בס״ד 7TH DAY PESACH ׁשְ בִיעִי ׁשֶ ל ּפֶסַ ח In loving memory of Tzemach ben Yisrael z"l

Volume 33 | #24 “Moshe stretched out his hand over the sea, and God moved the sea with a strong east wind all night” 3 April 2021 ( 14:21) 21 Nisan 5781

Yom HaShoah is on Thursday

Shabbat ends and 8th Day Pesach begins at 8.25pm. Yom Tov ends on Sunday at 8:27pm.

Please note: These times are for London only.

Please look regularly at the social media and websites of the US, Tribe and your community for ongoing updates relating to Coronavirus as well as educational programming and community support. You do not need to sign into Facebook to access the US Facebook page. The US Coronavirus Helpline is on INSIDE: 020 8343 5696. May God bless us and the The Power of Thanks whole world. by Adrian Jesner The Warsaw Ghetto by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l

For those using a A Dream Come True , the page by Rabbi Dov Kaplan numbers for the reading can Sefer

be found overleaf. Daf Hashavua by Pnina Savery For those using a chumash, the page numbers for the Torah reading are: Pesach 7th Day The Power Artscroll p366 Hertz p265 Soncino p407 Pesach 8th Day of Thanks Artscroll p1018 By Rabbi Adrian Jesner, Hertz p814 Bournemouth Hebrew Congregation Soncino p1072 (both days) At the centre of the is that the dramatic, unexpected seventh day of Pesach start of the miracle was down to the Artscroll p892 is one of the greatest impact of hakarat hatov (showing Hertz p695 miracles of all time, gratitude). An analysis of various Soncino p945 so important to our verses in the parasha of , structure of belief that we refer to where our reading is located, 7th Day it several times in our prayers every provides support for this Midrashic Artscroll p1225 single day of the year. This miracle suggestion. Hertz p1017 is, of course, the splitting of the sea, At the start of Beshalach, as which is the main focus of the Torah they leave Egypt, the Children of Haftarah 8th Day reading today. Israel fulfil the commitment made Artscroll p1226 Try for a moment to put yourself by their ancestors just before Hertz p1023 in the shoes of the Children of the passing of Yosef (Joseph), to Israel at the time. The Egyptians are bring his bones with them when Please note that the Haftarot do not pursuing, the sea is in front of them. leaving Egypt, so that Yosef would appear in the Soncino chumash. They needed a miracle. How would ultimately be interred in the Land it happen? of Israel. This demonstrates how One answer suggested by the they remembered the hakarat hatov (early rabbinic teaching) owed to Yosef. The Midrash notes

In loving memory of Moshe ben Avraham Zarach z"l

United Daf Hashavua Produced by US Living & Learning together with the Rabbinical Council of the United Synagogue Torah Reading Summary for 7th Day Pesach Editor-in-Chief: Rabbi Baruch Davis 1st Aliya () – Shemot 13:17-19 Editorial and Production Team: After Pharaoh sends the Israelites out of Egypt, God does not lead them on a straight Rabbi Daniel Sturgess, Rabbi Michael Laitner, path through the land of the Pelishtim (Philistines) towards Cana’an (later Israel), Rebbetzen Nechama Davis, but rather towards the Sea of Reeds. Moshe is carrying Yosef’s bones, as Yosef had Joanna Rose requested before his death (see Bereishit 50:25). Available also via email US website www.theus.org.uk ©United Synagogue 2nd Aliya (Levi) – 13:20-22 To sponsor Daf Hashavua please A pillar of cloud guides the Israelites by day, and a pillar of fire lights up their journey contact Danielle Fox on 020 8343 6261, at night. or [email protected]

If you have any comments or questions regarding Daf Hashavua please email 3rd Aliya (Shlishi) – 14:1-4 [email protected] God tells Moshe to turn back in the direction of Egypt. in an allegorical sense that the scepticism when returning to Egypt the significance ofhakarat hatov, sea split when it ‘saw’ the coffin to begin the process of the Exodus, the Torah’s description of what containing the bones of Yosef. now received the full-hearted happens after the splitting of the Immediately before the song gratitude of a nation. sea should make us sit up in our at the sea, the Torah tells us A third example is when all chairs! As soon as the people feel that the people believed in the women sing with Miriam to thirsty in the desert, they complain God and in Moshe His servant. celebrate the miracles and their rather than pray to God or even ask Expressing this belief, in the midst escape from Egypt. By doing so, Moshe for advice, as noted by the of such awesome miracles, also they show their gratitude for her commentary of Rashi (1040-1105). demonstrated the hakarat hatov that efforts to save Moshe when he was Perhaps the Torah is teaching us the people had to both God and to a baby as well as for her leadership that, even after the amazing events Moshe. The same Moshe, brought as a prophetess for all the Children of the splitting of the sea, there up in an Egyptian palace, who of Israel. would still be challenges in the had initially been met with some Given this powerful Midrash on future. We would have to respond to these challenges by praying to God and taking action to address them, knowing, to use this particular example, that God has the capacity to bring water to a nation in the desert, as indeed then happened. This past year, we have faced our own challenges. I hope that our prayers to God and the magnificent efforts that so many people across the country have taken to address our challenges will stand us in good stead for the future. May God end the pandemic once and for all, so that next year, we may all even be together in ! I hope that our prayers to God and the magnificent efforts that so many people across the country have taken to address our challenges will stand us in good stead for the future.

