Statements Showing I. Appropriations Made During the Second Session of the Thirty-Third Congress
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University of Oklahoma College of Law University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 4-19-1855 Statements showing I. Appropriations made during the second session of the Thirty-third Congress. II. Offices ecr ated and the salaries thereof. III. the offices theal s aries of which have been increased, with the amount of such increase, during the same period. Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Indian and Aboriginal Law Commons Recommended Citation S. Misc. Doc. No. 26, 33d Cong., 2nd Sess. (1855) This Senate Miscellaneous Document is brought to you for free and open access by University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in American Indian and Alaskan Native Documents in the Congressional Serial Set: 1817-1899 by an authorized administrator of University of Oklahoma College of Law Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 33n CoNGRESS, ~ SENATE. ~:Mrs. Doc. 2d Session. 5 ( No. 26. STATEMENTS ~H O WI NG I. APPROPRIATIONS 1\IADE DURING THE EECOND SESSION OF THE THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. II. OFFICES CREATED AND THE SALARIES THEREOF. lU. THE OFFICES THE SALARIES OF WHICH HAVE BEEN JNCREASED, WITH THE AMOUNT OF SUCH INCREASE, DURI TG THE SAME PERIOD. APRIL 19, 1855. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE SECRETARY OF THE SENATE AND THE CLERK OF THE II01JSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE SIXTH SECTION OF THE " ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE APPOINTMENT OF ADDITIONAL PAYMASTERS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES," APPROVED JULY 4, 1836. \VASHINGTON: BEVERLEY TUCKER, SENATE PRINTER. 1855. S T ATE~IENT. Object of appropriation. Amount. Total. .-APPROPRIATIONS MADE DURING THE SECOND SESSION OP THE THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. By the act to p1·ovide fo1' the extinguishment of the title of the Chippewa Indians to the lands owned mul clctimccl by them > ~ in the Territory of .Minnesota and State of TYisconsin, anll for thei1· domestication antl civilization. ~ ~ To enable the President to cause negotiations to be entered into with the Chippewa Indians, for the extinrruishment of 0 ~ their title to all the lands owned and claimed by them in the Territory of Minnesota and State of Wisconsin ..•• •I• ................ $10,000 00 ~ By the act to zwovide fo1' the contingent expenses of the Ten·itory of Nebmska. >8 1-1 To defray the contingent expenses for the government of the Territory of Nebraska for the remainder of the present 0z fiscal year •••••...•••••.• •• ... ·•• .. ·· ... • • • ............................................................. • I• ................ 1,000 00 sn By the act fm· the liquidation of the ]Jenitentiary indebtedness. z trj To emible the Se~retary of the Interior to liquidate the present indebtedness of the penitentiary in the District of ~ r :· • • .. • • • • •••••••••• .................................... • ...... · 1· ............. , ••• Colu1nbil1 ............... , ....... • .. • • • ~ 7,186 92 0 ~ ~ By the act to amend an net entitled '' .lln ctct to establish an cmxiliary watch for the protection of pttblic and ]Jrivate 1n·ope1·ty 1-1 in the city of Washington," approved .!lttfSUSt twenty-three, eighteen lmnll1·ed an1l forty-two. ~ To pay tho auxiliary watch an annual compensation of six hundred dollars each, commencing with the pret:;ent fiscal ~Ul t_%j year .............. ·~ •••. :· .. ~· ............................................................... ~ ........ •I· ................ Indefiqi te . ! - ~ • ' a8 By the act making appropriations for the ~onstntclion of certain military 1·oads in the Te1-ritories of Nebt·aska and TVash ; ington. For the construction of a military road from the Great Falls of the Missouri river, in the Territory of Nebraska, to intersect the military road now established leading from Walla Walla to Puget's Sound .••••.••••••...••••••••. $30,000 00 For the construction of a military road from the Dalles of the Columbia to Columbia City Barracks ......•...•..•••. 25,000 00 For the construction of a. military road from Columbia City Barracks to Fort Steilacoom, on Puget's Sound •••••••••• 30,000 00 85,000 00 ••••••••••••••••• Amount carried forwarq.!!.! ·~ ~ ~ ~. •I• 103,186 92 ~ STATEMENT-Coi1tinuecl ~ Object of appropriation. Amount. Total. A1nount brought forward ........... •I· ................ $103,186 92 1» By lhP- art the appro1n-iation fm· the e1·ection of a bnilding in the city qf Milwaukie, fm· a custom-house, post office, ·1-tj and the United States cotwts. · "tt ~ 0 To enable the Secre1Jl.ry of the Treasury to cause to be constructed at the said city of Milwaukie, for the accommo "tt dation of the custom-house, post offi.P-e, and United States courts, a building of stone or brick, with fire proof ~ floors, constructed of iron beams and brickwork, iron roof, shutters, and sills, eighty-five feet by sixty feet, sixty ~ feet in height fro1n the foundation ........................................................................ $88,000 00 8 For cost of superintendence of erection and other contingent expenses .••.••••••.••..••..•••••.•.••••••••..••..•.. 8,800 00 H 96,800 00 0z ~Ul. By the act to 1'efttnd to the f!.tficers of the customs and othe1·s, of the distt·ict of Passamaquoddy, certain moneys. z t:;j To pay to the la.te officers of the customs of the district of Passamaquoddy, and informers, their proportion of the net proceeds of sale, by virtue of existing laws, arising from the condemnation of the schooners "L'Etang" and ~ "Josephine," and the barque" Phenix," for a violation of the revenue laws in the district of Maine; the same 0 having been wrongfully paid into the treasury of the United States through mistake ........................... 1. • • • • .. • • • • .. • • • • • Indefinite. a~ tr:l By the act fm· the constntction of ct militm·y road in Oregon Territm·y. !!2 .......... • ... • • • • 30,000 00 tr:l For the construction of a military road from Asloria to Salem, in the Territory of Oregon ......................... 1 8 9 By the act making an app1·op1·iation fm· a te1Titorial1·oacl -in the Ten·ito1·y of .N'ebraskct. For the purpose of constructing a territorial road from a point on the Missouri river, (opposite the city of Council ................. Bluffs,) in the Jerritory of Nebraska, to New Fort Kearney, in said Territory ................................ 1 50,000 00 By the act fm· the e1·ection of a militm·y post on 01' nem· the Pembina 1·iver, in the Te1Titm·y of Minnesota, and fm· othe1· pm-poses. For the erection of a military post in the Territory of Minnesota, on the line of forty-nine degrees north ]a,titude, on 5,000 00 or near the Pe~nbina river .......................................... ····• .. • • • • •• • • ·• • • •• • • .. • • • •" • • •• • • · . For the establishment of military posts in the Territories of Kansas and Nebraska, at such points in said territories as the Secretary of War n1ay designate •• • • • • • • • • • ·• • • • ••.••..••..•••••.• ·••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••• 10,000 00 I I 15,000 00 By the act nwking appl'O}Jriationfol· completing the public buildings of Oregon Ten·ito1·y and Minnesota. For completing the penitentiary, according to the provisions of the act of the legislative assembly relating to the public buildings of the 1'erritory of Oregon············ ........• ,................................................ 40,000 00 For completing the state house, or house for the meeting of the legislative assembly, according to the provisions of said act ................ · · · · • · · · · · • · · • · · · • • • · · . • . • . .. • • • • • . • • . • • . .. • • • • • . • . • • . • . • . 27,000 00 > To complete the territorial capitol and build a workshop for the territorial prison in the Territory of Minnesota, in 1-d accordance with estimates made by the agent appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury ..... , . .. • .. • • .. • • • • . 11,500 00 1-d p;j 78,500 00 0 1-d By the act making approp1·icttions fm· impmving ce1·tctin military 1·oads in the Te?Tito?'Y of .JIIinnesota. p;j For cutting out the timber on the territorial road from the Falls of St. Anthony to Fort Ridgely ......••....•....•. 5, 000 00 >8 ·1 H For cutting out the timber on the road from Fort Ripley, via Crow Wing river, to the point where said road intersects 0 the main road leading to the Red river of the north ......... , ................... , ................... , • , . 10, 000 00 z 15,000 00 ~w. the act making ap]wopriations fo1' the payment of invalid and othe1· pensions of the United States fo1· the yem· ending z By tz:j thi1·ticth of June, one thousand eight hund1·c£l and fifty-six, and fo?' othe1'JJUrposes. ~ For invalid pensions, under various acts ........................... , ..................................... , ••••. 514,600 00 0 For pensions to widows and orphans, under the acts of the fourth of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, ~ and twenty-first of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight. •••••.•.. , .... , ..................... , ••. 78,150 00 ~ 0 For pensions under special ttcts of Congress ................................................................... !:>,750 00 trj Fur pensions to widows, under the acts of the seventeenth of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, second ~w. of February and twenty-ninth July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight .............................. 338,000 00 For pensions and half-pay to widows and orphans, under the act of the third of February,