State of the Forest 2006

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State of the Forest 2006 THE FORESTS OF THE FORESTS THE CONGO BASIN: For the Congo Basin Forest Partnership (CBFP), prepared in collaboration with: • COMIFAC and the forestry ministers of Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, and the Democratic Republic of Congo • Conservation NGOs active in the Landscapes (African Wildlife Foundation, Conservation International, Wildlife Conservation Society, World Wildlife Fund/World Wide Fund for Nature) • Institutions and offi ces working on the implementation of sustainable exploitation (CIFOR, CIRAD, Forêt Ressources Management) • Governmental and non-governmental institutions monitoring resources through remote sensing (Joint Research Center, Université catholique de Louvain, South Dakota State University, University of Maryland, World Resources Institute) 2006 of the Forest State THE FORESTS OF THE CONGO BASIN State of the Forest 2006 680670 THE FORESTS OF THE CONGO BASIN State of the Forest 2006 Th e Congo Basin Forest Partnership Partners (CBFP) Governments Th e CBFP is a non-binding Type II part- · Republic of South Africa (DWAF) nership composed of approximately 30 govern- · Germany (BMZ, GTZ) mental and non-governmental organizations. · Belgium (MAECECD) It was launched at the 2002 World Summit on · Cameroon (ONADEF) Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South · Canada (ACDI) Africa in order to promote the sustainable man- · European Union (EC, ECOFAC, JRC) agement of the forests of the Congo Basin and · USA (DSPI, CARPE-USAID) improve the quality of life of the region’s inhabit- · France (MAE, AFD, MEDD, CIRAD) ants. Th e CBFP’s main objectives are to improve · Equatorial Guinea communication among its members and support · Gabon coordination between members’ projects, pro- · Japan (Embassy of Japan in France) grams, and policies. · Netherlands (SNV) Th e partnership is facilitated by one mem- · Central African Republic ber of the partnership. Facilitation by the United · Democratic Republic of Congo States, from 2003 to 2004, has been followed by · Republic of Congo (MEFE) French facilitation since February 2005. Th e part- · United Kingdom (DFID) nership works by bringing its members together periodically to exchange information. Intergovernmental organizations Th e partnership actions are concentrated on · World Bank six priority areas: · COMIFAC · strengthening mechanisms for regional con- · FAO sensus-building, · World Mecanism · establishing a working group for funding · ITTO mechanisms, · UNESCO · increasing human capacity within the regional · GRASP forest/environment sector, · strengthening the Executive Secretariat of NGOs, research groups and associations COMIFAC, · American Forest & Paper Association · improving governance within the forest sector · Association technique internationale des bois · promoting and communicating on the activi- tropicaux (ATIBT) ties of the CBFP and its members. · Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Th e thirty founding members of the CBFP · Conservation International (CI) fall into three major categories: governments, in- · Forest Trends ter-governmental organizations, and non-govern- · Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) mental organizations. As a group, the founding · Society of American Foresters members committed to fi nancing and/or imple- · World Conservation Union (IUCN) menting programs in line with the