Nidderdale Angling Club has provided fine brown trout and grayling fishing for local and visiting anglers to the Dale for over a hundred years. The club will continue to do this for the benefit of future generations by good fishery management and by adopting rules, by-laws, and policies that encourage angling practices sympathetic to the conservation of fish species native to the river. The club constitution, rules, and fishing by-laws below are also posted on the club website at

No liability will be accepted by the Club for any accident to Members, Season Ticket Holders, Guests or Day Ticket Holders.


Following changes in the way insurance companies manage liability claims our insurers require the club to advise them immediately following incidents in which they may have an interest especially incidents involving personal injury. In order to comply with these changes any member who is involved in an incident whilst angling or on any fishery must immediately report the circumstances to the General Secretary on 07 971 873 746


1. Juniors under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. The adult must be within easy calling distance and reach at all times and must be responsible for the behaviour and safety of the junior.

2. The NAC Trout season opens on 25th March and closes on 30th September. The Grayling season opens on 16th June and closes on March14th. Scar House opens on March 25th.

3. Day tickets will usually be available to the public from 25th March to 14th March.

4. The Total Bag limit for the River Nidd is 2 Blue spot marked trout per day which must be 12” (30.5cm) or more, measured from tip of nose to fork of tail and must be retained whole. No grayling or wild brown trout (i.e. trout not marked with blue spots) may be taken.

5. All anglers, when fishing Club waters, must: a. Carry their valid membership card, season ticket or day ticket and show them, if asked to do so by another member or STH. b. Possess and carry a valid Environment Agency licence and display a NAC car parking ticket in all designated car parking areas. c. Carry a recognized means of measuring fish, a landing net, a method of cutting line and a disgorger or forceps.

6. Fishing Methods: Single rod only, fly or worm on float and leger allowed. Maggots allowed between 16th June and 14th March only. Natural minnow is allowed between 1st July and 30th September. Bait fishing is permitted on all lengths with the exception of the two clearly marked "Fly Only" lengths at Glasshouses and Low Green. NOTE: Between 1st October and 14th March the Glasshouses length can be fished with bait. All river fishing will be with barbless or de-barbed hooks.

7. The following are banned whilst fishing on Club waters: Swim or Float feeders, Keep nets, Rods or poles in excess of 15ft (see Scar House for further restrictions), Hooks larger than size 12 (except for imitative Mayflies and Czech Nymphs when size 10 will be permitted), Lead shot, Spinners, Artificial minnows, Double and Treble hooks, dogs, radios, ferrets, fires and firearms.

8. No angler is allowed to fish Club waters with more than one rod in use at any time. No rod to be left unattended.

9. Members must keep a record of fish caught and killed and submit the catch return card at the end of September.

10. Any angler selling his catch will be expelled.

11. Guest tickets: No more than two per host member or STH per day allowing guests to fish ALL Club waters. Guests must be accompanied by their host and tickets must be obtained before fishing. After 30th September, junior guests, up to and including 16 years of age on the day of fishing may fish free as long as they are accompanied by their host. Unaccompanied guest tickets are invalid. Members or STH's are responsible for their guests' behaviour and adherence to the rules. Junior members are not permitted to take fishing guests.

12. Irrespective of size all rainbow trout caught in club waters on the River Nidd, are to be killed. A record of such fish must be kept and reported to the General Secretary as soon as possible.

13. All anglers should be aware of club by-laws. A member, preferably acting with another, may request to see any other angler’s membership card, season ticket or day ticket. If requested to do so by a Club Bailiff all anglers on club waters shall allow their catch/bag to be examined and shall permit the bailiff to inspect the contents of their car. In the event of any contravention of the by-laws a member of the Committee must be informed. Direct physical action must be avoided.

Offences Penalties Taking undersized fish, taking more than 2 fish, taking fish out of season, Could involve expulsion taking unmarked (i.e. wild) fish from the river. All other reported offences. Could involve suspension.


It is imperative that the existing good relations with riparian owners and farmers are maintained. Where access to the river is across pasture, anglers must use designated footpaths or keep to the field sides. A map showing all club waters is available and should be carried by those unfamiliar with club waters.

A. Left Bank of River Nidd facing downstream: From top of third field below Wath bridge to Glasshouses Mill except for a short length at downstream end of Harefield Hall. From Glasshouses Mill to a point 40 yards above Dacre Bridge except for a short length at Crowtrees and at the Old Twine Mill, Low Laithe.

B. Right Bank of River Nidd facing downstream: From boundary wall of field below Gouthwaite Gauge Basin to Recreation Ground, . From boundary wall at downstream side of Castlestead to top of weir above Sawmill at Dacre. Three fields below Dacre.

C. Catch and Release. All Club Water on the river is designated as catch and release for unmarked wild trout and only de-barbed or barbless hooks may be used. Two pan marked blue spot trout per day may be taken. Anyone found in possession of unmarked brown trout or grayling shall be liable to expulsion.

