the dapaaesa at Ws M ALRXANDBR BTRSn PHONB8 4IIS AND 1178 the national welfare. ’ Biddle said Farmera Leave Homee the briiige whiph was the only exit his bands claoned behind him''and front tie ouathsrn bnak e( JARVIS REALTY CO. not think tte Senate win approve peratures. hla gaze on the celling aa the -The Communist organ also urg­ HITCHCOCK ______MAD) RP SURE IN8URANCBI ' An east wind and- thunderstorms hl4 order was based -on an act of The Kaw ia already out of Itg; from th^ cemiterj’. Wa BbbI EsUtfi.— Insumnce Mortg*g«s Weekday! aad Soadays legislation to put It into effect charga was read. There ed "Democrata” to “hold your- All U bfo of insaraaeo Open ThoradaT Ofiti) 9 P. M. Thev see no .reason for the House attacked 'New Engli^id’s heat. Congress which stipulates that bank In the west and the DelawaiX, The moiirnclrs drove their cate BUILD WitB'dARVIS FOR SIBCURITTI in m>rth«T«aaUni Kansas reached: acrooS and Just afterward the •8S MAIN BTRiaET f W A l ^ 9 ~ 8U MAIN 9T. sa E w a Xw»X ^ A^XAFTOER STREET PHONES 4112 and 72?4 Chwed Saturday At 5 :S0 P. M.; a reconj’ h^H, oauring soma fan&- atructun krssahlad aad o a F s M T is s l TEU Bias (CaaUaaod aa Z ira l Ifisat aa Pass TwaL (QMtlnssd aa Pago Vw«>>. / 1 AAnx/ntsis 1 B

% » atreat. He said that two boya In Guire lawn .mower which th^, Ro­ tary Club is givlni^Away will tSk'C f J----- S'"' - --- - tlpn school to stark shortly. the rear aeat had been fooling College Dean place tomorrow evening. Rockville Reoreattoa Board around with a wire which extend­ Yankees Slam C h i n e s e S m a s h | Leaves for Devenfi IMtosic P ro gram ed from the front to the back seat; lobe Hollow To the People TH£ AMEmCAN SHIPPING IBDGPP There will be a meeting of the Hit for Profanity Recreation Board this evening at and the accused had aaked them to To Spe^ikHere RE-tPHOLSTER of this Community . 7:30 o'clock .at the City Council deaiat. *niey continued, he testi­ Luzon Forces O n to ^atang; Given Kiwanis To Continiie rooms. Further plans for the sum­ fied, and at a point nearthe bridge Radio Repairing Opening Date In 1M4 oiir- National Income Los Angeles, June 18— (Jf)— ,• One Week Only! per' person reached an all time mer tactivlUes wiU'be discussed at on Olcott street, he/ftopp«d the Gen. (Seorge S. Patton’s speech car and argued w i^ th e occupant* Lawrence Ackerman to high of »U81, more than double this time. Pick up Service! \ the average income of $540 Rapidly North N e a r L i i i c Court Trials In the Los Angeles Memorial, col­ o f the rear seat, ^ a l l y wrestling 3*Pc. Uvinq Unusual and Fine Enter* / Slight Accident Make Address Befdre up Wednesday, June 2 0 Is duriiig 1$3$. A slight accident took place on iseum last June 9 waa criticized about with the^a over the matter. . Atito Radios . E v e n i f by Dr. Don Householder, co-pas­ Room Suits y o u r e jc- (Gontinned Prom Page One) rCoBtinued tainment Is Presented Weat Main street near Maple on They all than got back Into the The Rotary dull. ' Home Radios / Set for Start of Recrea­ penset have Criminal .^Cases ti> Be Sunday, afternoon which results tor of Trinity Methodlat church, car and started along Olcott street. At Meeting This Noon. in a, sermon yesterday entitled .. Takle Model Radios ^an!mt , ,, , $4t.S0 up tion Here.. in c re a ie d rl, 125 miles distant by road and plan to atpcpgtheh their anti-in­ in slight damage to three automo­ Some one in back had picked up a Lawrence Ackerman, Dean of c o n s id e r ­ Disposed of Tomorrow biles but no one was injured. "Profanity In High Places.” small btpnch from a bush and was ably during- 90 by air. vasion defeirtsea Ir soutlj,- MdcDonold Upholstery Co. ■dMlaatlc aporting clrclea. Philip Japanese business pitn in pre-war Mrs. Emily Stephenson T'CtbuTy, The 60-50 Club of the Rockvlll The - car involved in the crash staff o f the University of Connec­ Government and aiding yourself that two enemy counter-offensives soprano, was heard in four selec­ fanation o f His name.” said the 983 Main St. Hartford j Dolaon will alao be atatloned at, the Manila'and they were joined by ilon. Baptist thurch wlU serve a straw minister. “ One could even sense waa owned by Ple'rce’s mother, ticut he is Acting Dean of the by increasing your participation launched last week with the eid- tions. Arthur Stein, Rockville 'f; town BUpel^aed. Globe ^Hollow in both of them. . ■ . countiev carpetbaggers. All the dent -purpose of protecting their The criminal casea 'iritlude that berry suppey this evening at six the protest within the hearts of Mr*. Alton Pierce.' The arrest and Hartford School of Law and the violinist, presented three numbers, ' of Walter A. Bessette who did investigation was made by Officer pool. You arc acting directly to fleetag’ male civilians are. reported hold on the city had been thrown o’clock at the church soci«r rooms. the p4»p le and'In many sectlona Hartford School of Insurance, and ^ Hospital ^ ^ t h Ufaguarda a re^ o w under­ check increased living costs to Wave been drafted Into the Jap­ and R o ^ r t Richardson, Jr., nine i)Qt appear on Friday to answer Plan Annivei Edmund F'. Dwyer. before coming to Connecticut in back. , o f the large audience audible re­ going an oxtanalve tw n ln g P ^ ° d when you invest in War Bonds year old local pianist gave a to the charge of operating an auto ... I ■ I J ‘ ' t today, and you are preparing, to anese armed forces. ' ^ The' Japanese had over-run Ta- Mr. and Mrs. Edwaril R. Kreys- sentment was expressed. 1941 was on the staff of the Uni­ Expense Plan a t the Bonne! Brae Camp, . East The overall Japanese casualties demohatration of tonal memoriz­ .’Fhlle bis license . was susfwnded slg of Kye street v m observe their versity o f Pennsylvania. He la enjoy in the future the aecunty tang in that drive; after the Chi­ Miaa C3are T. Lavey "Gen. George Washington and CTiina May Control Education Otla, Maaa., ^ repreaenUtlvea. of and advantages afforded by announced by MacArthur Were ing, He iias ah unusual talent for Wid transporting dangerous- weap­ silver wedding anniversary • on Gen. John Pershing always held the author of several books in-' For Men, Women and nese had taken it ten Mays before. remembering pitch and when Mr. the local Croaa chapter. Dol­ sound investments. ^ eight time* those of the American The new Chinese push was be­ Miss Clare Thelma ' Lavey, ons In.a vehicle: and the cases of Sunday, June^jl from 2;3() to 10 that name In high reverence.' eluding "Risks W e Take.” Children These considerationt of self- Werner struck various chords, New Haven, June 18 — (86 — aon la aWb a graduate of Manches- ground foioei, which a spoke'sman tween the highways linking recap- daughter of - Mr. and Mrs. Pred David N. MaJir of Rockville, p. m. at thplt himje. They hhve added Dr. Houaeholder. "W e Dean Ackenhan was secured PAYS FOR: Interesl may be auted in doQara young Richardson, with his back President James L. MeCkmaughy Fpr Immediate Delivery tar n u T R itty Kirkpatrick wUl said were alfghtiy in excess of 60.- tured.ishan, 43 miles west of Llu- Lavey of Foaccr ttreet, who was charged with Intoxication and be­ a daughter; Mrs. Le«m..Rowe of this trust that thq general, whom we for tomorrow^ meeting by Jack Sickness or aecldent expenses h x n t^ ^ rg t of the firia at the and cents. But you as Ameri­ 000 killed, wounded' and missing, to the piano, named th* keys. ing a common drunkard: also the city. o f United China relief, form er head cans will above aU be interested chow and its outer bastion,, writh recently commissioned a ' Second admire and respect for his daring Roan, new onmer of Campbell when confined in any hiispital .exclusive bf Air and Naval forces. joint cases of Vincent DeVeau,. Announce Neft' Boxes . l|K)0l. _ ^ in the fact that your War Bond Liuchow and Tatang. The other lieutenant in the U . ' S. Arm y Mrs. Terbury was presented exploits and achievements in this of Wesleyan unlver*ity and . once Service Station and a Wllilmantlc anywhere. In the U. S. A. nr Exiemplifylng the quickened pace Walter G. Twerdy. RogCrt GK Fire CJhlef Williani CJonrady has A cgnteen will be open and op- buying reafllrmf yOur part of Chinese commn pushed almost ten Nurse Corps, left this morning for with flowers and the appreciation war, wtn hereafter remerpber his CoVinectlcut's lieutenant governor, Rotarian, the Dean having ap­ Canada. Room and board ex- '/New Dodge i-Ton Express arated throughout the aummer faith With the men who are fight­ of the American drives. MacAr- miles eastward to a point 15 miles o f the club member* waa axtand* rauard. Burton Fellows and Gi­ announced the location of the fol­ -moral obligation to the .wuth told the Yale-in-China association peared at the Wmimai\tlc club on penaM up to 88.00 per day for ing the war for your thur listed Japanese casualties for Camp Devens. rard Milhomme, charged., lyith lowing fire box^, Box 23 at the •eaaon. Aa yet Director Kelley or more beyon^Ishan. ed to the entertainers. ' ■. America.” j. ^ last ’hlght thsit education in CTtina several programs. -' . first 80 days*'\conflnemrnt— THE EDITOR the past week at 0.2U) dead by Miss Lavey-Avas graduated from' comer of Vernon avenue and West baa found no one for the aaalgn- One of the Japanese counter- Sgt. Earl Clifford.'Who la with breaking *nd entering .^Ih the might beedme state controlled, The dnuring for the Dili A Mc­ $3.00 per day tor 'hext 90 days Also New Dodge 1 i-Ton Chassis actual count, plus 1,037 captured. Manchester High schoqKtn 1941,, Main street; Box 43 at the comor jnont Any local young man or thnists had been thrown against the U. S. Army and stationed at night season. These are. from the in Russia, although, there were confinement. 'This plan may b* •This was a record for Japanese and wsis graduated from the of Vernon avenue and South woman Intereated la aaked to con­ Tainkong, 53 miles southeast of Ogden, Utah, a member o f the Coventry court. soni^, Cfiilnese who believed the changed and designed to-fit thr surrenders in . One week. The dead Hartford Hospltsi ’Training street pnd Box 38 at the comer of tact Mr. Kallay. . ^ ^ ' Liuchow, bn June 11. The Chinese club. .7** a guest today. He re-, ..The civil cases, on the calendar ^oliee C ourt American plan would be adopted, needs of any Indlildual group and Cab. Honra Are Scheduled n were about twice as many as for School for Nurse* in June, 1944. White^and South street. said this was thrown back wrltlr She has been on the staff of that turns to Utah next Thursday. .. for Tuesday include Zenda E. ^nie association,. holding Its 43rd Oil Burners of Insnred workers. No medi •Hie houra o f the Globe Hollow Your Gt Rights any recent week. W&negar against Leroy F. Wane- Graduate* With Honors annual meeting, reelecteo all its cal examination. serious losses, but did not Indicate institutioh until she teceived her Edson Bailey asked for volun­ Miss Shirley C. Metcalf, daugh­ pool will be from Id to 12 in- the OUlSTlbNS AND ANSWHS American casualties for the how far the enemy attaqk had . gar, motion that defendant be ad­ officers, headed by Henry Sloane and Phone, Write or Call On commission. She has two broth­ teers to assist the local ration ter of Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Metcalf Norm** F. Pierce, 16. -of l i t ..morning and from 1 to 8 in the ON SfSVICtMIN’S PROSIIMS week were placed at 103 dead, two driven. Tainkong is on the^Wgh- board in processing fuel ration, ap­ judged in contempt; Lucille Llebe Ckiffln of New York, president. avenlnga during the iveek. On missing and 522- wounded. ers in. the service. Lieutenant -has graduated, from'Larson Junior Loomis a a e e t was found gUilty way f roin' L^chow- to ;,Indo-Crfina, Frederick Lavey o f the;N avy and plications. TTie work will be start­ Carlson Against Torrey A'.‘‘Carl­ of reckless^6^rlvlng on May 26 oh Furnaces A LLE N & Bundaya and holiday* the houra ■Of the enemy dead, 8,913 were son; Emily Kowalski Cushman College at New Haven where ahe By Douglas Larsen the overland supply route to south­ Private Burtori'Lavey who.,1* with ed tomorrow night. took the two year course, major­ Olcott streetNby Judge Raymond will b* from 1 In the afternoon to counted on Luz^, with Amerlcar against M aurice. Cushm|in and A Few Still Avnllfihle. N E A Stall Oorreapondent east Asia which the Chinese have the Marine Corps,, at present at­ John chmsllan won th# at­ ing in private secretarial work. She R. Bowers, and. a flne^ hf $25 was HITCHCOCK Solimene & Inc g in the evening. casualties of 82 killed, one miss­ Jean Munro McCormack against Washington-^ Here are . some Tonight severed. tending the Marine Sea school at tendance prize which was present­ received the award for hailing imposed on the wcusbd. SwllRUttlng claaaea .will be ing and 392 >vounded .on this is­ Roger William McCormaiik. RACKI.IFKE OH. CO. All Lines of Inmrance questions regarding the changing land in the Same peFlod. Annual Meeting Eighth School Claim Attaek. Repulsed San Diego, Cal. ed by Ru'ssell PauL made the highest scholastic ad­ Attorney Jay Hl),RublnOw. coun­ l8 Maple Avenue -r Hartford 953 MAIN STREET ' Center Street aitarted after the Fourth o f July Funeral of Walter PerzanowskI sel for Pierce, entered an appeal , FDR holiday and tntefeatod partiea can. of discharge status: district Hollister street school at The other Japanese push has vance at the (College /during her TEL. 5105 ' Fighting In Mountains 7'‘O’clock. TTie funeral of ’Walter Perza- and bond fot/hls appearance In atgn up at the canteen immediately, ' Q. I was discharged from the mounted toward Laipin on the Major Maternity Bosh two years there. She has' accepted RANGE AND FUEL ..I„, ^.. .West Of the 37th division drive Tomorrow , ifrom a sea still coated With blaz­ nowski, 63, o f 54 Village street, Superior eport waa set at $50. ia hoped to have a much larger Marine Corps “Under Honorable Ih A e Gngayan^ valley, the U. S. ■yurigning - Liuchow rail roadbed, a position withiC New Haven law ______\ Nethan Hale' and''SamarJ ing oil. who died- Saturday at his Home' The Cfusi resulted from an acci­ tluin ever before of young- Conditions” on March 15, 1945, be- Sixth-Infantry^!vision was fight-. „ "Thrill of a Romance," an. "40 miles south of Liuchow, on June Chicago— June haa brought firm starting July 1. s. school* graduation at Nathan Hale Minor operations were reported following a brief Illness was held dent which ocrtirred about 10:30 Bt*ra"w^ have not yet learned cause I was over the age of 38 Ing along Highway No.-'4 in the MGM picture starring Eiither 13. Here again the Chinese, claim­ on the Burma land front, where a major rush to the maternity Announce Officers in morning; this morning from the White Fu- Vernon Welsh' haa been elected on MSy 26 at the junction of Ol­ how to _ „ and bad enlisted for specialist Cordillera mountains some eight William* and 'Van Johnson with ing the attack was repulsed, did British troops pursuing eneihy v'ards wards at Lincoln Bark zoo. In ‘ the afternoon, graduation not indicate the extent bf the Jap­ tHrector R. Marlin Perklna an­ heral Home and at St. Joseph’s president of the Rockville Lions cott and Thomas streets, when a The playBfOuhda wider adult su- duty only. Can 1 have my tem­ nriiles northwest of Bagabag. forces retreating toward Thailand cir containing Pierce,, the driver, Frances Gilford, Henry Travers, exercises of Buckland school. ' anese advance. nounced the birth o f two coyotes, Church, Bil.rial - was in Monson. Club with other officers as follows: parviaion in Jtencheater w ill ofll- porary certificate changed to an In central Luzon east of Manila captured a hill 23 and a half miles smd four youths, all friends, upon Spring Byington and Laurltz Mel­ Wednesday, Jline 20 ' Meanwhile, another battle ap­ one guanaco, and 100 ducks, swans, Mass. first vice president, Ted Wonnq- cially open on afonday, June 25. Honorable Discharge? the 38th Infantry division took 40 east of ToungOo. a.nd the hlgh'way returning from a trip to Hartford, chior. Running time: 108 min­ Opening of Globe Hollow Swrim- parently was raging on the ap- pheasants, geese and jungle fowL He was born in Ppland July 15, . be'cg: second vice president. Japatis The faur playgrtunda are the A. Yes. Recently the Marine enemy caves and captured numer­ leading to Mawchlv • struck a tree near Thomas drive utes. ming podi. proadies to Wenchow on the east Modem methods helpeo MoUier 1881, the son of Jbhn and Eliza­ Laidlaw; secretary, Martin Ftig&n. North EnA Nathan ^ ^ l e , Man- Corps announced th a t' three ous stores and munitions While the and Olcott street, damaging the Hollywood— Ckinsider the ele- Hollister street school gradua­ China boast But the Chinese high Nature booat the birth. rate—all beth Serekiewicz - PerzanowskI,- Tha officers will be installeti'at the cheater Green and the Wpat Side. groups of men di|charged after First (Dismounted) Cavalry and tion in morning. - Toothy job car. Xra. ElU Qulah will be InN^arge the 112th regimental combat team .ments of "Thrili of a Romance,^’. command Jast night did not men­ birda Were hatched in Incubatora. and had been a resident of Rock­ neJrt meetihgl March i, 1946; “Under Honorable A beauteous swimmer, E>ther In afternoon graduation exer­ ville for 27 years being employed Kuhnly Award* Pie.rce, testifyinllr in his own de­ at the North Eng. Alice Kaiiah CondiUona” may how obtain hon­ counted 200 Japanese, killed in the tion the batUe for the port wrhlch Your incisors cut your food. Cus­ fense this moriilng, stated that h,e Williams. cises at Manchester Green school. was reported three days ago under Tobacco as a Seasoning as a weaver In the local mills. He Award* for the Dbrothy and haa been engaged to handle orable discharge cerUficatea by Lenatin river atea near Infanta. Saturday, June 23 pids tear and shred it, biscuspids left Hartford about 9 p. m. and on On Mindanao, scene nf the other A charming and.,- ^rsonable direct attack by Chinese troops.