Llnstpaoisocial Circles 1 Mamheimersilks^St^L^T M
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ao THE ST. PAUL GLOBIC, SUNDAY- SEPTEMBER 30, 1900. SrjS^*g(?^^SFam^^^S^^'^^ : Department \ p^l|77lir^;^;;:' ;7r;77:77:i::;: M^^i -7V.7 :^!;:;:m $]:Lam : Comet Mllllmvf. + We in C°" I -A __ '' \u25a0' "' are We are proud. of \u0084--• v, \u25bc #* : i_^ stant " reo6*?* of our Millinery? par- : -'? new in this ff^M.% rf r^l.vyfc^. goods lors. 7 And- we want 77... (W^'P-'*^ __> stPaoiSocial Circles §£ department, thus you to call and see /y^Sl' J \u25a0 --P lln >fc £& . - 1 : ' [keeping-our stock our Monday exhibit &£(§&s*£ e|; .^ V^^vaft- and complete. Sixth Streets, 0 Il&t-3_o_iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiil&----&&r_^^^ _-> - mUa full \^_^ and Robert St. Paul, Minn. —-the most fashion- ra|P^/§£ >& — able ' V CENTRAL. noon in honor of Miss Alda Fry, who _^: _9^_^%-^'_w_? -^cc our new ace -conceits? f^.-^^^P^-s IN THE PARaUE \u25a0 leaves this week?to spend the winter in A JrnQ&iJll SfiT^y Robes. They are correct? dressers— _©- * rf the Those entertained were: Miss beautiful ex- more? Hats, Twilight after, East.? j\V'-*^ — and more *© falls, arid darkness Haecker, "Miss" ? ? Heeker, **P- ' "<®ik **-*&« '-\u25a0Swiftly"on Southern"air;" Barbara Miss* \u25a0'"__* ' ": elusive. Trimmings, the Jllcheson, Miss Qllman,* Jew'ett;- '^**^j_'%v£ more There is music, light and laughter Miss Miss ?' v-C^S/fel^ 5 -*. In the old Havana sQuare; Buck, Miss Thane, .St.? Pan': Miss "\Vid-* M Novelties .than can * V __> our *all imP j^/5 ::: Caballcro, Cuban maid,-. , . " Miss Benham and Mls>ss Carter, Min- 'Jf/'xxivK ' ortav MamheimerSilks^St^l^tIf you ;' ' nor. Monday,you"will miss one of be promenade.- tion of exclusive .. don't call the most important Silk sales we have ever had. The variety found elsewhere. „& .V On . the brilliant neapolis. » V '-:'"' "* - •^^_-*!/ _wr_K- is simply "•Iv Flirt of fan and clink of glasses'ln the - \u2666 _£ /7t\V)s* Lace Novelties ; and | : immense—American Silks. French-Silks. Swiss Silk*. Count the number of styles-—So many, you '^* gaslight dark, • \\/w^i\i ?^^ Every a- tide shows care? and taste in Am \u25a0is* and the C. *entertained infotmaily Fa ncy overs would probably guess. correct to And the .wide-mouthed, crimson Mis. S. Cook I^-^|l\*^** A- - rather A thousand wouldn't be far 'from .As qualities, you ought to see them— selection— and our prices ? are extremely Friday. afternoon at ; her heme on Fair- .AS . "^,'-*_ij-«! . ..;...' ready foryour chocs- every piece tT flowers - Al. Plenty of them cost? more than a dollar a yard to make—some cost half as much again moderate, considering style- and mate- AW Blaze through all the perfumed mount avenue in: honor of Miss -Fry.-..•?•- * ing. .. ' \u25a0:- "-"7*... rials. -hours, --'-.\u25a0*•»•-•-; ..-. * Allgo. Monday at -...*'.-- t -.-"""-•*_ . J Spanish playing in the - When the band is .;:Mrs. Charles : Shandrew announces the Appliques of every description, inblack, For Monday we have arranged a park. * - table 0 7 i-rifr-ii-ement-of her dauffhtel*. I.uella -E. *9 white and ecru. of nobby Turbans, to'Newell H. Clapp Jr. Trimmed Toques and j± To the old Castlllan measure Shandrew Seventy=Fi Cents a Round Hats, all good styles and 7 Slow the dark-eyed girls go past; a* .