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Anrlifstrr Hrralji 643-2711

Anrlifstrr Hrralji 643-2711

SPORTS ■ WEEKEND PLUS M - MANCHESTER HERALD. Friday, March 14, 1W6 i-'- BUSINESS ! f r i AfifilFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 stock market Cleveland State ■ Women’s Center continues rally upsets Indiana director profiled ICARS/TRUCK8 n I MISCELLANEOUS MUSICAL ROOMMATES IHOUSEHOLO TAG SALES FOR SALE ... page 11 ... magi|zine Insida I HOMES I APARTMENTS FOR SALE ITEMS ... page 7 FOR RENT WANTEO FOR SALE Croft Fair and Tag Sale at 1975 Comoro — Baby Grand, Mehlln. Ex­ mafic, power *»rakM & Manchester - Profes­ Protect Your Treasured cellent condition. Fine Spencer Village Commun­ ManchMter — Tw o bed­ Manchester — One bed­ Dining Room Table with steering, Monroe shocks, ■ room condo, 4 rooms, air sional male/female, 30-40 e n d r o u T sound. $5,950. For appoint­ ity Hall, 58 Pascal Lane, room Ranch, tlreploced custom fit table pads. Manchester. Saturday 8, spoke wheels, alarm sys­ conditioned, $450 montiv to shore large 2 family, arvhwMttt-aM ment, call 423-2668, please tem, AM/FM J*"; living room, eot-ln kit­ cellar storage, washer 8, Guaranteed. Superior Sunday, March 15 8< 16, chen, Inground pool, one plus utilities. Call 627-9359 eridth-a tor as# leave message. son eoeokers. Excellent dryer. $300 a month plus Vj workmanship. Some 10am-4pm. Free Coffee. cor garage. Convenient days, 525-0684 evenings. styles with decorator co­ MUST be picked UP etttie running condition. Call utilities. 6 ^6 7 76. Solid State A M -F M ste­ after 5pm, 644-3050. location. $84,900. Flano lors. I'll come to your Mancheeur reo. Multlflex receiver, Indoors — Safurday, Realty, 646-5200. Manchester — 5 room, 2 home to measure your before 11 A.M. ONLY, I bedroom apartment, heat Wishing will not sell any­ BSR MacDonald Mln- March 15th, 10am-4pm. 81 thing ... a low-cost od In table with no obligation. Ichanoer plus two speak­ BIssell Street. No 1982 Plymouth Sapporo — and hot water Included. Lisa, 236-1808, leave $625 a month. Available Classified will. ers. $39.44. 742-7497.0 previews. 2 door sedan, 5 speed, messoge.______excellent condition, ^ w April 1st. Cell 647-7602. I CONDOMINIUMS Just because you don't mileage. $4,779. 649-9337 FOR SALE Excellent Coin Operoted use an Item doesn't mean between 4-7pm. anrliFstrr HrralJi Like New - 2 bedroom, For Sale washer. Great for apart­ IfswdRECREATIDNAL the Item hos lost Its valjw. ) Manchester — A City o( Village Charm $495. 3 bedroom, $595. Aftention Dog Owners. I Condo Living — Newly Heat Included. Section 8 ment house or home use. ITEMS______W hy not exchange It for 1979 Ford Cube Van — Built 4Vi room Condo with I f t , J HOUSEHOLD $75. 649-4003.D will come to your home cash with an od In Classi­ Rons great, body nwds OK. Security and referen­ for obedience fralning I'/j baths, fully ap- fied? 643-2711. work. $1,200 or best offer ces repaired. 643-1570. lU ZIfiO O D S and behavlorlal problem Poolsl Poolsl Pools! AAA pllanced kitchen, one car See at Al Sleffert's, ^ 5 25 Cents solving. Call Professional pool distributor must dis­ garage, wall to wall car­ Efficiency Apartment - Hartford Road, Saturday, March 15,1986 Used Refrigerators, IMI8CELLANEDU8 Dog Trainer, Joe DIS- pose of enfire sfock of peting, sliders to deck, Convenient downtown lo­ Washers, Ranges — new, leftover, 1985, 31 ft. Manchester. and coble. Very low I FDR SALE anfo. 659-2482. cation. Utilities Included. clean, guaranteed, parts family sized swimming Automotive s s p s i e monthly fee. Won't Lost. Parking, lease 8, security A;'-' and service. Low prices. A K C Shetland Sheep Dog pools wifh huge sundeck, $77,500. Century 21 required. Available Broksonic Cordless B.D. Pearl 8, Son, 649 — 11 weeks old, male. fencing, filter, ladders Jackston-Showcase, 646- March 24th. Call 649-2865. Phone with memory. $35. Main Street, 643-2171. 643-6801.o Sable and white. Vet and warranty for only ICARS/TRUCKS President answers Soviets 1316.0 checked. Outgoing per­ $978. Installaflon optional IMDTDRCYCLES/ Irish show: Manchester — One bed­ FOR SALE % CHFA Approved — Spa­ Like New 14 cu. ft. Indus­ Baby Walker. $15. 646- sonality. Champion line and extra, financing avail­ I BICYCLES room Condo, desirable trial freezer. $350. 649- able. Call Paul at 721-1884. cious two bedroom newly 5121.0 bred. 742-6188 after 4pm. By Michael Putzel area, second floor. $450 9012. ______HARTPOlip iUPI) -.. Everyone Is Irilh oS St. Patriok’B pay. ^ decorated condominium monthly. 528-0776. 75 Comoro (excellenf con- Bike for Sale — 20" Huffy. or BO the eayii^ goeB. but cenius offictalB’repots the famlUar The Associated Press - featuring central air con­ 8 Sections used stockade AKC Golden Retrievers, Fold Up Ping Pong Table $25. Call 647-7366 after with net. $25. Coll 646-6810 diflon.) Best offer. Call ditioning, large bright TV, 21" Black and white fence, 6' x 8' with post. $75 ready 4/10/86 call 646-1263 5pm.o adage is not aB that tar from tiie tnith in Connecticut. ■ - One Bedroom Apartment after 5:30pm.□ 228-3227. WASHINGTON - President sunny rooms, two full For Rent — $330 per Zenith for all. 643-1938.0 offer 5pm. .Thousands bt state residentB trace at leaBt part of their Reagan on Friday announced he baths and a deck over­ month. Heat, hot water, after 6pm, 646-4618.0 anceitry hack to the Emerald Isle, making die "wearin’ of the had sent Soviet leader Mikhail looking the woods. Truly appliances, no pets, secur­ grhai^’ a point of pride among Comfeeticiit’a largeat eOuiie: INVITATION TO BID Gorbachev a “new, very specific a value In today's market. ity and references re­ group.'. and far-reaching proposal” on Only $72,600. Joyce G. quired. Call after 6pm, The Manchester Public St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, falls on Monday this year, but nuclear testing that could open the Epstein Real Estote, 647- 644-8429. Schools solicits bids tor CU$- ^ 8895.0 TOOIAL SUPPLIES tor the ideaty of parades, parties, bar promotions' and others way to U.S. ratification of two 1H4-I7 school veor. Sealed cekmadons are on tap this weekend. long-dormant test ban treaties. 5 Manchester — Beautiful 5 bids will be received until Looking For Affordable room, 2 bedroom apart­ March 25, Ifti, 1:00 P.M ., at Gov. William A. O'Neill, whose mother balfed fromlreland. The proposal, however, makes Housing? We have a sin­ ment In mint condition, which time they will be oub- trill lake part in St. Patriok’s Day parades today in Hartford and, clear the still intends gle bedroom condo that great location, extra llclv opened. The right Is re­ TAKE Sunday in Hew Haven. , to detonate a nuclear device comes with a garage and served to relect any and oil large rooms. Available bids. Specifications and bid The Connecticut Census Data Center he^M sot the maod underground next month. a pool for onlv $44,9001. April 1st. $600 Includes forms may be secured ot the Friday by rejiarting that in 1980 nearly 914,Moifsidents, ajMut S(|' The Soviets have put interna­ Allbrio Realty, Inc., 649- heat, hot water 8, garage. Business Office, 45 North 0917.0 School Street, Moncheseer, reeht M the total state population, Identified themselves as M tional pressure on the Reagan Singles welcome! Coll administration to refrain from Rose, 647-8400 or 646-8646. Connecticut. CMt part Irish.. — 025-03 A ,ln fact, Uie division of the state Office of Policy and testing by announcing their own Manchester - 5 Room moratorium, which Gorbachev BUSINESS INVITATION TO BIO ^Ifnnafement said there are about U6 jpedple of Irish ancestiy PROPERTY duplex, 3 bedrooms, gar­ living wHhtai each square m ile of Connecticut. The figure said Thursday would remain in age, central location. Ap­ Notice Is hereby given that the Eighth Utilities DIstrIrt llO effect until the United States pliances, carpeting, no compares a to ,l>7 people per square mile in lreland. will receive sealed bids In the ConiMsetio^'s total population of mora than S. l million people Is explodes another nuclear device. pets. Available April 1st. office of the Eighth Utilities CHANCE In a written statement issued by $600 o mohth plus securltv District, 32 Moln Street, Man­ sUgl^lMgihan Ireland’s popuiatloh of some S.4millt0apeople. the White House, Reagan said he and references. 643-4067. chester, Connecticut until FairfMg County leads the way in ConnecUcut, rriUi about Manchester — Restau­ 7:00 P.M. on Mov 12,1984, for gave Gorbachev a technical des­ rant. Prime location. Ex­ Package Insuronce Cover- 199,740 residents of Irish descent. New Haven County (about cription of a new method of oge for 1984-87 of which time lSl,7Sd) and Hartford County (more than 151,238) rank next in tremely nice. Seats 100 olds will be publicly opened, detecting and measuring under­ plus. Recently remo­ read and recorded. terms of Irish ancestry. ground nuclear tests. deled. Asking $120,000. HOMES Specifications and bid forms Reagan said the method, which Owner anxious, make mov be secured of the Dis­ he called CO R R TE X , would enable offer. Financing availa­ mFOR RENT patchers office. Fire Deport­ ment, 32 Moln Street, Man­ both superpowers “ to improve ble. Call Strano Real Est­ verification and ensure com­ ate, 647-7653. 6 Room Cope with ap­ chester, Connecticut. The pliances. $750 a month. 2 right Is reserved to relect onv pliance” with the never-ratified months securltv. No pets, and oil bids. Documents reveal 1974 Threshold Test Ban Treaty quiet neighborhood. 643- THOMAS E. LANDERS, JR. INSURANCE and the Peaceful Nuclear Explo­ Rentals 6836. COMMISSIONER sion Treaty that was signed two EIGHTH UTILITIES years later. DISTRICT a nuclear mystery The two pacts — which both sides 017-03 ______have said they would observe, but ROOMS STORE ANO OFFICE SPACE INVITATION TO BID Bv John K. Wllev materials production. which both have suggested the FOR RENT 0 Sealed bids will be received other has violated — limit under­ The Assocloted Press "It should be noted that the In the General Services' of­ ground nuclear tests to ISO kilot- . UFI photo Office Space — Excellent fice, 41 Center St., Manches­ "WE’VE GOT YOUR NUMBER” estimated annual release (of io­ Ladles.Only — Nice, aulet ons. Nuclear explosions in the room for senior citizen or location with omple park­ ter, CT until 11:00 a.m. on the RICHLAND, Wash. — Hundreds' dine) dropped to 76,000 curies in ing. 600, 400 8. 300 sq. ft. dote shown below for the fol­ of thousands of curies of radioac­ 1946. In 1947, the level dropped to atmosphere were banned by a 1963 Seeking grass roots support for his assistant attorney generai. Speaking to working girl. References lowing: ond securltv. Coll after office suites are now tive iodine were routinely released 24,000 curies, and in 1948. the test ban treaty. program of aid for the Nicaraguan a group of handpicked supporters, the available. 649-2891. APR IL 1, 1984- 5;30pm, 644-0383. FURNISH 8 INSTALL NEW CONTEST into the environment by the estimated iodine release dropped "I provided to Mr. Gorbachev a contras, President Reagan greets president deciared himseif a contra and technical description of COR­ Manchester — Prime HYDRAULIC LIFT AT Hanford nuclear reservation in the to only 1,200,” be said. A Gentlemen Onlv — Cen- POLICE GARAGE R T E X designed to demonstrate former ambassador compared his appeai for aid to the downtown store or office early 1940s, newly released docu­ Iodine, which takes 8>A days to trol location, kitchen priv­ APRIL 1. 1984 - PAINTING ments show, and researchers will lose half its radioactivity, can how this method will enhance Jeane Kirkpatrick Friday in Washington. American iend-iease program heiping ileges, parking available. space. Approximately OF ONE (1) W A TER TANK 1750 square feet with utili­ (ROCKLEDGE) try to determine whether the cause thyroid cancer. Iodine that verification procedures,” Reagan Looking on is Aian Gerson, a deputy Britain at the start of World War II. Securltv and references said. required. 649-9227 or 569- ties, 668-1447. APR IL 2, 1984- we'«e..y \ STARTING health of residents was affected. falls to the ground is consumed by TOWN-WIOE REFUSE An estimated 340.000 curies of grazing animals and enters the The president added that he 3528. ______COLLECTION the Soviets to observe a U.S. “The last time we made this offer, Manchester — Industrial radioactive iodine were released human body through such pro­ invited the Soviet leader to send his Treaty), I would be prepared to space, 1,500 square feet. The Town of Manchester Is weapons test, but he said Friday the Soviets said they were inter­ Manchester. Completely from smokestacks in 1945 at ducts as milk. own experts to the United States’ move foward on ratification of Also 3,000 square feet on equal opportunity em­ the new proposal's inclusion of a ested in ending explosions without furnished Including stove, ployer, ond requires on affir­ elVlNG' ' MARCH 14th! chemical plants where irradiated State officials hope a panel of nuclear test site in Nevada the both” the threshold treaty and its storage. TuHv Real Est­ CO R R TEX demonstration and the coming and watching new ones. I refridgerator 8, linens. $50 mative action policy for oil of fuel rods were melted in acid to epidemiologists from the federal third week in April to observe an companion measure limiting weekly plus 2 weeks secur­ ate, 643-0005. Its Contractors and Vendors American test and watch the new peaceful nuclear explosions. details provided about the new expect they will react even more R extract plutonium for nuclear Centers for Disease Control can os o condition of doing busi­ techjQology made it unique in its emphatically" to the new ltv. Call betweeen 5-9pm. ness with the Town, os per weapons, the documents show. A determine whether Hanford had detection system in operation. Several nonaligned nations,- as 646-9832. “specificity and concreteness." proposal. Federal Order 11244. curie is a measurement of any health effects on people living “ I would hope this would provide well as the U.S. House of Represen­ WANTEO Bid Forms, plans and specif I- an opportunity for our experts to tatives, have been pressing the \ To Every 5th, 10th radioactivity. nearby, said Terry Strong, direc­ However, David McKillop. di­ ' The president called C O R R TE X .jotlons are available at the discuss verification methods and Reagan administration to ratify 0 TO RENT General Services' office. ' By comparison, about 14 curies tor of the state health depart­ rector of the comprehensive test "a hydrodynamic yield measure­ thus pave the way for resolvingthe the existing treaties and proceed to APARTMENTS TOW N OF were released over 43 days in the ment's radiological control ban task force of the pro-arms ment technique that measures the Construction Executive MANCHESTER, CT. ** cm serious concerns which have ar­ negotiate a comprehensive treaty FDR RENT PIED \ 15th and 20th Caller... accident at one of the Three Mile section. control Committee for National propagation of the underground 0 needs furnished 2 or 3 ROBERT B. WEISS, isen in this area," Reagan said. that would ban all nuclear tests, GENERAL MANAGER / ^ I ASSI’ \ who speaks with our classified Island reactors in Pennsylvania in The CDC is expected to begin Security, called the new tactic an shock wave of a nuclear bedroom living facllltv "In making this offer, I made not just those larger than 150 014-03 1979, according to GPU Nuclear looking at health records to try to attempt to resume testing “ with­ explosion.” Manchester — 5 room, 3 for 4 months between 4/1 \ ad department between 8:30 a.m. clear to General Secretary Gorba­ kilotons. Corp., the site operator. see if Hanford operations caused out the monkey on their back" put bedroom apartment. to 8/31 near Manchester chev that if we could reach But Reagan has contended the Reagan has contended that area. Contact 1-513-733- In 1984, about one-half a curie of any problems, he said. there by Gorbachev’s Available April 7th) $415 \ and 12 noon, Monday through agreement on the use of an United States needs to continue existing verification techniques 5666 or 1-513-932-8837 BOLTON PUBLIC NOTICE radioactive Iodine-131 was re­ Studies by the state have been moratorium. per month plus utilities. effective' verification system in­ testing to catch up with Soviet are not good enough to determine Call 742-8628 evenings. evenings. ^ ' Friday, we’ll giveaway a free clas­ leased at Hanford, said Bob unable to detect cancer rates for On Tuesday, March 25, 1984 corporating such a method to weapons technology. “ I doubt very much the Soviets whether the Soviets have violated ot 7:00 o.m., the Bolton Zon­ Mooney, a state health physicist people living near Hanford higher ing Board ot Appeals will sified word ad for a maximum of with the Department of Social and than those living elsewhere in the verify the (Theshhold Test Ban Reagan previously had invited will fall for this.” McKillop said. various arms control treaties. . • I MISCELLANEOUS I MISCELLANEOUS hold o Public Hearing at the ; Health Services. state, he said.butofficials hopethe Town Hall ana hear the fol­ six consecutive days. 0w I for r e n t FOR RENT lowing appeals: No public health warnings were CDC can do more extensive Appeal of Jacauellne given in the 1940s, and no follow-up studies. Henault, 11 Southwood La., health studies were conducted, For years, farmers living across Reagan says he’s against all dictators E. Granby, Ct. for on area according to the declassified the Columbia River from Hanford variance to sections 7B and 7F In order to construct o reports. have complained that releases 2-famllv dwelling on a lot at Every 150th, 200th Some 19,000 pages of records on from the nuclear facility have By Helen Thomas coincide with the president’s press “ These trends are far from "We did not create this historical 145 Hebron Rd. Hanford’s environmental effects caused deaths and birth defects in United Press International for $100 million in aid for the accidental. Ours is a time of phenomenon, but we must not fail BEEEEB Request of Alex T. UrbanettI from the time it was established sheep and other livestock. Nicaraguan rebels. enormous social and technological to respond to it." he said. of 131 Hartlord Rd., Man­ and 300th Caller... WASHINGTON - President Reagan’s critics frequently have change everywhere, and one coun­ The United States will use its Self Stor-lt Place chester, Ct, and Dove Wilson 1943 to 1985 were declassified last These "downwinders" also ex­ of 37 Lyman Ra. to conduct o will receive a grand prize of month in response to requests and pressed concerns for their own Reagan formally declared Friday accus^ him of attacking Marxist- try after another is discovering influence "to encourage demo­ ■ M V T O U S I used cor dealer business at the United States is opposed to leaning countries for military that only free peoples can make the cratic change in careful ways" wHJe dnveways, no stain to ciimo lawsuits from environmentists and health. 242 Hop River Rood, Route 4, totalitarian governments aggression and human rights most of this change. Countries that that respect other countries' tradi­ Bolton. Dinner for Two at one of the others. The Rev. William Hough, presi­ PftlVIiri STORJICS “ whether of the left or the right” abuses while turning a blind eye to want progress without pluralism, tions and political realities as well your own space, door and lock JOHN H. ROBERTS, ■ The Hanford nuclear reserva­ dent of the Hanford Education following restaurants of their and will actively seek to bring similar transgressions by anti­ without freedom, are finding that it as external threats, he said. \\ S A F E CHAIRM AN . tion, part of the original Manhat­ Action League, said the informa­ fence end electronic security ZONING BOARD choice: tan project that created the atom tion in the releases is "just wild. about democratic change. communist govemnients friendly cannot be done.” A senior American official said OF APPEALS bomb during World War II, is The fact that they have had this Administration offficials said to the United States. "In this global revolution." the policy statement represents no 027-03 located along the Columbia River information ... and have been Reagan’s statement, outlining his In -a message to Congress, Reagan said, "there can be no shift and is part of a series of • PIANO’S • WONGS in south-central Washington. telling the downwinders nobody views on human rights and the role "Freedom, Regional Security and doubt where America stands. The national security messages. Energy Department spokesman got hurt... I think that every one of of the United States in the Global Peace." Reagan noted the American people believe in human Reagan, who has been repeat­ • THE ADAMS MILL Mike Talbot on Friday stressed these things just damages the developing world, reflected no new overthrow of the Duvalier govern­ rights and oppose tyranny in edly criticized for de-emphasizing • VITO’S BIRCH MOUNTAIN INN that the releases occurred during credibility of Hanford’s managers, policy approaches, but it was clear ment in Haiti and the Marcos whatever form, whether of the left that its delivery was timed to regime in the Philippine. or the right.” Please turn to page 10 S10 North kWn St. Jhe height of wartime nuclear particularly the DOE." •EANCHISTMI finger\ip 5 a • 4 9 - 6 9 8 0 ' San S«oe-h Ptoca ^ convenience In order to qualify, simply call and Before and after school TODAY’S HERALD KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE '■ by Larry Wright Looking speak with one of our classified representatives to learn if you f o r ' Call Now Day care«^is still a riddle for many Political shuffle Index are a LU C K Y WINNER. To force a town primary for 20 pagM, 2 BBCtlont Som ething? By Susan Vaughn days, have several week-long by at least two formal programs most children in the program live delegates, a candidate must peti­ evtti Deueve rr ft. b a d i m x x o BE CHA9Q> BY A tJoeut^-ne bESERT, Herald Reporter vacations during the school year and countless other arrangemenLo in the Robertson area or attend the tion five percent of the registered and Win! and six individual holidays. In the made by parents. The state Legis­ school under sprcial permission Democrats by 4 p.m. April 18. That A r iu ir n 1R It's right at Providing child care does not elementary schools, there are an lature is also addressing the issue just to get the child care. There is candidate must then assemble a R iia in n a a 7 ^stop for working parents when additional eight half days sche­ this year with a proposal for grants no trans|x>rtation available be­ slate of delegates to challenge the P.laa«ifiA/1 i7 -9 n your their children enter school. Child­ duled in November and March for to towns to provide before- and tween schools, Deffley said. slate endorsed by the Town Com­ r i n m l r a fl CONTEST DATES care arrangements for before and parent-teacher report card confer­ after-school child care. Neigbborcare, operated by the mittee. The slates are then put rinnnBrtiriit fingertips after-school, holidays, half days ences, and half days the first day of Robertson Elementary School is YWCA at three elementary before the party’s voters in a FnInrtainmAnt M A R C H 14th — 3l8t 643-2711 and vacations can involve some school and the day before Thanks­ the only school that has an all-day schools, will take children for the primary, which would be held May F n r ii a complex juggling for many giving. Along with summer vaca­ program for children before and scheduled half days and vacation 20. Story on page 3. 1 nnal naiua a In the ONLY IN THE parents. tion, that adds up to about 70 days a after school and during school days in addition to providing 1 n t la r y 9 vacations and on half days. But the A full-time working parent who year that a working parent has to before and after-school care, ac­ Rain drifts away nhitiiariaa in Classifieds! find child care. program is limited to the children gets two weeks vacation a year cording to Janet Morse, program r i p l n i n n works at least 240 to 245 days a There are also usually several who are registered full-time with director. Cloudy today with a chance of « P a n p la 9 year, depending on the holidays his unplanned snow days. the Manchester Early Learning The program can provide child rain in the morning and highs 45 to R p n rta 1 1 - i a CALL ’ or her company observes. Center, which operates it, said care on ail but the snow days. 55. Partly cloudy tonight and In the Manchester school sys- director Mary Ann Deffley. Sunday. Lows in the 30s. Details on M R /IMnrIri 4 in TODAY , children attend school for 180 No drop-ins are allowed and page 2. W eather 2 643-2711 MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. March 15. 1986 - 3 t - MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. March 15.1986 Programs help working parents solve day-care riddle the bill, “ In concept, it’s a WEATHER TH E STATE Legislature’s Hu­ services part time, 'Morse said. for many. Now they have to think three years, said, “ I thought it was wonderful idea. There is clearly a Contlnned from page 1 man Services Committee is cur­ Some children attend the program twice about putting out the mo­ excellent. The kids enjoyed it a very serious need for after-school rently considering a proposal to only one or two days a week. ney,” she said. I"* ” because it also gets locked out of establish a three-year -pilot pro­ core.” Today’s forecast The program is “ definitely Palumbo said that her daughter But Millstein said this week that school on those days, Morse said. gram. The program, which is part needed,” Morse said, and the BECAUSE OF the costs of child enjoyed the program so much that she has some reservations about Connecticut, Massachuietts and Rhode Island: Neighborcare provided full-day of a comprehensive day-care bill, program’s staff is considering care, many parents rationalize when they moved from the Keeney certain aspects of the propoMl, Cloudy today with a chance of rain in the morning, programs out of the Manchester Y would provide grants to towns to going into other schools. “ The • cutting out the child care where Street School district to Buckley such as the competitive bidding then variable cloudiness. Highs 45 to 55. Partly on North Main Street on school encourage the use of school facili­ parents who use it are always very they ‘ can, leaving a child home School district, her daughter process. Under that process, a cloudy Saturday night and Sunday. Lows in the SOs. holidays and during vacations this ties before and after-school by glad we’re there. It’s convenient alone 45 minutes before school or wanted to stay at Keeney so that town may have to award the year, she said. private day-care services. Highs Sunday 45 to 50. and they like it better than finding leaving an older child in charge. she could stay in the program. contract to the lowest bidder, Maine: Flurries north, flurries or showers in Today But Morse said it is unfortunate That was before they knew Neigh­ THE ENROLLM ENT in the a sitter,” she said. In order to qualify for a grant, a which, Millstein said, may detri­ mountains, mostly cloudy elsewhere Saturday. that parents have to make that borcare was offered at Buckley. mentally affect the quality of care Highs in the mid SOs to mid 40s. A chance of flurries in history Neighborcare programs Is still low choice. The program was flexible so that town would have to guarantee the enough at two of the schools — The main problem for the before availability of a school, according and the salaries of the employees. north and mountains and partly cloudy elsewhere she could leave the children if she Millstein also said'that, although Buckley and Waddell — to allow and after-school care is transpor­ “ Disasters can happen,” she to the bill. The grant funds would Saturday night and Sunday. Low in the 20s to In 1984, the acquittal of had to work later some days at the for extra children on the holidays tation, Morse said. The cost of be used for maintenance and start-up funds would be provided, mid-SOs and high in the SOs to mid-40s. Miami police officer Luis said. Hartford Insurance Group. It also and half days, Morse said. It is at hiring a bus at charter rates is The “ Y” now provides some utility costs and a portion of the grants would not provide New Hampshire: A chance of flurries north and Alvarez on charges of prohibitive, she said. The time provided nutritious snacks in the operational fees, which might full capacity at 20 at Keeney limited scholarships for the pro­ morning, she said. liability insurance costs. A town partly cloudy south Saturday night and Sunday. negligently killing a youth School, wher&the program is in its factor would also be a problem, gram and some low-income people would contract with a day-care drive the cost up for parents. Low in the 20s to mid-SOs and high in the SOs to forcing some children to spend too Palumbo also used the program She said she was also con cern^ sparked a rampage by fourth year. The program is in its can qualify for state aid. for for the half-day sessions, but provider after a competitive bid­ mid-40s third year at Buckley School and much time on the bus, she added. about the role of a municipality in One Manchester working found the biggest problem was ding process. Vermont: Rain likeiy Saturday, but tapering off angry blacks In Miami. In second year at Waddell School. Morse said she would favor any the programs. “ So many (towns) mother, Darlene Palumbo, who “ when they didn’t have school” Jeanne Millstein, chief of day­ in the afternoon. High in the 40s. Partly cloudy increased state aid to the parents care services for the state Depart­ are not that committed to th e . this January 1984 picture, used the Neighborcare program and the program was not in Saturday night. Lows near SO. Sunday, partly The Neighborcare workers actu­ who cannot afford the child care. ment of Human Resources, said of issue,” she said. Alvarez was photographed for her two children for nearly operation. sunny but chance of sprinkles or flurries in the ally encourage parents to use their “ It would make a lot of difference north. High 40 to 45. during a break in his trial. t ^ iil. ' Extended outlook C a le n d a r s A lm a n a c How dry will we be? Extended outlook for New England Monday through Wednesday: ■ n.' Cloudy today with a 30 percent chance of rain in the morning, then Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island: Manchester Today is Saturday, March 15, In 1916, Gen. John “Black Monday through Wednesday, fair. High in the 40s. variable cloudiness to follow. Wind northwest 15 to 20 mph. Partly the 74th day of 1986 with 291 to Jack” Pershing, commanding Low in the mid-SOs to mid-SOs. Monday cloudy tonight and Sunday with lows in the 30s tonight, high Sunday follow. 12,000 U.S. troops, was ordered to iify. ■ New Hampshire: Monday through Wednesday, Income Ux assistance, 6 to 9 p.m. Lincoln Center gold room. The moon is m oving toward its march into Mexico and capture near 50. Drawing by Sarah Rowe, 9, of 19 Weilington Road, a fair. Lows in the teens north and 20s south. Highs in ^ yl>.. jv.. Planning and Zoning Commission, 7 p.m.. Lincoln Center hearing first quarter. revolutionary leader Pancho fourth-grader at Saint James School. the SOs north and 40s south. room. , . The morning stars are Mars. Villa, who had staged several Eighth Utilities District Board of Directors, 7 p.m.. District firehouse, Maine; Monday through Wednesday, fair. Lows Jupiter and Saturn. cross-border raids. in the teens north and SOs south. Highs in the SOs Hilliard and Main streets. The evening stars are Mercury NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST to 7 PM EST 3 -1 5 -8 6 north and 40s south. In 1984, the acquittal of a and Venus. Tuesday - Vermont: Monday through Wednesday, dry. Miami police officer on charges Building Committee, 7:30 p.m., Manchester High School. 5 2933 Highs in the upper 30s and 40s. Lows in the SOs. Those born on this date are of negligently killing a ghetto Human Relations Commission, 8 p.m., Lincoln Center conference under the sign of Pisces. They youth sparked a rampage by angry blacks in Miami, and 550 BOSTON include Andrew Jackson, sev­ Air quality enth president of the United people were arrested. Wednesday Board of Directors’ budget workshop, 6:30 p.m.. Globe Hollow States, in 1767; German immu­ In 1985, Labor Secretary Ray­ 29.7 The state Department of Environmental Protec­ nologist Emil von Behring in treatment plant, Spring Street. 'YORK mond Donovan, on leave since Democratic Town Committee, 7:30 p.m., LincoInCenter hearing room. tion reported that the air quality was good Friday 1854; Hollywood movie mogul October 1984, became the first Commission on Children and Youth, 7:30 p.m., Lincoln Center gold and was expected to be good-to-moderate through Lew Wasserman in 1913; sitting Cabinet officer to resign room. Monday. playing bandleader after a New York judge refused t Commission on Handicapped, 7:30 p.m.. Senior Citizens’ Center. Harry James in 1916; astronaut to dismiss fraud and larceny Advisory Park and Recreation Commission, 7:30 p.m., Lincoln Center Alan L. Bean in 1932, and actor indictments against him. In conference room. No emergency here Judd Hirsch in 1935 (age SO). Brazil, two decades of military Housing Authority of Manchester, 7:30 p.m., 24 Bluefield.Drive. SAN JOSE, Calif. (UPI) — Cordless telephones On this date in hisory: rule ended with the installation of a civilian government. Thursday , H I Q I « 8 T have been “ calling out tor help” to emergency In 44 B.C., Julius Caesar was Income tax assistance, 6 to 9 p.m., Lincoln Center hearing room. number 911 when their batteries run low, a study says. assassinated by Brutus and TEMPERATURES Comment session, 6 to 9 p.m.. Board of Directors’ office. Municipal They do it by picking up frequencies from household other Roman nobles in Rome. A thought for the day : P resi­ Building. 5Q appliances such as microwave ovens, vacuum dent Andrew Jackson said. “ One Judge’ s hours, 6:30 p.m,. Probate Court. ORLEANS cleaners, blenders and refrigerators. In 1493, Christopher Columbus man with courage makes a LEGEND- "Somehow the cycles per second (of appliances) returned to Spain after his first Saturday are equivalent to a 9 and then a 1 and it just goes into voyage to the New World. m ajority.” Incometax assistance, lla.m . to 3 p.m., Lincoln Center hearing room. iR A M I SNOW 911,’’ said Joel Healy, assistant chief of Santa Clara County Communications, who studied the problem. f ^ / / ' j 8 H O W E W S ^ FLOW “ It’s a headache. We get 30 or more calls a month that I call ‘phantom dialers.” ’ L o t t e r y HsrxKt photo by BatMw At the Capitol UPI WEATHER FOTOCAST The phenomenon has plagued police and emer­ gency personnel nationwide because dispatchers HARTFORD (U P I) — Here is a list of state government and political can’t tell if calls are just from the electronic oddity or Rain cat other numbers drawn Friday events scheduled the week of March 17. All rooms are in the Capitol National forecast actual pleas for emergency assistance. Connecticut daily This cat sits on a porch in Manchester on Friday. He weather. The gray skies left more than onetown resident “ It’s a national problem.” said Bud Walker, Pacific in N ew England; complex unless otherwise noted. Snow is forecast today for portions ofthe North Atlantic Coast region. Bell’s production manager for 911. “ Cordless phones Tri-state daily: 918, 9810 might be scowling because of this week's cold and rainy in a bad mood. Friday: 929 Rhode Island daily; 4176 Monday . ^ .... „ „„ „ Rain and showers are forecast for portions of the northern, central and have a tendency, when their batteries are low, to dial Legislative committee public hearings include: Judiciary. 9:30 a m . spurious numbers. They generate a frequency that Play Four: 8603 Massachusetts daily; 9074 Room E-51; Finance, Revenue and Bonding. 9:30 a.m.. Room W'52: southern Pacific Coast, central and southern Intermountain areas, would be similar to someone pushing their buttons. Weekly Lotto: Education, 10 a.m.. Room W-56: Government Administration and west an d east Gulf Coast, an d the Atlantic Coast regions. Elsewhere the “ They have a tendency to want to dial. They’re Friday’s Jingo numbers: Moffett supporter asks Democrats Elections, 1 p.m.. Room W-54; Planning and Development, 1 p.m. Room weather will be fair. calling out for help.” 1-15-27-31-39-40 85-56-90-47-83-69-19-2-60-41 E-53; Transportation, 6 p.m.. Room W-58. A Legislative committee meetings include: Judiciary, after public hearing. Room E-51; Education, after public hearing. Room W-56; Planning and Development, 10 a.m.. Room E-53; Government to split the Town Committee’s vote Administration and Elections, after public hearing. Room W-54: CAN YOU HELP? Finance, Revenue and Bonding, 1:30p.m., Boom W-52: Transportation. 2 p.m.. Room W-58. ... By John F. Kirch Town Committee, said the com­ the committee's vote. For exam- primary would be sought. Officials The Connecticut Agricultural Information Council sponsors Agricul­ PEOPLE Herald Reporter mittee should send an equal pie. if 80 percent of the committee in Moffett’s main campaign office ture Day at the Capitol, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. number of delegates for each members vote for O’Neill Wednes­ in New Haven would not commit Consumer Protection Commissioner Mary M. Heslin holds an 11 a.m. A supporter of gubernatorial day. then 80 percent of Manches­ themselves Friday to seeking a R North Atlantic Treaty Organization since candidate to the convention. news conference on hazardous substances in toys. Room 105, State Office ter’s 23 delegates will be picked by primary, but they did not rule it out Keaton goes home 1984, will be the principal speaker at Harvard hopeful Toby Moffett urged “ I believe that we need to divide Building, 165 Capitol Ave., Hartford. University’s 335th commencement June 5, members of the Manchester De­ our votes equally and fairly O'Neill supporters on the either. committee. ”We don’t want to name Actor Michael Keaton has returned to his the university announced. mocratic Town Committee to between the two candidates,” Tuesday O’Neill enjoys a wide margin of numbers, but we know we have a Legislative committee public hearings include: General Law, 9 a.m.. home city of Pittsburgh for the premier of Carrington, 66, served as Great Britain’s divide their votes evenly between Gaffney wrote. “ It is not our support on the Town Commitee, lot of support in Manchester,” said Room W-52: Judiciary,9:30a.m., Room E-51; Banks. 2 p.m . Room W-56: “ Gung Ho.” a motion picture that used foreign secretary from 1979-82. He resigned Moffett and Gov. William A. decision to make as individuals, O’Neill when the committee meets but as representatives of the officials have said. Some Demo­ Marc Caplan, Moffett’s campaign Energy and Public Utilities (informational hearing by Democratic depressed western Pennsylvania mill towns three days after Argentina invaded the . next week. people of Manchester.” crats have said privately that manager. “ No one town is critical m em bers), 7 p.m.. Room W-52. as a backdrop for a comedy. Falkland Islands, citing his own failure to The committee is scheduled to Gaffney said in the letter that Moffett will only get 15 percent of to us getting the 20 percent (at the Legislative committee meetings include: General Law, after public Keaton, who grew up in suburban anticipate the crisis. Coraopolis. confessed to nervousness about vote Wednesday on what percen­ about half the registered Demo­ committee vote. convention). But it’s a matter of hearing. Room W-52; Public Health, 2 p.m.. Room E-53. Gaffney said in an interview principle. When we have good The state Board of Governors for Higher Education meets at 2:30 p.m., appearing before hometown fans for Thurs­ tage of Manchester’s 23 delegates crats in town favor Moffett, a Friday that he will push for a support we want to see it reflected 61 Woodland St.. Hartford. , day night’s premier. will support O’Neill and Moffett at former U.S. representative, for the Democratic Convention. Dele­ governor. secret ballot vote because it will in the delegates. I ’m not saying we Consumer advocate Ralph Nader attends 5 p.m. news conferrace “ The pressure’s on,” he said. Rockers fight drugs gates from all over the state will “ When 50 percent of Democrats benefit Moffett’s campaign. will (push for a prim ary), but we’d sponsored by the Connecticut Alliance for Insurance Reform, U^AW The Paramount Pictures Corp. film, An 11-hour concert publicizing the dangers attend the convention in July to indicated that they would prefer “ I think if we have a written seriously consider it.” Union Hall. 106 New Park Ave.. Hartford. , directed by Ron Howard and opening of drug abuse will be broadcast in at least 40 nominate a candidate for the other candidate, I believe that ballot and not a show of hands, To force a town primary for Republican gubernatorial candidate Richard C. Bozzuto appears on nationally today, is set in the fictional town of countries and feature more than 40 pop and governor. jt would be unfair for the Town people will vote their conscience.” delegates, a candidate must peti­ the “ People’ s Caucus,” a live-call in program on Coni^tLcut Public Hadleyville, Pa. The town’s auto plant has rock acts, including James Brown and Moffett will attend the Town Committee to endorse any candi­ he said. t tion 5 percent of the registered Television, 10 p.m. x ' closed, and a roguish character played by the Aretha Franklin, organizers say. Committee’s meeting in the Lin­ date by more than 50 percent Theodore Cummings, the Town Democratics in town by 4 p.m. 33-year-old Keaton persuades a Japanese coln Center hearing room Wednes­ Wednesday,” Gaffney wrote. Committee chairman and an April 18. That candidate must then Wednesday “ The Concert That Counts” is set for April Legislative committee public hearings include: Appropriations. 9 automaker to take over the plant. day. He needs at least 20 percent of Gaffney said in an interview O’Neill supporter, could not be put together a slate of delegates to 26 at the Memorial Coliseum, a.m.. Room W-58: Energy and Public Utilities, 10 a.m.. Room W-58. The comedy comes from the clash of egos, the delegate’s vote at the conven­ Friday that the letter was his idea reached for comment. challenge the slate endorsed by the Global Media Ltd. announced Thursday. Legislative committee meetings include: Appropriations, after public traditions and Eastern and Western tion in order to force a^^tatewide and not that of Moffett's local Besides being picked by the Town Committee. The slates are “The Concert that Counts is a global hearing. Room W-58; Regulations Review, 10 a.m.. Room E-53. cultures. primary for the Democratic nomi­ campaign committee. Town Committee, delegates can be then put before the party's voters awareness musical event, focusing on The House meets in regular session at 1 p.m. and the Senate meets at 2 Town Committee members will chosen by local Democrats in a in a primary, which would be held pro-achievement and drug awareness,” nation. If Moffett fails to get the 20 percent, O’Neill will be nominated vote at Wednesday’s meeting on town primary. May 20. p.m. promoter Tony Verna said. “ It is not a by the Democrats. who they want for governor. The Gaffney and Dorothy Brindam- A primary is a “ winner-take-all Eating for Oscars telethon. There will be no solicitation of Thursday In a letter to the Manchester number of Manchester delegates our, a coordinator of Moffett’s situation,” Democrats said. That funds. Any profit will go to a special Legislative committee public'hearings include: Appropriations. 9 Jack Nicholson, Whoopi Goldherg and Herald, Timothy Gaffney, a Mof­ representating each candidate at local campaign committee, said is, the winning slate sends all its a.m.. Room W-58; Executive and Legislative Nominations. 10 a.m.. foundation to distribute the funds.” William Hurt were among 100 Oscar fett supporter and a member of the the convention will be reflected in that they did not know whether a delegates to the convention. Room W-54; Energy and Public Utilities (informational hearing by Among the others slated to perform are nominees to attend a Motion Picture Democratic members), 7 p.m., Norwich City Hall. Mr. Mister, John Denver, Vince Neil of Academy luncheon in Beverly Hills, Calif., Legislative committee meetings include: Appropriations, after public Motley Cme, Jon Bon Jovi, and Toto. the best turnout for the event in five years, NAME: BRENDA SUE GERE HEIGHT: 5’ 5 ” hearing. Room W-58; General Law, 10 a.m.. Room W-52; Program academy officials said. PATTI REAGAN DAVIS DATE MISSING: 09/I9/8S WEIGHT: 110 LBS Carl Zinsser to press for sewer grant Review and Investigations. 1 p.m.. Room E-55. The House meets in regular session at 1 p.m. The 70 other nominees did not show up for FROM: BOTHELL, HAIR: BROWN . . . pleasures of the poor U.S. Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., announces his candidacy for Thursday’s Motion Picture Academy Nomi­ Joe Bob’s predictions WASHINGTON ready, would get a 50 percent grant ing and will now have more time to Committee and with the Republi­ re-election. Republican Roger Eddy also is tentatively scheduled to nating Luncheon. DOB: 02/09/73 LAST SEEN: Walking home from By Alex GIrelll After soup was served, the nominees In an inspired bit of casting, the current for the work and a SO percent pursue such matters as the sewer can leadership of the Senate. announce his candidacy to challenge Dodd. RACE/SEX: WHITE/FEMALE school. Assoclate..Edltor present stepped up on a platform inside the Poor first daughter issue of Us magazine has asked the irascible low-interest loan. grant for Manchester. Zinsser is State officials and Northeast Utilities hold a news briefing on the role of EYES: H/VZEL the media in the event of a nuclear plant accident. 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., Beverly Hilton’s International Ballroom for Joe Bob Briggs to offer his cockeyed analysis State Sen. Carl Zinsser, R- The Environment (Committee co-chairman of the Energy and Zinsser aiso said that Energy President Reagan’s daughter, Patti Davis, of this year’s Oscar race. Joe Bob has took no action on the Zinsser bill, Public Utilities Committee. state Armory, 360 Broad St., Hartford. 5 a formal portrait with their nomination Manchester, said Friday he will and Public Utilities Committee says as a child she often dreamed of being certificate. selected his own personal favorites — none of continue to work in the General but has passed and sent to the Friday morning issued a favorable poor. In an interview in West Hollywood with Any information? Caii 1-800-843-5678 Frid ay The event had a down-home atmosphere which made it anywhere near the Academy Assembly to get the state to issue Finance Committee a proposal “ I think I can do better than the report on a measure which, if Legislative committee public hearings include: Finance. Revenue and United Press International regarding her compared to the glittery formality of the list — as the year’s best. ‘“ Make them Die bonds for a $13 million grant to that would give most towns that 20 percent grant," Zinsser said, passed, would mean more revenue Bonding, 9:30 a.m.. Room W-52; Planning and Development. 10 a.m.. novel, “ Home Front.” the 33-year-oId Davis have to make sewage treatment awards themselves, which take place on Slowly’ is not on the list even though it was Manchester for improvements to vowing that the matter is not yet for Manchester. The bill would Room E-51: Transportation, 10 a.m.. Room W-58; Judiciary, 2 p.m.. says the feeling was reinforced when she was plant improvements, including closed. He quoted the baseball March 24. directly responsible for 19 murders in Times its sewage treatment plant. reduce a state tax on cables owned Room E-53. 13 and went to Manila with her parents to Manchester, a grant of 20 percent immortal Yogi Berra - “ It ain’t Goldberg, nominated as best actress for Square alone and scored a 98 on the vonhit by phohe companies and by cable Legislative committee meetings include: Transportation, after public visit the Marcoses. “ We stayed in a palace Zinsser had proposed a bill to the of the cost and a loan for 21 years at over til it’s over.” "The Color Purple,” expressed the feeling meter,” Joe Bob fulminates. He also picked Manchester Herald TV companies but it subject those hearing. Room W-58; Planning and Development, 1 p.m.. Room E-51; which is wealth to such a degree that it was Legislature’s Environment Com­ 2 percent interest. Zinsser said he has discussed the for other nominees. ‘’A Chorus Line” as the best horror film of cables to local property taxes, Finance, Revenue and Bonding, 2:30 p.m.. Room W-52. mind-boggling,” Davis recalls. “ And they mittee under which Manchester, Zinsser said he completed his matter with Sen. James McLaugh­ Zinnser said. He said the value of The state Department of Transportation holds a 9:30 a.m. public “ They’re gonna give me a certificate, and 1985 and described “ Rocky IV ” as the “ finest USPS 327-500 took us on a bus tour one day to show us the VOL. CV. No. 140 which has its design for improve­ work on the Energy and Public lin, R-Woodbury, senate chairman TV cables alone' in Manchester that’s something I get to keep,” she said. film aboutgiobal peace ever made by a man hearing on livery service in Bristtd, DOT Administration Building, 24 sights of Manila, but you can’t go out and see Publlthnd dally axcapt Sunday Suggested carrier rates are $1.50 ments to the Olcott Street plant Utilities Committee Friday morn­ of the Finance and Bonding would be about $100,000. “ I ’m a winner today, even if I am a loser on with enormous breasts.” and certain holidays by ths Man- Wolcott Hill Road, Wetbersfidd. the sights of Manila without going by these weekly, $6.50 lor one month, $10.25 Oscar night.” chastar Publishing Co., 16 Bralnard for three months. $36.50 lor six people living by a riverbaiik under sheets of Also among those in attendance were Don Plsca, Manchsatar, Conn. 06040. months and $77.(X> for one year. corrugated metal and living by an absolutely Second class postage paid at Man­ Mall rates are available on request. Ameche, Margaret Avery, Klans Maria Call It macaroni polluted river. And this was after they show chester, Conn. TOSTMASTER: Daniels jury breaks for the weekend Brandaner, James Gamer and Jon Voight. Sand address chatrges to the Man­ ATTENTION us all the monuments Marcos had built, Ronald and have been chester Herald, P.O. Box 591, Man­ marbled crosses on graveyards and stuff. To place a classified or display its deliterations Monday at Nor­ murder they determine to be either of second-degree sexual assault Service Station Owners/Operators credited with bringing style back to the chester, Conn. 06040. advertisement, or to report a news By Susan Ofcula Quote of the day And they said this is Mrs. Marcos’ next White House. But when the first couple sits Itsm, story or picture Idea, call 643- Associated Press wich SuM iior Court. depraved, heinous or cruel. If the against Whipple. project, to clean it up. And I thought, ‘ What is down to an informal dinner, it’s likely to GUARANTEED DELIVERY: If 27t 1. Office hours are 6:30 a.m. to 5 Earlier Friday, the jurors heard conditions aren’t met. a life The panel of seven men and five WB are SMkingMrvic* stations to: 1. PURCHASE... legal definitions of “ cruel,” “ de­ sentence is imposed. Betsy W^tendorp, an artist who painted she going to do, come shoot them all?’ I felt feature hamburger soup and macaroni and you don’t recalvo your Herald by 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. NORWICH, Conn, - A jury women considering Daniels’ case p.m; weekdays or 7:30 a.m. Satur­ praved” and “ heinous” before A three-judge panel last October began their deliberations 2. LEASE. ..3. Distributa our major brands of gasoline portraits for Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos sick when I got back to that palace. I wanted cheese. These are two of the president’s broke for the weekend Friday day. pleass telephone your carrier. continuing deliberations. The ju­ rejected Daniels’ insanity plea and Wednesday. We offer the best "DEALS" in the industry while maintaining a long, depicting the Philippines president and first to take the food and go run down and give it to favorite dishes, according to “ American without reaching a decision on If you're unable to reach your car­ The Manchester Herald Is a mem­ whether convicted double- rors also asked Judge Harry W. found him guilty of capital felony profitable relationship with our customers. lady as Malakas and Maganda, the Philip­ those people.” Entertains,” a new series debuting in the rier, call subscriber service at 647- ber oMhe Associated Press, a sub­ muderer Jerry D. Daniels should Edelberg to define the term murder in the June 16, 1984 Defense attorney James J. pine version of Adam and Eve: April issue of McCall’s. Other White House 0046 by 6 p.m. weekdays or lOa.m. scriber to United Press Interna­ lb dhesst aasarSHMlM esM* Saturdays for guaranteed delivery receive the death penalty or be “ mitigating.” stabbing deaths of Christine Whip­ Ruane on Wednesday suggested 10 “ That is what she wanted to see in the favorites are equally American; Baja tional nows services and a member Harvard gets a lord In Manchester. of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. sentenced to life in prison. Under state law, a death penalty ple, 20, and her 3-year-old daugh­ possible mitigating circumstan­ S I0 E U & painting — a fantasy, not the reality of life. chicken, pumpkin pecan pie and The jury, which began delibera­ must be imposed if jurors find no ter. Amy Russell. ces. a list that the jury requested m-628-8SW P.O. BoxJ. Baldwin Place. NY 10505 She had a fantasy. She lived her fantasy.” Lord Carrington* secretapp^n crabmeat casserole. tions Wednesday, was to continue mitigating circumstances in a Daniels, 28, also was found guilty on Friday.