- \ waa a member of St. Joseph’s Georgianna Kuhnly Memorial program at the Weat Side. Lola eaenting tbpir temporal^ dia- .Zion church school picnic at 2 do the breaking and cru8hing,..and the way back, by way of • Silver Guatafaon will be at the Green and big Philippine* cleanup^rive, Maj. leading man, Van.Jbihnsan. Lieut (Sen. Albert C. Wedeirtey- molars finish the Job by grinding tfp .to the 18th century, tobacco, - ehiirch and the Textile union. He Fund have becn^announced aa'fol­ chkrge certificates at the nearest o’clock on church lawm. Also South leaves two sons,. Edward of Rock­ lows:- Ronald Auclair of Grade 6, Lane, the party stopped at Mac’s lan— Chriatlna Smythe wUl be at Gen., Roacoe B. Woodruff’s 24th A tenor a magnificent er’s headquarters ainnouncod that the food. ground to a powder and mixed stand and had refreshments. Ap­ recruiting office; \ The groups af­ Methodist church achool picnic, ville and William of South Nor­ the award for excellence in arith­ ILLIAM S -the Nathan Hale grounda aC the Infantry divlOidn w i^ units of the voice, Laurfts Melchior. U. S. 14th Air Force planes-had with ginger, w m used as a hot proaching Mancheater, he sWd he fected uiK^e rulihg are: Men /The ■'Oblid orchestra o of Tommy west lawm. knocked out 34 locopibtives and spice in. China to flavor rice, pork, walk; three brothers. Victor and metic; Lipda Sumner of Grade 3, Kaat Side. over 38 yrtiw of agd,\ ex-service­ 41'st Infantry d iv i^ n advanced, a Ancient North Pole Star drove off Silver Lane into Olcott mile and a half uwards: t|ie road bOr^ey. Tall Cedara Outing at Villa deatroyet} a number''^of 'vallway and'wiiie. Anthony of Torrlngton and Kon- the ;aW*rd for progress throughout IL SERVICE In Ohaige a t Night men who enliMqd for lilnited duty Louisa, Bolton. \ Supervlaor* will alio be in Junction of Calinan, amashihg far­ , Gorgeous California scenery in bridges in attacks on enemy com- stanti of Rockville: al*o two the school year. in the U. S. w d . thoae wbo en­ Sunday, July 8 ■When the Pyramids were being / ■ Wm. F. Johnson, Mgr. ’ yeara ago, Thuban, a Broad Street In. the evening. A s yet. only one against stubborn Japanese'' . re'a^ Now— could you ask for any- area yesterday. One plane was lost star you probably never Iteard of, Plan Varotloh School Ashley Lions’ Omernor Q. I have, a iMarinbxCorpa dis­ S. M. F. D. 'mail haa baen foimd to work at guard*. / . - thing more? Ye»—a story., .in the day’s operations, which in­ was the Pole Star, but .because of A joint meeting of the commit­ PRESCRIPTION We Have No Outeide Solici­ charge “Under ' Honorable Obh- tdght. Beta Vendrillo, who will In central Mii)dahao the 31st x’Tbe picture is based on the cluded sweeps over Southern Ho­ the earth’s “wabble” it Is noW far STRAWBERRY tee* on religious education of tl)e Waterbury. June 18 — ()FI — P H A R M A H StS tors. Phone 7436 tor A ll' dltlona" and a ■Silver S w r for (Dixie) Ihfahtr^ division led by p r e m ^ that a girl can be courted nan province and the ‘ Liuchow ■ Vernon Center Congregational slid Harold A. Ashley of Waterbury Your Oil Needs. again ba tai charge of the Nathan front\,the celestial pole, halfi Always On Duty! Hale grounds. Msn interestad la horoiam in action but there 'is, a Maj. Gfm. Clarence Martin probed and Wm.n by an army herb while House Is Struck area;-- between the bowl of tile Littli^ X SUPPER - the Vernon' Methodist chui'ches succeeded vVllIiam F. Curtin of this t i^ h f work snd are available General Court Martial convicti^ east tit Sllae and found' .that the .WlU he held this evening a t the New Britain ia governor of Dis­ Arthur Druig Stores her huaBineaanuui buaband abaenta Dipper, and the middle star in the. , . JUNE 31. 8:30 R. BL o n aecuib complete Information In my service record book. is it had demolished a cable himself on their honeymoon. It is Bangkok-Sihgapore B ig Dipper's handle. personage at Vernon Center at trict 23, Lions club, at the annual 445 Main 8L . Manchester from Directmr^ Kelley. Th e hours possible to have my discharge ■fewy,.actos8 the Pulangi river. a rather alim. baa^ even for a On Delniont Street ,TON CONOT.. ClfiTRCH eight o’clock. At thij/llme plans meeting here Saturday. art from S o’clock to dark, five changed t^ “Honorable” ? /Filipino clylllans told the troops musical. And ^vten it i* played Line Cut by Bombers ’’ M ENt>x Baked beans, anlnds, A. Yes; but you would not be /Uiey haoTjeen ..loiced to carry guns rolls and batter, B l^ ta a waak. without the', benbflt of cffectlye During the thunder storm last Calcutta, June 18— )— Allied ^ i a year there Is an acute ellgiblp/for the honorable diS' to almost inaccessible mountain (IP shortcake with comedy, it just doeV>'t come ofi. night the house at 37 Delmont heavy bombers cut the Bangkok- ahoitage o f bath toivels and the ch u ge without the specifirt heights from which the enemy, no\v OIT YOUK cream, coffee. street was .struck by a bolt, Singapore railway in several places raault haa been that there will, e award for heroism. / is filing. Hundireds of these Fili­ Van Johnson and Esther W il­ chimney was knocked bff and the yesteiday and knocked out a quan­ ~ IIARINO AlOl dolts flJK), ChUdren onder ''JW towela available this season at Q. I didn’t gqt a disbonomble pino* were being from crude liams do their t^st to tend cred­ bolt came doWm Into the lower tity of rolling stock while fighter SOe. Bneervations by to­ « ba Hollow. discharge from the An^ 3^ b u t prison stockyards the,' Japanese 0 ibility to the picture. They are part VURTHER NOTICE, WE ships. BufKilajill your old.rags. t!^ ^ u t them in o carton or'^Out being unloaded from a truck the by the forelodc, now! Mary C. Metcalf, UlUan Narkon, mittee. Wrecked building* and blocked Let your neartiy Plymouth, Dodge, De Soto bag. K you can't'woor them. Sand tihe^ to .war toddy. Shirley Nieman, Leon Peck, Caro­ tunnels. washer hrbke loose from its moor­ WILLBE TO STRAIGHT TO YOU* CAR’S OWN DEALER line Ruggiero, William Shapiro, The^Btudy group of the North ings and ran wild. Leong waa pin- or Chrysler 'dealer uncrots^^^ your fingers, and Margaret zyiker; Methodist church .will meet this ned to the curb and Sustained luiLimm p auisH He know* your car from stem to (tarn, every one tmfrect your temper, and turn every evening at 7:30 wrlth the president,- Rittena Refuse to Eat Worma- deep, gashes on his feet and legs. ■of ha tfaoaiaiid* of pert*. Mrs. Griswold Chappell of North Police applied tourniquets, took risk'$o advantage. . , , V ■ Calf Eiita Upholster} Main street,' for a picni(: and clos­ Meefford, Ore.— (N)—A Leghorn him to the hospital for further S u iu o l ing meeting, bf the season treatment, and today he waa do­ n *n v# iw (g«)_ Downtown Den- hen has ailDpted three orphaned k<'.tena and Owner Herman Offen- ing hia work-L-by hsmd. High professional standards var became ah open range yester­ CLOSED A CMMfid ffaumr SuaMMr ia i m (u M a M r tO aM The Woman’s Club will hold its bacher aays already trouble, haa day when Taxi Driver Jerry Scag- Home final get-together until fall at the developed. The kittena battle,' fiCarafnlly intpaa coollog:fysun sad-poam Wchadi tea M t ler Bont buUddMad a hUck and whiU are reflected throughout Wil­ aton 3outh Methodist church tonight. pawa against wing as their eag*r fi Examin* 4>il filitr and air clctoar fila tc btaka* ARocat* die* and o ia in i^ calf that feUfrom a trfick and stir* A L L D A Y w Exsnuna o u niisr ana air cicaoar v lesi Dtaaa* w lUMBt* tut* and maintaia proatf The program will be furnished by foster mother tries unsueceaafuHy BOILER AHD FURNACE liam P. Qnish Service. Peace infiatioa ■* Change to sonuner Inbrkana * Check steering alignment * Tuiis..«ngine tot rad up a traffle anarL ScagUone members of the club and,ia sure to -to get them to eat t}ie food ahe CLEANING .put the calf in the back seat of a S ro ttitm g a t acooomy A Intpaa wiriag for ciackad nr wora inaaladdn * R e ^ Haata. prove entertaining,, A social time works so hard to provide—fat, 22Slltek June 23 ta *l arbere it promptly began to OU Burner and Stoker Servioe apd sanctuary are brought to tooch up mst MOM, polish cat «n ptatarsa inhh A Avoid loadiailnies hy Rag Collection , with refreshments will follow. jyicy worma scratched from the p h o e e oran ll ’ ^ ' ' eat th* upholstery. Then he tried garden. the memorial through com­ ’poUc* headquarters but they ad- HENRY PARENT WEDNESDAYS Have Your Bundles of Rags At the Curb Proceeds of the Collec* had M quarter* .cither. Not Gotag His Way plete facilities. M qfAl R ln*lly he got rid o f the walking — Profanity Brings Bond TMepho^a 3.9188 M Brin with Y iu r^^^/iiigen Cntsnf SM potnU *t the stockyardsL Fort Lewis, Wash.—(^V-Seigt. 4340 tion Will Go To the Veterans' OrganInaPlioai 0# M< N. Rumler, film projeetianiat for Madison, Wla—(P)— According Able Direction—Unexcelled btfiasid Tmsln. the e n g i ^ r training section here, to ths/hoya a t tha Tbsta Delta O il ■low«d down hii car to pick up fratem 'ity house, the use o f profan­ Equipment gigraUI COtNiATION PMIS aiVBtOH t l^ GJ. hitchhiker*, one bf ity can b* both objectionable and WHEEL CHAIRS VsaVhtor-ltoRsskafAstltuOasM* PLYMOUTH • DODGM ■ilkwarm* will fly in a at Mr. Waddell’s office in the Munidpal whom w «s in a mellow condition. patriotic. The Greek letter chapi­ Ttostdaiu 9 E 8L. 8.W.L, C18 Mstuwh • Nbtiea to bidden for theoe rags: All bide w t b* ID* to iM ct a mate that But ohe of them waved him on af* HOSPITAL BEDS THE TEA ROOM fM t •OMiftd ffoa a ter on the Dnlveraity of Wlnconaih building by 4 p .m. Thursday, June 21. ter iM^ng the film Utle “On to campus has purchased its second P er Rent *r Bale. • *’Ne Wines — No Liqaors — last Go<^ Food* DFS0 7 0 - VHRYSLPn ' Ihesigh she la several block* Tokyo on the windshield. “Not ■ dkjjrnwlnd. pad Inaid* a war bond from flnea levied against ssAnihiitiinee Serviee ■ 88 »_ • H RBfiHH.WAl-t • H .R J L going your way. Barge, weTe try- members who engage ia ribaldr/ ARTHUR A JAMBS, INC 883 MAIN ST. OPP.RT. JAMES’S CHURCH’ i j teg to get tn Piatatovew’* ~ ' 188 namrttfa Ara. BtM. S-IS«8 •^tiieimmmmaaiimssmsemmsmssismmsmssimnmmmmm

r*-~-'/‘Vs; tXXoihA appeared from sight. Police were •■•'■.h Avoniie in their jeeps, some unable to llnd the body. Mi^nchenier Hale’s, House’s Sgt. George Birge Sending Honors Given IVow Showing* at tlit* State Theater Violent ':^orge Williams, 13, of Kent, a of lliem with their narses at their BaW miiBe^ns non-swlmnier, drowned Saturday Evening fierald sidea. But Jn their Injured limbs, in the Housatonlc river when he and on their srim, tanned, battle- War Casualties Prize Winners Japanese Souvenirs Here Local Scouts State Deaths stepped out of a rowboat Into deep PU8USHED T1 faming Judges ij water. The boat had drifted away ■rtn»*t.D PRINTINO^. INC. weary facet there w at ■aomethln'g List of Connecticut Men,, Dead, Wounded or Missinp, from the river bank, and the boy " 18 W«»ell 8tr#«t ' . H r apart from tbe glory of Msncbester. Conn. Ak Released By the War and Navy Departments Today. Bond Selling Drive in Sam Felice of 228 Oak street, is which is now mine. I will be bring­ Large Att4^nilance at Drownings ami Aiito- apparently waa trying to get back THUUAS raROUSt" i-, battle won. There was tlm>;^uf- jFillH CoiiW \* o ^ 0 \n 23 These Reports Arfi Based On Prior Notjflcallon To watching tlie malls these days to ing it home with'me soon. to shore when the accident occur­ OanormI ll«n>C*f ^ ferlng of war, and the p«ce of Two Stores Net? Total receive some Jap curlc^ Which one "If all goes well I should be 'O ld G olf Lotfi as Judge Blcyele .Collision Re­ red. Open Thursday Poundtd Octbbor 1. 188. Coiiiniiinilie»1 « y Next of Kin and Casualties Noted Here May Previously back home with a discharge /in (ar, and the human jtfagedy of Of $22,725. of his friends, Sergt. George H. sult iji Fatalities. I Bvcrr B»«n|ng Except F'iiii^h Tajik This Week Have Been Reported In the News Columns. ’’Soiiny.’' B'rge of the Anti-Tank about two or three montlur. They Shea Speakfi. jd HolliUyn. Bntetnd at the CompaKy, 169Uy'Regiment, a lo- arc discharging the men who have Loan in Next \ Evenings IM at Meeebaetet. Conn., aa A ntiUton New— Gover­ The first outdoor Court of paraderan^jk^ »aw it in stunned .Army Ckwualtles and Liberated War Prisoner* for Junv 18, 1945 ] winners in Hale A House’s three- from two .J4ps he recently sent to th'e m ost battles—and brother, Drowning* and an autoiiiobile- . . . until 9. Cleaeff nor Baldwin ha.a begun a Job he'al­ thetr. ancestors In the fighting on that's me!- ' Honor was held in the Old Golf To Last Week auBKjittmoN'ibM silence. silence, It seemed, • The War Department casualty list. Serial Number.s 0-498 (killed,: bond selling campaign helcf bicycle collision caused three viol­ Wednesdays at Noon. lar by K u t X ...... ,•> ,.8 8.UU ways said .he hoped he wouldn t Luzon.' ' "The bayonet was mailed today Lot# Friday evening last with ^v- Other days, 9 to 8:30. Ot*Par montb - by Uall was ths'only meek of respect one Europe. 2 15). P-4pit-.(killed. Pacific week in two stores. The and should reach you In about sjx ent deaths In Cortnectlcut'over the K .08 get ■ appointing municipal court 0-501 (mlMlng, EurofJe, one). 0-502 (wOiindeO. Pacific 557), ahd 0-503 Felice received the following let- ersl hundred Sicouts, their par­ 'Vashiugto'h, June 18—tfl*)—The „.iui*la Copy ...... 4..V- coipo .epproprlaWto offer these [wminded Europe. 19)'. announce.s for the United States as a whole Qve|-al1 Totals of bonds sold by the ter* from Sergeant Birge the oth- weeks. Things are going .pretty week-end. None of the victims j^ ^llv arad One Tear judge.s and after filling the court good with (he and I hope to see ents and friends, on hard to wit­ 7th War loan headed into its next W aaten Statea and 4P0 ung .men who so n\uch 1.167 cainlalties for June <18. 