Cameroon : Adamawa, East and North Rgeions

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Cameroon : Adamawa, East and North Rgeions CAMEROON : ADAMAWA, EAST AND NORTH RGEIONS 11° E 12° E 13° E 14° E N 1125° E 16° E Hossere Gaval Mayo Kewe Palpal Dew atan Hossere Mayo Kelvoun Hossere HDossere OuIro M aArday MARE Go mbe Trabahohoy Mayo Bokwa Melendem Vinjegel Kelvoun Pandoual Ourlang Mayo Palia Dam assay Birdif Hossere Hosere Hossere Madama CHARI-BAGUIRMI Mbirdif Zaga Taldam Mubi Hosere Ndoudjem Hossere Mordoy Madama Matalao Hosere Gordom BORNO Matalao Goboum Mou Mayo Mou Baday Korehel Hossere Tongom Ndujem Hossere Seleguere Paha Goboum Hossere Mokoy Diam Ibbi Moukoy Melem lem Doubouvoum Mayo Alouki Mayo Palia Loum as Marma MAYO KANI Mayo Nelma Mayo Zevene Njefi Nelma Dja-Lingo Birdi Harma Mayo Djifi Hosere Galao Hossere Birdi Beli Bili Mandama Galao Bokong Babarkin Deba Madama DabaGalaou Hossere Goudak Hosere Geling Dirtehe Biri Massabey Geling Hosere Hossere Banam Mokorvong Gueleng Goudak Far-North Makirve Dirtcha Hwoli Ts adaksok Gueling Boko Bourwoy Tawan Tawan N 1 Talak Matafal Kouodja Mouga Goudjougoudjou MasabayMassabay Boko Irguilang Bedeve Gimoulounga Bili Douroum Irngileng Mayo Kapta Hakirvia Mougoulounga Hosere Talak Komboum Sobre Bourhoy Mayo Malwey Matafat Hossere Hwoli Hossere Woli Barkao Gande Watchama Guimoulounga Vinde Yola Bourwoy Mokorvong Kapta Hosere Mouga Mouena Mayo Oulo Hossere Bangay Dirbass Dirbas Kousm adouma Malwei Boulou Gandarma Boutouza Mouna Goungourga Mayo Douroum Ouro Saday Djouvoure MAYO DANAY Dum o Bougouma Bangai Houloum Mayo Gottokoun Galbanki Houmbal Moda Goude Tarnbaga Madara Mayo Bozki Bokzi Bangei Holoum Pri TiraHosere Tira Lemas Doumo Goungournga Bangi Banguei Babi Lakawar Sarawa Ouro D am a Donka Mouzouma Guirviza Nari Hossere Bangay Beringuel Bourmous Gorom Sanganare Niwa Karba G Diwa Oudamouta Kroupkroup GodokLorina Larba Golvong Gendou Mapari Girviza Desoukou Gobrouwassi Poka Goula Larma Tirlao Hossere Eruguel Masga Kong Kong Kouangen Bepede Hossere Dourbey Gouloum Koualer Bodong Goulon Malouei Bighingue Kintchaha GueghedjeDazal Hossere Nari Boram Ndjada Djada Goulon Larbak o Garangatchi Ouroum Kitchiha Fonji Passourou Massif de Tekele Goudak Malouey Djougui Boudva Kaele Kouafang Ibango Daba-Daba Naouka Dede Kitchaha Gerhedje Pasourou Dam pta Ndili Guirlao Pologozom Tc hikaf Mayo Tchamae Ouro Masgam Birhingue Wafango Djoudjouka Nibango Dourbey Tar Ndiam Etenan Mayel Dzougui Debeldje Hossere Palafanol Boma Dam ta Sini Mari Degueri Libe Matalfare Goudougoul Regnm ala Bihi Kapkana Bala Hossere Beni Gilau Ndiam Ndiam Daledje North n Ouroum Bourbeye Boboldou Daguen Mayo Gaga Warguissa Kelali Gouandaba Folm irki Letinam Etinam 10° N Mayel Baoudi Balere Ma Taibao 10° N Bogour Foulbere Mokoouassi Hosere Balere Balere Hosere D ale Gohorton Mayo Loue g Hosere Yongou Hosere Hosere Kossa Fitim Tikelke Mayo Kobosi Ouro Bayoua Matoungou Diamboutou Mayo Oulo Bossum Bossoum Fitoum Lougguere Parkin Bataol Ouro Laouane Binde Sagali Lainde Hosere Goho Lougga Djabbet Mayo Mokorvon o Bassoum Lougere Louguene Guidder Gider A13 GuidGeuerem er Hosere Mbabi Ngomm a Koubout Lougguere Lugere Guider Dangar Dibi Mijuke Dalami Batoum Dem Ouro Tera Djamtari l Ouro M babi Doundeye Goho