CBFP priority · Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) areas that totaled tens of millions of dollars over · World Resources Institute (WRI) three to fi ve years. Since its foundation, addition- · World Wildlife Fund (WWF-USA) al governments and non-governmental organiza- · World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Int’l) tions have joined the partnership. To fi nd out more: 2 List of contributors Coordination John Hart (WCS)* Véronique Tshimalanga (CARPE)* Didier Devers (UMD-OSFAC)* Terese Hart (WCS) Richard Tshombe (WCS) Jean Pierre Vande weghe (EU)* Bas Huijbregts (WWF) Jacques Tunguni (COMIFAC) Olly Hymas (WCS)* Léonard Usongo (WWF)* Scientifi c committee Omari Ilambu (WWF) Prosper Uwingeri (ORTPN) Alain Billand (CIRAD) Bili-Isia Inogwabini (WWF) Françoise Van de Ven (Syndicate of Bernard Cassagne (FRM)* André Kamdem Toham (WWF)* Foresters-DRC)* Jean-Louis Doucet (FUG) Alain Karsenty (CIRAD)* Gretchen Walters (MBG) Robert Nasi (CIFOR)* Christopher Kernan (CI) Lee White (WCS) Th éodore Tréfon (RMCA)* Léonard Kikukama (WWF) David Yanggen (USAID)* Caroline Tutin Déo Kujirakwinja (WCS) Marc Languy (WWF) Text revision General contributions Stéphane Le Duc Yeno Patrice Christy (French version) Marcellin Agnagna (IGEFE MEFE) Miguel Leal (MBG) Conrad Aveling (English version) Jean-Pierre Agnangoye (RAPAC)* Michelle Lee (SI) Paya de Marcken (English version) Elie Baleke (WWF) Raymond Lumbuenamo (WWF)* Pyther Banza (WWF) Marthinique Lusuna (WWF) Cartography Alain Bebu (WWF) Aimée Luzingu (ERAIFT-UNESCO) Pierre Defourny (UCL) Lambert Bene Bene (WWF) Fiona Maisels (WCS)* Didier Devers (UMD-OSFAC) Christophe Besacier (MAE-France)* Sébastien Malele (DGF)* Grégory Duveiller (UCL) Yalolo Bisidi (WWF) Richard Malonga Matthew Hansen (SDSU) Stephen Blake (WCS)* Emile Mamfoumbi Kombila (MEFEPPN) Philippe Mayaux (EU-JRC) Didier Bokelo Bile (AWF)* Sami Mankoto wa Mbaelele (UNESCO- Benoît Mertens (WRI) Bruno Bokoto de Semboli (WWF)* RAPAC)* Juan-Carlos Bonilla (CI) Philippe Mayaux (EU-JRC)* Pictures Romain Calaque (WCS) Déo Mbula (ICCN) AWF: 20.3, 20.4 Matthew Cassetta (US State Department)* Patrick Mehlman (CI)* FRM: 4.1, 10.1 Erica Cochrane (WWF) Benoît Mertens (WRI)* Kim Gjerstad: 2.2, 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 5.1, 5.3, Alejandra Colom (Anthropologist)* Pierre Méthot (WRI)* 19.2, 19.6, 21.4, 22.3, 22.4, 23.2, 23.5, Bryan Curran (WCS) Justin Mupanda (WWF) 23.6 Emmanuel de Mérode (EU) Jonas Nagahuedi (COMIFAC) Teresa Hart: 6.1 Alain Daumerie (SEFCA) Tomosaki Nishihara (WCS) Martin Harvey: 23.3 Brigitte Decadt (Belgium)* François-Basile Ntimba Mpat Filipp Henschel: 1.6 Bernard De Schrevel (Belgian Embassy in (COMIFAC)* Emmanuel Mve Mebia: 15.7 DRC)* Zacharie Nzooh (WWF) Richard Oslisly: 15.3 Pauwel De Wachter (WWF) Crisantos Obama Ondo (INDEFOR) Rob Ross: 2.1, 14.3, 14.4, 15.2, 17.2, 17.3 Carlos De Wasseige (UCL)* Rufi n Oko (COMIFAC)* Jean Pierre Vande weghe: 1.5, 1.7, 5.4, 6.2, Pierre Defourny (UCL)* Nicanor Ona Nze (COMIFAC) 7.3, 11.2, 12.2, 12.4, 12.5, 13.2, 13.3, 13.5, Louis Dejo (WWF) Nigel Orbell (WCS) 13.6, 13.8, 13.10, 14.5, 14.7, 15.5, 15.6, Marc Dethier (WWF) Han Overman (WCS) 15.8 Lamert Diowo (MAE-DRC)* Richard Parnell (WCS) Filip Verbelen: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 5.5, 5.6, Guy Patrice Dkamela (CARPE) Patrice Passe Sanand (OCDN) 13.7, 16.3, 18.2, 18.3, 19.4, 20.5 Jacqueline Doremus (CARPE)* Olivier S.G. Pauwels (SI) WCS-Gabon: 5.2 Charles Doumenge (CIRAD)* Hugo