1945, clas.slfled as fallows: 568 killed,; tWo atores amounted to $22,725. e r ^ - : was mbre than 13 years old. to the last week today with E-boii(F posts in 23 communities Saturday you soon. ■ < ness the ceremotiies. The. Distric't ItBMBBR UF mofe^bout war- than ahy civilian 576 wounded, and 23 missing- , ' . , i Blanket, Mrs. ttelen Yur-, “Luck, Birge.” Advancement cominittee in co- r Donald M. Hale, 10, son of'Mr. sales standing at $2.597.OOOiOO©^— he vraS expected to finish The, task and Mrs. Milton W. Hale of Middle 35 per cent ahy of the $4’6d0,000,- THB aSSUCIATED PKCft. could pbaelbly hope to gu The WWar ar Department annoiihce*annoiihqes Mrfdr the.the UnitedUnlte( States two Arnrty gel,’ gel, 165 Maple street. „ I am sending5 you a Jap bayonet Sergeant Birge ■ we'nt overseas operatioq with the Manchester Tbe Aaaoclatao Preaa U aacitu before the end of this week by personnel freed from Japanese pblMn campsTSerial N" ,0 -5 0 4 and '2nd--Slippers, Flora Nelson, 737 w’ith the Anti-Tank Company and Scoutmasters ' Ass(>ciation had a Haddam, was Inj'ured fatally Sat­ 600 goal. ' entitled to the use ol republl^on The Jeep# in which they ^ d e fof. a souvenir. I had a bit ot luck urday evening while riding down All sales to ipdfviduals, includ- making appointmehts in the tfi- 3,368 freed from German prison camps (Serial Np. 0,505). Lydgll street. ' .. the other day and I knocked off a took partTn all of the ea#ly and re­ semi-circular arrangement of pup ' ''all news diapateber creditedttf or not ha^'the names^of thetr battl Total Naval ra*iiaJtleW''to^Junr 18, 194.3 3rd -Cigarettes. Mrs. S. Ritchie, Pcnfleld hill, a steep grade in Port­ li.g the snioihlTioney bonds,, were etbenrtae credited .other towns /th a t have minor. Jap captain and one private with cent invasions in which his Regi­ tents set up in the hollow with, “ V f/' atao the local dewa pobRabed here. marked 4ipon tMJtK..^Spectators The Ntivy department annniinces forfo r^ Tim h e 1United States as. a whoir 6. Ridgevvood street. ment, the 169th, fotTnerly the Con­ fhe amplifiers and speakers land. with another.,.hoy, Frederlclt reportecj-'h'y the Treasury Satur­ Utrts'. , a tommy gurt'. I am enclosing some Sieverts, 11. also of Middle Had­ day.?*! $6,691,000,000. or 81.3 per watching the parade coltkjsee the e job was supposed to have _5811 casuaKies ca-suatt'ies for for June June 18, 18, 1945, 1945, gf gf the the tK S. Naval Forces (Navy, 4tb.^ Cigarettes, Mrs. H. Addy, Tof the Jap money the captain‘had necticut Natlemal Guard, took tion In the center and tb ^ .^ U th All nebu ot icatton o.‘ special Marine Corp.S and Coast Guard) not heretofore released on-Navy De­ YV ■ .» dam, on hla bicycle. cent of the $7,000,000,000 quota for diapatebea bereli . alao reaerred. course of the'war paraded''bffore beenSlphe by the Legislature, but 3l 1-2 Foster street. in his pocket. part. He is one of the few Man­ hillside as a natui al gramlatand. ol N. K A Serrloa the Demticrats in the Senate and partment total casualty lists, constating of iSftTlead, 445 wounded, . 5th-^Cifearettes. H arry Deftieu- chester men lift with the outfit in The Hale boy suffered a frac­ Individual purchases, ^ 1 earelca “ "The best part oMt la that the After the playingxdf the Star •m ' tured' skull, and h)a co'UjaWbn a •The campaign opened May 14 Inc.______them, not In a manner to til# RepuoMranS In the House fail- and six missing; .These, casualties bring the Total reported M sy. 579 Hartford road. captain had a beautiful sabre the Philippines. Spangled. Banne^.-'and the giving them to exult over the victories to see eyKto on the matter of kin and released for ptlbllcation since December -y. 1941. to June 6th Cigarettes. MrS. T. Hollo- broken leg, when the..W^cle and and closes June 30. . "publlaR^e Repreaenutirea: The of the Scout> from'M-G-M’s bright new hit, "Keep Your Powder Dry,” ,which Cogswell, 33, daughter of Mr. and tynogrepblcal error* epipeartog in ed* for ill those think the home ' It'was reported rpliably tnat In ^gel, IgS Maple street, ceremonies.'*Yhe Scouts put on a Mrs. Frederick Cjogswell of New the appointments he made^-^thi;- .45,128 58,416 10,782 4,236 118,562 l'e yjjnC: At;Fh!^>Edward Scott, 193 Jok^"Ln’^a"l29 Wa.l'^UeeTVor 1 B-^^eu. "zOO^wJ^bridge‘street. unit of the U. S. Aimy with which ning in this Morse C(jde. splashing In the water, but by­ In M o ^w Today to get together on a court slat#,''’ John Lang, 129 Wall street, Tor- i3th.^ciparetles^. Noelia E. he is affiliated somewhere in the rows, 83. foTBoef president of the Bolton ^ iie f Sought Cigarette sacrifice. fi. Main S tX ^ w Canaan. New York>Produce exchange. ' Judge .Shea Ae Speaker ■ ' standers assumed she was merely a ranee The difficult, tenae .nature of In three, of the larger cqirrts of Ph.llppines. ’ playing until sha screamed and dis­ the state, the city court'linfi'the Tripodl, Viheent Frank. Radar- ^l^man Samuel Pfc.,'.husba^ 1 "^“t^ward C. Judge William J.' Shea, the r. pro^ra toward good relations man 2c. U SN RK ,'^^arents, Mr. Pfc.’ Johnson has speaker of the evening gave an in­ The Ladies Behevolept'Boclety of Trougli police court In Hartford and' the ^ : Montle, ’6 New street \ the New Guinea and Philippines' At Sea Shore with Rustia la llluatrated well A'ictory, Japanese Style .jClty court of Bristol,, the governor,., and Mrs.',5;rank TMhod*. *74 W. Enfield atw et Hartford. 15th—Hosiery, Dorothy Turner, teresting tqlk extolling scouting, the Bolton Con|p«^atlonal church Evfiry sofa in this group of floor samples has the de hix«, Main St., Statpford.'< ' Liberation campaigns for which he wad Heroes Will it# kirns and porposes. and prais­ will hold 4 atrawberry shortcake enough hy the situation In Mos­ who had announced'he w'oiild dis­ 84 Hackmatack street is entitled to wear two Bron?e a -Only the other day we were tribute tlje patronage on a fair and Navy Wounded. Fred Lelby, 28 Montgomery str(!)!l.J ^ le th —Hosler>-, Mrs. Rose Mc- ing the scoutmMter# and coinmlt- supper a t the Community hall. Bol- Many on Move During / / 1 - 2 9 comfort of old time spring const ruction! Every 6he hfis cow itaelf today. On orte hand, vice stars, together with thj-'oood teemen for th ^ work in this writing about what would be the equitable basis,” made a., "down Bourque, Robert ,J.. Sf.x Pv Bridgeport. _ _ | pherry, 213 School street Be Given D^rees top center on Thursday evening. BROWN'S Folish leadeft of varloua factions Conduct medal for completing a a a distinctive cover, typicaljof fine floor samples. Subject toughness of the main battle of the middle spilt" of the six posts, USMCR. Wife. Mra. Robhr.t J Lorusso. Frank, Pvt., son of ' . 17th Ho.siery, Pascal Mas^ran- field. A good talk from Judge Eai^ly Morning Hours ’ subtle hint (not to b e- .of exem pla^ service, - Shea is sorhething'that- Mancliea-; Supper will be served at 6:30. The greedy in these days/df are meeting for discussion -among Japan, If fighting that battle were appointing'three Republicans ' ahd urque, Sr., 155 Farrows 8,t., Mfl^^Carrr.ela Lorusso. 55 i galoTf 124 Maple street. ■ He is a graduaTsr'of Manchester menu; baked beans, assorted In New Haven Area. shortages) in thr hand ’to prior sale ag there is onl.\ one-of-a-kind. themaelveA The resulU of these three pemocrats, and It waH un­ 'N, streeC^idgeport. 18th —Hosiery, T- J- Curran, • Middletown. June 16—(;P)— T w o ter peppie have learned ^ ekpect OARAGE^ part of our Piciflc,strategy. It nam. . ■ ■j High school. cja<8 of 1940, where and they were not digappothted. salads, roils, strawberry shortcake painted pig motU on these dlacuaaionB will be reported up to derstood he planned to follow the iwer, Murray. Pfc., USMCR. ’ Majtrliv^nthony F., Pvt., son ' he was -a member of the varsity degrees will be awarded posthum- and coffee. Reservation! must he IS PlBM will still be a much more terrible same procedure in ajt the larger pY'vMrs. M ary^M astria. .318 Hud- 1, 19th—Hosiery, John White, R. .ously at the commencement exer­ Next on the program was the New Haven, June 18.—(J*)— S’-ixi*# inch troughs! .* the Moscow Commission charged Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. hockev team. Prior to his induc­ made by calling Mrs. Charles Sum- (Rear of Gas Co.) Black, blue Or red. battle than ,many Americana have courts. ^ Hower, 10 Acton St.., Hartford. 'Son'street, Hartf F. D. No. 2. tion June 13, 1943, he was employ­ cises of Wesleyan university Sun­ awarding of badges to the Scouts, ^O r, 4587 or Mrs. Edson P! Heyrick. Wilted by. the fourth day of op­ with supervising creation Of a new It w’aa Impossible for man.v rea­ FYank (^wivahaw, assistant scout­ Choice of regular^^49.00 Iiaw.'*on Choice ?of: |275J)0 Heppelwhitf troubled themselves to imagine.. Bradley. Henry G.. Pvt.. cG> 20lh Hosiery, Irma Cocconl, R. ed as an automatic turret lathe day in Memorial chapel to men 7!i74 not later than Tucs^y eve- pressive heat. New Haveners en AU Kfnds of^Qfira) Polish government. The fact that sons to make a 50-!50 division in band of Mrs, Mary E»k^Gowan, operatoi with the Hamilton Stand­ died In war action while 20 other master of Troop 25 presented sec­ Automobile Repatir Work in beige tape.stry, or'^ an Engli.<*li design in blue dfiniask^$269.00 Pleat* But. on the other hand, one can USMC. Father. Henry M. Brad­ !•'. D. Andover, Bolton. nlngN ^e price of the supper will masse aought relief at the see. /WATKINS these Polfsh leaders have been the smaller Courts, sources close to ley. 36 Newton Ave., Stratford. 684 WTiilnSy, Ave., New Hhven. ard Propeller Branch of the Uni­ deghees to men now serving in the ond class badge# t lZ 27 Gift Box encouraging, too, to have It re­ Democrats. MeBsenge'K FraheiS'A., Pfc., son pinea he has had the pleasure of awarded to gradhates on the .cam­ No. 13; Richard Witham. No.' 25; Just two regular $179.00 .Dutic^m ask. and thff $249.00 Moderntzffd Law- engaged In conceding the Toss of The' chief executive- was repre­ Brldgepotit. . ported that all seem aware of the Clraham, Donald E., Cpl-. USM­ of Mrs. C!lad:^Mesaen^r, 58 Jay oil Furlough meeting his. brother; Everett H. pus. including five'which will _£o 'Richard Post. No. 26: John Von- ® pfJ^e'Slt ” “ m m a 'S p e r witt! Phyfe models in a decorator-type* ro .s e \ Okinawa. . \ sented as hopeful that both par­ CR. ( Wounded second time. Last street. Nev London. 'Jonnson, AM 2-c, of the U. S. Navy, to Navy V-12 studgntiXx Deck. No. 25i Fred Gelssler, No. be used to-repair the basement of registered -af the New Haven striped damask. son, sketched, in serious natuhe of their task. Fpr Plans for, defenie., of the. Japa­ ties would be given consideration arid Major Nathan Gatchell. Pfc. .Weather bureau at the airport was reported on report of naval cas­ Miltlmore, Raymond C., 2d, Lt„ Seventy-eight ■'V-12 students will 25; David Nichols, No. 25; Wil­ the Bolton O iite r Congre$rat*o"®i E a c h . . a... V .. . . blue homeapun .. 225.00 it is true that this one problem is nese homeland are. Premier Su­ in the naming of court proseeu- ualties for Sept. 14, 1944). P ar­ son of Mrs. Ethel L., Peck,' ' 159 Jonnson departed for overseas ser­ graduate In th a t program a t Care- liam Relcrfert. No. 126; W arren church. This basement at one'.tinne 87 degrees" but therm’bmeters . in 149.00 tora, clerks, probation officers and Tech. Sergt. Hb*yard Kwa8^, vice Dec. 17. 1943. the heart of the city, all register­ the genesis of mudh.^ Inlemattonal zuki said, "complete and perfect.*’ ents. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gra­ Madison street, HartfoTd;^ moniea oh Friday. Johnpon, No. 126: O ee rg e 'Vine*, In the history of the tow^n was th.e other attaches, all of whom are ,,rccently returned frothx.weraeas Prof. Wilbert E. snow, Ueuten- No. 126: John B latter,.N o. 27. only gathering placet 'town meet­ ed well over 90 degrees. Choke of: $196.00Xlhippfindale pe­ trouble. Tha Invaalon battle will, lie said, ham. 36 Ann St,, Meriden. Mitchell, (Constantine. 1st. Lt„ appointed by the judges. eon rf, George Mitchell. 575''Bank ^ y In Italy to spend a aQ:;days -ant governor of Connecticut, will ’" Charles Lynn, Scoutmaster of ings and elections were lield there; New' Haven and West Haven riod design, rose damask: (2) $19.5,00 While this is one phase of de­ proceed this way: Larkina, Earl L.. Pfc., USMC. police and Connecticut company . Armed Forres-Represented (Wounded second time. Last re­ street. New London. . . fu.l(5ugh a t his home a t 95 Rui «}i Week End Deaths be the commencement speaker on J"roop No. 25'presented the follow- the Grange met there and plays. Duncan Phyfes in beige tapestry: velopments in Moscow totlay, the *‘We have only to amash the The armed forces were repre­ Murray, Leonard T., Pfc.. sox V Sunday.' ■ IrtgC boys with their First Clasa- ■anppeiqr etc.-YYcre alw ays held here. officials estimated last night that piioice of a $289.00 Lawaos IH ported on report of naval casual­ street. ‘ x At the present time the basement "at least iQO.pOO" heat-weary peo­ $198.00 Lawson in-blue homespun; other and contrasting phase And* enemy seaborne force while at sea sented In the Saturday appoint- ties for Sept. 27, 1944.) P ar­ ■of Mrs.. Estelle Murray, 150 W. brd^es: P. Bocchlno, No. 91; Ban- Technical ‘Sergeant' Kwash, nectady; N. ,Y:—Dr. Peter Legal Notices dall D ^y; No. 91; Paul Peters, needs extensive repairs to make it ple sought 'relief during the day and a $195,000 London Club design green striped damaak, and a $M$.00 R'- the Russian government proceed­ and; When he comes.' to shore nients' In the person of Lieut, ents. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lar­ Main street. Plalnvllle. fli^* engineer and turret gunner I. WoldfsjM, professor of physlcis .(jg) Stephen Flllott, USNR, a Nanfito. Dominic A., Pfc., aon N( 25; Dbnald Behrend. .No. 25; usable for meetings.. The Ladies in the beach and resort area ex­ London Club model ing with the trial of another atrikb him right therer' When he kins. 476 Prospect St., WUllman- on a ^-24 Liberator Bomber is and ______chalmap of the field of phy- AT A (X>URT o r PROBATE HELD David Bovd. No. 25: Dofiald Hub- Benevolent Society wishes to re­ tending from Savin Rock, vWest ypung Democratic leader, who of Mrs. Rose Nanfito, 178 Main credited Mlth 54 hilsslons over Ger^ gj at Mancheater within and for the Dis­ group of Polish leaders who were lands, destroy him. on la'nd. That tic. ■Ilege. hard, No. 126; Rlchtffd Owens, No. pair and renovate it so that it can Haveh, eastward to Double beach. 169.00 in ro.se_homespun.i. 249.00 was appointed judge of. the South­ Lasky, Nicholas J., Pfc., USMG. street, Portland. many, Ithly, Austria, Greece and Pa# Harbor, Farrand, trict of Manchester, on the 16th day of arrested when London thought ington toy'n court.' J. . Robert June, K. D., 1946. 126. again be used for their meeting Trolley cars to the Rock, Momau- Is all." ^ Parents, Mr, and Mra. Joseph tsis-; Nlcholsox John T., T5., son of Roumania. ’Tlje Wth Air Force lo­ T6, moted librarian, mstorian, and Present WILLIAM B HYDE. Bsq.. place. they were on their way to discus^ Lacey,; a Republican, wai named Mrs. Annie C. Nicholson, South .JHBr Scout Awards guin; Lighthouse Point and Dou­ ApparenUyvlt-,dld not occur to ky. 1120 Matlnuck Ave., Windsor. cated in Italy^T>f which he was a teacher. Judge. There were four Sta# : Scout Bond Drive Report^ ble beach, all running at .short in- slons about the new Polish gov­ deputy judge and will serve Until Lauria, Samuel J., Pfc., USMC. Windsor. member struck deyasUtlng^Wbws New York—Lieut. John Barrett Estate of William B. Hibbard late Premier Suzuki ttgt he over- of Manchester. In said District, de-' Bw'ards and Leo Stiles of the' Di#-, Sales in E bonds in Bolton must ter\’als, were jammed'until . the ernment. Some of these leadera EllloU'a return from the Navy,.. Mother, Mrs. Lillian Lauria, 91 Niedawieckl, PeUr E., Pvt., son o marshalling yafd?. oil-refineries (Jack) Mlley, USNR. 46, former trict Advancement committee pre­ planned > hlB battle. If we are The appointees, whose term# ex­ factories and other fiiiUtary in­ ceased. " .. be stepped up if the town is to early morning hours in what com­ Tariff St.. Thompsonvllle. of Stanley Niedawieckl, 10 Moul- New York sports writer. On motion of Jennl* B.. Hibbsrd of .-' sented them to David Donovan. British govemrSent leaders have ■iiMSbed at tea, how can we pire in February, J947, ^ r c : stallations over,>vlde8preEa areas reach its $15,000 quota. If you pany officials called the greatest Moranlec; Edward J.. Pfc.. throp street, Ansonla. New York—Count Albert .yon Manchester, Executrix with, will' No. 126; Robert Jenaen, No. 91; have not yet been contacted by a described aa the very type who Bristol—Judge. Frederick W. USMCR. ' Wife, Mrs. Edward J. Patterson,< Joseph R„ 1st., Le., His crew also fnade manumissions annexed. - passcnger-cariyihg day of the land? And If we are amashed at Mensdorf-Poulily-Dietrichsteln,' 84, Carl Mokolowsky. No. 126, and canvasser and Intend to purchase year, - •_ ' belonged In discussions about tbe Beach (R); deputy judge, Joseph Moranlec, 8 W ater St., Derby,. husband of Mrs. Joseph R. Patter­ over Nazt*held rail and rohd, cen- ORDETkED;—That alx^mdnth* from Frank Munsey, No, 91. Mr. Stiles sea and hit while we land, why teixot) the Brenner Pass route a' died in Vienna accordlhg to the the 18th day of Juijar'A D.. 1946 be E bonds please call Mrs. William new polish government. Instead, Dutton (D). Army D ead — European Regloi^ son, 60 Strawberry Hill, Btamford. 