About the Editor
About the Editor James T. Richardson, J.D., Ph.D. is Professor of Sociology and Judicial Stud ies at the University of Nevada, Reno. where he directs the Judicial Studies graduate degree program for trial judges, serves as director of the Grant Sawyer Center for Justice Studies. a research arm of the University. and teaches in the Sociology Department and the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in So cial Psychology. He specializes in Sociology of Law, Sociology of Religion, Social Psychology and Law, and Social Science Evidence. He has done re search and made presentations in two dozen countries, and has been a Fulbright Fellow in The Netherlands , a Rockefeller Fellow at Bellagio, Italy, and has held visiting appointments at the London School of Economics, Melbourne Univer sity, the University of Sydney, and Queensland University. He has published some 200 articles and chapters in books, as well as seven other books. The major focus of his research in recent years has been on the way that governmental entities seek to exert control over minority faiths, and the con sequences of such actions, an interest reflected in this volume. Other books by Dr. Richardson include Conversion Careers: In and Out of the New Religions (1978), The Brainwashing/Deprogramming Controversy (with David Bromley, 1983), Money and Power in the New Religions (1988), The Satan ism Scare (with David Bromley and Joel Best, 1991), Organized Miracles: A Study ofa Youth, Communal, Fundamentalist Organization (with Mary Stewart and Robert Simmonds, 1979), and Challenging Religion: Essays in Honor ofEileen Barker (with James Beckford, 2003). 555 Index Aagaard, Johannes, 229-231 , 232 Americans for Separation of Church and State, 13 Abgrall , Jean-Marie, 37, 47,127-149,155 Amistad Cristiana, 444 cultic brainwashing theory of, 127-128, 13&--137 Ananada Marga, 389 Daubert guidelines-based evaluation of, 138-143 Anatomy ofthe Sect (Andrzej and Zwolinski), as expert witness in anti-cull trials, 128-129, 130 268-269 lack of publication in peer-reviewed journals, 143 Anglican Church.
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