Ardo-Goni Mayo Guider Bidzar Nasarao Korake Kosseldje Bitzar Adamawa Ouro Rabe Lominguel a Matcha Hosere Dem sa Bontoum Hosere Korake Bidsar Ouro Mouroum Fem bo Hosere North-West Ardoya ya Ouro Ardo-Ban Mayel Ngourou Ts enkeleng Gan Koum Kaoudji Djam Boutou Ouapouze Biou Ouro Hossere GOMBE Alinbagou Dorbi Kourou Wala Dala Massif du Ts apka Bourra Ouro Bouhong Wapouze Tim pil Peske Bori Golomon Mayel Balaydo Balda Ouro Posso Oala Mayo Bainga Dobaren Chaine Sud du West A345 Ouro Naoude Oura Baba Diatoum i Peske Bori Douing Gara Koina Ouro Kereng Sona Sobori Mayel Diounti Ouro Malloum Sidiki Djabbi Ouro D jabi Gobri Bayadel Dem Ba Bouri Sorawel Hosere H eri Teuban Ouro D oundei Ponila Zabikouroum BAUCenCtre HI Teubang Lougguereo Masso Bola Mayo Sorawel Pelgue So-Djay Zabikoroum Messa Rocca Littoral Ouro Kassida Luga Louga Meso Djarengol Poguere Diri Figuil Figil Mboutou Dembo Lougga Hosere Banayo Dom bol Rom po East Hosere Diri Ba-Sira Yambere Dem bo Mayo Yeram Faourou Ouro Modibo Mboutou Djornomo Hosere Bella Dalambi N 1 Ribao Naimain Sebore Babessa Mayo Yeram Mareille Hosere Baila Basche Bachao South Palire Bascheo Anski Dakari Badessi Kaboum a Kara Kailleran Bacheo Kanarou MAYO-KEBBI Bache Bore Dodjoula Mayel Lassi Hornomo Louga Dorba Golombe Ləre Mayo Zapeali Mayel Mouri Tondire Bayien Louti Bolgui Ouro Boki Loue Mao Ham a Koussou Katiau Lega Ouro Kobe Kataka Sourou Arc ou-Djerine Lue Bousa Lafia Ouro Ousmanou Suru Sosimi Ouro D alam Dom ayo Kataka D em sa Pouchant Gorim bara Kala Balda Hosere Katiau Mayo Oulo Djaloume Djalum e Panse Pourri Pouri Oindjara Kossi Boulo Mao-Bulo Goudje Nboutoum Fessanga Hosere Tifel Puri Rnana Assana Mima Kango Kefero Boula-Ibi Djenga Mayel Doum si Mayo Lebri Boka Sabongari TANDJILE Mbotilgou Hosere Gotzer Mayo EST Babanguel Gonkoy Dem ssa Dem asa Pamfi Toro Pargantan Badi Bacita Goulet Bikollet o Mayo Lamoiguel Paderm i Padarm e u Dem sa n é Tifel Bango Hosere Aam Ban Garna ue é Ouro Bangaille Tiguere Mafale n Zagam Tihele B Djidjoura Kilaldji Lougguere Hosere M arbo Boor e Tc henchanga B Mashiri Tihelle Tele Oussi Sotobouton Mayo Chadouzi Mayo Maha Madjolde Hosere D17 Mayo Danele Gobdigere Gobbigere Ouro M alou Gongomire Makere Nbouga Louggahori Hosere Bane Gobtikere Gobdiguere Hosere Baboudi Baboudje Gerele Hosere Tengle Badjouma Mayo Fohourou Ngaoua Badessi Ouengo Niebe Gerete Gaschiga Cashiga Baboudji Loua Ladji Mayo Faourou Guerete Gashiga Tinguelin Laoua Mayo Lope Mayo Oumali N 1 Mayo Bizome Gali Mayel Daneil Alis Gunschigi Mayo You Badjouma Mayo Kebe Laua Mayel Moundangre Goundehigui Plomba M angua Basima Ouro Badjouma Ouro Labare Mayel Daneil Lainde M agogo Mayo Daloudje Gali Daneyel Ourogarga Gounschigi Goundjouki Pomla-M anga Niakira Piloa Badjuma Labare Mayo Daloudji Daloudje D17 Pitowa Pitoa Daloudje Baka Mao Tien Ouro Tcheke Ouro Haoussas Daloudji Mayo Fahourou Mayo Baksa Mayo Tiel Daloudji Mayo Tepe Barnake Nassarao Mayel Sao Laou Mayel Yangare Laende Fohourou Teipe Mao Laua Mayo Laouoy Mayo Loppe Lope Golombi Boher Wabili Faro Nassarao Lainde Lougguereo Mayo Lavoi Mayo Laoua Kapanay Hosere Ouro Bobo Sebore-Djain Boheli Wabili Padan Saradje Be Lombo Yola Loum toum dji Lebri Bibeme Boili Ouro Be Mayo Lonbo Bodeoua Lise Kinada Nakong Garoua Mayo Kebbi Kabia