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Thesis – LW Womens Judo – Ammended Copy ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY A TIME-MOTION, TECHNICAL AND TACTICAL ANALYSIS OF LIGHTWEIGHT WOMEN’S JUDO DARREN G CHALLIS A thesis in pArtiAl fulfilment of the requirements of AngliA Ruskin University for the degree of PhD in Science Submitted: September 2017 i Acknowledgements Firstly, to my supervisory teAm of Professor Mike Cole, Dr Mike CAllAn And AdriAn Scruton, your guidAnce And pAtience throughout hAs been so vitAl to my development As A reseArcher And As A person. You hAve not only been fAntAstic Academic supervisors but hAve been friends throughout. Secondly, thAnk you of course to my PhD sponsors, AngliA Ruskin University (ARU). ARU is the only university thAt gAve me A chAnce All those yeArs Ago As A budding undergrAduate. Of course, this Also includes All the members of the newly formed DepArtment of Sport And Exercise Science who mAke working life unconventionAl And effervescent. My fAmily hAve AlwAys been there for me, my mother hAs AlwAys tAught me thAt hArd work will prevail, she hAs been An inspirAtion And A rock throughout my life, I hAve never met A more tenAcious person. My sister, EmmA, hAs AlwAys provided me with the competition I hAve needed in life to excel And hAs given me the greAtest niece And nephew Anyone could hope for. I love you All. I would like to thAnk the members of Comberton Judo Club who hAve supported me throughout this process with proof reAding, dAtA collection And A lot of pAtience. I would pArticulArly like to mention TArA Fitzjohn for her AssistAnce in coding And NAtAshA Collins who hAs been A true friend for mAny yeArs And counsellor for life. I would not be the person I Am todAy without judo. I would like to thAnk Jim McKenzie for keeping me in judo And believing in me when mAny didn’t. I would Also like to thAnk MArk Earle, Neil AdAms, Mike CAllAn, DArren WArner, DAniel LAscau And the lAte Roy InmAn for being coAches And mentors throughout this judo journey. FinAlly, I would like to thAnk the cAreers Advisor At my secondAry school who told me it wAs lucky I hAd AlreAdy received An enlistment to the British Army becAuse I lAcked Any other job prospects. Not only hAve I been Able to think About this And chuckle when I reAlly struggled to motivate myself I Also leArnt A lot About myself, leArning, the world And life whilst I served And thus I cAn only presume your presumptions were precisely incorrect. Nothing I hAve ever done would hAve been possible without thAt discipline And guidAnce in eArly Adulthood. ii About the author The Author hAs been A British Judo AssociAtion coAch since 1997. Prior to coAching he spent 4 yeArs on the British Army judo teAm competing in the UK, USA, CAnAdA, GibrAltAr And SpAin. He left the Army in 1998 to trAin As A full-time judo plAyer under the guidAnce of Neil AdAms (two times Olympic Silver medAllist And world chAmpion) And stAyed there for two yeArs. When he left full time trAining he studied for A BSc (Hons) in Sports Sciences And grAduAted in 2004. He Also hAs A second BSc (Hons) in Sports performAnce And A PG cert in LeArning And TeAching. Bob wAs in the first group to complete the EuropeAn Judo Union Level 5 High PerformAnce CoAch AwArd At the University of BAth, he lAter rAn this course At AngliA Ruskin University from 2010-2016. He is currently A senior lecturer on A BSc (Hons) in Sports CoAching & PhysicAl EducAtion At AngliA Ruskin University where is speciAlises in Athlete development, plAnning/periodisation And performAnce AnAlysis. Bob hAs coAched At Comberton Judo Club since 1999. He is Also regulArly coAches the Army And combined services squAds on trAining camps And At competitions. In 2002 he wAs the AssistAnt coAch to the EnglAnd judo teAm At the commonweAlth gAmes in MAnchester. In 2008 Bob founded AngliA Ruskin Universities Judo club And rAn A lArge judo progrAmme At the university from 2010-2016. The progrAmme consisted of performAnce Athletes, A reseArch group, the AdvAnced Apprenticeship in Sporting excellence And A community progrAmme. During this period the university won the British university chAmpionships men’s teAm event four times And Also won bronze in the women’s. The Achieved 10 individuAl British university chAmpions throughout the period Also. At Comberton Judo Club where he is currently the heAd coAch there is An EnglAnd PerformAnce PAthwAy centre, the AdvAnced Apprenticeship in Sporting excellence And A number of Athletes thAt trAin full-time coupled with A lArge children’s progrAmme. Bob regulArly Attends nAtionAl squAd trAining And trAining cAmps/competitions AbroAd with the Athletes from the club And mentors A number of