Going to Secondary School In Lincolnshire 2020/21 Foreword Dear Parent or Carer As Head of Paid Services I am pleased to introduce 'Going to Secondary School in Lincolnshire' to you and to thank you for considering one of our schools. Our standards are high and children thrive in our schools. We want every child to develop and achieve their full potential and we need your support as parents to help us. This partnership is vital in helping our young people become independent and responsible citizens who can make a positive contribution to society. Please take the opportunity to visit schools where you will find happy children with excellent staff working in a range of different ways to fulfil each child's potential. I know Headteachers are looking forward to meeting you at their open evenings to tell you about the exciting curriculum on offer to young people these days. Debbie Barnes The contents of this book were correct at the time of going to press in August 2019 Comments We are always happy to receive feedback on the usefulness of this book. If you wish to make a comment, please contact the Education Team on 01522 782030, or email
[email protected]. 2 General Information This guide is for parents of children in Year 6 who are due to transfer to secondary school. There is one school in Lincolnshire that admits children from Year 10 called Lincoln University Technical College (UTC). If your child is in Year 9 and you would like to apply for a place at this school you can apply online via our website.