4th Aliya (Revi’i) – 14:5-8 providing a wall on either side of them. The Egyptians enter God hardens the heart of Pharaoh, who pursues the Israelites the Sea but struggle to move forward. with his armed chariots. Point to Consider: Why did God move the Sea with a “strong 5th Aliya (Chamishi) – 14:9-14 easterly wind”? (14:21) The Egyptians catch up with the Israelites, who are encamped by the Sea. Seeing the approaching army, the people cry out in 7th Aliya (Shevi'i) – 14:26-15:26 prayer, and also ask Moshe why they left Egypt only to die in Moshe raises his staff; the Sea closes on the Egyptians, the desert. Moshe tells them not to fear; they will experience drowning them. The Israelites see the drowned Egyptians on God’s salvation. the seashore. Together with Moshe, they sing the Song at the Sea (Shirat HaYam) which celebrates God’s miraculous 6th Aliya (Shishi) – 14:15-25 salvation. The nation travels on, experiencing three days in Moshe raises his staff; an easterly wind blows and the Sea the desert without water. They come to a place called Marah, splits. The Israelites walk through the dry channel, the water where the water is too bitter to drink. They complain to In memory of Rabbi Lord Sacks zt”l, we have reproduced several of his Pesach messages from previous years, to recall his teachings about this festival. The message below was a BBC ‘Thought for the Day’ on 13 April 1995, and later published in ‘From Optimism to Hope’ (2004), p41. The Warsaw Ghetto by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l

Tomorrow night, ago. The of Europe were being Each new generation throughout the world, murdered in their millions. In Warsaw, learns how freedom Jews will be celebrating in the ghetto, only a fifth of the Jews one of the most powerful were still alive. The rest had been was fought for, religious ceremonies of the year, the deported to the concentration camps. and painfully won. service of . It’s a time Then the news came through. The when we gather in our extended remaining Jews were to be killed Memory is our best families and tell the story of the exodus the next day. Instead of the festival guardian of liberty. from Egypt more than 3,000 years ago. of freedom, they were to receive the We do more than tell it. We relive decree of death. such power, giving those who heard it. We eat the unleavened bread of What happened next was one of it the strength to live and die for the affliction. We taste the bitter herbs of the most remarkable stories of the cause of freedom. They knew it was slavery. And we drink four cups of the Second World War. The Jews fought their story. wine of freedom. I know of few other back. It was a hopeless struggle, 1,200 In a few weeks’ time, we’ll occasions in which history is made to Jewish fighters, with a few smuggled commemorate the fiftieth anniversary come so vividly alive. You feel as if arms, surrounded by German troops of VE Day. And those like me who were you were there. As part of the service and tanks. They knew they would lose born after that event sometimes ask: we say: in every generation each of and that few would survive. But fight why remember? us must feel as if we personally left they did, for days and weeks, until But Passover gives us the answer. Egypt. And we do. On Passover we turn June. As an act of resistance it was If we are to cherish freedom, and to history into living memory. But why extraordinary. guard it, we must remember what the is it so important to remember what On the first night, the survivors alternative is: the bread of affliction and happened so long ago? of the ghetto sat down amidst the the bitter herbs of slavery. Each new When people ask me that, I think wreckage and celebrated Passover. generation learns how freedom was back to something that occurred on Rarely can the ancient story of slavery fought for, and painfully won. Memory the eve of Passover fifty-two years and liberation have resonated with is our best guardian of liberty.

In memory of Frida Mirel bat Chaim Simcha z"l

Moshe, who is shown a tree by God. Moshe throws the tree Haftarah – (II Shmuel 22:1-51) into the water, thus sweetening it. Taken from the final section of the second book of Samuel (Shmuel bet), the Haftarah comprises Shirat David, King Maftir – ( 28:19-25) David’s song of gratitude to God for saving him from the many Maftir is read from a second , from the section of dangers and plots against him described earlier on in the book. parashat Pinchas detailing the extra offerings brought during It parallels the Song at the Sea. Pesach.

