Extensions of Remarks E189 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

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Extensions of Remarks E189 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS February 10, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E189 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS EXTENDING COUNTERTERRORISM Whereas, this remarkable and tenacious have the right to pass its own laws and spend AUTHORITIES man of God and this phenomenal and virtuous its own local-taxpayer raised funds without Proverbs 31 woman have given hope to the congressional interference. SPEECH OF hopeless, fed the hungry and are beacons of I am certain most of you would resist federal HON. BETTY McCOLLUM light to those in need, they both have been interference in the local affairs of your cities blessed with two wonderful children, Ronald and counties. Whether it involves matters of OF MINNESOTA Ramsey, II and Christyn Ramsey both of health, safety or the education of children in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES whom are honor students that are now enjoy- your Districts—these are decisions best left to Tuesday, February 8, 2011 ing college life; and the people who must live or die with their Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I firmly be- Whereas, Ronald and Doris Ramsey are choices. lieve that we can fight terrorism and keep our distinguished citizens of our district, they are Who are we in this body to ram our beliefs communities safe without sacrificing the rights spiritual warriors, persons of compassion, fear- and ideology down the throats of others? I un- and liberties that generations of Americans less leaders and servants to all, but most of all derstand why my colleague Congresswoman have fought so hard to secure. H.R. 514 fails visionaries who have shared not only with ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON and the people of this critical test, and I will vote to oppose it. their family, but with our District their passion the District of Columbia are angry and upset. Without a single hearing, committee vote, or to improve the lives of others; and I urge you to let the people of the District of even the opportunity to offer amendments, this Whereas, the U.S. Representative of the Columbia decide what to do with their tax dol- legislation extends provisions that give the Fourth District of Georgia has set aside this lars. Federal Government sweeping authority to spy day to honor and recognize Ronald and Doris If liberty and self-governance is available for on U.S. citizens. One such provision allows Ramsey as they celebrate their Silver Anniver- some Americans, then it should be given to all the government to obtain ‘‘any tangible thing’’ sary, twenty-five (25) years in marital bliss; Americans. in its anti-terrorism investigation—including li- Now Therefore, I, HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHN- f brary or bookstore records—regardless of its SON, Jr. do hereby proclaim May 10, 2010 and CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF MRS. relevance to the case. Another provision al- May 29, 2010 as Ronald and Doris Ramsey BERNICE CLEVELAND lows federal law enforcement to obtain wire- Day in the 4th Congressional District. taps without being required to identify the per- Proclaimed, This 10th day of May, 2010. son, building, or business being spied upon to f HON. RODNEY ALEXANDER a secret court. During the Bush Administration, OF LOUISIANA PERSONAL EXPLANATION the Justice Department used this authority to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES illegally wiretap American citizens. Evidence of Thursday, February 10, 2011 past abuses demand that the Patriot Act be HON. SCOTT GARRETT reformed with stricter oversight and better OF NEW JERSEY Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today safeguards to ensure security does not come IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in celebration of the life and achievements of Mrs. Bernice Cleveland, who passed away on at the cost of our Constitutional freedoms. Thursday, February 10, 2011 The threat of terrorism is real and per- January 6, 2011 in Minden, La. sistent. My first priority as a Member of Con- Mr. GARRETT. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. Mrs. Cleveland was a passionate humani- gress is to keep America safe. Be assured I 26, due to an unexpected family health emer- tarian who dedicated 40 years of service to will continue working with President Obama gency, I was unable to make rollcall No. 26. children and families in the Boyce and Lena and my colleagues in Congress to ensure that Had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ areas. For decades, she worked for the Lou- all levels of law enforcement have the tools f isiana Head Start Program through the Bo and flexibility they require. Peep Head Start Center in Boyce, La., teach- STATEMENT SUPPORTING SELF- f ing the pre-school age group. Her daughter, GOVERNMENT FOR THE DIS- Sheila Joyce Bryant, says ‘‘She had a passion HONORING RONALD AND DORIS TRICT OF COLUMBIA for children and believed you must have pa- RAMSEY tience in dealing with the little ones.’’ HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS For her devotion to Head Start, Mrs. Cleve- HON. HENRY C. ‘‘HANK’’ JOHNSON, JR. OF NEW YORK land received numerous awards and acco- OF GEORGIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lades, such as Excellence in Teaching, Excel- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lence in Attendance, and in August of 2005, Thursday, February 10, 2011 she was recognized with the 40 Years of Thursday, February 10, 2011 Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I stand before Service Award by the Cenla Community Ac- Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I you today to voice my unequivocal support of tion Committee, Inc.—Louisiana Head Start submit the following: the right of the 600,000 residents of the Dis- Program. Whereas, Ronald and Doris Ramsey are trict of Columbia to be self-governed. There is Mrs. Cleveland had two brothers, Joseph celebrating twenty-five years (25) in marriage no reason on Earth that these American citi- Jones, Jr. and Nathaniel Jones, Sr., and one today in Lithonia, Georgia; and zens must take orders from the federal gov- sister, Miss Etta Mae Jones, who preceded Whereas, on May 10, 1985 because of their ernment on how best to use locally-collected her in death. She leaves behind her adoring union then, our community today has been tax dollars. The federal government already husband, James ‘‘Ted’’ Floyd Cleveland, her blessed with a family that has enhanced our dictates to them how they must use their fed- loving daughter, Sheila, and two grand- district with a stellar academy for educating eral taxes. Now this body wants to deny them daughters, Rachel Joyce Bryant and Bath- our youth, Kingdom Kare Academy which was the freedom to decide what to do with their sheba Felice Bryant. co-founded by Ronald and Doris Ramsey, local taxes. Upon her marriage in 1953, Mrs. Cleveland wherein Doris Ramsey has utilized her back- We have heard a lot of talk in recent days joined her mother-in-law, the late Cora Bea- ground in business and education to keep the about how much we as Americans cherish our trice Cleveland, and united with Good Hope academy moving forward and Ronald Ramsey freedom and liberty. Yet, there are those Missionary Baptist Church where she faithfully has given of himself as an attorney, judge and among us who believe that freedom and lib- served for 50 years. In May 2009, she re- as a legislator in the Georgia Senate, they erty ends for residents of the District of Co- ceived a Christian Service Award by the Lou- both are instruments in our community that lumbia when they make decisions contrary to isiana Baptist State Convention, and since uplifts the spiritual, physical, economic and their wishes and beliefs. The District of Colum- 1956, she has been a member of the Queen mental welfare of our citizens; and bia, like any other local jurisdiction, should Esther Household of Ruth, No. 2853. She was ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:37 Feb 11, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10FE8.001 E10FEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS E190 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks February 10, 2011 also heavily involved in the church, singing in This year the National Guard will mark its HONORING PRESIDENT RONALD the sanctuary choir, teaching Sunday and va- 375th birthday. Formed as colonial militias, the WILSON REAGAN cation bible schools and working with the new colonies in North America depended youth department. upon the Guard to protect fellow citizens from SPEECH OF Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me Indian attack, foreign invaders, and later to HON. MARY BONO MACK in paying tribute to the late Mrs. Bernice help achieve our independence. Recognizing OF CALIFORNIA Cleveland. Her altruistic nature and selfless the militia’s role for the newly formed United IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dedication warrant this laudable recognition. States, the Framers of the Constitution em- For her unyielding efforts to help others, Mrs. powered Congress to provide for training and Wednesday, February 9, 2011 Cleveland leaves this world a better place. equipping the militias. Mrs. BONO MACK. Mr. Speaker I rise today f Since the Guard’s founding and through an to celebrate the life of President Ronald historic journey of ‘‘call outs’’ and stand out Reagan. GUARDIANS OF FREEDOM ACT OF missions—from the bayou communities rav- This week, the nation remembers the late 2011 aged by Hurricane Katrina to the frontiers of President Ronald Reagan as a remarkable freedom during the Cold War—our National President, beloved entertainer and, most im- HON. NICK J.
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