4 4 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. March 15. 1986 Despite dust, U.S./W orld License plates, tolls highlight agenda In B rief In Brief O’Neill puts off decision on seeking to delay primary Misting travel agent arrested WATERBURY — The FBI Friday arrested in TamP®- missing travel agent who allegedly skipped town owing Giotto gives U.S. plans more exercises about the Merritt and Wilbur Cross would go with them. i i i " * * " j HARTFORD (AP) - An $11 effective date of a court ruling Toll collection ceased on Inter­ to a bank and $115,000 more to Individuals, U.S. Attorney Stanley parkways. * ^ 'r ! WASHINGTON — The United States has million proposal to require two allowing the Connecticut Republi­ states 95 and 395 — the Connecticut A. Twardy Jr. said. . ____, . notified civil aviation authorities it will conduct a marker plates on motor vehicles can Party to open its primaries to Testifying on a bill that would l^m pik e — on Oct. 9,1985, and the Government officials were working on extraditing Dayw comet bonus third aircraft carrier exercise in as many months registered in Connecticut was unaffiliated voters. end parkway toll collection by July job of toll plaza removal was Largay of Middlebury, owner of the At issue is a suit pending before off the coast of Libya this weekend. The exercise, approved Friday by the Transpor­ 1,1987 and remove the tolls by Jan. completed late last year. agency, who disappeared Wednesday with his wife, children ana the U.S. Supreme Court, originally will be a limited one, because only one aircraft tation Committee of the General 1,1988, witnesses no longer specu­ Chief State’s Attorney John J. home furnishings, Twardy said. , . . , » , « _ filed by Connecticut Republicans Bv Nesha Storcevlc carrier is currently underway in the Mediterra­ Assembly. lated about what the effects might Kelly has submitted a bill to the U.S. Magistrate Joan G. Margolis signed a federal warrant for seeking to hold open primaries. The Associated Press nean Sea, Pentagon sources said Friday. The committee voted 25-2 to be. Legislature’s Judiciary Commit­ Largay’s arrest late Thursday on charges he made false The Defense Department and Navy, following approve the bill of Sen. Michael The high court’s refusal this “ We can positively attest that tee that would strip the jurisdiction month to grant an early hearing of statements to a lending Institution to obtain a loan. DARMSTADT. West Germany — The Halley’s their normal practice, refused to discuss details Morano, R-Greenwich, co- traffic is moving faster through of the attorney general’s office to the case could pave the way for An affidavit filed by FBI Special Agent Richard Callahan said comet nucleus is much wider than was thought and of the upcoming exercise beyond confirming that chairman of the committee, and those portions (along Interstate prosecute certain regulatory open GOP primaries this year, Largay had been borrowing money for five years from has a “ velvet black,” peanut-shaped surface as dark a Notice of Intent to conduct flight operations send it to the Appropriations 95)... wherethereusedtotaietolls,” crimes, such as charities fraud and aifsi/eaiS^- since the case now can’t be heard Connecticut National Bank. With a $35,000 loan approved Feb. 24. as anything known to man, pictures from the within the Tripoli flight-control region had been Committee for review. Harry R. Harris, a lobbyist for home improvement rip-offs. at least until October, a month Largay’s total debt to the bank reached $500,000, the affidavit European spacecraft Giotto showed Friday. The cost of additional marker Banish All Tolls, told the Transpor­ filed on Thursday. j j . after the primaries. It was the latest sign of a growing The nucleus is the comet's elongated, hard center, “ Carrier flight operations will be conducted In plates would be paid by the state, tation Committee. The right of the Republican rift between Kelly and Attorney obtain that $3,000 loan, Largay submitted a financial which scientists said is made up of ice with a warm the Tripoli (region) from 7 a.m. (EST) Friday, contrary to a similar bill vetoed Party to open its primaries has General Joseph Lieberman that affidavit Which omitted that he owed $75,000 to Richard Murphy dust surface and surrounded by a cloud of dust. March 14, to 6:59 p.m. (EST) Sunday, March 16,” last year by Gov. William A. HOWEVER, SALVATORE Fer­ been upheld by two federal courts, surfaced nearly six months ago of Watertown and also $20,000 each to Gloria Alblni and Marie “ Giotto’s mission was accomplished beyond all O’Neill because motorists would ruccio, president of the Connecti­ the notice states. . most recently the 2nd U.S. Circuit when Kelly accused Lieberman of expectations.” said Roger Bonnet, the mission’s “All flights will comply with applicable have had to pay for the added $4 cut Employees Union Independ­ Tomaslello of Waterbury. Court of Appeals in New York. improperly publicizing a charity International Civil Aeronautical Organization expense. ent, ' representing toll plaza director of science projects, despite loss of signal two fraud case. seconds before the European Space Agency probe procedures for flight in international air space. The additional plate would be The O’Neill administration is workers, spoke against removing D’Addario sons to take over firm crossed the comet’s path early Friday at a distance of phased in between 1987 and 1992 as now considering seeking a stay in the parkway tolls, saying promises Recently, Kelly criticizedi an 375 miles, the closest point. vehicles are registered. Morano the circuit court's ruling, which, if made to retrain and relocate unsuccessful legislative proposal BRIDGEPORT — Two sons of F. Francis D ’Addario, who died UP1 photo Ecuador crushes rebellion The encounter, 93 million miles out in space, was the said it is the “ duty" of the granted, would prevent open prim­ employees displaced from the. by Lieberman that would have when his private plane crashed last week, will assume control of closest ever between a spacecraft and the comet, QUITO, Ecuador — Tank-led government legislature to approve the measure aries until the Supreme Court interstate tolls had not yet been expanded the attorney general’s the industrialist’s estimated $90 million business empire under T h e Stena W orkhorse, left, normally utility boat departs to assist another in because law enforcement agencies honored. which returns to the Earth’s solar system every 76 forces today stormed into the Quito air base decides the case. prosecutorial powers to cover terms of his will. .used by oil companies as an offshore the rough waters offshore. While most years. seized by a rebellious air force chief and favor it. more than two dozen other Old arguments on removing tolls Ferruccio testified that another Robert Berchem, a lawyer for D’Addario Industries, said of the ships in recovery stayed in port, Mission control scientists in Darmstadt near overwhelmed his forces after a midday gunfight, violations. work platform and now being used to O’NEILL'S ADMINISTRATION surfaced with a new twist Friday 150 jobs would' be lost if the Wednesday that “ the sons are responsible for the day-to-day the Stena Workhorse returned to Port Frankfurt said they would decide later if Giotto was reports said. parkway tolls closed, and that $11 K elly’s bill is scheduled for managerial decisions of any of the businesses their father owned assist the recovery of debris from the Radio Quito confirmed that army and police on Friday put off a decision on as each side used the Interstate 95 operational enough to try to bring it back to Earth. experience to support its claim million in annual toll, revenue public hearing March 21. at the day of his death.” space shuttie Challenger, enters Port Canaverai with large pieces of what forces had taken Marsical Sucre Air Base. “ It’s whether to request a delay in the Even after the pictures stopped coming, scientists Lawrence D ’Addario, 32, has overseen the firm’s construction were believed to be shuttle debris. said they received .an unexpected bonus 25 minutes known that at least one soldier died, there were an Canaveral Friday as a Coast Guard equipment and trucks as well as its concrete-block manufactur­ after the fiy-by when other instruments on Giotto undetermined number of wounded and the ing, and his brother David D ’Addario, 24, has handled financial began transmitting information. government troops have taken about 400 Hartford forum to air West German scientist Horst Keller of the Max prisoners,” the station said. Fairfield to Insure Itself and administrative matters. Planck Science Institute, who is in charge of Radio Quito reported earlier that Air Force D ’Addario’s business enterprises included a Bridgeport High winds and heavy rains shopping mall, a road construction company, an industrial waste analyzing pictures received from the sophisticated, Gen. Frank Vargas, fired for insubordination by FAIRFIELD (UPI) — Affluent Fairfield has decided to dump concerns President Leon Febres Cordero a week ago. fled recycling firm, sand and gravel mines, landfills, concrete and multicolor camera aboard Giotto, told a news its insurance carrier and establish its own umbrella fund, 5 conference at mi.ssion control: the base just before the attack. asphalt plants, a home heating oil business, development becoming the second wealthy Connecticut suburb this week to “ The true color of the dust and the surface of the However, journalists who saw the assault at the three children wore scarves over properties, motels, a jai ali fronton, radio and television stations, revolt against skyrocketing insurance costs. HARTFORD (UPI) - Eyewit­ hamper shuttie saivage try nucleus has to be black, absolutely black, I would say Quito air base said it would have been difficult for their faces and said they had fled bank shares and part Interest in a hotel-casino. First Selectman Jacquelyn Durrell said Friday the self- nesses Saturday will discuss their velvet black. Vargas to have eluded the surrounding govern­ their country because of religious In addition to his sons, D ’Addario is survived by his wife. Ann, insurance move was recommended by thetown’sriskmanagera experiences in Central America ter despite a clause in the agency’s “ It is blacker than black coal, at least as dark as the ment troops. They said government troops were before a statewide task force of persecution and feared they would and three daughters; Lisa, Mary Lou and Virginia. By William Harwood Challenger’s left-hand booster year ago, but town officials took a year to study the idea. The United Press International rocket that were recovered earlier charter that requires public access darkest objects in the solar system known to man.” hunting for Vargas. religious leaders, legislators, un­ be killed if they returned. Board of Finance gave its approval Thursday night. in the week were unloaded late in to NASA information. “ The dark color of the surface indicates a rather Vargas. 51, was freed from military custody at ion and community leaders. Members of the blue-ribbon Body of baby found in park warm surface layer.’’ he said. the Quito base by other officers Thursday. He While Fairfield largest claim ever was only $140,000, the town’s CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. - the day. The National Aeronautics and The public hearing in Center panel included House Minority Keller said the computer-enhanced pictures indi­ claimed the government broke an agreement that insurance premiums have exploded from $40,000 two years ago Leader Irving Goldberg, D-New F A IR F IE L D — The body of a newborn boy was found Friday More remains of Challenger’s Many shuttle workers retorted Space Act of 1958 states; “ Infor­ Church was one of 20 similar cated the nucleus is about 9 miles long. had led to his surrender Tuesday at the Manta and $212,000 last year, to $750,000 this year, Durrell said. Haven; George Springer, presi­ crew members are contained in for their last day of work in the mation obtained or developed by meetings endorsed by 26 religious near a garbage barrel in a town park, police reported. He said the center mass appeared to be at least two base, where he had been holed up for five days At the same time the carrier dropped many of the items shuttle cabin wreckage still on the wake of Challenger’s explosion the Administrator in the perfor­ groups which are being held across dent of the Connecticut State The body was found at 9:53 a.m. by two conservation workers times bigger than previously believed and that the with about 200 supporters after being fired. covered, such as environmental damage. The town plans to add Federation of Teachers; Rabbi debris-littered seabed, a source Jan. 28. mance of his functions under this the country to launch Central at Lake Mohegan, police said. overall width of the nucleus probably was about 5 $50d;ooo to the fund each year until it reaches $500 million. said Friday, but high winds held Lockheed Space Operations Co., Act shall be made available for America Week beginning Monday. Daniel Nussbaum, executive di­ No further details were released as police continued their miles. salvage ships in port. which manages shuttle processing public inspection except (A) infor­ Soviets expel U.S. diplomat “ The money would add up very quickly if you don’t touch it,” More than a dozen eye-witnesses rector of the National Conference investigation. ’ Engineers continued catalogu­ at the spaceport, laid off 263 “ This is one of the most important pieces of Durrell said, “ and we have to hope we have no major claims.” were scheduled to discuss their of Christians and Jews; The Rev. mation authorized or required by MOSCOW — A second secretary at the U.S. ing previously recovered wreck­ employees. Some of the layoffs had information we have received and analyzed so far.” The m ajor concern is large liability suits, such as the Tracey experiences before the panel, Alvan Johnson, president of the Federal statute to be withheld, and Embassy in Moscow has been ordered to leave Sixth rape defendant sentenced age from Challenger’s crew cabin, been planned before the Chal­ Keller said. Thurman settlement in Torrington, where a battered wife was including Rep. Bruce Morrison, Capitol Region Conference of (B) information classified to pro­ the Soviet Union, the official Soviet news agency including flight computers and lenger disaster, but not all. He said dust particles knocked out the rotating awarded nearly $2 million in a federal suit against the police D-Conn. and Nancy Eckel, a Churches; Carmen Marquez, ex­ W A T E R B U R Y — The sixth of seven defendants accused In the tect the national security." Tass said Friday. The agency said the diplomat other mangled debris, with some Another 367 Lockheed employees camera and kept it from sending pictures from all Witness for Peace member kid­ ecutive director of the Connecticut gang rape of a Harwinton woman in June 1984 was given a was caught spying. department, Durrell said. remains of the seven astronauts will be released May 2. Joseph Kerwin. director of the sides of the comet. E arlier this week, neighboring Trumbull filed suit against its napped and released by contras in Association for United Spanish suspended sentence Friday in Waterbury Superior Court. “ We had a 20-degree angle change instead of 180 Tass said Michael Sellers was detained in being held in a NASA animal In Washington, the presidential Space and Life Sciences division at insurance carriers, two Connecticut subsidaries of Philadelphia- Nicaragua. Action; Health Profesor Dr. R i­ Judge William Lavery sentenced Joseph Giraldi, 30, to a the Johnson Space Center in degrees," he said. Moscow on Monday “as he was having a research center for analysis and commission investigating the dis­ based CIGNA Corp. Trumbull charged CIGNA with deceptive Also, Sister of Mercy Suzanne chard Bissell.of the University of two-year suspended sentence, two years probation and 200 hours Houston, brought the crew’s medi­ Keller said the last picture received from Giotto clandestine meeting with a Soviet citizen Connecticut ^h ool of Medicine; identification. aster announced that it plans to set and unfair trade practices in connection with a 350 percent jump Deiiee, a nurse who has worked in of community service on a charge of conspiracy to commit A source who asked not to be up an independent group consist­ cal records to the Kennedy Space before its signal was lost in high-speed collisions with recruited by U.S. intelligence” Abdin Noboa, head of research in the town’s insurance premiums. Nicaragua for five years, Harlton first-degree sexual assault. identified said the remaining Center to aid in the identification of Halley’s comet dust came from a distance of about 917 The agency report added: "An investigation planning and evaluation of the New ing of four to six experts to oversee Dalton of the Yale Law School, Art Giraldi in january pleaded no contest under the Alford wreckage of the crew compart­ testing of suspect joints in the the remains. miles from the nucleus. produced evidence fully implicating the staff Laffin of the Catholic Peace Haven public school system; his­ He said the nucleus surface appeared to have member of the U.S. Embassy in intelligence­ doctrine, under which defendants do not admit guilt, but ment still contains some crew shuttle's solid-fuel booster rockets. -Remains of some of the crew Fellowship, Sr. Patricia Brewer of tory Professor Tom Anderson of definite structures, but further study must be made. gathering activitie^incompatible with his official acknowledge the state has enough evidence for conviction. remains that are needed by Commission spokesman Mark members were taken to the animal the Archdiocesan Commission on Eastern Connecticut State Univer­ The camera sent more than 2.000 images in 3‘A status.” sity and the Rev. J. Alan Mclean, Giraldi had originally pleaded innocent to charges of pathologists to complete the identi­ Weinberg also announced that a research facility Wednesday night Peace and Justice, and the Rev. hours before the closest approach, Keller said. U.S. Embassy spokesman Jaroslav Verner Proposed Conrail sale first-degree sexual assault and conspiracy to commit first- fication process. public hearing will be held Friday after the salvage ship USS Pre­ Eklmund Nadolny, pastor of St. pastor of Center Church. “ We have detected two major and two minor types confirmed Sellers had been declared persona non degree sexual assault. But the state was forced to drop a charge It was not known whether in Washington “ to receive testim­ server returned to port with a Vincent Ferrer Church in Nauga­ of some jets coming out of a nozzle at the tip of the grata by Soviet authorities Friday, Verner said of first-degree sexual assault against Giraldi when the victim autopsies had begun on the re­ ony on the status of the investiga­ mound of cabin wreckage on tuck, who recently returned from a mains already recovered, but nucleus.’ ’ he said. he would have no further comment on the case. leaves officials puzzled was unable to identify him as one of her attackers. tive activities” board. tour o f refu gee cam ps in some of the shuttle fliers already NASA will not confirm or deny Giotto’s estimated closest approach of 375 miles to U.S. Embassy spokesmen never comment on Honduras. Severed legs Five other defendants, members of a motorcycle club, were Soviet allegations of spying by American may have been identified. any reports about the astronauts Sources close'to the investiga­ the nucleus would be slightly more than the targeted “ obviously” had no chance to gain Laffin. who worked in refugee previously convicted in connection with the June 2, 1984 gang diplomats. Bv George Lobsenz The salvage ship USS Preserver other than to say "crew remains” tion said the wreckage-primarily distance of 334 miles. United Press International House passage of its proposal and camps in El Salvador in 1984, said rape of a woman at their storefront clubhouse in Naugatuck. is spearheading the effort to were found in the cabin debris. was that of the crew compart­ “ What we have is outstanding — new results in our A week ago. the United States ordered the baffle police A other Conrail bids are flawed. the hearings were designed to give The only defendant who has not yet stood trial is Richard search to solve the mystery of Halley’s com et," said Soviets to reduce the size of their missions at the recover crew cabin debris, but bad That policy is indicative of the ment’s flight deck where four of WASHINGTON - The United Spokesmen for Florio and Trans­ U.S. citizens “ a chance to offer DeMarco of Boca Raton, Fla. Reimar Lust, the European Space Agency’a director United Nations in New York from 279 to 170 by NEW HAVEN (AP) — Police say weather kept the vessel in port way NASA has conducted the the astronauts rode to their deaths Transportation Union, which re­ portation Secretary Elizabeth direct eyewitness accounts in on Jan. 28. general. April 1988. The U.S. order drew an official protest Friday. Pieces of wreckage from overall investigation intothedisas­ presents 8,000 Conrail workers, Dole had no comment on the UTU hopes of making their, fellow they are still seeking leads in from the Soviet Foreign Ministry. solving the mystery of two severed Evans’ charges may be dropped has unyeiled a surprise plan to sell plan, saying they knew little more Americans aware of conditions in legs found in the West River last Arizona sanctuary case Cookie tampering reported the government-owned freight rail about it than was contained in the the trouble-tom areas of Central HARTFORD — The federal government has moved to dimiss carrier through a public stock union’s two-page press statement. America.” month. chajeges of harboring a fugitive against Linda Sue Evans, who is Forensic technicians this week INDIANAPOLIS - The sale of Girl Scout offering that would involve three Morgan Stanley A Co., a New One of the sponsors. The Ameri­ charged with hiding a suspect in a bloody 1981 Brink’s truck can Friends Service Committee, said the blood is Type O-positive, cookies will go on in Indiana despite nine reports major railroads. York investment banking house, hold-up. of tampering and a warning by state health However, officials at one of the has offered $1.4 billion for Conrail also known as the Quakers, has which is a common type. R Evans, 38. of Hamden was accused of providing a “ safe house joined the nationwide sanctuary Police Maj. Walter Connor said Defense move sets stage for decision officials against eating the treats. Girl Scout railroads named, Norfolk South­ on behalf of a consortium of 43 for Black Liberation Army member Marilyn Jean Buck. Buck investors. That plan also envisions movement. Thursday that police have no leads leaders said Friday. ern Corp., said Friday they have allegedly drove the getaway car and helped plan the Oct. 20,1981, Meanwhile, the FBI and police were investigat­ nothing to do with the union plan a public stock sale. The Quakers at a Jan. 13 news in the case. The legs are at the state TL’CSO.N. .Ariz. (AP) — In a surprise their cases was the belief that Prosecu­ for contempt. The judge refused to cans into the United States. medical examiner’s office in robbery of a Brink’s armored truck in Nanuet, N.Y., that left a ing a report that a suburban Chicago woman and will continue pursuing their Allen & Co. and First Boston conference at the state Capitol move, lawyers for 11 sanctuary move­ tor Donald .M Reno Jr. had not proved allow testimony from another witness. All charges but the conspiracy count guard and two policemen dead. found a staple in a Girl Scout cookie in the fourth own bid to buy Conrail. Corp., two other New York invest­ publicly declared sanctuary for an Farmington. ment members charged with conspir­ his case. On Friday. Reno told reporters he have been dropped against two of the Police have said the legs be­ Evans and Buck, who still faces robbery charges, were claim of possible tampering in Illinois this month. The UTU gave a statement to ment houses, have bid $1,8 billion unidentified Guatemalen man and ing to smuggle aliens rested their ■’Why attend the football game when accepted the defense move “ in stride” defendants — Nena MacDonald and arrested together Mav 11. 1985 in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Indiana State Health Commissioner Woodrow Rep. James Florio. D-N.J., Thurs­ for Conrail, with that money to be his family. longed to a well-built, white man in defense just two minutes after they the score is 27-0 in the last quarter’.’ ” He said that in the course of the trial James Corbett, a Quaker and retired Myers Jr. issued a warning Thursday against raised through a public stock sale. The man, his wife and two of his his 20s. opened it Friday, saying prosecutors attorney Michael Piccarreta said after “ I have come to appreciate no sur­ rancher considered a co-founder of the day that outlined a public stock eating the cookies after needles, pins and glass offering in which the Norfolk had failed to prove their case. court adjourned. "In our opinion ... we prises." He declined to comment sanctuary movement. Its members say were reported in peanut butter and thin mint Southern, CSX and Union Pacific The only witness called — US. won. There is no case. These people are specifically on the defense’s strategy. they are aiding pmple fleeing political cookies and in chocolate cookie bars. railroads would buy equal shares . _ _ i. — CQUPON - Immigration and .Naturalization Ser­ not criminals” Several lawyers said they rested persecution and violence in accordance " I t ’s clear the products are being tampered vice Special Agent James Rayburn — Reno re.sted his case last week, and because of concern that the jury had with international and U.S. laws. But of Conrail. with," Myers said. "W e make this warning UTU President Fred Hardin said was not questioned. Each of 11 defense the defense maneuver capped the 19th been taxed by the length of the trial as the federal government contends Cen­ reluctantly. We hope to find who is doing this. We his union had done “ considerable attorneys stood, one by one. and rested week of proceedings, which began well as for the four people under house tral Americans entering this country hope to find them very soon." exploratory work" in formulating Half-Price the case for each defendant began Oct. 22. Reno said Friday an arrest because they refused to testify. without documentation do so for eco­ One girl was injured when she bit into a cookie. U S. District Judge Earl H. Carroll informal agreement had been reached The judge ended the house arrest order nomic reasons. the proposal. Two of the tampering reports have been “ We have been assured by a expressed surprise, saying he had not to present closing arguments the first Friday because both sides had rested. Rayburn directed the 1984 under­ known the defense planned to rest He cover investigation of the movement, confirmed and the others are being investigated, majority of the proposed partici­ Special week in April. The previous three days had been officials said. pants that the plan will work and set a hearing Tuesday in Phoenix to The prosecutor presented testimony devoted to legal arguments and dismis­ which the government named “ Opera­ In Illinois, a 24-year-old woman said she can be accomplished very discuss jury instructions from 17 witnesses, including a paid sal of 12 counts against eight defend­ tion Sojourner." discovered the staple Friday morning after biting quickly,” Hardin said in the Defense attorneys and defendants government informant and an immi­ ants. A total of 32 counts remained — Rayburn said after Friday’s defense into the cookie. statement. said afterward that the main reason gration agent, while four others he including one charging all 11 with move that he was “ disappointed” he did But Norfolk Southern officials, they decided late Thursday night to rest called refused to testify and were cited conspiracy to smuggle Central Ameri­ not get to testify. COIN who have spent the last year Same day dry cleaning and pressing... seeking congressional approval for their company’s $1.2 billion bid in before noon, ready by 3:00 p.m.... at half the cost. I Foreign Ministry file for Conrail, expressed puzzlement CUEAM IriG Time Sure Flies! Be somebody. over Hardin’s remarks, saying Quikleen is an economical dry cleaning and I NEW COIN DRY CLEMHNGIMCHHIES they knew little about the plan. pressing service designed for garments that gone after Nazi flap “ We know nothing about this dp not require pre-spotting or repairs. The f We offer fine-qualify “do-it-youraeir dry Seems Like Just other than what we read in service includes professional dry cleaning cleaning that permits you to save a lot ^ > (Hardin’s) press release,” said I money on the care of sweaters, children’s VIE.NNA. lAP) — Docu­ news conference that Waldheim Magda Ratajski. spokesman for of excellent quality and steam pressing on ments in ’s person­ files before August 1970 could not Norfolk Southern. “ We have our our special automated equipment. Try . I winter clothing, and other Hems that do not nel file — papers he had said would be found and said there were no Yesterday ••• own proposal on the table.” Quikleen. ^ I require one of our complete dry cleaning disprove charges that he once was notes indicating where the missing The Reagan administration has I and pressing services. Our new professional a Nazi storm trooper — are ent ries could be. He declined to .say endorsed Norfolk Southern’s prop­ Quikleen prices: ' coin-operated dry cleaning machines pro- mi.ssing from P'oreign Ministry more about the issue. osal as the best guarantee, of Plain pants, skirts, I vide safe, odorless, wrinkle-free dry cleaning archives, a spokesman said Conrail’s future and the The World Jewish Congress. The sweaters, jackets...... $1.50 of a full 10-pound load— the equivalent of Friday Republican-controlled Senate has New York Times and the Coats, dresses, I 10 to 14 sweaters— in just 30 minutes. 5 Waldheim served as U.N. approved the deal. weekly news magazine Profil this .secretary-general from 1972 to 1982 However, Norfolk Southern fa­ 2-piece suits...... $3.00 month cited documents they said and now is runningforthe Austrian HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY ces an uphill battle in the indicated Waldheim was enrolled presidency He said earlier the Democratic-controlled House, in the SA and in a Nazi-affiliated One of the nation’s most modern dry cleaning documents would show that he did where key leaders, including Flo­ ^ student organization. 2 .5 0 not belong to the Sturmabteilung. rio, have expressed concern about piants at 441 West Middie Turnpike, or SA. in 1938 The allegations surfaced during the anticompetitive impact of a ■ per 10 lb. hMMl Gerold Christian, a Waldheim Waldheim's campaign for presi­ Norfolk Southem-Conrail merger. spokesman, referred to the docu­ Florio also believes Conrail is Manchester, (just west of Manchester P^rkade). dent in an election set for May 4 (R«ailM V$6J00) ments March 6 in a conversation Waldheim. 67. denied belonging to worth more than $1.2 billion. with The Associated Press. He said either organization and said his Hardin said he introduced his Open Monday through Saturday 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. I ...virith this coupon Pnd they showed that Waldheim was political opponents timed the accu­ plan because Norfolk Southern (Coin-Op open Sundays). investigated by state police in 1946, sations to hurt his image. ' any dry cleaning ordor when he applied for a job in the V Real Estate Foreign Ministry, and was found to During World War II. American have no Nazi connections. troops completed their reconquest T ry our Coin-Cleaning at half-prioe wHh this Ministry spokesman Otmar of the Pacific Ocean’s Solomon I coupon and any dry cleaning o rd e r... Koler told the AP today. "T h e fact Islands Feb 15, 1944. I Quikleen, Certified Master Dry Cleaning, is that the personnel file has / ' or FashionCraft.. .a t regular prices. disappeared.” Beaearrier! The gal or the guy He said documents on Walldheim -WUL What’s so neat about being a newspaper carrier? The PRIZES, Ollarhonendail since August 1970. when Waldheim That We’d Only Just Begun!!! that’s whatl When you’re a carrier, you get the chance to win sports WE DELiVER with the blue bow tie If you haven't racalved your BATTISTON’S left his post as foreign minister, equipment, radios, jewelry ... dozens of exciting prizes. And that’s 623-6982 Manchaater Herald by 5 p.m. will help you choose were still on file. not alll You also get to earn yourOWN money, have tun with others ilOiroiigh waakdaya or 7:30 a.m. Saturdaya, " I can’t give any explanation for Don .larkson Rose Viola Jackson your age, and show you’re not just a kid anymore. It you’re 12 years the right service Sun„ March n. or older, why not find out more! Call 647-9946 today! plaaaa call your carrier. If you're for each garment. it." Koler said. FUEt"r.-.72»* 168 Main Street, Manchester unable to reach your carrier, call Foreign Minister Leopold GraU, full heating service aubacribar aarvice, 647-9946. by 6 Complete febric Care Centers whose Socialist Party backs Wald­ p.m. weekdayaor 10 a.m. Saturdaya heim opponent Kurt Steyrer for •Pries Subjw:t to Change 6 4 7 -8 4 0 0 ilanrlfpstpr Mpralh - for guarantead delivery. president, confirmed later at a MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday. March U. IWg. — T « - MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. March 15, 1986 Buainesm OPINION BUSINESS In Bne$ stock rtM tMftlM Wamaeo stock market climbs BRIDGEPORT — Wamaeo Inc. said It knew of no reason why its stock climbed almost $2.80 per U.S. should Jack Stocks Set New Recent share Friday on the New York Stock Exchange The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose and that the company was continuing with iU plan Anderson to go private In a leveraged buyout by Its ^ 39.03 points to 1792.74, surpassing its to another new high managers. help uncover Waraaco's stock closed Friday at $35.87, up previous record of 1753.71. $2.50 from Ite opening price of $32.87. _ NEW YORK (AP) — Stock prices soared the overall tally on the NYSE showed a The company has scheduled a shareholdenj modest 5-3 edge for advancing issues over again Friday,' closing out a week of meeting for April 18 at which stock .owners wiU record-breaking gains and trading volume declines. vote on a proposal in which the Bridgeport-baaed Marcos loot Gainers among the blue chips included v; that carried Wall Street's bull market tp new apparel maker would go private in a transaction Previous record Merck, up at 16PA; International Paper, heights. valu ^ at about $404 million. Robins makes of 175371 set Analysts said buying was inspired partly up 5 at 64Vi; DuPont, up 4>A 'at TJVt, and The discovery earlier this week of $800 March 13 1986. by dramatic new evidence of the decline of Philip Morris, up 5W at 119. million stashed away in a Swiss bank account inflation. Philip Morris was strong for the second Pilgrim manager laid off by former Philippines President Ferdinand weak effort in The Dow Jones average of 30 industrials straight day following an appeals court GROTON — More than a dozen Pilgrim Marcos was anything but surprising. jumped 39.03 to 1,792.74, winding up the ruling that appeared to lessen the chances Airlines employees have been laid off since the week with a record advance of 92.91 points. that the company might be severely hurt in carrier was purchased last month by Business From the beginning, it has seemed likely Friday’s rise by itself was the third cigarette product-liability litigation. R.J. Express airlines of Bridgeport, according to a that before Marcos left the former colony he Daikon iawsuit largest ever in points for the average, Reynolds Industries, affected by tbe same published report. ruled for two decades, he used his powers to surpassed only by a 43.41 gain on Nov. 3,1982 news, rose 1 to 42W? Business Express President James R. McMa­ accumulate a vast personal fortune and and one of 43.10 last Tuesday. . Notable laggards included leading com­ nus said at a March 3 news conference the WASHINGTON - A.H. Robins Co. is still takeover would result in some staff reductions at place it into foreign bank accounts and Volume on the New York Stock Exchange puter issues such as International Business Pilgrim. concealed holdings. With each passing day, hanging tough — even after it filed for bankruptcy came to 181.87 million shares, against 171.48 Machines, which was down Vt at 150y«, and under the weight of more than half-a-billion Digital Equipment, unchanged at 168'/t. One Pilgrim employee, who has not been laid more and more facts appear to substantiate million in the previous session. Both the New off and asked not to be identified, told the New dollars in damage payments for injuries caused that charge. York and American stock exchanges had The NYSE’s composite index rose 1.89 to London Day that approximately 15 persons have by its Daikon Shield. their busiest weeks ever. 138.17. Nationwide turnover in NYSE-listed been laid off. As the evidence grows, it highlights the The company steadfastly refuses to admit that The Dow Jones industrial average built up issues, including trades in those stocks on need for the resolution of a few key issues. Peggy Culver, vice president for marketing at the intrauterine contraceptive device is unsafe. a gain of about 18 points; slipped back to just regional exchanges and in the over-the- Business Express, said Friday she did not know One important question that remains Yet despite this seeming confidence in its product, a plus-2 reading going into the last hour, and counter market, totaled 210.60 million how many Pilgrim employees had been laid off, then took off again through the close. unanswered is what role the United States A.H. Robins has conducted a remarkably shsrcs but she believed most were managers. lackluster, court-ordered effort to tell women Analysts said the late buying spree was standard & Poor’s index of 400 industrials will play as the new administration in the gained 3.62 to 260.40, and SAP’s 500-stock injured by the device how they can file for partly due to program trading by profes­ Philippines seeks to untangle the former composite index was up 3.36 at 236.55. Investment report ‘‘Of course, Mr. Dumpty, you’ll receive health care and a safe haven.” compensation. In 1974, the company withdrew the sional investors taking their cues from leader’s finances and get back any money 3 10 1 4 activity in stock-index options and futures The NASDAQ composite index for the that was removed by corruption and Daikon Shield from the market, and, in 1984. after over-the-counter market rose 1.48 to 371.83. Investment prices, courtesy of Advest Inc., are a series of costly damage judgments, the and concentrating on blue-chip stocks. as of 3 p.m. Friday. 5 thievery. While there have been signs of U.S. That produced some striking disparities. At the American Stock Exchange, the company finally agreed to pay for removal of the March market value index closed at 267.81, up .68. cooperation with the government ted by UPI In contrast to the outsized gain by the Dow, ^ device from women who were still using |t. Price Change This Week President Corazon Aquino, particularly in Open Forum Robins’ first draft of its proposed notification to Friday the House of Representatives, the Reagan women who might have a damage claim against administration has not yet taken a strong Commodity roundup Advest Inc. 17‘A up >A the company was rejected by a federal judge as up 2 public stand on the matter. At the moment, Acmat 22>A request, you decided to hire the The need for the enforcement “ legal mumbo jumbo.” This excerpt from the Aetna 65>A up 4^4 Marcos is in Hawaii as a guest of our An extra use part-timer and basically tabled of existing housing codes on draft will show why: Bank of New England 66‘A up l ‘A government, which is catering to his family any further action until October. existing property is highly im­ "(A ) proof of claim for any claim against A.H. Treasury bond, gasoline futures on rise First Conn. Bancorp 77‘A up 4>A and a group of his associates at some expense for seat belts portant to Manchester, today Robins Company, Incorporated arising out of the First Hartford Corp. l ‘A nc Wheat settled l ‘A cents lower to 4Vi Hartford National 4 DA up DA to the taxpayers. At that time, during the public and tommorrow. I urge this rejection by A.H. Robins Company, Incorporated cents higher with the contract for April at 58.75 cents a pound; feeder By Paul A. Driscoll cents higher with the contract for Hartford Steam Boiler 7DA up 2‘A Because the deposed leader is a former comment session, I asked a board not to put off till October of a voidable transfer, as described in Bankruptcy delivery in April at $12.72 a barrel; cattle were .02 cent to .30 cent higher To the Editor: The Associated Press delivery in March at |3.50>/i a bushel; Ingersoll Rand 67V* up 4‘A ally of various presidential administrations, couple of questions and ex­ addressing this importnat need Code Section 502 (g) and 502 (h ). must be filed on heating oil was .97 cent lower to .30 cent with March at 61.10 cents a pound; live corn was 'A cent lower to 3 cents higher J.C. Penney 66Vi up 2>A or before t he later of Dec. 30,1985 and 30 days higher with April at 46.20 cents a gallon; . hogs were .05 cent lower to .38 cent including Reagan’s, the White House is in Quite by accident I discovered pressed concern. I was told by that affects the living conditions Treasury bond futures hit new highs with March at $2.36'/4 a bushel; oats Lydall Inc. 15'A nc and leaded gasoline was 1.05 cents to higher with April at 41.10 cents a pound; somewhat of an awkward position regarding an excellent additional use for the manager that the new of many Manchester residents after the entry of an order authorizing the Friday with the contract for delivery in were V* cent lower to PA cents higher Sage Allen 22 nc 1.50 cents higher with April at 40.81 and frozen pork bellies were .02 cent to the investigation initiated by the new seat belts. temporary part-time position and the values of neighborhoods. rejection of the executory contract or unexpired March jumping 113-32 before settling at with March at $1.25V« a bushel; and SNET 47»A dn 1 cents a gallon. .50 cent higher with March at 57.57 cents government. But no more time should be lost By putting your handbag would be involved solely in new I would suggest that on your lease, or 30 days after the entry of an order or 97 12-32 points, up 13-32 for the day. soybeans were I'A cents lower to ‘A cent Travelers 58‘A up 5‘A Gasoline futures prices advanced on Livestock and meat prices were a pound. before the administration lets it be known in straps over the buckle of the seat construction. April agenda you have consider­ judgment voiding the transfer.” higher with March at $5.37>A a bushel. Tyco Laboratories 683A up 6 the New York Mercantile Exchange, mostly higher in rather light activity on 54V4 dn DA belt, then pulling the left strap As I expressed then, I am very ation of hiring a temporary Wheat futures were mostly stonger United Technologies no uncertain terms that it will assist in but most other energy contracts were the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Precious metals prices were lower on $348.00 up$ 4.65 concerned that the obvious need full-time housing inspector for FOR DALKON SHIELD USERS who might not but other major commodities were New York gold returning any misplaced assets to the over your shoulder and buckling weaker. Live cattle settled .23 cent to .45 cent the Commodity Exchange in New York. six months who’s only duty is the have a Philadelphia lawyer handy, what Robins Philippine treasury, whatever the ultimate it. your handbag remains secure. for inspections of existing resi­ Crude oil settled 38 cents lower to 7 higher with the contract for delivery in mixed on the Chicago Board of Trade. inspection and enforcement of could have said forthrightly was that women must U.S. stand on Marcos as an individual. It is a convenience, it is safe and dential property, especially multi-family, would not be ad­ housing regulations on existing file a claim by April 30,1986, or lose any hope of ■ JovitoSalonga, who chairs the Philippines the bag cannot slide around the dressed, at least until October. property. This action could have recovering damages from use of the device. It Commission on Good Government, is front seat. Wholesale price drop 'With our concern about the As I have thought more about it, an inspector employed by late should be noted that this cutoff date also applies to currently in this country, probing what can possibility of a theft of handbags October is much too late. Even if spring and available during the shield users who do not yet show any ill effects be done to gain possession of the funds that remain on the front seat by you decided then to hire two warm months when such inspec­ from its use but who may in the future. is steepest on record Marcos allegedly looted from his nation. By our side, this way the window can full-timers, with the length of the tions could best take place. This Although A.H. Robins is fulfilling the his estimate, the missing anipunt is probably be open for summer with no fear required hii'ing practices, em­ position would only cost the town requirements of the court order, our reporter By Tom Raum Over the past 12 months, whole­ above $5 billion and may be as much as twice that someone can quickly grab ployment of such individuals somewhere around fifteen to Jenny Cunningham has cataloged several sins of The Herald Is The Assocloted Press sale prices have declined by 0.1 that. your bag. would not take place until 1987. In twenty thousand dollars. I be­ omission A.H. Robins committed in its notification effort. They include: percent, the government’s Bureau As Solanga meets with U.S. officials, more reality this would make 1986 lieve the future of Manchester is WASHINGTON — Precipitous of Labor Statistics reported. • Lack of a photograph or drawing of the and more Filipinos are getting a chance to Elizabeth M. Roman another year in which the need worth at least that, don't you? drops in gasoline and heating oil During January, food prices Daikon Shield. Its distinctive, crablike shape A see how Marcos lived in the Malacanang East Windsor for continued inspection of multi- costs shoved down wholesale pri­ after seasonal adjustments de­ could presumably jog the memories of women Palace, which Aquino has turned into a family buildings is not Robert A. Faucher ces by 1.6 percent in February, the clined 1.6 percent after moving addressed. 125 Spruce Street who had used it. resulting in more claims. largest monthly decline in the 39 down 0.4 percent in January. One Your Voice In Manchester museum. Crowds are viewing the 3,000 pairs • Failure to list the severe medical problems years the government has kept the of the biggest drops came in of shoes left behind by Marcos’s wife. Housing checks The concern over budget cost is well understood, but I am associated with the device, including Pelvic figures, the Labor Department vegetable prices, which dropped Imelda, and other indications of untold afraid that the future cost of Inflammatory Disease, septic abortions, sterility reported Friday. 23.2 percent after a 9.7 percent opulence in a nation plagued by poverty. needed in town resolving "slum” conditions be­ Teachers deserve and possible brain damage to newborns conceived The drop in the Producer Price drop in January. One charge Salonga is investigating is that despite use of the shield. Index, equivalent to a 17.1 percent Coffee prices continued to rise ing created by lack of enforce­ annual rate of decline after sea­ because of a drought in Brazil, but If you live in Manchester then the at least some of the wealth Marcos spirited To the Editor: ment of housing codes will cost better salaries • The low profile of the notification campaign. R out of the Philippines derived from U.S. aid sonal adjustment, followed a 0.7 by 6.3 percent pace, a lesser Herald’s the newspaper for you the taxpayers of Manchester, It lasted only three weeks and included no paid percent drop in January. increase than January's 17.4 per­ to his administration. Given the amount of This is a copy of a letter to the including single-family ho­ notices in women’s magazines. By contrast, when Gasoline prices, which in recent cent surge. because we’re the only one that’s money provided by the U.S. during Marcos’s Manchester Board of Directors. meowners, much more. Also, To the Editor: Robins introduced the Daikon Shield, it ran ads in days have dipped below $l-a-gallon Economists generally predicted geared expressly to the needs of women’s magazines and bought eight-page inserts tenure, that is certainly a viable avenue to lack of maintaining a multi­ at the pump in parts of the nation, continuing drops in wholesale and this community. explore. Dear Mayor and Board of family residence will affect the I think teachers should get in medical journals over a period of four months. tumbled 11.1 percent in February retail prices at least for another Vne future But even if that particular allegation were Directors: market value of others in the more money because they work • Inadequate notification overseas. Some 1.7 at the wholesale level, while month or two. .wholesale home heatiqg oil prices of downtown absent, the moral obligation on the part of area although they are main­ hard to teach us. million Daikon Shields were marketed abroad, but For instance, if you pay taxes in They do a good job of teaching plummeted 26.2 percent, the de­ both Congress and the president to help the At your last meeting you took tained and up to code. the only notification outside the United States Manchester then you have a right to w-SS-rSSU-' action in regards to the building us. and they don’t get enough consisted of some press releases and letters to partment said. Both were record- Philippines recover any ill-gotten gains Laws and regulations created breaking declines. department and the hiring of a money to pay for the stuff they ambassadors and health ministers of countries GE strike know how tax money is being spent. would remain. to prevent slum conditions from The February declines returned part-time building inspector. have, like a house and gas for a where the device was known to have been Anything less than an open and strong being created in Manchester are wholesale prices for most petro­ Only the Herald can provide you with The item on your agenda was useless if only on paper. They car. available. Not surprisingly, only 50 damage effort would be an affront to the Filipinos who leum products to levels of 1979 and keeps 3 the depth of information you need to consideration of hiring two addi­ must be enforced. The rights of claims have come from overseas. 1980, department analysts said. were apparently robbed blind by Marcos and tional full-time building inspec­ tenants and the future of Man­ Joey Mayer Overall food costs also declined make valued and reasonable decisions to the U.S. taxpayers who probably helped tors. After a short discussion of chester housing stock depend on prade 4 THE NOTIFICATION EFFORT’S shortcom­ ' by a sharp 1.6 percent from regarding key local issues that may Yes pay the bills. 450 E. Middle Turnpike January to February. plants idle the funding and a study of the it. ings could conceivably be exacerbated by the affect your life today or in the future. company’s stubborn refusal to admit that the “ This decline in prices at the Daikon Shield is defective in any way. A recent wholesale level will send a strong B Can you afford not to stay informed? message to the overall economy: LYNN, Mass. (UPI) — A strike A.H. Robins press release, for example, stated consumer prices are coming down, by 7.500 General Electric workers that the company “ still regards it as comparable and the fears of inflation have all continued to idle three eastern We also think it’s our re^iponsibility to Ortega deserves to follow Marcos in safety and effectiveness to other lUDs.” but abated.” said White House Massachusetts plants Friday as Footnote; From the millions of Daikon Shield spokesman Larry Speakes. negotiations aimed at ending the listen to what residents in Manchester users over the years, the court has now received Private analysts predicted dispute were put off once again. have to say. We want to hear your valuables he owned. And if he withdrew large Union spokeswoman Barbara With the unintentional help of Corazon Aquino. approximately 80,000 cards from women who further energy price decreases in views on the news — what you think is President Reagan may be setting up the sums of money from his bank accounts to take intend to file damage claims. Anyone who believes the coming months. Sweeney said GE representatives congressional Democrats for a long and ghastly them too. just how incriminating is the fact that she was injured by a Daikon Shield should send But James Schlesinger, who has informed the union that they need important, what should go into the fall over U.S. policy toward the Marxist the notes were “ fresh” ? serv^ as both secretary of defense time to consider its latest proposal her name, address and a statement of intent to file and will be ready to resume paper and what shouldn’t. We’re government of Nicaragua. The media had better stick to sweeping and energy, cautioned that com­ William a claim to Daikon Shield, P.O. Box 444, Richmond, negotiations at 9 a.m. EST on allegations about the “ billions” of dollars Marcos placency brought on by falling especially interested in hearing any Easing Ferdinand Marcos out of the Philippine Va. 23203 — and do it by April 30. Monday. allegedly owns in U.S. real estate. Brooklyn Rep. energy prices was “ shortsighted." comments you may have about the presidency was a messy but necessary business, Rusher “ There is a possiblity that oil “ The union is willing and ready and Mr. Reagan deserves (and is receiving) high Stephen Solarz floated that gaudy figure back markets could turn around very to meet over the weekend but the service you get from the Herald. We during the Philippine election campaign, and can marks for accomplishing it with so tittle quickly,” given the political insta­ company has declined.” Sweeney guarantee prompt delivery and bloodshed. Whether Mrs. Aquino actually won a investigate the rumor, through his House bility in the Persian Gulf, the said. majority of the votes in the recent election is much subcommittee, practically forever.' Mlnl-editoilal former Carter administration Ca­ The strike began Feb. 21 when courteous, efficient service on all more doubtful than you would suppose, listening The Nicaraguan Contra leaders are their own binet officer told the Senate members of Local 201 of the billing matters. If you’re not satisfied, to the U.S. media or noting the huge rallies of her sort of change, and there are enough competent AT A MORE SERIOUS LEVEL, however, our worst enemies. According to recent reports, they Energy Committee. International Union of Electronic, Electrical, Technical, Salaried we want to know about it. supporters (old and new) that are being staged politicians and dependable anti-communists in liberals are going to have trouble explaining why, have been blaming their spectacular lack of He said the price of imported oil. 5 which recently has fallen below $15 and Machine Workers walked off every day in Manila’s parks in an effort to high positions around Mrs. Aquino to afford hope if it’s perfectly all right for this country to help military achievement on — are you ready? — a barrel, could surge to as much as the job 'citing a backlog of that the new regime will get on with the business topple an authoritarian government far away on reinforce the legitimacy of her rule. boots. They complain that, while their tigers are $50 a barrel by the mid-1990s. With grievance and the suspension of a We think this makes us a better of suppressing the communist insurgency and, in the other side of the Pacific (and do it. moreover, apparently armed to the teeth, they don’t have But certainly the Philippines were ripe for some U.S. production tapering off, this shop steward at the company's newspaper and one this community due course, renew the leases on the important U.S. to prevent communist insurgents from seizing enough boots capable of surviving the rigors of nation would be even more vulner­ Lynn plant. bases in the archipelago. power there), it is so terribly wrong for us to assist training and combat. We know that old able to a Mideast oil cutoff than it The strike spread to facilities in can be proud of. Please watch for our indigenous forces that are battling an explicitly quartermasterful quoje that for want of a nail the was during the 1973-74 Arab Everett and Medford. Sweeney reader surveys that will soon be MEANWHILE, MARCOS-BASHING will Marxist regime, far more authoritarian, that is horseshoe was lost, then the horse, then the rider embargo. Schlesinger said. said the major issue in the current If Congress, and more continue to be a popular sport for a while among entrenching itself and exporting revolution, on the and finally the battle. But we think the Contra While economists generally stalemate is “ a fair and equitable appearing in our paper and fill them settlement” of the company's particularly the House Demo­ those who enjoy kicking a man when he’s down. Central American spine of the North American commanders need reminding, too. that there was hailed the wholesale price figures, out. If you let us know how we can two other ..government reports on treatment of shop stewards. Its comic high point was reached during the continent, just a thousand miles south of Miami. never a successful general nicknamed “ Alibi crats, reject President Reagan’s Friday did little to boost optimism “ We are hopeful, but not improve the paper for you, our readers, recent election campaign when the owner of an If Congress, and more particularly the House Ike.” I about future economic activity: optimistic, that there will be any then we will continue to be your voice urgent request for $100 million anti-Marcos Filipino newspaper in California was Democrats, reject President Reagan’s urgent • Industrial production plunged near-term settlement.” said GE to aid the Nicaraguan Contras, shot and killed. For 24 hours the media treated us request for $100 million to aid the Nicaraguan - 0.6 percent in Februay, one of the spokesman William Kennedy. in Manchester. to blunt charges that the hated “ dictator” had now Contras, they will be putting up their political weakest showings since the end of “ We are at a loss to understand they will be putting up their begun employing his murderous tactics on U.S. skins as collateral for the good behavior of the iHanrhratrr HrraUi the last recession. Part of the why 8,000 people are going without political skins as collateral for soil. Then California police arrested the victim’s Sandinista regime. They will be doing so, what’s decline reflected a negative eco­ pay for the very few stewards who son and the son's girlfriend, and the media hurried more, in the rosy afterglow of successful Foundstf In 1Mi nomic side of the oil price decline are abusive to their foremen.” the good behavior of the on to greener pastures. overthrows of offensive regimes in both the — a 3 percent decline in mining Kennedy said. RICHARD W. COSQROVE...... Publlthw activity due to curtailed oil and gas “ The union is demanding that The reported fact that Marcos arrived in Hawaii Philippines and Haiti. DOUGLAS A BEVINS...... E jiK utIv* Editor Sandinista regime. They will be the company alter its traditional Do the Democrats want it understood that they JAMES P SACKS...... M inaging Editor drilling. doing so, what's more, in the with a large quantity of jewels and "freshly • Business inventories shot up code of conduct to provide special favor undermining rightist authoritarian ALEXANDER QIRELLI...... AnocIM* Editor printed” Philippine currency was of course taken by $.7 percent, the biggest increase treatment for union stewards who rosy afterglow of successful as proof positive that he had stolen the public governments all over the globe (Chile and South MARIE E SIEFFERT Advertiting Dlroctor/ANoc. Publlthor la 1$ months, a rise that came as might become abusive in discus­ treasury blind. Perhaps he did; but certainly a Korea have already been nominated as next for MARK F. ABR AITIS...... B u iln m Minagw , sions with foremen,” he said. “ The HanrhpBtpr Bpralb buslDess sales slumped by 0.3 overthrows of offensive regimes SHELDON COHEN...... Composing Mtnagor man in his position — fleeing his country with no such treatment), but oppose it when those in percent in January, the biggest more they made their position in both the Philippines and Haiti. ROBERT H HUBBARD...... Prassroom Managor /ounded ifi 1 8 8 1 expectations of ever returning — would be well power are communist or pro-communist? If so. let JEANNE Q FROMERTH...... Circulation Managor decline since a 0.7 percent drop in clear the more we realized it was advised to take with him whatever transportable them say so. sales in October. inappropriate” MANCHESTER HERALD, Saturday, — t. ■ — MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. March 15. 19M,

•• ' ■ ■»*' 'i - V- - i \ i' . ' - ,.,s M A N U T t by ClwHXi ». Sehifli HAOAR THE HORRIBLE by Dlk BrowM 3 - am BLEPMAMT WHAT3& AM ‘‘ BV THAT U)AS WRITTEN BV VDU5HOOLP EUEPHAMT By Supper N B V E P LOVE JAMES 60ULPC0ZZENS TRY TO WRITE j r o f z & e r s < & O T T O .P055E55EP A BOOK I Possessed JZE/^AABBP? LIKE THAT x : [ MANCHESTER HAS IT!

U A A C tllt by Jim Oavto This Week Featuring... / Mev,0R60N,W£‘R e\ 'W E 'P PO ANVTHJNGr\ WEPEAT THE GENERAL ' / VOURBROTHERA \ FOR EACH OTHER, MOP TOR FU3WOFTHI6 ( RIQHT ? J RIGHT? EACH OTHER, CO;4VEROATION THCniANTOH by Lm Falk A Sy Barry RIGHT? 16 STARTING TO ^CONCERN m e CCMtE ON> FE U A & . WE'RE 6 0 IN 6 TO Jack J. Lappen Realty THE W)UN-MINS» (formerly Active TT Able Realty) . is located at We work on any car, 164 East Center Street from vintage in the Lappen Building Chevrolete to Rolls With interest rates at their lowest Royces. We levels in many years, business has es­ CAPTAIN EASY ®by Crooka A Caaala HOW YOU GONWA ■ WHAT’S THE MATTERY specialize in calated to new highs in 1986. ■ KEEP ’EM POWN k POESN'T SHE LIKE MV starters and ON THE FARM- o S IN & IN S T yo u r VOICE For personal, competent and thorough J* V SHE'S WORRIEP alternators, but can service... BLONDIE by Daan Young A Stan Draka service all your .BUMSTEAOS HOW'S VDUO I HAVE I'M AFRAID I'M *^ NOT SO ANYONE Call me at 6'13-4263; a n d remember if I EOOKKEEPINC - 26 JPRBAOIHS MYSELF J r WOULD NOTICe ' ne e d s. 0USINESS ■? «XDUNTS TO O TH IN list your home. I’ll sell your home!

stave Moorhoute, Mike Oumond, Kenny Brithwalte, Art Pierce, Ken Bratthwalte, Julio Centeno Sincerely, ^ 311 BROAD ST., MANCHESTER Jack J. Lappen l-s-K-l (B e h in d E o o o o m y OH C h A n g *) 643-8844 * CRAZY FOOL a u lo m o t iv B Maatercard 6, Vlaa Accepted

ARLO AND JAMS™ by Jimmy JonnaoA ISN'T THAT VOURMOIUER^ SHE OOTlT AS A WEDDING WHY ARE V M USING AUWGOODONES Jack J. Lappen Realty\ IT PAY TO RAP apasr-iRONBiaaET? GIFT OVER-40 YEARS AGO? IT NOW? ARE WORN OUT/ (Formerly Active 'N' Able Realty) SHE GM?EIT1DME WHEN I ,VEAH? GOTANMMRTMENT' I’m Mr. Real Estate and Energy Conservation Services •JSI PAP AUTO PARTS ON THE FASTRACK by Bill Holbrook I Need Your Listing. Professionally Trained Technicians ■ 307 E. Center St., Manchester JOB, THIS TfilZMllJAl. I$NT THI& BABV CAM6 OOT Call Me Now! Try To think o f m ^ S B fo R s t h a t /w I CPONTNCr ON Fogarty Brothers (Rear at Lenox Ptianmicy) 649-3528 r r A S A 'O A s s ic - 'i fi«£Ar TBt^NOLDim. IBfP ‘ FlNeeRSANP 164 East Center Street iM oDmreR&ciems! TOE6. / Air Conditioning 568-3500 Plumbing Jack J. Lappen Manchester, CT 06040 L ,v merhber ENERQY CENTERS co-operalivs Notary Public 643-4263, with PAP / \ viOtWPK GET YOUR WINTER VACATION TAN AT SPECIALIZINQ IN CUSTOM EXHAUST WORK ALLEY OOP ' by Dave Qraue THAT'S MV CROWN, \ BACK OFF, SCUM! ) SISTER, IF ...THEN ONE MOVE OUTA EITHER NE’S PLACE 643-14421 Custom Kitchen Center 1 I VDUR HIGHNESS! I'M I AND BOW WHEN / YOU WANT BOW OF YOU GIRLS AN' VOUR I Unliix HilrATMnIno Silon Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling DON WIILIS GARAGE, INC. THE KING OF MOO.' 7vOU SPEAK 10 SOMEONE TO HER fSanhi^ QUEEN HAS HAD IT.' '^UEEN MARDO.' ) BOW TO HER.. ' ^ I J o t a r y ^ F r ^ e s T SPECIALISTS Visit Our Showroom At: WHEEL ALIGNMENT - BRAKE SERVICE - WRECKER SERVICE GENERAL REPAIRING 25 Olcott street Propane Cylinders Filled MR. MEN» AND LITTLE MISS'* by Hargreaves A Sellers Mcn.-Sat. 9-5:30 / Thurs. Till 9 PM 18 MAIN STREET OMbrMwasB by NEA.m TELEPHONE , NkPW , I'AA W A T iC H lH © \ MANCHESTER MALL 81i m u . u ., 6 4 9 - 7 5 4 4 i 649-4531 MANCHESTER, CT. 06040 I've WATCHEP J ._ A N P T H E THE'5 » LATE-rrfe WMkIv Auctions • Antlqua Coins A Collectible Shops n U E UATE «^<5>W J IA TE , LATE $HWEP -1» \r ^ H O W ' / ^ A Y OP LATE • Angelic Nursing & Home Care oviR 4 5 ANP WATCH ^ THE BORN LOSER (" by Art Saniom COMPANY * A f u ll ServHe Hvmln§ Aid CtM er Services, Registry Inc. MANCHESTER YIARS CQWeOI. CHIgP, UH-UH.NOIAW/! JU6TTWF r.RR.,RK.,HAAM,„WBLLI KNOW 63 East Center Street, Manchester CT IXPIRIINCE M5 WHO rri*;i IMITIAL5, ITS MOT PBTEK RABBIT,, Fret Hearing Test {203\ 647 -1 95 6 MEMORIAL CO. T T i r j A T L E A g r ' Opp. East Cemetery CALL 649-5807 151 TALCOTTVILLE ROAD Local Registry offers quality care... (ROUTE S3| Lower cost to patients... HARRISON STREET QUALITY MEMORIALS MANCHESTER Puxxles Astrograph VERNON, CONNECTICUT RN’s, LPN’s, Companions, Homemakers, 871-1118 Personal Aids...

