Review of the Soles of the Genus Aseraggodes (Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae) from the Indo-Malayan Region, with Descriptions of Nine New Species
Review of the soles of the genus Aseraggodes (Pleuronectiformes: Soleidae) from the Indo-Malayan region, with descriptions of nine new species by John E. RANDALL (1) & Martine DESOUTTER-MENIGER (2) A B S T R A C T. - The following 16 soles of the genus A s e r a g g o d e s Kaup are reported from the East Indies and southeast Asia: A. albidus n. sp., one specimen, Sulawesi; A. beauforti Chabanaud, one specimen, Timor Sea, 216 m (a smaller spec- imen identified as b e a u f o rt i by Chabanaud is A. kaianus); A. chapleaui n. sp., one specimen, Madang, Papua New Guinea, coral reef, 30 m; A. dubius Weber, ten specimens, Gulf of Carpentaria, Arafura Sea, Gulf of Thailand, and South China Sea, 45-82 m; A. kaianus (Günther), Arafura Sea, Timor Sea, Taiwan, and southern Japan, 128-236 m; A. kimurai n. sp., two market specimens, Negros, Philippines; A. longipinnis n. sp., one specimen, Banda Sea, coral reef; A. matsuurai n. sp., four specimens, Indonesia and Philippines, coral reefs; A. micro l e p i d o t u s We b e r, one specimen, Sumbawa, Indonesia, 274 m; A . s a t a p o o m i n i n. sp., one specimen, Similan Islands, Andaman Sea, coral reef; A. senoui n. sp., one specimen, Mabul, Malaysia; A. suzumotoi n. sp., seven specimens, bays of Indonesia; A. texturatus We b e r, one specimen, Timor Sea, 216 m; A. winterbottomi n. sp., three specimens, Philippines, coral reefs; A.
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