Mayo Lebri Bibemi Boheli Loum toum dje Garua Mayo Kebi Vango Boeli Mao Kabi Mayo Kabbi Lisse A8 Soukki Mayo Mayo Badjouna Mbarka Bad es Sem Adi Yola Bodeoua Kebi Koli Kossel Ofam Adoua Baboudje Goem i Mao-Adua Yola M bodewa Oualeo C H A D Ouro Goni Lac W ele Ouro Lainde Adoumre Hom a Wouro Goni Siouo Ouro Bayane Nibi Mayo NibiWalewo-Siwo Adum re Lainde Guebadi Mayo Hesso Mayo Heso Gakaw a Lombo Monbore Waleol Siwo Yo la Djouloul Bali Adoumri Lainde Gebadi Gehu Rounelde Malape Guebadi Ibi Mbaga Mayo Lombo Mayo Nibi Mayo Douka Vinede Guebadje Niebi Labare Mao Garua Djola Hosere Douloum i Tc houki Ouro Leinde Goum baire Ouro Kada Mayo Delhou Duka Creek Doul Tapouzi Kohi Mayo Benossi Kokum Kakoumi GaroMayo Ainu D ala a Hosere Gore Goum baire Mayo Ketchel Souki Outia Boudang Laende Bani Mayel Ketchel Touilbere Mayo Binossi Kokoumi Kara Laok Djadjoli Koulawa Hosere Lainde Bani Laoki Hosere Sidiri Joundi El Arba Tc habal Djougoundou Djoundi Djadjouli Boudang Ourosoude Bise Bodal Konjoy Iouare Aossani Kormori Kalgue Assim i Tc houkonga Diambati Bisse Konjoy Ouro Bodal Fulbe Bundang Ndiam Badi Ouro Ouro H am an Dalehi Kondjoy Kouoy Djifita Hosere Mayo Mayo Karlahi Laoki Yola Boda Bounedenenegana Boundang Kalge Riao Djambati Sanguenaret Hadam a Kwoy Djifita MAYO-KEBBI Soum ore Badi Dalehi Sonkori A4 Kalguere Nakere Abdo Mayo Laende Mayel Lamounguel Saa Doungaye Ouro Ham ahadam a Foradje Tc hampe Mayel Mayo Lainde Bounoubou Fali Naodel Damaturu Guire Danguere Mayo Mo Naodel Semina Louga Aladji Louga Bouilel Boguel Gabako Mayo Boundou Lamoungel Mayel Sanganare Mayo Mayo Nirgoi Mayel Lamounguel Sanganare Mayo Sanganare Louga Alodji Mayo Djoi Nirgoy Balka Turua Touroua Nassa Ouro Mayel Lamounguel Lerka Goum soro Baikoua Roumededjabo Gasde Tasfali Gumsoro Gasde Tsafali Nakere Mal Bani Nana Beka Golombi Lagdo Tc hikali Goni Mayo Niolga Mal Baouio Bani N ana Mayo Djoi Doukaret Mayo Nakere Baouio Bounou Pitoa I Bari Boka Bodja Mayo Douroy Ouro Boro Bodel BENOUE Hosere Douka Niolga Doukouroum Madarou Mayo Djoy Mayel Banodje Bani N ana Mayo Mayo Takoum Ibare Kosselnialbi Tc heboa Departement Horare Ouro Aladji Mao Chinna Sina Doukroum Bere Mayel Sangue Bim bou PLATEAU Ts cheboa Lagdo de la Mayo China Bani Yormdou Mbere Badjabou Bani H aman D87 Guelaw Doukeroum OUEST Toumbide Borongo Lougounde Cheboa Mayo Binjimi Reservoir Gangoye Benoue Benone Mayo Mayo Mayo Lai Horare Mayo Ouro Aladji ADAMAWA Mayo Nak ere Doukouroum Mayo Bani - Welare D17 Bani Tc hina Mayo Bakou Bani H aman Ham an Koubadje Mayo Boum edje Lamodan Mayo Boulem Boulen Mbengi Mayel Dikani Benue Djourde Koinderi Ouarla Koiladjin D17 Wafango Tc hapoma Gelawo Mayo Ouande 9° N Lamoudan Karehi Mayo Koiladjin 9° N D17 Lamudan Gangoy Kolere Mayo Dawa Bakona Ouro Saidou Mao-Bulen Djodji Dobinga Mayo Ouande Hosere Djalingo Tc hapoma Mayo Geria Mayo Gueria Djaouro Sabalbete Hosere Dinga Ouro-Boumodge Bamtsi Hosere Bira Baka Ouro Viendou Mayo Deforake Mayo Linde Garouao Ouro Mal Bissiriou Djibrila Mayo Ouro Ba Tc hapoma Karing Mayo Talata Boum edje Ouro Boro Mayo Ouro Mayo Ahdama Am edou Mayo Mayo Bisoundao Mayo Mbay Mbai Ouarla Ouarkla Isiebczar Isiebazar Mayo Pounko Hosere Mala Mayo Louga Bapouli Badjari Toumbingel Lahir
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