ACROSS 56 Feminine suffix Answer to Previous Puzzle

1 Chicken DOWN < % u r «ie*bvf«A>< New England Country Woodworking, Inc. Selling? Buying? Building? 5 Honshu bay ^ r t h d a y 6 Actor Peter 1 Cooling gas Connecticut 2 Baffle FRANK AND ERNEST ®by Bob Thaves MARTIN & ROTHMAN. INC. March 16,1986 Harris Hardwoods 12 Regrets 3 Hiches & C* o O o O' o 260 Tolland Turnpike Travel Services 4 Landing boat REALTORS 13 Energy unit In the year ahead, you will play elfective Manchester, CT 06040 (abbr.] 5 Nigerian and meaningful roles in the manage­ THFT 5AY THE EXPERIENCE... KNOWLEDGE... TRUST. Manchester Parkade tribesmen ment of the atlairs of others. Your efforts (203) 649-4663 6 4 7 - 1 6 6 6 14 American A M ^ P i c a n 6ETTiNr5 o o 34 Chocolate 22 Saltpeter Hampshire tellurium Box 1846, Cincinnati, OH 45201. Be • Brakes AUTO ELECTRIC 24 Separate from 19 Iridium symbol 42 Stir sure to state your zodiac sign. • Cooling Systems J. A. WHITE GLASS CO., inc Ziebart 35 City in Illinois Allen Test Analyzed Imtpreefiiig others 45 Type size WINTHROP <»by Dick Cavalli Caaafmaf 20 River in Africa 36 Proclamations ARIES (March 21-April 19) You might • Batteries Generators • Alternators 26 Definite article 23 Mora uncanny 48 Recently Vernon Industrial Place 38 Deterioration be a bit gullible today. Take pains to ver­ OH, Ffr THERE WOULDNT BE • Trouble Shooting • Starters • 27 Four score and acquired SOVIETIMES I WONDER I KNOW WHY. 649-7322 25 Room to move 39 Fish trap ity information coming from question­ a n y b o d y i d w a t c h • Electronic Tune-ups Industrial • Marine PAINT a Clark Rd., Vernon SPLASH eueas ten able sources. WHY WE WERE RLIT BECAUSE IF WE » OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE (Just Off Rt. 84. Vernon Exit) 29 Legends 40 Sliced 50 Be in debt to ^ TELEVISION. • Wiring iNTinoe SBNMOPS 28 Cereal grass ' TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Your wisest ON TH IS EARTH . WEREN'T HERE... 31 BISSELL ST. MANCHESTER 1 2 3 4 course of action today is not to involve 311 Broad St. • Manchester • 6 4 3 - 8 8 4 4 PBonenoN IB M IlllO BOAIBS 31 Ripen (BoNnd Ecof>e«ny OH Chang*) • MIRRORS • SHOWER DOORS • STORE FRONTS 32 Author Fleming yourself in the financial affairs of others. • SAFETY GLASS • BATHTUB ENCLOSURES • ETC. 872-3361 12 Your resources could be tapped if you 33 Present time are drawn In. 34 Become IS GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) Be extra pro­ ’ apparent tective today ol your image or reputa­ n 16 of Downtown 37 HoQest tion. An associate might try to make you C u rtis iianrt)rBtpr Hrralii look bad in front ol others. 4Q,'^sdained 22 23 Manchester 41 Mary CANCER (June 21-July 22) A responsi­ Jf? bility that you have been postponing will lllllilllillllMathes Moore 26 omu get tougher the longer you put it off. O lM b y lC A k K Serving the Manchester 43 Entire Don’t compound a negative situation. • Maternity Clothes • Uniforms 44 Bay bird LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Guard against HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 46 Labor group tendencies today to take risks with • Loungewear • Bra & Corset Fittings video • Television • Stsroo area for 106 years (abbr.) things that don't belong to you. If you • Breast form for Mastectomy WEEKEND SPECIAL 47 Wagon ruin something a friend values, he will be Bridge angry. IFe alto carry the Goddeii Bra and IFarneri Le Gent Girdle. ovob 16 Brainard Place 49 601. Roman Rent VCR A 3 M I $19.95 VIRGO (Aug. 23-8apl. 22) This is one ol 273 WEST MIDDLE TPKE. CALL FOR DETAILS 50 Russian secret those days when It's best not to go 631 Main St., M anchester 643-6346 MANCHESTER 6494406 Manchester 203-643-2711 police against the odds, especially where your Defenders are they do if he let them take a club ear­ 51 One (Ger.) career Is concerned. Resist foolish NORTH ly? Allen cashed dummy’s A-K o l gambles. O A K trumps and at trick five led a low club 52 And so on O A 4 2 led astray "Serving Manchester For Over 50 Years" (abbr.) LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Usually you're toward his queen. East ducked, Allen’s ♦ A 96 4 2 queen going to West’s ace. West right­ 53 '' Who" ‘ tactful and tolerant when dealing with You’ve Heard About It - others, but today you might locus on 0 1 0 6 3 ly suspected that shifting to diamonds 54 Sketched By James Jacoby their faults Instead Of Iheir vfliues and WEST EAST was dangerous, but did not see that he Pentland The Now Manchester HAS IT! 55 Royal Scottish say things you shouldn't. 0 7 6 0842 should return a cluh. West therefore Academy Declarer ducked the heart king and SCORPIO (Oct. 24-NOV.22) Manage O K Q J973 0 1 0 6 won the heart continuation with dum­ led a safe jack of hearts, which South • 763 and 191 Main St., Manchester (abbr.) (c)1986 bv NEA. Inc money matters yourself today instead of ♦ Q3 ♦ J 8 7 ruffed. placing trust in one who has a history ol my’s ace. At this point, prospects Phone; 643-1101 or 643-1900 24 BIRCH STREET OA94 OK J852 looked bleak. There were two addi­ COMPUTER SIGNS Incompetency. His mistakes will come After cashing two more trumps,- TEL. 643-6247 or 643-4444 - out of your pocket. SOUTH tional losers in clubs and a probable • Eastbrook Mall, Mansfield O Q J 109 3 3 diamond loser unless an opponent held South still held one trump, the K-IO-S CELEBRITY CIPHER SAQITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Doc. 21) Peo­ of diamonds and the club seven. Dum­ Phone; 465-1141 F.T.D. by Gordon Signs C«l«briiy Cipher crypioorafTiB ere creeled Irom guotationt by femous people, pest and present ple who are usually supportive ol your 0 8 5 the diamond Q^J doubleton. Ducking a MASTER CHARGE WORLD WIDE Each letter in the cipher stands tor another Today's d u a T oquais C ideas or suggestions might be surpris­ 0 K 10 5 round of diamonds early would set up my was left with the A-9-6 of dia­ AMERICAN EXPREU 104 Hilliard St. 646-0880 monds and the club 10-6. East was eAMTKRM COHNtCTtCUrS LtAOtNO PULL SERVICe OPTICIAM8I SERVICE Dy CONNIE WIFNER ingly resistant to them today. Aggres­ O Q 7 the suit, allowing South to throw his sion won't help your case. losing clubs on dummy’s good dia­ down to the J-8-7 of diamonds and thB Vulnerable: North-South club K-J. South played his last trumpv “ R LGW'K URCM KG BMM GHMW CAPRICORN (Doe. 22-Jon. 19) The Dealer: West monds. But where were the charitable buck stops with you today. If you bungle opponents who wouldn’t shift to clubs and Elast was fini^ed. Since a diifi LRBHUIPB GN INNMTKRGW. RK’B RW JIL something, you’ll gain respect by con­ North East South after declarer had ducked that first mond discard would set up that sutt HIGHLIGHT YOUR BUSINESS HERE IN fessing even though It may embarrass 1 NT Pats 40 diamond? for declarer, Blast pitched a club. D » you. clarer KIBKM." — NAML IBKIRAM. Pass Pass AOUARIUBJJan. 20-Fob. 19) This Is a When New York expert Allen Kahn East, THE MANCHESTER HERALD Call 643-2711 PREVIOUS SOLUTION I |usl went to Borneo and they knew me in the good day to analyze your expenditures Opening lead: V K was declarer, he saw a ray of hope. If his jack 1 (ungle. so there’s no place to escape ' Richard Gere to see If you can trim some non- the opponents were switching to clubs er to bring that suit home without % tial outlays. Try to save, not splurgej after winning a diamond, what would loser. MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. March 15. 1966 - 11, H — MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. March 18, 19M Reagan O b itu a iiet SPORTS public school system. She was a PhMp AiKHbMt communicant of St. James Churra opposes Philip AudIbert, 74. husband of and was a member of the Women of Antoinette (Bard) AudIbert, of St. James. Rockville, died Thursday at Rock­ She is survived by a e la ^ ; ville General Hospital. He was the Katherine J. Makmey of Manches­ dictators father of Rose Marie Dupre of ter, and nephews and nieces. Manchester. Tlie funeral will be at 9:16 a.m/ CMlIaacd from page 1 AudIbert was a science teacher Monday at the John F. Tierney ' at Rockville High School for many Funeral Home. 219 W. Center human rights In his foreign policy, years, retiring six years ago. He with a mass of Christian burial at told Congress it faces "important was the owner of AudIbert Driving 10 a.m. at St. James Church. choices... whether to undercut the School in Rockville. Burial will be In St. Bridget president at a moment when He Is survived by two sons, Cemetery. Calling Hours are from regional negotiations are under­ Henry AudIbert of Fairfield and 2p.m. to4p.m. andTp.m. to9p.m. way and U.S.-Soviet diplomacy is Steve Pelletier of Rockville; two Sunday. entering a new phase; to betray daughters, Phyllis Girard of East those struggling against tyranny in Hampton and Diane Pelletier of PMrl Aspinwall different .regions of the world, or to Rockville; six brothers, Raynold Join in a bipartisan national AudIbert of Avon, August AudIbert A funeral for Pearl Aspinwall, endeavor to strengthen both free­ 4 - . of East Hartford, Joseph AudIbert who died Thursday at Hartford dom and peace.” of St. John, New Brunswick, Hospital, will be held at 11 a.m. The official, who asked not to be Canada, Arthur Audihert and Monday at the Holmes Funeral identified, said "the precise tim­ Vincent AudIbert, both of Bristol, Home, 400 Main St. Burial will be in ing" of the policy statement “ is a and Robert AudIbert of New the East Cemetery. bit coincidental” but it "clearly Britain; and three sisters. Sister Calling hours are from 2p.m. to 4 relates to the campaign for aid to Cecile AudIbert of Montreal, Qu- p.m. Sunday and from 10 a.m. to 11 promote democracy.” etec. Canada, Marie Theriault of a.m. Monday. Reagan’s statement further dis­ Chesterton, Ohio, and Cynthia tances the administration from a Savage of Deerfield, Mass.; and 11 policy enunciated by Jeane Kirk­ grandchildren. In Memoriam patrick. former chief U.S. delegate The funeral will be at 9 a.m- to the United Nations, who termed Monday at the White-Gibson-Small In memory of my husband Henry “ traditional authoritarian” re­ Funeral Home, 65 Elm St., Rock­ Skoog who passed away March 16, gimes as "less repressive,” more ville, with a mass of Christian 1977. susceptible to change and better burial at 10 a.m. at St. Bernard for American interests than Church. Burial will be in St. When I get lonely and feeling blue, Marxist-style despots. Bernard Cemetery, Rockville. I think of Intimate moments with Kirkpatrick, “ who was at the Calling hours are from 2 p.m. to 4 you; White House to help p r o ^ t e the p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday. The memory of the love we shared - military aid package for the Memorial donations may be Will last my whole life through. contras, d eclin ^ to c o m m it on made to the Rockville High School Muriel, children, 5 the report. Scholarship Fund, Loveland Hill, and grandchildren. Reagan's statement still iails Rockville, 06066. leftist dictatorships the greater threat to world peace. But it In Memoriam attempts to capitalize on his recent Frances Maloney role in helping to remove right- Frances Maloney, 93, of 12 In loving memory of Elsie S. Swan­ tV wing dictators in the Philippines Winter St., died Friday at Man­ son who passed away. March 16th, and Haiti and to blunt charK s that chester Memorial Hospital. 1975. the administration follo W a dou­ She was bom in Manchester and ble standard on human nghts. had iived in town most of her life. She will always be remembered In recent days, the administra­ She was a 1914 graduate of New Because she was so well loved. Britain Normai School and taught tion also introduced a resolution in Your loving family. for a short time in the Manchester the United Nations imman Rights UPI photos Commission condemning human rights abuses of [Gen. Augusto Herald photo by BaiU Above, Coach Kevin Mackey of Cleve­ Anthony Welch (44) skies to tfie hoop Pinochet’s government in Chile. Dignitaries assemble land State still nervously watches the over Fairfield’s Tony George (11) during The president /said America r “ has a range of/ foreign policy Watch It grow final seconds of the game tick off, while first half action of Southeast Regional tools” with whicn to work with, his players start celebrating their 83-79 contest in Charlotte, N.C. The Stags’ adding that "our involvement Cheryl Fournier, 3, is busy planting corn Connecticut Day at the Blue Shutter for Palme’s funeral upset victory over Indiana at the Carrier season ended on a sour note in a 75-51 should always ^ prudent and on Friday, just like the Indians in the Play and Learn School. She wears her realistic" and packed up with By Joseph Gambardello Israeli Prim e Minister Shimon Dome in Friday’s East Regional mat­ loss. military power. state did long ago. The occasion is junior fire marshal hat. United Press International Peres, Italian Prime Minister chup in Syracuse. At right, Illinois’ Bettino Craxi and President Da­ STOCKHOLM, Sweden - Dele­ niel Ortega of Nicaragua. gations representing 125 nations Indian Prime Minister Rajiv NCAA Tournament roundup Shultz to meet Soviet premier in Sweden began to gather Friday for slain Gandhi, whose assassinated Prime Minister Olof Palme’s fun­ mother. Indira, was a friend of eral as police launched the biggest Palm e’s, was to speak at the there and I ’m there to primariiy to Bv Barry Schwe^ Shultz'tqld reporters at the State snagged for months. The U.S. side security operation in Sweden’s service as was U.N. Secretary- pay our respects" to Palme, who The Associated 'ess Departm ^t as he introduced prefers holding the Washington history to protect the dignitaries. General Javier Perez de Cuellar. wa.s assassinated Feb. 28, Shultz Ronald F;^ Lehman, a newly meeting in late June or late July, The funeral was scheduled for In the central square, 3,000 Cleveland State stages the first big upset said WASHINGTON - Secretary of appointed U'lS. arms control nego­ while the Soviets have indicated a Saturday, two weeks and one day people assembled for a torchlight State George P. Shultz ^ d Friday tiator. and announced the meeting preference for September. "W e'li take the occasion, since rally of music and speeches. after an unguarded Palme was 4 points midway through the center sat out the first 5; 25 and Sunday’s second-round game he would meet in Stocknbim with with RyzhkovX Additionally, Gorbachev sug­ we are there, to meet and compare The meeting was opened by Bv United Press International straight contest and improved shot in the back and killed while East (Syracuaa, NiY.) second half, ran off streaks of 19-10 then the first 3; 01 of the second half against Maryland. The Rebels, the the Soviet premier. Nikolai I. gested recently there ought to be notes." he said, South Africa’s civil rights leader their record to 28-4. They will play walking with his wife on a central and 8-0. Xavier was paced by for what Coach Bill Frieder champions of the Piicific Coast Ryzhkov, "to compare notes" on The Soviet premier, who like more progress on curbing the Allan Boesak, who said that Cleveland State provided the S t Jo9eph’8 60-S9 Sunday against the winner of the Stockholm street. Richie Harris with 24 points and termed a “minor infraction.” Athletic Association, improved to the nuclear arms competition and Shultz is an economist by profes­ nuclear arms race before he saw Shultz and Eduard A. Shevard­ through the example of Palme, first major upset of the NCAA game between No. 9 Syracuse and Soviet Premier Nikolai Ryzh­ Maurice Martin scored 21 points, Byron Larkin with 23. Akron. 22-8, was making its first 32-4. The Indians continued to A sion. is a protege! of General Reagan again. The United States, nadze, the Soviet foreign minister, Basketball Tournament by upend­ Brown. other superpower issues. \but he kov, among the first to arrive, "Sweden has become a beacon of including 3 free throws in the final struggle on the road, falling to 6-9 Secretary Gorbachw. He was have not' met since November ing No. 14 Indiana 8.8-79 in the first Tulsa, one of the nation’s top NCAA Tournament appearance, dampened any expectationjp of a for its part, has ruled out any such offered to meet with Secretary of hope for many of us in the Third 14 seconds, to lead St. Joseph’s into away from Monroe, La., and 20-10 appointed to the Palitburo. the pre-condition for the second sum­ despite an agreement at the last round of the East Regional. defensive teams, had allowed an breakthrough. State George Shultz, head of the World.” Sunday’s second round against' Waatam Kentucky, 67-59 overall. Bobby Jenkins, the. South­ policy-making body of the Commu­ mit meeting. summit that they confer more . Cleveland State, seeded I4th in average of only 57 points per game Iowa State 81-79 (OT) American delegation scheduled to Swedish police refused to release Cleveland State. The Hawks. 26-5. Ray Swogger scored 16 points to land Conference Player of the nist Party, last April and then Reagan, meanwhile, in an inter­ frequently than in the past. tifc East, took the lead for good entering the tournament. Navy’s It will be the first high-level arrive Saturday. Shultz accepted security details for the visiting trailed 49-45 with 4; 15 left. Johnny lead a balanced attack and West­ Jeff Homacek’s 23-foot whirling Year, paced the Indians with 13 succeeded Nikolai A. Tikhanov as view this week with the Baltimore Shultz is fiying to Stockhoim midway through the first half with offensive output of 87 points was U.S.-Soviet meeting since the and said in Washington he would dignitaries, but said it involved Newman of Richmond had 25 ern Kentucky survived a late rally jumper at the overtime buzzer sent points and Elgin James added 12. “ fireside" summit held by Presi­ premier five months later. Sun, said he would be willing to tonight and pians to spend iess than a 19-6 surge. The Hoosiers. seeded the most Tulsa allowed this season. use the meeting to “ compare more than 1,000 men in the biggest points by a smaller Nebraska team , 67-59, Iowa State, 21-10, against Michi­ dent Reagan and Sovie.t leader Shultz said he v/As prepared to consider holding his meeting with a day there. His meeting with No. 3. committed 10 turnovers At night, it was; Navy vs. Tulsa, notes.” protection operation in the coun­ Friday in a first round NCAA gan In Sunday’s second round. A Mikhail Gorbachev in Geneva last scuss with Ryztikov setting a Gorbachev after the U.S. congres­ Ryzhkov could accelerate prepa­ before intermission, when the No. 9 Syracuse vs. Brown. Maryland 69, Other visiting leaders and offi­ try’s history. Cl0¥9land Slate 83-79 Southeast Regional game. goaltending call gave Miami’s Ron datVfor this yejirs summit meet­ rations for this year’s summit. Vikings led 45-41. R November. sional elections in November. cials were expected to hold infor­ Police investigating the assassi­ Clinton Ransey, the younger Western Kentucky, of the Sun­ Hunter a basket that tied it 79-79. Pappardirta 64 But Shultz said his talks with ing hetween-^leagan and Gorba­ The arms control talks recessed Another iikely topic is the slow Indiana failed to score for the Southeast mal talks. nation gave no indication they brother of Kelvin Ransey of the belt Conference, improved to 23-7 Hunter had 17 for the Redskins, Ryzhkov on Saturday, while they chev. “ Whether Mr. Ryzhkov will last week without any sign of pace of negotiations to curb the first 2; 46 of the second half while All-America Len Bias scored 26 Ryzhkov praised Palme, known were any closer to catching New Jersey Nets, scored 27 points (Chariotte, N.C.) and faces the winner of Friday 24-7. while Eric Newsome had 16. are in the Swedish capital for the have any information. I don't nuclear arms race. The last round Cleveland State forged a 51-41 progress in limiting U.S. and as an international mediator, as a Palme’s killer. and Cleveland State used non-stop night’s Kentucky-Davidson mat­ Miami has been eliminated from points and Keith Gatlin canned 2 funeral of assassinated Prime know," Shultz said. “ But I'd be Soviet nuclear-carrying bombers, ended in Geneva without any sign advantage. Eric Mudd. Clinton foul shots with 18 seconds left to "champion of peace." A man arrested Wednesday pressure defense to upset Indiana. llllnoN 7S-S1 chup in the second round Sunday. the tournament in the first round Minister Olof Palme, “ is not set up glad to listen to anything he has to missiles and submarines, or in of progress. Smith and Ken McFadden all hit for three straight seasons. atone for an earlier miss, allowing The Foreign Ministry said 125 night as a possible accomplice The Vikings. 28- 3. playing in their Anthony Welch hit for 22 points Nebraska, of the Big Eight, as a negotiating session" but more say." resolving differences over space- Ryzhkov. 56, is known as a jumpers and the Hoosiers were At night it was: North Carolina Maryland to prevail. The Terrap­ nations were sending delegations remained in custody without being first NCAA Tournament, won their and Illinois. 22-9, broke open a finished at 19-11 after its first-ever as a get-acquainted meeting with Reagan and Gorbachev decided based defense Systems. technocrat with strong ties to never again within 4 points. State vs. Iowa and Notre Dame vs. ins, 19-13. lost 64-63 in overtime to to the secular funeral service at charged. Under Swedish law, he 13th straight game. Eric Mudd close game in the second half to berth in the NCAA Tournament. the Soviet official who was named last November in Geneva to bold a Sbultz sought to stem any Gorbachev. He was named a full “ It was a great victory for the Arkansas-Little Rock. UNLV during the regular season. City Hall. It will be followed by a can be held without being charged added 16 points for the Vikings advance to the next round against At night, it was; No. 4 Kentucky premier last September. second summit meeting here this expectations that he and Ryzhkov member of the Politburo six weeks off-Broadway guys against the T h e Waves. 25-5. had a nine-game cortege through the capital to a until Monday, Police Chief Hans while Indiana was led by Steve Alabama. The Stags, who suffered vs. Davidson. “ We ll probably cover the tradi­ year and another in Moscow in could reach an accommodation on after Gorbachev became party prime-lime guys." said Coach winning streak snapped and were downtown cemetery where Palme Holmer said. Alford with 24 points. their first road loss this season, tional wide range of subjects." 1987. But preparations have been major issues in Stockholm. “ He’s leader. Kevin Mackey, who was carried West (Long Beach, eliminated from the NCAA Tour­ will be buried in a church cerem­ “ I am convinced he’s not the last were led by Jeff Gromos with 16 Midwest (Minneapolis) ony attended by fam ily members man to be arrested,” Holmer said. off the court by his players. Navy 87-68 nament by an Atlantic Coast points. Michigan 70-64 Calif.) Conference team for the third only. The suspect, a 32-year-old “ You’ve got to understand we David Robinson scored 30 points Alabama 97-80 Other foreign leaders attending Swede, has no criminal record and got beat by a pretty good basket­ and Vernon Butler added 25 Friday Roy Tarpley, benched at the Navada-Laa Vagaa 74-51 straight time. Death of N.Y. official the funeral are French President denied involvement in the assassi­ ball team ." said Indiana coach night to lead Navy to a 87-68 victory Buck Johnson scored 16 of his 22 start for disciplinary reasons, Anthony Jones and Armon Gil­ At night, it was: No. 3 St. John’s Francois Mitterrand, West Ger­ nation. his lawyer Henning Sjos- Bob Knight. “ As I told a reporter over Tulsa in the first round of the points in the second half and Jim made a 3-point playanda key block liam keyed a first-half burst to vs. Montana St. and Auburn vs. man Chancellor Helmut Kohl. trom said. yesterday, ‘This is a team that NCAA East Regional. Farm er added 24 points to carry in the final eight minutes, leading send No. 10 Nevada-Las Vegas into Arizona. won’t halt investigation could beat us.’ ’’ The Midshipmen won their 14th Alabama, 23-8. The Tide, ahead by No. 5 Michigan. 28-4. The 6-foot-lO Bv Judie Glave Manes also served as Queens Suspension over, EB The Associated Press Democratic County leader, a com­ '•'V, NBA roundup bination of jobs that made him one aid Nords’ win NKW YORK - The suicide of of the city's most powerful politi­ former Queens borough president cians before the corruption disclo­ gets Trident contract Bv United Press International Trailing 2-1 after the first period. Donald Manes, who plunged a sures ruined his career. Quebec scored the pair of power- knife into his heart while talking to No charges were brought WASHINGTON (AP) - The dent, or Ohio-class, submarines on QUEBEC — Risto Siltanen and play goals while the Flame’s Joel his psychiatrist on the telephone, against him in the various federal General Dynamics Corp., back in active duty and an eighth sche­ Celtics crack Hawks’ streak Michel Goulet scored powerplay Otto was serving a double minor. will not stop a sweeping investiga­ and local probes that grew out of the Navy’s graces after a two- duled to begin sea trials in May. goals less than a minute apart in Siltanen. recently-acquired tion into city corruption, a federal the PVB disclosures. month suspension, received a $567 Four others are under the second period Friday to lead from Hartford, tied the score with The Knicks were led by rookie prosecutor said Friday. million contract on Friday to build construction. By United Press International added 26 Friday night to power the 95-87 with 3:51 to play. Butastrong the Quebec Nordiques to a 6-2 bis first goal as a Nordique at 4:04, forward Gerald Wilkens’ 20 points. Manes had attempted to kill Manes. 52, was talking to his a 13th Trident ballistic missile The Tridents are replacing the Philadelphia 76ers to their fourth Denver defense kept the Bullets victory over the Calgary Flames. Detioit is now 40-27. New York blasting a shot from the blueline. .himself in January just before psychiatrist on the telephone from submarines. Navy's aging Poseidon missile ATLAN TA — Larry Bird scored straight triumph, a 109-100 deci­ from making a serious run for the 20-47. allegations of widespread kick- his Jamaica Estates home when he submarines. Each of the Tridents 26 points, including 10 in the fourth sion over the Cleveland Cavaliers. lead. backs broke open. On Thursday took a kitchen knife with an 8-inch The award had been expected, is 560 feet long, 42 feet wide and quarter, and Kevin McHale added The Sixers dominated the game, Jeff Malone, the Bullets’ leading Mava 129, Blazers 118 blade and thrust it into his heart. since General Dynamics’s Elect­ with Erving scoring the game­ scorer this season averaging 22.6 night he succeeded, ending a d isp la ces 16.700 tons when 24 points Friday night to spark the At Dallas, Mark Aguirre scored Police Commissioner Benjamin ric Boat division in Groton, Conn., winning basket on a slam-dunk points per game, was heid to 16 The Weekend tumultuous string of events that submerged. Boston Celtics to a 121-114 victory 35 points and Rolando Blackman Ward said. is currently the only company with 43 seconds left. had already cost him his $80,000-a- over Atlanta, snapping the Hawks’ points, two in the second half. contributed 34 Friday night, pow­ A kitchen knife was also used in capable of building the huge Philadelphia gained a 17-point The loss broke a three-game year job and political reputation seven-game winning streak. ering the Dallas Mavericks to a Whalers host Blackhawks tonight the earlier attempt in which Manes nuclear-powered submarine. Atlanta led 66-61 at halftime and margin during the second period winning streak for the Builets. 5 At least six prosecutors, four 129-118 triumph over the Portland slashed his wrist and ankle but f j The company had been pre­ on field goals by Erving to push H.ARTFORD — The Hartford Whalers try to keep their commissions and several city and 95-89 entering the final quarter, but Trail Blazers. survived. cluded from receiving the con­ their advantage to 54- 37. The PMons 112, Knldn 89 state agencies are investigating ^ A U M d i i then the Celtics rattled off a 15-8 Aguirre and Blackman com­ dwindling playoff hopes alive tonight at 7:30 when the Norris tract, however, by a suspension Cavaliers slightly narrowed the At Pontiac, Mich.. Kelly Tri- city contracts and procedures in an spurt to take a 104-103 with 6:41 bined for 21 of the first 23 Division-leading Chicago Blackhawks visit the Civic Center. Manes' wife, Marlene, found her that was imposed last December gap for a 54-39 halftime score. pucka scored 21 points and Bill exhaustive examination that offi­ remaining in the game. They never second-half points as Dallas built With 11 games left in the regular season, the last place Whalers husband lying on the kitchen floor following the indictment of the ^ ToReambcr High scorers for Cleveland were Laimbeer added 1$ FYiday night to cials have said was prompted in trailed after that. its biggest lead of the night, $2-63 are 32-35-2 for 66 points. In the race for the final Adams Division after being alerted by the couple's company and four former or starts Roy Hinson with 29 points and John lead the Detroit Pistons to a 112-89 large part by Manes’ first suicide Atlanta had drawn to a 116- 111 with 4:13 left in the third quarter. playoff bids. Hartford trails the fourth-place Buffalo Sabres by 25-year-old daughter. Lauren. current executives in connection Bagley with 20. I victory over the New York Knicks. attempt. Ward said. with lovely fmahiom fo r: deficit with 2:01 left in the game on Blackman, who had a* career- six points, and the third-place Boston Bruins by seven. with alleged overcharges on an a basket by Tree Rollins, but Bird The Pistons hit 11 straight shots U.S. Attorney Rudolph Giuliani, Manes’ attorney. Michael Arm­ Nugig«ts 101, Bullets 91 high 46 points Wednesday night in Army contract. hit a 3-point shot 59 seconds later to from the floor during an $-minute who was conducting the main strong. had met with his client Brides Mothers of the Bride At Landover, Md., Alex English the Mavericks’ loss to Sacra­ seal Um victory. stretch late in the third quarter to investigation into the municipal hours befo(;e his death on Thursday The Navy announced Feb. 7 it mento, scored 14 in the first Television and radio highlights Bridesmaids Flower Girls Boston. 53-13. got 18 points fom scored a game-high 33 points turn a tight game into a rout. The scandal, said Manes' death would to discuss the~Bllegations. whjch was lining that suspension be­ quarter to give Dallas a 35-22 lead. Robert Parish, and Danny Ainge Friday night to lead the Denver Knicks have lost 17 of their last 19 •TODAY not affect other aspects of his included charges that Manes had cause it was satisfied General Nuggets to a 101-91 victory over the Clyde Drexler, who scored a contributed 16. Bill Walton came games, including their last 16 on Noon to 6:30 p.m. — NCAA Tournament. Channel 3. probe. ordered subordinates to extort and Dynamics had sufficiently im­ iSpecial through February 28lh Washin^on Bullets. career-high 41 points for Portland, off the bench to score 17 points the road. 3 p.m. — PBA: King Louie Open. Channels 8. 40. Manes' death came three days collect bribes from private collec­ proved its internal administrative Headpiece from stock Washington led only once. 2-0. pulled the Trail Blazers within fdipull down 9 rebounds. New York took an early 23-12 4:30 p.m. — NCAA wrestling championships. Channels 8. 40. after his associate and friend, tion agencies. and accounting controls to prevent English scored 8 of the game’s 44-37 before Aguirre, returing from mischarging in the future. The Vi price when purchasing Atlanta. 41-26, was paced by lead, and led 27-M after the flrst 4:30 p.m. — PGA; Hertz Bay Hill (hassic. Channel 30. former Parking Violations Bureau next 12 points to give the N u g g ^ a a week-long bout with the flu, Dominique Wilkins with 42 points period. The Pistons rallied to take Director Geoffrey Lindenauer. Mayor Edward 1 Koch, who company also agreed to set up a $50 gown at regular price. 10-4 lead on their way to snapping a scored 9 straight points to help 7; 30 p.m. — Rangers vs. Penguins. Channel 9. UPI* while Rollins finished with 14 a 53-49 h a ltim e/ i^ an tage as struck a deal with federal prosecu­ offered Manes sympathy after his million escrow account to cover two-game losing streak. Dallas to a 59-51 halftime 7:30 p.m. — Whalers vs. Blackhawks. WTIC. points and a team-high 10 re­ reserve forward^ony Campbell tors and pleaded guilty to racket­ first suicide attempt only to call Speaking at City Hall Friday on the death of his long-time potential liabilities and to accept iLarge selection of Prom Gowns Denver, 40-27. led by as many as advantage. him "a crook" several days later, increased Pentagon monitoring of bounds. Randy Wittman and John hit all 6 of his field-goal attempts. eering and mail fraud charges. 15 points in the first half, but the New York came out cold in the Dallas entered the final period SUNDAY said he would not order city flags friend Donald Manes, hlew York Mayor Ed Koch says he its internal affairs. as advertised in Seventeen. Battle each scored II points. Lindenauer, who admitted re­ Bullets trimmed 5 points off the second half, hittnig only 15- of-4S leading 97-82. but Jerome ^ r s e y Noon to 6:30 p.m. — NC.AA Toumantent. Channel 3. flown at half staff. returns the task of judgment to The hands of merciful The contract awarded Friday The Hawks also suffered their ceiving $410,000 in payoffs from_ deficit to trail 59-49 at halftime. field goal attempts, inchiding led a 16-4 Blazers run that polled 1 p.m. — Celtics vs. 76er. SportsChannel. WKHT. Despite the fact, that Manes had Qod." The mayor called Manes, the former borough specifies delivery o f the new . first loss after 13 home straight three private collection agencies' The Bullets were led by Ctiff 5-of-24 in the fourth quarter. FortUnd within 11M98 with 3:49 1 p.m. — Mets vs. Twins. Channel 9. been a city councilman and then submarine, which will be capable victories. used by the P y B to collect unpaid president in Queens, “a crook” when allegations first Robinson’s 20 points, but never got Tripucka followed a 2-for-16 left. I; 30 p.m. — Atlanta 500, Channels 8, 40. served a^ Queens borough presi­ of carrying 24 Trident intercontin­ 44 Depot Roo4 olT Rt. 31 fines, was said to be cooperating 76m 109, Cavs 100 closer than 6 points in the second shooting night last Wednesday by The Mavericks scored 9 of the 4 p.m. — PGA; Hertz Bay Hill Classic,-Channel 30. dent for nearly IS years, Koch said. surfaced about his involvement in corruption at the city’s ental ballistic missiles, in De­ with federal officials seeking to Covcalry 74i-74W At Philadelphia. Moses Malone half. h i t t ^ 9-of-U shots from the floor game’s last 11 poinu to coast to 9 p.m. — Islanders vs. Rangers (J IP ), ESPN. ' ‘ I think it wo,uId be Parking Violations Bureau. Manes committed suicide cember 1991. fWwiiritaid AtmaiM uncover Manes’ role in the' scored SO points and Julius Erving Washington. 32-34. pulled within against New York. their 35th victory against 31 losses. scandal. inapproprjate.” Thursday night. There are currently seven Tri­ MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. March 15. 1986 - U U -^MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. March 15. IMS KM Chronic losers find turnaround is very difficult Rookie slugger Canseco road to winning. He also made Wills and continuing for nearly a power; they are all ex-Giants. more years and they will qualify WHY THE CONTINUING great trades — acquiring Sutcliffe By RaiMlv MInkoff decade through Billy Sample — The Cubs are lumped into the for the 10-year mediocre club. The mediocrity? and from Cleveland, Ryne Sand­ UnltMl P t m s Inttrnotloiral have seldom blossomed. quartet of mediocrity for two Mariners haven't been above .500 Lou Boudreau, the former Indi­ berg and Keith Moreland from ans shortstop-manager Hall of reasons; before the 1984 N L East could explode for A’s yet but they have expansion as an Philadelphia, Eckersley from Bos­ PHOENIX — The ride from Earner, points toward financial THE GIANTS, ONCE THE dom­ Division flag, Chicago hadn’t been alibi. The Blue Jays are defending ton and Steve Trout from the White keep things low-key. baeebalTi poorhouie to lu pent- and trade blunders. inant team in the National League, above .500 since 1972. Over the in Vancouver last season, Canseco American League titlists and have Sox. By United Preis International “ I ’m a young ballplayer. If this houee usually requires the neces­ “ They haven't had the patience have Just three plus .500 finishes in decade, the Cubs still have that one was actually introduced as “ Roy posted three straight above .500 He also spent money develofung i year doesn’t work out. I ’ll have sary mortgage money to pay (or with some of their players like we the decade - 1978,1981 and 1982. over .500 campaign in 1984. Three Hobbs.” years. the farm system and was able to PHOENIX — Oakland outfielder other years as a m ajor leaguer,” the trip. The usual theories given for had back in the 1940s,” Boudreau Last year, the club lost 100 games, times the Cubs lost 89 or more Jose Canseco, rated by many as “ He is a natural,” teammate Ask the fans in Cleveland. Or give up promising players like Joe he said. m ^iocrity include: unwillingness says. “ It can be turned around four more than in 1984. games and in the strike-tom 1981 the best bet for stardom among Mike Davis said. “ There’s no Texas. Or San Francisco. Or even** Carter and Mel Hall to the Tribe to Canseco says his power ’ just to spend money; poor trades; there but you have to keep your “I couldn’t wait to get out of campaign, Chicago lost 37 of its this year’s rookie crop, is getting a doubt in anybody’s mind he has the Chicago Cubs. there. It was like a new lease on first 52 before the walkout merci­ land Sutcliffe. comes naturally,” but certainly inadequate farm system, or a players by paying them instead of " I know the Cubs had a history of buildup rivaling that of established ability. If he hits less than 30 home While repeating as a division life,” said Jack Clark, who rode the fully cut into the team’s campaign. was enhanced by an off-season combination of all three. trading them.” losing when I got here,” Green stars. runs, it’ll be an off-year.” champion is as rare as a hot dog elevator up from the bottom With • BUT THE CUBS, VICTIMS of weight-training program. He In the past decade, the Indians Point toward a rotation of Bert said. *T wasn’t about to sund (or it. Canseco’s trademark Is power. without mustard, there have been the Giants to the top with the N L poor trades, unwilligness to spend He gets applause after taking his works with free weights six days a have finished over .500 three times. Blyeven, Rick Sutcliffe, John I came from a winning tradition in People talk of the homer he hit some trends of mediocrity in the champion St. Louis Cardinals last money and an inadequate farm cuts in the batting cage. week, and can bench press 390 ■IVlce, they were one game over Denny and Dennis Eckersley and Philadelphia. We have it here, onto the roof of Comiskey Park last m ajor leagues over the past you would have one of the best if system, showed it could be turned season, only the 40th such shot in pounds. and their “ banner'' campaign was now.” Following a recent batting ses­ not the best starting staff in The Giants have had a history, around. history, and other such mammoth ” It gives me confident* to know the 11-78 finish in 1976. Cleveland But even the right ingredients sion during which several balls left Disctmntlng the two expansion baseball. Instead, the (our are like Cleveland, of making poor “ WhenI got here, all people were blasts. Pitcher Eric Plunk, a that I have that extra strength,” he franchises In the American League was 60-102 last year. don’t always spell sucess. Riddled the park, tnflelder Donnie Hill ran The Rangers have also posted toiling elsewhere. deals. Letting Clark go for four content' with was showing up, teammate of Canseco’s at Hunts­ said. — Seattle and Toronto — the words with injuries; the Cubs slumped to up to Canseco and asked, “ What Oakland manager Jackie Moore, Just three above .500 campaigns Cleveland has had to compete In players — none of whom had good maybd playing .500 and sitting in ville of the Double-A Southern “ long suffering” have been nearly 77-84 last year. are we supposed to play catch who has already given Canseco the and they were all in a row, 1977-79 a strong division, something the seasons — was typical of the the afternoon sun,” said Cubs’ League last year, tells a the exclusive domain of the Indi­ Ten years from now,' another with?” left field job this spring, was most when the club competed for the AL Rangers haven't had to contend frustrating deals San Francisco President-General Manager Dal­ Hollywood-type tale of,a CanseiH) ans, Rangers, Giants and until survey could be made and the impressed not with one of Canse­ West crown. In three of the last with in the decade. had made. las Green. ” We knew it would take blast. “ That kind of power doesn’t IfM , the Cuba. All (our clubs have teams could change. Pittsburgh co’s mammoth shots, but of one The Rangers flourished under How would a lineup of Clark, a couple of years but we proved it me along but once in a decade,” had three or (ewer above .500 (our, Texas has lost 98, 92 and last haS‘ fallen on rough times after Huntsville, vying for the first- Billy Martin and then he left and so George Foster, Darrel Evans, could be done.” said Oakland talent evaluator Bill that just dropped over the fence. campaigns during the decade — year's 99 defeats. domination in the 1970s and the half title, had two runners on base “ The homer that impressed me Neither club has won a flag in did the team's competitiveness. Larry Herndon, DaVe Kingman Flushed with fresh funding from Rigney, who said the way the ball the usual mark for a club's Atlanta Braves have fallen from trailing by two runs when Canseco the most was a ball that he m u scl^ that period with the Indians' The young players of promise that' and Dusty Baker sound for star­ the new owners, the Chicago comes off Canseco’s bat can be success. the top after winning a division came up. He drilled a shot well over the right field fence in drought since 1954 the longest in were supposed to turn the team ters? Quite a wallop. They all Tribune Co., Green got just enough (xmpared to swing of Harmon four years ago. over the center field fence for a 6-5 Oakland,” he said. "H e had to around — beginning with Bump claim one thing in common besides ' free agents to start the team on the Kiliebrew. GIVE THE MARINERS TWO the junior circuit. pennant-clinching victory. ailjust to that ball and go the other “ It was just like you would draw “ It’s just like the way Harmon way with it. With that, he showed it up in the books,” Plunk said. hit through the infield,” he said. me he can make adjustments.’] Or the movies. The event bears a “ It gains speed right away.” .Moore cautions about expecting striking resemblance to the final Canseco, 21, is also being menti­ too much from Canseco. scene in “ The Natural.” Although oned in the same breath as Willie Mays, Mickey Mantle and Willie “ I hope people will give the he hasn’t named his bat “ Wonder- chance to just let him be Jose SCOREBOARD McCovey. boy,” Canseco is drawing several Canseco,” Moore said. “ I don’t comparisons to the fictional char­ Rigney places Canseco "some­ Loiind: new-inchM of new snow know how good the kid might be, TempN 61, Jacksonville 50 (OT) acter Roy Hobbs. where between Mays and McCo­ G ^ g e to w n 70, Texas Tech64 snowfall ending hi lost X hours, p M - but he will be given every Michigan State 72, Washington 70 powder snow, gp-pocksd powder, w M W - vey” at the same point in their opportunity.” B a s k e t b a ll Fridav, March 14 wet granular, Isgr-loose gronulor, Rgr- The cover of the 1986 Oakland frozen granular, certi-corn mow, niBP media guide, designed to resemble careers. He also is asking that people not At M lw istdslls “ (Mays) was just natural in M ich ig a n 70, A kro n 64 machine groomed surfoce (where two a movie playbill, lists “ stars” such expect tape-measure home runs such terms appear, the former sI wews everything,” Rigney said. “ It was Iowa State 11, Miami (Ohio) 79 (ot) as Joaquin Andujar and Dave every time Canseco steps to the NBA itamllROt (6) North Carolina St. 10-12 vs. (11) conditions on 70 percent or more terrain, tougher for McCovey. He just took Iowa 30-11,7:07 p.m. CST. and the latter the next-most-prevolent Kingman. Down near the bottom, plate. (3) N o tre (X im e 23-5 vs. (14) A rkansas- condition) vcvarloble conditions, sc- UPl photo it reads: "and introducing Jose a little longer.” “ 1 hope the fans and media will (m u e v t aatiNS net Incaidad) L ittle Rock 22-10,9:37 p.m. CST. s p rin g just be appreciative of a 350-foot — Nm cswlwwics Saturday. March 1$ conditions in of M tralls-num ber of trolls Oakland rookie Jose Cansetx) stretches The A’s are cou ntingfor big things from Canseco as 'Tbe Natural.’” But for all the buildup he’s AllaiHc DlvW«ll At DovtMl# OhiA open, sm-snow mode In lost X hours, M- At a Pacific Coast League game getting. Canseco is doing his best to homer,” he said. W L pet. OB (4) (ie o re e to w n 24-7 vs. (5) M ichig an thln cover, «Mn-wlndblown snow, ns- out during spring training workouts. the brawny left fielder. x-B oston S2 13 .BM — S tate 22-7, 12:10 p.m . EST nlciht skiing available, ne-not operating, X-PMMXM. 42 24 .636 10'/> (1) Kansas (333) vs. (9) Temple 25-5 ogr-operotlng. Ita w J t n t v 33 35 .4SS TO'/i Sunday, March M Cennecllcut W o rtiln e to n 32 33 .422 20 At Mkuieapoiit 42 31 Mohawk Mtn Isgr gr 5-75 base X trolls N«w Y o rk 20 46 .303 32'/^ (2) Michigan 2B-4 vs. (7) Iowa Stote 4 Ls « 4 litts 5 choirs Sat&Sun. Cenfrot M vlilen Ski Sundown wet or 20-61 base 16 tra ils ‘Oil Can’ is back with the Red Sox 21-ia Sports In Brief x-M llw o u ka e 45 21 M 2 — F rtdav-S undav, A M rch 31-13 3 lifts m ad h a tte r s p rin g c a rn iv a l 3-16. x -A tto n to 41 25 .621 4 At Kansas City, Me. Woodbury S&R plan opr weekend call One of the things Boyd has going D o tro lt 39 27 J21 physically and mentally I'm right 6 Regional Semltlnols cxid Finals ahead 303-263-2203 sc 4 tr o lls 2 lifts ns. Bv United Press Ifiternatlonal against the Detroit Tigers here. on centers around his agent. C to v tfo n d 25 40 .305 19'/> M t. Southington hope re-open weekend KofC to honor Tall Cedars group Boyd said he had gained back there, ready to go out on the CM coeo 24 43 .350 2 1 '/i West call ahead 2036X0956 ballfield and do what I can do.” Dennis Coleman. Coleman went on ■■ 22 45 .320 2 3 '/i Thorsday, March 11 Powder Ridge hope re-open sat I The 33rd Knights of Columbus Irish Sports Night, scheduled for WINTER HAVEN, Fla. - Den­ seven pounds on a diet that calls for television in Boston this week and Utostoiti CoeOirooco AlOgdsn, Utah o .m .c a ll (K eod 203-349-3454. eating some six meals a day and MMWOit mvW M Monday, March 17, at the KofC Homeat7p.m., willhonora group nis “ Oil Can” Boyd returned to the Team physician Dr. Arthur said he didn't like the insinuations Louisville 93, Drexel 73 Boston Red Sox camp Friday, drinking shakes loaded with a W L Pet. OB B ro d e lv D , 'T e x a E l-P oso 65 Sauaw 3 new w e t p d r 12-43 bose 15 rather than an individual or individuals this year. Honored Pappas officially' reported that concerning drugs and hisclient. He H ouston 41 25 .621 — Aloboma-BIrmlngham 66, M issouri trolls 3 lifts fundoy Saturdoy, dexter day announcing. " I feel good now. I feel protein supplement. Boyd had contracted the virus that D onvor 39 27 .591 2 guests this year will be the Tall Cedars of Lebanon for their many said there were Red Sox out of 64 Sunday. strong and everything worked out attacked his liver. He said Boyd O otlos 34 31 .523 6 /1 North Carolina 14, Utah 72 S u g o rlo o f 4 new pp 19-41 base 49 tro lls years of service in running the Manchester Road Race on ” 1 felt nice and fluid today,” he action last year — mentioning Bob U tah 32 34 .405 9 Prtday, Morch H 9 lifts eastern AAolne freestyle chomplon- Thanksgiving Day. fine.” said after throwing. “ 1 threw from showed the symptoms of the Stanley, A1 Nipper and Rick Miller Son A n to n io 31 36 .463 10'/> A t Long Beach, CotH. shlps weekend oil lifts weekend. Boyd, who has a non-contagious problem, including the rapid Soer om onto 30 36 .455 11 The traditional corned beef and cabbage dinner will be served. the stretch the whole time. Hey. I — and wanted to know why no one Nevada - Los Vegas 74, Northeast Saddleback 6 new Isgr X-X base X form of hepatitis, met the press weight loss and loss of appetite. PeeHIc Plvttlo ii Louisiana 51 trolls 3 lifts Bronco Buster challenge Amby Burfoot, nine-time winner of the Manchester Road Race might have thrown one ball 90 brought up drugs in those cases. V-UK L o k trs SO 16 .750 — early Friday morning, then went Marvlond 69, Pepperdine 64 and presently East Coast editor of Runner's World, will be guest miles an hour — a cross-seamer. I Stanley and Nipper both reacted P o rtla n d 33 35 .405 10 (1) St. Joh n's 30-4 vs. (16) M ontana Sunday R Iyer 4 6 new pp w e t snow 40- out and threw 1615 minutes inside “ I ’m just happy that he’s back P hoonlx 26 39 .400 23'/2 wasn’t trying to play Superman or angrily to the comments Thurs­ State 14-16.6:07 p.m . PST. 72 b a te 36 trails 4 lifts a ll lifts weekend. speaker. a batting cage because of a and that everything’s fine with Soattto 24 42 .364 26 (5) Auburn 19-10vs. (9) Arltona23-7,t:41 Mt. Abram 4 new wet gr 16-X base X Tickets for the event are $7 apiece and may be obtained by nothin' like that, but I wanted to get him,” Manager John McNamara day. Stanley had a confrontation LA C IIP M rs 24 42 J 6« 26 p.m . PST. rainstorm. G o M tn S lo t* 22 46 .324 29 trails 2 lifts 4 lifts weekend. calling the KofC Home at 646-9044. a good workout. I'm not as far back said, adding he plans to sit down with Coleman at the club’s hotel Saturday, March 15 Lost Valley 2 new Isgr 12-X bose 12 The plan is for Boyd. Boston’s Thursday night and Nipper re­ V-ettielMd dMstan Ittlo At Ogdon. Utah tra ils 1 lift coll ahead X7-794-IS61. as they (think 1 am ).” and talk to Boyd in more depth (2) L o u is v ille 27-7 vs. (7) B rad le y 32-2, biggest winner in 1985. to throw fused to talk to Coleman on the (Darnden Snow Bowl 2 new sc H)-X base Earlier. Boyd said. .“I’m ready Satuiilay. “ He had a lot going on 4:15 p.m. EST 9 trails 1 lift. batting practice twice, and then to telephone. Clovsiand at Phllodolonia. night (6) A lobam o-B Irm lnah om 25-10 vs. (3) Pleasant Mountoln 3 new Ito r 12-X Little League tryouts this weekend start next Thnr«:day’s game to join the ballcub. I feel 85 percent today.” D onvor a t W ooM neton, n ig h t N o rth C o ro lln a 27-5 bose 20 tro lls 3 lifts . Boston at Atlanta, night Sunday, Morch 16 Eastern Mossochuselts The three Manchester Little League divisions — American, Now York at O tirolt. night A t Long Beach, Collt. Noshoba Valley hope opr Saturday call National and International — will conduct tryout sessions this Portland at Dallas, night (4) N evodo-Los Vegas 32-4 vs. (5) ahead 61769^30X 9 trails. Indkma at M llwoukto, night M a ry la n d 19-13. Wochusett Mtn Isgr M-40 bose 12 traHs Saturday and Sunday at three sites. San Antonio at Utah, night Thursdoy-Soturday, March lS-22 4 lifts coll ahead for ns. Saeromento ot LA Cllopers, night The schedule is: Lendl saunters A t H ouston Herald photo by Bashaw Blue H ills hope opr Eweek end call Mieod O o to rd o v 't Oomoo Regional Semifinals and Finals American League at Waddell School — Saturday and Sunday (AN TbiMO EST) 617-129-7490. AttantoatNow York, 7:Xo.m. Western SAiBsiKhuseNs — ages 11-12 9-11 a.m.; ages 9-10 1-3 p.m. Saturday A Monday, March 29-31 Brodie wet or Isgr 18-a txne X trolls National League at Buckley School — Saturday and Sunday — WoUtlngton at Indiana, 7;Xp.m . A t D a lla s St. James’ championship team 3 lifts ns 12 trails for ns 21st annual Now Jorsov at Cleveland, 0 o.m. Notional Semitinalsond Finals age 12 9-10 a.m.: age 11 10:15-11:30 a.m.; age 10 1-2:15 p.m.: Milwaukee at Qtleago.OrXo.m. Iris h Olympics th is w eek. into semifinals Berkshire E(»t wet gr Isgr 15-X bose Saturday — age 9 2:30-3:45 p.m. Practice for 9 year olds will only Utah at Dollos. 0;X p.m. Note: Second gomes on Satur­ The St. James’ sixth-grade boys’ team members are (from left) Front row: LA Clippers at Houston, 0:Xp.m . 20 trolls 4 lifts. day March IS wHI begin M minutes odor . Jimlny Peak plon opr Saturday Isgr be Saturday unless it rains. SuNdev's <3ameo thoconctuslon ot (he lirst game at an basketball team won the 1986 Archdio­ John Papa, James Reynolds, Robert Phllodelohla at Boston wet gr IStroppsfall lifts. International League at Verplanck Field — Saturday — ages By United Press International starts in 1986. cese of Hartford Tournament cham­ Herdlein, Steven White, Michael Laf- Bousauet pfon opr Saturday 19 tra ils 6- Lendl swept up the opening set Soer ontento at Denver X bose spring conditions. 11-12 10 a.m.-noon: age 10 noon-2 p.m.: Sunday — age 9 1-4 p.m. Phoenix at (jolden State ferty. Back row: Daniel Cook, Peter MILAN. — World No. 1 63 and broke Hlasek in the seventh Detroit at Portland NIT pairings pionship with a perfect 6-0 record. St. Mt. Tom plon opr Saturday X trails. Further signups will be accepted at the three fields. A birth Butternut Basin wet o r 16-60 base M certificate is required at the time of registration and either a Ivan Lendl of Czechoslovakia game of the second. He picked up Son Antonio at Seattle James defeated St. Joseph's of Water- Borofsky, Thomas Strano, Michael . trolls 4 lifts 7 lifts weekend. Houston at LA Lakers, night parent or guardian must accompany each youngster. There is a moved effortlessly into the semifi­ his 15th match victory of the year Ogsning Round bury, 32-29, for the title on March 9. The Klopfer, Patrick Purcell and Michael Catamount opr weekend sc vc 15 tra llL as Hlasek hit a return over the Tuesday, March II Otis Ridge plan opr Sat&Sun Isgr sc 12 registration fee of either *10 per person or $15 per family. nals of a men’s *3U,000 Grand Prix Nuog8ts101,Bullit<91 Texas Christian 76, Montano 69 win qualified the team for the 1986 CYO Marsh. The team’s coaches are Bruce trolls 3 lifts. tennis tournament Friday with a baseline on the first match point. Wsdnsiday, March 12 Now HomgsMre convincing 63, 6-4 victory over Nystrom seemed to be playing New England Basketball Tournament to Marsh and Joel Feehan. Balsams Wilderness 4-5 new wet gr Proyktence 72, Borton Unlyerslty 69 Switzerland’s Jakob Hlasek. two separate matches against OCNVEE (tot) McNecse State 86, Dayton 75 be held in Rutland, Vt., on April 4-6. The Isgr 16-X base 2 trails 2 lifts hope for 6 Trout Derby at Cqon and Fox EnolW t 1>23 7-7 3X Schoves 3-4 3>3 7. SW M isso u ri 59. P itts b u rg h 52 trolls Sat. Lendl will meet the No. 4 seed, Green — the first set which he C ooptr 5*17 3-312# DuiviO-1 (M)0. Evans 2-6 Thursday, March 13 Wildcat plan opr Saturday limited Miroslav Mecirof Czechoslovakia, swept and the next two where he M 11 # Lever 5-10CM) 10. Honzl Ik Florida II, Southern Mississippi 71 skiing X trolls 5 lifts. The Manchester Coon and Fox Club will hold its annual Trout 5-12M It# Turner 3-5(M16. Totals40«721-23 M o ro u e tte 79, D rake Derby on April 6 at North River Road in Coventry (off route in the semifinals Saturday while had to struggle for his points. Louderdole, Fla., night B lock AAountoln 3 new w et Isgr 19-50 101. Brigham Young 67, Southern Methodist Rtc baakalbaii base 15 tro lls 3 lifts. 44-A). Largest trout caught landsa $S0cash prize, whiletrophies second-seeded Joachim Nystrom “ If I could have held service at BVASHINOTOM ( f 1) 63 Detroit vs New York Mots at St. Petersburg, Flo., (ppd. rain) Bretton Woods 2 new wet Isir M-X of Sweden will face No. 3 seeded 2-1 in the second, I think it would J ones 0-1000. Robf nson •-164-420. Bo 13-3 W yom ing 79. Texos A S M 70 Junior* base X trails 4 lifts ns 2 trolls tor ns. will be awarded for the biggest fish to fisherman in each age 006# Malone 7-142-216# Winiam s 6-100012. (ie o rg e ASoson 65, L o m o r 63 Montreal vs Atlanta at West Palm H o c k e v (tompatriot Anders Jarryd in the Bench, R a„ (pod. roln) Cannon Mountain 3 new wel gr frg r W- group. have been straight sets.” the Roundfletd O il 2-4 It# Dove 4-11 1-2 9. Texin 69, New Mexico 66 Celfics 59 (Kevin Wilson 11, Lee 50 base 1 tra ils 4 litts . iv other semifinal. Mogowon II, Anfhonv Wrighf 16), Boston vs Phlladelohio at Clearwater, Fees are $4 for children under 16. and *7 for 16 and over. Swede said. "H e started suddenly M cKenno 2-7 0 0 5# iWood 1-2 2-2 5. Totols Clemson 99, M iddle T ennesse StoteSI A ttita s h 3-3 new w e l g r v c 30-72 bose Nystrom dropped bis first set 307511-1491. Colltam lo-IrvInelO, UCLA 74 Lakers 50 (Brian Pelletier 20. Dominic Flo., (ppd. rain) playing better. Kansas City vs Pittsburgh at Braden­ 12 tra ils 3 lifts expect fu ll opr weekend. There is no limit and no license required. sin (* losing one to Lendl last Oeaver 31 B M 10-101 Loulslono Tech 67, Northern Arlzono61 Lauren Ills 17). NHL atanding* Mt. Cranmore 2 new wet snow wet gr “ In the first he was missing lots BUlMlBII B 27 2117— 91 Georgia 95, Tehnessee-Chattafiooaa 76ers 26 (Santiago C arrion 9),' Knicks ton, Fla., (ppd. rain) Refreshments will be sold at the clubhouse. St.' Louis vs Chicago White Sox at 1S60 bose 11 tra ils 3 lifts 14 tro lls 6 lifts 9 ^V month at Boca West. Florida, but of easy balls, putting a lot into the Three-points pools—McKenno. SI II (Corev Goldston 14). w eekend. still stopped American Bob Green Mfood. Fouled out—none. Totol fouls— Loyola-Marymount 10. California 75 The Celtics ploy the 76ers tor the Sarasota, Fla., (ppd. rain) (Frtday'sgames net Itidudsd) net.” Texts vs Houston at Kissimmee, Ra., Woles Centsrence Monteou call aheod 603-7976110. Denver 13. Washington 16. championship Friday night at 6 : X a t UKm Mountain 2 new wet gr Isgr 19-X 61. 4-6, 62. Nystrom lost service three times Retoounds— Denver 42 (Cooper 9). Friday, March 14 Bonnet Junior High. (ppd. rain) Patrtek Olvislen Ewing surgery Is successful Jarryd won a tough first set Chicaoo vs San Frondsco a t Scottsdole, W L T PtV OF OA base X trolls 6 litts X tra ils a ll HRs in the difficult second set but broke Washington 32 (Robinson 7). Assists— O hio S tate 14-14 a t O hio U n iv e rs ity . 22-7. Saturday. , tiebreak and went on to defeat Denver 13 (Cooper 4). Woshington 71 7 :X p.m . Arlz., (ppd. rain) P h llo d e lp h ia 44 21 4 92 2X 213 N EW YO R K — New Y ork Knicks center Patrick Ewing,.who is the American twice. Green's surge Oakland vs Milwaukee at Chandler, W ashington 43 X 5 91 X I 223 W ateryllle Volley 3-4 new wel gr trgr Israeli Amos Mansdorf, 7-6 (7- 5), (Dove 7). Tecnicols— none. A —6.579. Second Round 2335 bose 17 tra ils 6 HRs eostern dtolslon sidelined for the rest of the season, underwent "successful” knee began to fizzle in the final set, as he Mendoy March 17 Adz., (ppd. rain) NY Isla n d e rs X X 10 76 276 249 7-5. Mecir had less than a full B o w lin g California vs Seattle at Tempe. Adz., R tts b u rg h 31 31 7 69 274 254 freestyle Sat&Sun. fell behind 63 to Nystrom'e steady. Texos Christian 22-Sot Florida 17-12,7: M King Pine 2 new Rgr Isgr 1330 base 5 surgery Friday, the team said. p.m . (ppd. rain) N Y R angers X X 4 61 2 X 232 workout as be whipped Spaniard controlled play. NCAA tMirnaMgnt pairing* trolls 2 lifts 12 trails 3 lifts Saturday. Team physician Dr. Norman Scott perform ed the 30-minute % ... Clem son 1S-14 a t G e o rg lo 17-12, 7 :X SotuTdoyl Bumi s New Jersey 22 43 3 47 259 319 Sergio Casal 61, 62. in the (AH Ttmes ESTl Adams DIvislen Tenney AAountaln Isgr trg r 13-X base 7 Green was broken in the eighth O.m. 6.O.P. woman tra ils 2 HRs. arthroscopic procedure at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York, morning. Texes 19-12 ot Ohio StoteOhlo New York AAels vs andnnotl at M o n tre a l X 27 6 X 2W 240 game to lose the match with a C e ll R ay 111-464. K a y M o ro z 110-454, Tampa, Fla., 1 p.m. Quebec X X 5 77 X I 252 Dartmouth Sklwoy plap opr Sotur- removing a piece of lining under the surface of the right kneecap. Lendl said he had overcome P in iR o University winner, 7:35 p.m. Minnesota vs. Boston at W inter Haven, day passing shot he put long. E ast G eorge M ason 20-11 a t P rovide nce 16-13. J o y c e T y le r 459. M o rtv G ra n t 414. B oston X X 7 73 274 255 problems that beset his serve early Fla., 1 p.m. Buffalo X 3) 72 366 251 c o ll ahead 603-79S-2143. TBoradPT. March I3 S p.m . 6 Whalebock plan opr Solurdoy tr a lls 2 in the tournament. Jarryd put Mansdorf. ranked M cNeese State 21-10 a t L o uisiana Tech Detroit vs St. Louis at St. Petersburg,' 35 _ 2 66 272 267 6 A t Brosaoboro, N.C. Hoiiday Catoror* Fla., 1:05 p.m. HRs. “ I felt better in this match than 104. away for good with a second- Duke tS. MIssisslopi Voilcv State 71 17-13, S p.m . Gunstock 1 new wet gr Isgr 12-M base Old Dominion 72. West V lrglnlo 64 M o ro u e tte 19-10 a t SW M issou ri 23-7. Bunny Fellows 145-3X, Edie Cavo- Texas vs Montreal at West Palm N srrts Dhfti lsn Rockets waive John Lucas in any other this week,” Lendl set power game that the 26year- Beach, Fta., 1 :X p.m. W L T Pn. OF GA 3 trolls 3 HRs maple test Ri-M on 19-19 Okkihomon, Northeastem 74 1:35 p.m . nough 131. Julie Corlew 127. Maria Toronto vs Pttlsburgh at Bradenton, trails all HRs Saturday. said. “ My timing was better and so old Israeli couldn’t handle. DePoul 72, V irg in ia 6d L o v o ia -M o ry m o u n t 19-H) a t W yom ­ N o p o le to n o 127, Jeon F a ik o w ic h I X , x-C M coeo 34 X I 76 307 296 NEW YORK — Guard John Lucas has suffered a drug rel^se Flo., 1 :X p.m. x-St. Louis X X I 74 272 256 Highlands plan operate week end2 new. was my serve. I was ixmfortable.” “ I now know I can fight for my Prtdsv. March to in g 21-11,9:35p.m . Rose Yergeou IX , M uffv Talburt 136, King Ridge plan operate Saturday wet Tuoodny March IS PhllodelpMa vs. Chicaao White Sax at x-M Innesota X X 9 X 3 X 265 and Friday was waived by the Houston Rockets, the National points once again,” said Jarryd. At Soracaoa. N.Y. D o t K e lle y 135-139-373, A u d re y C ody Sarasota. Flo., I :X m . or 12-X base 17 trails 7 HRv The 26year-oId Lendl spent 90 SI. Joseph's 40, R ichm ond 59 C o llfo m lo -lrv ln e 17-12 a t B righa m 127-351. P o u lln e G eld el 130-346. 6 Toronto X 40 6 50 X 6 3 X Basketball Association announced. the world No. 9. “ We played a good Bottlmore (ss) v 6 Kansas City at R. Detroit 15 47 36 2 X 350 Mt. Sunopee 1 new wet gr Ice X-M un photo minutes wearing down Cleveland Stole 79, Indtafn 79 Young 16-13.9:X o.m. 6 bose &H) tro lls 36 HRs fu ll opr Sat&Sun. Lucas’ relapse is his second drug-related incident since the (7) NOWZ7-4VS. (10) Tulsa23«.7:07p.m. DuwUrtlnMi — March 19-31 (at Myers, Ro.. ):X 6 m . Smyths DIvislen (3zechoslovakian-born Hlasek, match out there. Bloaaoma Atlanta vs Bottlmore (ss) ol AMoml, x-Edmonton 49 15 104 3M 273 Pat's Peak plan opr Saturday coll Ivan Lendl, the world's No. 1 tennis player, breezed past EST. nglonol sitasi 6 ahead 6034293245. implementation of the anti-drug agreement between the NBA ranked 28th on the computer, to “ Mansdorf has a good passing (2) Syracuse 25-5 vs. 115) B row n 16-ia SomHtnaN— March M ot Now York 1:3S o.m . x -C a lg a ry 34 X I 76 2 X 365 Switzerland's Jakob Hlasek, 6-3,6-4, Friday to advan(» M arilyn Meyers 113-4M, Doris Hot-" Los Angeles vs Houston at Kissimmee. Winnipee X X 50 250 3 X Temple Mountain plan opr weekend and the players' association. take a firm step towards his third game, he knows how to come in to 9:37 p.m. EST. ChampioiMhIg — March X at Now 6 coll aheod 6039X6949. Satordov, March IS Y o rk t( x i 176, J a n e t H o tta n 472. F la .. I : X 6 m . Los A ngeles X 41 7 47 X I 3 X to the semifinals of the Grand Prix in Milan, Italy. tournament victory in as many the net.” New York Yankees vs University of Vancouver II X II 47 2» 2X V e rm e M At Brssashsrs, W.C Joy Peak 3 new wet pdr wet gr X-92 (1) Duke 33-2 vs. ( I ) O ld D om in ion 23-7. Florida, Gainesville, Flo., 2:X p.m. x:Xp.m. M k M tb u rv St o w B o w l tr g r w e t g r 30- was an All-America three su<*es- ties. Tway said, “ maybe just a A t B o la a BsaBO, La . H am ilton32014. KulawoOOOOO. BlobOO New Y orX 4 2 MI 60 base 9 tra ils 2 HRs tuH opr weekend. college coach. Jeffery Sauer, as “ one intimidating individual.” forced the postponement of the completing four holes. C In cIn n a ll 4 3 .571 Petersburg, Fla.. 1:05 pm . Soadavt Oomes Georgia Tech 40. M arlst SI 000. Totols3S63S0 TS. Attanta vs Los Angeles ot Vera Beoch. SoTMienberg plan opr weekend ooH second round of the PGA *500.000 The decision to cancel Friday’s sive years and played on two little perseverance.” V llla n o v a 71. V IrM n io T e A 4 3 H oittline—llllnols36 FaIrfleldXX Total St. Lo uis 3 3 JDO Detroit o l Winnipeg ahead 1032149176 Son D iego 3 5 -375 Fta.. I:X p.m: NY istanders at NY Rangers, night Hertz Bay Hill Classic. play was announced four hours NCAA championship teams. Winning has erased any of the M em phis S tole 95. B a ll S tate 63 fouls-FoIrneld 11, iHInota 14. Fouled SI. Units vs PhllodsIphIo at O eir- Suldde Six sc 3040 base 9 tro lls 3 HRs Lowtslona State *4. Purdue 17 (30T) out-YerIna. Rebounds-Fairtleld 25 P M tad daM a 2 4 J33 New Jersey at Phllodelphia, night PGA Tour officials said the later. After heavy showers fell Then the bottom fell out Three doubts be had about his golf game. woter, Fta.. 1:X pm . Vancouver at CMcago, Mght KHUngton 1 new wet m X - X base NO nrtdsv. M ordl M (George, Gromos 6), llllnals X (Wimcrs CMcitaO 3 S tro lls IS HRs 17 HRs w e e k a id 19-X Mandllkova advances In Slims straight years Tway went to the “ To win, at least you know you At ChattsIN, W.C H ouston 2 5 .3M BoWknere vs Montreal at West Palm second round would be played during the inoming, the rain 5) . AsNsts — Fairfield I «3eorge. Golden Beach, Fta., 1:X pm . n a tu ra l a***** PG A qualifying school. Three can win,” Tway said. "Obviously. IR InoN 75. F d irtle td 51 3). IHinolsl6 (W v s in a c r6). M o n tre a l 1 4 SO Pico Nor trgr 3450 base X trolls DALLAS — Hana Mandlikova, seeded No. 4, Friday dismissed Saturday at the Bay Hill Club, with subsided and the dark clouds Alahamo97. Xavier (OMa) ■ 1 4 JPO Chicago white Sox (ss) vs Octrott at 6 straight years, he failed to earn his it’s getting me into more touma-^ PttttsburWi (joketand, Fta, 1:X pm . HRs the possibility of 36 holes being lifted. However, while tbe rain bad (B Ws d a rn K e ntu cky 23-7 vs. (9) Maryland 88. PapgardiRa 64 A to s rlc a a 1.0 unseeded Robin White 6-41,4-6.6-4 in the *250,000 Virginia Slims of card. ments. I probably have a little bit 1 Kosos Ctty vs Texas ol Pompono. Ofcemo Is g r tr g r 35-75 b « e S3 (ra ils 6 played Sunday to complete the stopped, there were frequent N sh rssko 1«-10i 7:07 p.m . EST New Y o rli 4 JOO IHIs. Dallas. more confidence than if I hadn’t (II Kentucky 39-3 vs. (16) Oavtdsan M ilw au kee 5 2 .714 Fta., l:X p.m . tournament. lightning flashes. “ Sure, it was very frustrating,” E (gn .714 New York Yankees (ss) vs Toronto at Ascutnev AAountaln wet gr Isgr 3040 In later matches, top-seeded Martina Navratilova played 3BM. 9:37 p jn . EST. C hicago 5 2 base 31 tra ils HRs It was the third time in the The first round leader was Bob Tway said after rain postponed won.” 5idirdai_M arch tS D e lra lt 6 3 .447 (3unedln, Fta, 1 :X pm . 4 Helena Sukova, seeiled sixth, and No. 2 seed Chris Evert Lloyd White 013 1-2 17. Frederick 2-9 00 6 New York Yankees (ss) vs CMcago S k i i l i g AAoglc AAountaln 1 new wet o r 30-74 tournament's eight-year history Tway, who fired a 5-under-par 66 play Friday at the Bay Hill club, “ A lot of people out here are good M id d N b ro o ks 3-6 0 0 6 KorSas 37 32 6 Texas 3 3 5D0 base 32 trolls 2 HRs faced Zina Garrison, the eighth seed. (3) Momphli State 3B5 vs. (Ill Polee 4-13 4412. Gondrezick 311 7-W 17. S eattle 3 3 JDO White Sox (ss) 0* Sarasota, Fta.. I:X that rain had postponed play. The Thursday to take a four-shot lead where be bad a two-stroke first- enough to win,” he said. “ Things p m . _ Bramlev wel gr S base 15 troHs 4 Itfis (.OHlsIana State 33-11,2:15 p jn . EST MauMs 00 00 6 Totals 2359 161164 C o llto rn ia 3 4 J09 Kathy Rinaldi, the No. 10 seed from Martin Downs, Fla., won other delays were experienced in over four golfers. round lead over four golfers. just kind of have to go your way. (3) Georgia Tech 3M vs. (W) MARYLAND (Ml M innesota 3 4 JCB Boston vs Houston at Kissimmee, Flo.. (taditlonol tro lls ond HRs w ith groorrdng. l : X p m . Stratton wet Isgr trgr N-X base X by default over Stephanie Rehe from Highland, (^ lif. R ^ ^ was 1980 and 1982. Tway is making an impact on the “ I don’t know why I didn’t make You need to sink a putt instead of Vl tlanm m 34-13 L e w is 6 7 3 X I X BIOS 7-141314 26 Long C Icvctand 3 4 JtB tra ils 6 HRs Boadav, 4*wai U 02006 Gotlln 40 33 W. Baxter 3 W 32 6 B oston 3 4 J29 San Diego (ss) vs OUcago Cubs (ss) a t Naur Engiand Skiguida leading 61 in first set when she stretched for a backhandshdt and A line of inclement weather PGA Tour in his second season. it. It just kept happening. It was having it lip-out. Sometimes, that’s JonesOOOO IX Totals36X21-29M Kansas City 2 3 JOO Mesa Adz., 3 o.m. M t. Snow Is m trg r 3590 base M trolls very, very frustrating. I wanted to the (iifference.” Milwaukee vs San Frondsco M 6 HRs X tralta 13 HRs weekend 10-X injured her back. moved into central Florida during After winning *164,023 in 1985, his (4) INinokXTdvs. (5) Alabama 23d. T o ro n to 2 4 JD ftolurQl bOM. In doubles play, the No. 4 team of Elise Burgin and Rosalyn get out here and play but wasn’t Tway is fam iliar with rain Ho lfllme—Peaaer

