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For permission to photocopy or use material electronically from this work, please access www.copyright.com (http:// www.copyright.com/) or contact the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc. (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, 978-750-8400. CCC is a not-for-profit organization that provides licenses and registration for a variety of users. For organizations that have been granted a photocopy license by the CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged.

Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. Visit the Taylor & Francis Web site at http://www.taylorandfrancis.com and the CRC Press Web site at http://www.crcpress.com I lovingly dedicate this book to the memory of my recently passed father, Josef Boehm, who ignited in me the flame of imagination by example of his unquenchable curiosity,

quest for knowledge, and fascination with life and the universe; to my mother,

Charlotte Boehm, whose amazing fortitude, generosity, and contagious enthusiasm

for life continues to inspire all around her to never give up on their dreams and to

always look up; and to my sweeties, Liz Balfour and Jazmyn Balfour-Boehm, whose

unconditional love and support has allowed me to realize one of my dreams. Contents

Preface ...... ix Acknowledgments ...... xi Editor...... xiii Contributors ...... xv

Section I Envisaged Nanomedical Device and System Design Strategies

1. Exemplar Nanomedical Vascular Cartographic Scanning Nanodevice ...... 3 Frank J. Boehm

2. Design Challenges and Considerations for Nanomedical Ingress and Egress ...... 17 Frank J. Boehm

3. Design Challenges and Considerations for Nanomedical In Vivo Aqueous Propulsion, Surface Ambling, and Navigation ...... 73 Frank J. Boehm

4. Design Challenges and Considerations for Nanomedical Energy Harvesting and Generation ...... 173 Frank J. Boehm

5. Design Challenges and Considerations for Nanomedical Electronic Entities and Infrastructure ...... 207 Frank J. Boehm

6. Design Challenges and Considerations for Nanomedical Device Signal Acquisition and Propagation ...... 259 Frank J. Boehm

7. Design Challenges and Considerations for Nanomedical Computation ...... 303 Frank J. Boehm

Section II Merging with Reality: Nascent Nanomedical Diagnostics and Therapeutics

8. Nanomaterial-Based Electrochemical Biosensors ...... 339 Asieh Ahmadalinezhad and Aicheng Chen

9. Gold Nanorods in Sensing and Nanomedical Applications ...... 357 Gautam Das

vii viii Contents

10. Ophthalmic Glucose for Diabetes Management ...... 371 Angelika Domschke

11. Sensorcyte Artificial Cells for Human Diagnostics and Analytics ...... 401 Mark J. Schulz, Weifeng Li, Brad Ruff, Rajiv Venkatasubramanian, Yi Song, Bolaji Suberu, Wondong Cho, Pravahan Salunke, Anshuman Sowani, John Yin, David Mast, Vesselin Shanov, Zhongyun Dong, Sarah Pixley, Jianjun Hu, and Chris Muratore

12. Liposome-Entrapped Antibiotics: Recent Progress and Clinical Applications ....455 Misagh Alipour, Abdelwahab Omri, and Zacharias E. Suntres

13. Progress and Potential of to Address Infectious Diseases of Poverty ...... 491 Rose Hayeshi, Boitumelo Semete, Lonji Kalombo, Yolandy Lemmer, Lebogang Katata, and Hulda Swai

14. Nanorobotics for Targeted Medical Interventions ...... 517 Sylvain Martel

Section III Beyond the Event Horizon: Nanomedical Visions

15. Nanomedical Device and Systems Design in Remote Regions and the Developing World ...... 545 Hayat Sindi and Frank J. Boehm

16. Nanomedical Device and Systems Design in Space Applications ...... 585 Frank J. Boehm

17. Nanomedicine in Regenerative Biosystems, Human Augmentation, and Longevity ...... 653 Frank J. Boehm Index ...... 743 Preface

It would seem that the unfathomable wellsprings of cumulative human imagination, ingenuity, passion, and effort are not subject to any tether or constraint that cannot, over time, be unbound or circumvented. This tenet may certainly be applied to the con- tinuously evolving eld of medicine generally and particularly to the rapidly emerging discipline of nanomedicine. The incessant drive for more compact, robust, powerful, sophisticated, and effective diagnostic and therapeutic strategies within the purview of medicine has been and increasingly continues to be a critical and potent motivator for radical innovation. There is an underlying and omnipresent sense of urgency toward the investigation and development of tangible and efcacious solutions for the most vexing of humankind’s medical challenges. These include heart disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS, dia- betes, Alzheimer’s, and a host of other serious maladies and pathogenic afictions that relentlessly threaten to undermine the innate integrity and optimal functionality of the human body. The rapidly emerging discipline of nanomedicine has unprecedented potential to dramatically transmute current medical paradigms, spanning diagnostics, therapeu- tics, and surgical procedures. Since nanomedical devices and systems will be designed and engineered to operate and impart benecial inuence at cellular, organellar, molecular, and (hypothetically) atomic domains, the realms within which diseases originate, it may be envisaged that sophisticated autonomous nanodevices and systems can be imbued with capacities for the accurate diagnoses and meticulous and thorough eradication of virtually any disease state and pathogenic or toxic threat. Further, due to facilitative nanotechnological self-assembly processes, and in light of the inevitable future advent of advanced molecular manufacturing, elegant and cost-effective nano- medical technologies might be readily accessible to those in the developing as well as developed worlds. Concomitantly, the requirement for invasive surgeries might be relegated to obsoles- cence, as all corrective activities would be conducted in vivo by interactive multitudes of nanomedical cell repair devices. Myriad options for human cognitive and physiological augmentation, and the potential slowing, prevention, or possible (to a degree) reversal of the disease of aging may become reality. In conjunction with the option for radically increased life spans, those who are driven to venture out to the stars may undergo addi- tional specialized nanomedical enhancements to enable efcient protective countermea- sures against the degradative effects of microgravity and deep space radiation and to facilitate (barring the discovery of highly advanced spacecraft propulsion systems that approach the speed of light), if required, prolonged suspended animation. This book is divided into three sections. Section I utilizes a conceptual exemplar nanodevice and system (Vascular Cartographic Scanning Nanodevice VCSN), which I have envisaged, to explore various prospective design considerations that might enable selected functionalities of advanced autonomous nanomedical devices. Section II is com- prised of seven chapters, which have been submitted by a diverse group of expert con- tributing authors, describing actual laboratory-based research toward the advancement of nanomedical capabilities. Section III delves into more highly conceptual nanomedical

ix x Preface

possibilities and visions relating to the implementation of nanomedical technologies in remote regions and the developing world, as well as nanomedicine in space applications, human augmentation, and longevity. It is hoped that this book might assist in some small measure to serve as a preliminary guide to possibly inspire specic investigative pathways that may lead to meaningful dis- course and signicant advances in this nascent but potentially very powerful discipline. Acknowledgments