coAches. iii ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY A TIME-MOTION, TECHNICAL AND TACTICAL ANALYSIS OF LIGHTWEIGHT WOMEN’S JUDO DARREN G CHALLIS Submitted: September 2017 Introduction: This study AnAlysed lightweight women’s judo from three common Aspects, time-motion, technicAl And tActicAl in order to develop A deeper understAnding of the demAnds plAced specificAlly on this populAtion And whether they differ to others. This informAtion mAy allow coAches to develop specific trAining for this populAtion. Method: AnAlysing All the fights thAt included lightweight women in the 2010 And 2014 World Judo ChAmpionships, 251 Athletes Across 267 contests were AnAlysed. Video wAs collected live And downloAded from youtube before being AnAlysed in Sportscode Elite softwAre And exported into Microsoft excel And SPSS for further AnAlysis. Results: Lightweight women AppeAr to hAve similAr time-motion chArActeristics to previous reseArch Across All weight cAtegories. Of the 2284 AttAcks Ippon-seoi-nage, Uchimata and Sode-tsuri-komi-goshi hAve the highest frequency but the most efficient throws Are O-soto- gari, Morote-seoi-nage and O-uchi-gari. The most prevalent And efficient cAtegory for Tachi- waza techniques wAs Ashi-waza and in Ne-waza it was Osaekomi-waza. The effects of lAterAlity And hAndedness seen in previous reseArch either does not Apply to this populAtion or its Affects hAve diminished Across judo. Discussion and conclusion: There Are similArities between previous reports Across weight categories And lightweight women’s judo for time-motion chArActeristics, types of technique used, category of techniques used, direction of AttAck, lAterAlity And use of combinAtions. However, differences AppeAr in the efficiency of counters with lightweight femAles being very effective At countering their opponents. The populArity of Sode-tsuri-komi-goshi should be closely considered by coAches And is likely to be An emerging theme Across All weight categories. There is Also significAnt difference in the dAtA AnAlysing the effect of lAterAlity on performAnce with difference seeming to diminish, this mAy Also be An emerging trend Across All weight cAtegories And possibly All sports. This reseArch AppeArs to be one of the first to tAckle fAtigue bAsed upon elite level performAnce in judo And the first to categorise Shido’s by the offence And shows the lArger number of offences Are for pAssivity. There are Also lArge discrepAncies noted between this reseArch And the IJF dAtAbAses. Keywords: LAterAlity, PenAlties, FAtigue, Time-Motion AnAlysis, HAndedness iv COPYRIGHT Attention is drAwn to the fAct thAt copyright of this thesis rests with its Author. This copy of the thesis hAs been supplied on condition thAt Anyone who consultsit is understood to recognise thAt its copyright rests with its Author And thAt no quotAtion from the thesis And no informAtion derived from it mAy be publishedwithout the prior written consent of the Author. This thesis mAy be mAde AvAilAble for consultation withinthe University LibrAry And mAy be photocopied or lent to other librAries for the purposes of consultAtion. v Table of Contents Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................ii About the author ............................................................................................................................... iii Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................. vi Table of Tables ................................................................................................................................... x Table of Figures .......................................................................................................................... xiii Glossary of Judo Terminology .......................................................................................................... xiv Publications as a result of this research ............................................................................................. xv Published ........................................................................................................................................... xv From pilot studies .............................................................................................................................. xv Work in progress ............................................................................................................................... xv Chapter 1: Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 2 Judo ............................................................................................................................................
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