DEAR wouldn’t feel comfortable making ABBY: My the first move. daughter just She has never turned me down, on Medicare regulations turned 10. On and it’s very satisfying to both of us her birthday I Dear Abbv when it happens, so what should I games; 1;30 p.m. exercise with shed a fe w do? Editor's note: This column is Turf Restaurant — March 17 -- Rose. Bus pickup at 8 a.m. — tears. I wish I TIRED OF ARGUING prepared by the staff of the openings available — *26 — if return trips at 12; 30 and 3: IS p.m. could have held Abigail Van Buren Manchester Senior Citizen Center. interested, please contact Creative her and told her D E AR TIRED : Stop arguing. at 243-2389. Health clinic: Wednesday, all the things a Your wife is replaying the "tapes” By Joe DImlnIco Montreal-Quebec Trip — *329 — March 19a t9 a.m. — 11a.m. (L-Z) mother should of the old admonitions she heard Activities Director 5 days-4 nights — flyers available tell her daugh­ repeatedly as a girl. ("N ice at center — registration is April 4 INCOME TAX ASSISTANCE: ter when she women aren't supposed to be Seniors are invited to attend the at 9:30 a.m. turns 10. I wish I could have 2312, Carson City, Nev. 89702? aggressive — it’s unladylike.’’) “ Medicare Update” program next Wildwood — June 2-6 — *199 — Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday, Friday at 1 p.m. — 3:30 p.m. dressed her up and put ribbons in Adqpted children may also regis­ With counselinjg she will learn Thursday beginning at 1 p.m. flyers available at center — her hair, and ridden the merry-go- ter, and when they become legal that it’s OK for a woman to be Jerry Martin from Congresswo­ registration is April 9 at 9:30 a.m. Menu for the week round with her until we both got age, if both parties are registered aggressive in the bedroom. Every-' man Barbara Kennelly’s office The center is contemplating sick,-then laughed ourselves silly and want to find each other, a where else she can be a “ lady." along with two representatives developing a stress management Monday: Corned beef and cab­ bage — potato — roll, dessert and rolling down hills in the park! I also match is made. from the Connecticut Peer Review seminar for seniors in the month of DEAR ABBY: May I sit in your beverage said a little prayer of thanks for Send a long, stamped, self- Group. Inc. will be at the center to April. Individuals desiring to at­ having made the decision 10 years addressed envelope to the above chair and pass on a bit of discuss Medicare and the drug tend such a class should contact Tuesday: Swedish meatballs on noodles, dessert and beverage ago to give her up for adoption. I registry, requesting Soundex hard-learned advice? system. The review group is the center. If registration is was barely 16 and wanted my Forms. When a couple decide.to marry directly responsible for'setting the sufficient, dates and times will be Wednesdday: Tuna-cheese melts — soup, dessert and daughter to ha ve a better life than I for a second — or third — time, length of stay and fees that announced at a later date. could provide for her. DEAR ABBY; Problems! Prob­ start fresh. Medicare will pay. I strongly urge Seniors are reminded that the beverage Thursday: Lasagna — garlic I feel confident that the parents lems! My fiance and I are invited Do not move into “ his" house, or all seniors to attend this most assertiveness class conducted by who were blessed with her can give to the w a d in g of a couple we have "h er” house. Sell both houses and informative program. Esther Rubin will begin on April bread — vegetabie, dessert and beverage her what I could not and will love known for a long time. They owe us start over together in a new house Men golfers are reminded that 30. Please stay tuned with this her as much as I did. *200. We would ordinarily spend that will be your house. There will there will be an important organi­ column for more details. Friday: Egg salad sandwich — soup — dessert and beverage I pray my daughter realizes that *100 for a wedding gift, but as long be fewer memories, fewer quar­ UP) photo zational meeting this Tuesday it was not for lack of love that I as they owe us *200, we plan to rels and fewer hurt feelings. I 5 evening at 6:30 p.m. Registration, A REMINDER - St. Patrick gave her up, but because my love deduct $100 from what they owe us, know. green fees, selection of officers, Day party trip to Aqua-Turf Club Scores: Play us a song March 7 —Setback scores: Mary was brave and fierce and mature and call that our wedding gift. LEARNED TOO LATE and special events are items on the will leave on Monday. March 17 at enough tpJet her go when I was but How should we word the card? agenda. Individuals not able to 10:30 a.m. from the Community Lou Mott, 129; Adolph Yeske, 120; Joe Peretto, 120; Pat Fales. 126; a child m'^etf. FRIENDS DEAR LEARNED: How gener­ Paul Stookey of the folk group Peter, nique in New York. The group has been attend should contact the center to Baptist Church. UPl photo I pray that when she is 18 she will ous of you to take pen in hand to make sure that their names will be Lastly, Best Wishes to Basil Bernice Martin. 123; Ed Scott, 122; Paul an(J Mary shows a group of youths celebrating their 25th year together with Anna Welskopp, 117. decide to look me up through an DEAR FRIENDS: You may give others the benefit of your on the roster. Baker who is in Windham Memor­ adoption search group, and we will word the card any way you wish — mistake. I am reminded of a his guitar during a recent performance a variety of specials and programs. Please make note of the follow­ ial Hospital. March 10 — Pinochle scores: Ethel Scott. 736: Ernest Grasso. All ready to celebrate meet again. The last time I held bearing in mind that any reference saying I heard a long time ago; "If for homeless children at Hotel Marti­ ing Thursday programs: her tiny hand she was only 10 days to their debt would be in the worst we could sell our experience for March 20 — Medicare update Schedule for the Week: 720; Carl Popple, 677; Marge Reed, 673; Mabel Loomis, 669; Peter entrance to the f&tjTily's Glenmoor Farm old. possible taste at this time. what it cost us, we’d all be March 27 — Middle East slide Monday: 9:30 a.m. ceramics Antoinette Goodwin may not have an Until then, my thoughts and I millionaires.” presentation by Doris Hogan class; 9:30 a.m. advanced basket­ Caseila, 667: Mina Reuther, 662; in Wakefield, R.l. Few~p^ple will care Amelia Anastasio, 660; Helena Irish-sounding name, but she gets into prayers are with her and her DEAR ABBY: My wife insists April 3 — Senior Rockettes weaving class; 10 a.m. bingo; Every teen-ager should know the People needing respite care Gavello, 659: Martin Bakston, 654. the spirit of St. Patrick's Day by dressing about the weather because the day is parents, and her birthdays will be that it's the man's place to initiate April 10 — Play 'A Choice to 11:45 lunch; 12:30 p.m. pinochle an especially lonely time for this sex. She says if I ’m going to wait truth about sex, drugs and how to games; 12:30 beginners basket­ March 11 — Bowling scores; up her plastic roosters in green at the more often than not celebrated inside. Make" mom. for her to initiate sex, there won't be happy. For Abby’s booklet, send weaving class; 1:30 p.m. exercise Fruno Giordano. 529; Ed Yourkas, April 17 — Sunshiners and party HOPEFUL IN L.A. be any. your name and address clearly for Ruth Jacobs with Rose. Bus pickup at 8 a.m. 224, 224, 603; Frank Wotruba, 512; Mike Pierro, 200. Ginger Yourkas, I'm tired of always being the printed with a check or money —return trips at 12:30 p.m. and order for *2.50 and a long, stamped have a variety of services 181. 493; Pat Olcavage, 176; DEAR HOPEFUL: Are you aggressor. I'v e told her I would THE SENIOR CENTER, in 3:15 p.m. aware that biological parents can find it exciting if she would (39 cents) self-addressed envelope conjunction with the AARP, will be Elfrieda Hofmann, 191; Mary Engagements Cinema register with International Soun­ approach me for a change, but she to; Dear Abby, Teen Booklet, P.O. person requires medical supervi­ conducting another driver's edu­ Tuesday; 9 a.m. shopping bus: Chaves. 179. T h e r e a re dex Reunion Registry, P.O. Box says it’s not ladylike and she Box 38923, Hollywood. Calif. 90038. sion, the respite care worker well cation course on April 14 and 15 9:30 a.m. non-grocery shopping March 12 — Pinochle scores; hundreds of may be a student or volunteer. from 12:30-4 p.m. Individuals bus; 9; 30a.m. oil painting; 10 a.m. Nadine Malcom. 582; Rene Maire, HARTFORD thousands of ClntmoClly — Brazil (R) Sat and Sun But respite care programs will completing the course will receive square dancing; 10-11; 15 a m. 581: Dom Anastasio, 575; Amelia Gervase-Corentin families among I ;30,4,7.9:40. — Dream Child (P G ) Sat become increasingly essential as 5 percent off their insurance financial planning; 11; 45 a.m. Anastasio, 562; Lucille Goldman, and Sun 2,4:20, 7:20,9:20. — K lit at the us who need Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Gervase funding for institutions dries up. premiums as mandated by state lunch 1 p.m, bowling at Parkade 560. Spiderwaman (R) Sat and Sun 4:40, respite care — Sylvia of New Britain announce the 9:50. — The Trip to Bountiful (P G ) Sat Pain in leg needs treatment March 12 — Bridge scores: You may be among those needing law. Interested parties should stop Lanes; 1;30 p.m. exercise with engagement of their daughter, and Sun 2:30, 7:30. — Out of Africa and who know Helen Silver 6,240; Sol Cohen 3,440; th j care, discovering it is invalua­ by the center and fill out a short Cleo, Bus returns from shopping at Angela Jo Christine Gervase. to (P G ) Sot 1:10, 4;)0, 7;)0, 10; Sun 1:10, they need it — Nadine Malcom 3,390; Carl Lom­ 4:10, 7:10. Porter ble for you — as a patient or as the registration form accompanied 12; 30 p.m. Richard Renaud Corentin, son of cause red marks on the skin can but they don't bardo 3,180; Catherine Byrnes D E A R DR. person who cares. The hours you with a $7 check made out to the Mr. and Mrs. Renaud Corentin, of ■AST HARTFORD indicate a variety of diseases. I know where to 3,020. GOTT: I am 77 get or give under one of these AARP. Wednesday: 9:30 a.m. pinochle Eaelwood Pub A Cinema — Mur­ think you should see your doctor turn for the help Willimantic. phy's Romance (PG-13) Sot 7:15,9:20; and in fairly programs can be more precious Due to the large response, the games: 9:30 a.m crewel: 9:30 for a complete examination and or whom to go to The bride-elect is a former Sun 7:30. go(Ml health, but than you now dream. line dancing class scheduled for a.m. caning: 10 h.m.'F^ndship .^Caterpillar Club Manchester resident. She gradu­ Poor Richard! Pub A Clnomo — blood tests. for guidance. April 9 will be divided into two Circle: 11:45 lunch: 12:^ p.m. Murphy's Romance (PG-13) Sot 7:30, was found to Yet the number of programs for week. DAYTON. Ohio (A P ) — Lt, ated from Pulaski Senior High 9:30, midnight; Sun 5, 7:30, 9:30. have borderline Dr. Gott “ Sylvia Porter’s Tax Guide for separate classes. Class I will be bridge games: 12:30 p.m. art^4^ D EAR DR. GOTT: As a substi­ this special service continues to Recently, respite care programs Harold Harris bailed out of a School in New Britain and received ShowcoM Cinemas 1-9 — The Color diabetes. My 1986,” her comprehensive guide to from 9:30-10:30 a.m. and class II crafts: 1:30 p.m, exercise whh\ crippled plane which he was bachelor's and master's degrees Purple (PG-13) Sat 1,4,7:10,10:10: Sun tute for deodorants and antiperspi- grow. And so does the number of have been developed for AIDS from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Please con­ Rose. Bus pickup at 8 a.m. 1, 4 7:45. — House (R ) Sot 1:30, 3:25, legs from the Peler Gott, M.D. problems that respite care is patients and those who live with income taxes, is now available testing here at McCook Field on from Central Connecticut State 5:15, 7:45, 9:50, 11:45: Sun 1:X, 3:25, rants containing aluminum. I ’ve through her column. Send *5.95 tact the center to determine your knees down feel designed to ease. and care for them. return trips at 12:30 and 3:15 p.m. Oct. 20, 1922, University. She teaches mathe­ 5:15, 7:45, 9:50. — Down and Out In been rubbing baking soda into my plus $1 for mailing and handling to A like they are class. This year's instructor will be Harris later^ became the first matics at Howell Cheney Regional Beverly Hills (R ) Sot 1:20, 3:25, 5:25, armpits. To my surprise, I find it Essentially, respite care offers a And with so many pressures to 7:40, 9:55, midnight; Sun 1:20, 3:25, sunburned and “Sylvia Porter’s Tax Guide for Esther Lamonde. Thursday: 9: a.m. orchestra re­ more effective, and my clothes much needed breather for the keep or return family members man in the Caterpillar Club — an Technical High School. 5:25, 7:40, 9:55. — Crossroads (R ) Sot m y instep 1986,” in care of the Manchester Please make note of the follow­ hearsal: 11:45 lunch: 12:45 p.m parent or other family member home, the need to soften the stress association of those whose lives The prospective bridegroom 1:10, 3:15, 5:10, 7 :X ; 9:40, 11:50; Sun hurts. Are these don't retain perspiration odor after Herald, 4400 Johnson Drive, Fair­ ing trips: Thursday program — Medicare 1:10,3:15,5:10,7 :X , 9:40. — Highlander who otherwise cares full time for a on those who take care of them all were saved by parachutes. graduated from Windham Techni­ symptoms caused by my diabetes? suming less alcohol...and living washing. Is there any reason I way, Kan. 66205. Please make Boston Red Sox vs. California (R ) Sat 12:50, 3, 5:15, 7:35, 9:50, disabled or chronically ill person day, every day, will only intensify. program bus pickup at 10 a.m. — cal School, Thames Valley Techni­ midnight; Sun 12:50, 3, 5:15, 7:35,9:50. longer. Until the actual biochemi­ should not be using baking soda? checks payable to Universal Press Angels — May 6 — *19 — includes bus returns after program. cal Institute and Central Connecti­ — Hannoh and Her Sisters (PG-13) Sat at home. Wide variation in the availability Now you know DEAR READER: You may be cal basis of arteriosclerosis is Syndicate. transportation and admission — 12:45, 2:55, 5:05, 7:25, 9:45, 11:55; Sun DEAR READER: None that I Typically, care is provided at of programs exists across the cut State University. He is a 12:45,2:55 ; 5:05, 7:25,9:45. — Pretty In experiencing a complication of defined, there will be no specific registration is March 24 at 9:30 Friday: 9 a.m. crib^age: 10 a.m. Animal shelters in the United home by a volunteer or trained nation. Some states provide ample manager for educational develop­ Pink (PG-13) Sot 1, 3, 4:55, 7:10, 9 : » , diabetes called neuropathy. This cure or antidote for what appears can think of. am . bingo: 11 a.m. exercise with Cleo: States destroy 30.000 unwanted II :M ; Sun 1, 3, 4:55, 7:10, 9 : » . — individual — depending on the funds for respite care services, ment and a personnel manager for may be helped by better control of to be an unavoidable consequence R St. Patrick's Day party — Aqua Wlldcots (R ) Sat 12:05,2:45,4:55,7:15, program and the nature of the channeled through various agen­ Berle back 11:45 lunch: 12:30 p.m. setback cats and dogs every day. Purdy Corp. in Manchester. of the aging process. Send your questions to Dr. Gott 9:40, 11:50; Sun 12:40, 2:45, 4:55, 7:15, your blood sugar through diet and health problem. But it can cover cies. Efforts in other states are A July wedding at St. Ann 9:40, 11:50. — Gung Ho (PG-13) Sot To give you more information. in care of the Manchester Herald HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Milton weight loss. Other conditions can programs at local hospitals or clearly inadequate, even shame­ Angela Gen/ase Church in New Britain is planned. 12:X, 2:40, 5, 7:20. 9:35, 11:45; Sun I ’m sending you a free copy of my at P.O. Box 91428, Cleveland, OH Berle will be one of the stars of 12:X, 2:40, 5, 7:20, 9:35. cause this problem, so I think you community facilities designed lessly so. new Health Report, Understand­ 44101. Due to volume of mail, NBC-TV’s three-hour special cele­ need a thorough medical evalua­ with the same function — to Volunteer programs are increas­ ing Cholesterol. Other readers who individual questions cannot he brating the network’s 60th anniver­ tion. Your d(7ctor will be able to provide a break for the caregiver. ing. For example, some services Weddings MANCHESTER would like a copy should send 75 answered. Questions of general sary to be broadcast in May. UA Theaters East — FX (R ) Sat and offer you advice about how best to Historically, families with long­ developed in Canada and imported cents plus a long self-addressed, interest will be answered in future Alexander H. Cohen, executive University in 1976. She is assistant Sun 2, 4:20, 7:15, 9:40. — Murphy's ' handle this troublesome condition. term d isab l^ members were the to the United States have attracted Wells-Forbes Romance (PG-13) Sat and Sun 2:15, stam p ^ envelope in care of the columns. producer of the extravaganza, to the town manager in Windsor. first to use respite care programs, imitation. In these programs, a 4:25,7:10,9: X. — The Jewel ofth e Nile Manchester Herald to P.O. Box promises viewers more than 100 Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Wells of The prospecitve bridegroom ( PG) Sat and Sun 2:10,4:35,7,9:X. — 16 DEAR DR. GOTT: In the treat­ usually funded through state social volunteer family agrees to take The bridegroom's daughter. Jennifer A. Lindsay, 82 Plymouth Lane, announce the also attended Manchester schools. Candles (PG) Sot midnight. — The ment of arteriosclerosis, what is 2597, Cincinnati, OH 45201. Be sure stars, past and present, in the show Lindsay-Leonard Rocky Horror Picture Show (R) Sat service departments. care of a disabled or ill patient for a from the network’s New York was maid of honor. engagement of their daughter, He studied at the University of being done to actually clean the to mention the title. midnight. — Pink Floyd: The Wall (R) Today, a variety of agencies spell of time — a weekend, an headquarters in Rockefeller Nancy A. Leonard, daughter of the late Mr. and The bride's son. David L. Chapdelaine, served as Mary E. Wells, to William C. Hartford and served in the U.S. Sot midnight. arteries? I provide this valuable assistance to afternoon — freeing the patient’s DEAR DR. GOTT: All of a Mario Thomas stars/ Center. Mrs. Maurice S. Leonard, married David John best man. Forbes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Army Reserves from 1964 to 1%9. families in a number of circum­ own family to get out on its own. sudden, red marks are starting to Berle was NBC’s first major star Lindsay, son of Violet Lindsay of 319 E.Center St, and After a reception at the Bidwell Tavern in Coventry, William Forbes of 231 McKee St. He is employed by the Combined VERNON DEAR READER: Unfortu­ HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - Mario stances, reports Shirley Cohen, If you think such services could Cine 1 A 1 — Murphy's Romance pop Op all over my body. Is this a when he hit the air June 8, 1948. the late Rupert Lindsay on March 1 at the home of the the couple left for Charlestown, R.L, They will live at Health Appeal for Business and nately, once arteries become Thomas will star in “ Nobody's professor of special education at ease your life, community organi­ (PG-13) Sot7,9:10; Sun4:X,7,9:10.- sign of some deficiency or is it just Child," a two-hour CBS-TV movie with his hour-long comedy-variety bride's son. John Chapdelaine of Coventry. 69 Tanner St. The bride-elect attended Man­ Industry Inc. of Hartford. The Journey of Natty Gann (PG) Sat plugged from arteriosclerosis, Hunter College and co-author of a zations might know of appropriate something that happens when you show “ Texaco Star Theater” and Justice of the peace Christina Woods officiated at The bridegroom is a supervisor at Northeast chester schools and graduated A May wedding in Windsor is andSun 1:X. — FX (R ) Sat and Sun 2,5, there is little that can be done to based on the true story of a book on respite care. programs for you. Grou|x to 7:15,9:X . get older? woman’s struggle to overcome a immediately became “ Mr. Televi­ the family ceremony. Utilities. from Central Connecticut State planned. unplug them. Surgery, in the form Families who care for Alzhei­ contact include the Association of lifetime of mental illness. sion” and, later, “ Uncle M ilty.” of a coring procedure, can some­ m er’s Disease patients and, in Retarded Citizens, United Cere­ DEAR READER: Red spots can times re-establish sluggish blood- Thomas will portray Marie some areas, families with chilclren bral Palsy Association, the Alzhei­ sometimes appear on older peo­ Balter, a Massachusetts woman flow in a large artery. at risk of child abuse are among m er’s Disease and Related Dis­ ple’s skin because of spontaneous who spent 20 years in a mental However, the best treatment for the groups for whom some respite orders Association and AIDS bruising called by the unfortunate arteriosclerosis consists of pru­ institution where it was thought care services can now be found. health services. EMERGENCY About Town sobriquet called “ senile purpura.” she was incapable of leading a dent diet (to reduce blood fats) and The Brookdale Respite Pro­ State social service departments Fire — Police — Medical As a general rule, red marks are moderate exercise (to improve normal life. But Balter rehabili­ gram, for instance, currently and hospitals can also assist. But circulation through collateral abnormal, however, and can re­ tated herself to become a leading Manchester Symphony Chorale concert tonight at 8 at operates out of two locations on when you have found a program, DIAL 911 H. Louise Ruddell Auditorium at Manchester channels.) Evidently, many Amer­ present a defect in the blood­ mental health administrator. Author speaks to sisterhood St. Mary's Episcopal Church on Park Street. They Manhattan’s Upper Blast Side. payment can become an issue. In Manchester Memorial Hospital. The public is invited. Dr. Essack, icans endorse this approach, be­ clotting system. This can result The film, scheduled for broad­ include: Anne Clair ancl Sharon Derby, sopranos; Patients in the programs can You’ll find some free programs The Sisterhood of Tempie Beth Sholom of a psychiatrist, is on the medical staff of the hospital. cause we are eating less saturated from dietary deficiency of vitam­ cast April 6, co-stars Ray Baker, Karen Dieterle, alto; Scott Clendaniel, tenor; and attend sessions that offer a range and others with sliding fee scales. Manchester will hold a Torah study weekend Friday The program will be given by the Community fat, attempting to maintain ideal ins and protein, abnormal blood Caroline Kava, Kathy Baker and Kevin Andersen and Charles Sack. bass. They will be of activities, while simultaneously As a rule, respite care is not an and March 22. Dr. Bary W. Holtz will speak on "The Education Series of .the hospital as part of a health body weight, exercising more cells (too few platelets) and Anna Maria Horsford under the featured in “Ave Maria,” excerpts from Hadyn's giving those who care for them up item covered by health insurance. Midrash — How It Speaks to Us Today" Friday at 8; 15 series designed for the community. Programs will be regularly, stopping smoking, con- increased- capillary fragility. Be­ direction of Lee Grant. p.m. The March 22 service will begin at 9:45 a.m. “ The Creation," and Mozart's “ Coronation" mass. presented each Thursday through May 8. to four hours of freedom each Also, unless the ill or disabled Everyone is invited to bring a dairy lunch. Dessert Derby and Nancy Johnson will play a piano duet of will be provided. After lunch a study session will be led Scottish folk songs. W SHOMCASE ^ by Dr. Holtz. Tickets are *5.50 general admission and *3.50 for Volleyball game planned students and senior citizens. For reservations and ^ HARTFORD ^ Dr Holtz is co-director of the Melton Research The RHAM High School's National Honor Society BB 8 -a a rO INTIMTAn MIXIT u information, call 633-2419. Ode to St. Patrick Day’s Thoughts Center for Jewish Education at the Jewish Theologi­ will sponsor a volleyball game today from 1 to 3 p.m. ■ tZIO-HKI AMMOOM wosr OMDr cal Seminary of America. She is a professor in the at the RHAM High School gymnasium to raise money ; SM. s Nouai / UN a n s n s s w seminary's Department of Jewish Education. He is for the Andover, Hebron, Marlborough Youth 5 Leam 'to bake white bread The Wit and Widsom Writer's Club has So it’s sure to be piping hot! ” cuii>jei'ii ut iiuinan nature is self- CROSSROADS editor of Back to the Sources: Reading the Classic Services. The society will play the services. The In proportion as fulfillment is Dorothy Alderman will show how to make white announced the March winner for its Poet of the blocked or interrupted, you expe­ defense. At this point, you must LiuiMcia-TJSMe-ndo B1 Jewish Tests and the author of "Your Word is Fire; admission will be *1 for students and *2 for others. “ A pinch of the blarney is added, the Hasidic Masters on Contempiative P rayer." His bread and its variations at the Manchester Chapter Month contest. Shamrock Soup by Sharon Krause rience some measure of emotional fight against a complete take-over A wee shot of the best whiskey brew, HOUSE essays and poetry have appeared in several journals. Hadassah meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m. at Temple Beth of Manchester was voted the winner. It and other turmoil, bodily tension, and men­ of irrational emotions. Self- A little corned beef an cabbage. possession is another name for He is a regular lecturer at the 92nd Street Y in New Sholom. Alderman, a chapter member, is a home Heart attack session set winners of monthly contests will be published in an tal frustration. Only when flight is illustrated anthology. Here is the poem. And plenty of garden greens, too." impossible and the mounting anx­ “ keeping in touch with life’s York City. economist who has conducted bread-making classes How to prevent a heart attack will be the topic of the OUNOHO for several years. She will teach all stages of the iety, tension and frustration be­ essential realities, truths and second in a series on cardiac rehabilitation Tuesday "Then I take my shillelagh and stir it. process. The bread baked will be raffled. The public is come intolerable, does nature principles.” WH51 at 6 p.m in the H. Lousie Ruddell Auditorium of Shamrock Soup Till it bubbles and sparkles and steams; Sunset Club goes to Coachlight invited. respond with anger. She may Pray daily as though your future Manchester Memorial Hospital. The series is I dish out the fabulous mixture. were entirely dependent on God; The Sunset Club will go to Coachlight Dinner Refreshments will be served. direct her hostility inwardly sponsored by the cardiac Rehabilitation Program of And I eat the soup of me dreams! ” and then proceed to work for your lEiUdNcIS-TJMM-IM Theater on April 16. Anyone interested in going may Early one St. Patrick's Day morning, against herself or outwardly the hospital. Dr. B. Abraham Kurien will speak about reasonable needs and intelligent call Mary Hill at 649-2059. Non-members will pay *15. I set out for a walk in the glen. against others, depending on what PREnYRinN K Gmncraftert meet Monday modifying lifestyles to dimish the risk factors The birds were singing, the air was crisp; By this time my stomach was turning. appears as the quickest, easiest or desires as though their fulfillment Payitient is due by Tuesday. associate with heart disease. Donations of *5 per And I discreetly was backing away — depended entirely on you. In l»M M »7 :IM »IIJ i ■B-UI The regular meeting to the club will be Tuesday at 1 The Nutmeg Gemcrafters will meet Monday at 7:30 All was peaceful and quiet...and then... most acceptable solution to the person or *7 a couple are suggested. Sessions in the Then my worst fears came true and he asked me situation. proportion as you see your daily p.m. at the Manchester Senior Citizens' Center. p.m. at First Federal Savings, 344 W. Middle R HER StSnRS series are held on the third Tuesday of each month. To sit down and to dinner please stay. life as a partnership with God, you Turnpike. I stumbled upon a leprechaun. IZ««M eit-7:S *:«-llil BEOl And was promptly thrown for a loop. A natural sense of inadequacy will find life’s inadequacies, inse­ Rolef speaks on Israel Sunday Dr. Barry W. Holtz Silk art show at MCC For there in the glade he was cooking. I humbly begged his pardon. may incline you to just go on living curities. and anxieties less confus­ ------MLESnS------Health eervicea give clinic He said it was shamnxik scxip! Said I had to get back into town; from day to day, hoping for the ing to the mind, less oppressive to 12iK4:4M»7:1M«-II« n Susan Hattis Rolef of Haifa. Israel, will speak at a a variety of topics dealing with the Israeli-Arao Builders of Communities and Dreams: Manchester The leprechaun wasn’t offended — best. Maybe your frame of refer­ the body and less frustrating to the The Community Health Care Services will hold a OOWM R OUT M KVBHY HBU free brunch for teenagers at II a.m. Sunday at conflict, the misuse of the holocaust and perception of Women and the Cheney Silk Mills, an art exhibit, is I asked him how he makes it; He just made me write the recipe down! ence is criticism, rejection, disap­ spirit. Rather, it will be viewed as a senior cmzens' clinic Monday from 1 to 2 p.m. at Hop Federation East. 434 Oakland St. The session is open Israel. displayed at WomanSpace Art Gallery in the He smiled and gave me a wink. proval or punishment...vague noble effort of your grace-dignified River Homes in Andover for bloixl pressure checks to all teenagers. The brunch will be sponsored by the Greater Women's Center of Manchester Community College. He said it is so very easy. “ And one little thing,” he cautioned, fears J physical tensions, and men­ human nature, for a reasonable and health guidance. For more information, call the 1HE C O IO R EURHE Rolef, 42, is a free lance writer and translator for the Hartford Jewish Community Center, which is The show will be on view until March 31. Gallery hours Then from his jug he took a drink. “ If about anything ye be troubling'. tal frastrations, rather than objec­ fulfilment on earth and a glorious services at 228-9423. Ministries of Finance. Ekxnomics and Foreign supported by the United Way and the Greater are weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Be careful with the ingredients. tive reality. Rather than positive fulfillment with God in eternity. Affairs, the Jerusalem Post and the World Labor Hartford Jewish Federation. The exhibit was prepared by Sylvian Ofiara, an “ I put in some shamrocks so tender. If the recipe you are ‘Dublin! ” ' spontaneous drive, expansive Zionist Movement. She has written many articles on Essack tpeaka on hypnosis associate professor of photography, and John And I mix them with broth — quite a lot, emotional fulfillment, and uplift­ Rev. PkUlp A. Sherldwi the (xmflicts Israel faces as well as other foreign Symphony selects soloists Sutherland, professor o f history and director of the I throw in some pipes and some pepper. by Sharon Kraase ing spiritual aspiration...anger St. Bridget Charch policy issues. Dr. J. Yusuf EssMk, a psychiatrist, will present a Institute of Local History at the college. It is free and and hostility; the preponderant Manchester, CT She isprepared to speak on and answer questions on Soloists have been selected to perform at the free program on hypnosis Thursday at 7: SO p.m. in the open to the public. U - MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. March 15, 1986 MACC News