'Vienna radio. and the same areTlmlted and allow­ also presented Life Scout badges Minor so that yoiir purchase will .Vutomoblles Line Beachee the further necesalty for destroy­ Hartford—City court, judge. C?ycon, Thomas F., T-Sgt., son Pergola, Samuel C.,' Pfc., hus­ jorie time Germany’s most, Impb^ to Douglas Andrew. No. 91 and - Wes# Haven police estimated they are going on trial,, perhaps tant line of supply to her tlho^ Yonkers, N. . Y.—Mrs. Dorothy ed for the creditors within which to be credited to ^Ugn. ing us after we have landed? Spencer Gross (D): associate of Mrs. Mary Cycon. 239 Frank- band of Mr- Mildred Pergola, 129 bring In-their claims against said es- Robert Harrison, No. 25. At the beginning'of the drive that; 75,000 people visited Savin for thetr lives. And their most in northern Italy. / Lawrence Webe, 47. soloist at Bt. tate.-ahd the said Executrix Is direct­ But perhaps we ahouldn’t inves- judge, Franz Qarlson (R). iTin St.. New Haven. Tremont street. Ansonla. , Mathias Church. Detroit, Mich. ‘ A large number of merit badges things diA'fiot look well for Bolton Rd'ek and its adjacent area where serious offense, ao. far as the • Hartford—Police court. ' judge, Hyatt Harold L„ Jr., Pfc., son Fo achievement In aerial epm- ed to give public notice to-the credi­ were ^ven to their winners by tigat# Premier Suzuki's logic too Piccolo. Anthony J . ftyh, son ot bat Technical Sergeant KiVaah Cleveland— Dr. John Pascal tor* to bring In their claim* within reaching its $4,000 quoU in 3*2 per “ automobiles lined the beaches and world still knows, is the' posses­ CorneUus A, Moylan (R); judge, of. Mrs. Unlce, H. H y att 101 Mrs. Jenni^e Piccglo, CJomo Ave , ] Air Medal with three sawyer^<63. professor emeritus of said, time allowed by posting a copy Charles Edgeriy, Scoutmaster of cent bonds. The- town had purchas main loads. At Lighthouse Point li; .1», told U,, K a Z T m . of this order on the public sign post Trobp No. 98. Those winning these sion of a radio transmitter with George Ave., Norwalk. Waterbury. ' . 1 Oak Leaf cnustera. His group was clinical medicine and therapeutlos ed boiids of this character in,other. officials' eetimated that close to- nese people that, Japan would win Bloomfield—Judge, Morris Cut­ Rlccio, John, A* Pfc.. son of nearest to the place where the de­ badges, were: Douglas Andrew, drives but no money was available 30,000 jammed the city beach and which they kept in touch with PlKpty-.ftfho p„ Cpl.. son of gjgg awarded'the Presldentol Cl- *t Western Reserve university. ceased last dwelt within said towi| and No. 91, Athletics, Cooking and the Ylctqry, even If there were no ler (R); deputy Juft??. Italpb.IUcclo,^ T St^^ John -Pi armed forces he'-tyaa/employed at H-g-lg-te,. ______' •celved the following letter::. were reported.. One in^rstats■•/'• Pierson (ft)- HarCy K oozr^h. 107 Willis Ays., Proulx, Odilon M., ftfc,, son of Pratt A .Whitney Aircraft. AT A v of June, A'. D., 1946. * scription with the Manchester spokesman for, thC,yNew Haven finally happening on one side of there are too many women advo­ er of Mrs. Mary Orion Quish, Willlarr J., Jr.. Sgt., son Present WILLIAM B. HYDE. Bag.. Swimming; Robert Jansen, No. 91, T rust (Company for $25,000in 'U. GriBWoid'*^Judge, John T. Bar­ nydale Drive, East Hartfi of William J. Quish. 12 Windham tlon Center from where he will be Cooking, Personal Health. Public railroad .said th a t/a ll tNcw Yopk- the Polish question—and some- cating peacetime conscription for assigned to further duty. C a rd o f .T h a n k s Judge. B. Treasury 2Vt per cent boiids, due ry (R); deputy judge, James N* Army Wounded—Pacific Regions street, Hartford.. EsUte of Axel T. Carlson late of Health: John Kjellson, No. l26, bouiid trains left/lhe station with America on the argument that A we wl*h to thank relative*, friend*, Manchester in said dlatrlct, deceased. 1967, coupon fprm, and have re­ standing room/only on Saturday -thing threatening and mysterious 3hea (R). .-X Raj^aeo; Joseph, Pfc., Mot] of neighbor* - and nurae* of ManchCTter Wdod ’Turning, Wood . Working; quested thatlbonk to allocate to the Groton—Judge. CharleA-H. Rey­ Gumkoskl, Stanley J., Cpl.. Memorial hoapltal for their ktndne** Upon application ot Earle I. White, ■Carl ■ Mlkolowsky, No. 126, Ath- and Sunday. . on the othet side. year l,fi the service would do won* of Julhis Gumk()skt. 79 S, Monto^ re.,. Theresa Raguseo, 76 Lexing- Jr., praying for authority to sell cer­ town of Bolton, the sum of $5,000. nolds (R ): deputy jydgfei John R. and iiyinpathy ahpwn ua at the tain real es'tate particularly, describ­ y ictics. Bookbinding, Swimming; In Bridgefiort.' where the mer­ C per 12” square* If., from this hasardous .tight­ ders for the health, physique, and ^ese St.. Branford. „ / tdn^Ave., South. Nor\valk. Stilwell Expects of the lllnett and death ot our wife We are fully aware that It isjthe cury soM ^.to a 92-degree mark 50 Haley ,(D). , ■ Frederick W.. I-vt., son of and mother. Margaitt Ax Uttle. ed In said application on file. It is . Frank Munsey, .No.. 91, Cooking, Solemn duty Of each and,everyone rope operation, there emerges a discipline' of^ oUr future . young ' Guilford—Judge, George C. Con­ Kaminski, John 8.. S-Sgt., friend ORDERED ;-i-That the foregoing sp- Handicraft. Personal Healtlt Pub- fo ' the/fhlrd successive day. thou? Johh ftbek, Buckingham street, Stiff Jap Fight] John U ltle and Daughter*. >Ilcatlon be h a sr' dand detarmlned. at. to make this 7th War Loan drive a creditable and decent solution of men. way (R);,- „ of Mias Betty N orat 1188 SU te Ito Health. Safety; Richard Owens, flocked to the shore and St.. Bridgeport ; . Oakville. X .he Probate Office in ' Manchester in colossal success and. it Is . our ■papKst seeking relief.. Police estl the Polish situation, other cur­ At ahy rate. Dr. Hooton turns Neyrihgton—Judge. Harold G. SChack, WuHqrn-F„ Pvt., hus­ In Memoriam said District, on the 33rd day of June. No. 126, SwIitJTOlng; Nossef Saw­ sthcere hope ’ that during tljis Nothing will withstand the weather "hn open porchea Luca# (R) ; deputy Judge,. Patrick Wrobel. John. S-Sgt-. husband In, lo-vlng memory of my dear A D„ 1948. at 9 o'cIockTw. t.) in the yer, No. 96, Reading; John Von led the crowd at Seaside park like r;ush square ru g s .. .woveij of swamp rushes! P er­ rent developments will lend their about, and carries the same won­ of Mra. Sophie Wrobel, Box 253, band of Mrs.' Elkumr E. Schaok, brother. Samuel J. .Herron;'who died "lucky seventh" the response from 2.5,000 while Pleasure beach was M. Flaherty (D). , 53 Park Drive, New'Britain. . Manila. June 18 — (d*) — Gen. forenoon, and tha'. notice be given to beck, J#„ No. 25. Firemanshlp; the patriotic people of dur nation fect texture for enclosed porches, too...and any room weight Too in creating what derful prsonalp(ir regards, lied Control -Commlss!^ 'In Ber­ their pbysiquea'and genem beau­ Elliott (Pr): deputy judge, J. Rohr Boncal'r-ThadeUe M.. P\T„ hus- Tayldr,lylor. Willart. L. S-Sgt., proth-' would be "losth .to give up what I a t *a •••••« 40.00 lin is then scheduled to be^ia'^its ty by teaching them prop^ pos­ e n Lacey IR.)?-, ‘ William T. CJarroUf 8x10* fffet 21 LaSalle Court. New Britain. Grandview, MMchester. the Fall court. wt relief was only temporary. - real functioning. There.,.'!#’ a Big ture' and a graceful gait in 'Vlelwrt South. Windsor Judge AT ACOUBTOJ PROBATE HELD State Treasure# South W’lndaor—Judge, Horace Bonenfant,. PhHlp A., Pfc., son Troy, .Viigtisfine, 1st. ;., son pf He l i h p l i ^ that the Faclfic cam- j WILLIAM 8. IfYDE. E*q. at Maniheater. a'lthtn and for the DIar District Chairman Lotane urges Bgtterson park outside Hartford 9x12 feet • • • • • 4 54.00 Three meeting definitely ■ aet. ap­ ble shoe.s. Besides, by dlvesti: of Olivier Bonenfant, 3 Rowan ichmond trict oLManrheeter. on .the 16lh day of. all District. Cominitteemen to be Mrr. Wllllacr Minor who is h e^ was a haven of. refuge for 17,000 C. Vicbert (ft.). Mrs. Mary XM p a ig h was'jnore than a yeir ahead) judge. ■ , June,“ A. D.. 1945. of thr Women’s Diyiaion in the parently also'tq take place'in o,r Sprague—^udge,_ Albert 14. Tay- street. East Norwalk. of schedule In obtaining troops and] Trust *»**‘? ''•*, .jpuLfor the regular District com?- who sought .to escape the blister­ Mattresses> Box 'theni of excess^ and'peculiarly lo- Ave., Stamford. iTreaent WILLIAM 8. HYDE. Esq.. Bonner, Gforge H., Sgt., son of supplies, saying be V a s tremend-.l jj*^ aaid DUtrict. 'mittee meeting this coming Fri- Seventh War Bond drive hopef' to ing 93-degree heat of the Capitol near Berlin,, and the impression is calized .fatty depdaita. It ? would Ibr (R.): deputy judge, Joseph A. Vaiovcln, Michael J., S-SgT.,’#? ?JuUge; - have a coinplete report of ti^ re­ Mra. Lena M. Bonner, 52 Green.- uosly impressed thqt ■ Americah.l q-h. Manchester Trust Company, Tniit Estate of Mary Crockett u-w d'ay ctvriing in the East Side Rec- City. The "broad expanaea 'and that a good deal of preliminary enable them to wear panta with­ S'W>neau (D.)N .• of John J. Vaiovcln, 761 Brool sults of the house to bouse yahvMs ield — Judge,.^ William . H. ,wOod afreet. New Haven. street, Bridgeport. 'toirees n are fighting, in the Philip-j Trustee having_ exhibit?*^n* .annual Of. John Crockett- late' of Manchester, rcatrSawildlng. groves of Elizabeth,.'Keney. Good- wwlc'’for this conference has? al- les in 1945 instead of a. year or account with said estate m thl* Court in' said District, deceased. ,4n the near future. For. the present wl.i end Colt's parks.sheltered ad-, out creating a repellent spectacle. NelaotivCR.'): deputy judge. Philip Calzetti, Santo J., Pfc., husbahd Walesczyk. SUnley J., Sgt, son I«h I The Mancheater Trust Company. we rhust all buy boiids and more ,,e#ady been done, thanks to Presi­ of Mrs. ftose E. C^lzette, 28 Hub* more later. for allowance. It !*■ , 'ditional thousands. At Elizabeth! nd Outfits Dressing all yvpmen in unifof'm It. Graihun (ft.>. „ of Mrs. Pauline Walesckyk, 270 ORDERED:—That the 2Jd day oT Truatee having exhibited, it# annual S6U1 Diyisioii bonds—and don’t forgSt to Include park, the first so-called "Rose; Sun­ dent Triiraafi's organization of the would, finally convince men that TrUmbiHl-TJudge, Samuel Bayne bard street. Middletown. Walnut street. Waterbury. June A. D.. 1945. it 9 o'clock (w. t.» account with said eatat to this (?ourt Bolton in your address on bonds (R .). V ' Canade, William J.., 2d Lt.. hiis- forenoon,: at the Pnjbatr Office, in for allowance, it la day" of. the year attracted an' esti­ Davies and Hoplelns missions and in tru th *women are ail alike,', and said Mancheitet.' be and the aame is ORDERED;—That the 33d day of so' ths'-town will receive credit for mated 15,000 people. Waterford *-Judge.; Stanley D. “band of Mra. Joyce E< Canede,. 150 . V Returns Home them. their apparent success^ . ■ that consequently tl^ere is no hur­ Morgan urt dlrecU Ihe Trustee to New York, June 18—(/Pi—The The Boy Scouts will meet; this droves. -State Police headquarters tlal turning point. A. month ago, Wethersfield r-*'Judge, William ^ 230 Spectators give’ public notice to, elLpereon* lo- signed for a hearing on the" allowance evening at 7 p. m. -in the basement them for a life partner." ' H. Tribou (R.V. d e p u ty judge, Joseph A. Clullo, J15 Seyinour of said account with said estate, and 86th (Biackhawk) division, first to reported shorehound traffic as th#re seemed almost nothing but Upset Seeoiid Time Ureeted therein to appear and be of the Quarryvllle church. Twin Pull W# do hot share Dr. Hooton's George E. Light IR.). street. Waterbury. ' ’ heard thereon by publishing a copy this Court directs tlie Truatee to give cross the Danube In.the south Ger­ "much heavier” than last year.. IN»M'H|itton a dismal certainty that the grave Plmberg, Harold. Pfc:, eon of ,^o< thl# order-in some nea-apaper h«v- public notice to alt ■ persons interested many offensive early this spring, Wediiesday morning'at 30 a. m. R e g ,'^ Sale Size Size instincts tdward sarcasm, but his Wmchestei^Judge, Hadleigh H. therein to appear and be'heard there- Pillows Howd (R:1:' deputy ,-ju<^e, Frank M ra Selma~^i»le newapaper havlqg a circula­ -combat division to' return to Amer- .Survivors Hiking 4 States and Russia would do noth­ took a too-reallatlc turn yesterday ‘V il l i^ " 8 . hyd e meet at the church fo%ald another $59.50 *' 847.50 • I'.' S. Kelt Bedding Gutflis pulsory military training would do. ~ Wolcott — Judge. Edward H. Farrell. William R., 2d L‘... son upset housewives’ red point budg­ tion in' said, Dtatrlef. five day* before ca on Its way to battle Japan. — - 2 ing but .m ultiply,' Unsolved crisis of Mrs. Mary Q, Farrell. 2 Fleet and more than 250 ■ spectators judge., said day of hearing and. return make Undersecretary, of War Robert cleanup seosion'. 'A regular busi­ Clearance priced 69*9 47.50 . lliitel Built Bedding Outllla aa_much good for women as it PriSeny (R.): deputy Judge, et' today by posting another two- to thtk Court. ^aLaiuliiig Strip Italelgli Bedding Onlfil>> .3 11. “ on top of unsolved crtsisi'“misun­ Geosgo C. Wllliama TRAi------street. WaUrbury.^- were burned by the explosion of J P. Patterson and other high-rank­ ness meeting oif the 'society will he ' T5.6o .39.73 would for men, and if the woinen pohit-ration, hike'- for lard, short­ WILUAM 8. HYDE held ^hvg;30 p. BB, T^with Mrs. 79.00 69..30 Superfine Biytdhig <»utfit« ^ ■ i 10 ------9 derstanding on misunderstanding, Gaynor, Frank J„ 2d, Lt,„ son'of ening «nd salad and cooking oils. phosphonis ^ h d gretiadiM. j c o u r t o f p r o b a t e h e l d Judge. ing offlclals flew from Washlngtoir persist, itradyocating it for us, we Michael GaynofT 52 Howe Ave, Injuries mostly were miiior. j HSneheater within and for the Dla- H-6-18-46.______■ ______, to Welcome the 86th in a spectacu­ Charles Willett as hostess. Manila, June. 18— HP —Three . .distrust and suspicion bn distrust Eflectlv’e yesterday,, the boost Choir rehearsal will be ‘ held Your pillows have proba­ $29.75" $32..30 'I'. S?l'rl( Box.Spring* ■. . 8 ’ shall turnabout and advocate it Shelton. ' \ places a 12-polnt-a-{»ound value on Many of those bumed were chu-| of'Mancheater/on the isth day of lar reception that Included the din peraons who sur\'ived the crash of ,and suspicion. Now, provided the June. A. D.. AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD of harbor whistles, music of ser­ Wednesday at 7 p. m. with special bly done duly longer in 29.75 23.60 . Built B?>\ Spring* 1 .2 for them. ' Parri to^orm Hancock. Richard L., S-Sgt., those ppodtlcts. dren. I 1945. .. at .Manckealer. a-lthin and for the Dl»- an Army transport plane In N*'"’' tight-rope tf’alken at, Moscow do Maj. K. P. Brundage, command- Preient WILLIAM 5.^hyoJv. K*q.. vice bands and Impromptu jitteis music for Cjhildren'a Sunday to be Guinea’s Shangri-La valley arff^e? jiaur .home., than any 3500 27..30 Raleigh Bov Spring , 1 son of Mra Eluulse B. Hancock, The agency said Its action was trirt of M anchester.. on the 16th day rehearsed. All members are asked Ijizy l.nvury Box Spring I not slip, we can be at the opening necessary because of reduced sup­ er of a Camp Shelby, of Hugh Hewitt of Manchea- of June; A D., 1945. bug dances by civilian girl em- llcved to be hikihg' tb'a'ard a glider other single,item. Think .39.50, 20.75 ’^New Goveriiineiil i2 Tower Place, panbury. loyea of the New York Port of to attend. 