I am indeed deeply appreciative to all the individuals and organizations who assisted in the evolution of this book. Initially, I would like to express my gratitude to K. Eric Drexler for forging the original vision of the boundless possibilities of nanotechnology, molecular manufacturing, and nanomedicine as laid out in his highly inspirational book Engines of Creation. Eric subsequently translated these possibilities into technical/practical terms with his book Nanosystems: Molecular Machinery, Manufacturing, and Computation. Second, I would like to extend my true appreciation to Robert A. Freitas Jr. for further enlight- ening me as to the virtually limitless potential of nanomedicine with his excellent and groundbreaking Nanomedicine book series. Robert has been very generous and patient in responding to my many queries over the years. Both of these visionaries have contrib- uted greatly to the illumination of my mind toward the formulation of the nanomedical concepts that inhabit these pages. It is hoped that these prospective concepts may further inspire others to one day make such nanomedical diagnostic and therapeutic devices and systems a reality for the benet of humankind. I would like to express my deep appreciation to the following individuals for provid- ing information, insights, and other forms of support and assistance in facilitating the realization of this project: Kellar Autumn, Elizabeth Balfour, Jazmyn Balfour-Boehm, Scott Cheadle, Aicheng Chen, Gautam Das, Angelika Domschke, Eric Drexler, Ted Duke, Barb Eccles, Robert Freitas Jr., Billy Garrioch, Aubrey de Grey, Rose Hayeshi, Bruce Johnson, Challa Kumar, Sylvain Martel, Gina Miller (nanogirl), Bruce Philips, Chris Phoenix, Judy Sander, Ottilia Saxl, Mark Schultz, Ned Seeman, Mohsen Shahinpoor, Vesselin Shanov, Hayat Sindi, Michael Slaughter, Zach Suntres, Yuriy Svidinenko, Hulda Swai, Jessica Vakili, Dennis Wood, and Kai Yan. I apologize to any individuals whom I may have unintentionally overlooked. My sincere thanks and gratitude go out to my publisher, Taylor & Francis Group/CRC Press, for taking a chance, having the condence and trust in me to see this project through, and allowing me the complete freedom to explore some of the exciting possibilities of the nascent discipline of nanomedicine. In particular, I wish to convey my appreciation to Michael Slaughter and Jessica Vakili for their incredible patience and support throughout the writing process. In addition, I very much appreciate the efforts of the staff at Taylor & Francis Group/CRC Press in the production of this book. I would also like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my dear friend Angelika Domschke, an accomplished scientist and visionary artist, for her continual encouragement, under- standing, and smiles that helped to keep me going to the completion of the project. I sin- cerely thank Angelika for both her excellent chapter and her amazing cover art, Angstroms in Space. Last, I am forever grateful to my truly inspiring and wise father, Josef Boehm; my ever sweet and generous mother, Charlotte Boehm; my loving sister, Renata Swanson, and brother, John Boehm; Jackie Balfour, Elizabeth Balfour, and our incredible daughter Jazmyn Balfour-Boehm for their unconditional love, encouragement, and unwavering sup- port without which this book could not have been written.

xi Editor

Frank J. Boehm has been involved with nanotechnology and especially nanomedicine since 1996, which has inspired the development of numerous concepts and designs for advanced nanomedical diagnostic and therapeutic components, devices and systems to potentially address myriad disease states. His aim is to develop and transform these con- cepts into real-world applications for global benet. Frank serendipitously encountered the concept of nanotechnology on the Internet and immediately become fascinated with its virtually limitless potential, particularly as relates to the eld of medicine. He passionately proceeded to evolve and textually artic- ulate various advanced near-term and longer-term nanomedical concepts and designs. Concomitantly, he initiated correspondence with numerous nanotechnology and nano- medicine research scientists and thought leaders from across the globe. In recognizing the immense potential of nanomedicine to impart positive paradigm shifts across the medical domain (e.g., precisely targeted drug delivery, vascular/neurological/ cellular plaque removal, totally non-invasive surgical procedures, enhancement of physio- logical systems, and extended longevity), Frank was deeply motivated to write more exten- sively on the topic. The result has culminated in the generation of this text. In parallel, he managed to engage the interest of several researchers in the United States and Canada in his nanomedical concepts, and in 2009 he formed the startup company NanoApps Medical, Inc. The aim of this company is to investigate and develop advanced, innovative, and cost- effective nanomedical diagnostic and therapeutic devices and systems for the benet of individuals in both the developing and developed worlds.

xiii Contributors

Asieh Ahmadalinezhad Zhongyun Dong Department of Chemistry Nanoworld Smart Materials and Devices Lakehead University Laboratory Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio Misagh Alipour Medical Sciences Division Rose Hayeshi Northern Ontario School of Medicine Polymers and Composites Lakehead University Council for Scientic and Industrial Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada Research Pretoria, South Africa and Programme of Biomolecular Sciences Jianjun Hu Laurentian University Department of Chemical and Materials Sudbury, Ontario, Canada Engineering University of Dayton Frank J. Boehm and NanoApps Medical Inc. Air Force Research Laboratory and Wright-Patterson Air Force Base NanoApps Consulting Dayton, Ohio and Lakehead University Lonji Kalombo Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada Polymers and Composites Council for Scientic and Industrial Aicheng Chen Research Department of Chemistry Pretoria, South Africa Lakehead University Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada Lebogang Katata Polymers and Composites Wondong Cho Council for Scientic and Industrial Nanoworld Smart Materials and Devices Research Laboratory Pretoria, South Africa University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio Yolandy Lemmer Polymers and Composites Gautam Das Council for Scientic and Industrial Photonics Research Group Research Department of Physics Pretoria, South Africa Lakehead University Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada Weifeng Li Nanoworld Smart Materials and Devices Angelika Domschke Laboratory Angelika Domschke Consulting, LLC University of Cincinnati Duluth, Georgia Cincinnati, Ohio