Homeless shelter needs some carpenters Classified..Business Opportunities 22 store/Office Space Household Goods N o tic e s Situation Wanted 23 Resorf Properfy Misc for Sole amson, William and Many teslle, Misc. for Renf Home ond Garden Hartford Foundation for Public tha Hart, Elaine Smith, Mary Lost/Found. 01 Emplovnnent Info. 24 gave up and just laid a blanket over making the building at 466 Main St. Ann Marie and Leland Stopple Wanted fo Rent Pets Editor'! note; This column is Giving provided a grant of $127,500 Della Ferra (Hi Mary, nobody Personals... 02 Instruction. •. 25 the whole mess — apologies Pat, into a structure that will meet worth, Hoyt and Vera Grant. Ruth Roommotes Wanted Musical Items prepared by the staff of the safety codes, health codes, build­ toward both purchase and renova­ knows any better than you how 03 Manchester Area Conference of Peter and Jeff. It was not as deep much we need a shelter), Harold Bayrer and Mrs. Karl Bayrer In 04 Recreational items ing c^e s and we need your help to tions. Matched with the grant the memory of brother Karl Bayrer, Real Estate Churches. as the dust on the floor but seemed , Town of Manchester received from and Virginia Falls, Joseph and Antiques to be more persistent when you raise enough money to get the first and George Flavell. S e r v ic e s Tog Soles floor renovated into a shelter area the state Department of Housing, Barbara Lauzon, Chester New­ Homes for Sole 31 By Nancy Carr attempted to move it around.) 3. we had a building and the money to man, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur John­ F in a n c ia l Condominiums 32 Services Offered Wanted to Duv How to hold a pencil and tap a with four toilets and (imagine this MAAC Director begin the re q u ir^ renovations. We son, Theodore and Kathleen Carr, Church groups include the Cbrii- Lots/Land for Sole 33 Painfing/Popering calculator in minus liveable — three showers with hot water). Mortgages...... n When it is finished we will just be did, we are and now we need to pool Gerda Elfring, Robert and Barbel tian Involvement Cpmmittee of St. Investment Property 34 Building/Contracting Trying to work in the shelter temperatures. (Although the win­ 12 able to get in the 40 cots plus the our community resources to get Behling, Lena Cervini, Eyieen James Church, Friendship Circle Business Property 35 Roofing/Siding office last week was an experience dow had been removed, someone 13 A u t o m o t iv e restroom area. The ground floor the work finished and the shelter Alexander, Anna Burdett, Ray­ of Community Baptist Church, the Resort Property 36 Heating/Plumbing in endurance and a challenge to had thoughtfully tacked plastic 14 will become, one wonderful day, and soup kitchen in place. mond and Barbara Demers, Tech­ Reynold Ladies Circle of South Flooring Cors Trucks for Sole inventiveness. Since we've chosen over the cathedral size opening. For classified odvertise- the soup kitchen and food serving nical Publications Group at Pratt United Methodist church and three Income Tax Service Motorcycles Bicycles to keep the shelter open during the Unfortunately about four feet over ments to be published Tues- area and the third floor will give us THE REVERENDS DALE Gus­ and Whitney in Middletown in groups from Concordia Lutheran R e n ta ls Services Wonted Rec Vehicles necessary renovations, we've my head the end of the plastic had Employment dov through Soturdov, the space for offices, an area for tafson and Jim Meek are heading memory of Ethel Elizabeth Goff Church including the Reunion Auto Services squeezed the shelter into the worked loose and the wind was Rooms tor Rent ...... , . .41 deadline is noon on the day clothing, shoes and blankets, space the appeal to Manchester and Gloria Weiss who donated her Group, attendees of the evening & Education F o r S a le Autos for Renf Lease ground floor area. Let me assure shipping it cheerfuliy to and fro Apartments for Rent .42 before publication. to operate a job bank, have AA churches. Bill Johnson, bless him, speakers honorarium from the service and a gift directly from the you that in itself is an experience in making fascinating patterns in the 21 Homes tor Renf .43 Holiday/Seasonal Misc Automotive meetings, and maybe even a first has agreed to chair the effort to Women's Club of Manchester. church community. endurance and a challenge to dust. aid room. secure donations from our busi­ inventiveness. M ORE TH A N K Y O U ’S. I love it. Even laying the paper on top of ness community. George Katz is Are you wondering about the Marge Knight shared her beautiful the small but valiant heaterdid not Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! It does still tapping on the doors of various soup kitchen matching grant? But the shelter office we've had Bible Sampler Quilt with another warm the pen, let alone the air, toa indeed cost a pretty penny to do all foundations and trusts to see if We'll share some good news about HELP WANTED HELP WANTED to leave upstairs. When I tried to church group and (as usual) sent HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED workable temperature. Beaten, I the things the state say s we have to' there would be any other dollars the soup kitchen next week. I LOST AND FOUND work there last week, I found their honorarium to the fuel bank. finally retreated back downstairs do in order to operate a 40-bed available. And the rest is up to While I ’m thanking those who myself solving the following prob­ Her note says “ It’s nice to think Construction Field Man­ Service Station Attend­ Oishwazher — Full time with the blanket to the cot and shelter. B i^ w e have a running concerned individuals in the com­ have started to give toward the Lost — Female block nights & weekends. Pay lems. 1. How to get to the office that my quilt is really warming haired and brown powed ager, 5 years experience ants — Evenings, part stereo snorers, thinking grateful start on r a i ^ g necessary funds. munity. That's us. renovations appeal, may I also negatloble. Apply Anta- door? (They had tom down the someone.” It is. Marge, and thank (German Shepherd. 5 ye­ minimum, responsible for time. Reliable with good thoughts of shelter staff who work Wonderful Peter Jeffers, who thank those who have contributed nla's, 956 Main Street, Administrative Assistant ceiling and all the debris lay in you. Other contributors to the fuel ars old. Answers to taking residential pro- work record. Abpiv Ver­ Hartford Rood Dairy in this every day. has been a shelter benefactor from We've already received dona­ dollars in the past fe.w months non Shell, 075-5450. Manchester. — Growing company piles between the entrance and the bpnk include Herman and M ild r^ "Misty". Last seen In Man­ lects from site work Queen taking applications office door.) 2. How to blow enough the beginning, gave us. the very tions earmarked for shelter reno­ toward the daily operating costs of chester area. Big reward. through to final customer for counter girls, days, seeking qualified person M Y FR IEN DS — we need you. Hrst kick-off contribution toward vations from Harold and Rita the shelter: Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson, Stephen Breen, E. Ken, 643-6989. Inspection. A career with Manchester — Bigelow 11-4. Starting at $4.SO-$5.00 Dactar's Assistant far ap- with pood verbal skills. plaster of pans dust off the desk to DeParolis. tametrlc practice. Part Responsibilities Include put down my folders. (I finally We are head over heels into purchase and renovation. Then the Collins. Mrs. William Gallo. Ber­ DeCormier. John and Kerry Willi­ a future at a progressive Street — Sitter needed tor hourly. Some experience, Connecticut company. three children In my will train. Apply In per­ tIme/Full time Includes group Insiironce adminis­ Send resume to Crossen home. Coll 646-2361 (after son, Hartford Road Dairy days, evenings & Satur­ tration, personnel re­ Builders 174 Merrow 4pm). GMeen. days. Experience helpful, cords & office supplies I ANNOUNCEMENTS vet willing ta train. 649- Inventory and purchas­ Road, Tolland Ct 06004. 3311, call between lOand 2. Attn: Chris. Full Time Position availa­ Babysitter Needed for oc­ ing. Salary, S250-S320 Church group Emergency? In Manches­ ble at automotive lube casional sick days In mv weekly depending on ex­ Bulletin Board ter, dial 911 tor fire, Grit Blaster, mechani­ center. Experience help­ Manchester home. Call Real Estate Agents, Full & perience. Please call for police, medical help. cally Inclined Individual ful but will train. 647-0997. Martha, 643-0359 or 647- Part time wanted bv ag­ an appointment, B;30am- to mask and grit blast 1633. ______gressive Manchester 12;30pm, Shoe key to ending aircraft parts, experience Bolton, Full or part time. agency. Persanallzed Componv, Administra­ Chicago will sing on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at confirmation; 6:30 p.m., Christian Youth Fellowship. preferred but will train If Clerical and typing. Small Landscape Foreman — training. Schaal relmbur- tive Office, 282-9074. Here’s Emanuel’s week Employment necessary. Apply between sevice business, nice of­ Experienced only. Good 'semenf, career apportun- Concordia Lutheran Church, 40 Pitkin St. The chorus Tuesday — 10 a.m.. Vineyards study group; 7 p.m.. Ity. Green Hause Realty and a professional chamber orchestra will be under Boy Scout Troop 47; 7:30 p.m., women’s prayer and 9am-2om. Flanigan Broth­ fice. 646-4666 or 071-7088. pay. Insurance benefits & Cashier — Weekend Here is the schedule for Emanuel Lutheran Church ers 911 New London Toke. profit sharing. Call 643- 6464655. nights. Immediate open­ this week: the direction of the Rev. Dr. Mark P. Bangert. study; 7:45 p.m.. Living Gifts executive committee. labor dispute Glastonbury. 633-9474. 1699. ing. Apply at Atlas Mobil, Sunday — 8:30 a.m., service of holy communion; Prayers and readings from Scripture will be included Wednesday — 10 a.m., Asbury Bell Ringers; 6:30 HELP WANTED John Fitch Blvd., South in the program, which features works by Bach and 9:45 a. m.. Sunday church school; 10 a.m.worshipand p.m., Wesley Bell Ringers; 7:30 p.m., Chancel Choir; Bv David E. Anderson —• Mother's Helper - Prefer­ Windsor, between the music; 11 a.m.. worship: children's chapel; nursery Schuetz. Emanuel Lutheran Church is also co­ adult Bible study. United Press International ably adult. Must hove car. hours of 6am and 1pm. care: baptism: 2:30 to 6 p.m.. Camp Calumet Day at sponsoring the concert. Thursday — noon. Senior Methodists; 6:30 p.m.. Merchandise Processor, K-Mart Help Wanted — Part time. Flexible hours. 30 hours a week, Monday First Lutheran Church. New Britain. Junior Choir; 7:30 p.m.. Youth Choir; Board of A 7-year-old labor dispute, involving migrant Call Suzanne at 633-4794. Production Worker for Merchandise emplayees, thru Friday 10am-5pm. light manufacturing. cashiers and stack, full Monday — 2:30 to5:30p.m.. Confirmation Resource Friendt it theme Trustees; education work area; meeting night. farmworkers and growers in Ohio and Michigan as Apply In person In the Center: 3:30 p.m., staff meeting: 6:45 p.m.. Cub Friday — 10 a.m., Al-Anon. Flexible hours. 649-3900. time and part time pesl- well as the Campbell Soup Co., is over and much of the Manchester D & L. tlans available. Expe­ Scouts. "Friends of Jesus" will be the theme of the Saturday — all day. Council on Ministries retreat. Clerical — immediate op­ credit for the settlement is going to the National WAITRESSES rience not necessary, ening. Full time for detail Tuesday — 10 a.m.. Old Guard: 1:30 p.m., Lydia preschool story hour to be presented at Second Service Mechanic. Full Council of Churches. Part Time / Full many emplavee benefits. oriented person. Expe­ Circle; 4 p.m.. Youth CHoir; 6:30 p.m., Claudia Congregational Church. 385 North Main St., on Baptists present choir Often criticized for its knee-jerk advocacy re­ Time. Salary depend­ Apply In person dolly, rienced typing and using Circle. Wednesday. Sessions are to be from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. sponses to issues — it endorsed similar boycotts of the ing on experience. Tim e openings at Mon., Wed., Thurs., & FrI, (Hiding machine. 40 hours Wednesday — 7:30a.m., Benevolence Committee; 7 and from 1:15 to 2:15 p.m. Children who are at least 4 Community Baptist Church, 585 E. Center St., will Nestle Co., J.P . Stevens and California grape and Plano's. Flexible DARI-FARMS 10am-4pm. Sat., 12-4pm, a week. Mondav-Fridav, p.m.. Lenten vespers: 7:30 p^m., Emanuel Choir; may attend alone; younger children are welcome if present a concert by the choir of Eastern College in St. lettuce growers — the council came to this issue as a HELPER banouet and dining Manchester K-Mart, 239 8am-4:30pm. Free park­ (Christian education: Lenten study. accompanied by an adult. Each session will include Spencer Street, EOE. ing. Apply in person, David’s, Pa., at 7;30 p.m. Thursday. The choir will mediator. Interested In learning a positions available. ICE CREAM, INC. Thursday — 10a.m.. prayer group; 11:15a.m..care stories, songs, crafts and fingerplay, Those who will sing choruses by Bach, Faure, Mozart and Bruckner, Prague Shoe Company, Church and labor officials believe it is one of the trade in sheet metal? Call Tony at 643-2342 and visitation: 11:30 a.m.. Lenten devotions: 4p.m.. be attending for the first time are asked to register by as well as traditional and contemporary hymns and Part Time — AAA Auto 200 Pitkin Street, East first times a national religious group has played such Call 643-6793. has immediate opening for accounts Club. Opportunity In our Hartford. Belle Choir; 6 to 8 p.m.. Confirmation Resource calling the church, weekdays between 9 a.m. and 2 spirituals. for Interview. a role in a labor dispute. receivable person. We are now accept­ telemarketing depart­ Center: 7:30 p.m.. basketball practice. p.m.. at 649-2863. The council entered the issue after it had been asked ment, 391 Broad Street, Full Time Truck Driver — Friday — 7:30 p.m., A.A. for women: 8 p.m.. 2x2s. to support a boycott qj the Campbell Soup Co. called ing applications Monday thru Friday. Manchester. Interesting Experience helpful but Saturday — 9:30 a.m.. Cherub Choir: 10 a.m.. Center sets the week Stories, songs of Jesus by the Farm Labor Organizing Committee, which was ELECm aM EZ OPERATORS Send resume to P. O. Box 12, Tolland. work In pleasant sur­ not necessdry. Apply In Confirmation Resource Center: first communion seeking to organize the tomato and cucumber workers aeckveni Etedric lac. For silk screening and hot C T 06084 or Apply in person between roundings. Hourly wage person, Al Sletfert's, 445 instruction for 5th grade and above: 1 p.m.. Emanuel Events scheduled next week at Center Congrega­ Ben Tousley is a poet, singer and songwriter who in Ohio and Michigan. The growers sell most of their 67S-9NS stamping on plastic parts a n d commission. Hartford Road, Choir; basketball All-Stars; 8 p.m., A.A. tional Church are as follows: graduated from the Howard Divinity School. He will for the cosmetic Industry. 8:30-5:30 at Mondav-Thursdav, 4pm- Manchester. crops to Campbell and the union said the food firm M/F - Industrial - Com­ 9pm. We will train. Ask for Sunday — 8 a.m..■ worship; 9 a.m., breakfast; 10 present a program of songs and stories on the could pressure the growers to allow their organizing mercial - Residential, Ex|>erlsnce preferred but relationship between Jesus’ life and the contempor­ DARi-FARMS ICE CREAM INC. Judy Noty, 6467096. An This It Trinity’s plan a.m., worship; nursery and toddler care; church effort. able to work with mini­ will train. Equal Opportunity school: 11:15 a m., social hour. ary struggle for a just community, at the Unitarian Hundreds of religious and other organizations mum supervision. All Apply In person 40 Tolland Stage Road Em ployer.______These are the events planned this week at Trinity Monday — 7:30 p.m., Grace Group, "And Mary Universalist Society; East, 153 W. Vernon St. The endorsed the boycott, including the Ohio Catholic Insurance coverage, Siding Installer wanted or I HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Covenant Church: Pondered.” service will beat 10:30a.mi Sunday. Nursery care and Conference, the Illinois Catholic Conference, the 610,0(X) life, vacations, Apollo II Tolland. C T 06084 laborer. 643-9633 or 742- chulrch school is offered at the same time. paid holidays and uni­ Sunday — 4:30 p.m . Inquirer’s Class: 6 p.m.. all Tuesday — 3:30 p.m., Pilgrim Choir; 7p.m., Sacred Episcopal Diocese of Michigan, and several boards Qlen Rd.. Manchester 5406.______Mature Dependable per­ church business meeting. Dance; Lenten program. and agencies of the United Church of Christ and the forms. Steady place to 647-1678 K-Mart Security Person­ son with experience to Monday — 7:30 p.m..-Board of Outreach. Wednesday — 6:45 a.m.. Lenten breakfast: 10 a.m., work with excellent Moln St. to 364 East. Wyllyt nel — Full and part time Nursery Workers needed to sound United Methodist Church. toll or part time, perfect care for disabled child. Tuesday — 6a.m., men's prayer breakfast: 7 p.m., Bethany; 7:30 p.m.. Chancel Choir, In May 1984, the national council — composed of 31 working conditions St. oxN. tako rigrit. Noxt rignt positions available. Many Early morning hours and Teller — Full and part and co-workers. Qlon Rd. to roar of building. a$$$$$$$$$$m$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$K employee benefits. Apply for mother with kids In C.E. Board:7:30 p.m., Easter Eggstravaganza with Thursday — 10a.m.. Lenten program; 6p.m., Meal On Sunday, The Performing Ensemble will perform Protestant and Orthodox church bodies — was asked school, set voor own some full days. 871-6933 time positions. Pleasant Addle Laughlin. in Upper Room: '^p.m .. Bell Ringers; 7:30 p.m.. "God’s Trombones” by James Weldon Johnson at the $ I in person, Mon., Wed., otter 5pm. personality. Apply to Mr. to endorse the boycott. Thurs., & FrI, 10am-4pm. hours. Call Jim, 6467099 Wednesday — 6:30 a m., women's prayer break­ Church Council. 11 a.m. service at Center Church, 60 Gold St., Instead, the council appointed a nine-member or apply Hop, River Reids, 23 Main Street, Sat., 12-4pm, Manchester Manchester. EOE. fast: 6:45 pm .. Pioneer Clubs: 7 p.m., choir Hartford. The work is a collection of inspirational commission, headed by William P. Thompson, former I BESTII! I K-Mart, 239 Spencer. Nursery, Rte. 6, Bolton. rehearsal. sermons set in a black musical context. co-stated clerk of the Presbyterian Church (U S A ), to Street, EOE. Here Is week at South Landscape Workers. Full Looking for a loving per­ Thursday — 4 p m., confirmation class. investigate the situation and undertake mediation and DARI-FARMS son to care for our 6 Friday — 7 to 9 p.m . senior high Friday Night Live. I PART TIME I time. Apply In person, These events are scheduled for South United reconciliation. You con moke excellent Alterations - Seamstress. month old Infant, 65 days Saturday — 6:30 and 8 p.m.. basketball All-Stars. Adolescent film shown Whitham Nursery, Rte. 6, Prefer experienced In bri­ Methodist Church this weekend: By September 1985, the Thompson commission was dish cloths from the mesh Bolton or call Jim, 643- o week. Prefer no more ICE CREAM, INC. bogs In which oranges, dal wear. Call Shirley for Sunday — 9 a.m.. church schgpl; 9 and 10;45 a.m.. A film called “ Preparing for Adolescence: Peer able to report progress, including the reaching of an I JOB IN TOWNI I 7802. than 2 other children be­ Chicago choir to ting service with Dr. Paul V. Kroll preaching, "Matthew Pressure and Sexuality" will be shown Wednesday at understanding of how the various parties to the potatoes, onions, etc. ore an appointment 643-4809. ing cored tor. Manchester and Reconciliation." noon, spaghetti dinner spon­ the United Pentecostal Church, 185 Woodbridge St.. controversy would proceed to a resolution of their has immediate openings for phone sold. Just boll for 15 only. 6461028. 5 minutes In water to which BOOKKEEPER - Th« The chorus of the Lutheran School of Theology in sored by Christian Youth Fellowship; 5:30 p.m.. Manchester. The free presentation will be at 7:30 p. m. differences. order people. We are now accepting ap­ I > - hr./start |. MancIwtMr Board ot Roal- Landscape )compony chlorine bleach hos been tore It looking tor a part tima needs hardworking relia­ Port time Mature respon­ plications Monday thru Friday. Send re­ I No dress code. Casual fun at- | added. Put still good but bookkaapar tor light book- ble and responsible sible person who likes to sume to P. O. Box 12, Tolland, C T 06084 no-longer needed furni­ kaaping arxf ganaral oftloa workers to start April 1st. work with Infants and ture and appliances bock or apply in person between 8:30-5:30 at: $ mosphere. If you enjoy talking $ work. Approxhnataly 12 Good starting pay, 40-50 toddlers. Hours ovolloble, Into use bv selllna them houra par aratk. FlaxiMt hours weekly. Coll 643- 1-6pm dolly. Coll ABC Day Religious Services $ on the phone, we might have a $ with a low-cost Classified. houra. Call 646-2450. 1699. Core, 647-<)788. DARI-FARMS ICE CREAM INC. I job for you. We offer a guaran- | 643-2711. 40 Tolland Stage Road 10 o.m., worship sorvlctr sanctuary; 10 Philip P. Saunders. Sunday, 10 o.m., chord Gray, pastor. 10:X o.m., wor­ Chester. Mol. Reginald Russell. 9 ;X I teed salary with bonuses. Work | AsM m bllM of God o.m. church school. (647>9941) odult Bible study and Sunday school; 7 Malhodlat ship service, nursery, 9:15 o.m., Sun­ a.m., Sunday schaal: 10:45 a.m., Tolland. C T 06084 First CensreeetloiKil Church of An- p.m., worship service. Tuesilay at 7 :X day school; 7 p.m.. Informal worship. hallness meeting; 7 p.m., salvation I done from our office, four even- | Calvary Cnarcli (Assemblies of Betten United MethedHt Church, (6434906) meeting. (64977S7). God), 400 Bucklond Rood, South dovOTj Routt 6r Andover. Rev. Richard p.m., special Bible studies; Wednes­ 1041 Boston Turnpike, Bolton. Rev. $ ings a week and Saturday $ Windsor. Rev. Kenneth L. Gustafson, H. Taylors postor. Sunday schools all day at 7:X p.m., worship service. Stewart Lanier, pastor, 9:X o.m., BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY ooesr 9:30 a.m .; Sunday worship, Prayer line, 646-S73I, 24 hours. church school: 11 o.m., worship ser­ pastor. 9:30a.m., Sunday school; 10:30 Oesael Hall, Center Street, Manches­ Roman Cathoilc UnItartan UnIvafaaNtt $ mornings. Call Michelle, 647- $ a.m., worship, child-core and nursery; nursery care providedr 11 a.m. (742- vice, nursery. (649-3472) 7096) ter. 10 a m., breaking bread: 11:45 North United Methedlst Church, 300 Unitarian Unlversallsl Sedefy-Bast, 7:00 p.m., evenlno serylce of praiseond First Cewgrefotiewol Church of Cov- a.m., Sundoy school; 7 p.m., gospel Church el the Assumgtlen, Adorns $ 9946, Monday-Thursday eve- $ Bible preaching. (644-1102) Porker St., Manchester. Richard W. Street at Thompson Rood, Manches­ 153 W. Vernan St., Manchester. Rev. I SERVICES I SERVICES p a m th n / HEATM6/ efttrVf 117.1 Main St., Coventry. Rev. meeting. Dupee. pastor. Rev. H. Osgood Ben­ ter. Rev. Edward S. Pepin, pastor. Diana Heath, minister. 10:X a.m., I ings, also Saturday mornings. | PAPBNIIG Bruce Johnson, postor, 11 a.m.. wor­ nett, minister ot visitotlon. Worship Soturdov moss at 5; Sunday m ases at service. Nursery core and youth DFFERED OFFERED PLUMBmG Baptist ship; 9:30 o.m., church school In service: 9 and )0:X o.m. Nursery (or 7 :X , 9 ,10:X and noon. (643-2)95) religious education. Coffee hour otter M Church Lane House. Nursery care Jahovah’a Witnaaaaa children age 3 and younger. 9 o.m.. service. (646-5151) provided. (742-0407) SI. Borthelemew's Church, 741 E. Nome your own price — Fogortv Brothers — Bo- Commanltv Baptist Charch, SSS E. Jehevoh's Witnesses, 647 Tolland Adult Bible group: 10:X o.m., church Middle Turnpike, Manchester. Rev. DARI-FARMS Center St., Manchester. Rev. James I. Second Cenfretotlenal Church, 305 school; S :X p.m., Methodist Youth Father and son. Fast, throom remodetlng; In­ N. Moln St., Manchester. The Rev. V. Turnpike, Manchester. Tuesday, Con­ Martin J. Scholskv, pastor. Soturdov Odd lobs, Trucking. dependable service. Meek, minister. 9:15 a.m., church gregation Bible Study, 7 p.m.; Thurs­ Fellowship; 7 p.m.. Sacred Donee moss at 5 p.m .: Sunday masses (rtS:X , Home reooirs. You name stallation water heaters, school for oil ones, kindergarten Joseph Milton, pastor. 10 o.m., wor­ (3roup.(64936M) ICE CREAM, INC. Pointing, Paperhanging gorboge disposals; faucet ship service, Sunday school, and day, Theocratic Ministry School 10 and )1:Xo.m . It, we do It. Free esti­ through Grode 4 continuing during the (speaking course), 7 p.m.; Service South United Methodist Church, 1226 St. Bridget Church, n Main St., IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Spring meons lawn work. A Removal. Coll 6465761. repairs. 649-4539. Vlso/M- service; 10:30 o.m., morning worship. nursery for children; 6:30 p.m.. Pil­ Main St., Manchester'. Dr. Shephard S. mates. Insured. 643-0304. Let us do It for you. grim Fellowship. (649-2063) meeting (ministry training), 7:Xp.m .; Manchester. Rev. Philip A. Sheridan has immediate openings for Class II truck osterCord accepted. Nursery provided. (643-0537) Sunday, Public Bible Lecture, 9:X Johnson, Dr. Paul Kroll, pastors. and Rev. Emilio P. Podelll, co-postors. THE Monthly and per cutting Palth Baptist CRprcn. 52 Lake St., Second Cengretotlenol Church of Schedule; 9o.m., church school; 9ond Saturday moss 5 p.m .; Sunday masses CLERK TYPIST • MARKETING Manchester. Rev. James Bellosov, CeventrVf 1746 Boston Turnpike, Cov­ a.m.; Watchtower Study, 10:25. (646- drivers. We are now accepting applications Howkes Tree Service — rotes available. Servicing BUIL0NI6/ 1490) 10:45 o.m., worship service. Nursery at 7 ;X , 9, )0 ;X and noon. (643-2403) We have an immediate "M d for ootry level Bucket Truck & Chipper. pastor. 9:30a.m., Sunday school; 10:X entry. Rev. Dovid Jarvis, minister. tor pre-schoolers. (647-9141) SI. James Church, S96 Main St., BIBLE in person, Monday thru Friday. 8:30-5:30 at residential and commer­ CDHTNACTWIfi a.m., worship service; 7 p.m., evening Regular schedule: 10 a.m., worship; 0 Manchester. Rev. Fronds KrukowskI, clerk typist for our marketing department. Skills Stump Remowol. Free Es­ cial accounts. Coll service. (646-5316) o. m., DIol-A-Rlde to church; 0:45a.m., Rev. David Boronowskl, Rev. Joseph SPEAKS required are 50-60 wpm typing; knowledge of bu­ timates. Special consider­ Portner’s, 644-0415. “ Qual­ First Baptist Charen. 240 Hlllstown church school, nursery to grode eight, Mormon FotTond Remodeling — odult discussion; 11 a m., coffee and Kelly. Msgr. Edward J. Reordon. siness machines and word processing helpful. ation for Elderly and Hon- ity Service Yeor Round". Rood, Manchester. 9:30 o.m., Sunday Jewlah — Conaarvativa Saturday masses at 4 and 6 ;X p.m .; w by Cabinets, roofing, gut­ school; 11 o.m., worship serylce; 7 fellowship; 11:15 a.m.. junior choir; 4 The Church el Jesus Christ ef Eugana Braatar This position requires someone who likes to dlCOPO^. 647-7553. p. m., Jr. pilgrim fellowship; 6 p.m.,Temple Beth Shelam, 400 E. Middle Sunday masses at 7 :X , 9, 10:X a.m., Darl-Farma lea Craam Inc. ters, room additions, Floorsondlng — Floors p.m:, eyening serylce;; 7 p.m., mid­ Lonepday Saints, X Woodside St., noon, and 5 p.m. (6434129) work in a fast paced atmosphere and is highly or­ week serylce. Nursery at all serylces. senior church school and Pilgrim Turnpike, Monchester. Richard J. Manchester. Wendel K. Walton, bi­ Prestige Lown Core — decks, oil types of rem 6 like new. Spectollzlng In fellowship. (742-6234) Plavin, rabbi;. Israel Tobotskv, can­ St. Mary Church, 1600 Main St., ganized and personable. Good command of the delino and repolrv FR EE (649-7509) shop, 9;X o.m., sacrament meetlng; Coventry. Father James J. William­ The heed ot the socisl studies 40 Tolland Stage Road Licensed Day Core Mom Spring clean up. Lown A older floors, natural and Tolcettville Cengregottenal Church, tor: Or. Leon Wind, rabbi emeritus. 10:15 o.m., Sunday school and prim­ English language also a plus! First BoptHt Chapel at the Deaf, 240 Services, S:IS p.m. Friday and 10 o.m. son, pastor. Masses Saturday at 5:15 depertment at South Windsor High has one Immediate full shrub maintenance. Fer­ estimates. Fully Insured. stained. No waxing any­ Hlllstown Rood, Manchester. Rey. K. Main Street and Elm Hill Rood, ary: 11:40 a.m., priesthood and relief Tolland, C T 06084 Telephone 643-6017, oiler Tolcottville. Rev. Noncy Milton, pas­ Saturday. (643-9563) p.m.; Sunday 9:X and 10:45 a.m.; School recently propoeeda religion time opening In her home tilizing, weekly mowing, more. John Verfollle. Coll Kreutier, pastor. (643-7543) society. (643-4003) holydays, 5:X and 7;X p.m. Confes­ 6pm, 647-8509.______Harvest Time Baptist Charch, 72 E. tor. 10 a.m., worship service and course for the curriculum, it was SYSTEMS INSPECTOR C tor toddler. 649-6821 tor insured, free estimates. 6465750. church school. (649-0015) sions 4 ;X to 5 p.m. (742-6655) further Information. Center St., Monchester Rev. Mark O. NatkNiai Catholic Church of St. Maurtce, 32 Hebron unanimously approved by the Ability to follow explicit instructions and do repe­ Coll 6460561. Eddy, pastor. 10 a.m ., Sunday school; Jawiah — Raform Corpentrv and remodel- Coll Simon A Simon Tl- Rood, Bolton. The Rev. J. Clltford Board of Educolloa The proposal titive work, ability to repeatedly perform specific Ing services — Complete II a.m., morning service; 6 p.m., Temale Beth HUM, imi Foster St. St. John the BaaWi t Fellsh Nottenai Curtin, pastor. Saturday moss at 5 Housecleaning — Donebv lemosters for soles and evening service. (643-9359) Covanant Cothellc Church, 23 Golwov St., Man­ was juMilled by the "contusion end tests with precision. Steve's Tree 8, Lawn home repairs and remo- Extension, South Windsor. Steven o.m .: Sunday masses ot 7 :X , 9:15 and a suitH>lslng lack of basic responsible housewife, Instolldtlon ef ceramic, Chotlnover, robbl. Services, S:1S p.m. chester. Rev. Stonlev M. Loncolo, 11 d.m. (6434466) Core. Tree removal and own transportation. Di­ detlngi'QuaMtv work. Ref­ mosaic, quarrv A vinvl Trlplty CdVMtOPt Churcti, 302 Hock- each Friday; children's services, 7:45 pastor. 9 o.m., moss. (643-5906) information about the world's DATA ENTRY CLERK complete lawn mainte­ erences, licensed and In- Christian Scianca motock St., Monclwster. R«v. Norman p.m. second Friday ot each month. religions" evidenced in social ane, 649-5695 or Donna, tile. Free estimotes' Swtnion. Worihip sorvlc*: t ond II Salvation Army CLERK/TYPISTS 40-45 wpm typing: knowledgeable in computers: nance at reasonable pri­ sured. Coll 6468165. Please coll for on appoint' First Charch at Christ, Scleatlst, 447 o.m .; Sunday BIbl* school, 9:30 o.m. (6444466) Nazaiana studies and history clasees. ces. Free estimotes. In­ 742-0163. N. Main St., AAonchester. 10:X o.m.. (649-2S55) 1-2 years office experience helpful. Entry level. Robert E. Jorvls, ment, 64941359. Salvatlea Armv. 661 Moln St., Mon- sured. Coll 633-9391 otter Building-Remodeling church service, Sunday school, and Luttwran Church af the wai arene, 236 Moln St., An Engiish teacher in PROVISIONAL/FUU TIME 4pm. core tor small children. (649-1446) Manchester. Rev. Philip Chotto, senior Manchester High School told this LIGHT ASSEMBLERS (2) Soedollst. Additions, gar­ Reading Room, 656A Center St., Mon­ Epiacopal Ceacerdla Lutheran Church (L C A ), pastor: Rev. Mark Green, minister of ages, rooting, siding, kit­ chester. (649-S9S2) 40 Pitkin St., Manchester. Rev. Burton outreach. 9 :X a.m., Sunday school; writer more than a decade ago that MANCHESTER, NEW RRITAIN Understanding of basic hand tools and basic IMOOMETAX St. egprgg't Rplscppal Chwch, iiso 10:40 o.m., worship, children's church NEW KRIES teacMng literature courses was blueprint reading, willing to do repetitive work, All Types of Remodeling, chens, bathrooms, and Boston Turnpikt, Bolton. Sunday wor­ D. Strand, pastor. Rev. Arnold T. A HARTFORD LOCATIONS. no lob to small, reasona­ replacement wlndows- SERVICE Wangerln, port-ttirw pastor. S a.m., and nursery; 6 p.m., evening praise hindered by having to explain the mechanically inclined. Nurse-Mother hc» on Imr-' Church of Christ ship: holy oucharlst, S ond 10 a.m.; service, nursery. (646-0599) OF TAFEt /doors. 64A6712. church school,9:45a.m.; cotttcfellow­ holy communion; 9:15 a.m., Christian many references to the Bible In ble prices. Coll Jim, 647- mediate opening for o full growth hour, church school; 10:X typing of 47 wpm required. Income Taxes prepared In Charch of Christ, Uydoll ond Vernon ship, II a.m .: Lady Chopel open "A H i m PirepKivi'' English and American llteratura. 1328. time toddler In o home streets, Manchester. Eugene Brewer, afternoons; public healing service, a.m., holy commui)lon. Nursery core Pantacostal $198.50 sseekly GSP offers an excellent benefits package which Dumas Electric— Having your own heme. Coll Jim provided. 6495311) Students displayed little familiarity day core situation. Excel­ minister. Sunday services: 9 o.m., second Thursday, 7:30 p.m .; evening with the Bible. SaUiry negotiable depending includes medical, dental and life insurance, pen­ lent references. 6461292. Electrical Problems? for reasonable rotes. 742- Bible classes: lOa.m., worship; 6 p.m.. prayer, Wednesday, 5 p.m. Rev. John ■manael Lutheran Charch, 60 United Featecestai Charch, 1S7 Call: The House Works. Resi­ Need o large or o small 1009 otter 6pm. -Church St., Manchester. Rev. Dale H. WoodbrlihH St., Manchester. Rev. upon education & experience. sion plan and tuition reimbursement. Qualified dential housecteonlng. An worship. Wednesday, 7 p.m., Bible Holllger, 643-9203. Gustofson, pastor: Rev. Janet Lond- Repair? We Specialize In study. Nursery provided tor oil servi­ (Marvin Stuart, minister. 10 o.m., 8 am-S pm, Monday-Friday candidates may apply at our facility or sand a re­ established company St. M ary's Ralscogal Church, Pork wehr. Rev. C.H. Anderson, postor Sunday school; 11 a.m., morning We have sown the wind of Resldenttol Work. Joseph Tox Trimmers. Let our ces. (646-29«a) emeritus. Schedule: S :X a.m ., wor­ worship; 6 p.m., evening worship; 7;X excluding religion from our schools To airange tor appointment sume with salary history to: fully bonded with above IPAINTM6/ and Church streets, Monchester. An­ overooe work below the Dumas. Fully Licensed. experts prepare your 1985 drew D. Smith, rector. Worship; 7:30 ship; 9:4Sa.m., Sunday church school: p.m.rblble study (Wednesday): 7p.m.,^ 647-8301 end we are reaping thewhirlwind of tax returns In the privacy 11 o.m., worship service, nursery. Call 203- 7 7 1 -6 6 1 4 Free ^ Im o te s . 646S2S3. Cofigragallonal a.m. o n d 9 :X a .m .; church school, 9 :X Ladles' prayer (Thursday); 7 p.m., for an Important Ignorance of our basic social overage rote. Coll Today, of your heme. o.m .; baby-sitting, 9:15 to 11:15 a.m.; 643-1193. (Men's prayer (Thursday): 7 p.m.. (CALL COLLECT GERBER SaENTinC PRODUCTS 647-0873. Boltpp CiPBrsgpHahM CMwai, 22S Latvian L utheran Church at Mon- Youth service (Friday). (649904S) racordad maaaaga backgrounds. We have In affect _ Corpentrv Services A Holy Eucharist, 10 a.m. every Wednes­ cheutur, 21 (Sardeh St., Manchester. OUTSIDE OF NEW HAVEN) Bolton Center Rood, ot the Green, day. (6494563) Sovlel-llke. rewritten our history by PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Pointing and Poperhone- Home Repairs. Need on Botton Rev. Charles H. Erlcson, (643-2051) omitting a significant segment. All Piovisional positions are those that are expected to last al Reports, Resumes, i-ei Just you don't Prince at Peace Lutheran Church, 151 Batson Drive Ing — Exterior and Inte- extra closet, shelf, shoe MmSSir.” o.m., worship service, Praabytartan this In the name of separatlonof least one year but not more than 4 Benefits atler 6 months Route 3) and North River Rood, Manchester, C T 06040 ters and oil other typing rior, ceilings repaired. rack or deck? Ponel thot nursery, church school,-- 11 o.m., Goapai Cevealry Freebyterlaa Church, church and state. aouai opponufWy ampA^wr mtt the Item has lost Its value foliPwsMp; 11:15 o.m., »orum ^ Coventry. 9:45 a.m., Sunday school; 11 done In mv home. Good References, fully Insured. room. Trim work done, gram. (649-7077 office or 647-SS7I Church af the Llvbtg Oad, an a.m., worship service. (742-7S4S) Route 44 and Trowbridge Rood, Coven-' work, reasonable rotes. CMolltv work. Martin • sheetrock and toping. 15 Why no4 exchonas n evangelical, full-gosoel church, Ro­ Xlen Bvnngullcai Lutheran Church try. Rev. BtimI Evans, pastor. Sunday, Coll Sue 649-6134 or 742- cosh with on od Ml Chm l- 9:X a.m „ worship: 10:45 a.m., Sunday Mottsson, evenings, 649- years experience. Coll CMiar Cm m t m b Nm m I CBw cb# bertson School, North School Street, (Missouri Synod), Cooper and High CmiRdH OF CHRIST 7463, leave message. 4431. Bernie, 6463172. fled? 643-2711. Centar St., Monchastar. Rev. Manchester. Rev. David W. Mullen, streets, Monchester. Rev. Charles W. •school; 7 p.m., BIMe study and Southern New England pastor. Meeting Sundays, 10 to 11:X Kuhl, pastor. 9 :X o.m.. Divine wor­ fellowship. Wednesday, 7;X p.m., Lydill and Varnon Straals Curtis Jr., sonlar pastor; Rev. Robert prayer meeting. (742-7222) Telephone XBHIs, minister of visitotlons; Rev. o.m. Nursery and Sunday school. ship; 10:45 o.m. Sunday school: Holy Phonoc 646-2M3 I s a r Clifford O. Simpson, poster emerltus; Fall Bssgsl iRtsrdeasmlhalleaal Communion first and third Sunday. Freshylertaa Church at Maachetter, Mlchool C. Thornton, associate pastor. Charch, 745 Main St., Manchester. Rev. (6494243) 43 Spruce SI., Manchester. Rev. Rl- MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. March 15. 1999 - t i . H — MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. March 15. 1986 H J ] HOMES HOME! CONDOMINIUMS C0ND0MIMUM8 ■ HOMES FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE rtj-A, mSALE FOMALE FOR SALE FOR SALE Condo Living — Newly Lookino For Affordable Another New LIttIngl 100' Rare Find — Eidra Large HoutlngT We hove a sin­ 4-7 Duplex with detactwd2 Bullt4^ baths, fully op- gle bedroom condo that TAG SALE SIGN With warm weather arriv­ cor garage, living room,- pllonced kitchen, one cor comet with a garage and ing toon, you'll really kitchen, dining room, garage, wall to wall car­ a pool for only 144,9001. NEW TO MARKET 2 ^ - Are thinge piling up? Then why notheve e T M SALE? appreciate this yeor- each unit. 3 bedrooms one peting, sliders to deck, Allbrio Realty, Inc., 649- round 4 bedroom woter- •Ide, 4 bedrooms other, no and cable. Very low 0917.0 CLEARANCE The besfwey to ennounce It Is with sHereld Teg Sale Ifront home on Coventry leases. Good tor Investor monthly fee. Won't Lost. Uoke. You con swim, or IIve In owner. Priced tg $77,500. Century 21 Two Houses for • M arquif water ski, or Ice ikote to sell— $131,900. Century 21 Jackston-Showcose, 646- B u n m n Classified Ad. When jfou Place your ad. you II nwolvo your heart's content I Tlilt Jackston-Showcose, 646- F M K in Y will not lost long to coll 1316.D 1316.0 Broughams ONE TAG SALE SIGN FR E t compllmonts of Tho Horald. Today I Allbrio Realty, CHFA Approved — Spo- The Price of One! me., 649i looking the woods. Truly deled. Asking $120,000. m I BUSINESS I HOMES setto Reol Estate, 646- room Colonial on V/i 0 value In todov'e market. Owner anxious, make OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE 2482. . acres. Perhaps, one of the OWlv $72,600. Joyce G. otter. Rnanclno availa­ HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED most extraordinary pri­ Epstein Reol Estate, 647- ble. Coll Strono Real Est­ Manchester. New con­ vate homes In the area. 8895.0 _ _ ate, 647-7653. Well Established Floral All real estate advertised Blanchard & Rossetto Government Jobs. struction, 2,300 so. ft. Llbrarv Services Coordi­ Part Time Inserters Design Business In high In the Manchester Herald Quality throughout. Four Real Estate, 646-2492.0 I HOMES nator — Monsfleld Public vranted. Call 647-9946, ask $16,040-S59,230/vear. Now traffic area. Owner anx­ Is subject to the federal I HOMES hiring. Call 1-805-687-6000 bedroom colonial on cul- FOR SALE Ilk your silismin Schools. One year posi­ for Bob. ious to move on to other Fair Housing Act of 1960, dl-soc In executive Blue Coventry — By owner. FOR SALE tion from September, 1904 Bank Tellers — Part Tim e Ext. R-9965 for current Ready to return to the lob ventures. Call today for which makes It Illegal to for dotilli Service Station Mechan­ federol list. ______Troll Estates. Ready tor Immaculate 3 bedroom to June 1967. Experienced Paste-up artist, part time, openings, strong figure ics and Attendants. Full market? Figure aptitude details. $24,900. Epstein advertise any preference, spring occupancy, Ranch, large, fully op- os 0 school librarian and 20 hours,. Monday, Tues­ aptitude and flare for and part time. Uniforms Dependable Babysitter and good telephone skills Real Estate, 647-8895. limitation or dlscrlmlna-' $225,900. Merrill Lynch, pHonced aot-ln kitchen, Plus: FREE C T state certification re­ day, Thursday afternoons public contact essential. furnished. Apply In per­ for 5 year old. Must be required. Call Mrs. Len­ tion based on race, color, Yolo Feery. 633-3674 and fireplaced living room, quired. Closing date, and Friday nights. News­ Qualified applicants son, 252 Spencer Street, available for school sick non at 647-4645 for Wishing will not tell any­ religion, sex or national' 633-7332. finished basement, oar­ 1031 sq. ft. stone house and smaller 616 sq. ft. house in Orlando April 14th, 1906. Applica­ paper experience helpful. please call Mrs. Tarta- Manchester. days, yacatlons & some appointment. thing ... a low-cost ad In origin, or an Intention to age, deck, large corner lot tions available at the Su­ Please send work history glla, 646-4004. EOE. Saturdays. Forest Hills Classified will. make any such prefer­ In-Law — Manchester. and much more. $89,900. nice Coventry neighborhood. Owner financing possible. VacatlonI perintendent of Schools and salary requirements area. 643-5193 after 5pm. Office Position — Full ence, limitation or dis­ $112,900. Apartment on 74^^092or 521-3568. office, 4 South Eaglevllle to: The Manchester He­ Asking *105,000. with any car time, good typing ability, crimination. The Herald lower level Includes 13 x22 purehaaad from Road, Storrs, C T 06268. rald, Box S C/O Manches­ Part Time — Packaging Mechanic — Small en­ pleasont phone personal­ will not knowingly accept fireplaced IIvino room, 11 Ogiyner otters beautiful 429-3349. EOe. ter Herald. and shipping. MCC stu­ Dental Hygienist — gine, 2 & 4 cycle expe­ ity 8, gohd organizational Real Estate any advertisement which ’ X 16 kitchen and carpeted custom 7 room Split now 'III March 2Slh dent preferred, must be 18 Needed for Mondays or rience, own tools and skills required. Computer Is In violation of the low. bedroom with double Level, 3 bedrooms, 2Vli Golden Oaks Realty 646-5099 biGkidM IraM aiMiaekel* to or over. Apply In person, Fridays In prevention or­ transportation. Good op­ experlenqe helpful. Coll closets. Main level In­ baths, formal dining Dteney World no phone calls. Trio Prin­ iented general practice. portunity, full time posi­ EvergreeiKlndustry, 649- HOMES Brand New Listing 111 T e r­ cludes 3 bedrooms, 14 x 17 room, large fireplaced Mancheiter, - Rt. 44, BQlton, CT — tion. Eckert's, Coventry, 8667 tor Interview llvino room with cathed­ NEWSPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED ters, 87 Church Street, Flexible hours. Please Oil FOR SALE rific 5 plus room ranch In llvino room and ap- An executive home in a very quiet neigh, East Hartford. call 644-2251. 742-6103. appointment. Coventry. Nice country pllonced kitchen. Co­ ral celling. Large lands­ OVER 5 0 IN MANCHESTER AREA lot with Christmas trees vered patio, oarage and a caped lot In executive borhttod U the offering of the- week! Great Buy — Manchester. dotting the area. Built In new root. D.W. Fish area of South Manches­ This unique 9H room brick ranch with an $62,900. You won't find ter. Asking S162,900. 289- MAZDA Alexander SL all NEWSPAPER CARRIERS NEEDED 1965. M a n y Im p ro v e ­ Realty, 643-1591 or 971- 18x25 fireplaced living room with cathedral Canter SL 467-SS3 odd only more house tor the mo­ ments. Spotless through­ 1400:o 9321 or 646-0891. ceiling.four bedroom*, den, and family room 7 1 ^CARS/TRUCKS 1 7 s GAR8/TRUCK8 7,|CAR8/TRUCK8 IN BOLTON AREA ney. 15 X le fireplaced out. Offered at $99,900. Princflten S i 13-141 living room, 2 bedrooms Florida — West Coast it exactly the home you’ve alway* wanted to 71 I pdr sale FOR SALE Z U FOR SALE Cara & Trucks Wait Middle Tpke. DARI-FARMS Jackson 8> Jackson Real New ond Beautiful — 420-496 plus full finished 10 x 20 Estate, 647-8400 or 646- Luxurious brick front Mobile Home Retirement own. The 2 car garage it tpaciout, and there'* to choose from! Marble SL all ICE CREAM INC. attic. Modern kitchen, 8646.0 Cope. 2W baths. Unique Info. Toll Free 1-800-237- a tecluded inground pool for your tummer McCabe Si all Lake 81 newer roof, wiring and family room, first floor 6561 or write: Tropical enjoyment. Situated on over three quarter* carpet. One car detached Acre Estates, 3300 Tropi­ Plus: FREE Stack PiKa all Cider Mill Rd. Love At First Sight!if' most e r suite. of an acre, on a lightly wooded lot add* to the Hilliard SL 357-501 has immediate openings for 2nd shift garage. O.W. Fish Realty, New Listing — Delightful S174,900...’ We Guarantee cal Lane, Zephvrhills, FL Breakflald SL Roltan 643-1591 or 871-1400.a 34248. beauty of this home. For S179,900 this home Orlando Wetharall SL 1-140 freezer selector. We are now accept­ 8 room English Colonial Our Homesi' Blanchard can be your* to enjoy for year* to come! McCann S i all E. Middle Tpka. on Scarborough Road. & Rossetto Real Estate, Vacation! ing applications, Monday thru Fri­ (Porter St. area), newer 646-2482.D Brand New Llstlnglll Ample notice pleate! Kaanay Si 1-150 Unlay SL gas furnace, newer roof, Great Big Colonial — wHh any Mazda Narth Elia SL 5417 Manc.-8eltan day. Apply in person between 8:30- tastefully decorated with First Time Offered— This Possible conversion to a 2 NIS Carpaidar Rd. purehaaad now *UI WaadbrMga SI 18-230 lots of charming features. charming one owner family. Total of 7 rooms, 4 Jack J. Lappen Realty BIttwIdga Dr. 5:30 at 6-6 Duplex — Cheney His­ bedrooms and 2 full baths. March 28th Main SL 1-194 torical district, great In­ Offered at $122,900. Call home Is now available of t S i (Formarly Activ* 'H Abt« RMtty) Ratta Dr. Manchaater todayI Jackson & Jack- $91,900. 6 rooms, fire­ Excellent condition. InckidM hoM and llelwli to Grnva SL all vestment. Excellent con- Owners take great pride 164 East Center Street d I t I 0 n . Nice son Real Estate, 647-8400 place, Rorldo room and Pina Hill SI all Darl-Farms Ice Cream Inc. or 6464646.0 1W baths...’ We Guaran­ In their property. Offered Manchester, C T 06040 neighborhood. 2 car gar­ at $94,900. Jackson & 40 Tolland Stage Road age, private yard. tee Our Homesi' Blan­ MANCHESTER HERALD MANCHESTER HERALD Hove you read today's chard & Rossetto Real Jackson Real Estate, 647- 6 43 t426 3 USED CAR $164,900. Call owner after 8400 or 646-8646.0 Call NOW 647-9946 Tolland, C T 06084 6pm and all day Saturday Classified section? It con­ Estate, 646-24S2.a Call NOW 647-9946 & Sunday, 646-6517. tains hundreds of Interest­ ing offers. 643-2711. SAVINGS! 'SS U K oln Ceirthn atel fuHy iMdad, iMther Interior, _ 17,(»0 ml. No blarney — A * 1 7 ,4 8 5 Rarii VS fully loaded, 29.000 ml. HARDBODY HEAVEN • 1 3 ,7 5 9 Just big savings! 'S3 Chryilir conwrttbte •8 ,3 9 5 'S3 Raida a u S t Patrick’s Day Savings & Values! 5 ipd.. air. am^tm ataroo cast.. 30,000 mi •QUALIFIED NEW NISSAN TRUCK •4 ,8 8 5 BUYERS UP TO 48 MONTHS. 'S I Tayete Tartal When you look for a superior compact truck, look at our 5»pd.. air, am4m. low mWaa Nissan SE Regular Bed 4x4...... •4 ,3 9 5 THIS IS YOUR PRICE: It sports the largest V-6 fuel-injected engine in its class and *83 lynx ftegea tough four-wheel drive. The roomy cab is fully appointed ■uto. em-fm c a w , real for your enjoyment. . .. „ reck. S0.000 ml. The SE Regular Bed 4x4. It's what yog've been looking tor. •3 ,3 9 5 'MRerowy R a r^ M 2 , 2 9 9 * 0 cyl.. auto. air. arn^m. crulaa. loaded DeCORMIER •5 ,9 9 5 285 BROAD ST., MANCHESTER 'SSLyn THIS IS YOUR EQUIPMENT: auto, pa. pb. anvfm, ak. cruloa • Fiont wheel drive • Dual electric remote control •Re8U'window defroster •5,995 • Four-wheel independent mirrors • Interval wipers suspension • Electronic AM/FM stereo • Speed control t Ceeeer auto. air. ppa. .,p po. b ,a am^fm. m Superior • Front and rear stabilizer bars search radio * rrit steering column crulaacruiw • 3.0L etechonic fuel • Split bench front seat with • Lo(d( group WILE MOTORS! ' H ,995 I ^ FORD, IRC. PONTIAC FIERO injected \^6 fold-down center armrest and* Light Group SAVE LOTS OF TTw parfucf running mntnf 1985 Bulcic LeSabra M.s.ap...... *is.oei *•1 M ck USabre • Automatic Overdrive dual rediners * Power windows — A A _ a a e ■ ftaGG am^fm. rear daf.. pa. pb. ak. Routa 6, Columbia Each and every 1906 Pontiac Fiero has a long transaxle • 6-way pcAwer driverls seat • Rocker panel moktings cataM wagon ...... ''GREEN” WITH AN 49.000 ml. 22S9431 423-KG6 647 9735 list of standard features that includes • Power rack and pinion • Electronic digital ckxd< « Exterior Accent Group •4,495 .Jully independent suspension, rack ,eM s*|»prtee — *11.995 OK USED CAR OR TRUCK pinion steering, and morel steering • Tinted glass, complete * Paint stripe '81 iidswi laa n ' ' I a fun. affordable way to • PoKwr front disc/rear drum • Cargo tie^Jown net •Styled road wheels S ipd.. aiM m . sunroof CONNECTICUT’S r u n f o r office brakes ... and home • Dual visots for front and side * P2OS/70R14 alT-season AT CARTERS^ •3,995 again! • Air conditioning protection (driver^ side) radials *•1 Ford nraederidrd FORD TRUCK DURING THEIR ^ wn-tm. air, pa. pb Stock tOSISS It a brand new •4,995 HEADQUARTERS! 1906 Pontiac Fiero This gold ST. PATS CELEBRATION coupe is equipped with 4cyi. '•1 engine. 5 epeed trant tinted THIS IS YOUR CAR: lOABPontiac M.s.ap...... *10.457 tm-lm, air, pa, pb In stock for iminediate delivery... windows, rnats. pulse wipers, USED CARS 84 CHEV. CAVALIER T-10 resr delogger, tilt wheel. f E h O ^ ThieSP*t«B«...... « Coupe, 4 Cyl.. Auto. AC. PS, Stereo •4,995 AM/FM stereo and more ter,4wLi«sHii|sGM WHeMolore Q Q C F-3504X2sand4X4s BSCHEVETTE *•1 Rirwwy lywx SaleP ilce...... 9 ) 0 9 9 4 Dr.. 4 Cyl.. Auto. PS, R 81 MERC. CAPRI S apd.. an»'4m, ntoo car Gas and Diesel Now Just Coupe, 4 Cyl.. Auto. AC, Sturao ear te r P w bee t a t a i PLYMOUTH CHAMP •3,995 •Cab & Chassis with any type body available 2 Or. Hatchback. 4 Cyl.. Auto. PS. •Stake Body •Dump Body •Cutaways *9850»« Stereo Caw.. Sunroof S3 PONT. T-1000 '81 Resde BI7 am4m, 8 * p a . . ab •Swing-out Roll-up Car Carriers -ilWMSNTiAfPAlM^MhE 19M BUiCK SKViuSirK 2 Dr., 4 Cyl., 5 Spd., Radio, Low mileago 4 « .w a m a w L aalBL aaaubW. ea, 4 * . eaew 4 at. kwHraaalae. n ta *3595 H ,995 -M A N Y READY TO GO! - upa. ea M . A^tbdaeebta. lawea- 84 DODGE ARIES * NUBm* ulsei InlsMsG^ MMW ulmoOa as CHEV. CAVAUER 4 Door. 4 Cyl., Auto. AC. PS, R *81 SKSwWwraSbwTebe. Bleck lie. ■ SSaiiaeiTZ. 2 Dr. Hatchback. 4 C yl, Auto. AC. Ik. powtr window 4 toeW PONTIAC 6000 6I1C Sturao C a w . PS. R Defogger pa. pb. am-tm. fudy loadtd A tnrlout car for fbw •adout drhnr. MJSJU*...... *M.«B MjSJRJP...... *10.493 as CHEV. CITAHON aw aadepe...... A IM Thiiteilew...... IW •5,995 With such standard features as poarer-ttsisted *5995 4 Dr.. 4 Cyl.. Auto. PS, PB, Rear Datog rack and pinion steering, a tuel-iniected '79 UMah Rtofe V s :»r *9,695 82 FORD LTD Wes *5295 N O W $3895 BUI Blaw Spaciai EdUion. four-cylinder engine and a srsr M1,995 4 Dr., V-a. Auto. AC. PS. PB. laamar. onty- road-hugging suspension, the •nit wheel. Cruiw 1986 Pontiac 6000 was H ,995 built for the laaa OLOSMoesjE CALAIS laaaFONTiAcaow 8 er, 4 rat. laaHNwwe eneKw. tw a 44c aaew 4 cyl. taaHpaelae aaifera <5795 USED TRUCKS '79 Cellar n ? serious driver. But erae.ia.eB.Aic.eiaiieian. aksni. r a a aara. rei ya^ eawe enw its low price was we. air. am-tm. auto, pa, pb. arackNa.ews. warn ararae. aiaek MB. am 84 CHEV. CHEVETTE 79 DODGE RAM CHARGER btua wWi Ian Mm designed for the ' M A a P ...... * « . » i MAJIP...... 'H A M 2 Or. Hatchback, 4 Cyl.. 4 Spd.. R. F-250S — anmoiMs serious buyer! Utillly Van. V-9. Auto. PS. PB. Sturao •3,895 TNUeOgUNlgDa • a'a a a a a w a %a a FR6 Rear O e lo g ^ Caw.. 4 WO Including Super Cabs and Crew Cabs — Stock *G8188 is a new '83 CatanyTMi 1966 Pontiac 6000 2-Dr S;K^M0,405 s;sr....*io,395 <4495 as PLY. SCAMP PICKUP Sla. wg.. e paaa.. am4m. Gas and Diesel m stock. Coupe equipped as follows: 55/45 WELL MATCH OR BEAT ANY LEGITIMATE DEAL ON ANY auto, cfulw'caaaat p. seat, tinted windows, mats, pulse wipers, 82 PONT. BONNEVILLE *Q’ 4 Cyl.. 5 Spd.. R, Side RaHs w indow a locka. pa, pb ALSO IN STOCK — rear defogger. air cond . sport mirrors, accent NEW FORD, SO GET YOUR BEST DEAL AND THEN SEE USI Brougham 4 Or.. V-B. Auto. AC. PS. PB P •11,995 stripe, wsw tires, lamp group. AM/FM and more Window! and Seals. Vinyl root <4995 F-150s, Rangers, Aerostars, PLANNING TO KEEP YOUR CAR? *83 Owe. as CHEV. EL CAMINO Broncos, Bronco Ha, Vans, Was *11,S27.00 ORDER IN YOUR CHOICE OF COLOR ONLY TITLE AND TAXES ARE EXTRA <6695 Wg.. am-tm. root reck, pb » l,2 6 t.0 0 inioM(NEWlR« Supor Sport Conversion Vans, Cuba Vans, and Our expartanoad body man eel iW ol Hioaa nioke, aenpae as MERC. LYNX •4,995 Cpe.. 4 Cyl., Auto. Radto. Rear Datog v-9. Auto. AC, PS. PB. P Windows Aarostar Conversion Vans Now *10,627^ Hn * you don't want.. . we do RII0M, the Ural Hma. a Dr. Locks. Sturao C s w Cruiw, as SPECTRUM Loaded 4 Dr.. 4 Cyl.. S Spd„ AC. Stereo. Rear THINKING OF LEASING... Oatog. Rual Proolad <7795 rN/N«r SCRANTON MOTORS DILLOn ^ W ile Motors "A Good Place to Buy a Car THE LEASING EXPERTS RntiKFr L.'l- •-i.R.'.t.l SINCE 1033 MANCHESTER CHEVROLCT CO., INC _ route 83 319 Main Street (Across from Armory) CARTER 643-5135 Opaatamto^Bj^ VERNON. COHN “ O i> e r 49 Yearg of Selling & Servicing Chevrolets” TIE'RE INTO TRUCKS” 872-9145 MANCHESTER 643-2145 JtaL B a m to a pjb. ^ MOTORS. INC. FEATURINQ SERVICE BEYOND EXPECTATION «unecEsn.iBiNUMDWEi5nMnoR______129 MM ST. — ffEN EVOMMS H I — FMUY 'll S — MIWKS1EI CAMLUkC • 01D5M0BHE • POWTtC • CMC TRUCKS HAVE YOU DRIVEN A FORD...LATELY? MANCHESTER HERALD. Saturday. March 15 1986 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING, 643-2711


6 Room Cape with ap­ Used Refrigerators, AK C Shetland Sheep Dog Poolsl Pools! Poolsl AAA ICARS/TRUCKS 75 Comoro (excellent con­ pool distributor must dis­ dition.) Best offer. Coll pliances. S750 a month. 2 Washers, Ranges — — 11 weeks old, male. ROOMS pose of entire stock of I FOB SALE 228-3227. I months security. No pets, clean, guaranteed, parts Sable and white. Vet FOR RENT checked. Outgoing per­ new, leftover, 1985, 31 ft. quiet neighborhood. 643- and service. Low prices. HARTFORD 1975 Com oro — 350, auto­ B.D. Peorl & Soft, 649 sonality. Champion line family sized swimming 6836. matic, power broket 0, 1900 Chevy Ladles Only — Nice/ aolet Main Street, 643-2171. bred. 742-6188 offer 4pm. pools with huge sundeck, ANTIQUES fencing, filter, ladders steering, Monroe shocks, Blue. Automatic, alr,hlgn room for senior citizen or miles. Good condltlort. working girl. References AKC Golden Retrievers, and warranty for only WAREHOUSE spoke wheels, alarm sys­ Like New 14 cu. ft. Indus­ $1,195. Coll 646-2796. and security. Call after I STORE AND ready 4/10/86 call 646-1263 $978. Installation optional tem, AM/FM stereo, Jen­ trial freezer. $350. 649- son speakers. Excellent 5:30Dm, 644-0383. OFFICE SPACE after 5pm. and extra, financing avail­ 9012. ______able. Call Paul at 721-1884. O p « n Tu9$.-Sat. running condition. Coll 1973 Volkswagen Super B U Y E R M E E TS seller In 10»m-;5pni otter 5pm, 644-3050. Beotle — 3 speed auto­ Gentlemen Only — Cen­ Office Space — Excellent SPRAY T H A T Stain oway. tral location, kitchen orlv- Ballpoint Ink stains on the want ods... time otter matic. Very good condi­ location with ample park­ tion. New point lob. $750. lleges, parking available. shirt pockets...other pla­ time after timel Read and Fold Up Pino Pong Table 1972 Mustang — 6 cylinder ing. 600, 400 8, 300 SO. ft. with net. $25. Call 646-6810 243 FarmiBgtDB Avt., 646-1525. Security and references ces, too...can be removed u se th e wont ads automatic, power steer­ office suites are now after 5:30pm.o Hartford ing. Runs, but needs work. required. 649-9227 or 569- available. 649-2891. olmost Ttiaglcally by regularly. 3528. spraying hair spray on the $250. Coll 643-7237 Otter ■79 d MOTORCYCLES/ 525-6785 6pm. Manchester — Prime spot then washing In the MUSICAL Remove mineral buildup BICYCLES Manchester. Completely downtown store or office usual way. Idle Items ITEMS from your teakettle by furnished Including stove, space. Approximately around the home can be NEVER PLACED wont 1979 Ford Cube Von — pouring In half a cup af 0 Bike tor Sole — 20" Huffy. retrldgerdtor & linens. S50 1750 square feet with utili­ exchanged for cash, al­ Od? Thera'S nothing to It Rune great, body needs weekly plus2weeks secur­ white vinegar and one work. S1,200 or best offer. $25. Coll 647-7366 otter ties, 668-1447.______most magically, when ad­ Baby Grand, Mehlln. Ex­ quart of tap water. Heat to ... lust dial 643-2711. ity. Call betweeen 5-9pm. vertised In classified. cellent condition. Fine See at Al Slaffert's, 445 Spm.D 646-9832. sound. $5,950. For appoint­ rolling boll and lot stand Hartford Rood, Manchester — Industrlol for one hour. Pour out Manchester. space, 1,500 square feet. ment, call 423-2668, please T V , 21" Black and white leave message. solution, fill with water, MISCELLANEOUS [APARTMENTS Also 3,000 square feet Zenith portable. $45. Call boll again and discord. TAD SALES storage. Tullv Real Est­ after 6pm, 646-4618.n Add buildup to your Not all the newt It on th« AUTOMOTIVE 1 FOR RENT Solid State A M -F M ste­ front pogel There's lots of N ate, 643-0005. budget by selling no- Indoors — Saturday, reo. Multiflex receiver, newsy Information In the Excellent Coin Operated BSR MacDonald Mln- longer used furniture and March 15th, 10oni-4pm. 81 Ladder Rock for Pickup Manchester — 5 room, 2 washer. Great for apart­ appliances with a low-cost Bissell Street. No Classified section. 643- truck with 0 ft. bed. $250. bedroom opartment, heat Ichanger plus two speak­ 2711. I WANTED ment house or home use. ers. $39.44. 742-7497.0 od In Classified. 643-2711. previews. Coll 647-9710. and hot water Included. $75. 649-4003.D $625 a month. Available TO RENT April 1st. Call 647-7602. Construction Executive I MISCELLANEOUS Manchester — One bed­ needs furnished 2 or 3 I FOR SALE room Condo, desirable bedroom living facility area, second floor. $450 for 4 months between 4/1 Broksonic Cordless monthly. 528-0776. to 8/31 near Manchester Phone with memory. $35. area. Contact 1-513-733- 643-6801.0 One Bedroom Apartment 5666 or 1-513-932-8837 TAKE For Rent — $330 per evenings. Walker. $15. 646- month. Heat, hot water, Baby appliances, no pets, secur­ 5121.0 ity and references re­ I ROOMMATES quired. Call after 6pm, {w anted ENDROLLS 644-8429. 27Vi wIdIh-aSB A , ■^3V4 srtdth-2 lot 2S8 Manchester - 5 Room Manchester - Profes­ duplex, 3 bedrooms, gar­ sional male/female, 30-40 I MUST be picked up el age, central location. Ap­ to share large 2 family, I Menchesler pliances, carpeting, no cellar storage, washer & ^ before 11 AM. ONLY. pets. Available April 1st. dryer. $300a month plus V i CHANCE $600 a month plus security utilities. 643-6776. 8 Sections used stockade and references. 643-4067. fence, 6' x 8' with post. $75 for oil. 643-1938.D Manchester — Beautiful 5 room, 2 bedroom apart­ For Sal8 Utility Trailer — 4 X 8, $65. ment In mint condition, 10 speed Olymplque, good great location, extra condition, $40. 2 Travis rods, 12'10", $35. 643-9018. large rooms. Available I IHOU EHOLD April 1st. $600 Includes 0 2 8 heat, hot water 8, garage. 600DS Singles welcome! Call NOTICE TO CREDITORS Rose, 647-8400 or 646-8646. Protect Your Treosured E S TA TE OF JOHN K. CHRISTIAN, late Dining Room Table with o i Manchester, deceased Manchester — 5 room, 3 custom fit table pads. The Hon. Donald F. Auch- bedroom apartment. Guaranteed. Superior ter, Acting Judge, of the Available April 7th, $415 workmonshlp. Some Court of Probate, District of per month plus utilities. Manchester at o hearing held styles with decorator co­ on March 11, 1986 ordered Call 742-8628 evenings. lors. I'll come to your that all claims must be pre­ home to measure your sented to the fiduciary on or table with no obligation. before June 14, 1986 or be NOTICE TO CREDITORS Lisa, 236-1808, leave barred as by low provided. Mary Lou Taylor, "WE’VE GOT YOUR NUMBER” E S TA TE OF message. ALEXANDER KOCHIN, late Clerk of Manchester, deceased The fiduciary Is: The Hon. Donald F. Auch- DON'T KNOW anyone Paul R. Morte ter. Acting Judge, of the who wants to buy what 575 Main St. Court o f Probate, District of Monchester, C T 06040 Manchester of o heorlng held you hove to sell? Let a 029-03 CONTEST on March 11, 19S6 ordered want ad find a cash buyer that oil claims must be pre­ for you! sented to the fiduciary on or Court of Probate, District of before June 14, 1984 or be Andover barred os by low provided. NOTICE OF HEARING Mory Lou Taylor, INVITATION TO BID ESTATE OF CLARA MAY STARTING Clerk CHURCH COBB a/k/0 The fiduciary Is: The Manchester Public MAY C. COBB WE' Mary Moyvon Kochin, Schools solicits bids tor CUS­ Pursuant to on order of Hon. o/k/o Moyvon Kochin TODIAL SUPPLIES for the Norman J. Preuss, Judge, 21S Autumn St. 1984-87 school year. Sealed dated March 4 .1986a hearing g i v i n g a w a v - MARCH 14th! Manchester, C T 04040 bids will be received until will be held on on appllcotlon 030-03 March 25, 1984. 2:80 P.M ., at praying for the authority to which time they will be oub- sell a certain piece or parcel llclv ooened. The right Is re­ of land at private sale as in INVITATION TO BID served to relect any and all bids. Soecificatlons and bid said appllcotlon on file more Notice Is hereby given that forms may be secured at the fully appears, at the Court of the Eighth Utilities District Business Office, 45 North Probote on March 27,1986 at will receive seoled bids In the 1:30 o.m. free To Every 5th, 10th School Street, Man'-heseer, office of the Eighth Utilities Sharon B. Preuss. District. 32 Main Street, Man­ Connecticut. chester, Connecticut until 025-03 024-03 15th and 20th Caller... 7:00 P.M. on May 12,1984. for Package Insurance Cover­ age for 1984-17 at which time who speaks with our classified ad bids will be publicly opened, Colonial Miss Sunny Days read and recorded. department between 8:30 a.m. Specifications and bid forms ‘ w o b o a d s may be secured at the Dis­ and 5:00 p.m., Monday through patchers office. Fire Oeport- menf, 32 Moln Street, Mon- Friday, we'll give away a free clas­ chester, Connecticut. The right Is reserved to relect on sified word ad for a maximum of and oil bids. PLUS THDMAS E. LANDERS, JR. six consecutive days. in s u r a n c e CDMMISSIDNER EIGHTH UTILITIES DISTRICT 017-03 “3” Every 150th, 200th BOLTON PUBLIC NOTICE On Tuesday, March 25, 1984 at 7:00 o.m., the Bolton Zon­ and 30pth Caller... ing Boord of Appeals will hold 0 Public Hearing of the will receive a grand prize of Town Holl and heor the fol­ lowing appeals: Dinner for Tw o at one of the A p p e a l of Jacauellne Henault. 11 Southwood La., following restaurants of their E. Gronbv, Ct. for an areo variance to sections 7B and choice: 7F In order to construct o 2-famlly dwelling on a lot at 145 Hebron Rd. • PIANO’S • WONGS Request of Alex T. UrbanettI of 131 Hartford Rd., Man­ chester. Ct. and Dove Wilson • THE ADAMS MILL of 37 Lyman Rd. to conduct o used car dealer business at • VITO’S BIRCH MOUNTAIN INN 242 Hop River Road. Route 4. Bolton. JDHN H. RDBERTS, CHAIRMAN ZDNING BDARD DF APPEALS In order to qualify, simply call and 027-03 speak with one of our classified INVITATION TO BIO 8231 Call Now representatives to learn if you Sealed bids wilt be received SnoU In the Generol Services' of­ are a LU C K Y W INNER. fice, 41 Center St., Manches­ ter, C T until 11:00a.m. on the 26 INCHES 2602 dote shown below for ttie fol­ lowing: A quick-to-sew sundress and^ Win! APR IL I. 1984- with it’s own cover-up FURNISH A INSTALL NEW jacket is just right for HYDRAULIC LIFT AT This Colonial Miss meas­ sunny days. ures 26 inches and is sure POLICE GARAGE No. 8231 with Photo- APRIL I, 1984 - PAINTING to delight the young Guide is in Sizes Small, CONTEST DATES OF ONE (1) WATER TANK lady! She's fascinating Medium and Large. Me­ (ROCKLEOGEI to make; nice to give! 643-2711 dium (12-14)... sundress, A PR IL 2. 1984- No. 2602 has pattern 254 yards 45-inch; jacket, MARCH 14th — 31st TOWN-WIOE REFUSE pieces; face transfer; di­ COLLECTION 15k yards. rections. TO ORDER, lend $2.50 far tKk NON-COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERS ONLY. The Town of Manchester Is ONLY IN THE Rattan, Rini S09 tor Reitafa aa4 on equal opportunity em- Ta ardor. Mad $2.50, fw tach kaaRling. plaver, and requires on aftlr- patten, plat 509 far pastaga aad mqtlve action pollcv for all of tut 8U8NETT Its Contractors and Vendors as a conditton of doing busi­ New Yefk. N.Y. 10«M ness erlth the Town, os per Prlal Naaia, M draii wlia ZIP r ederol Order 11246. cett, stua NaaWar aaa Slia. Bid Forms, plans and specifi­ fim a a . at aonrlcat haw Tan, N.T. taoM New FASHION with cations ore ovallaMs at the Photo-Guide patterns in General Services' ofllce. Prlal llaaa, Aparats alia ZIP COBE aaa aqia Baadar. all size ranges, haa a TO W N O F special Grace ^ l e (jollec- MANCHESTER. CT. SPECIAL: Over 200 ae- iianrhpHtpr Mrralii tioc for larger sizes; plus R O BER T B. WEISS. lections and a FR EE GENERAL MANAGER Pattern Section in the 2 BONUS Coupons! 01A<3 ALBUM. Juat S3.00. Price .... $2J0 • T WWW WWf(%M~ I. New paint lob. S7S0. 1525.

91 MOTORCYCLES/ ^lolCYCLES0 e for Sole — 20” Hotfv. , Coll 647-7366 otter !!.□

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SIG 4 th !

Oth Lu Ann Jones Waller... The woman in charge assifled ad of the Women’s Center ... page 6 8:30 a.m. ly through There’s help for heartburn V.,p a free clas- ■ *V # ‘ When terror visits ... i axlmum of :t.i jw .t.