•.-* '-.... WOMEN'S" NECKWEAR—We 7 are Yard. good 0 Day" -will be celebrated byt ' try colorings, suitable for early Tropic queens of love and pleasure, \u25a0--"President's' *P;^ the very latest -and most exquls T v We'll and give you an idea of some of the styles and weaves: street wear. _A the Schubert club Wednesday afternoon, showing V?- They are special &* /_/-""\ Spanish maid and quarter-caste; 10.' meet at the resi- ite creations in both Parisian and Amer- A. ¥ - Inez. Tula, Mariqulta, Oct. The club will Your choice of 150 pieces of best" quality Col- — at :................. •V-, liarguerita, Carmenclta, dence of Mrs. T. E. W. Vllllers Appleby, A ican-manufacturesstyles not to be dv- ——— Your choice of 25 pieces 'of Black Pure Dye $v->v© ored Taffeta-every popular color for dress lin- yr J:, r ~-; — From their black mantillas glancing on Summit. - - '* & plicated. , .-\u25a0\u25a0"' y Taffeta. ? These are regular dress qualities, N. ings, etc. • W B. —Mannheimer Millinery is abso- •where no prying eye must mark; - waists,-petticoats, - .!. __ worth 85c 90c and *»-°°. _A Happy youth who gains a glance *9 7 Feather Boas in black, white, and gray \u25a0i-J^J- ' .... lutely correctand exclusive, too. PLEASURES PAST. v S__f Yourchoice of 35 pieces of Ail-Silk G Wt daughters romance, and black and white. 7 Your choice of 85 of swell : Plisse, \u0084 From Those of x '.. pieces Silk W I**% \^ _ena ~ When the band plays the cachueha in the Taffetas. This lot was made to retail dtne-Colors White Cream, Light Blue, Maize park! Liberty Boas and Ruffs, also Chenille at- $1.00 1 J^T sWml Pink; ' ' .A men' club was organized on -The*: ? and $1.25 a yard " *3t__ _F^' and value $!'25. "VV of Mr. Ruffs in a.large variety of'styles.- M Y°Ur droop wreathing day evening at the-residence J. B. i rf© \u25a0•-...,- r v ;-;-.. ,'V". AW yBWL. choice of 100 Pieces of Lyons' Rich l>!ood---c-<! the blossoms Park, and the fol- •^ - jMotion- G»tms. ? garish lamps alight,. Trumbull, at Merrlam x Your Quality;•:.. Novelty I Round the ...President, --i jA\ MONDAY SPECIAL —An assortment choice of 30 pieces of All-Silk Dress MkjAmV Silks—Hemstitched Plisse, An,,-— the sweetness of their breathing lowing officers were elected: ; The ff TE£fc& Cords and Brocades, worth secretary, E. Crepes. regular retail prices $1.00, '^-"^P^' Xgr up to $2.50. hard \u25a0,7V «"»*^tn» ail the languid night. Mr. Al G. Fiournoy;' W. W of Ruffs, worth uo to $1.75, are $1.25 ''__§- It's to remember all the 'Jit- It /*&•£*> and \u25a0'.'\u25a0* "BB • r-,.-"-;\u25a0•."-. Your of 75 ' Thraaus*i the the. ' Cavanau-fh; treasurer. C. C. Crandall. 4* $1.50. .s ,^.-? V?\u25a0 -.-.. \u25a0\u25a0.'- :. : -' choice pieces of fine quality fash- tie JL a.darkness and heat each for .'.".. 'ir * essentials; Xiiroba the fountain's liquid is the Intention of the club to--give .a !A} only ........ 7©V "\u25a0'jr:-l'-''.' J"-- \u25a0:-\u25a0-.;''-•-^-r- -. - VV,- .