xv xvi Contributors

Sylvain Martel Mark J. Schulz NanoRobotics Laboratory Nanoworld Smart Materials and Devices Department of Computer and Software Laboratory Engineering University of Cincinnati Institute of Biomedical Engineering Cincinnati, Ohio Polytechnic School of Montreal University of Montréal Boitumelo Semete Montréal, Québec, Canada Polymers and Composites Council for Scientic and Industrial David Mast Research Nanoworld Smart Materials and Devices Pretoria, South Africa Laboratory University of Cincinnati Vesselin Shanov Cincinnati, Ohio Nanoworld Smart Materials and Devices Laboratory Chris Muratore University of Cincinnati Department of Chemical and Materials Cincinnati, Ohio Engineering University of Dayton Hayat Sindi and Founder and CEO of i2 Institute of Air Force Research Laboratory Imagination and Ingenuity Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Dayton, Ohio UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Sciences Abdelwahab Omri Programme of Biomolecular Sciences and Laurentian University Member of Shura Council of Saudi Arabia Sudbury, Ontario, Canada and Sarah Pixley Visiting Scholar Nanoworld Smart Materials and Devices Department of Chemistry and Chemical Laboratory Biology University of Cincinnati Harvard University Cincinnati, Ohio Cambridge, Massachusetts

Brad Ruff Yi Song Nanoworld Smart Materials and Devices Nanoworld Smart Materials and Devices Laboratory Laboratory University of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio

Pravahan Salunke Anshuman Sowani Nanoworld Smart Materials and Devices Nanoworld Smart Materials and Devices Laboratory Laboratory University of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio Contributors xvii

Bolaji Suberu Hulda Swai Nanoworld Smart Materials and Devices Polymers and Composites Laboratory Council for Scientic and Industrial University of Cincinnati Research Cincinnati, Ohio Pretoria, South Africa

Rajiv Venkatasubramanian Zacharias E. Suntres Nanoworld Smart Materials and Devices Medical Sciences Division Laboratory Northern Ontario School of Medicine University of Cincinnati Lakehead University Cincinnati, Ohio Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada John Yin and Nanoworld Smart Materials and Devices Programme of Biomolecular Sciences Laboratory Laurentian University University of Cincinnati Sudbury, Ontario, Canada Cincinnati, Ohio Section I

Envisaged Nanomedical Device and System Design Strategies 1 Exemplar Nanomedical Vascular Cartographic Scanning Nanodevice

Frank J. Boehm

CONTENTS 1.1 Introduction ...... 3 1.2 Conceptual Exemplar Nanodevice Design ...... 4 1.3 Vascular Cartographic Scanning Nanodevice...... 4 1.3.1 Overview of Envisaged VCSN Capabilities ...... 6 1.3.2 Summary of VCSN Components ...... 7 1.3.3 Discussion ...... 8 1.3.4 VCSN Advantages ...... 10 1.4 Gastrointestinal Micro Scanning Device ...... 11 1.4.1 Bright Ball Scanning Device ...... 12 1.4.2 Pulse Generator/Data Transfer Unit ...... 12 1.4.3 PM Display ...... 12 1.4.4 Description of Scanning Procedure ...... 13 1.4.5 Additional Issues ...... 13 References ...... 14

1.1 Introduction Envisioners and designers of nanomedical devices may draw their inspiration from a num- ber of sources. These might include the myriad mechanisms and processes that operate both at macroscale and nanoscale domains in the natural world, which may be interpreted and transformed into functional synthetic analogs via biomimetics. Other inspirational sparks may emanate from purely anthropogenic dreamscapes, which reside within the realms of fantasy and science ction. There is always the chance that completely unex- pected serendipitous discovery might arrive from “nowhere” to the utter joy of long toil- ing recipients who might have been looking for answers for many years in one area, only to have a pivotal insight surprisingly light up, when triggered by a completely unrelated event, as if a gift from some parallel universe that has “crossed over.” Incremental inspi- rational glimmers, and much more rarely, dramatic brilliant bursts thereof may indeed be gleaned through voluminous thoughtful, disciplined, and deliberate experimentation. From whatever quarter such inspiration may appear, it may be suggested that a certain “cognitive stance” might serve as a useful prerequisite to facilitate and breed the ames of inspiration, creativity, and innovation, which may likely percolate into reality. This attitude might encompass in varying degrees, a blend of excitement and prospective adventure,

3 4 Nanomedical Device and Systems Design

an insatiable childlike curiosity, open mindedness and playfulness, enthusiasm and positiveness, combined with responsibility, integrity; and importantly, persistence, inter- spersed with a modicum of naivety, and humbleness in the recognition that one can clearly never “know it all.” In actual terms, the development of innovative nanomedical concepts and designs may consist of the heterogeneous fusion of many of the above elements in combination with, from an engineering perspective, what may be perceived to be practically achieved in a manner that is not cost prohibitive. These considerations may encompass the selection of appropriate materials, as well as the development of optimized techniques that are to be employed for the synthesis of nanoscale components and devices from the “bottom–up” (e.g., utilizing advanced chemistries [1,2], or via still conceptual, albeit steadily advancing nanomanufacturing technologies [3–5]), or “top–down” strategies that include microelec- tromechancial systems (MEMs) [6,7] and nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMs) [8,9], lithographic patterning techniques [10,11] that may achieve features with resolutions from 10 to 100 nm, and nanoscale/molecular imprinting [12–15], stamping [16,17], and molding [18,19], which can provide 20–40 nm features.

