qTP TATA November 28, 2016 The General Manager, Listing Department The Manager,Listlng Department BSE Limited National Stock Exchange oflndia Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers Exchange Plaza Dalal Street Bandra― Kurla Complex Mumbai - 400 001 Bandra(E) Scrio Code: 500770 Mumbai 400 051 SvmboL TATACHEM Dear Sirs, Sub : Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting - December 23' 2016 we enclose herewith our Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to be held on Friday, December 23, 2016 at 3.00 p.m. at Birla Matushri Sabhaghar, 19, Sir Vithaldas Thackersey Marg, Mumbai - 400 020. The said Notice is being sent to all the shareholders of the company by permitted mode. The Notice of EGM will be available on our website i.e. www.tatachemicals.com. Please use this Notice to upload on your website in lieu of the earlier Notice sent to you on November 26,2016. The disclosure is being made in compliance with Regulation 30 of the sEBl (Listing Obligations & Disclosure Requirements) Regulations' 2015. This is for your information and records. Thanking you, Yours taithfully, For Tata Chemicals Limited General Counsel & Company Secretary Encl.: a.a. TATA CH[M:CALS L:M!T[D Bombay House 24 Homi Mody Street Fo子 t Mumbai400 0)1 Te1 91 22 6665 8282 Fax 91 22 6665 8143/44 w― tatachemicais com ClN:L24239MH1939PLC002893 Registered Office: Bombay House, 24, Homi Mody Street, Fort, Mumbai 400 001 CIN: L24239MH1939PLC002893 Tel. No: +91 22 6665 8282 Fax No: +91 22 6665 8144 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.tatachemicals.com NOTICE “RESOLVED THAT