Raynay (WCS) Jef Dupain (AWF)* Doreen Robinson (USAID)* Moderator of the meeting in Kinshasa on Paul Elkan (WCS)* Micheline Salima (WWF) March 15-17, 2006 Jack Etsa (WWF) Filippo Saracco (EU)* Jeff rey Sayer (WWF) John Flynn (USAID)* Jeff rey Sayer (WWF)* Eric Forni (CIRAD)* Fabien Sordet (EU)* Norbert Gami (WCS)* Malcolm Starkey (WCS) Jean Gérard (CIRAD)* Lisa Steel (WWF)* Maryke Gray (IGCP) Emma J Stokes (WCS)* Jeff erson Hall (WCS) Tambwe Mutindi Moyo (DGF-DRC) Matthew Hansen (SDSU)* Nicodème Tchamou (CARPE)* 3 *) participant of the meeting in Kinshasa on March 15-17, 2006 Table of Contents Preface 5 Foreword 6 Part I 1. Forests of the Congo Basin 9 2. Human Populations in the Forest 14 3. Conservation 17 4. Industrial Logging: Current Status and Trends 29 5. Th reats or the Vectors of Change 33 6. Priority Actions 42 Part II 7. Stakeholders in the Congo Basin Forest Sector 48 8. A Comparison of Forestry Legislation and Regulations in the Six Forest Countries of Central Africa 63 9. Central African Forest Cover and Cover Change Mapping 80 10. Importance, Constraints and Prevailing Trends of the Timber Sector in the Six Forest Countries of Central Africa 90 11. Th e Environmental Dimension of Industrial Logging 106 Part III 12. Monte Alén-Monts de Cristal Landscape 114 13. Gamba-Mayumba-Conkouati Landscape 121 14. Lopé-Chaillu-Louesse Landscape 138 15. Dja-Odzala-Minkébé (Tridom) Landscape 148 16. Sangha Tri-National Landscape 159 17. Léconi-Batéké-Léfi ni Landscape 169 18. Lake Télé-Lake Tumba Landscape 175 19. Salonga-Lukenie-Sankuru Landscape 184 20. Maringa-Lopori-Wamba Landscape 193 21. Maiko-Tayna-Kahuzi-Biega Landscape 198 22. Ituri-Epulu-Aru Landscape 205 23. Virunga Landscape 216 Bibliography 226 Annexes A. Institutional and Legislative Indicators 233 B. Industrial Logging Indicators 235 C. Biodiversity Indicators 238 D. Country Data with Maps Showing the Current State of Logging and Conservation 241 E. Acronyms 253 4 Preface he Congo Basin Forest Partnership, which Th is fi rst State of the Forest report is a joint Tincludes now 33 members of governments, eff ort between the partners and stakeholders to the private sector, non-governmental organiza- pool information from all available sources in one tions and research groups, was launched at the document. Th e eff ort to monitor this vast resource 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development we believe will strengthen the partnership, build (WSSD) in Johannesburg to focus world atten- a common understanding of the challenges, suc- tion on the conservation of the second largest cesses and even failures and guide future common tropical rain forest in the world. Th e CBFP is a approaches. Th is is not intended to be a scientifi c call to arms to ensure that the great biodiversity document in the usual sense, but rather should resources of this region are maintained for the ul- serve to foster dialog amongst partners, build ca- timate benefi t of the citizens of Central Africa and pacity in the region to monitor the resource base for global environmental health. Th is Partnership and serve as an inspiration for present and future was inspired by the Central African Heads of State partners. whose commitment and affi rmation to the prin- We expect that as the experience grows, the ciples of international cooperation were upheld State of the Forest will evolve to consider specifi c in the 1999 Yaoundé Declaration.
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