1.2 Conceptual Exemplar Nanodevice Design In order to facilitate the conveyance of potential strategies and thought processes that might be involved with the conceptualization and design of advanced nanomedical com- ponents, devices, and systems; two hypothetical exemplar nanomedical devices and sys- tems, which are being evolved by the author, will be interspersed throughout this volume. The intent will be to introduce a number of potential design themes that might be con- sidered to have utility for imparting specic functionalities when integrated into nano- medical devices. Other critical elements will include the demarcation and nurturing of a sustainable vision as to what the intended functionalities and applications for these ele- ments will be, as well as the attempt to evolve effective and pragmatic designs that may be reasonably produced.

1.3 Vascular Cartographic Scanning Nanodevice The rst of these conceptual exemplars, the Vascular Cartographic Scanning Nanodevice (VCSN) (Figure 1.1), will be manifest as an advanced autonomous, ~1 μm in diameter nano- medical device for in vivo imaging applications. Its description throughout this text will be inclusive of its envisaged individual components and external “outbody” control infra- structures. A far less complex/rudimentary, albeit still nanocomponent-driven precursor to the VCSN device, would be manifest as a much physically larger (~3 mm in diameter) in vivo nanomedical imaging instrument, called the Gastrointestinal Micro Scanning Device (GMSD). It is hoped that the incremental investigation of conceptual nanomedical device compo- nents laid out within these pages via these exemplars may serve as a preliminary template to perhaps illustrate how conceptualists and designers of future sophisticated nanomedical Exemplar Nanomedical Vascular Cartographic Scanning Nanodevice 5

(7) Pixel matrix software/display system (8) Spectroscopic (2) Spatial (external/outbody) component data acquisition component (4) Data transfer beacon (1) Energy- harvesting/generating interface (5) Propulsion mechanisms (internalized) (3) Nanoelectronic navigation system infrastructure (primarily external) (internalized)

(9) Biocompatible (6) Quantum computing coating technology device (internalized)


(b) (c)


FIGURE 1.1 (a) Anatomy of conceptual Vascular Cartographic Scanning Nanodevice (VCSN). (b–d) Various VCSN orientations. 6 Nanomedical Device and Systems Design

components, devices, and systems might approach the tremendous challenges that will confront them. Far more intensive and demanding tasks will be allotted to nanomedical engineers who are charged with the daunting task of devising real-world strategies as relates to the actual fabrication and functionalization of these nanoscale “medical dream machines.” A few examples of the many tasks involved may include, as described ear- lier, the selection of appropriate nanomaterials; the design and development of robust, dependable, and scalable self-assembly (nanomanufacturing) capabilities; self-quality control verication and test strategies; the development of pragmatic component designs that will operate effectively under myriad constraints imposed by human physiology in vivo; novel approaches for modular nanocomponent/nanoelectronics integration; and the interfacing of multiple nanometric components with outbody computers and a conceptual “NanoNav” dedicated nanomedical device navigation system. The conceptual VCSN constitutes a fully autonomous nanoscale in vivo medical imag- ing device and system. The ~1 μm in diameter nanodevice, or more likely, many thousands of identical such nanodevices working in parallel, would function to scan/image the entire human vasculature down to the level of the smallest capillary lumen (e.g., ~3 μm diameter) in high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) digitized format.

1.3.1 Overview of Envisaged VCSN Capabilities 1. Capacity for the generation of a very high-resolution (less than ~1 μm) 3D render- ing of the complete human vasculature down to the capillary level. It may also be applied to the imaging of the lymphatic system, and in a simplied form (e.g., GMSD), the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). 2. Ability to distinguish and superimpose vascular and neurological plaque depos- its and lesions with high accuracy against the topographically rendered backdrop of healthy endothelial wall surfaces. 3. Quantication of vascular wall thicknesses along with the identication and high- lighting of “hot spots” at any site within the vasculature, such as imminent block- ages or aneurysms that are at risk of rupturing. This capacity will be of particular value when enabling the clear elucidation of such risk sites for subsequent mitiga- tion in situ, within the brain. 4. Capacity for physicians to “y-through” all scanned areas via a joystick and com- puter display for the highly detailed inspection of any desired site within the sys- tem. The acquired spatial data may also enable holographic rendering and virtual travel through all imaged systems. 5. Ability to facilitate the targeting of tumors by revealing instances of nascent angiogenesis in close proximity to tumor growth sites.

The VCSN will comprise multiple modularly integrated nanoscale components, subsys- tems, and primary systems that are connected via a dynamic nanoelectronic/nanopho- tonic infrastructure. These entities will be organized and assembled in a prioritized and sequentially hierarchical manner. An intrinsic developmental process that may drive the conceptualization and evolution of individual functional modules, such as the propul- sion system, may initially encompass several potential candidate technologies. The most promising of these candidates would be selected on the basis of their demonstration of superior performance when applied to specic tasks and when challenged with a variety of dedicated trials. Exemplar Nanomedical Vascular Cartographic Scanning Nanodevice 7

A preliminary research and discovery phase would serve to thoroughly dene the per- ceived scope and developmental timeline of the VCSN. This might consist of a strategy that involves the preliminary identication and description, in as much detail as is possible, of every primary and secondary nanometric component, mechanism, and system. It will be a necessary and prudent step toward realistically discerning exactly which potential ele- ments of each system might be feasible insofar as manufacturability and functionality when scaled down to the nanometer range. This exercise may manifest itself as a process of elimination, or may result in a superior hybrid design whereby several of the most desir- able elements that are extracted from a number of options may ultimately prove to be the most favorable solution. The fundamental physics, chemistry, electronics, thermodynam- ics, and mechanics behind each of the selected component attributes will be systemati- cally tested, theoretically, through the implementation of task-specic computer modeling, in conjunction with hands-on experimentation against predetermined parameters and a protocol checklist. This organization will assist in the determination and generation of proof-of-principal guidelines, while also serving to veriably refute the feasibility of the use of certain components in particular applications, or negating the combination of spe- cic elements.