- ionable colors in Satin"Duchesse. This it's harder to be with- rf. And a million golden fireflies beat. parties well stag so- includes mock the number.: of as as -Your choice-of 5 pieces of special -patterns of Black and Colored Satin up out: them when they're needed. clgraritto's-spark. cials -and the membsrsh p has been lim- j .a& The New Veiling:DepartmentEvery- Liberties worth 0 iid -Black, Silk Plisse.'. are very for to $1.25. ? a prevent An fisnrhantment of the place, 77.VV to thirty-five. .The. arrangements i thing new and up-to-date is shown here.. These. stylish -'.. B "-'•%/-• If - ?. Here's Monday list to Jh have all been':put TJ' ;Black ;('v. And the Spanish speech and grace, . into the. hands of an' Silk Waists? Value $1.00.- /a W °%4A f| Your choice of 52 pieces of fine Black Silks— both difficulties--best And the Spanish music playing in the ! executive committee consisting of, Messrs. for MondayA * Peau goods—and rf (". Embroidery Special- v„ • -r, . , „„\u25a0 _T_ *_*_%_•___ de Soie, Satin Duchesse Gros parjL! .1. B. Trumbull. A. Coykendall, A. .J: Your choicev of 7 pieces of White Novelty Lace \u25a0 IflII Grain prices to save the pennies. P"lournoy, W. E. Cavanaugh and.C.C.. large assortment; of Nainsook,"SwissSwiss and Ar Rhadame . etc ._all o^ .rf —Smart Set. Crandall, will "a-course of _X4*^' Cambric Embroideries, worth up to 40c ag° and B°Ston * wear, • who map out 7 >- beautiful, lustrous flnish sotT^d Best Black Sewing Silk, The marriage • * Alice Falrcbild, entertainments to occur about, every two ayard. ? Monday your choice . fl/^i-; It $LoolnS - in &pp-SXtiiicc. ' ta^ 600 yard of Miss during coming spools, rf daughter weeks, the season. * . warranted, all sizes. -_i%a_ ?_a of Mr. and* Mrs. U. S. Fair-, - j. for ?..*... ". ..... v...'. ....... J 1 { child, Dayton Mrs. Louis: E. Hodf-on, of Blair street, *?V To add interest t0 this great sale, Special ocr spool '.-'..'." of avenue, to Gustavus A. Hamline, entertained a number of little 75-cent we will sell about a thousand yards of good Colored V^C 0. Kisser Wednesday ! • - EL*** will be sol-emidzed folks Saturday afternoon at a surprise" 2|4 " Taffetas and nearly five hundred yards of Novelty of various kinds, worth up tc Dress \u25a0 evening at o'clock at the given Silks one dollar Shields, extra quality, light First M. E. party in honor of her daughter 2 for Twenty-Five weight, large size. rfX church. Rev.'" F. B. Cowgill, ' pastor of ! Hildred's eighth birthday. She was as- \u25a0gp|jp Cents a Yard. ',' ' && church, sisted by Mrs. A. E. Hodson and- Mrs. Limm. Special per pair.... the will officiate. He will be as- BomehoM \ Don't be disappointed if you come late find pretty well cleaned up.> Monday ...... ©^ 0 sisted by A. groom'? Cory, of St. Paul, and . Miss - Pack, ?of and these Be here at 9-30 Rev. W. Kisser, the* Minneapolis. AN OCTOBER SALE. morning, if possible. brother. The bride will be attended by :Those who attended were: The sale will open at that time. Extra quality Brush Edge Skirt Bind- Ethe-Iyn Hunklns.NellieWheelock, Louise ing, worth 7c a rf Miss Gertrude Kirk, as maid of -honor; Sumner, Adaline De "Salle.