39.60 29.75 Superfiie Box Sprthga '> * $ 4 Hanley, Jamec J„ Sgt., aon of plies and uneven distribution. which took p art in a gtmulatea j la said Dlatrlct, incapakle. Preaant WYI^AM 8. HYDE. Esq.. landing strip built'on the floor of of a* healthier and more pleasant Th* Mmneheaur Trust Company. Judga.C'''' ----- . Imbarkatioa aboard the "welcome Childrdn’s Sunday, services, will the velley and may be out within what fresh, clean pUlow-i Mra. M ary Hanley, 208 P ark Ter­ Smaller third-quarter allotments invasion, said .jttie live grenades] . TrusUEstaU of Btbel wllaon u-w of 2 era, In which new problems wUl be were thrown by nj^take. He ex­ Conservator having exhibited Its an­ g-h me” boat. be next Sunday at 9:30 a. m. In the a week. would mean in terms of-.- $29.76 S33..30 raleonia Msftre*«tea ’— - Open Forum Rome. June 18—rfl*)—A political race, Hertford. of fati and oils to all commercial nual account with, aald estate to ,lhl* George F. ', oodbrtdge late of Man- basement of the church. Raleigh. .Mattrev, 4 ji. considered possible of solution the users except pharmaceutical-man­ plained that they look like smoke, thester. In said Dlatrlct. deceased. „ The, 14,289 veteran troops a r­ Cot. T. E. Tmparato\of San An­ befter sleep!. Think how ,35.60 29.7.3 deadlock of more than a irionth has Higgins. Everett A.. T4, son of Court for alldwance. It la rived in four transports ; the tonio, Tex., chief ■ gf the 3"4lh moment they arise. Mrs. Ida B. Higgins, 50 Sunnjaide ufacturers also were announced. bombs which'-were sc^jeduied to ORDERED:—That the 30th day of Th* Mancheater Trust Company, you can save,'^now, while been bloken with the designation June. A D.. 1946 at 9 o'clock iw. t,) Trustee having, exhibited Its annual James Parker, General* Brooke, Can’t Compete Aabore T*t>op Carrier group, said' he had Disappointed by Oown Prince Uihberto, lleuten* Ave., Norwich. No change waa made in curreiit be used. - account with aatd eaUte to thl* Court ever.v pillow in Watkins ration values ot hUtter and mair- An investigation la under way,] forenoon, at tba Probate Office, in said General BUaa and Marine Fox.. dispatched a rescue plane to Hol- Purple Heart Parade ant general of the realm, of Fer- Hromjak, Joseph A,, Pvt., broth­ Manchester,be and the same is as- for allowance. It la . F a rre g u t Ida.— OP) —Commo­ landia.alr field to practice snak- stock is reduced! ? ’‘■ To the Editor: • #ucclo Pai^ ot' Milan to "form garine. ; he said, to determhie -how the signed for a bearing oa the allowance ORDERED:—That the 23d day of er of Mist Irene C. Hromjak, care phosphorus grenades w^ra Includ- June. A. D.. 1946. at I o’clock (w. t.) Send* Two Seta of Tnins dore FranlrH. .Kelley, Farragut ih- a glider off tha ground prepa­ New Y'ork City, In its observ- I havq been going to Dr. Wlch- neW IlStian govemihent. of Rev. 'oseph Ptsareik,,. .Holy ot said account with said estate, and Naval Training Center comman­ ratory to picking up a ' similar man’a office for some time and: Ulrfai' S tate Opened & in the ammunition Intended for this Court directs tha Conservator to forenoon'at tb* Probate Office, In said -•Bce of Infantry Day, had a novel Parri. 55-year-old mild manner­ Nam* Rectory. 1950 Bam um Ave, give public noUe* to all persona in­ KanebeeUr. be and the same I* as­ East Hampton, June 18— — der, and Lieut. Cjomdr. Thomas J. ernft from the floor of Shangri-La. due to my 111 health I find It diffi­ ed journalist who has heenihpnQred use In the show. signed for a baering on the allowance .The East Hampton Draft board, King, his aide, used a laSso to win Prices: (per pair) $2.50, Selection# are dwindUng Iwt iRfll "etcpsriencx^a parade It could not S tratford. Willimantle, June Th# terested therein to appear and be Imparato said the rescue tech­ cult to climb the stairs to his of­ by the AlUea-for his work as , a beard thereon by pubitahing a copy ot eeld eeoount with aeld estate, end sening all but three communities a Naval engagement with a badg­ nique should be perfected by the plenty of excellent vatuoa toy tida Cleari iw fice. Ifrael. Lionel, F1.0., husband of Cjonnectlcut department. American this Court dlraoU the Triiatee to give $2.98, $4.98, $6.95. $8.75, the emotion'to. applaud. For deputy commar.dfer of patriot Mrs. Pearl L Israel, 465 Edge- To Consider inepectlon StettoBS of thl* order in aoirte newspaper hav­ (n f^lddlesex county, sent to the er, hqt they couldn’t compete with' time the trio, WAC Corp. Marga­ of (idds-and-Ends, DiacontUued and F lo o r It Is disappointing to me to feel forces In north Italy, declared last, Legion aindliary, opened its first ing s' circulation in said District, fiv* public notice to ell pereone Interested his foxhole artistry once he reach­ only emotion this particular, wood street, Hartford, Qirla’ S tate yesteitlay a t the WllU- day* before-said day of bearing and thereinalh,A«Alaa *Ato appear Anilend hA*ba'bekrd hM^rd there-, ■'.J^.e',’,’ Havrn "Induction center today ret Hastings of Oswego, N. Y„ $10.75, $12.75 and Sample Bedding. All subject to*. could evoke was one of that the Zoning Board should night he would form a '"atable gov­ The on hr publishing e copy of this order - a 17-man delegation Including two ed ahofie. When they saw, the badg­ Lieut. John B. McCoUom of Tren- deity. Dr. Wicbman’s petition to Kellogg, Craig T„ 2d LL. eon of mantic State Teachera colleE* with H artford, June 38-?- (^)— return make me$e „ to this Court,------gnd^ _ by $17.50. ernment based on, anti-Fasclat Mra. Marguerite A. Kellogg, 44 Connecticut Highway Safety com-lmeUing orf or befor* June lA 1*46. a in eom* haerapeper haring a clrcuie- sets’ of twins—Harold aiid Harry er swioiming in a lake while they tor.. Mo., and Sergt. Kenneth Deck­ bsartachs over the bu- have his office in such a location forces and capable of preparing a 57 sophomore and junior high Uon in aatd District, five days befor* were fishing, they maneuvered a 0^ Meutokedei Bedford Place, Stamford. school girls from 42' Connecticut mlaaiain______la meeting ^ he« w r 01 said day of hearing end return mike Berggren, apns of Mr; and Mrs. er of Kelso, W’ash.T have comple­ cost of war. which would benefit people like constituent aisemblyr" consider a proposal for the eaUb-1 August Berggren of Po-tland, and rowboat into .position and lassoed ted the descent, down the nifcged myself, and other citizens in Man­ Klemyk. Joseph J., Sgt.. eon of towns registering for the week- to this Court. him. The next day there was a waa glory enough, Parri succeeds Ivanoe BonomI Mra. M ary Klen^yk. 16 S. Gover-v .long program at which they will be iiahment of permanent .automobile* WILLIAM S. IlYKR WILLIAM 8. HYDE Charles and Thoms.* Arrigonl. »ois mountain Side. chester. ^ who reslgped June 12 in accord­ , Judge tunnel l-adlng from his cage] but I The-griiiip wh.i to have begun the j goea, -in the some 600 fijm . nor street, Hartford. taught the rudiijenta of town ahd inspection stations throughout, the J udge. of Mr. and Mr*. Charles J. Arri- Youfs trulv, ance with his pledge To step, down I statr after the war. U-4-U-6A U-A1S-4A * ' , gooi o4 Durluua. no badgex* i tnp down June 15. 11 > . /■ A. J. Dl , after aU Italy had beea Uberate .*'■ Those GiVi‘ii Awards. A JAP HILL.... after a long illness. He was a na­ 8:15—Lum and,.^Abner; WTHT— Ray Desautels feat of fannli»g*’were In the bleachers. The weath- tive ' of Manchester and had ■ lived Joaeph A. Kiibasek. 2lk of. 13i w n c — Lorenzo Jones The budgi^approvcd by the 4:45—WDRC — Ad Uner;^.;WnC Kay-O-Qulz. Assume National Lead slx batters lii ' a row yesbarfey I er was the hottest 'of the year on : of thP. here all his life; He leaves one sis­ Oakland street was arrest^ yea--''’ 8:30—VVDRC Burps and Al­ afternoon was, a record -fbr the .the baseball front, Rally in Nirfth Frame . At a special School Board will be iilHiut $40,000 ter, Mrs. Mary Jefferson, of .this —Young Widder Browm ' Church school held in McOi- terday by local pollcg oh.complaint : , 5 :0 0 — WDRC — N ew s^d Uner: len; B ill^nry; WHTD —Blind books in.local circles, yfli. slow odist church yesterday irKiiwnB, more than last fedr- Salary In- town, and several nephews and of his wife, charging non-support. nieces. WHTD — Terry and^e Pirates’. Dale, WTHT,— American Dls- Brooklyn Climaxs Drive hooks had tl)e batters swinging The WiUlirriantic Fliers were Rev. W. Ralph Ward, Jr., m ister, "creiises will not make up qtl of A native 'of Rockville. Kubasck ' w n c — vyhsn ^ r l Marries. cussjnh League; WTIC —:'’How­ foolishly in vain. / ' ^ awarded a 9 to'*0 forfeit win over Thread City Nine Forced and the superintendents of the this increase as some have expect­ Funeral services will be. held had registered for the draft here ard Barlow’s Orchestra. Twilight League / ■ ■ ■' the Depot Square Grill nine yes­ Wednesday 9 o'clock at X5:l!kr-WDRC— ^ In Street, Hart- J To Gain Undisputeil Softball League partmenta awarded cerUfleates of ed. There is an increase of nejiriy but had failed to keep the local'**. ; ford: WHTp/— Dick Tracy; ,OfCK)—WDRC —r ■ {tadio Theatcrjsi] The' Clippejis .Were weakened by terday afterftoon when the latter To CqAllfOutto inrfp i r $15,000' in maintenance 'work. St^ James'S church leaving the T. ^m otion and award.^for Perfect ....TO O K OVER- Selectlye Pcrylce office infotm.ed w n c —Portia Faces Ufe. 'VHTD — To Be Announ'ced; Possession of First Sending t^ absenge^of Ed Brown, Norm failed, to put In an appearance as attendance during the Church This year $1,000 will be spruilNfor' P. Holloran Funeral Home. 175 of change of address. WTHT—GabrieKfteattSr; WTICJ Standings West-Riders at Oral; DISORGANIZED Center street, at 8:30 a. m. Burial 6:30—WDRC— War CommenUify: Beauregafd, Bob Tupker and a.*wurfe before game time, Tlie school year. Th^ service' was , retopping of the-chimney at the Judge^ Williani S. Hyde,' chair­ Sv/ootybr Croon; WHTD --*^ack —Telephone Hour. . ' • ! J*lace; Cards Climb. Mickey Murphy. The Fliers on loss now finds four teams tied for Four Singles in 8th ' opened by Edward^Maconley.wilh heating plant and there is also to" UNITS....FORM ED will be in St. Jam es's ce'rn.eteryj man of ’the 'Manchester Selective w .. L. PC. I OUT OlsIVfRY 3 aiTAll The funeral home wJU be open af­ Armstrong: W nC — just Plain 9M5—WTHT — W s ic W ithout/ PA’S ’ .... the other hand were vi'lthout Dan­ first place In' th? TwI standings. call to wor.ship and hymn, and SToais isfe^ooo o u T ^ i be considerable money spent , on NIGHT > DEFENSE Service board stated today that he Words. ' ' / f ! B.v Joe Relrhler Nichols. Br^ol . 5 1 .833 Decides Tight Came. the Tradje"School 'building. In­ ter 7 o'clock tonight for friends. Gnll ..... ny, O'Rourke and Russ iBarbero. James McKay' at th?' organ. lOER INTENSE had informed the United 'States N l 5'JIi6 — WDRC — -Tenn issee Jed 9:30--;WHTD---Rex. Maupin’s Or­ (Associated p'res* Sports Writer) Gordy Weir, form'e> .Tw1 League, Warren A Jarvis 4 2 .667 ..... I ■**-» stalling henyy fnachlnory on the Hamilton . K. of Cy 3 3 .500 This was followed by EN:n e m y f i r e ...: Oommissioner’s office of the.In­ WHTD — Ca^itain Midnight; chestra; WTHT — Spotlight "Thosoc “ferocious gentlemen” Men’s Qlub The Polish Americans received now a ! member of the 15th Air ■Ibe Willimantic Flier* Jtrlp to- and the offering. Mr. _Ward second floor of the building is fraction ' of the regulations and w n c — Front Page Farrell: Bands; WTIC — Information Stolle,''® Gamble 3 8 .500 nraking it necessary to have the from Brooklyn are in undisputed Fliers two shots in the arm'yesterday Force took in the game, yesterday. Manchester yeaterday aftfepi^ then spoltc briefly of the Church . any action on the alleged offense, 6:00—News on all stations. Please. . afternoon when it was- disclo.*ied The local officer looked in the P l ^ t J ...... 2 4 .333 school and its activity during thjs ; floor brared whirh .is gofilg ,tp rC- Soldiers Want po.sse.ssion ofxflrst place in the N a ­ Majors lAe’s Esso' . . . 1 5 .J.67 Was kn enjoyable and euccesi^b^. quire-^onsiflerable work anttejuon- > would depend. Iiidge Hyde said, ®:15_ WDRC — Jimmy Carroll Rockville that fiery Mike 'Saverick has been pink. 'V past year which has seen a latge j upon the attitude of -the United Singt: WHTD -\Tom Hussey 1 «HTD — Trans-AtU------.antic Quiz; tional LeagueXtoday^ for the first one as they ^jiptured a doiibli^' increase in average attendance, Aircraft discharged from the Army and States Commia^iotiersjn this in- Journal; Orchestral Interlude; WTHT—Connecticut FOrum of time this season. \ ! .Ponderous Charley Dziadyk. last The Amei’ican Legion baseball header. The flrsf game wnas .jt 9 to TwSnty-four 'awaida were niade. The budget will be ready for re-^ Real Problems the Air; WTIC—Contented Pro­ 0 forfeit'"; i^:m over the .Depot view by the joint board this week. /MARINE MAJOR LOUIS H.WILSON, JR., ' stance. WTHT — Honor Roll; Concert; Chosen by bareball writers to year's third sacker, put in an ap­ team will hold their initial,, prac­ for perfect attendance, and It was , Hour: vy”riC — Professor Andre gram. pearance at the game . and an- tice sesirtbn Tuesday evejMhg at 6 Prior’s Homer ■Square Grill nine and, the aeconfl. announced that thiit perfect a t^ d - WAS WOUNbED THREE TIMES IN F IV E v 10;3d—WDRC — S tuart Erwin .finish near the bmtom, tfe^suT- B- ■ ■ ScheijkeihY prising Dodgers climaxed a great noiinced that he would play to­ o'clock 'at Mt. Nebo'., .All young­ was a ,5 to .4 verdlgt over Paganl’Si ' ance did not. allow for a slngwah- HOURS BUT LED HIS COMPANY FOR 24 Of Peace Met ' Show; WHTD—^Sincerely YouYs: Warren, Jarvis night. . ' ’ Clippers in a loosely ^ayed gam e sence from the school. The chil­ 6:30t ''WTDRC ■— George-B. Arm early Ju'ne drive'" by humbling^ sters in town deiipihg a tryout tls .\yer Poles ’ HOURS ON GUAM...... :. HE AND HIS MEN Party Is Held WTHT—Hartford Heroes Speak;' Gives NB’s Will at the Oval before a swelterlna*""^ dren in the lower departments re­ (ConHnoed Fram Page One) mad; WHm) — Answer-Man WTIC—Dr. I. Q. Mort Cooper and the Boston are cordially inviteq to sttencl. KILLED 350 JAPS I w n c — Bob Steele.0 4,^1 A Bravc.s 9-6 In the, ope'ner of yes­ Saverick served,, ovejrseas for crovvd. ' y ’ vived a pin with the Methodist In- I OUT OT tVIRY 5 10:45—WTHT—Music for Millions. Play Kiiiglits alcnla engraved, and the, young ; ifes.s .lo l^>ng On 1st Birthday 6:45—WDRC — News; WHTD I1:()0—News on. all stations. terday’s scheduled doublehcader to '.many months and was a gunner. -Harry Nettlebiadt and Frank The Niphois-Bristol softball tearn , The CTlippers togsed the game AMIRICAH ADULTS ovation followed. He started Hop Harrigan; wnc -Lowell He Was one of the most popular Sarro ,d'^*4ted Bud Geoghegiin aw*ay. One Flier run confifig a* people of the intermediate depart- , IS IM S LO riD IN speaking at 12:34 p. m. (a.w.t.)'.' 11:15 — WDRC — Night Owl; sweep past both Pittsburgh an defeated the Ro(;kvilIe\ A. C. twice Thomas. New York. The Bues jand (jjafits Warren and Jarvis with Pop a r e t e s in town,, prior, to entering and Ben, Roman .six up and four to tfe result of a'balk afij another msnt received a wooden plaque of j ROOD INDUSTRY Li8^^ Chargeer / Refers to Paelfle War ,, WHTD — This, Is Our Duty; in a doublcheaikar at the North SallmeJn’s “Head of Christ." As­ Gary John^Taggart, son of Pfc. X:0O—WDRC —, Jack" Kirkwood i WTHT—Baseball Scores: It’s arc now tied for second* one Gleason to do the pitching wfH. op­ the .service. Mike . will probably play jresterday afternoon at the End field-in winning the-first- by '.allywas taken’ away' from the sisted bV the following persons. ^ Referring to the Pacific \yar, Samuel Tfegart and Mrs. Tng- 'Show; WHTD cadlihe *=>-**pdi-. ' Dance Time: WTIC—Hackriess g.srne behinS. pose the KnlghtS^of Columbus' ten be (m. hand tonight for the PA- itry club it. an exhibition the score of 9 to 8 and the nightcap youngsters when Jlraray Blanch­ .ge One) General Eisenhower said? In pitching the Doygera to their Hill Billie |;ame. ard failed tp tag/hird base when Mrs. W.'Ralph Ward. Jr., Miss Ma- , garL th«< former Miss Norma ufe; WTHT - pn Lewis, of Washington. tonight in a SoftbafeLeague g?me 1., A crowd" of 300 was on 8, to 0. /. hel iSntter, Mr.s. Edwin Brown, ^ "Speaking for the Afcnerlcan men Graziadfo, celebrated his i' firsf ; Jr.;^wnc — Supper'Club. 11:30—WHTD—Music: WTHT — ninth victory in thsfest 11 games, hand to w-itness the pros In action. 'Thi.'.