If your kids say, ’That’s mine’ ...... Chinese feast frustrating ... pa oth fM . ^r... I prize of me of the r f -, •.'* i of their

DNGS inanrlu'iitrr HrraU'i AILL MTAIN INN Saturday, March 15, 1986 ply call and r classified irn if you

FHE WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March IS, ISM WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March IS, 19M 2 Between the Lines Weekend Plus M a g a z in e Saturday, Mareh IS, 1986

«flni 2 Between the Lines; The story behind the story. 4 Sexuality: Karezza, a sexual technique, is explored in the Kinsey Report Specials for the Month of March Served Tuesday * Sunday 0 Cover Story: Lu Ann Jones runs Manchester Community College’s Veal Madeira Women’s Center. (with orange madeira sauce) # 9.50 9 Medicine: Heartburn isn’t any Roast Prime Rib your choice 6 joke. V 10 Exercise: You can improve your Baked Stuffed Shrimp office posture. (Specials include potato, vegetable and salad.) 11 Tax Tips; Support test determined Join u.s Easter Sunday for a special menu in place of Brunch. Shirley Temple Black Nicholas Rowe FInola Hughes Bryan Adams by what you pay ... Not all items are taxable. Sundav: Brunch ll-.'l ^ Dinner t-*) Q. Please answer one question Q, / know I’ve seen the actor Q, Can you please tell me Q. Bryan Adams is my 12 At the Movies: There's glory in “ 16 for me. Was Shirley Temple who plays Sherlock in “Young anything about actress Finola absolutely favorite sitter. ever married before she became Sherlock Holmes.” I can’t Hughes from “General Could you tell me anything Days" ... Isak, Nora and mostly Mrs. Black? Mrs. L. remember where, though. Can Hospital”? Kim Locke, Port about him, like where he grew Meryl... Film capsules. Sigurdson, Albert Lea, Minn. you help me? Brian Cavill, Paxton, Nfld. up and what he’s doing now? A. Yes, she married Ihen-Sgt. HaUdon, N.J. A, She's 25, from London, Lisa Gugliotti, Waterbary, story where her father has long been a 13 Weekend Television: An eight-page John Agar Jr. in 1945. He later A. Perhaps you've seen Nicholas Conn. pullout section with program 275 BOSTON TURNPIKE R.F.D. 2, BOLTON, CONN. 06040 became an actor, they had a Rowe in Edinburgh, Scotland, taxi driver. She’s been dancing A. He was bom 26 years in daughter and were divorced in where he was bom, or Eton, since the age of 3 and made her Kingston, Ontario, Canada, to schedules for Saturday and Sunday 643-2342 1949. She married businessman from which he graduated in professional debut at the age of British parents and grew up in 11, as a dancing gnome in the ... TV puzzle ... TV nostalgia ... Gail By Josle Charles A. Black in 1950. 1984. Maybe Bristol University, England, Portugal, Israel and Palmer’s X-rated videos ... A new which he's currently attending, opera “Falstaff' at Covent various other places before his or even hanging around Garden. family settled in Vancouver, sitcom from the creators of While in her teens, she began Parliament — his father is a British Columbia, when he was “Cheers.” member. But with the exception to appear regularly on British 15, Anything you’d like to know about prominent TV shows and onstage in of a small role in the film The following year, he began Music: Canadian artists earn “Another Country," he hadn't London. Later, she joined the his slow road to the top by personalities? Write to: Josie, Between the Northern Ballet Company and 21 appeared professionally before playing dmms with various local “diamond" status... Turntable toured the country with it before Lines, King Features Syndicate, 235 E. 45th St., “Young Sherlock Holmes." club groups, and then started to returning to London and a tips. Luigi’s of Manchester New York,N.Y. 10017. write songs. Eventually, his and dancing role in the film “The 27 Apple” and the TV variety collaborator Jim Vallance's Trends: Crime victims are • 3 Reputable years of fine series “The Monte Carlo songs would be recorded by beginning to fight back. Italian & American Specialties Show." artists such as Bachman Turner Q. During the “Christmas in heard one of the Her big breaks came courtesy Overdrive and Bob Welch, and & Washington” special, I was tapes she'd made of her songs of two Andrew Lloyd Webber in 1980 his first solo album, Profile: Kathleen Johnson of • Lunch Dinner Specials served Daily • captivated by the beauty and and immediately arranged a musicals, “Cats" arid “Song “Bryan Adams,” was released. Bolton. talent o f Christian singer Amy record contract. Two years later, and Dance.” She was a featured Ilie next year, his album • Eat in or Take Out • Grant. Could you tell me about in 1977, her debut album was dancer in both original London “You Want It — You Got It” 24 Behavior: When terror pays a her? Roy L. Foster, Baton released, and her blend of productions. They led to her was released. The next few Full Service Bar Open 11:00 A.M. Daily Rouge, La. pop/rock format and Christian discovery by Sylvester Stallone, years were taken up with \ social call. Panic attacks are A. She's 25, the youngest of lyrics was an immediate success who cast her as the snotty touring, recording his third treatable. Not Exotic . . . Just Good Food four daughters of a radiologist in the Christian community. British star in the movie album, "Cuts Like a Knife,” and his wife, was bom in Followup albums such as “Staying Alive.” more touring, and then recording That movie bombed, so it 30 27 Image Workshop: No need to at Augusta, Ga., and raised in “Age to Age" and “Straight his most recent album, be ashamed if you can type. Houston and Nashville, where Ahead” seem to have a didn't make her the major "Reckless,” which includes, as she still lives. In third grade, she permanent place on the Hollywood star that some you probably know, a scorching Reasonable began to play the piano; by the inspirational music charts, as expected her to become. But it duet with Tina Turner on the 28 The Curious Shopper: It’s irassible for shellfish to get cancer. age of 13, she had learned guitar does her newest album, did lead to her role on “General song “It’s Only Love.” Hospital,” and according to one as well. “Unguarded." Recently, he’s been lying low 29 Insights into Childhood: Possessiveness: it's mine, it's me. Prices Her family wasn’t esp^ially In the process, she’s also won of her reps, she’s quite happy to in Vancouver, where he still religious and she didn't listen to three Grammy Awards and sold be there and plans to remain. lives, writing material for the church music or sing in a choir out large arenas such as New next album, which should be out 30 Dining In: Flounder has many tasty varieties. TASTE when she was growing up, but York’s Radio City Music Hall by the fall. Then, according to while at prep school, she had a — places that usually don't sell his manager, he should be back 31 Dining Out: A feast at On Luck can prove frustrating. religious experience that would when, and even if, Christian on the road into the New Year. THE alter the course of her life...and singers play them. her career. And now, “You wouldn’t Her sister's date invited her believe the kind of response Weekend Plus Magaxine; A weekly Editorial services by King Features DIFFERENCE! along to a Bible study meeting, she's getting,” explains an supplement to the Manchester Herald, Syndicate. 235 E. 4Sth St.. New York. and that night, as she describe associate. published Saturdays by the Manchester N.Y. 10017. She plans to embark on her it later, she and the Bible Publishing Co., 16 Brainard Place. Do you have any questions or comments connected in a way they never first major national tour this Manchester. Conn. 06040. month. When the Grant troupe about Weekend Plus Magazine? We'd had before. She decided to sing Richard W. Cosgrove, Publisher like to hear from you. Please address Luigi’s Pizza Restaurant about it and began to write songs travels, it's a bit different from most acts. Her band members Adele Angle. Weekend Plus Editor your letters to; Weekend Plus Magazine. The next year, when she was 706 Hartford Rd., Manchester are all Christians as well and Jane Harvey, Advertising Coordinator P.O. Box 591. Manchester, Conn. 06640. 15, she was working in a usually meet for prayer each Nashville studio, sweeping evening before taking the stage. Boors and cleaning tapes, when 649-5325 her big break materialized. A Amy Grant Covor photography by Al Tarquinio WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday. March 15, 19M 5 Sexuality WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday. March 15. 1986 4 Sexuality Ifs crucial to give yourself permission

Karezza means controlling arousal By Dr. Judith Kurisnsky criticizing. More women than excite you? Don’t censor them. women torment themselves with you probably imagine are Besides the pain of not having expectations and judgments, like he woman was angry. particularly embarrassed and orgasm at all, many women still “I’m not doing this right,” Dr. Kuriansky is a “Why,” she demanded unfamiliar with their genitals (or suffer because they cannot reach “He’s not having a good time” Technique better described as reaching many different peaks of me, "do you waste ■ cringe at the word). Appreciate the peak of excitement with their or “I’m taking too long.” clinical psychologist your time telling women them. partner. Replace those with supportive and certified sex By Dr. J uim M. Ralnlacti how to have orgasm? Find your "hot spots.” Notice Like Fem from Ohio: and pleasurable thoughts like “I therapist in New York next day. I told him about it on Who cares?" the places (upper thighs, ’T m 44 and my husband is can enjoy this,” “He likes it” the next visit and he sdid he just DEARDR.REINISCH: TMy answer: lots of women. stomach) that feel good. What 51. We’ve been married 28 and “He loves me.” City. Send your ques­ wanted to be thorough. But I did touch do you like? years, but I never had an orgasm When in doubt, ask. Rather Someone told me about a sex The notice he’s more gentle now. Even though we generally think of these Despite the plethora of how-to tions to Dr. Judith technique called "karezza" manuals, articles and therapy with him. I use a vibrator, but than wonder what your partner is He wants me to be checked Give yourself permission. Did Kuriansky, care of where the man can have many types of religions and sexual practices as programs in the past several that is not a substitute and I thinking or wanting, ask him. Kinsey every six months instead of onct you leam — from your parents oVgaimi without ejaculating. years on the subject, many can’t use it in front of him. I Show and tell. If there’s Weekend Plus Maga­ a year. I thought that after five being exotic, one American group taught a or religious teachings — that sex Where can I learn more about Report women are still unsure or don’t want to And another man, something you like, let him children and all these years I or certain acts were bad or zine, P.O. Box 591, this? It sounds ideal for male or him to Find another woman, know. could just skip it. type of male ejaculatory control, f f unhappy about orgasm. wrong? Tell yourself “yes'' birth control. So It’s important to talk about so what can I do?” Manchester, Conn., instead of "no,” especially Indulge fantasies. Either it. I’m sure you would agree if If you can have orgasm at all DEAR READER: You’d be when you near the point of high privately imagine your favorite 06040. DEAR READER: Karezza is Taoism or Tantrism, If you wish you persistently received letters one way, you can leam another taking an unnecessary risk to excitement. Don’t stop, but yield scenes or share them. usually described as controlling to leam more about the religious like this one from Daphne in way, with a partner. stop having regular pelvic and DEAR READER: Treatment he must be sterile by now, so to your natural responses. Let yourself go. This is more ejaculation for long periods of aspects of karezza. Ontario: Relax with him. Many women breast exams, and Pap tests at of condylomata acuminata, or we’re not using any binh Face fears. Some women important than any practice or coitus, during which erection are actually embarrassed to let your age. The incidence of anogenital warts, varies de­ control. I’m not sure about this, "I’m 28 and get disgusted dread the very reaction they imagining. Give in to feeling and arousal are maintained. But their partner see them excited. cancer of the cervix, the pending on the site of the warts and feel great relief every time I with myself. I can’t have an crave. Picture a happy outcome good. Play. Enjoy each other. it doesn't include multiple Not effective Practice trusting him, by endometrium and the breast and other factors. ■tan my period. orgasm. I think about sex and I instead of disappointment, his Experience loving and being orgasms, in the sense of a imagining when you’re alone, DEAR DR. REINISCH: In a increases after menopause. Although podophyllin (proba­ Are the sperm gone by now? get excited with my husband, leaving you or you "losing” loved. After all, that’s what complete spasmodic release of making noises or moving as you recent column, you were asked The American Cancer Society bly the drug used to treat your but it never goes over that hill. yourself. If you get frightened in love-making is about. Your muscular and cardiovascular like, that he is there, accepting if you could list 15 types of birth recommends annual breast and first occurrence) is widely used, DEAR READER: The only He doesn’t complain, but I want the middle, stop, but resume orgasm will come naturally. tension. and appreciating. control. On that list you included pelvic examinations for women it’s not always effective and way to be certain that a man is to satisfy him. What can I doT’ love-making again. Remember: He doesn’t turn The earliest references to withdrawal and douching. I feel does require application by a Please don’t put yourself Experiment with Respect your current karezza (assumed to have 40 and older, and some sterile is for there to be no live you on: you do. they are so ineffective as physicians recommend more physician or other medical sperm In the semen. Until a down You can learn to let self-stimulation. This suggestion respon.scs. There is nothing Don’t score yourself. Enjoy originated in the Persian empire birth-control methods that they undoubtedly raises some 5,000 years ago) are found in frequent exams if a woman is personnel. Furthermore, ex­ laboratory has confirmed a zero yourself go. like eight out of 10 wrong with using aids. But if whatever happens. shouldn’t even have been known to be at higher risk for perts recommend that podophyl­ sperm count, couples must use women who attend only 10 people’s ire. but research shows you insist on intercourse alone, Orgasm comes not out of early Chinese and Indian nnentioiied. lin not be used by pregnant it key to releasing your sexual writings. Perhaps karezza is certain diseases. For example, some form of contraception if therapy sessions. These are the train yourself by removing the stimulus and response, or doing one of the risk factors for women, that it not be applied to they don’t want a pregnancy. critical steps: response. aid just at the point of the “right” thing, but out of better described as reaching DEAR READER: I agree warts on a woman’s cervix or to Fantasize. What are the many peaks of arousal, but only cervical cancer is having many Even though most men have Know your body. Look and near-release. loving — yourself and each with you that coitus intemiptus pregnancies, so perhaps that’s very large warts, and that the zero sperm counts by the time touch everywhere without thoughts or story plots that Control your thoughts. Many other. ■ one or no orgasnu. Further­ (more commonly called with­ more, it wouldn't be an effective why your doctor has put youona once or twice a week they’ve ejaculated 10 to 15 times drawal) and douching are not six-month schedule. Ask him at "paintings” not continue for after a vasectomy, this vanes, method of birth control because effective methods of contracep­ the fluid that appears on a man’s your next visit. longer than one month. and tests should be repeated tion. In fact, I said they were two And good for you for Some form of surgical until a zero count is confirmed. penis during arousal (a different of the three least-effective fluid than ejaculate or semen) complaining about rough removal should be considered Any man found to have live COMMITMENT methods on a list of 15. treatment! You may be having when a person cannot be treated sperm in his ejaculate three can contain viable sperm. But I disagree with you about There are several philoso­ some atrophy and thinning of with po^phyllin or when the months after a vasectomy REGAL’S TO EXCELLENCE whether these techniques should the vagina (from reduced levels warts have no' disappeared should be re-examined and phies that link religious or have been mentioned. First, spiritual enlightenment with of estrogen after menopause). after a month of podophyllin should consider having a second regardless of how ineffective This may make an examination treatment. vasectomy. In fewer than 1 out specific sexual activities. Most they are. some people use these Selection, Service, Style.,, modem forms of these sexual more difficult than when you Surgical techniques vary, of 100 vasectomies, a nerve or methods or have heard about were younger. depending on the location of the blood vessel is cut instead of the philosophies are based on them. They have the right to ancient writings or art. All women should insist on warts. Warts on the penile shaft, vas deferens (the tubes that know that there are other having the most gentle for example, can be removed carry sperm from the testicles Examples of modem versions methods that are more include some forms of Taoism or examination possible. 'There are with electrocautery (heating) to the ejaculatory duct). And. in effective. several sizes of speculums (the and curettage. Cryosurgery I of 100.000 cases, a man is found FEATURING: Tantric Yoga. Moreover, these techniques Even though we generally instrument inserted in the ctfreezing and removing) and to have a second vas. which is appear to reduce the conception vagina), so if a physician tries laser surgery have been used not noticed during the first think of these types of religions rate somewhat. For example, Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothing • Christian Dior and sexual practices as being one and you feel pain, ask him or successfully on other genital procedure. for every 100 women of her to try a smaller one. Or, if sites, including the cervix. Some physicians also recom­ exotic, one American group childbearing years who use taught a type of male you feel pain during the You need to know, however, mend having a final "safety withdrawal for a year. 23 examination, say so. Ask the that in one study of cryosurgery, check” sperm count one year Yves Saint Laurent • Botany ‘500’ ejaculatory control. The Oneida become pregnant: and. for Community, a religious and phtrsician to proceed more it took an average of 3.4 weekly after the vasectomy. This is to every 100 women who use slowly and gently. procedures before the warts determine if the cut ends of the utopian community that existed douching for a year. 40 become from IMO to ino, practiced a If your requests are ignored were completely removed. So vas deferens have recanalized Sasson • Sansabelt Slacks pregnant. These rates compare (and no explanation is given for this treatment may also involve (spontaneously generated an technique called "male conti­ with a conception rate of 90 out nence.” which its founder the pain, such as a particulariy repeated visits to the doctor of a alternative route through which of 100 women who leave the tender ovary). change physi­ clinic. described as similar to rowing sperm can nwve). This occurs in matter entirely to chance for a cians immediately and tell the If you wish to investigate about 1 percent of all near a waterfall but avoiding year. "going over the falls.” new one why you changed. alternatives to podophyllin vasectomies. ■ LARGEST m & TALL” DEPARTIIEIIT EAST OF THE Although these conception Also, encourage your friends treatment, consult a physician Many descriptions of karezza rates are a great deal higher to get examined regularly. For land other methods of prolonged or clinic that specializes in than those for women who use most women, cancer detef^ed in sexuaily transmitted diseases. Easy Downtown Parking • Free Lifetime Alterations coitus without ejaculation) are more effective methods, such as an early stage can now be similar to the techniques used in Then, if surgery is thought birth-control pills (two pregnan­ successfully treated. appropriate for your warts, ask Send questions to Or. modem sex therapy to treat cies per 100 women per year), premature ejaculation. Those to be referred to a dermatologist Reinisch in care of the Exciting Spring Clothing & Accessories Arriving Daily! statistically they are better than (Skin specialist). a plastic so-called “stofv-and-start” and nothing. Kinsey Report, P.O. "squeeze” methods also teach a surgeon, or other specialist Veaereal warts with experience at removing Box 48, Bloomington, man to focus on bow bis body urogenital wans. feels right before ejaculation Physicsl iHHiihjd DEAR DR. REINISCH: How Ind., 47402. Volume and then to be able to stop are venereal warts treated? The of mail prohibits moving, maintain arousal, then DEAR DR. REINISCH: How last time I bad them I went to a Lab test needed Downtown Main St. Tri-City Plaza restart movement again for long does a woman have to keep health center every few days to personal replies, but Vemon loncer and longer periods of going for those gynecology have them "painted.” It was Manchester DEAR DR. REINISCH: My questions of general BEGAVS Open Mon., 'Tues. k Sat. time. exams and Pap smears? I’m embaimsaing. bm the doctor husband had a vasectomy a year Open Mon.'Sat. “Your Quality Man’a Shop” A trained sex therapist could now TO, and most of my friendO said that the drag coniihi’t be ago. He bad his sperm coum interest nriay be Till 5:30 10-5:30 exptain the steps involved in don’t go anymore. It always given for home nse. checked at six weeks and at nine discussed in future Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10-9 learning the "stop-and-start” makes me a nervous wrecfc. I Now the warts are back. Why weeks and still had sperm in the Thurs. Nites ’til 9:00 method. Also, many large cities dread them so. cmi’t they be friicen or cut off? ejaculate. columns. have groups that claim to My curre nt doctor was so What kind of doctor could do He’s decided not to go back for practice varions forms of rough, I was black and Mne the that type of procedare? any more sperm counu. He says WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March IS, 1986 r I - I WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March IS, 19H 6 Cover Story 7 Cover Story



■ M


“The thing I can do best is listen to what women are really telling me,” says Lu Ann Jones, the direc­ tor of M anchester A Community College’s Women’s Center.

R«glr>«ld P1nt

t'8 9 o'clock on a Monday groups and coordinate other ■'gallery'' — an exhibit space someone would let them. But 13 years ago, the very ... CofitkHNd "She is soft-spoken. She is not feminism is dead — or at least morning. Lu Ann Jones is Jones established along three services — but she is paid for the strident presence which □ □ □ existence of a multi-purpose dormant. seated at the director's desk walls of the same long room. consciousness-raising groups. just eight boiirs per week. "The some people associate with a room like this one was a matter Her voicei The room also houses a women's administration says that it is □ □ □ in the Women's Center, a Many women who drop in at of great controversy at MCC. The perception of the Women's women's center director,” says resource library, three desks supportive, but how much is it two-room suite on the the center are in a similar "It was very difficult to get it Center as a radical and possibly Hanna Marcus, the town of "Women's centers are at a willing to support?" asks Beers. second floor of the Lowe and the vinyl-covered sofas and situation, says Jones. She's been (a women's center) onto the even a dangerous place has Manchester's director of human turning point,” says Jones. "W e're not going to make much IBuilding at Manchester Com­ chairs. director of the center for six campus at all," says Pat Wilson, is quiet, turned around completely. services. Marcus, with Wilson, “ What's the mission of a of an impact when two of us munity College. Those with their heads on are. months. co-director of the YWCA ^ "When the administration is on the advisory board for the women's center today? Haven't share only 25 hours of director She is surrounded by by and large. MCC students and "A lot of times they are right Nutmeg Branch, who sits on the * discusses budget cuts, they no center. "S te is very low key and we all gotten our consciousness time a week." magaxines and books, filing staff members. They are on the brink of doing something. Women's Center advisory effective longer even consider eliminat­ yet very assertive. To me, she raised? Don't we al) know that cabinets and women — some teenagers and grandmothers. getting at something that's board. "About a dozen years ing the Women's Center," says □ □ □ affirms the fact that the the men are supiiosed to help with heads sitting squarely on They come into the Women's terribly important in their ago. it was seen as a very Beverly Hounsell, MCC's Women's Center is somewhat with the dishes?” their shoulders, and some Center to browse through the lives," she says. "They just radical place. People acted as associate dean for student The choice of Jones as past the militant, rather To Jones, however, a woman's without. lending library, take a seminar, need a supportive place, though putting in a women's affairs. "It's really come of age, coordinating director of the aggressive phase, and that is role in the community is still a Those who seem to have lost meet with a counselor or just someone to talk to. They need center was the first step toward as an established part of campus center reflects a shift toward very appealing to me." difficult one. "W e have more their beads are the ceramic relax with a cup of coffee in the that one assist. We have to make revolution." life. It is definitely no longer serving community women. In It is an irony that the move choices, that's true. But we also torsos sculpted by artist Rachel lounge. this that place." Since those days, there have ■fringe.'" her work as a journalist and an ' toward “ middle of the road” have all of the old ‘jobs' to do. Miller. hang in the center's Above their beads, few of It's hardly a radical been literally dozens of On the other band, Jones' oral historian, she's honed her that so appeals to Marcus and We are going to get married and Miller's china bodies seem in introduction to the work of the seminars on divorce and position is funded for only 17Vi interviewing skills. others in the community has raise children, as well as go to repose. Most appear charged MCC Women's Center. No one U assertiveness. Hundreds of hours per week. Janet Hollis . Supporters say she's an -created a tremendous problem college, hold down responsible with energy, as if ready to whirl singing "Solidarity Forever." or women have participated in Beers, a Manchester psychoth­ energetic advocate for women, for this, and many other, jobs and do magnificent Nancy PnppM is • repsner and twist right off of the walls on carrying banners bearing erapist, was hired last month to an excellent listener, and a quiet women's centers. Across the Isr the Manchester Herald. which they bang , if only feminist slogans. ConthHMd- be a co-director, lead support but effective agent of change. nation, people arodeclaring that !ConllntMd~. WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March IS, 1986 WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March IS, 19«6 8 Cover Story 9 M edicine

People laugh about it, but it’s no joke if you’re a sufferer. Center has come Heartburn hurts of age and hurts...

... ContInuMi By Sheila Dyan — Uxxsc —, digestive juices leak into the esophagus, causing needlework. Kind of ridiculous, id you hear the one inflammation or irritation of the ■ isn’t it?” Buddy Hacketl tells lining of the esophagus, which Jones, who has been married about when he did a causes a burning feeling below for six years, believes that the stint in the Army? the breastbone, radiating toward wave of radical feminism which Going from Jewish the neck." raised the consciousness of men home cixiking to This mechanism is called and women across the nation is, militaryD cuisine created quite a gastroesophageal reflux. The indeed, past. But the women's sh(x:k to his system, he said. In result is reflux esophagitis, an centers on college campuses irritation of the lining of the still are a vital part of student fact, he woke up one morning and thought he was going to die esophagus, commonly known as life, as they work on what she heartburn. calls “the enabling wave.” — his fire had gone out. More severe symptoms of "This is the time to give You can laugh, but if you’ve people the skills to make the , ever experienced significant reflux esophagitis include pregnancy. Not only is there downward into the stomach. and carbonated and hot changes they're needing to heartburn, you know it's no regurgitation of sour or bitter extra intraabdominid pressure beverages. m ake," she says. joke. That gnawing, burning fluids (usually during sleep), straining the lower esophageal 2. Avoid agents which decrease Courses on assertiveness, sensation that starts in the shortness of breath and recurrent valve, but an elevation of certain valve pressure (these are foods 4. Decrease or neutralize gastric math phobia and skills for Lu Ann Jones stops to middle of the chest and radiates lung infections due to hormones during this time may and drugs that chemically cause secretion by: test-takers have been organized talk with Kathie Klecz- up toward the neck can be aspirations, difficulty in cause the valve to relax. the lower esophageal sphincter • Eating regular meals. by the Women's Center, kowski of Niantic, an occasional and fleeting, or it can swallowing, weight loss Experts suggest the following to relax and therefore become • Avoiding distressful although many of the be often and persistent, causing resulting from decreased food for relief of heartburn. leaky) by; situations when possible, as participants were men. This M CC student, who is discomfort after meals and intake, and even anemia due to 1. Keep intraabdcminal pressure • Eating less fatty foods. distress can increase stomach month’s sem inars on women's reading in the Women's disturbing sleep. esophageal bleeding. Bleeding d ow n by: • Avoiding chocolate and secretions. health issues have filled the can show up in bowel • Eating smaller meals. - • Taking an antacid for Center lounge. Hacked was somewhat unfair mints. (It should be noted that Women's Center to capacity — to his mother in blaming his movements, causing maroon or • Avoiding bedtime snacks. obese people lose weight by neutralizing stomach acid. F«»0in»itj PInto/ManchMiw H»rakl or a little beyond — .with heartburn on her chopped liver, black, tarry stools, or a patient • Avoiding clothing that is decreasing the intake of fatty In discussing antacids. Dr. students and women from the because chronic heartburn is the can vomit blood. binding around the abdomen, foods and chocolate, says E>r. Fisher says that liquids are community. If your symptoms are this such as tight belts and girdles. generally more effective than had some really good programs discouraging to the staff she puts on a program, there are result of a leaky valve, not Fisher. Avoidance of these at the center, and they just she says. “There is so much severe, you should see a doctor. • Losing weight if you are agents, therefore, may be tablets. A dose one hour after □ O □ members who work to pull it plenty of people who want to we'd like to do, but we're schmaltzy food, although some weren’t that well attended,” together, and it’s embarrassing attend.” fixxls can contribute to the Less severe, occasional obese, as there is some effective on two levels to reduce meals and before bedtime is the Jones has a knack for offering already spread pretty thin. So Hounsell says. “That can be for the speaker. problem. heartburn, however, is often suggestion that overweight heaitbum.) suggested usage. the right programs at the right For Jones, the danger is to try we help people find the place for worse than offering no “Lu Ann seems to have a The term ''heartburn'' is not patient-treated. people may have increased • Not smoking (nicotine is the When choosing an antacid, times, says her boss. Dean to be all things to all people. “ We them, find the answers they programs at all. It doesn't do the really good sense of what’s on simply cannot offer everything actually related to the heart It is important to note that intraabdominal pressure. offensive agent here). besides the form, the content Hounsell. "In the past they've students any good, it’s need, even if this is not the right the minds of women. So when we'd like, in the time we ha ve. ’ ’ place.” ■ itself, but rather to the position there are some other conditions • Avoiding lifting or • Avoiding large quantities of should be considered. Some of the discomfort, which is the which mimic heartburn, straining. If you do lift alcohol. antacids (specifically liquids chest area, relatively near the including peptic ulcer, gallstones something heavy, keep your • Avoiding certain over tablets) have a stronger heart. and coronary insufficiency. knees bent, as if you had a bad medications, such as buffering capacity than others Robert S. Fisher, M.D., So, again, if the heartburn is back. anticholinergics and those (they can neutralize more acid professor of medicine, co-chief severe. Dr. Fisher suggests that • Sleeping with the trunk of containing xanthine. Some per dose), and some antacids are Expose of the gastroenterology section you consult with a physician for the body elevated. This can be medications used to diminish salt-ftee, an important and director of the new diagnostic testing, especially if accomplished with the use of a spasms in the smooth muscles of consideration for those on Functional Gastrointestinal you are over 40, / hospital bed, or, less coronary arteries and abdominal low-salt or salt-free diets. Yourself Disease Center of Temple There are several factors to be expensively, by elevating the organs may relax the valve. Some antacids have ------MAGAZINE University School of Medicine, considered when treating h e ^ of the bed six to eight Check with yor physician magnesium as a major , explains the mechanism for heartburn, including inches with juice cans filled with regarding medications you may component, which can cause To intraabdominal pressure which New. Exciting. Locally Produced. heartburn: sand, wooden blocks, wedges be taking. diarrhea. Others have aluminum "At the end of the esophagus could provide the force to and such. as a major component, which Another example of the Herald’s is a valve — the lower produce gastroesophageal reflux, Dr. Fisher explains that reflux 3. Avoid irritating foods and can cause constipation. Art esophageal sphincter — which is agents which can chemically or is often more severe when you drugs. There are foods and drugs An ingredient found in some commitment to the needs and normally cloUd. As (swallowed) hormonally decrease the lower sleep because not only is gravity that may directly irritate the antacid preparations is alginic food approaches, it opens, esophageal valve pressure, against you when you lie down, lining of the esophagus and acid, which is made fron interests of Manchester. allowing the food to enter the irritating foods and stomach but you swallow only two or should be avoid^ if they casue seaweed. This foams in the secretions. 111 Center Street stomach, and then the valve three times and hour when you symptoms. These include: stomach, providing, ideally, a closes. Once the food enters the Two of these factors are at sleep, as opposed to 90 to 100 aspirin and some other mechanical barrier which may exposure Manchester 649-6939 Watch for it every Saturday! stomach, the stomach secretes work in pregnant women, more times an hour when you are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory prevent or diminish the acid art a fraailBg Man..^ri. S-S;S0 (digestive agents) — acid and than 50 percent of whom suffer awake. When you swallow, the drugs such as ibuprophen; from shooting back up the from heartburn in the fourth esophagus contracts and this coffee; garlic and onions; Sat e-s / Thor* eso-s pepsin. esophagus. “In some people, it “If the valve is incompetent through the ninth month of action carries the secretions tomatoes; citrus juices and fruits; works,” says Dr. Fisher. ■ WEEKEND PLUS. Saturday. March 15. WEEKEND PLUS. Saturday. March IS. ItM 10 Exercise 11 Tax Tips

It’s not hard to Support test Sitting pretty maintain good posture during office hours determined by

By Jodi Vernon breaks during office hours for employees who must sit for long he majority of our day periods. what you pay is spent sitting. We sit Next, evaluate your chair, say for meals, we sit on the Morehouse and Gross: “After your bed, the chair you work in job and, when we come The amount, rather than the is the most important piece of several persons provide sup­ home, we sit some length of time, of support is the port. If more than half the furniture in your life." more. Unfortunately, yardstick in determining the support cost was contributed by Exactly how important is the Thowever, most of us don’t “over-one-half support" re­ you and one or more other proper chair? Dr. Lionel A. realize that there is a wrong and quirement for a dependent on persons and none contributed a right way to sit and that sitting Walpin, clinical director of the federal income tax returns, more than half the support, you incorrectly can lead to a variety Department of Physical according to Commerce Clear­ may claim the exemption if you of ills. Medicine and Rehabilitation at ing House. furnished more than 10 percent For example, how you sit can Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in It is im material whether you of the support and each of the determine whether or not you’ll Los Angeles, believes a supported your uncle for more remaining supporters who be one of the 80 percent of proper-fitting chair is so than six months in 1985. If the contributed more than 10 Americans who suffer from back important, you should buy one cost of his two-week stay in the percent files a written pain. And, if you already have yourself if your boss doesn’t hospital was paid by your sister agreement not to claim the back pain and sit incorrectly for provide one for you. and that cost exceeded your exemption for that year. prolonged periods of time, William W. Robinson, a expenses in supporting him for In the case of children of you’re probably aggravating the representative at Steelcase, Inc., the rest of the year, then your divorced or separated parents, problem by placing continuous the world’s largest designer and sister would be entitled to the the parent who has custody for stress on the back area. manufacmrer of office furniture, dependency exemption. the greater part of the year Prolonged sitting in itself can agrees. “Our largest selling "Support" means the cost of normally will be e n t i t y to the be hazardous, too, according to chair is what we call providing food, shelter, clothing, dependency exemption. How­ Not all items are taxable education, medical and dental ever, the other parent may C. Hunter Montgomery, ergonomic,” explains Robinson. care, recreation, transportation, receive the exemption if (1) he president of the American “Basically, this is the science of how people, equipment and and sim ilar necessities. If or she contributes at least $600 Occupational Association, Not all items are taxable as • Employee’s death benefits railroad retirement benefits machines interface or woik lodging is furnished, the fair for the child’s support for the because it can decrease the year, and the pre-1985 decree of income in 1985, cautions up to $5,000. received in 1985 may be together; an rental value of the room, circulation in the legs. And say apartment, etc., may be counted divorce or written agreement Commerce Clearing House, • Gain from the sale of a partially taxable). Laurence E. Morehouse, Ph.D., ergonomically-designed chair toward support. If you support allocates the exemption to the national reporting authority on personal residence, if elected by • Repayment of a debt, but and Leonard Gross, authors of indicates that there was thought an entire household and cannot noncustodial parent and that tax and business law. persons age 55 and over — once interest is taxable. “Maximum Performance," to how the person and machine prove the amount spent on each parent attaches a copy of the Here are some items that in'a lifetime and limited as to • Scholarships and fellow­ "Anything that prevents a fit — how your body actually individual member, a propor­ pre-1985 agreement to his or her remain beyond the reach of amount. ships, limited as to amount and change of posmre or motion fits into a chair.” tionate share of the expenses return, or (2) the custodial Uncle Sam; • Interest on certain state and time. while sitting is fatiguing." Research shows that people will be allocated to each person. parent signs a written • Accident and health insu­ municipal bonds, • Tax refunds, both state and The authors also point out that shift positions about every eight You are entitled to the full declaration (Form 8332 may be rance premiums paid by • Amounts received from federal, of taxes not previously passive sitting slows the flow of to 10 minutes to maintain Sit back and adjust the $1,040 exemption for those used) that he or she will not employer. insurance to cover the loss of deducted or deducted without blood to the heart, "which comfort. Don Korell, director of chair height so your dependents who were either claim the dependency exemp­ • Annuities to the extent of your home due to fire or other tax benefit. eventually can affect brain research at Steelcase, offers the feet touch the floor born or died during 1985 tion for the child and the investment. casualty to the extent the • Disability retirement pay­ functions." following suggestions for (provided you furnished over noncustodial parent attaches • Gifts and bequests, devises amounts were more than the ments, and other benefits, paid So how do we counteract maximum support while sitting; with ease. one-half the support for the part this declaration to his or her and inberitances. cost of your normal expenses by the Veterans’ Administra­ health problems when we’re tied • Sit back and adjust the chair of the year in which the return, CCH said. ■ • Child or dependent care while living in your home. tion. provided by employer, with • Life insurance proceeds • Amounts an employer to a desk eight hours a day? By height so your feet touch the contoured to your body. Without dependent was alive). • Tilt your head to the right, off the floor, return your foot to In order for you to claim an limitations based on earned paid on death of insured. contributed on your behalf and learning to sit more like children floor comfortably. The knees proper distribution of body drop your chin to your chest and the floor. Repeal with the left exemption, the dependent must income. • Meals and lodging furnished benefits provided to you Under a is one solution, say experts. should be as high as the hips. weight, the pressure on back tilt to the left. Reverse the head leg. have had less than $1,040 in • Child support payments. for the convenience of the qualified group legal services Children twist, squirm, lean, The angle of the seat should be disks can be from 40 to 90 roll, starting at the left. bend and shift their bodies form gross income in 1985, unless the • Damages recovered for employer. plan. adjustable to prevent restriction percent higher than when you • Sit upright. Hunch your • Old age. disability, and side to side as they sit. These • Extend your right leg and dependent is your child and personal injuries or sickness. • Cancellation of certain of blood flow to the thighs and stand. shoulders as high as possible, survivors' benefit payments student loans. movements keep the blood make circles with your ankle, either is under 19 years of age at • Disability payments, ex­ knees. • Sit up straight. Reach for then drop both shoulders under Social Security or the • Worker's Compensation Act flowing and relieve the harmful first clockwise and then the close of the calendar year or cluding loss of wages. • To reduce muscle strain, the the ceiling, first with one arm together. a full-time student. • Dividends up to $100 Railroad Retirement Act (Social payments. ■ pressure on the pelvis and lower seat and back should be and then the other. counterclockwise. Repeat with • Lift the right leg four inches left ankle. A special rule applies where individual. $200 on a joint return. Security benefits and tier 1

36 Oak St. DIET CENTER. CALL UP TO Manchester 3 IN 1 SLIM DOWN. 649-0791 PapcriMuicing Tak to us about the one pro^am ihai realy he^ you lose we^hi Painting Electrical And shows ^ how lo I ofl permanenlty FREE DELIVERY IN R s a naiurai proyam besed on sound nuintm pnvaie. da*y ------MAGAZINE MANCHESTER counsefeng and no shots or drugs The Oet Cemer Proyam has aReady wortted tor over 4 m*on men. women and cNUren Youl lose weigN fas) New. Exciting. Locally Produced. and w el (each you how to keep I oR torever ^ LOSE17TO What more can we say'’ Rerty C al us W ei yve you the whole sto^ along a 5 25 POUNDS IN Another example of the Herald’s free. rtroduclorY consutahory f JUST SIX MfEEKS Announces... Opening of A Second Store m So get a Ine on your w eyit commitment to the needs and wth Oet Center to serve you better! interests of Manchester. U A. Csavefsf 11.1 Main Si .. Manrheater 200 West Center St. 6 4 6 -6 0 5 6 L. A. CONVERSE INC., PAINTING HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7 am - U am ^ ST. PATRICK’S DAY SPECIAL McKECHNIE ELECTRIC Mon., Wed. & Fri. ,3 pm ■ 6 pm Watch for it every Saturday PAPERHANGERS UNLIMITED LITE YEARS AHEAD' Green Carnations 59< ea. c ^ s e m r r y For Professional Service 6 4 7 -0 4 6 9 Open Monday-Friday 9-6 / Saturday 9-S Call Us At 646-3117 WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March 15, 1986 12 At the Movies 13 to 21 WEEKEND TELEVISION Pullout Section