1.3.2 Summary of VCSN Components Each envisaged nanoscale element and system comprising the VCSN will embody its own specic set of investigative, conceptualization, design pathways, and associated tasks. These components, in order of perceived importance, are as follows:

1. Energy-harvesting/generating components. Constitute the primary and auxiliary power-harvesting/generating sources for all primary, secondary, and multiple redundant VCSN systems. These mechanisms might harvest and catalyze readily available molecular biofuels (e.g., glucose, hydrogen) from the in vivo environ- ment, and convert them into electron ow. There are many additional potential nanoscale energy harvesting and generating technologies (e.g., thermopiles, piezoelectronics, hydrostatics, and biomimetic entities and processes) that will be worthy of exploration (Chapter 4). 2. Spatial data acquisition component. Functions as the spatial data acquisition signal emitter and receiver that will constitute the scanning mechanism. With this com- ponent as well, several potential technologies exist, or might be extrapolated (e.g., capacitive ultrasound, nanoscale time-of-ight LIDAR), which will warrant seri- ous investigation (Chapter 6). 3. Nanoelectronic/nanophotonic infrastructure. Conveys and modulates the electrical current and photonic streams that enable myriad critical VCSN functions (e.g., pro- pulsion, onboard navigation controls, computing, and communications) including the emission and reception of scanning pulses from the spatial data acquisition array, and to facilitate the transfer of acquired spatial information to a data trans- fer beacon for transmission to outbody computers for nal processing, image reconstruction, and display. Various nanoelectronic/nanophotonic components and conveyance conduits such as highly conductive carbon nanotubes, organic/ inorganic nanowires or conductive polymeric nanobers, and nanoscale chalco- genide (photoconductive glass)-derived optical nanobers might electronically and photonically interconnect and interface all nanodevice elements (Chapter 5). 8 Nanomedical Device and Systems Design

4. Data transfer beacon. Transmits collected spatial data to an “outbody” receiver, which is interfaced with the Pixel Matrix (PM) image reconstruction system. It is also utilized as the primary communications node for receiving external com- mands as well as for inter-nanodevice coordination. In addition, it would serve to lock onto an external homing signal upon completion of the scanning procedure, or for emergency egress from the patient. 5. Propulsion and navigational systems. Endows the nanodevice with autonomy in vivo and enables travel in any orientation and direction while within this environment. Movement is initiated and guided by transmitted command signals under exter- nal computer control via a dedicated “NanoNav” navigation system, perhaps akin to a miniaturized GPS system. An onboard computer (quantum or possibly DNA based) will assist in this regard by emanating positional coordinate feedback data. 6. Nanoscale computation. Enables the capacity for command data storage, work- ing protocols, and spatial data backup at a high level of redundancy for fail-safe nanodevice operation, propulsion, and navigation including internal, inter-device, and external communications. This component might be manifest as a solid-state quantum computer or an organized biomolecular device comprising restriction nuclease and ligase hardware working in conjunction with software-encoded DNA duplex arrays. Alternatively, all optical nanoscale computing may be imple- mented to reduce the cumulative thermal footprint that may conceivably be gener- ated by possibly millions of in vivo nanodevices. 7. PM display system. Translates acquired spatial data into digitized display format with high image resolution. Each endothelial wall target “hit” that is initiated and measured by onboard ultrasonic transducer arrays (or other selected spatial data acquisition mechanisms) would be represented by a pixel, assigned to a calculated position in 3D space on a display. This software might also have the capacity for discerning vascular wall thicknesses so as to facilitate aneurysm detection via the isolation of secondary echo signatures from the spatial data set. 8. Spectroscopic component. Elucidates the chemical composition of scanned entities so as to accurately differentiate plaque deposits and lesions from healthy (back- ground) vascular endothelial or lymphatic constituents by utilizing mass spec- troscopic analysis. This capability may assist in the whole-body mapping and compositional analysis of pathogenic aggregates, regardless of their makeup (e.g., vascular plaques, neurological beta amyloid plaques, lipofuscin, cholesterol, and oxysterols). 9. Biocompatible coating technology. Endows nanodevices with reliable stealth qualities so that they may circumvent any level of immune response while they operate in vivo, through the utilization of inert and biocompatible materials (e.g., diamon- doid, sapphire materials) as the main building materials of nanodevices, or via the use of bioinert diamondoid or polymeric thin lm coatings.

1.3.3 Discussion As a critical part of their development, each individual component of the VCSN will be subjected to stringent testing for safety, reliable functionality, and robustness. Further rig- orous testing will take place as subsequent entities are developed and integrated with var- ious other dedicated components to eventually comprise a complete and fully functional autonomous nanomedical scanning device. Exemplar Nanomedical Vascular Cartographic Scanning Nanodevice 9

A practical deciency that might be addressed in global healthcare through the proposed development of the conceptual VCSN would be the potential alleviation of the very limited or non-availability of advanced medical imaging technologies in remote and impoverished regions of the world. The envisaged sophisticated nature of this innovative medical imaging technology combined with its inherent miniaturization might cost effectively facilitate access to important and medical diagnostic tools for virtually any individual on the globe. As an autonomous nanodevice with nite energy storage capacity due to extreme physi- cal constraints on available real estate, the VCSN will be designed with several strata of operational redundancy, particularly where the harvesting and conversion of energy is concerned, to ensure uninterrupted operation and the capacity for continuous in vivo/ outbody communications. The VCSN might harvest power via the chemical catalysis of glucose, hydrogen, other appropriate biomolecules or ions within the in vivo environment of patients, thereby having the advantageous attribute of self-sustainability while in opera- tion. Alternately, the VCSN may be induced to generate onboard power through activation by external sources. It may be possible that a hybrid, three-tiered energy capability might also evolve, whereby primary power is generated via external activation; onboard energy harvesting serves as a secondary supplementary source, and stored battery power pro- vides a sufcient backup, should the very rare instance occur where both higher echelon systems go ofine, or are otherwise disrupted or incapacitated. The bulk of conventional power that is necessary to sustain the VCSN infrastructure would be for the operation of external computers that house the PM image reconstruc- tion software, along with additional modular and compact hardware that is required for NanoNav guidance beacons, and communications infrastructure. These power require- ments might be met via a dedicated, hybrid power-harvesting/generating “kit” that integrates solar, wind, fuel cell, mechanical crank, or other practicable/robust/efcient power-generating sources. Thus, the entire setup for VCSN scanning procedures may achieve fully functionality in remote, and if necessary, physically conned areas. The implementation of the scanning procedure would be quite straightforward as a pre- scribed dose of thousands of identical VCSN units may be injected, diffused through an adhered patch or topical gel, swallowed as a pill, or administered as oral thin lm wafers or drops. Once the nanodevices ingress to the bloodstream, they will self-organize, orient themselves, and report their positions using micron resolution X-, Y-, Z-coordinates relative to an established external reference point. This “conuence ducial” may be established via the intersection of several propagating electromagnetic beams, which emanate from dedi- cated beacons, utilized to demarcate the patient scanning volume in 3D space. When the scanning procedure has been completed (e.g., ~5 minutes), an externally activated homing signal would direct all nanodevices to a predetermined “outbody” egress site where they would be collected and stored for subsequent molecular disassembly and recycling. An imperative infrastructural element inherent to the VCSN developmental strategy will be the focus on an optimized and highly efcient nanomanufacturing capability, to ensure that VCSN units may be produced cost effectively via massively parallel fabrication (e.g., DNA- mediated self-assembly) techniques [2,20–26], such that they can be economically administered as “single-use” entities, and recyclable for reuse in non-medical applications. This strategy would negate a range of cumulative expenditures and time-consuming procedures involved with nanodevice sterilization and storage for eventual reuse. The latter prospect, however, will likely elicit an understandably strong psychological resistance, even if there should be a qualied assurance of safety provided. This is, no doubt, rmly grounded on innate concerns regarding undesirable and indeed, unacceptable pathogenic biotransmission. As the VCSN units will comprise biocompatible elements in accordance with established nanomedical 10 Nanomedical Device and Systems Design

