Congressional Record-Sen Ate. August 4
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110932 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SEN ATE. AUGUST 4, I can not do so unless by unanimous consent. Will not the Robinson Smoot Sterling Watson, Ind. Sheppard Spencer Trammell Willis Senator move an adjournment, so that we can have a morning Shortridge Stanfield Walsh, Mass. hour to-morrow? J Simmons Stanley Walsh, Mont. M.r. McCUMBER. A good many Senators left the Chamber Mr. DIAL. I wish to announce that my colleague [Mr. after unanimous consent was obtained that. we would take a SMITH] is detained on official business. I ask that this notice recess. That agreement has already been entered into; and may continue through the day. having been entered into, and many Senators having left, there Mr. LADD. I was requested to announce that the Senator would not be a quorum at this time. from Illinois [Mr. McKINLEY] and the Senator from Wyoming 1\ir. HARRISON. I have been staying around here very [Mr. KENDRICK] are detained in a hearing before the Commit closely, so that if a request for unanimous c?nsent was made tee on Agriculture and Forestry. I could object to it~ unless I could get unarumous consent to The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Fifty-ei;ht Senators have take up this matter to-morrow. answered to their names. There is a quorum present. Mr. l\IcCUMBER. Unanimous consent to a recess was granted. THE MUSCLE SHOALS PROJECT. Mr. HARRISON. Will the Senator allow me to propose now l\Ir. LADD. Mr. President, will the Senator from Idaho a unanimous-consent request which will settle the proposition? yield to me a moment? I did so awhile ago., and the Senator from Utah [Mr. SMOOT] Mr. GOODING. I yield. asked me to withhold the request until the Senator from North Mr. LADD. I desire to submit the views of a minority of Dakota could be present. I made it some time during the after the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry on the joint reso noon. lution ( S. J. Res. 227) rejecting bids for the acquisition of I ask unanimous consent that on to-morrow, if the Committee Muscle Shoals, which I ask may be printed. to Audit and Control the Contingent Expenses of the Senate The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Without objection, it is so ordered. The views of the minority will be printed as part 2 under the order of the Senate reports out the Gooding resolu of Report No. 831. · tion it shall be in order to be considered; and I couple with that the request that the resolution which I presented to--day 1\fr. LADD. The report I have submitted also gives the views of the minority on the bill (S. 3802) authorizing the and that is on the table may be considered to-morrow. acceptance of the proposal of Henry Ford for the completion The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is there objection 1 and leasing of the dams and hydroelectric plants at Muscle Mr. ~ll l\.lcCUl\IBER. 1\fr. President, I hope the Senator Shoals, and for the purchase of nih·ate plant No. 1, nitrate not make that request now, with only a few Senators present. plant No. 2, the Waco quarry, and the interest of the Govern I think there will be no disposition to interfere with either ment in the Gorgas Warrior River steam plant, all in the of those resolutions ; but with the general understanding that State of Alabama, dated l\Iay 31, 1922, being the Henry Ford there was upon this side and I think upon both sides of the offer for the lease of Muscle Shoals; and the views of the ma Chamber that we were to take a recess, a great many Senators jority of the committee on the bill (S. 3420) to provide for the came to me and asked if anything further would come up, manufacture of explosives for the use of the Army and Navy, and I replied in the negative. I !J.ope, theref?re, . that t~e to provide for the manufacture of fertilizer for agricultural Senator will not insist upon that request to-mght but will purposes, to incorporate the Federal Chemical Corporation, and present it to-morrow, if necessary, when more Senators can be for other purposes, the so-called Norris Government owner- present. ship and operation proposal bill. 1 The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Is there objection? Mr. ROBINSO~. Mr. President, I inquire what was the Mr. HARRISON. Of course, I am powerless to make a mo order just made respecting the report from the Committee on tion, because there is not a quorum present, and it would accom Agriculture and Forestry made by the Senator from North plish nothing if a unariimous-consent agreement to take a recess Dakota [Mr. LADD]. There was so much confusion in the has been entered into; but I made that