A Dream Come True by Rabbi Dov Kaplan, Tribe Israel Team

The Israeli national ourselves to be certain Similarly, in 1896, anthem, Hatikva (The that we are not just Theodore Herzl wrote in Hope), was written in imagining it. his famous work “The Romania in 1878. Its Rabbi Adin Steinzaltz Jewish State”: popularity grew and it was sung (1937-2020), however, No human being was at the Fourth Zionist Congress for offers a different powerful or wealthy the first time in 1900, interestingly explanation. The period enough to transport in London. Since then it was to of dreaming is not a people from one undergo some alterations but immediately following domicile to another. Only remained the un-official song of the long-awaited an idea could create the the Zionist Movement and, at least rescue. The period of necessary momentum. initially, of the State of Israel too. dreaming referred to Herzl realised that a Unknown to many, Hatikva was is prior to the return to dream, transmitted from legally recognised by the Israeli Israel. After we have one generation to the Knesset only in 2004. been redeemed, we next, has the potency Over the many years since its first will look back at our to move them. Still, he version was penned, no less than long period of suffering warned: 12 alternatives have been proposed in exile and consider it If you will it, it is no to replace the Hatikva. One of those all one extended bad mere dream; but if you was Psalm 126. Many readers will dream. do not will it, a dream recognise the opening words of this I would like it is and a dream it will chapter sung at the conclusion of to propose an stay. festive meals: alternative approach The establishment Shir Hama’alot b'shuv Hashem to understanding and the existence of et shivat Tziyon hayinu k'chol'mim - the dream. The title the State of Israel gave When God brought back the exiles of Hatikva is generally the Jewish people a Zion, we were like dreamers. translated to mean new lease of life. No These words are perhaps familiar ‘hope’. The word could matter what our politics but is their meaning absolutely also be translated as a are, or our religious clear? Who are the dreamers the dream and aspiration. Israeli Declaration dispositions, or our place psalmist is alluding to? Can we be In Hatikva, we state of Independence of residence, we have sure which period is described as that the dream has existed for 2,000 a unique opportunity to cultivate a dream? Are we dreamers before, years in the heart of every . the State of Israel and support it for during or post the return to Zion? Thus, the psalm could mean that generations to come. The most obvious interpretation we must remember that we were We are dreamers! We have been is that the return to Israel will dreamers throughout the centuries dreaming of a return to Zion for be so wondrous to us, we will of exile, hoping, trusting that generations, wherever we have lived. actually think it is just a dream. Not eventually we could return to our Come and let us dream together as appearing as reality, we will pinch Land and rebuild. one. Chag Ha’atzmaut Sameach. Yom Ha’atzmaut is on 14th-15th April. In memory of Devorah bat Avraham z"l Sefer Shofetim (the Book of Judges) Chapter 16 part 1: Shimshon’s Scheming Spouse by Pnina Savery, US Jewish Living Educator

Chapter 16 begins with commentary to Tanach, Shimshon This is the first time Shimshon returning to does this as a prank to further the city of Gaza. It is infuriate the Gazans, especially as in the narratives unclear why Shimshon Mount Hebron was visible to them goes willingly to the city of his across the way. This is the only time of Shimshon that a enemies. The text explains that he is in the stories of Shimshon that we woman is named, going there to visit a harlot. However, see an act of bravado, simply for the this is difficult to understand as a sake of it, and it robs Gaza of its last indicating there judge of Israel should not be involved shred of reputation. in such activities. The French biblical Shimshon then falls in love with a must be significance commentator, Radak (1160–1235), Philistine woman called Delilah. This to her name. citing Yonatan, writes that this is the first time in the narratives of was not a harlot but an innkeeper, as Shimshon that a woman is named, the four times Delilah asks Shimshon classical commentaries also explain indicating there must be significance to reveal his secret to her. It appears in the case of Rachav (see Joshua to her name. One approach is that it that all along Shimshon does not 2:1). This is because zonah, harlot, is comes from the Hebrew root “dal”, know the true motivation behind connected to the word mazon, food. to weaken. Our Sages explain this Delilah’s repeated questions, rather The Malbim (Ukraine, 1809-1879) means she weakened his strength, she asks in the manner of a woman states that Shimshon actually went his actions and his heart ( who wants to know all about her to Gaza on purpose to “pick a fight” 9b). This is the first woman beloved. She tells him that it is (we learned a similar idea about his in Shimshon’s life that he actually normal for those in love to share their marriage, in Chapter 14). loved, and this is why she is able to secrets, especially as it shows trust The Gazans hear of his presence entice him into revealing his secrets for one another. and gather by the gates of the city, to her. Shimshon has no desire to tell planning to ambush him on his way Philistine leaders approach her to her his deepest secret and responds out. However, Shimshon wakes in the make a business deal: if she finds to her almost as if it is a joke. For middle of the night, lifts the gates out the secret of his strength, they example, he tells her to tie him up and carries them on his shoulders. will pay her a total of 5,500 silver with seven wet ropes and then he This enables him to leave unharmed. shekels. This is a staggering amount will be weakened. In our next article He walks with them all the way of money1. The large sum shows how we will see how Delilah manages to Hebron, roughly 50 kilometres! desperate the Philistines are to catch to entice Shimshon into revealing According to Professor Yehuda their nemesis. his secret, leading to his ultimate Elitzur (1911-1997) in his Da’at Mikra Verses 6-21 provide the details of downfall.

1 Compare to other amounts of money featured in the Bible, such as the ‘mere’ four hundred shekels Avraham pays for a burial plot in Hebron (Bereishit 23:15).

In memory of Shmuel Nissim ben Yaacov z"l