protocols, they might be disposed of under similarly stringent procedures, as exists for stan- dardized medical refuse, though due to their small physical size they might undergo separate processing, or ideally, recycling for benign integration into bulk products. As an option to a targeted egress strategy, once a scanning procedure has been completed, the nanodevices may be allowed to diffuse naturally from the patient via various bodily uids, though they would be tagged for tracking to ensure that their removal from the patient is complete.

1.3.4 VCSN Advantages The envisaged practical advantages offered by the VCSN and its associated infrastructure will include 1. Compactness and portability, as its operation will require a relatively small footprint. This would enable simple and quick setup and power-up procedures in developing countries and remote terrestrial environments. In the aerospace domain, it may be utilized as an element of an onboard medical diagnostics suite on military and medical aircraft, and for space travel if recongured for integra- tion into spacesuits and spacecraft, and to provide a compact yet powerful medical imaging capability for future Moon and Mars habitats (Chapter 16). 2. Frugal energy consumption. 3. Relatively inexpensive to administer and operate. 4. Rapid scanning time (e.g., ~5 minutes). 5. Ultra-high resolution digital spatial data. Inherent exibility for display in several different formats, and ease of le transmission to medical personnel internation- ally, via secure telecommunications connectivity. 6. Potential for enabling the drastic reduction or elimination of long waiting queues for critical imaging technologies. Conventional medical imaging technologies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) are very expensive and, hence, out of reach for developing countries. They are also physically unwieldy, power hungry, and have long waiting times for their use. Although current ultrasound imaging technology is improving, it is still relatively crude in resolution and administration, and the resulting imagery is segmen- tal in nature, in contrast to whole-body scanning. The VCSN is envisioned as having the capability for rendering complete systems (e.g., vascular, lymphatic, or gastrointestinal) in ultrane detail, displaying all luminal surfaces and wall thicknesses with the possibility of also distinguishing their chemical compositions. Since there is an increasingly strong demand for smaller and more compact medical technologies that are endowed with enhanced and more complex capabilities, the VCSN would constitute an exponential step in this direction. The investigation and eventual development of initial and subsequent generations of components aimed at implementa- tion for VCSN technology may conceivably be applied to “any” future nanomedical device and system. These components might be designed in such a way that they can be fab- ricated in modular form and, to some extent, adhere to a predetermined standardized format to assist in enabling future specialized nanomedical diagnostic and therapeutic capabilities and devices (e.g., ultrane in vivo spectroscopic biopsy, cell-targeted drug delivery, vascular/neurological plaque removal devices, lysosome lipofuscin dissolution or removal, chromosome repair or replacement, bone mineral delivery and repair devices for the remediation of osteoporosis, and prospective cell repair devices). Exemplar Nanomedical Vascular Cartographic Scanning Nanodevice 11

1.4 Gastrointestinal Micro Scanning Device The Gastrointestinal Micro Scanning Device (GMSD) (Figure 1.2) will serve as a forma- tive and far less complex precursor to the VCSN in that it will not have the capacity for propulsion or navigation. It will, however, utilize nascent forms of the quantum com- puting, nanoelectronics, spatial data acquisition, and PM technologies that are envis- aged for the VCSN. Hence, the GMSD, in addition to serving as spatial data acquisition device, may also have utility as a test bed of sorts that is employed to identify and resolve

(a) (b)


FIGURE 1.2 (a) Artistic representation of conceptual Gastrointestinal Micro Scanning Device (GMSD) depicting communi- cation link between the pulse generator/data transfer unit (PGDT) and the bright ball (BB) internal scanning device. (b, c) Auto-adjustment of BB acquisition interrogating signals in response to a shift from central position within lumen of GIT. 12 Nanomedical Device and Systems Design

technical, integrative, and functional issues toward the further evolution of the VCSN. The GMSD system will consist of three distinct components working in unison to gener- ate a very high-resolution 3D topography of the entire internal surface of the GIT. The GMSD would accomplish this task by employing

1. An internalized (via ingestion) scanning device 2. An external pulse generator/data transfer unit 3. A PM display element

1.4.1 Bright Ball Scanning Device The bright ball (BB) scanning device would have a spherical morphology of ~3 mm in diameter. (A thorough assessment would be conducted using computer modeling and in vitro testing to ascertain the optimal physical parameters for the device to eliminate the possibility of the BB getting physically “snagged” en route through the GIT.) Most of the outer surface of the device, save the area required for acoustic communications beacons, will consist of a continuous tessellated array of ~1 μm in diameter emitter/receiver (ER) units, which may take the form of micron-scale capacitive ultrasonic transducers, each of which would constitute a standalone measuring instrument. Individual units might be positioned and bonded to their neighbors with a polymeric adhesive that is both bio- compatible and biodegradable (e.g., 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid combined with chitosan). This bonding material would encapsulate all of the ER units to comprise a solid sphere, which might be nished with a translucent thin lm of gold to impart a highly polished and reective surface. The ER units would be calibrated beforehand, and distance mea- surements of the internal topography of the GIT would be performed using time-of-ight calculations. The resulting imagery could be reconstructed via the quantication of vari- ances in relation to the initial reference calibration.