-iocals stiU'have the first in­ he scored. ever alert Rabbit Mrs. T. B. Kehlcr, superiptend- marched-r'tntb the chambef\acc0m and women, i have been so hon­ birthday Saturday at the home-of 7:15—WDRC—Hedda Hofeer Hol-^ Dance Orchestra: WTIC—Cab Hal Gregg gaiped the distinction at the North End dlamdjid at 6:30, Elhf “Swede” Salmonson, ning jinx following them and hand­ Menoche called for the ball and of becom;ng/(he first hurler to. enU of the departments, the W fenled by a Hed Army, glia ored. to command . . . In our minds grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ivwood: '^WHTD — Raymond Calloway’s Orchestra, The Buckland team with lanky.; dther.Jooal' lad who fla.shed cmThe AH' proceeds from th» ■ match ed the visitors five runs before re­ tagged the base and the runner L lo^ng children received certlfl ' OkullcW,. princlpat'’’ defe'ndapt, and hearts there Is no slightest George L. Graziadio of Henry / Gram SwiriR: WTHT —Hfetford l2:00—WHTD — News: Music; take a depwon from Cooper, who Pop on the mound are a tough- o»;t.*i front before entering the tiring the side. The service station was out. 'J. doubt t-hat our people's spirit of- had \voiYsix straight. The victory will be turned over to the PGA " cates,of promotion. wore a dark ■blue' suit. He look street. In addition to about 15 rel­ Heroes Speak; W nC —: Nfe’s of . WTIC—News; St. Louis Sere­ team to beat. Lee’s Esso found serfdee l."i home with aji^honorable Rehabllitatibn Fund for the pur­ ten committed 3 errors coupled The powerful Fliers were given Beginners To Primary .sternly aheadfea he led the march determination, which has buoyed atives and friends from Rbckville, the World. x . \ nade. wasBle ninth for Gregg, although that out last' Friday when diacnafge. with three base knocks to. alio v .a^tough battle before finally win­ us up and driven us forwarjFin 7:30—WDRC — ^anks to the hp^ad to have help .w’hen the with five importations in their chase of athletic equipment for Finun Beginners to Primary: to the bar. All bis colleague.*! this town and other peaces, Gary’s 12:30—WTIC—Five Moods for servicemen. . the. W indy-City to jump into thi! ning in a tight game, featured by wore civilian drear Moat looked Europ.e, will continue to fire' this father was home on leave from Yanks; WHTD—Lbqe RarigeY; Monday. raves rallied for three runs in lineup, they suffered a 7 to 1 lac­ NleR elo, night league. leSd. The .O nter statigh fh tlffeir some solid base hitting by both RalpnB?irber, Stusan Brown, Qer- Constance Roger*. Lota Olaon, the elgfith. The second game was Jd Darring, Lynnc-Belle Dart, Nancy Irwin, Rita Hartunlan, Bar­ old or middle aRed, although one nation through the. ordeals of bat­ Holloran General hospital.' He la w niT—Castles In 'Hhe Ai'r\ 12:4b—V\TIC—Lee Sims. ing at the expense of Gleason, prexy was pfejMjed Into .sefvlqe aa half of the_,first cut 'the pafegln teams. The winning margin came appeared to be 20 or 30. tle yet to come. Though we dream wearing , the Purplfe Heart with haitgd By the Massachusetts 6:30 ■ Pop is a treat in himself. With' a u.mpl yeMerclay when one - ife/'leriden Endea will be In jlcwarttf-bne run when tife regis­ _ atrlcla Ann Eddv, Robert Alan bara Darring; Jean Francis. Es­ p. m. curfew law with the Bravc.s in the. eighth oh four -base hits off Ferrts. Da viiK, French, Patricia telle McConkey, Alfred DqvU, , OkuUcki announced he would: of return to oUr loved ones., we are Oak LC'af cluster and -other deco­ a team of veteran players to back of the men in hife^ faljed to put town tomorrow night to plajt-thec" tered four runs. The vistiors again Ernie Noske,. good for . two bijf defend himself. Seven Soviet laW; ment." and Said many of the 16 ground force casualties was 5.332 ready, as we have always been, to ahead 4-1 after seven innings. The up his mound efforts, the 'W'arren in an a ranee. Hamilton ,Pr6p^,ln-'a return game. increased iheir lead th the seconl Olbsort, Frank G|trnore. Cynthia Richard Albce, Robert Hutson, rations, having been twice wound­ game will be completed in runs and the ball game. A. JoyceNDouglas^Mlnor, Pamela yers were acate’d before, the Polish were persons the British thought Okinana GaiTiHoii soldiers and Marines killed’ or do our duty to our country, no ed in Italy, while serving With the and Jarvis team apjiears to be the Fraijjsie Vlttner local lad Is.ex­ by collecting three tuns. The locals' Marshal Horlge. Austin Wilkie, matter what i,t may be.” The- Fjirates and Giants each ■ Pete Kletcha the hero of several Shorts. Wendy SmltfhxJnska Son- box. available for use if asked. shoPId be. includefein the new gov- ml.s.sing.' and- 2L343 Wounded as of 85th Mountain Infantry. ' Gen. Eisenli&w^r Welt (me toast of the loHv Kelsey, Hill and Kehlcr also- helpr Earlene Knofla. Marily Gates. Couple Celebeiile were ordered to hide the homo ^ then drove more than mile into, action against this trapped .. 19 16 .543 Meets Tonight ed considerably in the local win the fourth with two runners on ‘Army; criishlng all'>tance Itf hicle has to travel over hard sur­ •rads tti a ty Hall—10:25 a. m. heat relief job by Anton Karl. Jim w , ’a . and one out. Blanchard got oiit of Alice Sargent.' Richard Dpl.nn, staff an'd create an Illegal organ!- i south, overran .Mezado'T'dgc and force yesterd.iy -oh the we.*itern faces. It will also keep up tV*' WaSdcll oaced the winners with " “Kes-warre . 20 17 .541 lo Else; Plav at ^ i l S . each collectin.g two for two. R arr-C ook flpnk. of the southern frnfe. the, played a decisive part In 10:30 -MBS and 11 UBC the hole but not before he balked Ruth Gibson, Shirley Schreck. Ken­ 25tli Anniversary xatipn to'hide arms In preparation! plunged on be.vond MezaJo.- pressure jn the tire unfil It can On the air tonight (Monday): two nomAs, one in each’ game to Scranton .. 19 18 .514 1'* Three decisions will be handed A revised ten took the field nf the First Marine divi-^ the defeat of Germany. " with pickups In regular Fred Hartford .. in. a run. Noske than took over neth Tobin. Owen Souer. Joan fob'a further struggle. Terrible Of much local intei is the mar- The m ^e no attempt The banners of victory, cannot be changed,., should It be pierced Waring show, which in turn is to NBC—8:30' Barlow* concert, drive in five runs. Giamt ace Bill ., 16 16 .500 2 Jeff Koelsch . promised that . , ■ .. lof lb® local ten in the second Cowles, Lola Sw’allow, Connie Wil- reprisals were alleged, to have riagn of Virginia Pace Cook and to break out nf the eneirclentent, Sion, the l-eatpernecks pushed sev; by a bullet. B’lmira ...... 17- 17 500 2 down tonight at a special meeting j jumped, into the lead again in the fifth and finished tip^ hide from sight these sacrifices In be a musical salute to the general. Gladys Swdrthout; 9 Voorhees Voisfclle suffered his sixth straight' there was one team in the Twi­ of the. TV'llight League at the W est The game ended with the Cllp-'\ «oti. Barbara Toung, Barbara Mf\. and Mrs. Harold C. Belcher been threatened to any Pole ex- Rev.' Browne Barr of 80 Crescent apparently re-^T/ned to fight and. oral hundred yards southward concert, Jennie Tourel. 10 Con­ setback in lh,e afterpiece, follow­ Utica .. 17 19 ,.472 3 in the initial franie by ' scoring, Jackie, Janft^rwln, Barbara Hen- which, victory has been bought. pity hall reception, Mgyor La- Binghamton light League that his Rockville pert placing runnets on first and at 13 Walker street celebrated their po.slng the plot. • street, Middletown, formerly of die where ^ v were. More than •’''""V fire to a point smith "ThCNhard of a commander Continual Experimentalinn Guardia—12 noon all netiVorks. tented Concert: 10:30 Dor I. Q .. ing a string of eight triumph.s. - 11 20 :355 6';^ Side Rec .immediately following one run and increased their ma'r- nequln, Jafet Tedford, Carol^ The , so-called Illegal military; Manchesterp which...... is to take place | half of“Hara "Hara K Kiri me.**a" the bfxi'i-ado - .town. Tills po.*iition .Is National team can beat and tliey are the gin by four more in the second, second with two oiit. Playing 25th wading annlveraary., Satur­ Is to send mfe Into battle knowing N Parade from City Hall—I p.-jn. CBS 8 Vox Pop; 9 Radio Thea­ The league leading Detroit Ti­ the ball game. League officials and Watts, Marilyn McLean. Marilvri\ day aftefepon and evening with a organization went hy the name ot. tomorrow afternoon at fourj name given to Yaeju pfateau 'h.v n e ^ lv a mile .soiiih of Kiin'shl The U, S. Department of Agri- gers took it on the chifi twice from x-0rooklyn .. .30 21 .588 - 1 defending champion Polish Amer­ 'i'hc NB’s added two rpore in the Coach Art Pongralz loftcd_ to •some nf them—often many—must and thereafter, various pickups. ter "Canterville Ghoatt':. 10 Jack .team managera have been Invlte'd Specs- Johnson in' leftfleld a n J the Ibith," Edwin Meyer. Garply Mc- family pai^ st the hofne of Mrs. Armlja Krajoma or "Ak." it was o’clock in, the chapel of the First| American troops—wa.s in’ ‘he ridgel^wo.stern anchor of the Yae­ cuiturc makes nume'rrms experi­ son In “Alibi Ike"; 10:30 East the Chicago White Sox 6-1 and; .Pittsburgh .. 30 23 .566 1 icans. and tonight they will get fourth and one more irr the sixth ny, Jenine Gilmore. Thomas ju e.*iearpment. • , . I be killed dr w'o.iindcd In order that Banquet—9:30 p. m. ABC and New York , .... 30 '23 .566 , 1 to attend and reports indicate that game was over. Bhlcher'a father,- Albert Hcming* stated. Baptist church In Roa.ncilte, Va. hands 6f Lieut. Gen." Simon Boli- ! necessary missions may be ments with weed s^eds to deter- Sffer.t Erwin Show. .ABC (for­ 7-5, but retained first place in the to win going'away. Carl Kehlcr ^Tracy, Audrey Audette^ Priscilla "ConslderingVtheir interests In The officiating clergymen will be, var Buckner’- U. S. Tenth Army. Hea\*y .\rUllerv Support MEIS, address by General;, . St. Louis .. ;. . 29 23 .558 their chance when they face one a packed house will be in attend- earned two victories yesterday in Johnson, Adam Kowalski and w ^ pf 93 SUtpmlt-street. Mr. aclileved. It is a aoul killing! rhlne their power,tO germinate af­ Becailiw of Ihck of remote pick- merly BLU); • Lone Ranger; 8:30 American League, although’ their., another In a league game at the. Mein. Philip Jobert, Marjorie Kee­ Herfengway 'and the . late Mr*., Europe,” the OkuUcki document Dr. William Ragsdale Cannon of| The last three Important ter-being burlcdTor long periods. Blind Dgtsi 10 Trans-Atlantic lead was cut to one and one-half Chicago .. .. . 26 22 ,542 2ta. .arfee. relieving Monroe in the first gam e: Happy Mlel'a all collected two hita gan'. William Munsle. Heavy artillery fire supported “My sorrow is not only for the caiferas, NBC television has x-Boston .. . . . 25 .•500 4 i''M y*8t Side Oval a t 6:15. in the fifth inning, and starting in a. winning bause while Elmer Grace'\ Vlckerman Hemingway, was quoted as stating, "England Emory ynlvera.tty, Georgia,, and heights, commanding all the less the Marine push. fine young lives lost • or broken, up , . Quiz.\MBS-^;30 Prof. Broadway games. ------26 4*a Sunday ball will be thrashed out From Intermediate to Seniors death . occurred In will have .to commence mobolizing Dr. Wade Bryant, pastor of the eight square miles of the- decided to confine most of its part , Veteran 'Thornton Lee wOn his Cincinnati . .. . 22 27 .449 8 Rockville has wqn only one for the locals in the second game I Vennart, Ai Surowlec and Pon- /w h o a I Iofantr>*men of the 96th division but It is eqiiallv for the parents, oT-cbe Eisenhower welcome to eve- Mystefe: 10:3(^B*tter Half Quiz, and it is expected that with the and Toung People: lcap, although he suffered a frac­ N .American in the field their play has been er­ eliminated lb the secon'd round. «,Tiere King Carl left off. and the I <« • nne base hit. Browning. .1 for the vlftorv'w fe. The. hjaeV^ mission of the General’s visit to p. m. BK(\ches in Melody; 6:15 tured leg sliding into third in the Detroit. . . 29 20 .592 ratic at times. In Marty Fagah combination allowed the Wlfidy Little Scoring Pimer It was also a source of satlMactlon this bloc cannot be conceived Yuza hUl nosUions across a large eat of their grief can be retleySd ergency Sunday ball to date has been noth-( Miss Irene Barr of ArUngton. I Okinawa Ihe the Polo Grounds for the- Giants- Serenade ttV America; 8 Ginny fifth frame. ■ ’ ■ New York. 28 22 .560 I'i the Hill Billies boafea better thaji City ten'-bnlv three hits. Neither: Noth'®'' team wa.s able to. inus- to Mr., and Mrai^^elcher th at \thelr without the participation of Gcr- plateair One more fortified '.ill onlvby the faith that all th^ls'ShalT Simms; 10:30^ Slgmond Romberg ing buf a. headache to tnanagera, son Ueutenajit Craig Belcher, wa* many in it. G erm afe will be con- Va..■ sister-t-io.. of ik»the h-i,i»,rrnh„,briclegrobn,. ,^111 will (Am.c.rlcans| would launCh an Berisl .Bravei game, which also is to be The__ ___ New York____ -Yankees______and___.Boston ...... 27 24 .529 3 ifair flifiger who has been the; vic- officials and fans alike. TTiere was in trouble during the whole “PV scoring power in M a n c ^ j e ^ e r remained for the 96th to clear out not happen again!" ^ Coftcert. .CBS^iirlS a. m. Sec­ • tw< frames but in the third the hdme froin ^gland^jlter 35 trqllkby,JthhEngUsb/'.^. .. before the .major enemv defenses ^ telecast. ^Philadelphia Athletics split. After ;Chicago 26 26 .500 4.^ 1 tim of some weiM playb in' his hasn't been a dacent attractipn on ond. ..Husband) /fc3a.- p. - m— Perry Fifed' Bevens; ■won -the; opener fo r; S t Louts .... 24 24* .600 prrvisus-moand starts.--—------EveMal H i^W baWihifet feiraions- oV er-^ DCsrrlbetl as a are brcacfed'Tn 'lhra~eentraT pOsi'-y " T Mason, Detectfife 6:30 Tefi Hus- feiiiway yet And=iWF*ftahai^^ '-'^Pat-Anntetlo^-was.... He was'accompanied by his bride, document said the! m------is h ------.home J A.G.D..., . ^ ^ Denver. ^ Colo. Th^l . ‘h® Japanese home- Coining up tonight; MBS 9:30 the ■Y.vnke'7-1 frbm Buck Newsom, | Washington ',. 22 26* .458 6 'a Fagan and Pockett are the- only voiced their approval of eliminat- sucker fbr the NB’s toi.coUe^g | Besautel's smgle, Petersons land tlon, : . ' . / Spotlight Bands, Tommy Dorsey Ing-’s Sports: 8:3Ci Theater of Ro­ , Classified Advertisements the former Miss Alice Drake’ of Army must be included in ' the | '***'era wlll .be Turner N, Burton ' Mftpping up operations oecupied Hospifiii iNoleis the Ajackmen’s Russ ’ Christopher '.Cleveland '.... 21 26' .447 7 membej-s of the Hill Billies to" col­ ing ffUure games on -what has' ffer hits, while'hile normnorte of 'the the loserslose; j . Count ayerar* worda to a line, antl-Sovlet bloc and bse made of ! S”** Robert &irton of lyythevllle, Resume Siiiclde .Mr .-Mtaek orchestra guest from Santa Mon­ mance. “Love Is-^w s”: 10 Serv­ notched hi.s 11th triumph 4-2. The ' Philadelphia . .. 20 29 .408 proven to be a bad day. could collect' more , than one hit. this town. Mr. and Mr*., Belcher the Seventh Infantry division ice to Front....BLU—1:15 Con­ 9 / lect -hiore than one' hit iny t h o lin single over .short for tw o^ns. tattlala, number* and abbreriatlona have a daughter, Joan, who will be its material. j Va.. cousins of the bride. _ Over the wek-eftd, the Jajia- around Hills' 153 and 115 on w e ica, calif., to be heard also on victory not.oniy made'Christopher ' tcaqi’.s first fotlr games! With Second tb.e -JTnited A ircraft R<«’kvlllc .-\. c. (8) count as a yrord’-end compound The four main defendants are bride, who is-the daughter resumed . kamikaze, air at­ PQUCE Wednesday nights, with Fridays stance Bennett; 3;M Ladies. Be th*; biggest .winner in the Majors, Veslerday's Resiills A double play the, only onp^n the, word* aa two worde. Minimum coal graduated this week’ from the eastern end of the escarpment/in Adnfeted ■■ SaturdaV; Pntrlolk . Seated: 6:45 CharllcX Chan; 7:30 Rudy "Two Ton" Cormier gone team ’s dropping Oiit of the league . Ah r po t game, Blanchard tmassiMed holt- Manchester Green school. tacks on American shipping in to be added July 6. This pro­ but gave him the unique dustige- Eastern . .. W price of three lines. Okullckt, Jan Janowski', vice pre- ^ Lafayette thvNakaza vicinity. . / ! Maej/ 163 Summit street: NApey One Man's Family; ^G uy Lom­ and Moose Morrell appearing only will be taken care of In presumably j c .3 h od the winners ralfy- Line retes pCr day for trenelent The honor gueata. received a sil­ mier of the Polish exile govern­ Pace of Roanoke, will be given in Okinajya waters. Admiral Chester gram, on the BLU fnow ABC) tio-i, .of downing more than half the Binghamton 2, Hartford I, (2d First Damage In Week / | Andover; Richard MoroconI, " 4343 bardo music. .MBS—lU l5 a. qi. 