There’s glory in ’16 Days’ Film capsules Saturday, March 15 ^31^ ' i ® By Bob Thomas holder who finished last in the Down and Out In Bmeriy HMa (B ) - NIek NoNt, Ben# MMtor, 5,000 meters because of injury; Rlehard Draytuas, UtHa Rldianl. (Comatfy) This Is a grapafnilt; 7 :0 0 A M C S C^italn Bob the Animal Olympics from Pawprint Stad­ ium. (90 min.) •J The Olympic Games have U.S. swimmer John Moffett, full of juicy pulp, sometlmas tart, usually acidic — navar CD Terrahawke fascinated fiimmakers ever who had broken the 100-meter C D N e w Jersey People 9 : 0 0 A M CD Jim Henson's Muppets. satisfying. Loosaly basad on Ranolr's classic 1932 film “Boudu Babies & Mortsters since the modem era began with record a month before but G3) Tom 8i Jerry Saved From Drowning,” this flick ridicules the bourgeoisie: CD Dukes of Hazzard the 1896 games in Athens, They watched the end of the games on What happens when a bored, rich family saves a bum from dD MOVIE; 'Denver and the Rio Qrande* crutches. The Denver arid Rio Grande railroads work CD ® ) Bugs Bunny/Looney Tunes Co­ have inspired greatness, as with drowning? Renoir made it work; Paul Mazursky doesn't. His medy Hour In covering the winners, to see w ho can build a line through the Leni Riefenstahi's dramatic U M i Review direction Is leaden. And Midler — playing a guru-guided Royal Gorge first Edmond O'Brien, Ster­ CD Millionaire Maker “ Olympische Spiel” of 1936 and Greenspan often concentrates princess — refines the word ham. Oiade: C. ling Hayden, Zasu Pitts 1952 0 D Solid Gold the gorgeously photographed on their closest rooters. Myrella Bullwinkle (S ) Branded (S ) Barney Bear & Friertds Tokyo games of 1954. Moses narrates her feelings as Wildcats (R) ~ OoMIe Hawn, Nlpeay Russstl, Swoosle Kurti. @ ) Voyagers she watches her husband, Edwin (M) Ring Arourkd the World David Wolper's “ Visions of (Comedy) Can a blonde, white girl with a white VW van go Into ^ Smurfs concentrating on the human side Moses, toom to victory in the dD Newsmakers Eight,” for which mainstream an Inner-city school and transform a bunch of street toughs dD Sesame Street (CC) of the contests rather than the 400-meter hurdles. The explo­ d D Little House on the Prairie 0D Ask the Manager directors interpreted single Into a winning football team? A female version of T h e White overall competition. sive Romanian Bela Karoly (4$ Follow Me d D Nuestra Familia events of the ill-fated 1972 Shadow?" Well, guys, strike one up for feminism; somehow it Some enthusiasts will be responds in character as Mary SuperfrierKis (S ^ T h is Old House (CC) Munich games, also was works. Energetic coach Molly McQrath is faced with [C N N ] Daybreak disappointed that multiple Lou Retton scores a stunning a d D Addam t Family notable. stereotypical street jiver and a Wall Street Joumal-toting [D IS ] Contraption winners, such as Carl Lewis and upset in gymnastics. [D IS ] Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet Now comes ” 16 Days of version of Refrigerator Perry. Sounds cliche, but writer Ezra [M AX ] MOVIE: Citizen Kane' A weal­ Greg Louganis, are seen only in “ 16 Days of Glory” contains a [M AX] MOVIE: 'Supergiri' (CC) Super- Glory,” Bud Greenspan's view thy publisher is ruined by personal scandal girl travels to earth in search of her city's Sacks throws In several surprise plays and you're sure to come Orson Welles, Joseph Gotten. Ruth W a r­ of the 1964 Summer Games in a few feet of film, as part of the number of minor joys that power source Helen Slater, Faye Duna­ out cheering — In spite of the strong language. Orade: B-pkie. rick 1941 Los Angeles. While no soaring final summary. Those folks probably couldn't be captured w ay. Hart Bochner 1984. Rated PG. (TM Cl MOVIE: -Tha Third Man' An [TM C] MOVIE: 'Curse of the Pink document, the film manages to should buy the official ABC-TV on television: Daley Thompson American writer arrives in Vienna to take a Power (R ) — Ricliard Oeie, JuMe Chiletle, Oene Hackman, Panthw' The world's worst detective is recapture some of the thrills cassette. caressing the 16-pound shot |ob with an old friend, whom he finds has hired to find the missing Inspector Clou- Beatrice SIralghL (Drama) What a cast! What a pramlaal What a been murdered Joseph Gotten, Orson that made the games so Nor is Greenspan concerned before giving it a mighty put; seau Te d W ass. David Niven. Robert borel Sidney Lumet tries to make a powerful sodal-polltical Welles 1949 Wagner 1983 Rated PG soul-satisfying to those who entirely with winning. His West Germany's Michael Gross, satire — Qere Is an energetic media consultant who, by [U SA] Jimmy Swaggart [U S A ] Second Cash Flo Expo witnessed them. vignettes also focus on the less dubbed the albatross because of 7 :3 0 A M CD Dur>geons and Dragons fortunate: Norwegian Greta his huge wingspan, contrasted manipulation and marketing, guarantees political succass. But 9 :1 0 A M [CNN] Health Week Greenspan, who created the CD Woody Woodpecker & Friends Waits, five-time winner of the with an albatross in flight. somewhere In the first 30 minutes, the film becomas 9 : 3 0 A M (i«) Mmionaira Maker admirable TV series “ The CD In Depth New York marathon but a loser The narration, written by convoluted, annoying and tiresome. Christie's role as a (38) MOVIE: 'Mrs. Wiggsof the Cabbage Olympiad,” wisely eschews an 01) Voitroo at Los Angeles; West spineless reporter Is thankless, but Straight Is marvelous as a Patch’ A woman celebrates Thanksgiving overview of the 1984 spectacle. Greenspan and spoken by David $ D Und«»rdog with her children while yearning for her Germany's Juergen Hingsen, Capitol HIM wife bordering on a breakdown. Our vote: Forget it. He is an anecdotalist. Perry, inclines to the C?D Mr. T husband to return Pauline Lord. ZaSu GradetC. Pitts 1934 world record holder who portentous, but Lee Holdridge's 3 $ It's Your Business dD New Jersey Hispano couldn't match up to England's score nicely supplements the (4D Super Powers Team: Galactic "nm Color Purple (PO) — Whoopi OoMbarg, Danny Olovar d f) Soapbox Daley Thompson in the action. (Drama) Based on Alice Walker's PuHtzer Prize-winnirtg novel, Guardians Bob Thomas reviews movies decathlon; Great Britain's The rating is G. A good film (6f) Tranzor Z d D FTV this Is the story of a spiritually Impoverished Mack woman In [CN N] Money Week for the Associated Press. David Moorcroft, world record for sports-minded youngsters. ■ [CN N ] Sports Review the South at the turn of the century. Her simultaneous attempts [D IS ] Donald Duck Presents to evoke a spiritual reawakening and bring about a reunion with [D IS] Welcome to Pooh Comer 8 :0 0 A M Berertstain Boars 1 0 ;0 0 A M d ) Hulk Hogan’s Rock 'n' her sister create the plot. This is technically a superb film — the CD Wrestling CD Wondarama photography, editing and music are done well — but the CD Bionic Woman CD d D Pink Panther and Sons (CC) characters' actions are not bellovable. Grade: B. CD (4(0 Laff-A-Lympics C D HisparHC Horizons CDBJ/Lobo 01) Lima Rascals Isak, Nora and mostly Meryl Iron Eagle (PG-13) - Louis Goeeen Jr.. Jaeon Gedrick, 0D Puttin' on the Hits ^ Fat Albert DavM SucheL (AMIon drama) Hokey Is the only word for the Greatest American Hero S D Snorks first half of this film. In which an Air Force pilot Is shot down d D U lises By DolorM A. Barclay ^ Sesame Street (CC) David Hare. It came just as she m er” and best actress for over a Middle Eastern nation and his son (Jason Qodriek) dt) Motorweek (S ) From the Editor's Desk had finished work on the "Sophie's Choice.” realizes the bureaucrats running the show aren't about to lift a dD Wrestling d D Loe Pokvocm NEW YO RK — Late one night, Academy Award-nominated Some say she has become finger. Being a red-blooded American boy, he decides to take [DIS] You and Me, Kid HIS FAVORITE MODEL — Barbara Carrera is a real favorite with designer Bili Traviila, dD Robotech Meryl Streep came in from the "Out of Africa,” Sidney overexposed, that after a while action, and things start to pick up. The climax — Qedrick's [E S P N ] College Basketball Tourna­ who designs the outfits for two weii-known nighttime fashion shows — “Dallas” and cold. Pollack's stunning romance it is not a character one sees on one-man battle with the entire air force of the outlaw nation — [C N N ] Daybreak ment: NCAA First Round [D IS] Good Momirrg Mickeyl "Knots Landing.” "Dallas” airs Fridays, “Knots Landing,” Thursdays, on CBS. Laden with shopping bags, based on the life of Danish the screen but only Meryl Streep is good stirring fun. But who taught the filmmakers geography? [HPO] MOVIE: 'Desperately Seeking [ESPN] CoWaga Baskatball Tourna­ Susan' (CC) A suburban housewrfe loses lightly flushed and largely tired, writer Isak Dinesen. Before she acting again. Others in the Somewhere along the line, they got the Idea that you can fly ment: NCAA First Round her memory and adopts a new wave per­ and a private eye tar>gle with mobsters ® M OVIE: 'FirebeN Forward* During an end to the unmerciful teasing of her she melted into a hotel room to could catch her breath and industry accuse her of hogging from the United States to the Middle East in the time It takes [U S A ] AKve and WaNI sona Rosanna Arquette. Madonna, Aidan during Prohibition. Clint Eastwood. Burt World War II, a mustang General and his classmates. Lisa Pelikan, Bert Convy, Nina speak of Isak, Nora and mostly regroup her family in most of us to walk around the block. Qumn 1985 Rated PG-13. Reynolds, Jar>e Alexander. 1985. Rated hard-kick division endure lots of action. Foch. 1978 the few meaty parts for women. Grade: C-plus 8 :3 0 A M ( £ t i w wiuztn (CC) PG. Meryl. Connecticut, she swept into town [U SA] Japan Today Ben Gazzera, Eddie Albert, Ricardo CD M O V IE; 'Hooch' Three inept New The actress finds it all very C D Th* FHntstones [T M C ] M O V IE: 'Against AN Odds' (CC) talban. 1972. York hoods arrive in Clayton. North Caro­ to begin filming “ Heartbum.” Murphys Romence (PG-13) - Sally Field. Jamee Gamer, 1 0 :1 0 A M [CNN] CNN Travel Gukla The day had been spent in irritating. (D Umes (CC) An ex-pro athlete is hired by a petty hood ® CancNepin Bowling lina ivith plans to organize the local rrKX>n- Corey Halm. (Dranw) This movie, directed by Martin RItt (and 1 0 :2 0 A M (3) Mr. Rogara- Neighbor- to locate his nxtaway girlfriend. Rachel shining operations. Gil Gerard. Erika Fox. rehearsal for her third movie in "I just moved out of town, and “ In the old days, they made 17 0 D Rumbo el Mundial more appropriately titled “Places In the Stable") has no heart. CD Meet the Mayors hood Ward, Jeff Bridges, James Woods. 1984. Melody Rogers. 1976. less than two years, “ Heart- I see the kids on weekends and movies a year. Now they say Spseme Street (CC) (iD The Munsters Rated R. In Stereo. 0 D M OVIE: 'Spesnta' A demonic snake bum.” the novel by Nora once a week during the middle of Or soul. Miss Field plays Emma Moriarty, a bitter, frustrated 1 0 :3 0 A M d ) (S) Ewoka/Dralda Ad- you're overexposed,” she said. Spiderman venture Hour ^ [U S A ] Hollywood Insider © ) NASCAR Racing with supernatural powers terrorizes a the week” she said, rejoining a single nwm who packs her bags, leaves her womanizing community. Peter Fonda. Oliver Reed. Ephron on the writer's marriage " I f you want it, you have to (3l ^ Gummi Bears (CC) (33) FTV 11:30AM d) KM'S W orM [CN N ] Nawsday Worldwide stray thought about her husband (wonderfully played by Brian Kerwin) and heads for a 1983. and divorce with journalist Carl jump in there and juice it up. ® Wan Street Journal Raporl (3 ) Telephone AuctkMi d ) ® Supor Powera Tpam: Galactic [D IS ] FerdinarMi the BuN small Arizona town, where she sets up a horse-boarding ranch. [ESPN] Inside the PGA Tour ® Soul Train Bernstein. The evening was children, Henry Wolfe (Gippy), What am I supposed to do? Not dD Voltron In Stereo (g) (M) Punky Brewster GuanXana She has a 12-year-old son who hates school. He pouts. She [H B O ] M O V IE: 'T o Find M y Son' A sin­ (g ) W W F Championship Wrestling spent in meetings with director 7, and Mary Willa, 2. Their work?” [CN N ] Big Story ^ Super Libra (3 ) 12 O'Clocfc High pouts. Wo pout. Miss Field tries to fill Emma with spunk and cere. loving man tries to adopt a child, arid ( 3 Peter, Paul and Mery Mike Nichols and co-star Jack father is sculptor Donald With each movie, she does [D IS] Dumbo's Circus t s i ® Kidd Vidao drive, but both fall flat on their hard-working back. Gamer Is Plaza finds himself embroiled in a bitter battle (g ) Black Perspective Nicholson, discussing their Gummer, her husband since indeed believe it might end. [H B O ] Ar>knalympics Z 0 O. TV covers [C N N ] Style W ith Elea Klanech @ Buainata FNa because of the unprecedented circumst­ fine as the widower who refuses to reveal his age and — you got ances of his situation. Richard Thomas. ® ) Let's Go Bowling roles. 1978. “ Like every actor, I always [DIS] MOVIE: 'Wind in the WiNowe' (S?) Tcny Brawn'a Journal Tony Brown discusses issues of special mterest to the Justin Dana, Steve Kanaly. 1980. © ) Bob Uecker's Wacky World of it — falls In love with Emma. Sorry Sally, we don't like youl We Toad. Mole, Rat arxl Badger regard them­ So how's life? " I don't know how to solve the think this was the last job, that black community. Sports don't like youl Grade: C. C h a n n e ls selves as Edwardian gentlemen first and [U SA ] MOVIE: 'The Children’ After ra­ "What life?” she almost work situation because it's a they'll never ask me again,” she animals second. 1983. [CNN] NCAA Prmiew dioactive exposure, a group of children [C N N ] Nawsday Worldwide turns into murderers, (jii Rogers. Martin shrieks. “ I don't have a life.” daily tug — I miss th em " said. “ So, I don't have a game Hartford. C T CD [U S A ] Keys to Success (R). [DIS] MOVIE: 'My Seventeenth Sum­ Out of Africa (PG) - Meryl Streep, Robert Bedford, Klaus WFSB [U S A ] Credit Card Mmionaira Shakar. I960. WNEW New York. NY CD m er’ A young man spends his 17th sum­ "'Heartbum'? It's my retire­ Call it luck, call it tenacity, plan forthe future." ■ 1 1 :0 0 A M (S Richie Rich d ) N C A A BaafcatbaN Marla Brandauer. (Drama) "rhere is a magnificent lush love New Haven. CT 12:00PM W W F Championship mer on a cotmtry farm. call it talent or all three. WTNH Chempionship: Second Rourtd Triple- 12:30PM CD ment picture,'' she says with a story here; unfortunately, director Sydney Pollack has WOR New York. NY ® (D MOVIE: 'Springtime in the Rockiee* Wrestling [M A X ] Crazy About the Movlee: Great Whatever it is, the 36-year-old A pair of leaious lovers sing and dance hseder sly smile. smothered It In lush portraits of Africa. Miss Streep portrays WPIX New York. NY Hi) O ) America's Top Ten Screen Movies their way from squabble to spat to true CD ABC Weekend Special: The Secret Oh, really? actress is making movies in WHCT Hertford. C T (it [TM C] MOVIE: Firstbom’ (CC) A di­ Karen Blixen (who. in real life, wrote as Isak Dinesen). a love. Betty Grable. John Payr>e. Caonen World of O g [CC ] Part 1 of 3 Five broth­ @ ) Spiderman WTXX Waterbury. CT vorced mother, who has faNen in k >^ with Hollywood's most worked spitfire progression: “ The Deer Miranda. 1942. ers and sisters are swept into an urtder- materialistic woman living In Kenya. She marries a Swedish WWLP Springfield. M A n @ ) Instructional Programs an unstable driifter. is rescued from disas­ ground world of smaN green people who actress is human, and being a Hunter” (1978) ; "The Seduction baron — who was also her cousin — though she was actually in WEDH H a r t f ^ . C T M CD An-Star Wrestling ® Three Stooges Theatre ter by her adolesceni son who takes WVIT Hartford. C T M love make-believe games. (R). high-powered performer, of Joe Tynan” (1979); “ Kramer 0 D Soul Train @ ) Great Performances: FoMies in Con­ charge as "the men of the house". Teri love with the baron's brother. Enter another love Interest, bon WSBK Boston, M A QD Voyagata Garr, Peter WeNer, Christopher CoKet mother and wife can be a tad vs. Kram er” (1979); “ Manhat­ Springfield. M A w T' (S ) Wrestling cert Lee Remick and Carol Burnett star in a vivarrt Denys. Exit the baron. Enter syphilis and assorted other WGGB (33) Pra Wraading U M 1984 Rated PG. wearing. tan” (1979); “ The French WXTV Prrterson. NJ (g) ® Alvin & the Chipmunks revival of Stephen Sondheim's hit musical plagues. Exit the audience. "Out of Africa" could have been WGBY Springfield. M A t f ® M OVIE: ‘Steal Cowboy' An honest, 'Follies*. (2 hrs.) In Stereo. 1 :30PM CD Can You Be Thinner Last fall, she hit movie Lieutenant's Woman” (1981); d D Business File more than an overextended version of National Geographic. WTIC Hertford. C T ti) independent trucker turns to hauling stolen [C N N ] Evans and Novak ® Connecticut Newsmakers ^ Three Stooges cattle when he is hounded by bin coNec- marquees with “ Plenty,” a “ Still of the Night” (1982); Miss Streep seems to speak In at least three different Danish CNN Cabla N a v n Ntw ik ICNNI [D IS] Edison Twins critical flop based on the play by “ Sophie's Choice” (1982); ESPN Sports Network lESPNl 0D Lucha Ubre SIN tors. James Brokn. Rip Tom. Strother Mar­ accents, and Redford, though still good-looking, looks lost. HBO Home Box Office IHBOI tin. 1978. [ESPN] World Cup SUing: Men’s ID War of the Stars “ Silkwood” (1983); "Falling in @ Say Brother DownhiN GradmD. CINEMAX Cinwnu IMAXI (g )M r . T [C N N ] Newsmaker Oeturdey iD VVorfd Cless Championship Wres­ Love " (1964); "Plenty” (1985); TMC Movie Channel ITMCI (S MOVIE: -JwmHw th* tling (3 ) Photographic Vision 1 ;00P M “ Out of Africa” (1985). (FHm gradmg: A — superb; B — good; C — avemge; D — USA USA Network lUSA) Snake Goddess’ A lonely high school girl [M AX] MOVIE: City HeM' (CC) A cop ® Video Game Dotores Barclay writes lor the She was named best poor; P — awful) summons up supernatural powers to put ContlmMd. Aaaaclaied Press. supporting actress for “ Kra­ w eek en d p l u s, Saturday, March 15, igge ■ '' I ■' WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March IS, IMS' 5:45PM [D IS ] DTV 6:00PM CSD W h n '* Happening Now Saturday, Continued GD Actkm News Saturday, Continued (3D Championship Wrestling L O V E B O A T GS Good Times [E S P N ] Wodd Cup Skiing: Mdn't and 1965. O ) IntematiorMi World Championship Wrestling Woman's SIslom Barney Miller There's always an exciting [E S P N ] Qymnaatica: fiNcDoruNd'a In- ^ Star Trek ® Citotal tamatkinal Mixad Paka Championahip [M A X ] MOVIE: 'Rk> Bravo' A shenff MOVIE: ‘The Fountainhead' An ar­ adventure in store on ABC's outsmarts a powerful rancher who wants chitect finds so many chants in his plans (S ) NewsCenter (B ) MOVIE: 'Dr. Who; Tormlnus' [M A X ] fiROVIE: ‘No Small Affak* (CC) ACR088 DOWN his kiUer-brother released from prison that he destroys the buildings and is "Th e Love Boat.” Jill Whelan Sparks fly when a teen age boy develops (3 ) This Old House (CC) Danco Fovor 1 "Sanford and Son" atar 2 Reedy to eat John Wayrte, Dean Martin, Ricky Nelson. brought to trial. Gary Cooper. Patricia Neal, co-stars as Vicki, the daugh­ a crush on an 'older woman’ of twenty. 1959 Raymond Massey. 1949. ^ GAD News [DIS] MOVIE: Tho AbMnt MItmIm I Pro- Jon Cryer, Demi Moore. 1984. Rated R. (ckia to puzzia ananver) 3 Monogram for Lymaf^.-^ ter o( the ship's captain. The fOMor* An easy going, tmaN town profes­ 5 Mdona" 4 Balonging to PeLulaa ^ 2;00PM C £ worid Cup Skiing [CN N ] Style With Elsa Klensch ^ White Shadow [T M C ] (MOVIE: 'Fkatbom' (CC) A di­ sor discovers an anti-gravrty substance. 9 Daed le t^ off. 5 Margaret Ann on "Ume dlD Record Guido longrunning series airs Satur­ SD El Show De las Estrellas vorced mother, who has fallen in love with 3:00PM dD MOVIE: 'iron Chain A i- Fred MacMurray, Nancy Olson, Keenan an unstable drifter, is rescued from disas­ 10 Part of a circle Street" MOVIE: 'Compulsion' A trial, based saasin' Ti Lung. day. March 15. ^ Fame Wynn. 1961. Rated G. ter by her adolescent son who takes 12 Mwy on "227" 6 Monogram for Rooney on Loeb-Leopold murder of a boy for a [C N N ] Newswatch [E S P N ] C oMega BasketbaN Touma- charge as "the man of the house". Teri 15 Warning 7 Stepfanie Kramar rola thrill. IS portrayed. Orson Welles. E.G Mar­ (3D ® Pro Bowlers' Tour King Louie Open Coverage of the DLS King Louie (StMtIons res0rve the rtght [D IS ] I Captured the King of the Lepre­ mont: NCAA Firat Round Garr, Peter Weller, Christopher Collet. o 18 Fr. medemoiaeHa 8 "La — Aux FoNaa" shall, Dean Stockwell 1959 open is featur^ from Overland Park. KS. to make lut-mlnuto chango$.) chauns Walt Disney and actor Pat O'B- [TM C] MOVIE: The Third Man' An 1984 Rated PG. 20 ExUaialwid 11 Lew of auppiy and — MOVIE: 'Planet of the Apes' Four (90 min.) nan's trip to Ireland to find the truth about American writer arrives in Vienna to take a 9:10PM [C N N ] Showbiz W M k o 21 NIalaan, to frienda 13 AUtng American astronauts crash larrd on an uni­ o (£ ) Your Choice for the Film Awards the wee foik.for the making of Darby O’Gill )ob with an old friend, whom he finds has 22 Fathar Chrlatopher on 14 OHvar on "Hall to the dentified planet and stumble upon a Simian and the Little People'. (60 mm ) been murdered. Joseph Gotten, Orson 9:30PM ( ^ 227 Mary urges Lester "Falcon Croat" ChM" society of high intellect Charlton Heston. Patty Duke ar>d Elliott Gould host (2 hrs ) Welles 1949 (R) . [E S P N ] ESPN's Speedweek to give Calvin a job so that he will spend 24 Co-atar of 22 Acroaa 16 Actor Frey Roddy McDowall. Kim Hunter. 1968. less time with Brenda. In Stereo. 25 "Arsanic and Old 17 DaaebaWatat. dD Star Games [USA] Check It OufI (R) Irish Hour [H B O ] MOVIE; The Cennonbell Run' A [CNN] TMs Week in Japan 28 Mr. Camay 19 DIngleman on "Square strange mix of people compete m a coast o (S ) MOVIE: It's Onty Money' A TV re­ 7:05PM [C N N ] Sports S a t u ^ 31 Matinee — (3 ) MOVIE: 'Along Came a Spider' A to coast race, doing anything to wm Burt Pega" pairman discovers he is the long-lost heir 10:00PM CD News 32 Shipping hazard young widow goes to incredible lengths to Reynolds. Farrah Fawcett, Oom DeLuise 7:30PM CD Eyewitness News 23 Spirit": Coward to the forturte of an electronics genius. (3D (S) The Love Boat (CC) A rock star o 34 Awla and bita. e.g. prove that a professor was responsible for 1981 Rated PG CD Archie Bunker's Place daaaic Jerry Lewis, Zachary Scott, Joan O'Brien. traveling incognito falls for a passenger, a 36 "A Ball for 26 "Much — About her scientist-husband's death. Ed Nelson. 1962 Susanne Plesheite. Richard Anderson. decline were brought to light. (60 min ) 6:30PM CD Eynvltnns Npws CD Jeopardy romance novelist envisions Ace as the 37 "Our Family Honor" star Nothing" (Ji) Puttin' on the Hits hero of her next book, and a couple on o 1970 [DIS] Wonderful World of Disney SS MOVIE: '99 «. 44/100% Daad' Two m Small Wonder CD NHL Hockey; Pittsburgh at New K7 39 Actreao Gardner 27 "High Noon" atar (30) Golf: Hattz Bay Hill Golf Classic Cov York Rangers their 10th anniversary cruise are not what 41 Breoe 29 "" ^ El Mundo del Box [T M C ] MOVIE: Th e Stratton Story' men throw a body wearing cement shoes eiage is featured from Orlando. FL (90 CD ABC World News Saturday they seem to be. (60 min.) Baseball pitcher Monty Stratton refuses to into a river holding more of the same Ri­ dD SD At the Movies 42 " — But the Brave" atar (ll) MOVIE: 'High Commissionef' An min ) C11) Gimme a Break (3S) CrwHt Card Australian sleuth travels to LorKion to ar­ let a tragic accident mark the end of his chard Harris. Edmond O’Brien, Chuck Con­ (ID In Saarch of... 30 " — Uttla Indiana" career. James Stewart. June Allyson. nors 1974. [CNN] Big Story (2£ (15) NBC Nightly Nawa (@ (M) Remington Steele Laura, Reming­ 33 BaaebeN HaN of Famar. rest a political bigwig for murder Rod Tay­ Frank Morgan. 1949. ( ^ As Schools Match Wits lor. Christopher Plummer. Lilli Palmer ® PEUCULA: 'El Payo' Jorge Rivero. 5:00PM (3D Misskin: Impossible (14) Th ii Otd Houaa ICC! ton and Mildred go undercover to solve the Jimmie ^ (due to puzzle ( ^ Price Is Right murder of a wealthy family's butler. (60 answer) 1968 3:10PM [C N N ] Your Money Helena Rojo. Nadia Milton (45) ABC News (3D Greatest American Hero min) In Stereo. 35 Actor Stephenson [O IS ] Man on Wheels Donald Duck and Star Search ^ Bob Decker's Wacky World of 3:30PM Wild America Cl1) Fame (41) Charytin Sports Rosemary Clooney, with Love 36 He's Jeaon Oaavera Goofy demonstrate some of the do's and [D IS ] Anna to the Infinite Power A se­ a don ts of driving. (60 min.) d i) Reino Salvaje (is) Space: 1999 [C N N ] Pinnacla What's Happening Now (3 ) Twilight Zona 36 Monogram for OHvlar cret cloning experiment threatens the lives 40 Vary old: ebbr. [H B O ] MOVIE: The Flamingo Kid' (CC) [CNN] Special Report of a young girl and her family (105 min ) (2^ Nova: Skydive to the Rain Forest A [E S P N ] SportsCantar [C N N ] Investing Your Life $ ]) Route 66 A plumber's son discovers the world of [ESPN] Top Rank Boxing from Las Ve­ remote region of southern Venezuela is [H B O ] MOVIE: 'Chattanooga Choo known for its spectacular waterfalls and [M A X ] MOVIE: The Purple Roee of [C N N ] Evening News oooooo the rich when he spends the summer as a gas. NV Choo* In order to collect his inheritance, a 7:00PM (3 ) Agronsky aiKf Company Ceiro' (CC) An unheppHy married waitress 0 leee Compulog cabana boy at a Long Island Country Club. exotic wildlife (60 min ) [H B O ] Hitchhiker: True Believer A de­ 4-:00PM (31) Dance Fever man must restore the famous tram and ( D Too Cloaa for Comfort IS shocked when her movie idol steps off tective's investigation into the murder of a Matt Dillon. Richard Crenna, Hector Eli­ make one final run from Pennsylvania Sta­ (9t) Streethawk the screen and into her life Farrow. oooooo (X) Wheal of Forturta priest leads him to a haunted convent. zondo. 1984 Rated PG-13 MOVIE: ‘Return of the Fly* A young tion. George Kennedy, Barbara Eden. Joe [CNN] Newswatch Jeff Daniels. Danny Aiello 19B5. Rated man is determined to carry on his late fath­ [U S A ] MOVIE: 'Monster Demolisher' Namath 1984 (D Nawa PG [U S A ] Alfred Hitchcock er's work, even though it killed him Vin­ [TM C ] MOVIE: 'Curse of the Pir* Army of vampires arises from thetr crypts [M A X ] MOVIE: 'Airplanet' A skiddish Panther' The world's worst detective is Ct f) Jaffaraona [U SA ] Cover Story 10:30PM CD Bleck News to carry out maniacal scheme: the destruc­ cent Price. Brett Halsey. John Sutton 1959 ex-military pilot has to take the controls of hired to find the missing Inspector Clou- ( t i SCTV (3D Superstars of Wrestling Camp. 1983. nend leads to arson, tragedy and mad­ [U S A ] MOVIE: 'Conewt for Kampu­ tion of the civilized world. German Robles. an airliner after the crew becomes ill Rob- soau Ted Wass, David Niven. Robert 8:00PM CD AkwoH Hawke protects an ness. Brooke Shields, Martin Hewitt. Shir- ^ MOVIE: 'Battle for the Planet of the (15) Solid Gold amnesic girl who is being murderously GD Independent News [C N N ] Sports Tonight chea* Paul fifeCanney, The Clash. The Julio Aleman, Domingo Soler 1968 en Hays. Lloyd Bridges. Robert Stack. Wagner 1983 Rated PG lev Knight. 1981.RatwlR. Who. Elvis Costefio and other rock greats Apes' The ape civilization tries to live (ID Muppat Show sought by others (60 mm.) (gj) Benny Hill Show [E S P N ] SportsCenter 2:1 OPM [C N N ] Healtti Wa«k 1980 Rated PG [USA] Saturday Cartoon Express perform in this fund raiser for the people of peacefully with the human beings but the MOVIE; 'Jezebel’ A Southern belle 2:00AM d ) MOVIE: 'H Tomomiw [U S A ] Dick Cavan d [D IS ] Once Upon e fiNouse Tributes to mames a Japanese-Amarican boy. but The Clash. 1980 patra' A young warrior, the adopted son 4:1 OPM [C N N ] Sports CloM-up [M A X ] MOVIE: 'Blame It on the Night' loves Bette Davts. George Brent, Henry Wall Disney arid Mickey with the use of through the intemationai )et set. George of a tribal chief, leads the Bedouins in a (S) Nova: Return of the Osprey The os­ (1 i ll'a a Living Fonda 1938 they are forced to keep it a secret. Patty 3:30AM (X) m o v i e : *l Waaa rMnaga A rock star encounters problems when he montages, collages, computerized optical Hilton, Edwige Fenech 1970 Duke, James WNtmore. Anne Baxter. revolt against Egypt's cruel Goverr>or prey was a virtually extinct bird of prey a b c s wida woctd of Frankenatain* An adolescent rvYonster 4:30PM 3) i/Sl meets his 13-year-old son for the first (X) (45) TTw R«dd Foxx Show |CC| AI effects and segments from hundreds of GD Dempsey and Makepeace 1971. Mark Damon. Scilla Gable. Alberto Lupo before the reasons behind its population Sports time Nick MarKuso 1984 Rated PG-13 Continued... goes on a rampage of murder. Whit Bis­ dreams up a wmnmg lottery number but his films O ) Hie Untouchables GD At the Movies sau. Phyfiis Coates. Robert Bunon. 1957. ex-wtfe Febcia winds up with the ticket [H B O ] MOVIE:'The Flamingo Kid'(CC) ® MOVIE: 'The Group' A story of eight [C N N ] RBoney Weak [C N N ] Crossfire C it) MOVIE: ‘Comiftg Home' An officer's A plumber’s son discovers the world of coNege gels who graduate from Vassar in wife faNs m love with a disabled Vietnam the nch when he spends the summer as a 1933 and what happerts to them for the 2:15AM [H B O ] MOVIE: *The Star [M A X ] fifiOVIE: *Tomboy* A sexy female veteran Jane Fonda. Jon Voight, Bruce cabana boy at a Long Island Country (^lub. next six years. Shirty Knight. Elizabeth Chamber* An idealistic young judge, frus­ auto mechanic learns the f i ^ points about Dem 1978 ^ t i DiRon. RxJiard Crenna, Hector Eli­ trated by legal loopholes, finds twnseif be­ being a woman after meeting e famous Working Out Can Be Affordable Hartntan. Hai HoRxook. 19M. race-car driver. Betsy Russefi 1984. O MOVIE: 'The Long Voyege Home' A zondo. 1984 Rated PG-13. coming the instrument of everything he's [C N N ] Newanight fighting against. Michaei Douglas. Hal Hol­ portrayal of men who live by the sea, their 11:00PM CD Eyewitness Flaws 3:55AM [TM C] MOVIE: Tha Snat- thoughts and their dreams John Wayne, [E S P N ] AW A Wrectttng brook. Shvon dess. 1983. Rated R. ton Story* Besebafi pitcher Monty Stratton EAST OF THE RIVER... ^ Now Through March 15th tan Hunter. Thomas MitcheN 1940 CD MOVIE: ‘Comes a Horsaman' A [M A X ] MOVIE; 'Heeven Help Ua' Mis­ refuses to lei a t r a ^ accident mark the young woman struggles to hold onto a cat­ 2:30AM (E) a b c n m ® 12 O'Cloefc High chief prevails at a Catholic boys high end of his career. Jaimes Stewart. Juna Al­ tle ranch until a cowboy comes to her res­ school durirtg the 1960*s. Dortald Suther­ ( Q MOVIE: 'Banboo Sauem- A Rwl lyson. Frank Morgan. 1949. Two Can Join For One Year (S) ® Qimma a Break Part 2 of 2 When cue Jane Fonda, James Caan, Jason Ro- land. Andrew McCarthy, John Heard. Chinese peasant's crude drawing of an ob- The Quality Store Since 1954 Nell learns that her ex-husbend has remar­ bards Jr 1978 1984. Rated R. iact from outer space starts a dramatic 4:00AM [E S P N ] CoRaaa BukaHiiR ried. she loses her voice and is unable to C £ 9 9 N a w B three nation life and death struggls- Dan Toumamani. NCAA Fkat Bound perform on the cruise ship. (R). In Stereo. 12:15A M [HBO] MOVIE: -M o kxiw Duryes. John Ericson, Lots Nattletoo. For Only >200°° GD (S Tales from the Darkaide on the Hudson'(CO A Russian dreua mu­ (S) Benny Goodman: Let's Dance 1967. 4:10AM [CNN] Sho«H< Waak (3 ) Avengers sician defects to the United States and set­ [C N N ] Sports Lalanight [HBO] MOVIE: ’MNcMar ICC) A natd ® M O V IE : Murder Is Easy* Whrfe vaca­ tles in New York after being saved from One For ’ ISO**” (g ) NewsCenter [E S P N ] SportsCenter with a iioiMlaaa oink on a popikar gal a m tioning m Europe, an American computer the KGB by a store security guard. Robin leixoot in baaig cool. Doug McKaon. Chra It's a new season, and we’re proud of our expert meets sn elderty women who (S ) You Made Me Love You Wiliams. Maria ConcNta Alonso. Cleavant 3:00AM [C N N ] Wewenight Hath. Kalv Preston. Ratad R. knows the whereabouts of a murderer. BA Derricks. 1M4. Rated R. With This Ad 9 M O V 1 E : 'Curse of the Werewoir His [E S P N ] Surfing: O.P. Pro Surfing new look, with a store full of Spring and Btxby. Lesley-Anne Down. Okvia de Havil- beast-blood demanded he kM even those 4:30AM (9 ) Ona Stap Beyond 1 2 : 3 0 A M CD m m m ohm w km u w Champtonshipe Coverage from Hunting- land 1981 who loved him. Clifford Evans. Oliver L A Connectian ton Beach. (60 min.) [C N N ] Big Ssoty Summer merchandise. @ ) F e a tM de Vina del Mar Reed, Yvonne Remain. 1961. CD MOVIE: ‘Creature from Bfeck take' ® Making of Black Mayors A tribute to GD Sabedoe M m iceles Two anthropology students travel to Our Women’s Department is chock full bleck men who became mayor (2 hrs.) © ) Fawfty Towers Louisiana to search for a creanee in the 1985 [C N N ] Prime News @ It’s a Living , Bleck Lake. Jack Elam. Dub Taylor. John David Careon. 1975. TV COMMERCIALS - 5 of bright colorful tops, skirts, blouses, • Full Universal Super Circuit (H B O ] MOVIE: 'Despsrataiy Sssliing (CNN) Plmade Susan' (CC) A suburban housewifs loses (C N N ) Styla With Bae Klanacfi suits, co-dtdinates, and slacks. her meoYory and adopts a new wave per­ [DIS] MOVIE: *The Man in the WMla Ads flood the airwaves • Stationary Cycles Suit' A briliant chemist invents a doth (D IS ) iWan. Monsters end Mydiertae In­ sona. Rosarirta Arquette. Madonna. Akton terviews local citizens and scientists Qumn. 1985. Rated PG-13. what won’t stain, tear, or wear out. caus­ • Universal Free Weights ing the texble market to panic. Alec Guin­ about Masiia. the Loch Ness monster. Our Men’s Department has just received [USA] MOVIE: *The Unseen' Three va­ NETWORK TV — 4 • Jogging Trampoline ness. C ^ Parker. 1951. 1 2 : 4 5 A M 8 MOVIE:-Tlw Wonnn bi cationing women room at an eerie board­ ADS PER WEEK our early selection of Spring and Summer ing house. Barbara Bach. Sidney Lassick. [E S P N ] Outdoor Ufa Green* Holmes solves the fingsr murders. • tread Mills Stephen Furst. 1981. (M A X ) RoekabBN Seeekm: Cart Pertdne Basi Raihbone. figd Bruce. FMary (thousands) and Frienda Brooke. 1945. suitings, sport coats, slacks, sport shirts 8:30PM QD 9 Bm on (CC) Bmwon runs into several compkeabons when he (T M C ) MOVIE: 'Scarfece* A Cubwi im- 1 : 0 0 A M CD NWbe NIootw's Lowe — 3 and cotton sweaters. attempts to set an innocent man free from nsgrant ascends to the top of the cocaine Songs In Stereo prison. trade only to fal victxn to Iss own vioient (n)Tw«M*Zone bfestyle. M Pacsio. Micheie Pfeiffer. We extend an invitation to visit us and ( S ® Facta of Ufa Budtkng writer Na­ Steven Bauer. 19B3. Rated R. O C N N N e w s 10 SUNTAN SESSIONS FOR *30 talie concocts an elaborate fantasy durvig ( S Bi f ie a stopover in a Pfniadeipfsa truck stop (R). [U S A ] MOVIE: ‘Concert for Kampu­ — 2 [USA] Mghl Fight see what’s exciting for the coming season. Look like you spent the winter in the In Stereo. chea* Paul McCartney. The Clash. The Who. Elvis Costefio and other rock greats 1:10 A M [CNN] Hm Mi WpMi Tropics. March Special. Club mem­ 8:40PM [NS] MouMwpiMM HiM Ur perform in this fund raisar for the peopla of Kan^MChea Paul McCartney. The Who. 1:20AM CS) movic: um* ••• umt- bership not necessary for tanning. 9:00PM CD MOVIE: -Any WMch way The Clash 1980 A 121-yeer-old man raminiacae about Ns You Can* A barroom brawlar teams up Me as a young pionaar. Dustin Hofiman. with an orangutan for fun and adventure. 11:30PM GD D4* vim> Faye Dunaway. Martin Balsam. 1970. Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke. Ruth Gor­ QD Dicfc CiMfc’s MlMinw don. 19B0. 1.:30AM (n)i ( £ o l f Tracli BMting (3 ) 9 Fortune Dane (C O Fortune is held a A K responsljle when a mBioiHloler shqwnent (JJ) Tlw Hofwymoonars [C N N ] I — 0 of money being tianslerred to a foreign a M M imiim M M ir [ESP N ]< Sowcoc McCoBan/SpiaaiiOii 4 Co. R A I K H E X iR I bonk iisippawt. (60 min.) a a S«unl>F NlgM U m in Sitno. 887 Main Street ( S 9 GoMan Okfa Rose finds horseR a MOVIE: 'Strangar on th* R w ’ A 1:50AM [MAX] MQVK: *SMm r romanticaRy involved for the first time stahR ctsragvds iha 1m and nans Iha CanNes* |CQ An inaeove KBdweaaam Manchester since her husband's daath. (R). In Stereo. Chase for a murdar suspect xdo a cmal taan agar's I M tadxlay goae unemam- There's a trend toward shorter TV commercials (H) Beraty Goodman: Lat'a Danca g m t Haney Fonda. Mchaal Paits. Anna bared. just another sympaom of the pain of MIPERrlinE33 adolaacaiKe at«d growing vp in a iredtBa [DIS] MOVIE: T b a Boy IfimoTaBtadao ' Baxtat. 1967 — but far more of them. On the networks alone, 643-2401 341 BROAD STREET, MANCHESTER, CT. dass tamdy. MoBy (Ingwald. Arahony k6- 647*7538 Badgm* A six-vaar-old farm boy be- a MOVIE: -yaAay Girr Whan a prom- dwal HM. 19B4. Aaiad P& m c-rnA wblcomb comas loct in iha Canadian wide but aur- quaan cxtxMaia sans dadng a punk- the weekly ad total has nearly tripled since •ataper usage lee— membership not needed lor tanning. vivas with iho ha^ of a friarufiy badger, rockar. her fnands dy m dM uada her fk- 1:55AM [TIWC] MOVK: TiiBin dvistian Juttnar. Carl Betz. 1975. cholas Cage. Ftadanc Fotiaat. Cp liw Uwp' A wxn«||i X ite kv aM - 1965. WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March IS, 1986 WEEKEND PLUS. Saturday. March IS. 1966 gj) T«nM V M wtM ® Secret City KEENEY ST. EXIT OFF 1-384 f D Kida, ktc. END OF KEENEY • McKEE ST. Sunday, March 16 [CNN] Newamafcar Sunday nc sama [ESPN] Outdoor Life nD BM N X M s r IF TOMORROW [H B O ] MOVIE: Trcncbcoet' (CC) An a o uM Tu va 647-9997 647-9998 (S ) The World Tomorrow amateur mystery writer finds herself m the SUNDAY 7;00AM CD spread a UM a Suitshtne middle of a reel conspirecy. Margot Kidder. nc miL aiNEiv ® What's Happerdng Now COMES ( D Hour of Powar Robert Hays, Daniel Fereldo. 1 M 3 Rated MON . THURS TILL 9-FRI TILL 8-TUES.. WED., SAT 5:00 12:00-5:00 d ) Eighth Day dD El Ministerio da Jknmy Swaggart PG rrORD RD. 1/U MANCHESTER Presents ( £ Faca-Off Tom Berenger plays con 10:45AM (SllJmWiuta SD Voltron (H) Otd Tima Qoapal man Jeff Stevens in "If To­ [CNN] Daybraak 11:00AM OD m o v ie : ‘Etaphm O CarraacoiandM morrow Comes," the three- Stampede' Bom bs must get an elephant [DIS] Good Momirtg Mickeyl ( 3 World Vision part C B S mlniserles based on stampede under control. Johnny Sheffield. [ESPN] College Basketball Tourrta- Donna Martell 1951 @ (Q} Jimmy Swaggarl Sidney Sheldon's novel. Part Litton MICROWAYE mant: NCAA First Round CD This Week in Conrrecticul ® tt'a Your Busirtass [H B O ] MOVIE: Rascala and Robbers; one airs Sunday, March 16. CD David Tome Show Kenrtath Copatood The Secret Adventures of Tom Sawyer QD FTV [C N N ] Daybraak arKl Huck Finn' Tom Sawyer arKf Hijck Finn overhear a plot against the townspeo­ (StstfonM raaana tfm right Real to Reel [D IS ] Wish Upon a Star to moko loft-minuto chsngm.) ple to cheat them out of $15 ,0 0 0. Patrick ( 0 Superaoccer [E S P N ] Winning GoH Tips from Sam Creadon, Anthony Michael 1982. Snead and Boh Goattiy. ($9 Adalanta 8:30AM CD Up Front [MAX] MOVIE: T Marriad a Shadow' A d l) Three Stooges your>g woman struggles to make a hfe for CD The World Tomorrow M Conversations With hersetf arid her child by assuming the ident­ CD It Is Written dD Round Caro ity of a dead woman. Nathake Baye. Fran­ Kidtime cis Huster 1983 Rated PG ^ N o v s : Return ofthe Osprey (CC) The Hour of Power osprey was a virtuM y extinct bird of prey [TMC] MOVIE: 'Around the WorM in > .5 cubic foot oven holds a 2'/i quart casserole ( S Heckle A Jeckle/Deputy Dawg before the reasons behind rts population 80 Days' Phmeas Fogg sets out to wm decline were brought to kght (60 mm ) • 500 watts of microwave cooking power 20.000 pounds sterkng if he can complete d S Davey Goliath 9:1 SAM @ ) Sesame Street fCC) A ^ W.V. Grant ' Save counterspace . . . mount Little a trip around the world m 8 0 days David 9:30AM D Face the State 9D MOVIE: 'Hers to Hokf A n Air Force (CNN) Crossfire [D IS ] MOVIE: Track of tha Giant Snow beutenent w e b s out on his gvl. not plan Litton on a wall or under a kitchen Niven. Shirtey MacLame. Cantmflas 19S6 Leave ft to Beaver Rated G.' Stereo [D IS ] Dumbo'a Circus CD Baar' A young teen-aged Eskimo boy nmg to return. Oeanne Durbin. Joseph Cot cabinet with optional' mounting kit ten. Chtules Wmnmger 1943 [USA] Suitday Cartoon Exprase 8:45AM ® Sacrad Heart CD Point of View struggles to becogirTgreei hunter end e • Exterior size. 9'/i" high x 10H" wide x 13" deep (jDHeathcfiff men. Narrated by John Mckitire 1970 [CNN] News Update 7:30AM CD Barrio 9:00AM D Comment & Day of Discovery [E S P N ] Speedweek [ESPN] Fishin' Hole CD Make It Real CD Plaaticman ^ Celebrate ^ [H B O ] Fraggla Rock: Red's Blue Ore­ [M A X ] MOVIE; 'TaBt To Me' (CC) A Meat the Mayors D In Touch Ministries gon |CC) 'AGGiltonal c haroe CD Tennesaee Tuxedo group of ten stutterers from widely differ M19 O Day of Disoovarv CD Oral Roberts [T M C ] MOVIE: 'Utilities' A men seeks ent backgrounds comes together el a re Rev. David Paul revenge egemst a utikty company Robert search center m Virgme to overcome therr (j D Josie and the Pussycats What About Women @ ) Nuava York Ahora Hays. John Merley. Brooke Adams 1981 speech problems Austm PendNton. Bar C3) Kenrreth Copeland 0 $ Mora Real People dD Funtaatic World of Harma-Barbera Rated PG bare Ede-Young. Micheel Murphy 1984 FAMOUS MAKE CS Little House on the Prairie dD El Club 700 [C N N ] Evana and Novak 10:10AM [C N N ] On the Menu 11:1 S A M dD Para Oanta Grande [C N N ] Big Story ® Expect a Mirecle [D IS ] Donald Duck Prasants 10:20AM ® Mr. Rogers' Neighbor- 1 1 :3 0 A M CD Face the Nation ULTRA COMPACT DUAL [D IS ] Welcome to Pooh Comer (SPorfcyABugs ® The World Tomorrow 10:00AM CD css Sunday Morning CD This Week With David Brinkley POWER MICROWAVE OVEN [E S P N ] SportsCenter News L i t t ^ 10:30AM CD Meet the Meyors CD ^ The World Tomorrow • Lighted cooking compartment & ( D Jimmy Swaggart dD La Santa Misa Dukes of Hanard 8:00AM CD (3D Three Stooges CfD Abbott and Coetedo see thru door D C alebratiun of the Eucharist dP Super Sunday CD Bamaby Jonaa T U B 60-kdV1dHERL [CNN] Daybreak ( 9 Telephone Auction C i $ New Wddemees • Automatic shut-off CD MHBortaira Maker CD Sunday Maas - [D IS ] Adventures of Ozzia and Harriet ( 9 MOVIE: 'Tarzan the Magnificent' Argument IMClwifAVEO^N • Sits on countertop or mounts CO) d l Frederick K. Price GD Super Sunday Tarrao captures a gang that has terronxad [MAX] MOVIE: 'She Wore a VaRow d S This Waek With Omvid Brinkley (C C ) • Automatic temperature probe under cabinet He-Man A Masters of the Unryarse OPatarPopoff the jungle Gordon Scott. Bette St John Ribbon' A U S Cavalry outpost makes a [CNN] NFL Preview 1960 : N e w ^ d o 8 cubic foot oven Robert Schuder attempt to repel mvadmg Indians John MiBionaira Makar <269 ® Sesame Street (CC) Wayne, John Agar. Joanne Dru. 1949 @ Chabce of Salvation dB Batman • 10 power settings Expect a Miracle 9:10AM Sna nw StraM (CC) (19 Sacrifica of tha Maae C4B Wild Kingdom Cofitinusd... WHIRLPOOL 30" ELECTRIC RANGE . Three 6", and one 8" m i M plug-in surface units WALLPAPER SALE » SPILLGUARD" cooktop . Chrome reflector bowls CATHY'S CRITTERS • Removable oven door does It better! 50% 643-1196 • Vernon <299 AT THE ENTRANCE TO QUALITY INN, VERNON 1 & 2 WHIRLPOOL A MINIMUM OF 30% OFF ANY AUTOMATA WASHER MID SIZE AUT0-T0UCH« MICROWAVE WALL COVERING (No Exceptions) OPEN 10 TO 8 MON. THRU THURSDAY / TILL 9 FRI. / SAT. 10-6 / SUN. 12-5 j • Super load capacity OVEN WITH PROOE • 2 automatic wash cycles • Minute Plus™ • Digital display Programmable cooking DONT MISS THIS SALE! CATCH THE CRITTER FEyER • 0.9 cubic foot cavity * ' ■* Check Our Prices and Selection S ) H I T A C H I A WofM Leadw ki Technology Sale Ends March 29th LARGE LOAD AUTO. DRYER 22" SQUARE PWTURE TURE • Timed dry system CABLE READY COLOR TV • 2 drying cycles ■ Random access electronic turfing • Infrared remote control <259 • Distortion free circuit wiiirlprini <499 a w w *

M m o r Sale Ask about o u r. laadiair Nteael U b K S B peace of m ind Extended Service PAUL’S PAMT 25” CW TOM SERIES COLOR TELEV1SHHI 615 a u M ST. Quartz-controlled electronic Contracts Sale Ends 3-22-86 keyboard tuning featunng 157 CounUy Style Livestock Quantities Limited channel capability. 649-0300 (including 101 cable TV) <399 WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March IS, 1986 WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March IS, 1986 , . . , . , I I t. I ^ . > • ■ . ' < • > ■ ...111. Smidav, Continaed Sunday, Continued _ She brings T to cassettes

(g) g Alfred Hitchcock Presents: The 12:30AM CD N aked C ity AR>ertson. W altar Chiari. 1970. directed movies such as “ The [DIS] Huch Rtm and Ma Manda N o s ta lg ia C re e p e r A fashion designer becomes ter­ (g) Christisn Children's Fund By Dick KiBlnar [CNN] Nawsdey Worldwlda rified that she may be the next victim of a NCAA Baakatbad Erotic Adventures of Candy,” 12:00PM GD serial killer In Stereo. GD Dr. Gene Scott ChimpionsMp: Second Round Triplo- [D IS] DIaney'a Laganda and Haroa The tHIe o f "The WIU, Wild W est" was a not-so- which have been tran sferr^ to [HBO] MOVIE: Against All Odds' (CC) hoodof [M a 3(] MOVIE: 'Johnny Dangaroualy' (g) Ask the Manager HOLLYWOOD - More and dever double entendre. The hero of this hour-long An ex-pro athlete is hired by a petty hood cassette — and her own new d ) Hour of Povvor (CC) In the 1930s. an honest, good- [USA] Hollywood Insider more. America is turning on hearted men is forced to turn to a life of Western, which aired on CBS from 1965 to 1970, was to locate his runaway girlfriend. Rachel video are available at most Ward. Jeff Bridges, James Woods 1984 videos, watching movies and Q j) Abbott and CootoNo crime to finence Ns neurotic mother's fames T. West, an untlercover agent for President 11:00 P M 33 Eyewitness News video cassette stores. (3) Qroatost Sports Logonds skyrocketin g m edicel biMs. M ichael K ea­ Rated R other entertainment cassette at Ulysses S. Grant. 33 T a x i "But they are kept in the adult ® Iro n sid o ton. Joe nscopo, Maureen Stapleton. West, played by Robert Conrad, worked for the 12:45AM 33 Puttin’ on the Hits In home. 1984. Rated PG-13. 33 eg) News section in the stores,” she says. (S) Hogan's Haroaa U. S. S ^ re l Service and fought agairtst radicals, revolu­ Stereo And, therefore, more and [USA] MOVIE: 'MagnHteant Flata' A 33 The World Tomorrow "So you have to be 18, and be ® Mystory: Tha Advonturas of Sbar* martial ans expert utilizes Ns filin g skills tionaries attd criminals who threatened the govern­ (11) Odd C o u p le 1:00AM (33 Music City. U.S.A. more the question is being loch Molmas I A man’s suspicions aro ar> able to prove it, before you can to battle evildoers. Carter Wong. Chueng ment. With hb partner, Artemus Cordon (Ross Mar­ (g) NewsCenter 33 MOVIE: 'Meet Dsnny W ilson' A sin­ raised: Should some regulatory ousad when ha is offered a copying the W ei. 19 7 8 . ger's rise to success in the world is ham­ buy or rent anything from that Encyclopedia Britannica. (SO min.) tin), a master o f dblects and dbgukes, he pursued hb (38) N e w sm a k e rs pered by gangster affiliates. Frank Sinatra. body control videos and give (DSSAtiMitaSOOStocfcCar section.” (SI What About Woman 1:30PM adversaries — often Dr. loveless, a ^ a rf, played by (57) M y ste ry ; T h e A d v e n tu re s o f S h e r­ Shelley Winters 1950. them ratings like movies have? Race Coverage is featured from the At­ lock Holmes I (CC) Professor Moriany She says most stores she has ® MOVIE: 'Raacua From OMBgan's ls> lanta International Raceway in Hampton, M ichael Dunn. The pair traveled through the West In a GD Tales from the Darkside Naturally, there could never tracks Holmes and W atson across Europe land' The shipwrecked castaways are res­ GA. (4 hrs.. 30 min.) train car lull of tricky weapora and clever gadgets. [CNN] Crossfire had contact with are very cued after 1B years on their uncharted de­ to the Reichenbach Falls. (60 min ) be a method of controlling what [CNN] M o n ay W aak They truly were prairie artcestors o f fames Bond. [ESPN ] Best of PKA Karate scrupulous about that. But she sert island. Bob Denver. Alan Hale Jr. (61) C o n n e c tic u t: N ow people show in their own living Natalie Schafer. 1978. Cartier, Conrad had starred in the detective drama [USA] Keys to Success admits there can be store 2:00PM (S) MOVIE: 'GasU ^' A dia­ [CNN] Inside Business room. A man's home is hes bolical husband attempts to drive Ns wife ® Modem Maturity "The Hawaiian Cye" from 1959-63. In the decade fol­ MOVIE: -Springtlma owners who are less scrupulous, insane- Charles Boyer. Ingrid Bergman, Jo­ [DIS] MOVIE; Tex’ An easy-going and 1 :1 SAM CD in castle; likewise, a woman’s. But [CN N ] Nowaday WorMwtda lowing "The Wild, Wild West," he starred in live un­ the Rockies’ A pair of jealous lovers sing as well as teenagers who can seph Cotton. 1944. vulnerable IB-year-old is caught in an there could be controls Gail Palmer [D IS] Talas of tha Apple DuntpNng successful adventure series. Including NBC's "Baa Baa emotional tug-of war as he tries to grow and dance their way from squabble to spat persuade unscrupulous adults to (S) (3) NBC Sports: IMSA Miami Grand to true love Betty Grable, John Payne, established at the point of sale or Pang A down-on-Ns luck gambler wms Black Sheep." He also starred In a 24-hour minbertes. up without parental guidance Matt Dillon. buy or rent those cassettes for two adorable children In a poker game. (60 Prix Auto Raca Coverage is featured from Jim Metzler. Ben Johnson 1982 Rated Carmen Miranda. 1942 rental, so no video cassettes m in.) Miami. FL. (2 hrs.) Question: What was the name o f the minbertesi PG [M AX] MOVIE: 'Hot Resort' A group of them. (3) Puraly Oarshwin William Hurt hosts could be sold or rented to [ESPN ] SportsCantar [ESPN ] SportsCenter young men are given jobs on an island re­ Couples.’ But it hasn’t so far Furthermore, she admits that this musical retrospective paying tribute to sort but can't keep their minds on their youngsters, for example, if they [H BO ] MOVIE: ‘A Piano for Mrs. Cim- '8261 3B N “ o p o o r // howsuy [USA] Herbalife (R) if an adult buys or rents a the diverse talents of George Gershwin. (2 work Bronson Pinchot, Marcy Walker. had R or X ratings, or the caught on everywhere. ino* (CC) An etderty widow fights for the h rs.) Linda Kenton Rated R She doesn’t think her own pornographic tape and leaves it right to control her own life. Bette Davis. 11:30PM 33 C B S N e w s ® MOVIE: Hotel Paradiso' A hen­ equivalent. Cs3 Blue Knight video should be called iying.around the house, there is Penny Fuller, Alexa Kenin. 1982. pecked Frenchman engineers a clandes­ 1 :25AM [TM C] MOVIE: 'Im pulu' A a teenage beauty pageant, the contestant 1 9 3 9 . monic Orchestrs (J hrs ) In Stereo. No such controls exist today. [TM C ] MOVIE: 'Tax' An easy-going and tine affair with his neighbor. Alec Guin­ 33 Sports Extra young couple returns to their hometown to "pornographic." She prefers the nothing to prevent a teenager must srnile no matter what. Michael Kidd, And so anybody can go in and vulnerable 15-year-old is caught in an ness. Gina Lolobrigida, Robert Morley. [U SA] Tha Monroea (SD Party W ith the Rovers find that the citizens are going insane Tim Bruce Dam. Barbara Fekkm. 1975. 3 ) (20) M illio n a ire M aker Matheson. Meg Tilly. Hume Cronyn. 1984 rent or buy Gail Palm er’s video, euphemism, "adult entertain­ (or younger child) from playing emotional tug-of-war as he tries to grow 1966 6:30PM 33 Eyewitness News GD Siempre en Domingo up without parental guidance. Matt DiRon. ® MOVIE: 'Dotk Sot' An afficioncY ax- 11: T h e H oneym oon ers ment.” And she thinks there ais it. Emba>adoras da la M usica Colom- [CNN] P rim e N e w s 1:30AM 33 David Sussfcind "Shape Up for Sensational Sex." Jim Metzler. Ben Johnson. 1982. Rated pen's arrival alarms workers in the re­ GC Muppet Show .18) C N N H e ad lin e N e w s not only a market for that kind "But I really don’t see that as b ia n a [ESPN] NHL Hockey: New York Islan­ This has aerobics and PG search bureau of a broadcasting company. (S) Too Close for Comfort [22) (30) S p o rts M ach in e (11) IndeperKlent News of video, but a need for it. a problem," she says. “ I don’t [U SA ] All Antarican W rastling Tha Spencer Tracy Legacy: A Tri­ SperKer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, Gig ders at New York Rangers exercise, but it includes sex (g) (g) NBC Nightly News :38) P ro file B oston (46) A B C N ew s bute by Katharine Hepburn (CC) Young. 1957 [HBO] MOVIE: Missing In Action II: "People are renting a lot of have children of my own, but a m o v i e : -ClndOTMto' [CNN] Newsnight Update scenes and other blatantly erotic 12:30PM SD [CNN] Weak in Review ® Party Whh the Rovers The Beginning' (CC) A POW escapes Ns 40) MOVIE: 'Three Into tw o Won't Go’ This take-off on the fatry tale comes com­ [ESPN ] Track and Field: NCAA DIvtelon videos these days," she says. lot of my friends do. And I think dt) ABC News Viet Cong captors and wsges war sgamti The humdrum life of a sales executive and [U SA ] Millionaire Maker sequences. plete with wicked step-mother, fairy god­ [ESPN ] M ISL Soccer: St. Louis at Chi­ I Man's and Woman's Iftdoor Cham­ an enemy that greatly outnumbers Nm his wife IS turned upside down when'a per­ "And they go in and get a couple that the family that tries to hide father, beautiful prirKess. and wicked cag o p io n sh ip s [CNN] Inside Business 2:00AM Gi3 star Games “ They have been trying to put Chuck Nc^s 1985 Rated R missive young girl enters their world Rod for the children, and they’ll sex and make it a big deal is the step-brothers Jerry Lewis, Ed Wynn, Ju­ [HBO] MOVIE: You Light Up My Ufa' [HBO ] M OVIE: 'OW Enough' Two teen­ [D IS] Danger Bay Steiger, Claire Bloom 1969 [USA] Second Cash Flo Expo ratings on videos," says Gail MOVIE: 'Utilitlea' A man seeks dith Anderson. 19M. A novice songstress struggles to m ^e her agers from different backgrounds strike up [ESPN ] SportsCenter [TM C] always take an adult- family that ends up with revenge sgemst a utikty company Robert (61) S p iritu a l Life C ru sa d e [CNN] sports Latenight Palmer, who is pioneering in the 3 3 World Cup Siding dreams come true in the music business. a summer friendship. S a ^ Boyd, Rain­ 2:30AM entertainment video home for problems with their children Di^ Conn, Joe Silver. 1977. Rated PG. bow Harvest. 1984. Rated PG. 6:45PM [M AX] MOVIE: Rocky' A Hays. John Marley. Brooke Adams 1981 [CNN] Sports Tonight [ESPN ] SportsCenter field of erotic videos. "Some of GD MOVIE: 'High Noon' A smaN town smaH-time boxer arid street punk m PNla- Rated PG themselves, and adult movie for when they get older.' ’ [TMC] MOVIE: 'The Four Seasons' The [TM C] M OVIE: 'The Year of Living Dan­ [HBO] America Undercover: Kids in them say ‘For Couples.’ they put marshaH must face a kiHer he sent to prison delpNa battles against overwhelming odds 2:35AM [HBO] MOVIE; Coverairt’ A change of seasons marks the changing re- gerously' A journalist, trying to scoop the C ris is Three treatment centers for emo­ their own enjoyment after the Palmer is still making X-rated five years earlier. Gary Cooper, Grace to make something of Nmself Sylvester 8:30PM 03 F e c e -O ff talent promoter meets a fashion model a little symbol on the front, latkmsNps of three married couples Alan potential political ovenNow of Indonesia, tionally disturbed kids are visited (60 mm ) kids are in b ^ . ” movies. But she recognizes that Ketty, Otto Kruger. 1952. Stalkme, Talia SNre. Burgess Meredith (g) Party With the Rovers during a traffic accident, and both of their sayng it is recommended ’For Alda, Carol Burnett, Len Canou. 1981 meets end falls in love with the British at­ [M AX] MOVIE: Blood Simple’ (CC) A G i Qua Pass. USA? 1976 Rated PG [USA] Lancer careers accelerate Jeff Conaway. 1983. She believes that many people the box office for such films has R ated PG tache. Mel Gibson, Sigourney Weaver. lealous husband Nres a seedy private eye Lmda Hunt. 1983. ^ted PG. Rated R. who wouldn’t be caught dead gone down drastically since the (§) Meat the Press 7:00PM (X) 6 0 M k iu tM 9:00PM CD Bm cty HWs' Saint Pa- to murder N s estranged wife and her lover 2:15PM 35 m o v i e : H u »Ii , [ M A X ] m o v i e : N orth D al (S) Spotlight on Government (DIS) d t v trick'a Day Parada M Emmet W alsh. Dan Hedeya, John Getz 2:50AM going out to see an X-rated cassette market opened up. So Sw eat Charlotta' A man stops Ns daugh­ 4:15PM d ) ® Th* Dtency Sund^ Movta: las Forty’ A professional football player is © ) Madaiaina Cooks ter from running off with a married man Robin Hood (CC) TNs animated produc­ 1984 Rated R she has gone into the field of 4:30PM [CN N ] Evans and Novak CD 3 1 MOVIE: 'Blua Thundar' ICC) Tha left out in the cold by the team to which he Dick Kleiner covers Holly­ movie, see them at home and [CN N ] CNN irivastigative Report who is taler found dead. Bette Davis, Olivia tion features the exploits of Robin Hood pilot of a super-chopper uncovers a plot to 11:45PM 33 Entertainment TNs contributed so much Nick Node, Mac [DIS] MOVIE: Tha Sacrat Ufa of WM- and Ns battles with the Sheriff of Not­ wood for Newspaper Enterprise think it is perfectly fine. Her making them specifically for de HaviAand. Joseph Cotten. 1965. turn Ns cnme-hghtmg mscNne sgamst an W eek Davis. Bo Swenson 1979. Rated R [ESPN ] AWA Wrastling tar Mitty* A meek man dreams of exciting tingham. (2 Ns.) unsuspectirig city. Roy Scheider. Warren Association. own movies — she produced and cassette. ■ 2:30PM CS m o v i e : winning' A saa experiences. Dsrmy Kaye. Virginia Mayo. CI3 A B C N e w s [M AX] Album Flash: Stevie Wonder 33 Streethawks Oates. Malcolm McOoweN 1983 3:00AM CD MOVIE: -nw Pilnca who New videos from Stevie Wonder's latest soned ace on the speedway circuit hnds Arm Rutherford. 1M 7. [TMC] MOVIE: The Keep’ The German W as s Thief’ that Ns dedKation to winning has a disas­ (3) Blue Knight 33 New alersey People album 'In Square Circle' are featured, along [M AX] MOVIE: 'Fast Forward* (CC) A army in Nazi-occupted Romania finds a trous effect on Ns marriage. Paul Newman. (11) M O V IE ; K id B lu e ’ with exclusive interviews and backstage teen-aged dance group from a sm al town ( g ) S o M G o ld GD Lo v e B oet stone fortification that houses an evil su­ Joanne Woodward. Robert Wagner. [CNN] News Overnight visits with the Oscar and Grammy wirwier. in Ohio go to New York in search of fame. (g) (g Amazing Stories Three teenagers (gj BWy Grahem’s Sheffield Engter»d pernatural power Scott Glenn, Jurgen 19 69. Prochnow. Ian McKellen 1983 Rated R In [TM C] MOVIE: 'Amarcord' (Dubbed) 1:00PM CD ExMMtkm BaM bil: H tm Irene Worth. discover aliens who have been raised on C ru sa d e NBC wins week with comedies 35 Chtquikadai Stereo 1950’s TV sitcoms. (R). In Stereo. GD Ufeetylae of the Rich and Famous An Italian youth copes with growing up in a York M ats at Minna aota 5:00PM GD ko|m small coastal town in the 1930s (D ISl MOVIE: ‘Navar a DuM Momanf ® Party WHh tha Rovara 1 2:00AM 33 CNIdran Caught in th e (3) MOVIE: 'Boeing. Boeing' An Ameri­ 33 Black Shaap Squadron [CNN] Weak in Review An actor who is typecast m gangster roles C ro ssfire [U SA ] Credit Card Millionaire Harper, tied for 10th. can correspondent in has a fob keep­ is mistaken for tha hit man a mobster hirad GD Novala: Cristal [D IS] M OVIE: 'Spy Busters* An Ameri­ NEW YORK (A P ) - With five NBC broadcast the Super Bowl GD F a m a Jimmy Swaggarl ing his stewardess girlfriends from bump­ to do a )ob. Dick Van Dyke, Edward G. © ) Whan Bad Thk>gs Happan to Good can exchange student teams a secret that 33 3:1 SAM (3 ) CBS News Nightwatch in January, it won by 5.2 points. ABC’s Tuesday comedies also ing mio each other at his apartment. Tony (3)CradKCard comedies in the Top 10, Robinson. 1968. Rated G. P e o p le Iron Curtain agents are wMing to kd for. (11) S ta r T re k Joirtad in Progress cracked the Top 10. "W ho’s the Curtis. Jerry Lewis. Deny Ssval. 1965. (3) r ranch Foraign Lagion Kurt Russel, Glenn Corbin, Patrick Daw­ including the No. 1 "Cosby The record-breaking "Cosby $D MOVIE: 'Mr. Magoo in the King's (g) Hogan's Heroes World Vlalon Special (M AX) MOVIE: Topper* An auto acci­ so n. 19 69. 3:30AM CD Show,” which is bound to be Boss?”'Was eighth and (3 ® NBC Raigioui Program: Taking dent turns George and Marian Kirby into iD It's a Living S e rv ic e ' Show" and newcomer “ Val­ Childran Sarkwiaty Edwin Newman hosts M O V IE : Th oroug hly M o dem MUMe' [ESPN ] World Cup Skiktg: Men's artd madcap ghosts. Cary Grant, Constance [CNN] N a w s w a tc h [M AX] MOVIE: 'Falcon and tha Snow- T wo your>g girls come to New York to real­ erie," NBC posted its largest NBC’s first top-rated series “ Growing Pains" ninth. this examination of children's feelings. (60 [DIS] MOVIE: Tha RMway Chidran' Women’s SIslom Berwiett. Roland Young. 1937. ntan' (CC) Two childhood friends conspire ize their ambitions or>e to be an actress, The rest of the Top 10 included mm.) [USA] A IM Hitchoock TNee children learn to re sist to a winning margin in the prime since “ Laugh-In” in 1969, had a meager country life after one of comfon to sen government secrets to the Soviet the other to be a stenographer and marry 4:00AM [CN N ] Larry King Overnight 3:00PM O MOVIE: ‘IM I la lor H ir- Union. Timothy Hunon. Sean Penn, Lori time ratings since Super Bowl 36.4 rating. Its companion CBS’ "Murder, She Wrote” in (S) Mystery: Tha Advanturaa of Sher­ 5:30PM CD W hat's Happankig Now and wealth in tha aty. Dinah Sharidan. Ber­ the boss Juke Andrews. Mary Tyler [USA] Creatkrg Wealth wfth Govern­ oaa* A group of battle-weary Gl’s give Singer. 19S4. Rated R. lock Motmaa I Professor Moriarty tracks [CNN] NawimMar Sunday nard Cribbins. Jermy Agutter. 1971. Moore. Carol Channing 1967 m en t Lo an s week, figures from the A.C. comedy, "Family ’Ties,” was third, CBS’ “ 60 Minutes" in Holmes and Watson across Europe to the their a l to capture a German outpost dur­ in D ep th g ] Faith for Today second with a 33.0. NBC's fifth, ABC’s “ Dynasty” in Reichenbech Fels (60 mm.) ing World War 11. Steve McQueen. Bobby [HBO] Fraggla Rock: Rad's Blua Dra­ [ESPN ] Amerlcaa Cup 9:30PM 33 4 :1 5AM [HBO] MOVIE: Mlaairrg In Nielsen Co. showed. Darin. Nick Adams 1962. go n (CC) O Flamingo Road Latin Tempo Action II: Tha Bagintting' ICC) "Cheers” was fourth, "Golden seventh and NBC’s “ Miami ® Let's Go Bowflng [U SA ] Virginian GD For the week of March 3-9, GDBChavo 6:00PM 33 m o v i e : Cotton Comae [U SA ] Wanted: Dead or AKve [CNN] Newsnight NBC had a 17.6 rating to CBS’ Girls” sixth and "V alerie,” the Vice” in 10th. ■ GD Punto da Encuantro 7:05PM [CNN] Sports Sunday 4:55AM [M / k X ] m o v i e : T h a B ay ® M M ig of Black Mayora A tribute to to Itartam* A pair of detectives, a minister, [ESPN ] Bodybuilding: 1984-85 Mr. & Lovktg Ralariottehipa 9:45PM [HBO] MOVIE: 'Missing in B o y’ 1S.2 and ABC's 14.1. The week new sitcom starring Valerie Mack men who became mayor. (2 hra.) e junk dealer arxl others chase across Har- 7:30PM Ig) (9 SHvar Spoons While Ms. America Championship Rick’s family organizes Ns birthday party. Action' An American Army colonel, strug­ ® MOVIE: 'Squaexe a n ewer' When a [CN N ] Larry Kirtg Weekend Ism looking for missing money and a bale gling to convince the world that M A ’s are greedy business partner threatens the live­ of cotton. Godfrey CambrNte. Raymond Rick realizes that Ns romantic overtures [USA] MOVIE: 'Wbi. Place or StaaT have been intercepted by another girl. In stM imprisoned in Vietnam, accompanies a lihood of his little haben monastery, gentle St. Jacques, Judy Pace. 1970. Senate investigation committee to Ho CN Brother George flees to Australia with the Three not so perfect crooks attempt the S te reo . -COUPON perfect crime at a racetrack. Based on a 33 9 ® N aw a Minh City. Chuck Norris. 1984 Rated R secret formula for thee special liquor. Jack ® Party With tha Rovara \ true story. McLean Stevenson. Alex Kar­ 3)l*o«co Story Video, 10:00PM (D n s w s ras. Dean Stockwel. 1974. GD MOVIE: 'A Sm al KHng' An under­ 8:00PM 3 ) H Tomorrow Comaa (CC) Part 1 of 3 Beautiful Tracy Whitney en­ (D Stnlght TsBt m o v i e : -t iw m m w h o cover and a coiaga professor trari a 3:30PM CE counters charming con man Jeff Stevens fl5 Indspsndsnt Nsws W anted to liu a Forever* When a surgeon kder with help from a motley crew of ekf- SAVE VCR & and becomes the obsession for a brooding reports to a heart research complax in a erty streat people. Edward Asner, Jean ^ InsigM / Out insurance investigator after she is framed remote area of Canada, he discovers that Simmons. Andrew Prine. 1981. ® IS AHrad Hitchoocfc P nssnts; Tlw and sent to prison. (3 hrs.) In Stereo. answer everyone is being used as gumaa pigs in a (3 Pampaay and Makepeace Jar Faced with artistic and domestic fail­ Video Camera disbobcai experiment. Stuart Whitman, ure. a men discovers a strange glowing art­ automotiva (9 Sm al Wondsr 33 Star S earch Sandy Dermis. Burl Ives. 1970. work with the power to change Ns life. In 25% O F F NBW VIDEO (S) NowsCardar @ ) Mtemi Grand Prix Carreras de Autos. 3 3 David Toma Show Stereo . Rentais □ □ (3 hra.. 30 min.) & W .C. FW ds Straighc Up GD Ufastylai of tha Rich and Famous g ) 38 on Sports [H BO ] Video Jukaboat 0 9 Party W ith tha Rowara O Name of tha Gama @ ) Start of Something Big ALL SHOCKS 4:00PM S MOVIE: -Spinout'A com- (S) Undarasa WorW of Jocquoa Coua- ^ M O V IE: ‘QuaanofthaStarduatBaR- [CNN] Evening News free bachelor prefers Ns music, fast cars ta a u room' A lonely widowed grandmother and [TM C] MOVIE: 'Crimes of Paeaion’ a married mailman meet and fa l in love at a and freedom to the confinemem of mar­ £ ) Fama In Stereo. (CC) A young woman leads a dual kfe-- •Applies to most Foreign and Over 3,800 Titles • VHS & BETA □ □ □ o n riage. EM s Presley, Shedey Fsbaras. Diana local dance hal. Maureen Stapleton. fesNon designer by day arvl prostitute by [CNN] W aw a w t c h Charles Duming. Michsel Brandon. 1975. Mcfiain. 1966. . night. Kathleen Turner, John LeugMin, Domestic vehicles. [HBO] M OVIE: 'Rod Dawn' (CC) When ® 9 MOVIE: 'FamBy Tiao Vacation’ O M O V IE : *OM H appy* R u sty, the lead sr Tony Perkins. 1984. Rated R. 9 □ □ □ □ ConWnuniat paratroopers inveds a sm al Whan Alax wins an Oxford summer scho­ of a hot musical combo, haa tha asai^ [U SA ] Cover Story (R) NEW ENGLAND VIDEO U .S. town and begin to slaughter its inhabi­ mam of keeping an aM on the daring larship. the Keaton family travels to Lon­ tants, a group of high achool students das* o: □ daughter of a tough CNcago nightclub don. where Elyee and Steven unwittinglv 10:30PM 33 Sports Extra HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 10am-9pm / Sundays & Holidays Noon-8pm parat^ fights back. Patrick Swayza, C. Al owner. Bvis Praslay. Shal^ Fabaras. become involved in espionage. Meredith GD EdHor-s Desk 311 BROAD ST., MANCHESTER Thomas Howel. Harry Dean Stanton. Baxier-Bimey. Michsal Gross. Michael J. 6 4 3 - 8 8 4 4 19 6 5 . (B«hind Economy Oil Change) 841 Main St. Fowler's Plaza 19 B 4. Fox. 1985. (R). g MWonaira Maker S Bludto Saaaton wMi MNch MMar PAMELA [TN IC] MOVIE: 'WuBiarlng llilg hts' A ® ® QM b of Scan 1BB6 Beverly SBs M aalw -C a r d A VISA AccopMd Offor Eaplraa March 31. le s s j Manchester Rt. 44 Coventry ® OeW: M arti Bey M E OeW Oeaete Cov­ young aristrocrat fals in lova with a boy h o sts th s s eventh arwMwl P B S antartain- erage ia laalurad from Orlando. FL. (2 hrs.) who works in har father’s stables. Laur- mant special, featuring performances by 646-2772 742-0841 9 MOVIE: *8m la' Babind tha scanas in anca Oiviar. Marla Obaron. David Nivan. imemetional artists arvl ths Visnna Ptslhar- ConthNMd. WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday. March 15. 1986

WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March IS, 1986 Creators of 'Cheers’ offer new sitcom 21 M u sic