1.4.2 Pulse Generator/Data Transfer Unit The pulse generator/data transfer (PGDT) unit is the component that would trigger the activity of the internalized BB device with an appropriate, specically encrypted signal. The BB would be activated to scan subsequent to receiving this specic signal only. Once active, the BB would transmit a constant data stream to the PGDT. The PGDT would serve as the data transfer device when linked to a computer and the PM software. It would be afxed to an appropriate area of the patient’s abdominal surface and would stay in place for the duration of the scan.

1.4.3 PM Display The PM display would process the data supplied to it by the PGDT to reconstruct a high- resolution “pixel per hit” 3D rendering of the total scanned area that has been traveled by the BB. The software would enable “y-through” and cross-sectional capabilities, allow- ing physicians (using a joystick, computer mouse, or touch screen display) to traverse the entire GIT to investigate any potential problem areas in great detail. One may envision that the acquired digitized information might be translated to holographic and virtual reality formats as well. The physician would thus recognize any anomalous topography consistent with tumor growth, lesions, and other abnormal features that may exist in the GIT using this procedure. Exemplar Nanomedical Vascular Cartographic Scanning Nanodevice 13

1.4.4 Description of Scanning Procedure The setup for the GMSD operational procedure would be relatively simple to implement. Initially, the BB would be administered orally to the patient in the same manner as a pill. Next, an adhesive and waterproof PGDT thin lm patch would be afxed to the skin of patient’s abdomen. At this juncture, a system’s calibration would be performed to assure that the communication link between the BB and the PGDT is functioning properly. A test scan would also be performed to congure the image resolution. Following these proce- dures, the patient would be allowed to leave the physician’s ofce, clinic, or hospital to go about his/her normal routine. The internalized BB would now progress along with the natural peristaltic rhythms of the GIT and be naturally eliminated at the conclusion of the transit duration. The patient would subsequently return to the facility in two or three days (contingent on the assessed GIT transit time) to have the PGDT patch removed. The PGDT will have continually accumulated all of the data acquired by the BB during the designated scanning period. This device would then be interfaced with a computer via a USB port to stream all of the acquired data to the PM software housed within the computer. The data would now be translated into high-resolution 3D imagery on a display. The inter- rogating signals emitted by the BB would have the capacity for passing through the contents of the small and large intestines, as if transparent, through the utilization of a selective signal ltering algorithm. The scanning signals would have no harmful effect on any cell or tissue, even with prolonged exposure. The PGDT would emit a unique pulsed signal (e.g., ultra- sonic, near-infrared), which when received by sensors embedded within the surface of the BB would trigger all of the ERs embedded to re and emit their scanning beams simultane- ously in every direction. The PM software would calculate BB orientation and would cor- relate the hits obtained within predetermined parameters to construct a cross section of the GIT representing its internal topography. These digitized segments would be sequentially pieced together to form a seamless spatially accurate rendering of the system.

1.4.5 Additional Issues The BB device would be stored in a sterilized environment until it is ready for use to negate any risk of infection. Additionally, due to the fairly rapid transit time (~two days) from ingestion to elimination, the chances of eliciting an immune response should be very low. Following elimination, the BB will cease to function as it will require the special- ized PGDT-generated pulsed signals for activation and function. The shell of the BB, as described earlier, might include a biodegradable and environment/ecosystem-compatible polymeric binding compound that may be formulated to break down after seven days of exposure to an aqueous environment, releasing the physical support of all ER units. The ER units would subsequently separate, becoming in essence, nonfunctional micron-sized particulates that may break down further into harmless elements. The GMSD would serve as a benecial, minimally invasive, biocompatible diagnostic system for generating high-resolution 3D imagery of the GIT. It would be relatively simple to implement, minimize any chance of infection or discomfort, and the scanning would not be disruptive to the patient, who could carry on with his/her normal affairs. In addi- tion, the GMSD would be biodegradable and environmentally compatible. This novel nanomedical imaging system would serve as a boon to physicians via the provision of a new and more precise method of imaging the GIT. It would aid them by offering more detailed information as to the health status of the GIT in order to prescribe the appropriate preventative or therapeutic care, and would assist by acting as an accurate diagnostic tool, thereby increasing the efcacy of their treatments. 14 Nanomedical Device and Systems Design

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20. Hadorn, M. and Eggenberger Hotz, P., DNA-mediated self-assembly of articial vesicles. PLoS One. 5(3), e9886, 2010. 21. Maune, H.T., Han, S.P., Barish, R.D., Bockrath, M., Iii, W.A. Rothemund, P.W., and Winfree, E., Self-assembly of carbon nanotubes into two-dimensional geometries using DNA origami tem- plates. Nat Nanotechnol. 5(1), 61–66, 2010. 22. Sun, X., Hyeon Ko, S., Zhang, C., Ribbe, A.E., and Mao, C., Surface-mediated DNA self assem- bly. J Am Chem Soc. 131(37), 13248–13249, 2009. 23. Cheng, W., Campolongo, M.J., Cha, J.J., Tan, S.J., Umbach, C.C., Muller, D.A., and Luo, D., Free- standing nanoparticle superlattice sheets controlled by DNA. Nat Mater. 8(6), 519–525, 2009. 24. Or, Y., Samanta, B., and Rotello, V.M., Polymer and biopolymer mediated self-assembly of gold nanoparticles. Chem Soc Rev. 37(9), 1814–1825, 2008. 25. Samanta, D., Shanmugaraju, S., Joshi, S.A., Patil, Y.P., Nethaji, M., and Mukherjee, P.S., Pillar height dependent formation of unprecedented Pd(8) molecular swing and Pd(6) molecular boat via multicomponent self-assembly. Chem Commun (Camb). 48, 2298–2300, 2012. 26. Breen, J.M., Clérac, R., Zhang, L., Cloonan, S.M., Kennedy, E., Feeney, M., McCabe, T., Williams, D.C., and Schmitt, W., Self-assembly of hybrid organic–inorganic polyoxovanadates: Functionalised mixed-valent clusters and molecular cages. Dalton Trans. 41(10), 2918–2926, 2012.


