Film as Language: The Politics of Early Film Theory (1920-1960) The case of Siegfried Kracauer as émigré intellectual Markus Rheindorf, with Alexandra Ganser and Julia Pühringeri IFK Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften International Reserach Center for Cultural Studies Reichsratsstraße 17 1010 Vienna, Austria Tel.: (+43-1) 504 11 26-15 Fax: (+43-1) 504 11 32
[email protected] Department of Applied Linguistics University of Vienna Berggasse 11 1090 Vienna, Austria
[email protected] That any given politics is largely constructed through and in language; that language and language use are always political and that therefore there is not only a language of politics but also a politics language; and that the sciences – whether social, natural, etc. – construct a politics inasmuch as they are a social phenomenon largely situated in the domain of language: these are three critical positions to which my argument here responds. Building on these, I would like to propose a new focus for research in the field of language and politics: the correspondence between a given political position (within the sciences) and a specific understanding and use of the notion of “language” as such. In this, I am taking a detour through a historically specific case: the discourse of early film theory, in particular the work of film critic and theorist Siegfried Kracauer (1889 – 1966). The early history of the now institutionalized discipline of film studies, as I shall argue, provides an intriguing example of the way in which the language of science and theory articulates a politics (and is articulated by politics) by way of its changing use of the term “language” – in this case, the “language of film”.