'lotkl triumphs of the entire Phila­ frequeritly, the HiH Billies haven’t quick Order. The team is-out ....3 “ ! Taking full advantage of two ver tep service from their family, ment; Adam Blen. former War­ marriage by her father. A small W. Nimllzis communique admit­ Enemy air attacks ip the/Oki;.^.,^^ Turppl^e.v, w<3»t: Mrs. for a couple years or so, thus. Is postponed).^ the hitters to w*in ball games.-. - Sjust what will happen to the dis- Oagood, If .....'2 lESeettyr Marrh 17. 1977 and other appropriate gifts and reception will follow the ceremony going back to the -network of Its Elsa Maxwell: 1:30 p. yi. PaulA delphia club, (20). Wifke.s-Bairre 8’,'fiT Elm ira 3, 4. ® j cosUy Flicl errors and SurowlecA Cash Charse saw Judge; sand Stanlslaw Jaslui ted one light unit was sunk Sat­ naw.o area Saturday resulted In the ; Krawskl. BrOad Brookt Stone; 4:15 Johnson Family: 7:45 The. PA'S on the other hand are tributipn of the players is., notsO. Phillips, 3b . .4 ” i single; the Clippers managed to ' • .Consecutive Deyi .....| T.etil 9 cts money. , — in the feurch parlors. urday. origination. Boston's rampaging Red 'Sox Albany 6, 1; U tica 2, 0. kowicz, former member of Parlia­ sinking of one light Beet a}Mra Mnicept Wallctt. 69 Gam- Music and L'>*rics; 9:15 B^al Life took two from Woshlhgton 2-1 and the surprise team of the year. known. Several have been con-; M.-^PMHps, 2b' 4 score a the fourth. Pon- I Cbneecutlye .Daya ..... I 9 ctslli ete Mr. Belcher and the forinar Miss m ent The bride Is a graduate’of East­ Am.,erlGarl fighters and torpedo destroyer or smaller. ThisMow by | Philip Farnsyorth; FIRE Williamsport 6. 3; Scranton 5, 1. tacted by other teams and are ex-j Rostfe; Sf., : .. ;.3 . 1 Day ...... Ill etallS cts man School of Music, Rochester, CBS rilnnounced today that its Drama. 7-1 to pull up w'lthln a game and With 'practicafe nothing in the gratz followed with a bingle for Dorothy Hetpingway were 'mtfrrled Thei nc others-oiners* arearr Anton/\ni.on Paidak.mujcin, ] ft bornbera hit back with a three- five small groups of Japanese air-1 j,- ppmeeton atreet; John Fox. Jr., .■American pected t6 sign contracts for play (n j Glpason, lb '>^ .3 another run and. the game was tied All orderi for Irregular inaertlonr on June Ifl, 3920 by the Rev. George -- ‘ V1^, and•n/I widow nf of fifowart*'Stewart ftG. a half'of the second place Yan­ Boston 2. 7: Washington 1, 1. way of veterafetfiat.erial ,on hand will be charged at the one time .rate. K, y. Piizhak, Alexander Zaeczi- « Inwver of that citv hour attack on the Amami island eraf-t was the first ^mageAuffered j B i^^land atreet. - NOKTH kees. Emmett O'Neill outdueled at the .start of the '-feason, the round two. Full details on their i Starke, of . ; at 2-all. The Fliers came back Ip Special rates for long term everf ,W. Reynolds, who was paator of wCraky;Werakv, Kazimir ,S. S BaginskiBaeinski . group, 120 miles north of Okina­ from, such action,,m more , than, a] Admitted' yesterdav; Beverly ■New* York 7, 2- Philadelphia 1, PA’s after playing- two tie games withdraW'al will be announced !, p ... . their half of'the fourth to go day adyertlaing given upon requeet ’ the Center Congregational church ReV. Barr is a graduate 'of Grin- Dutch Leonard In,, the opener, atpnISlaw Merzuva. Z. ■ Stypulow- wa. ■ . week. Three. ,of the Attacking | 9 De'epwood drive: Rich- 5432 while George Metkovicb, paefe the * lost a shutout; game to the Grill. later. I Funder, rf ahead on a walk, Mielajs single Ad* ordg,red cancelled before the f.jptn 1901- to, 1914 and afterw ard nell College and .Yale University. planes were.shot down. Chicago 6, 7: Detroit 1. 5. Rockrflle.’s protest will be re­ 8rd of' Sth day will be' cnarged only skl, J. A>*Hkatsinskl, F. AT Ur- While associate pastor of the Cen­ Other warplanes dumped nearly ard -Zalenakl.c^fi South Alton secord’ game offensive with a sin­ They- then proceeded to win their and-A baik. for the actual, number of time- the lived in West'Hartford. banfel. S. F. Mikhallowskl. K. S. 10 tons of bombs on the Japanese The Japanese Domei news SR-j gtreef Bertha Holmes. 13 Wood- Cleveland at St. Louis (2—rain) viewed and a decision will, be hand- 30 8,12 18 n The Fliers added two more run* ter Congregational church of this ency'reportedI Avr,.'''■wAfeAwf Ael ^7l*v#VArtAAANipponese ;planes -Tvlanaa ’ . * . > va< I_ /SOUTH gle, double arid triple off the Nats’ National next four Starts before finallv, be- ad appeared charging at the rate poxulyanski, E. CzernnwskI and J. town, from December 1942 to on Okinawa, seared theiil with land street: Mrs. Elizabeth Doug­ (fluban hurler, Santiago ■Ullrich, ed down by league .officials and Aiebols, Bristol (9) in the aevehth on. four singles by earned but ho. ellowahce 'or returns rocket* and machine-gunned them. attacked American air fields on las. Talcottville; Mrs. Edith Pet­ \- St. Lo^is 7; 6; Pittsburgh 0. team man'agen before the session ■ ab 'Roy, Johnson, Dsdalt and Kowal- can ha made on .ilx time ads stopped •H. StemberrDomowskl. January 1944, he'm ade a host of ^ ^ making his first Major League nesday evening. “Perhaps Germans Are Right” Amphibious, tanks, standing off Okinawa at dawn yesterday, start- ersen. Andover; Mrs, Bessie Cole, 432 Chicago 3,- .Cinci'nnati 1 (2d ia-over; If Rock'V'llIe drops out of, Anniello, 2 b ___2 ski>I)— sia Is the enemy of Poland' and Crescent streeL lean lines in the ,

f,A i/G ardtn— Farm—Dairy Announcements , li KusincSit ,^iervlces Offered 13 .... -4rV- At the scene an accident a Im HOl.D EVERYTHING ^ Products 5»1; reporter. seelujUig Information! Was Oct the laufliins doesn’t WANTED — CAPABLE HIGH ORDER MILLbR’S •'Well-bred':orco - \VANT?E!D —tkA N SP O R T A T IO X SHEET METAL WORK hot air WALTER SCHULTZ. 82 Obng'eis Classified told by a^pdetor: cost a -cent street. Ashes and hrbblah remov­ school gill .to do household bhlcks now for July deiiveji v e / SPECIAL SALk—All flowers and j W e F l e w , to*i>4Wtford between S »nd 5;-4j. furnace repairing. New hot air Sold out for June. They ,-H*ve vegetable . plants, 20c per dogen, { ease an D octor^If you mention my Keep that twinkle (n your'*feye and C i a M f i w L ^ ed. Tei. .1-1588. ■ duties, good hours, excellent onsense a. m/SMtonn South End of Man- and air conditioning furnaces in­ whatx It takes to prodn.^-' both Asters, rinnias, bachelor buttons, n a ^ lU i connection with this, yqii make that dimple 'dent. -. IHDIA ealary.- Call 7706, , \ mtitat say that Dr. Blank was -■^eater/T^^ephone 4267. stalled. Eavea trough and con­ pump me- meat and eggs. As^k our cus­ calendulas, s^vla, . cockscomb Advertisement 'AV Sbnie New. But Nevertheless^,.^ Chuckle or Tw o Wajeh the way yoiir mouth is PLLTHBER, ateam fltt^ Some '(wUed and gave appropriate medi­ ubber Advertisements ductor repairing. Norman Bfntz. chantc. Carl N ygr«. 15 South IN' MANCHESTER^LADY ^ tomers.-Rhone evenings for de­ and marigold. Tomatoes, peppers curving; Keep your chin u p '^ R SHERWIJ^WTUJa S s Restroy, cal attantion. Heir’s my card so high. 8966. atreel., Tel 6 4 8 7 ./ couple (husband working else­ tails, Alshchesteg, 8626. Fred and cabbage, $5 a thousand and For Rent For Sale — ^ ------MAN the GonipI«e^jn:>y for the gar­ \. Prosectitor (tp Negro viKman on ’ First Class Privat -W hat does friend tells this stoiw about a you'll gst my name right. Then you’ll get what ybu’ra de­ For Sale BOOKKEEPLNL and Accounting where) to share comfortable Miller’s^ Poultry ^Farm, Coventry. 75c a hundred. Potted plants, To Buy To Sell witness stand)— How oUK are ^ that word "asbestos’ on the the- For Rent den. Pestroy 3p>,^Y home with us. In exchange of "Where, you. bound — over the qhabi^ln in the World^;war, who Reporter—I see! You're In an serving if you never whine or in- records k.ept- weekly. Balanced] begonias, geraniums. ■. marigold, nUe is a true story of the i you? ' ater ctiflaln tneSn? leaned c^ier a poor who ■ was office ,jn the same building as Dr. To Sell will contro' ail lelrf*e*t>ng GENKRAU^/’MBtNG and heal­ taking care of my, invalid wife COME IN ANli’^ SEE our 12-14 ageratums,'^petunias, ice plant,,, Hump or back weat? ■Igb- To Buy sects, and being a fuiSfe^^,.: it tnonthly for income tax piirposes. nnen who fly the''' "homp”— "E h ?” the,fellow said. looking 'Negro Woman—I’se 'ftl,-' '•'’•O Corporgl—Don't show your Ig- quite beyonduc,v\niu iiup^-onah o p ^ ^ d ssKeaasked mmhim Blank''Blank, o»sn« diiuih, sraiaren’t v you? You Let no stinging word dtatrsas you: ing repairs Call 4824, and' manage house. Two In fami­ week old barred \ rock pullets. coleus, verbenas, cannaji ‘and carrying paaaengeris and car­ But she did not lo o ^ fo be thatSmrsrice. That’s latln for-<"wSl- prevenLs plant., diseases "and confidential notary ,Public. Phbne Two to thi- ; V eek deliveries ar- up rather fog|rily. "Why, ah— if there w a b .j^ th in g he ati*bcd;know him, of course? treat it as a Joke. ^.^27 days or evenings. REFRjdKRATlO.N’ service. Gen- ly. Other .help kept for cleaning, Inch plants. 379 Burnside Ave. go o v er the high HlmaUyae oid. A few minules^/later she cor-lcol^ . to say or ai»Y word he wished to] Doctor ('very formally)—Not at And face the future with a smUs, atimlate* plant growth. It con­ . washing and cooking., Good pay ranged. Montgomer'y Wards we’re going tox^Kunmlng. The eral Elecfric. Grffno.w, Crosley, Greenhouse. Always open. Tbl. Wanted to Rent 68 between ' India and China. reeled herself by ^ y in g ; Send to family: . ] all. We do not recognize him aa s' yes even If you’re broke. tains both.Arsenate of Lead aitd^ R A rtfrA R R lN PE.MAND in vital according to arrangements. Give Farm, Store, 824-828 Main atreet. Pilot* flail It the toughest alr- ship's being refiieleiL” , Bordeaux Mixture cbmblhed Ffigidau;^ and all other makes. 8-3091. ' ' . "It’s been pretty rough on the NCgro Wombii—Ah’s mistook-]Do whttUvou feel to be right; 'SDm«f (whispering painfully) { member of the medical profession. —Mary Sinclair. Lost and Found war jobsTT^tyiPs aie higher. Call particular; to Box V. .Herald. WANTED -5-6 ROOMS, prefer­ . line route In the world. scientifically in the proper pro­ Work gu&ranleed. -.Motor repair^. CHICKS C. O. $14.96—100. As­ north route the last .few days," I en ’bout bein’ 76 years old; 75 is: Say w h a t^ ji think to be true; —^ Inside coat pocket. I He advertises. \\llTt Gstfinsky?''5^79. 182 Bis.sell, i>. SHERWIN - WILLIAMS- -potato ably house or duplex, 5 in family. mah' bust measure. Leave wttb^^th and patience the jjOSft__LADY* Summer handbag 1 portions to control both chewing Call 4.894- B * H. Refrigeration' WANTED— WOMAN to work sorted broilers or • layers. Leg­ offered. "The ice Is bad. South x^The chaplain felt the pocket-{ > ------Two boye were weighing them­ atre^. spray is an •efficient economical Call 3224'after 5 p. m. StoSed Shirt Pilot conaequencSs to God. containing ration bboKt and per- insects and fungous diseases. Service'. ' ’ morning*. Apply manager State horns, Rocks, Reds. Assorted^ routes npt bad-for weather, but book, and took it out. The soldier! He wan visiting the newlyweds selves: potato spray used for the control , ’v n This,^ <^•eather is ideal for swim­ told him to open it. at their home. Everybody was line Pud—Look, Red, I weigh three . aonal effects, taken from car on' Manchester Plumbing * Supply ASHES ,a:ND RUBBISH remOVeiL Theater. Our selection. Blood tested. Rush MANCHESTER .FAMILY with 2 the Zeros have been thick as fltea of. potato blight and _ Colorado ming. Those who can’t swim Two men were tiH^fog on .Main Chaplain—Is this $10 bill what< at their home. Everything was pbund* more than you do. Main street.'. Rcwai'cl if returned ■ Co., 877 Main-street. .Tel. 4425. also light '%'ucking Telephone^ order pay postman. Billie's, small children wunts 5 Ib 7 room It always seimed strange to me the last week.*' Repairing 17-A po*ato beetles. S-W poU to spray -••The Little Colonel looked at me simuid take stops to correct thaf. street yesterday and os^said: - you yant? fine, but— -4 Red—Aw, you’re cheatiiig! \ to 64 Robert Roiid. Dial 6768. 8966 or 38.58. \ WANTCD—RELIABLE girl or , 7571 Ridge Ave , Phila . 28, Pa.. is a light fluffy powder made house or fla*. Rem up to $85. .that the Army, with it* super- First Man—This folfovs^omlng PROl'ECT I'O l'h new chair from ^______"V'\ woman to help 'with, housewdrk, iL_____ -L___;------Willing .to pay 6 'month*, in ad- as„lf to say . he hadn't asked for||bck.-\Chtldren cannot learn any Soldier (in a whi.sper) Ye*. Vleitor—Why did you take,.an You’ve got your hands In your |X>S'Tt—BLACK A X p WHITTS EXPERT REPAIRS ot shingle, from the famous S-W FungLBor- high standard* for the Air (Jorp* earlier'sfoan-. now and the earlier down the street Is a terrlolg flat­ ’ll bet you that I din’t die. apartment with such a tiny kitch­ pocketa. . moths for only J 1.25 f o r 5-ycarj j,;xp KR IEN C ED itA dlO servitte,. mornings. Call 6903. 'vance. Phone 2 1934. and the rigorous training it put* a spe^h, BO I Started to mpvb aettet^emale. Anew era .to Binky. slate, composition and tin roofs. do and,S-W Arsenate o f Calcium away. Biit then I remem^Ted they leamUo swim the easier it ia terer. And he did not enette, Tom? ^ _, guaranteed , rolcctu n. ’V i Pj-omt and efficient.' All wofk Wanted—Pets- -Poultry in the Correct, proportions., so as- Us pilots 3)rough, should at the All children should learn to swim. Second Man—Ob, did he If fou n d ^ ll 2-0200 Reward; ^ moth I Rebiul'ding and ' ;^•gpai^irig of WOM AN FOR hoiiiewor in small those bigwigs 1 had seen corrie In New Groom—Well, you’ re ‘ the The cares of today are aeldom Ci* sp iajing o f Berlbii stops moth | gyaranleed. Phone 4607X ^ — Stml. II to assure ,,max’ mum protection W ANTED -4-5 ROOM house , or- same time leave *o little responsi­ you were good looking? dam age ■ or Berlou pays for. the I _____ ( chimneys and flashlngki-,, E .' V. famify, Fon'd »f ehildren.' live in. wlt.h him on the B-17. Sp I went \ ----- Corporal—I want a girl who 1* first man I've told so- keep it the care* of tomorrow. Present agaln.M potato bUghl and potato apartmehf. Telephone 2-049i. bility to the pilots in the matter Friendship ia^'niutual helpful-' First Man—No, h* said you worries never stay with us very 3 1 damage W'atkins' B'rmher.s .sn- RANGE BUR.''7ERS and power; (loughliti. .’90 Woodland" street $100 pe^ month. Write Box G,' WA.N'TEp TO BUY 100 broilers .of when’ they should fly and when back to him and said, '•■Tm going good, clever and beautiful. quiet. It’s so small that I can’t get “Psst. Joe! It’s a bouncing. "hugs." Manchester Pluinbing & over myself In a few minutes. I’ll ness. were. in there to help my., wife when long if w* don't count their pres- vice Bai burners of all tnakes and kinds' ■ * Phpne 770’ . '^4derald. or more at a ttme at 2 1-2 lbs, FAMILY OF 4 ADULTS urgent­ they Shouldn’t. We boy* in the SergMnt—Say, you don’t-want baby boy!" Supply Convpbny, 877 Main, wait if 3tou like andiead the way. ah*’e washing the dlehea. enc*. cleaned and adjusted 10 years' each Telephone 3922. ly desire singly or duplex house. C. N. A. C. flew thousands of tons one; yoiKyeant three. experience. Tel 2-1731. 44 Main R(^)kTNC. — 3PEQ1ALIZING 'In WOMX.N o r GIRL for domestic street. Tek,-<425. I know the routea'ipretty well.” repairing roofs of all klnd^f also Call Leonard Sexton, 8920. of material across the Himalayas Automohiles for Sale 4 street. x'' / - w'ork betweenj4 and 8, principal­ ------during 10-day and sometime* even The little Cfolonel's eyebrows FUI BUSINESS riew/(mfa No job too hthall or ly to cook dinher,_ 68 Prospect VEGETABLE 1 LANTS. tomatb,, popped up t^fu they almost dis­ WANTEb^ i - Articles for Sale 4.5 two-week periods when not a *lh- BOOTS AND^ BUDDIES Bill Ifl Learning BY-EDGAR MARTIN^ WASHER. VACUUMS. Elbctric large Good wbhk, fair/rice. Free street. 