GMB ANNUAL CONGRESS held on SUNDAY 14TH JUNE – WEDNESDAY 17TH JUNE 2009 at THE WINTER GARDENS, BLACKPOOL -------------------------------------- SIS. MARY TURNER (President of the GMB Union) (In the Chair) -------------------------------------- PROCEEDINGS DAY TWO (MONDAY 15TH JUNE 2009) ----------------------------------- (Conference reported by: Marten Walsh Cherer Limited, 6th Floor, 12-14 New Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1AG. Telephone: 020 7936 6000 email:
[email protected] ----------------------------------------- 1 SECOND DAY’S PROCEEDINGS MONDAY, 15TH JUNE 2009 MORNING SESSION Congress assembled at 9.30 a.m. ANNOUNCEMENTS THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, colleagues. Congress, you are about to hear the safety announcement for the Winter Gardens. Please pay attention. SAFETY PROCEDURES ANNOUNCEMENT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Could I ask all delegates and visitors to check that you have switched off your mobile phones or make sure they are on ‘silent’ because, otherwise, you will be going home very light. Is that agreed? (Agreed) STANDING ORDERS COMMITTEE REPORT NO. 3 THE PRESIDENT: I call Helen Johnson to move Standing Orders Committee Report No. 3. SIS. H. JOHNSTON (Chair, Standing Orders Committee): Congress, as Chair of Standing Orders Committee, I move SOC Report No. 3. Congress, withdrawn motions. The SOC has been advised that the following motions have been withdrawn: Motion 134 – Nationalisation of Banks, standing in the name of London Region, has been withdrawn in favour of the CEC Statement on Manufacturing. Motion 21 – GMB Pensions and the General Fund, standing in the name of Birmingham & West Midlands Region, has also been withdrawn. So Motions 134 and 21 have been withdrawn. President and Congress, I move SOC Report No. 3.