1 1. Exemplar Nanomedical Vascular Cartographic Scanning Nanodevice

1. Gu, H., Chao, J., Xiao, S.J., and Seeman, N.C., A proximity-based programmable DNA nanoscale assembly line. Nature. 465(7295), 202–205, 2010.

2. Boehm, F.J., An investigation of nucleic acid/DNA-based manufacturing, Thirty Essential Nanotechnology Studies: #10. Center for Responsible Nanotechnology, Menlo Park, CA, August 2004. http://wise-nano.org/w/Boehm_DNA_Study (accessed 06/17/13)

3. Freitas, R.A. Jr., Diamondoid mechanosynthesis for tip-based nanofabrication, Chapter 11, in Tseng, A., ed., Tip-Based Nanofabrication: Fundamentals and Applications. Springer, New York, 387–400, 2011.

4. Tarasov, D., Akberova, N., Izotova, E., Alisheva, D., Asta�ev, M., and Freitas, R.A. Jr., Optimal tool tip trajectories in a hydrogen abstraction tool recharge reaction sequence for positionally controlled diamond mechanosynthesis. J Comput Theor Nanosci. 7, 325–353, 2010.

5. Chen, Y., Xu, Z., Gartia, M.R., Whitlock, D., Lian, Y., and Liu, G.L., Ultrahigh throughput silicon nanomanufacturing by simultaneous reactive ion synthesis and etching. ACS Nano. 5(10), 8002–8012, 2011.

6. Butler, E.J., Folk, C., Cohen, A., Vasilyev, N.V., Chen, R., Del Nido, P.J., and Dupont, P.E., Metal MEMS tools for beating-heart tissue approximation. IEEE Int Conf Robot Autom. 411–416, 2011.

7. Wheeler, J.W., Dabling, J.G., Chinn, D., Turner, T., Filatov, A., Anderson, L., and Rohrer, B., MEMS-based bubble pressure sensor for prosthetic socket interface pressure measurement. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2011, 2925–2928, 2011.

8. Basarir, O., Bramhavar, S., and Ekinci, K.L., Motion transduction in nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) arrays using near-�eld optomechanical coupling. Nano Lett. 12(2), 534–539, 2012.

9. Khaleque, T., Abu-Salih, S., Saunders, J.R., and Moussa, W., Experimental methods of actuation, characterization and prototyping of hydrogels for bioMEMS/NEMS applications. J Nanosci Nanotechnol. 11(3), 2470–2479, 2011.

10. Basnar, B. and Willner, I., Dip-pen-nanolithographic patterning of metallic, semiconductor, and metal oxide nanostructures on surfaces. Small. 5(1), 28–44, 2009.

11. Zhou, X., Boey, F., Huo, F., Huang, L., and Zhang, H., Chemically functionalized surface patterning. Small. 7(16), 2273–2289, 2011.

12. Shi, G., Lu, N., Xu, H., Wang, Y., Shi, S., Li, H., Li, Y., and Chi, L., Fabrication of hierarchical structures by unconventional two-step imprinting. J Colloid Interface Sci. 368(1), 655–659, 2012.

13. Villegas, J.E., Swiecicki, I., Bernard, R., Crassous, A., Briatico, J., Wolf, T., Bergeal, N. et al., Imprinting nanoporous alumina patterns into the magneto-transport of oxide superconductors. Nanotechnology. 22(7), 075302, 2011.

14. Hien Nguyen, T. and Ansell, R.J., N-Isopropylacrylamide as a functional monomer for noncovalent molecular imprinting. J Mol Recognit. 25(1), 1–10, 2012.

15. Xu, H., Schönhoff, M., and Zhang, X., Unconventional layer-by-layer assembly: Surface molecular imprinting and its applications. Small. 8(4), 517–523, 2011.

16. Taylor, C., Marega, E., Stach, E.A., Salamo, G., Hussey, L., Muñoz, M., and Malshe, A., Directed self-assembly of quantum structures by nanomechanical stamping using probe tips. Nanotechnology. 19(1), 015301, 2008.

17. Zeira, A., Berson, J., Feldman, I., Maoz, R., and Sagiv, J., A bipolar electrochemical approach to constructive lithography: Metal/monolayer patterns via consecutive site-de�ned oxidation and reduction. Langmuir. 27(13), 8562–8575, 2011.

18. Bass, J.D., Schaper, C.D., Rettner, C.T., Arellano, N., Alharbi, F.H., Miller, R.D., and Kim, H.C., Transfer molding of nanoscale oxides using water-soluble templates. ACS Nano. 5(5), 4065– 4072, 2011.

19. De Marco, C., Eaton, S.M., Levi, M., Cerullo, G., Turri, S., and Osellame, R., High-�delity solvent-resistant replica molding of hydrophobic polymer surfaces produced by femtosecond laser nanofabrication. Langmuir. 27(13), 8391–8395, 2011.

20. Hadorn, M. and Eggenberger Hotz, P., DNA-mediated self-assembly of arti�cial vesicles. PLoS One. 5(3), e9886, 2010.

21. Maune, H.T., Han, S.P., Barish, R.D., Bockrath, M., Iii, W.A. Rothemund, P.W., and Winfree, E., Self-assembly of carbon nanotubes into two-dimensional geometries using DNA origami templates. Nat Nanotechnol. 5(1), 61–66, 2010.

22. Sun, X., Hyeon Ko, S., Zhang, C., Ribbe, A.E., and Mao, C., Surface-mediated DNA self assembly. J Am Chem Soc. 131(37), 13248–13249, 2009.

23. Cheng, W., Campolongo, M.J., Cha, J.J., Tan, S.J., Umbach, C.C., Muller, D.A., and Luo, D., Freestanding nanoparticle superlattice sheets controlled by DNA. Nat Mater. 8(6), 519–525, 2009.

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