5311- ' pepper, cabb'age, egg plant., A»- appeared utidei* hia cap. If I had SAI,E 1941 PLYMOITTH tert, zinnia, Sweef, Wlluam', ,sal- Resort I’ rooert^ for Sale 71 'gle Army plane was allowed to get motors, etc., repaired Afi parta estimatesNjall Hbw^y, Manches­ W a s h a b l e w i n d o w , shades in been a Junior ofTfeer in the Army coach, heater, radio, $1,095; 1940 , WOMEN WANTED for^ s'eady '.yla. Some red plum.' yellow plum off the ground. . ' ^ wAJrt «o TRUCK DRIVER available 24-Hour aetvice Xlbarg- ter 5361. ' , / all colors, 39c Alsa Hollafld JUST l i s t e d with Looser Real­ I thlnVk he would have organized we. D od g e/d a n , heater, radio,- $9951 , work at good pay. Nice hours, and yellow ponderose tdmatocs If that woulu sifiem to reflect ee C. O D. Manchester 2-1439. .shades in white, green and ecrU_7- ty, a fine hew year rounu in­ ■ more courage and darihg on the a cqirrt martial right on the spot. WtNBK NOO , J KiX 'AW' ■w.* W t iHiawQ* 1940 F or/slation wagon. $995. j light work. Manchester Laundry, at Odermann’ s. 504 Parker 'St. > He- waited until hia blood pressure Apply In Person. ■Prices undr/'-i^elfing. Call Cole i morning* or evening*. cut bo measure at reasonable sulated cottage; Four rooms and part of C. N. A. civilian pilots IKiMRWA Movliig— Trudk|nff->DS of tractor work, hay- *0 should not. The Army pilots them-^ dulgently and said "Thank you, raoUi'^W, HY VCk ■.DUXRWnOMi / SloraRC .” WOMEN WANTED for. light, $1.19 now, .’19c-.^sbe.stha -Stove eggplant, .'.cauliflower.celery: ’ Full cellai' . Ii6t watci avslbm, son. but I daresay Til get along G . E. Willises. Son NEEi' A <3001 USEDRt h AMERICA Van Lines pleasant Work.. Hours 8 tb’TS no sprouts, transplanted''columbine, ; all right."' Then he turned and pvQ«t>i we\x ------c Brunner, op.en <- a- m. lulLlO p. of-golf clubs values ta- Pretty Aprons shrouded fields. WANTED tract Jobs. Gilbert Fickett. Tel. E. Willis A Son,-2 Main street. Hill Top Market. FOR SALE—CELERY, bjcoccoli, . How It^H^pperied BY V.T.flAMI.IN tlon call Van . Camp Bro* 15. 5433. - Tony Mercede took up a spirited ALLEY OOP MORE MONEY FOR your car yeara' experience! Tel. 52.44. Free Phone .5125, cabbage and pepper plants. A. I L • Full or Part Ttme. ROLL TOP DESK, $20. Renrming- • defense of the Army every - time HEGNESHEAPD than It’s worth right now. Brun­ inspiectlons! PXINTTNG a n d Paperhanging WANTED — THREE energetic ton Number ■ 5 noiselej/'.office Vince, 147 Birch street, ! Gingiss or 1 or others in the C. N. Sand /ALONa ner's, 80 Oakland street. Tel. 5191. ABOUT HIM/ IWUS Apply ajjd wallpaper. John P. Sullivan. young men for full time employ­ typevV-riter, $30. new. Kellogg A. C. started to Criticize it for Its w a n t e d —ALL KINDS ut *lec- FOR SALE— strawberries ..I Open 7 *. m. to 10 p. m.. also Phone 4^0. ' heavy duty deluxe paint sprays panty-waist flying regulations. m s o w StK* trlc wiring and repairing. Any ment.' Model Fruit Shoppa-^997 Ptclc ydiir- ow-n.' Bring your ow-n j Sundays. gun w'ith 25 feet of hose, $30, "Llsteni jerka," he said one day. OOP Colonial Board size Job given prompt attention! FOR A GOOD PAINT Job;, inside Main atreet. ■basket. 364 Bidwell street. I . Q-^-What is the area protected One rebuilt ' -and guaranteed. "You guya are getting paid big SOB- WAhn'ED— WE NEED used cars Call 3975 before..? p. m. or outside. C a llE d w a rd Price. dough "for doing your Job; these and managed by the U. S. Forest C o m p a n y and pay top prices Cash talks' Graybar table iiAOdel radio, $20. Service? . 2-1003. ■ \ MAN w a n t e d —37 Oak atreet. One deluxe 8 tube radio for 38 wids in the Army are getting'regu­ and we have IL Stop and get our RADIO REPAIRING. Plck-up j Household Goods 51 lar Army flyer’s pay. You can Ar-Aruund 300,000,009. seres, 615 Parker Street Reymander’s Restaurant. Oldsmotjile. $35.- One Howard ______V offer. Cole Motors—4164. service. Kadios checked at the PAPER HANGING and steam re­ quit your jobs, these kids can’t many of which are patmled by home; Store open all day. Man- moval'; Interior! exteriot paint­ Preeele.ctor With 4 loops,' $60. -The Army has a lot more author planes which are important aids One Hammarl'Und: pro-ten tul», FOR SALE—ELECTRIC range. kSMVtO,rtNC_T. U.S FAT OFF,, chesfer Radio Service, 73 Birch ing; decorative interior finishes. Help Wanted—Male or . lly over Its boyS/than C. N. A. has in controlling fires. '^S£La street. Telephone 2-0840. Tel. 6322 after 6 p. m . Hartford all wave plug in coil communica­ Telephone 6307, OCR UGHTlKia HIS OGAft ON A Female 37 •J*', over you — but it' has a blggger ‘No native’s going lo outdo me, sir!” SaoOOVCCr AS2C,ViAS KAVOED 8-5510. tion receiver with 6 set coils.-$50. ' obligation, too.'* > Q—VVho was the first woman Steel shelving, .suitable foii^ store FOR SALE—6 VENETIAN blinds i ^ 1 J BW THE *nME-MACHINE ...OVBB- tVANTEp—4-5 PEOPLE to take registered air pilot? , SKILLED A n d UNSKIILtiD or office, display fix­ one 29" and five 31". Good'Condi­ P /l) , coMEiUoc woMypi names fd City Directory. No tion. Telephone 6044 or 168 Maple To some extent Tony was right; A—rBaron’Be Raynionde de ‘ la MOWS HE'LL TO CAP THE CLlhAAY 23 tures. Five 4x8 foot -Section wall (XIR HERO UPB AND epULO BE.’'BUT HOW MUChU Repairingr selling. Temporary work for 4 to> street. j bhi he was all wrong on that Roche, who received Pilot CerHfl- MI& RESEASCH HAS HE BEEN FENDER AND board*. .One 3s wAtt public ad- matter of the money We were cate No. $6^ from t|ie Federation SIDE GLANCES BYJ?^jCLBRAITH WORK T31SAPPEAR& HELP W ANJED PIANO TUNED AND .repairing: 6 weeks, PernAaneht, position, .if dresa aystem. One round oak din­ THE OQNFOCI5 CF C M L O ^ O N ? desired. Call before 10 or after SAVE I'ALUABLE closet space. T making^sHe was not the first and Aeronautique^ Internationale en (>I$J BODY WORK player piano specialty. John ing room table. Arnold's, 211 by ho mrtpis the last to accuse UBjaUsshk 4 at Price * Lee Company, Odd I Buy a EZ-Do Wardrobe, only 5lareh 8, 1910. \ Cockerhara. 28 Bigelow street North Ma,in street. 6780. C. N. A. C. Npllots and even the ■ /■' ^ NOW Fellows B ldg, 489 Maih $3.98 at Bensoi'a. -V SOLIMENE & FLAGG Tel. 4219. men In the AXT. A. in England Q —What ia known' FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Speak English BY MERRILL BL0B8ES south Manchester. FOR SA L E -F U ^G POLE, lift the "cloud ' For Work On Uigeittly Needed War Materials. ' INC. FOR SALE—2 Albolite set-tubs, of being mercenaries.' but neither of thunderstorms."? 684 Center St. Tel. 6101 and force pump; wagon wheels, ■perfect condition. Telephone he nor others . of nls viewpoint •A—The • rumulo-nimbus,, which I o o r oPFTHff Beam. , VITAMINS? _ This lush- MowD A BUNCH Private Instructions 28 Be-Cultured book, metal bed; 3141. / .considered our side of it. 'Virtually begins at around IMH) feet and M.VLE—Weaveis Situations W'anted— sprlhg. coffee table.,marble. Also all of us "mercenaries" had paid MISTER.ANO I WAS WHAT5 THEM? MUSH AND Y O U G E T y 9UB- - Loomfixers (experienced dnb) Male 39 builds to great hrights, . usually HUNkSRV ( THANKS . WITCH'S , ( j p . H E R F z a t o TEACHER DESIRES to tutor other -'tables, couch, occasional f o r s a l e — ^ A L N U T BED for ,our flying education ouLb^jour with anxil overhang. FOR. TH E VITAMINS / BWW-ITS I N T H E o o L ie - (ieneral Help fifth, sixth. sevenCh,^eighth grade chdir*,- lawn table, kitchen sink, complete, f^K size. Reasonable. own pockets—an^ almost KKUper 5micn.y HILLS? PROcxies REAL ESTATE LISTINGS subjects. Tclefllitine 2-0675. like walnut dining room set, like new, Inquire ll/V Vaddell Road. cent of the Arm y" pilots had fiiee HAOA- MB HOW HIGH-'i'CHOOL BOY would' given their training at government Q—What was the airplane pro­ /F^M .Vi.E— Weavers " v Of AW Type* Wanted! 10 Venetian bUn^s for Cape Cod, WtOH MM GOT ELOCimON DEVELOPING k /ddelivering. e l i C*H 6917. expense. We had investments in duction of the United States in StSSKM 'MOlf, •^ Spinners -Cash Available. battery radio. 23-1 Green Road. 1944 7 , Sewing Machine Operators clear speech—eleminaling harsl^ HIGH SCHOOL BOY desires posi­ "jvtmachinerv aiM) Tools 52 our flying ability; they did noL a n d raaping .tone*— gaining v{ M^ADE FOR THE Gdvernment. But I didn’t want to go.into ill .A—^Airman’s .Almanac put* It PARKBO fr O R c e , REALTY (X). tion *s h«lp«r lo craftlc art. Call at 9fi..369 plane*, valued at $19,- MC , .Vnd for various operations control. Tutoring in Heavy-duty harness,...... made____ for .CLETRAC TRAC'TOR for yoiir ■ that again. Instead I .said:, "Walt iO U T o! OtKti^ 4112 Residence 7275 8957. the government and. releaseiK ./ orchard, ideal power. low and 400,000,000. . ' in the Pack & Cravat Depart­ Weekda](* and 8anda.Ta , matherhatica. The WhytE^Studio. - a minute, Tony. Do you remember ment and Pioneer Parachute Co. 709 Main street, Pljalie i-l392. meet the -critical need forfh rih compact. MTiatever the _ work \ l.T'iSi? back in 1939 when the Army took Live Stock—Vehicles 42 harneas. •' Top-quality speciflea- is fitted to do the Job. over the airmail - routes in the Q —What is Boliv'.ia’s chief min­ A Course of Training With Pay Will Be Given To Those tiona throughout. ' L^g^Iasiing, Tractor Company, Willi- States ? Remember how many ing export? - ' A—Tin; 75 |»er cent Without >Experi,ence. , ' ^ Help W.>rtted^Female 35 FOR SALE—FRESH COWS. Also sturdy. Only; $82.50/VRrds Farm S plalnes and pilots were lost In that (hr un- heifers. Some to calf In the fall. Store, Main stre ^ f/o w n . littlei misadventure? And do you trj-'s entire export*. MANCHESTER SERyiCfcMAN*S wife need* re- 364 Bldwell street. Call 7405. know why? It was because the lildste woman or ;girl tr care for FOR SALE/^PRE-VVAR r ^ Musical tft8tr.mnents...^ 3 Array dldht know third as much Q —When-. U- the , nex SS9UBUU ....CHENEY b r o t h e r s ' ftrt'isnd'T-Rbbin Si^gieii, coiS- ewnaren; "wiiti* woTks?'Cstl FO R -R A tB «“ PUI^-^br«d-_-Guefn- baby car reT Ciil”M4«'' aH^ •lEMadtum-Lafgs ~ ' aBbuyblind'flrtn^a^lnr’ro ^irpse oFtffe'^ib'?’'" sey covt. 5 years old, fresh. Tele­ A GRA7TO PIANO, sbiall mahog­ 146 Hartford Road plete with nreplace, *cre«n* ■pd'' after 4 p. m. at 47 1-2’ Charter 4 p. m!,.' cial pilots did., . . ,. And its the .A—.luly - - ■ 9.- This sunrise eclipse Oak street. phone 8674. any, beautiful tone, Jbqks like By Sue Burnett satne thing over here right now. will be best seen from parts of RED RYDER In^Bfl^ Hands BY FRED HARMAN All hiring in accordance with the Area Slahilization Plan. storm windows.^, Avallable stnee new. Real bargain for '’'ijrnme- A bib apron or a tie-on? Choose There' are a lot ^of stuff^ shirts Idaho and .Montana. for tryc riMim* opstajj*:^ Bown Building Materials 47 /liati-aaie. toso Main street, your favprite from ' these, pretty In the Army —- jsvfn in the Air INSTEAD OF CA?TURIM(3 BO SS GOOD' IHESE IvJO' ^ILL HUNTIN'TH' JW...... RANCH V.’AS payment aa l« ^ •' il■ , 8900.00. Hartford, 2-6787. styles that -are fo attractive for Force—and theyre so-cocky about BUSCn.THE DOCHE35 ADO UTTLE CA,S'T follow US 'Ex^aecoAPAw; i 8on pio r,w t 1H ’ r a i l w a t ABOUT 1500 feet knott;, pine, AGAIN.', *l0,C)0O.iXIGrttS9 ftONEY I WAS EYP^SS VHo Reasonable njoiithly. cost. tl^ summer hostess. i their rank and their military dig­ BEAVER BECOME HiS CAPTIVES kiln dried. Reasonable. Call pattern Ne. 8^26 comes in sizes nity that they think they know Social Situations I'LL TAjjt nue. New 'York 19. N. Y. Army officers at' the field. Four fo r iL ' ■'v dy c o v e r ...... 19.7.5 ' Machine Operator 2-0497. ' ‘ . ' oYiie wieners and bologna flandwche*, won’t yim?” ....t Send for your,, copy of the new o f them bad names that remlarly BOOKCASE—Solid ni*hbgany bookcase, sliding Spring issue of Fashlonr-Just off ■ made the headlines In A^^cican glass doors ...... ;•...... 20.09 1—All Round Machinist newapapers; the other four were WASH TUBBS -^eady, Aim, — - BY LESLIE TURNER MIRRORS -Tw o Hbf'qucd’ Bmpire mirrors. .. - each- 10.00 WANTED --6 FDOT PORCH the presi Book full of smart, up- ItJONERVILIiE FOLKS BY F4)NtAINE FOX • / shade. Call .34 74 aftef 5 p.. m. iop-ranking colonels .and brigadier BENCH—Solid mabogany^^lntique..bench...... 25.00 to-the-minut'e styles. 16 cents. generals. 'They had come in from TABLE ^ND CHAIRS T^Kilehcn table, with diaw- l —^Iilling iHachine Operator - (jalciitta in a big Flying Fortress e t diid two chair* painted I'Cd- . ..L . * 7.01) WANTED*-!!- FOLDING came>a. piloted by an extremely, self-satis- 1 THINK IT*$ THEM CI7Y FOLKS WoT RENTED fH E TABLE—Oak kitchen table...... , .,v... ,. . • 17,50 for servlce.H^n. Call 7560. fled and Cocky little colonel. OLE HAUNTED HOUSE• D-INIXp ROOM S.UITE-'-5-plece mahogany set. C. N- A- C.’s ;flAd office waa biiilet. table and three c h a i r s ^ . 20.00 Appl^9 a. m. to 5 p. m. ’Daily slongAde the west runway'at.Din- DIN1>.'G ROOM SUITE—6-piece oak suite...... 15.00 ■X WANTED — PRFI-WAR tricycle Jaro, and while I waa waiting for •TABLE Antiquh walnut table, spiral 52 Main Street for 2 1-2 year old. Gall 2-0413. WANTED one of-our usual’ weather reports l e g s ...... 10.00 ("Celling unknown; vrsiblllty lim­ BEDROOM SUITE— 3-piece suite; twin size bed.' - All hiring done! in accordance jvith area manpower ited” ) I saw Hie Little Colonel dresser base and mirror, chest, spring an^ con trols, Apartments—-Flats— standing out In -front of his B-l7 . • walnut finish...... '...... ••...... 60.06 Tenjments 63 PAINtERS' with a niap in'his liands. BEDROOM SUITE— Srplece- suite; full size fo u r-. . .’’ |5Jlornii)g. Colonel," -L , said. poster bed, dresser base ahd'''mirror, chest, bpx A- ONE R(>OM furnished apart­ A -l Mechanics'. Union spring and mattres.s: mahogany finish...... 90.00 ment with privatg: ball ' and BOX SPRING—New 3 /size box spring .with blue kitc.benette. Inquire 291 Spruce scale of wages plus time and , striped ticking .V...... lO.-oO street. , . BOX SPRING—New 4-6 size-b(« Bjirihg with pink GOOD PAYING HERALD ROUTE one-half after 10 hours. Uckmg ------• ■ •...... -T...... 10.00 A $ EASY WATCHES ANXIOUSLY, ’n * lUtrU KTAflKS • Says your car is Worth Summer Homes • - 18-hour minimum. WMAN A9AS HtS PSIMim/E BUT PCAOLV VICAPON - ■ ■ I SC's Joh'n Bausola) ■ AVAILABLE MONDAY, JUNE 18 For Rent • -67 J inore now, than it will V. UAKE FRONT COTTAGE, Coven­ A pply in-gPeF.son. OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING BOUSE < MAJOR BOOPLB eyer be. .Cash on Charter, Oak, Highland and Spring Slreels; try Lake. 4 room, electric re- frigeFator,'’$350 fqr season. Tele^ SAAAE OLD 3AKe -«■ GA>NSh7 a W 06 HALLOO.' DON’T the spot at ( ' 78 Good C^stoniers. phone- VVillimantlc' 461-W4 before 331/2 Ashfora St., EARLS FOR MEb,L% AND ME CAME TO TC L l-A A E 5 p. m. and 1339-W4 after 5 p. m. AMD LATte FOR. ^ HELP— \NE TOOK FATHER HAS Harlforilj.Coim. V40RK.'— se&, OFF FROW THE FINISHED t h e BRUNNER’ S . APPLY HERALD OFFICE THE HOUSE IS MATTRESS LUCE PAlNTlNS/-* ALL PAIMTED-^ MUSTANis» PLANES ECiAD/ANOrr , 80 Oakland Sijrcet t <^jf M eutekedien^^ 13,Bissell Street O Tel. Hartford 2-4096' I'VE B e e n A S 6UT \NE HADDA l o o k s a s . ; OPEN 7 A. M. TO 10 P. M. LOVJBLV AS A WANTED:, Hoosekeeper,. Bel ween 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. B U SY A S A WATT AN Ho u r o r companion for elderly wom­ B irrcn e R nadth S O R 5 R O O R co e c fT , an. Pleasant honie, good sal­ A FRESH SUPPLY) 6 R .E A K F A S T L A N D S C A P E i OF LAM S CHOP'S TO'DIGEST/ MICKEY FINN still'In The Dark LANK LEUNAKD ary, live In. TeL 6917, W. A. CroHscup, Inc. TZtSSr ■ quickly'. .You’ll enjoy starting thhr^Ioth this sum­ TeoA*«'% srfOAL mer so that you can have it fin­ F E M A L E h e l p !.. 1 8 -3 5 ished, pressed and put Away for an important .gift when it la FOR DAIRY DEPAI^ENT CT' needed. 11 To obtain complete crocheting 5-Day 42-Hour Week. • Good Salary To Start. 5/cSs/ Corps Phota inatruction for the Butterfly FUet Deadly Weapon. Soldier* of 337th Cloth. (Pattern No. 5352) aend 15 Inf. Regimeql in lUly pelt N'qd with cents in coin, plua 1 cent postage, A & P SUPER MARKET U mm. mortar. Thousand* u iheie' your name, address and the pat­ mortar* *re being turned out with tern number'%o Anne Cabot.-The 717 MAIN STREET fund* from your War Bond lnve»t- McNuskt *Y*4K*tr. Im. IS Manchester Herald. 1150-' Sixth ments. V. S.Treatitr^ Dtpartmfni JH6. NAVIC?ATC5« avbnus. New Tork 19. N, T, V . • w' ( ■ " a ip ' y / ' -V '-■■■.'' Si ,