By Andraw J. EdataMn Own” ) stars as Paula Russell, a The next “ big event” is the Richard Kiley as Gunther 1986 marks the 20th producer, who starts miniseries “ If Tomorrow Hartog, a European master anniversary of the creation of criminal; Jack Weston as Uncle a new job and new marriage Comes,” an airy romantic caper the Monkees — a band formed They made you laugh with an Wille, a carnival huckster, and (strictly to become a TV and Canadians go 'diamond’ upscale sitcom about an simultaneously. Her husband is based on Sidney Sheldon’s Turntable tips Liam Neeson, the raffish recording act) by two producers arrogant ex-jock and his brainy played by Terrence Knox (who best-seller. CBS telecasts the played Dr. Peter White, the seven-hour miniseries on Inspector Trignany of Interpol. who advertised in Variety. barmaid girlfriend. Now against local and international NEW YORK (AP) — The following are Billboard’s hot record rapist-doctor on “ St. Else­ Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. By Ethllft Ann Var* "Cheers” creators Les Charles, The current hoopla about talent. The San Francisco hits as they appear In this week’s Issue of Billboard magazine. where” ) . Shawnee Smith plays The tale portrays the dilemma □ □ □ Glenn Charles and Jim Burrows “ The Monkees” seems ironic. percussionist beat out Laura will try to get the same results the obnoxious teenage step­ of Tracy Whitney (Madolyn Back in the late '60s. the Bryan Adams and Corey Hart HfltsinglBS MTV is going bananas over Branigan, among others. from a new sitcom involving a daughter. Carol Kane (‘T a x i” ) Smith,) an ordinary bank clerk Monkees were scorned by rock recently became the first and the Monkees, the first Later, in Japan, Sheila E. was 1. ’’Sara” Starship (Grunt) modem woman who must juggle costars as a soap opera writer. who is transformed by a series cognoscenti as imitation Beatles second Canadian artists, made-for-TV rock band. The Video so pressured by enthusiastic 2. ’Theae Dreama” Heart (Capitol) her career and home life. The The series will also air of misfortunes into a clever and who represented the worst of respectively, to earn “ diamond” calculating con woman. music-video channel has dubbed fans that she had to escape a 3. *’Kyrlo” Mr. Mister (RCA) sitcom, “ All Is Forgiven.” Thursday, March 27. before rock's commercialism. But time album status in their homeland, March “ Monkees Month” and is Beat Buddhist temple on the 4. ’’Secret Lovers'' Atlantic Starr (A&M) makes its debut Thursday on moving into a regular time slot has mellowed these criticisms: certifying sales of 1 million airing episodes of the 1960s shoulders of her 6-foot-7-inch 5. ‘‘How Will 1 Know” Whitney Houston (Arista) NBC. It airs at 9:30 p.m., on Satunlay, March 29, at 9:30 The miniseries also stars Tom The revisionists theory offered copies of their latest LPs. sitcom twice a day, at noon and 8 bodyguard. 6. "R.O.C.K. In the U.S.A." John Cougar Mallencamp (RIva) conveniently after that even­ p.m. It replaces ” 227,” which Berenger as Jeff Stevens, a con by MTV executives about the Achieving platinum status in p.m. In September, the show 7. "Rock Me Amadeus” Falco (A&M) ing’s "Cheers” episode. goes on hiatus until the man with a heart of gold; David quartet is that they were the Canada requires sales of 125,000 □ □ □ will air daily on Nickelodeon, 8. ”Silent Running" Mike & The Mechanics (Atlantic) remaining seven episodes of ‘All Keith as Daniel Cooper, a first "rock-video band.” ■ units; in America, a platinum MTV’s sister service. Elvis Costello went to court to 9. “Klng For a Day” Thompson Twins (Arista) Bess Armstrong (On Our Is Forgiven” air. sinister insurance investigator: album means sales of 1 million Presumably, Maryland shop­ legally change his name back to 10. ”Nlkita” Elton John (Geffen) units. No new mineral has been keepers could be arrested, if the what it was originally; Declan found to award artists Platinum bill passes, for selling anyone Patrick McManus. Although he TopLPs Blonde and Anne Murray, under 18 a copy of discs by the will continue to perform as however, domestic acts who 1. "Whitney Houston” Whitney Houston (Arista) -- Platinum Rolling Stones, Prince, Joan Costello, his songs will now be Weekdays have exceeded 500,000 units in (More than 1 million units sold.) Jett, John Lennon, the Jefferson credited to McManus. “ I don’t Canadian sales but fall short of 2. “Promi86” Sade (Portrait) — Platinum Airplane and many more. know why I ever changed it in the million mark. 3. ”Welcome to the Real World” Mr. Mister (RCA)• Platinum - Legislators in West Virginia, the first place,” shrugged Adams, by the way just 4. ’’Heart" Heart (Capitol) — Platinum 5:00AM (£ CNN HMdlin* N«w* [ESPN ] Nation's Business Today (3D Beat Talk in Tow n CD Let's Make a Deal [D IS ] Donald Duck Presents Minnesota, New Jersey, Wiscon­ Costello-McManus. 5. ’Th e Broadway Album” Barbra Streisand (Columbia) — (B ) Ufa of Ril«v ' 8:00AM (3D 8 Challenge of the Go- 8 20 Minute Workout 8 I Love Lucy [USA] Jackpot surpassed sales of 4 million sin and Mississippi are bots Platinum [C N N ] Crossfir* 8 8 Sale of the Century 8 8 Another Worid 5:00PM CD Taxi copies of his “ Reckless” LP in reportedly contemplating sim­ □ □ □ (3D Polka Dot Door 8 Alice 8 Tranzor theU.S. ilar measures. 6. ”Scarecrow” John Cougar Mellencamp (Riva) — Platinum [U S A ] Varied Programs CD Brady Burich Bob Geldof, leader of the ( ^ Care Bears 3 D Phyllis 3D La Rival 7. “Knee Deep In the Hoopla” Starship (Grunt) — Platinum 5:30AM CD varied Programs CD Jeopardy (8 ( ^ Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood [U SA] Gong Show The Munsters O O □ □ □ □ Boomtown Rats and social 8. ”Brothers in Arms” Dire Straits (Warner Bros.) — Platinum (ft) Independent News 3D CD Pokce Woman (Sp Tranzor In Stereo. [C N N ] News Day conscience behind Band-Aid and 9. ’Th e Ultimata Sin” Czzy Csboume (CBS Associated) ^ Agriculture Today 11:00AM CD Price Is Right 3 D Eight Is Enough The thin edge of the wedge: [D IS ] Dorrald Duck Presents [U S A ] Alive ai>d Wellt Roger Daltrey will be Live-Aid, is working on an Jim & Tammy CD Divorce Court Cl$ Deltas The Maryland State Assembly is 10. ”Cnce Upon A Time” Simple Minds (A&M-Virgin) — Gold interviewed by Mary Turnery on autobiography to be published (61) Morning Stretch 8:20AM (@ Mr. Rogers' Neighbor­ (D A Perfect Metch 2:30PM CD Capitol 8 Happy Days considering a bill that would (More than 500,000 units sold.) hood her syndicated radio program this summer. [CN N ] Showbiz Today CD Bewitched CD Woody Woodpecker 8 M*A*S*H make it a jailable offense to sell 8:30AM (D SD The Flmtstones (3D What's Hot. What's Not CD Dating Game 8 8 Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood "O ff the Record,” which airs on 6:00 AM CD CBS Early Morning News a record containing obscene □ □ □ Coontry singles CD Romper Room C9) Good Housekeepirrg (iD M A S K. (M Benson Westwood One affiliates the CD New Zoo Revue lyrics to a minor. At the Jan. 14 (3D (3 ) Scooby Doo ( 8 I Dream of Jaannie C 8 Greet Space Coaster 8 Beverly HiNbilHes week of March 17. Meanwhile, After its marathon airing of 1 ,”l Could Qet Used to You” Exile (Epic) CD Worid News This Momirrg hearing on this measure, there (9) Romper Room and Friends 8 8 Wheel of Fortune 8 Voltron 8 People's Court Daltrey's former bandmate, back-to-back “ Monkees” epi­ 2. “Whars'a Memory Like You” John Schneider (M CA) CD Jimmy Swaggart was no opposition from record (8 ) Heethclrff 8 Bruce Forsyth's Hot Streak 3 f) Magic of Oil Paintirtg 8 Principesse Pete Townshend, is the subject sodes in February, MTV has 3. ”You Should Have Been Gone By Now” Eddy Raven (RCA) (iD Varied Programs store owners, because according SD 3-2-1. Contact (CC) 3D Grandes Novelas: Abandonada 3D Jayce atKl the Wheeled VVerriors ( 8 Addams Family of a two-hour special on the decided to show the '60s pop ,4.”Don’t Underestimate My Love For You” Lee Greenwood (1$ C N N News to a spokesperson, none of them ( ^ Varied Programs 3D Tony Randall ” [^ P N ] Varied Programs [CN N] Newswatch 0 ^ Bugs Bunny competing NBC Radio Enter­ series throughout March, with a (MCA) [D IS] Dumbo's Circus [U SA ] That Girl [DIS] Naw Animel World: Jungle Ja­ were aware of the proposed 20 Mimite Workout 3:00PM CD The Guiding Light tainment network airing this half-hour episode running every 5.”Your Memory Ain't What It Used to Be” Mickey Gilley S25.000 pyramid guar legislation until after the fact. ABC News this Morning 9:00AM D 1 1 :30AM CD a h in the Family CD 8 Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors weekend. day at noon and 8 p.m. Apart (Epic) [U SA] Maka Me Laugh ^ El Club 700 CD Brady Burrcb CD 8 New Love American Style CD 8 General Hospital from nostalgia value, “ The 8,”100 Chance of Rain” Gary Morris (Warner Bros.) O □ □ CD (8) Donahue CD I Dream of Jeennie CD Hawaii Five-0 5:20PM 8 Mr. Rogars* Neighbor­ (6D Cartoon Carraval hood Monkees” seems to appeal to 7. ”Cajun Moon” Ricky Skaggs (Epic) [C N N ] Daybreak (3D Love Boat (3D Inday News (3D The Jetsorts Sheila E. won top prize at a video music fans who weren't 8. ”She and I" Alabama (RCA) (9) Can You Ba Thinner 8 CNN HaedKne News 5:30PM C£) Eymimns N«»s Ethlie Abb Vare I b b c b I b I o [D IS] Mickey Mouse Club 8 Mod Squad 10-day music festival in even bom when the program 9. ”Oreamland Express" John Denver (RCA) 8 CatholiG Mass CD W hat's Happaningit rock for Newipaper EBterpriie [E S P N ] Aerobics: Bodies m Motion 8 Bewitched 8Scooby Doo Santiago, Chile, competing was in first run. ■ 10. ”ln ever My Heart” T.G . Sheppard (Columbia) (8 Sasama Street 8 News AssoclailoB. [U S A ] Hearttight City 8 8Scrabble 8 8 Santa Barbara CD 6:30AM (£ Daybraak (8 ) Bast of Family Feud 3D Love Connection 3D Arrgelica 8 Laveme and Shktay 8 Fat Albart [U S A ] Varied Programs 8 French Chat 8NewsCenter AlWt coRtemporary siRgiBS rS~) Fat Albart ft Coaby Kkls 8 A Perfect Match 3D Voltron In Stereo. 8 3-2-1. Contact (CC) CE) 700 Club 1 2:00PM CD Eyewitnass News 1 .Thasa Dreams” Heart (Capitol) © ) Sesame Street (CC) [C N N ] Irnemational Hour 8 WKRP in Cincinnati (11) Giaat Spaca Coastar CD First Edition News 2. “Sara” Starship (Grunt) @ ) My Three Sons [D IS] Dumbo's Circus 8 Jefferaofts O 20 Mtauita WoduMit CD CD News 3. “Nlklta” Elton John (Geffen) [CN N ] Daywatch [U SA] Joker's Wild 8 Varied Programs Woody Woodpackar 8 0 d d Couple 4. ”Secret Lovers” Atlantic Starr (A&M) [D IS] You and Me, Kid 8 M e r v Griffin 8 Good Times (S ) NBC Nawa at Suniisa 3:30PM CD She Ra Princess of Power 5. "Lifa in a Northern Town” The Dream Academy (WSmer [ESP N ] Varied Programs [D IS ] Wonderful World of Disney (S T ia n z o r 8 8 Varied Programs (3D Transformers [ U S A ] CsWiops Children's Progranrs [U SA] Gong Show Bros.) ® El Mkiiataffio da Jknm y Swaggar 8 NewsCenter 8 Q.l. Joe 6. ”How Will I Know” Whitney Houston (Arista) Prasenta 9:30AM CD a n N#w Let's Make a 8 Super Password 8 WNd. Wild World of Animals Dm I 7. ”Dnly Dne” James T aylor (Columbia) S D Robotech 8 Dick Van Dyka 8 Chaiengs of the Gobots Leave It to Baavar 8. “Silent Running” Mike & The Mechanics (Atlantic) [C N N ] Business Day CD 8Ry«t'sHopa 8 W id World of Animals (D ® Partridga Family TV’s ’Ghostbusters’ 9. ”Cverjoyad" Stevie Wonder (Tamla) [D IS ] Mousercise 8 Sesame Street (CC) 8 G o B o t s 8 Ghoat and Mrs. Muir 10. “When the Going Gets Tough” Billy Dcean (Jive) [ESPN] Nation's Business Today 3D Porry M eson [D IS] Walcoma to Pooh Comer HOLLYWOOD (UPI) - "The 8 Jimmy Swaggart s News [CNN] TAe 2 [USA]BuHseye Real Ghostbusters.” an ani­ 6:45AM CD . 8 Break the Bank (B (^Weather [ES P N ] Aerobics: Bodies in Motion 4:00PM CD Jaffarsoiw mated half-hour TV series based 8 Journal [USA] Movie CD 8 He-M an & M asters of the UrWv- on the hit movie “ Ghostbus­ 7:00AM CD CBS Morning News 8 llaadkna Chasers The Young the arse valuable coupon CD Cara Bears 12:30PM CD ertd ters,” will be nationally Restless (D Sale of the Century CD ® Good M omiikg America [CC] 3D Hoy Mismo distributed next fall by @ Varied Programs CD Midday w tdi BiN Boggs (D V e g a S ' COUPON SPECIAL fit] The Jatsons Columbia Pictures Television. P a g a n i*s [DIS] New Animal World: Jungle Ja­ CD 8 Loving (3DG.I. Joe (9) Varied Programs Thirteen episodes of the show guar 8 Varied Programs 8 Brady Bunch SAVE $Z00 ON A ® She Ra Prmcess of Power have been licensed to ABC-TV in Bolton Pizza & Family Restaurant 10:00AM CD Hour Magazina 8 8 Saarch for Tonw rrow (CC) 8 Transformers @ ) ® Today addition to 65 segments ROYAL TOUCH CDlUweLucy 8 Andy Griffith 8 Divorce Court 270 West Street • Rte. 85 • Bolton ( 3 S eiairre Street (CC) scheduled for syndication in the WASH PACKAGE CD SaNy Jassy R M « M l 1:00PM CD 8 a n My children 8 8 Sesant# Street (CC) (8 ) Vohron fall of 1987. So far it has been 643-1014 647-1279 (D M y Favorlta Martian CD Joker's Wild 8 8 Quincy $ 4 ^ 3 D Murrdo Latino cleared in 70 markets, a (3D Sanford arkd Son ( 8 Movie 3D Cuando as Culpable el Amor S D alayce and the Wheeled Warriors CAR WASH (A $6.95 VALUE) ® Julia (8 8 Days of Our Livas 8 M .A .S .K . spokesman for Columbia (C N N ] Daybreak 8 700Ckib J 8 8 Instructional Progranrs [CN N] News Oey Kctures Television announced. 2 Liter Soda Package Includes: [IM S ] Good Morrring Micfceyf 8 8 Family Ties 8 PhN Silvers [D IS] Mickev Mouss Club "The Real Ghostbusters” is NEW ENGLAND’S 1^^ [U S A ] USA Cartoon Express • A complete Touchless [U S A ] Chain Raactkm based on characters portrayed 8 8 Instructional Programs 3D Mis Huespedes the purchase of TOUCHLESS CAR WASH Car Wash 7:30AM CD woody woodpecker A 8 Movie Dick Van Dyke by Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd Prierrds 3D 4:30PM CD Thraa’s Company • Simoniz* Poly Creme 8 Barney MiNar 8 Thundsrcats and Harold Ramis in the movie We’re the first in a new generation CD Straight Tali 1:30PM CD As the World Turns (D Conditioner IDFIyingNun CD People's Court with Ivan Reitman, who any LARGE PIZZA!! 3D Heathdiff CD Hour Magazine of high tech wash equipment. • SInwnIz* Wheel [IM S ] Varied Prograrrrs 3D Good Times (3 ) Lancelot Unk CD T k Tec Dough produced and directed the film, TAKE OUT ONLY [U S A ] Candid Camara Absolutely nothing touches your car Brightener ( 8 He-M an 8 Varied Programs 8M orfc& Mindy as executive producer. 10:30AM CD Make Room for Daddy 8 20 Minuta Workout 8 WKRP in Cincinnati HOURS: Tim .. Wed., Thor*. 11 A.M. to 10 P.M. OFFS1WUJO WITH COUFON ONLY 8 He-Man A Masters of the Univerae Fri. and Sit. 11 A.M.to 11 P.M. 344 BROAD STREET • MANCHESTER, CT CD Divorce Court 3D Giean Acres 8 She Ra Princess of Power S D Voltion In Stereo Sun. 12 noon to 10 P.M. [DIS] Welcome to Pooh Comer CD M y Favorite Martian 2:00PM CD 8 Orte Ufe to live 8 The J etsons WITH THIS COUPON WEEKEND PLUS. Saturday. March 15. 19M WEEKEND PLUS. Saturday. March 15. 1086 22 T rends 23 Profiles

Kathleen Johnson \ .niiilHI \ — w m Age 37 Born May 9. 1948 Occupation Realtor Favorite reataurant Vito's Favorite food pizza Favorite sport cross country skiing . Roots for the underdog y j j m m Idea of a good vacation Virginia What you do to relax weave Type of entertainment preferred movies Favorite entertainer Barbra Streisand Favorite actor George Segal I Favorite actress Katharine Hepburn Favorite song "We've Only Just Begun" Kind of music preferred classical Favorite magazine Country Living Favorite stores in Manchester' D & L Stores Crime victims are fighting back Favorite spot Bolton Lake Car station wagon Favorite color blue Last book read "Lake Wobegon" The cost of victimization in the United States is now $50 billion by Garrison Kellor Pet peeve bad drivers By Susan Crain Bakos collective heart no longer goes psychologist for a year following Favorite TV show j "Cosby" out to the Mirandas of the the attack. I was able to get part Best thing about Bolton It's a small town of that money back, but I had to n December 1984 a world. It is the victim with ff One-third of us will find ourselves in the Worst thing about Bolton lack of grocery stores mild-mannered man whom we sympathize. Maybe fight my way through a labyrinth made the news by because so many more of us victim position,,,, No one is safe from of paper to get it. righting back in a have been victims. “My attacker probably won't David Bashaw/Manchester Herald dramatic way. Bernhard In the '80s, activists are violent crime, f9 serve more than two years in Goetz shot four youths championing victims' rights jail." I (which should not be confused At lea.st Marlene is alive to who tried to extort money from him on a New York subway — with the vigilantism of Goetz). fight for her rights. A and beicame a national hero. People who have been doesn't guarantee safety. No one afforded that. murderer's victims are truly DeCORMIER NISSAN Some decried Goetz's actions: victimized by rapists, armed is safe from violent crime. Her rapist's attorney attempted unrepresented in the legal He shot before he had been shot robbers, others who have lost Marlene says, “I was beaten, to prevent the prosecution from system. Their families often at: he inflicted serious bodily loved ones to the guns and raped and robbed in my own showing pictures of Marlene's watch in anguish as the dead son harm as payment for small-time knives of murderers are fighting apartment building in a quiet injuries in court. He didn't or daughter! husband, wife or extortion, a demand for $20. But back within the system. And middle-class suburb. It happened succeed, but some defense mother becomes the forgotten Brand New 1986 many mote cheered him. they are beginning to win. during the day in the hallway. I attorneys do win this point. It is person in a murder trial. Nissan Sentra Goetz's response to subway Last year the cost of had taken a personal day off not unusual for a murder trial to A St. Louis woman whose terrorism was extreme; and so victimization in America ran in work, so most of the building include no pictures of the daughter was shot to death after was the nation's response to excess of $50 billion. Yet the residents were gone when I left murdered. being abducted from a suburban him. federal and state governments my apartment that morning. I “Imagine," Marlene says, shopping mall at Christmas time, 647-8400 Standard, 2 DR Sedan, Snow Loving Front Wheel The celebrity of Bernhard spend $99 to every $1 awarded screamed, but no one heard me. “how this makes you feel if you says, “If my daughter's Drive, 5 Speed Transmission, Rear Defroster, Alt Goetz reflected the new mood of to the victims through “And that's the way it is are the person who has been murderers hadn't been found Freight, Dealer's Prep., Accent Stripe, Rusty Jones guilty, I probably would have the country. Americans are tired compensation programs. when you're a victim: No one hurt. The criminal justice system 168 Main Street, Manchester Rustproofing InclucM . Our E q u ip p ^ Price: $6422. of crime, criminals and the “And worse," says Richard hears you. The victim is a legal is designed to protect the killed them myself. justice system which lets all too Allan, a professor at Brooklyn non-entity." criminal. His expenses are paid. “By the tiriK the trial was JF e SALE *6299 many who ate obviously guilty Law School, “The criminals Marlene was in her hospital His rights are guarded. Every over, I was angrier than I had Say It Twice... 285 BROAD STREET slip by on technicalities and know their rights and are bed when she began to resize effort is made to keep 'emotion' been before. We were MANCHESTER, 643-4165 releases others from jail after informed of them imrpediately she would never “get justice." out of the court room — which discouraged from even attending So You’ll Remember Us!^ Moil-. TMB^ WeA a FrL serving a mere fraction of the upon arrest. No one informs the She says, “My attacker was downplays the crime by keeping the trial by the prosecution and NISSAN time their crimes warrant. We victim he has rights. Most states caught, which isn't always the the victim's suffering from the the defense. They said our Don Jackson Rose Viola Jackson have made a 180-degree turn have some kind of victims' case. He had been seen leaving judge and jury. presence would be 'upsetting.' If from the '60s, when activists assistance programs, but unless the building and was identified “We don't have a victim the case hadn't received a great championed criminals' rights. you are an unusually in a line-up by witnesses. When justice system." deal of publicity, we wouldn't ECONOMY OIL AND PENNZOIL This concern for criminals well-informed victim who knows he was arrest^, he still had my Marlene asked her attorney if have known when the trial was TEAM FOR SAVINGS being held because we were who were seen as “society's enough to ask about it, you wallet and jewelry on him. Tests she couldn't sue the man later 14 Services In 10 Minutes for financial redress. He asked never notified." Nikki’s victims," led to the famous probably won't be told what can of blood, skin and fiber samples (No appointment necessary) 1966 Supreme Court decision be done for you." were conclusive. her why she would bother to sue In fact, crime victims are Allan learned about the “So the system geared up, not a man who had no money, who usually not notified of the St. Patrick's Specials 315 BROAD ST., MANCHESTER that freed convicted rapist L loTliNUTEOILCHANGE (Across from Super Stop & Shop) Ernesto Miranda on a existence of the New York to put him away, but to get him was on his way to jail. What proceedings in their cases. technicality. Because the police Crime Board from a poster on a off if possible, or at least get could she gain? According to a spokesperson for Served Sunday 3/16 - 12:00-8:00 647-8997^ Then, almost as an the National Organization for OIL CHANGE INCLUDES: had neglected to warn him, he hospital wall. His son, the him off easy ." Monday 3/17-4:30-9:00 •Chang* Oil (up lo 5 qta.) 10W40 Mon.-Fri. 8:30-5:30 had the right to remain silent victim of a stabbing by muggers, Marlene wanted her own afterthought, he told her to Victims Assistance, “Many •Naw OH Finer Thurs. 8:30-8:00 P E H ^ O I L and everything he said could be was a patient in the hospital. lawyer to represent her at his contact the National victims have told us they know •Chaaalt Luba Sat. 8-5 about their cases from reading •Vacuum Intaiior held against him — he went free Allan contacted the Crime Board trial because she wanted to be Organization for Victim Corned Beef & Cabbage •Check Air Finer Sun. 10-3 I in spite of the fact that he had and was eventually reimbursed sure the prosecution was as good Assistance (address and phone at the papers. Others, who are served with Boiled Potatoes & Carrots •Clean WIndahMd for his son's care. end of article) and ask about her requin^ to testify in the cases, «5.95 •Check TIr* Praaaur* obviously committed the crime. as the defense. But she was told •Chack Ban* 4 Hota* Now every kid who watches But nobody had come forward the state, not Marlene, was the state's compensation program. are intimidated and harassed by defense attorneys. They may CHECK AND FILL: cop shows knows the criminal to Mirandize him or his son. victim of this crime — and the “We won't have a justice Irish Lamb Stew »3.25 •Brake Fluid has to be Mirandized, informed One-third of us will ftnd state, not Marlene, prosecuted system which truly represents all repeatedly take time off from •Power Steering Fluid of us," she says, “until it is work to appear in coun only to •Battary of his nghLs. or the bust is no ourselves in the victim position. the criminal through a Green Beer • Green Pies • Irish Coffee •Trantmlaalon RuM good. This is true even if the If you are black, poor and/or court-appointed prosecutor mandatory for the police and have the case continued •WIndahMd Waahar criminal has murdered his aged, if you live and/or work in representing “the public lawyers to tell victims of their (postponed by the defense)." ■ •DINaranUal * . tSO S mother in front of 10 witnesses, a large city, you are more likely interest." The attacker, of rights just as they tell criminals. 254 Broad St. • Manchester • 646-3000 ALL POS ONLY *1 8 "^ COM PtETE including the chief of police. to be one of the 33 percent. But course, could have had his own My medical bills totaled $I0,0(X) Twenty years later our trot fitting into those categories attorney if he could have — and I had to see a WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March 15, 1988 WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March 15, 1986 24 Behavior 25 Behavior 'I thought I was going craz/

... Continuad “You find it in liberated concentrating on the taste of a women, dependent women, mint, could break the flow of "That's real,” says Zane. women in every country," says frightening thoughts. Then, if “It's biochemical. But it comes Dr. David Sheehan, professor of First you get frightened. Your heart from an array of frightening the panic dropped from a 10 to a . o psychiatry and director of races. Then you worry about having a heart five, she knew she was thoughts racing through a clinical re.scarch at the person's mind." regaining control. University of South Florida attack. Your legs get shaky. Your This approach, called Eventually , some patients look College of Medicine in Tampa. back in psychotherapy and breathing, all these functions, begin to go cognitive therapy, is widely “The incidence is the same.” used. “You leam to retrain your decide that their panic attacks But beyond the debate over its made a certain kind of sense. As awry, f f thinking," says Moscater, who cause, both camps agree on one now works at the clinic and runs children, they remember being thing; Panic disorder can be afraid of going to school or treated. a self-help group. "We want to •* n being left alone — what get the person's brain focused on Mary Guardino, a 42-year-old something besides the panic. A psychologists call school phobia Staten Island businesswoman, is she has not relapsed. Her Fyer says. But for some lot of times having the or separation anxiety. a firm believer in anti-panic success inspired her to start patients, including Morrell, six A Some were afraid that a sick drugs since her treatment. She knowledge about it, mentally Freedom From Fear, a panic and months or a year on medication talking yourself down, can be as parent might die and abandon had her first attack at 18, on a phobia treatment clinic on Staten is enough to slop panic attacks powerful as a drug.” them. Years later, when it came train. After that, the attacks Island. for good. In some cases, a patient must c time to move out, "grow up” came in elevators, in cars, on Three kinds of anti-panic be treated not only for panic and make a separation on their her honeymoon in Jamaica; drugs have high success rates, Nor are drugs the only answer. The same year that attacks but for agoraphobia, a Si own. these sleeping fears may worst of all, they came at work. although others are being tested. generalized phobia of places Guardino was fiercely Guardino started on her have been aroused. Two, curiously, were developed where she thinks the panic might Paula Levine, a ambitious. She founded her first as antidepressants and only later medication, Margaret Moscater, a 35-year-old therapy aide from strike. psychotherapist and director of company at 26, a firm that were found to work against Fairfield, Conn., totSlTa different A therapy aide may have to the Agoraphobia Resource packages ski tours, and as it panic. Tofranil and Norpramin, approach. She joined the Phobia take her by the hand, coax her Center in Coconut Grove, Fla., flourished she set up a second for instance, both common brand Clinic at White Plains Hospital onto trains, even fly with her to suggests that unresolved company to develop real estate names, are in the family of Medical Center, where she was a nearby city before the phobia separation anxiety in children and build homes in Staten tricyclic antidepressants now of such places subsides. Island. taught psychological techniques can blossom into panic disorder often prescribed for panic ' to control her attacks. Eventually, the patient learns in adults. In her 30s, by her own disorder. Moscater was just 17 when that the attacks will not come She gives the example of a account, she was both a Two other brands, Nardil and she dropped out of the business back — or, if they do, that she 27-year-old woman whose panic millionaire and an agoraphobic. Parnate, are classified as can handle them. attacks have tied her \p her Away from home, she could not program at City College in New monoamine oxidase inhibitors, a York, and, six months later, quit ; “You leam to ride these parents’ home. “What’s the stand to be alone in any setting second family of antidepressants. : frightening feelings through,” payofr.'" asks Levine. "It where panic might strike — her her job at a bank. Both times, And Xanax, a brand of she says, she was driven by the ■says Ross. "It’s like going over causes her parents to be car, for example, or an elevator. tranquilizer in the fear of panicking in public. One ; a wave. As you confront it, as sympathetic. It gives her more She hired a chauffeur, and she bendodiazepine family, can also ■ you get more comfortable with space and freedom to live at tried to keep her fear from year later she became a keep panic attacks at bay. supervisor for the Hertz it, the feeling will die of home. It keeps her attached to showing. "Over 80 percent of people, Corporation and got back on neglect."* her parents” Before giving a speech, probably closer to 90, respond to track, later moving to a But there is some evidence, Guardino recalls, “I would sit one drug or another," says Dr. managerial job with the National too, that panic disorder is rcxrted on the dais and feel I would go Abby J. Fyer, co-director of the Football League. From then on, in biochemistry, not in personal insane in front of the 700 people Anxiety Disorders Clinic at the When terror pays a social call she explains, "When 1 got to history. Researchers point out New York Slate Psychiatric in the room. I would say to the work, I was safe." that it runs in families, strikes a Institute, and assistant professor next person next to me, ’Ju.st in But the attacks seemed to particular age group and can of clinical psychiatry at the By Dylan Landis She has a master’s degree in had one, a panic attack is hard men. Others see panic as a perfectionists, often advancing in case anything happens to me, follow her everywhere else, and usually be stopped cold by Columbia University College of counseling and works with to comprehend. It comes as a psychological problem, although their careers, who regard here’s my agenda.’ ’’ finally, 15 years after her first certain drugs. Physicians and Surgeons in New ne evening in the acutely psychotic patients in an sudden, unexplained terror — they cannot explain why it themselves as strong. Three years ago, Guardino attack, Moscater appeared at the Curiously, it sometimes goes York. “So it’s really a disorder spring of 1976. a Alexandria hospital. But all her “like being buried alive,” as affects women more. "They are very controlling, saw a doctor who put her on an While Plains clinic. hand in hand with mitral valve that’s treatable." 24-year-old woman training in mental health could one patient describes it — that They paint a picture of an creative, bright, manipulative antidepressant medication that Over the next eight weeks she prolapse, a heart condition also sank into her plush not stop the waves of panic that lasts for several minutes, and, independent, often gregarious people," says Jerilyn Ross, also, for unknown reasons, Drug therapy is far more learned to study the panic almost found mostly in women — seat in a New York struck sometimes several times a occasionally, hours. young woman who is inwardly associate director of the controls panic. The result sophisticated now than it was a as an observer. She scored each suggesting that both problems City theater and week. Tumbling over the terror terrified of losing control; who Roundhouse Square Phobia stunned her. ,“ln seven weeks. 1 decade ago, when most patients episode from zero (calm) to 10 are passed down on a single were treated only with mild leafedO through the program to Each time she felt the same comes alarming physical thinks so vividly about Treatment Center in Alexandria, was 100 percent back in perfect (full-blown panic). She tried not gene. condition," she says. tranquilizers or a doctor's Ibsen’s “Lady of the Sea." terror of blacking out. of symptoms: a racing heart, frightening situations that the Va.. and director of public to fight the fear, but to accept All of these factors could add A year later she stopped admonition to relax. Still, no and interrupt it. Starting a When the lights dimmed, she throwing up in public, of not nausea or faintness that may danger seems real, in her mind, education for the Phobia Society up to a physical basis for panic. taking the mediation; so far. one knows why the drugs work. conversation, she found, or even leaned back with pleasure. Ten being able to escape. "The make the victim think she is in before it can even arise. of America. "They have a years later she can still recall the awful part is that you know the throes of a heart attack. Her Most patients are in their tremendous need to be liked. date and even the dress she nothing will happen." she says, hands may tingle. She may feel teens or early 20s when the first They hold a lot of feelings in, wore, but the play itself is a "but the emotional fear is so smothered or choked. She attack strikes. Their ranks and they pride themselves on blur. intense that knowfng doesn’t envisions herself running amok, include students, bank vice being independent” For halfway through, sitting help ’ fainting or vomiting in public, presidents, entrepreneurs, Dr. Manuel D. Zane, an with strangers in the dark. Linda Descriptions of such random going crazy or even dying. full-time wives and mothers. attending psychiatrist and IRA-Pay Less to the IRS Morrell was gripped with fear. attacks of dread date back to the Strangely, the two greatest Career choice and stress levels director of the Phobia Clinic at She was nauseated, faint and ancient Egyptians, but only a barriers to her Ending treatment don’t seem to make much White Plains Hospital Medical PROBLEM REDUCE YOUR TAXABLE INCOME BY convinced she would vomit on few years ago did the American may be her own sense of difference, although many Center in New York, believes - 66- OPENING A M.S.B. INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT someone's feet. She felt trapped. Psychiatric Association coin a helplessness and isolation, and women say they feel safest at that panic is a thought priKcss WATER? FREE Water Test name for a pattern of repeated her physician's insistence that that must be unlearned. "People ACCOUNT TODAYI She had to run. “It’s as if you their jobs.' For them, the office Call 203-647-1680collect to makean appoint­ MSB 51fR. rate were on a roller coaster." she episodes. It called the syndrome nothing is wrong with her is an ordered setting where they who develop panic,” he says, ment for your free in-home water lest recalls, “right at the moment “panic disorder." health. It would be eight years are absorbed in work, and where "have a whole private world • Hirdnan potlutlon • Iron IMP0RTANT-C/7ec/( these features: Effocthro AmmmI • Hydrogon lulfld* (lulphur) . NO OBLIGATION. you’re about to drop." Like Morrell, a patient with before Morrell, for example, just the presence of co-workers inside that can be rapidly • InsHred-by FDIC to *100,000 Aonoal Rate Murmuring apologies, she panic disorder has no idea why found a doctor who gave a name is reassuring. excited, in which one fear after • Acid min c«u*M plumbing corroplon: low PH A IjfeUfeter Sijsteim of Ct. • EDB'i PCB*a and othar carcinoganica • No Commission or Foos YitM squeezed past a row of knees she feels suddenly overwhelmed. to her problem and prescribed "It's always been easier at another develops, and the body "Th War W a fr ShouM B9" Am you concamad with tha growing problam I 0 Sometimes a trauma, such as medication for the attacks. work because I'm involved in reacts to each one. *1M6 Ul« Walar Syatama of Ct • Prompt-Efficient-Conrteous Sorvice and fled to the ladies’ room. “It ol walar pollution? TIMm la a aoMtonl 1 0 . 2 2 9.60 was just this rush of panic," she divorce or a parent’s death, sets By the most conservative doing things, especially in “First you get frightened. 301 East C anter S treet • Invosted Locally says. “I thought I was going off her first attack. But after that estimate, at least three and a half one-to-one therapy with a Your heart races. Then you A IfeVAiter Systems of Ct. , Manchester. CT 06040 • Normal BoRking Hoars A Tlmrs. ovos. A Sat mom crazy." In a few minutes, dread the panic seems to come out of million Americans have panic client," says Morrell. "I worry about having a heart subsided, but it left her with a the blue, when she’s driving to disorder, and at least 70 percent wouldn't have time to think and attack. Your legs get shaky. I 301 Elat Cantor Straat A a f i B A Manchaatar, CT 08040 D 4 f ’ ID u U MANCHESTER STATE BANK lingering fear that it would work, waiting in a bank line or of them are women. Some anticipate things." Your breathing, all these After 5:30 p.m. Call 688-0648 happen again. lunching with a client in a doctors say genetics are to Yet ^ from being weak or ■ functions, begin to go awry. "Manchester's Hometown Bank” It did. Morrell, now 33. lives restaurant. . blame, just as baldness, for nervous, these women — and 11041 Main St., Manchester 646-4004 with her husband in Reston, Va. For someone who has never genetic reasons, affects mostly sometimes men — are C o n tin u ad ... WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March IS, 19M WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March 15, 1986 27 The Image Workshop The Herald Is Don’t hide the fact that you can type

By Sandl Hastings look at your other qualifications. 1 or your former employer in a negative light. To prepare, you QUESTION: I was a QUESTION: On a recent job should evaluate what happened Your Voice In Manchester communications major in interview the personnel man­ when you were fired. Was it college and plan to make a ager asked me if I'd ever been really your fault (or your boss’s career in broadcasting. I do fired. I have been, but I didn’t fault) ? Or was it part of a have good typing skills but am know how to answer the company cutback or reorganiza­ reluctant to say so on job question. I decided not to lie. but tion? Using hindsight, deter­ interviews because I don’t want the more I spoke the bigger the mine what you learned from the to get trapped in a glorified hole I dug. How should I deal experience. Always begin your typing job. What do you advise? with such a question? response with a positive If you live in Manchester then the statement. Name the skills and Herald’s the newspaper for you ANSWER: We are in the ANSWER; Since many accomplishtpents you developed computer age. A typing stigma because w e’re the only one that’s interviewers like to surprise and then very briefly explain 1 attitude is definitely out of date. potential employees with such why you were terminated. geared expressly to the needs of In fact, reluctance to take a questions to probe beneath Remember not to share any formal typing course can surface matters, you should be emotional turmoil. End with an this community. handicap you in the job market. prepared to answer the question energetic, positive explanation In all communications fields — briefly, in an objective voice. of what you’ve learned relevant advertising, publishing, public Your answer should not put you to thejob you are seeking. ■ For instance, if you pay taxes in relations, and broadcasting — Manchester then your have a right to typing is a prerequisite for most entry-level positions. In many know how tax money is being spent. firms, the distinction between Only the Herald can provide you with the typing pool and the Do you have a question for The Image professional-level employees is the depth of information you need to blurring so people beginning on Workshop? Write to Sandi Hastings at make valued and reasonable decisions the secretarial level have a Weekend Plus Magazine, P.O. Box 591, greater chance for advance­ Manchester, Conn., 06040. regarding key local issues that may ment. As more professionals use computers daily, the impor­ affect your life today or in the future. tance of typing skills increases Can you afford not to stay informed? for everyone. Typing skills also may open a door for you and will give the company a chance to We also think it’s our responsibility to listen to what residents in Manchester SA L ES E N D S M ARCH 2Wh have to say. We want to hear your views on the news — what you think is important, what should go into the VALUES paper and what shouldn’t. We’re at especially interested in hearing any In four new books. Chuck Colson challenges Christians to look at their lives and ask. “ How can I be more comments you may have about the effective to reach the world?" service you get from the Herald. We The Role o f the Church in Society guarantee prompt delivery and Is your church a living body, true to biblical obedience, A VALUE VARIETY STORE WITfl MORE! courteous, efficient service on all telling others about Christ? OUR AIM 18 TO SATISFY! NOTICE Ws try lo ordsr suffictsnl msrchsndiM to ntM l our customer's needs Some qusntiUee may be limited, so shop early' billing matters. If you’re not satisfied, Dare to be Different, Dare to be a Christian we want to know about it. Does your faith make a difference in your life? It should. BASKET niLERS Presenting Belief in an Age of Unbelief b o n u s b u y ^SpatACe-3tUe SFAIMLE-WIMP How can we present the gospel to a “me-first" society? Eiti ame. aesewmi We think this makes us a better IM trwr. M. can The Struggle for Men’s Hearts and Minds MINUTE MINMR newspaper and one this community Christian values may seem to be declining, but God is **"‘2/ n .29 can be proud of. Please watch for our still in control. • anMa Rfk lapMl rMk Cm • MillitMBi * reader surveys that will soon be i«*rj| New *3.99 SnUMLE-BUnE EASTER BRASS $1.95 each 2 oz. • Pink, YbIIow, appearing in our paper and fill them Or««n • n«g. MB /M ____ —W/COUPON — EXPIRES 3/2WM ______2 out. If you let us know how we can improve the paper for you, our readers, VICIM then we will continue to be your voice A DMBkjn of in Manchester. S c T fA n Pt m s PutAcBtent, Inc. SAVE 7 9 < £ u r M 4y BO N U S BU Y E4 0Z. ■AS OF jEur East EASTER M'lJI CARDS MNortRd eolwB and m tarn f l A BUY ONE fruit flavor*. Cvory- Z / * Z * V 7 BET ONE CAtRRRT'S CRENI lOOS FREE iJlanrhratrr Mrralft Bibles & Books NNhCbaMtoto LIGHT FROM COD LIFE FOR MAN founded in 1881 a g y « ~ » / < l UMTOOlfCAW) ONtN trOCK ONLY - HIOHtn PMCC PNfVAILB 840 Main Street, Downtown Manchester 2 ^ IVCOUPON - E )9 tftR t A flM R _ _ _ WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March 15, 1986

28 The Curious Shopper WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March 15, 1986 2 9 Insights into Childhood Can shellfish contract cancer? Possessiveness: it’s mine ... ifs me By Sonja Heinze bacon fat. Mash down the Salt is not one chemical but beans, adding a little of the bean two, a combination of sodium Years ago / remember reading In my experience with a wide range of liquid. Add 2 minced garlic and chloride. Sodium helps to By Fred Rogers about a nun who was devoting cloves, salt and pepper. Cook maintain normal water balance, wUh Barry Haad her life to research. In her animal species, I have come to the over medium heat for about 30 and chloride aids in digestion. laboratory she was trying to minutes, till edges are crispy. Any time we feel that we’ve lost a part Intense sweating, vomiting or id you ever have trouble find out why lobsters and crabs Turn out onto a warm plate. conclusion that all animals are subject to diarrhea can cause a throwing away or giving of ourselves, we can be sure it’s going to do not get cancer. If anything Serves 6.” considerable loss of sodium from resulted from her research, I tumors. away an old coat? Or the body, but this, is rare. Eating did you ever lose hurt... really hurt, f f never did read or hear about IS SALT DEFICIENCY ordinary food without the it. Is it true that crabs and POSSIBLE? something that really addition of salt will not cause a hurt to lose? When that lobsters do not get cancer? Do I ’ve cut back a great deal on deficiency of sodium. scientists know why? Do other salt simply because of warnings happens,D often the only way we shellfish get cancer? difficult.” Since lobsters are REFRIED BEANS in the media and a question DRYING DOWN JACKET have to explain our feelings of... can sometimes show over with him, she wondered? Louis Leibovitz, the director cannibalistic, says Liebovitz, Are Mexican refried beans fried occurred to me which no one I When I wash my son’s down yes, grief... is to say that the objects that, to us, are just Another parent wondered how of the Laboratory for Marine sick ones will be eaten and twice, or what? How can I know can answer: Since thirst jacket I cannot get it dry in the object that's gone had “things.” best to teach a child to share, to Animal Health at the Marine removed from the environment. ttutke them? is one indication that we have dryer. All the down feathers “sentimental value." As babies grow into toddlers, be generous. The problem in biological Laboratory at Woods Older specimens with tumors are According to “The Dictionary eaten too much salt, does our mass together in clumps. It “G rief is a word we usually there's a kind of “hatching” « that household was a toddler Hole. Mass., states: 'in my not seen because of a limited life of American Food and Drink” body indicate to us in any way takes a day to dry out in the air use for the loss of someone we they have to grow through. ’ who kicked up a terrible fuss experience with a wide range of expectancy. by John Mariani, refried beans that we have not had enough and I have to keep shaking the loved, and as we grow older, we Little by little, they emerge from whenever a visiting child was "One of the greatest are a Mexican-American dish of jacket to redistribute the tend to use less intense words a feeling of oneness with their put in his crib — even at times animal species, I have come to salt? Is it possible to have a the conclusion that all animals difficulties in detecting tumors in mashed, cooked pinto beans, feathers so they can dry. Is for the loss of things. We may closest caregiver into a sense of when he didn't want to be in it Crustacea," explains Leibovitz, usually served as a side dish or deficiency of salt without there any other solution to himself. are subject to tumors (cancer). realizing it? only say we feel “sad,” but themselves as a separate human Claims are frequently made that “is related to the anatomy of the as a filling for various tortilla drying it? even though that sadness being. And even as that is I've come to believe that in some animals do not manifest Crustacea. The hard armor-like preparations. "It is unlikely that a salt Label information generally passes a great deal happening, they are moving out the early years when children are tumors and do not suffer from covering of Crustacea covers “The term 'refried'," deficiency occurs under normal accompanying a down and more quickly than our sadness into a world of things that, at hatching and moving out into the cancer. This has been said of the soft tissues of the animal, explains Mariani, “is actually a conditions," states Professor waterfowl feather vest made by over the death of a loved one or first, can seem a physical part of world, parents need to protect ducks, sharks, lobsters and other making visibility and detection mistranslation from the Mexican Gertrude Armbruster of Cornell ' St. John's Bay suggests that you the end of a loving relationship, the ne;v and separate human their children's sense of self in animals. But upon closer study, of tumors difficult." ‘frijoles refritos,’ which means University's Division of add some dry bath towels to the both are forms of grief. though a part of ourselves has has come to think of as our being they are becoming. every way they can. We can tumors have been found in these In spite of all these ‘well-fried beans.' ” So they're Nutritional Sciences. Salt dryer along with the jacket to What are the most painful gone because those people were identities, our selves? Well, if I remember a mother telling generally count on that sense of animals although the reported difficulties, cancerous tumors really just fried once. deficiencies are rarely absorb the moisture. To things to lose? For most of us, I part of who we are. Any time that's difficult for us now, we us with puzzled concern about self to change in its own good incidence is low. have been reported. “They do Here is Mariani's recipe for encountered because most foods minimize clumping of the believe, they're things that we feel that we've lost a part of can be sure that it was harder by how her normally calm, loving time so that people and things "In the case of lobsters and occur," Leibovitz states, “but this dish: “Cook 4 cups pinto naturally contain enough of it. feathers, also throw in three represented people — a family ourselves, we can be sure it's far when we were very little. little boy had one day thrown an take their appropriate places as other Crustacea in the wild, our knowledge of them is beans in water to cover till You don't have to sprinkle salt tennis balls. The balls hang heirloom, a grandparent's diary, going to hurt... really hurt. Understanding how closely ungovernable tantrum when she parts of our children's growing representative sampling of the limited due to the paucity of tender, and place in a skillet on meat, fish, poultry, eggs or against the jacket and separate a piece of embroidery made by a Part of ourselves: Can any of people and things and self are threw his “sucky blanket” into identities. ■ affected population is very information and study.” with 4 tablespoons of lard or milk. It's already there. the clumps. parent, a scarf that a friend us even now sort out with any blended together in early the washing machine. His always wore. When things like clarity who and what make up childhood may help explain the screams and tears seriously that get lost, we may feel as how much of what each of us fierce possessiveness children alarmed her. What was wrong Just Arrived! Electrical Services Balloons ranging H Day Bouquets From New York’s largest from ... l l d i U ||1 111^ Happy Easter Bouquets chocolatier — the largest Hippity Hoppity Repairs to new and old residential work, selection of the finest quality competitive commercial and residential, Favorites ^Rainbow Supplies Our funny bunny is hopping Easter candies anywhere! and telephone systems! A Balloon Store yqu|. balloon order! with More! Ask for a taste sample and you Equipped to handle any electrical situation that occurs. ★ Come See Our Unique Gift Ideas ★ will be convinced of the superb / quality — then check our huge ^13 Main Street, Manchester ■ 646-2302 selection and low prices! Call For “We Deliver Fun” Free Estimates ... 643-7110

646-5200 Solid chocolate, white chocolate REALTY CO. a u 'Westomi^njarmacy FIANO 643-5614 3 and peanut butter OAK GROVE STREET OFF PORTER STREET 2 oz. 99(P 445 Hartford Rd. 643-5230 6 oz. *2.49 14 oz. *5.49 We offer a full range of products and ^ Watch for our GIANT Easter Circular in the Herald - March 18 ^ services, including a Computerized Prescription Department. We are a U.S. 445 Hartford Rd. We also carry a complete line of Postal Sub-station and a Payment agent for Russell Stover Easter Canijies, 643-5230 N.U., CNG, and SNET. Hallmark cards and party goods. Westowii^Tiiarmacy OPEN 7 Days a Week LOTTO-DMLV NUMBERS HALLMARKRUSSELL STOVER PorterFields 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Luxury Townhouse Condominiums Pre-Construction Price - Open for Viewing 2 BR Townhouses $123,900 Fridmyt fro m 10.4 OPEN 7 Days a Week 8 a.m.-9 p.m. S stu rd trn fro m M-4 mnd S u iid .y . fro m 11.4 3 BR Townhouses $125,900 WEEKEND PLUS. Saturday. March IS. 1986 WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March 15.19M 30 Dining In 31 Dining Out On Luck feast proves frustrating

By Sondra Slava sweet-sour sauce. Again, the Try flounder seafood was well cooked, but the The decor at On Luck in the vegetable was monotonous and Shop-Rite Plaza on Spencer the sauce lacking flair. Nowhere Street is a combination of the in the main course offerings was authentic and the obviously that tantalizing fragrance of This delicate fish modified. The food is much the garlic and ginger that m arks same. well-sauced and seasoned Chinese food. has many varieties, Good copies of Chinese beams decorate the upper wall areas of Prices at On Luck are the roughly square, largish moderate. The assorted appet­ and they’re all tasty room. Booths line the walls, and izer platter at $10.95 is a tables for parties of assorted particularly good buy. Main sizes fill the center of the room. dishes range from $4 for the various kinds of egg foo young to By Ted Larsen 24 broccoli florets The menu has the usual f. complement of appetizers, nearly $8 for those dishes which 2 limes, thinly sliced include a high proportion of he word “flounder” 3 medium cucumbers, peeled soups and main dishes, * including the American inven­ seafood. Combination platters, comes to us from an dill, fresh, chopped including fried rice and eggroll, Old Norwegian word for tions of chop suey and chow to taste mein with fried noodles. (The Reginald Plnt^Manchaatar Haraid are in the $5 range. "flat” and has been an 4 tablespoons unsalted important food fish authentic version features thin, If care is taken to emphasize butter, cut in pieces since prehistory. There soft noodles pan fried in a mass On Luck Chinese Restaurant is in the Shop Rite Pleiza. appetizers and soups, a Tare literally hundreds of species, salt so as to create a pancake-like satisfying meal can be so there is no such thing as just pepper disc.) The fried noodles assembled at On Luck. Of the "flounder.” One hour before cooking, cut presented for munching while The eggrolls were a little thick off-taste. A couple of limp flowers and water chestnuts, as food remaining on our table at meal's end, these first courses Despite the diversity, as many cucumber balls as considering the menu were dry, of skin but the primarily broccoli spears did nothing to well as another piece of tired better for the figure but not as vegetable filling was tasty. improve the dish. broccoli. In this case, the sauce were the only items we chose to practically all members of the possible by using a melon ball tasty as the oilier variety. Hot and sour soup arrived in a Lung har gai kew is listed as did not taste peculiar, it just had take home. flounder family have a mild, scoop. Sprinkle the cucumber delicate flavor and lean white On our visit, we found that the tureen meant for sharing. While an On Luck specialty and it was little taste at all. No desserts were offered on with salt and place in a colander appetizers and soups were the the chef had taken some somewhat better. The chicken Wor dip har featured three the menu, and the fortune was meat. They also have two to drain. P reh^ oven to 400F. strange characteristics: they are most successful offerings. A liberties with the classic recipe, and lobster pieces were properly large shrimp covered with missing from one of the cookies Cut flounder into bite-sized flat and have both eyes on the pu-pu platter for two easily fed the results applauded his cooked and the vegetables pieces of bacon, fried and then that accompanied our check. It pieces. seemed a fitting conclusion to same side of their head. three and could have been creativity. The soup is both hot offered a greater variety, placed atop a huge mound of the meal. ■ Flatfish fry begin life pretty Blanch broccoli in boiling stretched to accomodate four. It and sour and the additions of including snow peas, carrot onion shards in a vaguely much like any other hatchling, water for 2 minutes, plunge into allowed sampling of five of the roast pork and slices of water but as adulthood approaches, cold water, reserve, n ace eight appetizers, all of which chestnuts were pleasant. A bizarre biology lakes over. Their flounder pieces on skewers, were well prepared. The serving of wonton soup included bodies flatten and one eye alternating with broccoli florets. spareribs were meaty and three dumplings with a pleasant cooked to retain only the pork filling in a decent broth. A Do you have a travels around the head to join You should have 3 pieces of slightest residue of fat. They had generous hand with the strips of the other. If this metamorphosis each per skewer. On Lu ck restaurant you'd like to been properly marinated to roast pork was appreciated. was in a sci-fi movie, you'd Place each brochette on a achieve a piquant flavor. Unfortunately, the main see revievyed here? laugh at the absurdity. small piece of aluminum foil Both the chicken fingers and dishes sampled were disappoint­ Send your comments Hatfish are dubbed left- or topped with a half piece of lime. Chinese Restaurant fantail shrimp were fried to near ing. Perhaps worst was the pork or suggestions to right-handed, depending upon Season with salt and pepper to greaselessness in a light batter. in spicy sauce. The pork cubes, the side of the head on which taste. Scatter each packk with The chicken wings were well previously barbecued, were 234 Spencer St, Manchester Sondra Stave at their eyes are located. This eye an equal number of cucumber seasoned and arrived at the agreeable enough, but they were Weekend Plus Maga­ placement lends flounder a balls, dill and butter. Seal the table so hot that it was nearly drowned in a sea of diced 649-1608 rather strange effect as it moves packets and place on a baking salt pan juices after reduction. Bring with additional oil and return to unnecessary to warm them over bamboo shoots. The sauce was H ours: 11:30 a.m . to 9 p.m . w eekdays; 11:30 a.m . to 10 zine, P.O. Box 591, through water. Is it swimming sheet. Cook for lO-lS minutes pepper to a boil again briefly to thicken. broiler for another 3 minutes or the flaming chimney provided. barely spicy and had an p.m . S atu rd ay s; noon to 9 p.m . Sundays. Manchester, Conn. on its side or belly? A flounder or until done. Serve unopened until fish flakes with a fork. in water come close to those Reservations recommended for six or more. 06040. packets to guests. Preheat oven to 3S0F. Place This is a perfect way to Serve with scallion pieces on optica] illusion drawings for shallots and parsley in a covered prepare the largest member of top of fish and warmed marinade which there is no correct Serves 6. 1^ Dress: Casual acceptable. shallow baking dish large the flounder family. It's a great as a sauce. answer. enough to accept all of the fish make-ahead recipe for an Serves 4. H andicapped access. The ruune "sole” really adds HINTS informal dinner. to market confusion because so This dish has endless in one layer. Arid wine, cover M astercard and VISA credit cards accepted. little is caught in U.S. waters. possibilities. You might like to and place in oven for 10 imnulea HINTS Prized Dover sole comes only add raw shrimp or scallops In to amalgamate flavon. JAPANESE HAUBUT You can experiment with from waters off England. No the flounder. Remove and add fish. Dot 2 pounds halibut, boned brown sugar or molasses in true sole is caught off the U.S. Fresh blanched asparagus can with butler pieces and cover. I'/t teaspoons salt place of honey. East Coast, while some is taken be substituted for the broccoli. Return to oven and cook for IS '/j cup soy sauce To be more authentic, use in the Pacific. Fish sold as gray Try lemon slices with fresh minutes or until fish is flaky but Vs cup sweet sherry sake rather than dry sherry. sole is really witch flounder, cilantro, basil or tarragon. not overcooked. Carefully Vs cup honey If you are one of those a- Prices Dinner lemon sole is winter flounder. remove fish and reserve, Vs pound scallions adventurous types who ^ haven’t Specials Most surprising is the identity This is one of my favorite covered, in a warm place. vegetable oil occasionally cooks over charcoal WONG’S Weekly of the mighty halibut, those changed in simple fish recipes. I cook it Place oven dish on stove and in winter, this dish is perfect. up-to-300-pound monsters that Cut boned fish into cubes, at 3 years! RESTAURANT often when we want something over high heat, reduce pan juices However, the scallions must be PfilONG • SZECHUAN yield succulent steaks. Yes, they least 2 inches square and I inch cooked, wrapped in aluminum AUTHENTIC CHINESE CinSINE different on short notice. The by about half. Season with salt TAKE OUT SERVICE AND COCKTAILS too are flounders. All flatfish are name comes from an old Paris thick. Combine all items except foil with 2 tablespoons marinade ^n n low in fat, while high in protein, and pepper to taste. Strain sauce neighborhood noted for its wine , and pour a few tablespoons over honey and pour over fish. and placed over coals for 10 Best Italian 1984-86 Head Chef • Chef Wong vitamins and minerals. All of Marinate in refrigerator for at minutes. ■ , which are really good for the trade. portions of fish. Serve any extra Vo«cd ConaecUcHi IlsgseiBc least 3 hours. nerves. on the side. PreaeniM A New Dit^rti/ied Menu • — 875-0661 When ready to cook, preheat Here's a simple dish with a FLOUNDER BERCY Serves 4. * itmUan CuUine * Seafood * Fowl * Steaka * Hiba Scandinavian accent that will get f '/i pounds flounder broiler. Cut scallions into 1-inch February Special: (Tacn., Wed^ Than. Oaly) you raves as a party snack or on fillets HINTS pieces and scatter on the boMom Post Road Plaza Mon.-Thur. 11:30- 10 pm a buffet table. Be sure you make I tablespoon shallot, Onions can be substituted for of a shallow ovenproof dish. Prime Rib wtih « o>iaa. *8.95 352 Hartford Topke. Fri. It Sat. 11:30- II pm enough. finely minced the shallot, but the result is not Remove fish from marinade and (Served milk anIW A sill mmd m ckoiee o/ vegeimbte or pdmto) (Rte. SON). Vernon Sunday 12:00 noon - 1 tablespoon parsley, as delicate. drain. Reserve marinade. Winner of Top 109 USA for ejcienaive wine list. (I-M Exit 65) 10 pm DANISH aOUNOER finely minced This dish is perfect for any Place fish on bed of scallions 60 yUta Louisa Road, Bolton, CT 646-3161 BROCHETTE '/i cup dry white wine non-oily, white fish. and coat lightly with oil. Place S /'/i pounds flounder 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, To make sauce a bit richer, inches under broiler and cook 3 fillets cut in small pieces add a 'A cup of heavy cream to minutes. Turn fish over, coat li Monday, March 17,198I

WEEKEND PLUS, Saturday, March 15, 1986 R e a g t ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ You tan ten W U.S. if America’s finest mattresses Bond ‘ m o r t £ By Helen Thomas witil your eyes ciosed. ^ United Press International Bedding WASHINGTON - Prei 1 . Reagan, putting his case i public for resuming arms ments to the contra rebels, sa now on United States is under “r threat" unless Soviet-spor communism in Nicaragi stopped. Seeking to set off a ws pressure on a balky Congrei SALE nationally televised address day, Reagan warned of the g of “a second Cuba, a second 1 right on the doorstep of the I States.” His immediate goal was i House passage this week o million in arms and supplies I rebels fighting the Sandinis control of the Man government. Telephone calls to the House right after the speec better than 2-to-l in favor president's position, ass press secretary Dale Peti The Gold Bond Sacro-Support said. Of the first l,079calls.h * is made the old-fashioned, time- 742 were in favor of militar) consuming way — hand-craftad for the contras and 321 against finest body-supporting comfort. Layers The president was to meet of cushioning are inner-lufled to innerspring with special envoy Philip unit to "lock in " firmness, then inner-rollad to who returned Saturday fix 50% steel border rod to prevent edge sag and assure four-day trip to Central Am But he did not mention H Off Aii lasting edge support. Bunk Beds To top it all. a costly damask fabric by mission and dismissed his ( Sacro-Support demands for more negoti Burlington, multi-needle quilted to layers s t a r t a t with the Sandinistas in one Bedding of foam. See this hand-crafted master- piece of sleeping luxury and value! graph of the 22-minute spec "The question the Congr the United States will now a OPEN fo/d B on d * 19 9 9 5 SACRO-SUPPORT Sw edish SUNDAY THE GREATEST NAME IN SLEEP 12 to 4 in Palme At Showcase Store Sacro-Support STOCKHOLM. Sweden (L A Swede who tnade three statements about Prime M Contract-Extra Firm Olof Palme was charged with assassinating the S' BEDDiNG leader 17 days ago, official! Chief prosecutor K.G. Sve SUPER SPECIAL Gold Bond required by law to either i Dual Purpose the man or press charges b TWIN SIZE SET *130 a both p to cM he has been in custody sin Seating & Sleeping' Wednesday, formally accus of being “an accomplice FULL SIZE SET *160 a bothpolco* murder as perpetrator.” Studio Couch The man was identified i QUEEN SIZE SET *199. both ptoeat Swedish and 32 years old. Deluxe Hi-Riser BED FRAMES Svensson told a Stockhol $ ®o trict court that suspicions i 298 Harvard the man hardened follow! NOW $29900 arrest last Wednesday. 'FURMtURE PEOPLE SMCE1932" Twin a Fun ^2 9 *’ Legal sources said the pi SLEEPS TWO tor’s statement indicated I believed the suspect was in I gunman who shot and killed on a Stockholm street the r Feb. 28. FURNI^Rj^ SHaWCASE Stockholm police chief Holmer refused at a news lANCHESTER ence to elaborate on the c but said police were search Ills MMM ST. 643-4036 man’s clothes for trai gunpowder. •Rll; t M T6 fcOft Tkwidn M l Tt I P.M. He said the man was kn make "threatening statei

Canoeists prspan The spring thaw bring! than melted snow down M: ter’s Hockanum River. On A canoeists from the are throughout New Englan gather for the lOUi Annual num River Canoe Race.