request to--day. I Chamber that in this part of the Chamber we were unable to thought the Senator from North Dakota was on the fioor at hear what he said. the time. There was quite a large attendance here; and the Mr. LADD. I submitted the report for the minority of the Senator from Utah [Mr. SMOOT] said that while he did not committee on Senate bill 3802 with reference to leasing the think there would be any .objection, he hoped I would wait Muscle Shoals property to Henry Ford and the majority re until the Senator from North Dakota could be present. Of port on the so-called Norris bill for the completion and opera course, the Senator will aid me to-morrow in getting up the tion of Muscle- Shoals by the Government. This I did in ac resolution, and I shall therefore desist. cordance with permission which was granted a few days ago. · l\lr. McCUl\IBER. I certainly shall not object to_their being I ask that the reports may be printed. brought up if they can be disposed of. Mr. ROBINSON. I inquire of the Senator if he asked leave I now move that the Senate take a recess, the recess being to have his report printed separately? That action was taken under the unanimous-consent agi·eement, until to-morrow at 11 with respect to the report presented by the chairman of the o'clock. committee. Several Senators on this side of the Chamber have The motion was agreed to, and (at 6 o'clock and 30 minutes suggested that the report of the Senator from North Dakota. p. m.) the .Senate, under the order previously entered, took a ought also to be printed s.eparately, so that those Senators who recess until to-morrow, Friday, August 4, 1922, at 11 o'clock desire to circulate that report or make use of it separately from a. m. the majority report may have the opportunity to do so. Mr. LADD. I did not ask it, but I shall make that reque-st at the present time. I ask that unanimous consent be given to SENATE. print the minority report as a separate document. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair desires to state FRIDAY, August 4, 1922. that he is informed the RECORD shows that an order has already - . been entered for printing both reports. (Legislative day of Thursday, August S, 1922.) Mr. ROBINSON. And there was also an order made subse The Senate met at 11 o'clock a. m., on the expiration of the quently for printing the majority report separately. A number rece s. of Senators desire that the minority report submitted by the l\Ir. GOODING obtained the floor. Senator from North Dakota have the same p1ivilege that the Mr. McCUMBER. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a majority report had. I called attention. at the time the Senator quorum. from Oregon [Mr. McNARY] requested the privilege of having The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Secretary will call the the majority report printed separately, to the fact that an order roll. had already been made authorizing the printing of the two The reading clerk called the roll, and the following Senators reports, the majority and the minority, in conjunction with each answered to their names : · other. I now ask, if the Senator from North Dakota has not Ashurst Curtis Heflin Nelson done so, that the report submitted by the Senator from North Ball Dial Hitchcock New Dakota be printed separately. Borah Dillingham Jones, N. Mex. Newberry Brnndegee du Pont Jones, Wash. Nich~lson The PRESIDE1'TT pro tempo re. Is there objection? The· Bursum Ernst Keyes Norbeck Chair hears none, and it is so ordered. Calder Fletche r Ladd Oddie Cameron Glass Lenroot Overman PETITIONS Al\J) MEMORIALS. Capper Gooding Lodge Pepper Mr. MYERS presented a memorial of sundry citizens lf>f Caraway Hale McCumber Phipps Culben;on Harris McLean Pomerene Pablo, Mont., remonstrating against the enactment of legislation Cummins Ilarrison McNary Ransdell providing for compulsory Sunday observance in the Distrh:t of 1922. CONGRESSIONAL REOORD--SENATE. 10933 Columbia. which was referred to the Committee" on the District Mr. GOODING. Mr. President, I shall refuse to yield any of Columbia: further or for a report on my resolution. I am quite within 1\Ir. WILLIS presented a petition of sundry citizens of Toledo, my rights. Ohio, praying for the passage of a protective tariff act based The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from Idaho bas upon American valuations, which· was referred to the Com the floor and will proceed. mittee on Finance. THE TARIFF. l\fr. ASHURST presented resolutions adopted by the joint convention of the Arizona Cattle Growers' Association and the The Senate, as in Committee of the Whole, resumed the con Arizona Wool Growers' Association, which were referred to the sideration of the bill ~.