D. Scar House Reservoir In addition to the waters on the Nidd, the Club also leases Scar House Reservoir. The by-laws for the river cover Scar House with the following amendments:

14. Scar House season from 25th March to 30th Sept only.

15. Methods. Worm or Fly only are permitted. Ground baiting is not permitted. Single hooks only, no bigger than size 12. The use of rods in excess of 15 feet is permitted for the purpose of dapping.

16. Fishing Times. From 7am to one hour after sunset.

17. Fishing from the dam walls and wading are not permitted.

18. No cars to be taken beyond the official car park. NAC Parking Ticket to be displayed on all vehicles.

19. Anglers must include a note of fish caught at Scar in their annual return.

20. Anglers must show Membership Card or Season Ticket to Water Representatives if requested.

21. The Total Bag limit is 2 brown trout per day, which must be 12” (30.5cm) or more, measured from tip of nose to fork of tail and must be retained whole.


1. The Club shall be called the Nidderdale Angling Club and will hereinafter be referred to as “the Club”.

2. The objects of the Club are to promote angling for Members of the Club, to conserve fish stocks, and to preserve and acquire club waters for the use of its Members.

3. Qualification for membership shall be voting residence within the area of the old Pateley Bridge Union (OPBU) and at the discretion of the Committee. All ages are calculated from 31st March. All subscriptions shall be as approved at the Annual General Meeting. Members having left the area of the OPBU may retain membership providing there is no lapse in subscription.

4. The classes of membership shall be: a. Adult Members aged 19 and over. Those members attaining the age of 65 qualify for reduced membership if they have paid for 10 consecutive years. b. Associate Members comprising Juniors up to and including 16 years of age and Intermediates 17 to 18 years of age. c. Life Members. d. Honorary Members. e. Social Members. These members will retain membership of the Club but may not fish.

5. Persons residing outside the OPBU may fish the Club's water at the discretion of the Committee as Season Ticket Holders (STH). They have no vote or say in the running of the Club, unless they hold office in the club or are a member of the committee. Having held a Season Ticket for 10 consecutive years at 65 they pay a reduced subscription.

6. Applications for membership and season tickets shall be submitted to the Committee. Any angler whose application or renewal is refused will be informed of this decision with reasons. Any appeal against this decision must be submitted in writing to the General Secretary within 7 days and will be considered at the next committee meeting. The decision of this meeting will be final.

7. Subscriptions and renewal requests are to be paid/submitted before 31st May. No one may fish until the new card is received. Any Member or STH not paying/renewing before this date will be allowed until 30th June to re-join the Club but will be required to pay the nomination fee. After 30th June he or she will be deemed to have resigned from the Club and must re-apply. Members living abroad may retain membership by paying an annual nomination fee but may not fish.

8. The Club shall be managed by a Committee consisting of the Officers (Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Secretary) President, Past Presidents, Vice Presidents, Hon. Fisheries Advisor and twelve elected Members. Elected Members serve for a period of three years in such a way that four vacancies arise annually. Election of the Officers and Members to serve on the Committee shall be at the AGM. Eight of the Committee shall form a quorum.

9. Officers and Members of the Committee shall be indemnified by the Members of the Club against all liabilities incurred by them in the management of the affairs of the Club.

10. The Committee meet on the first Monday of each month. The President, Chairman or General Secretary has the power to call an additional meeting at any time.

11. Each Officer and Member of the Committee has a single vote. The Chairman of the meeting has an additional casting vote as and when necessary.

12. A Disciplinary Committee of any three of the President, Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Secretary or Hon. Fisheries Advisor has the power to suspend or expel any Member or STH who contravenes any Rule or By-law of the Club or who brings the club into disrepute. The General Secretary will communicate this decision, with reasons, to the angler concerned. Any appeal must be made in writing to the General Secretary within 7 days and will be considered at the next committee meeting. The Disciplinary Committee will state the reasons for their decision but do not have a vote at the appeal. The Committee decision is final and effective immediately.

13. The Committee may co-opt anyone for a specific purpose but a person so co- opted has no voting powers. The Committee may also elect sub-committees.

14. The Committee has the power to employ staff for specific duties, the terms of employment and payment to be at the discretion of the Committee.

15. The Annual General Meeting will be held on the first Monday in February commencing at 7.30pm. All adult Members are to be advised 28 days before the meeting. 14 Members shall form a quorum: the President to take the chair. Those attending should be prepared to show their membership/STH card.

16. The Agenda of the AGM will consist of: a. Reports from the President, General Secretary, Membership Secretary and presentation of accounts for the previous year from the Treasurer. b. Election of President, new Vice Presidents and Honorary Members, Chairman, Treasurer, General Secretary, Membership Secretary, Hon. Fisheries Advisor and the election of Members to the Committee. c. Appointment of Auditor. d. Subscriptions and Club Regalia. e. Amendments to rules.

All nominations for Officials and Committee, together with all other resolutions, must be submitted in writing to the General Secretary to arrive no later than 14 days before the AGM and must be proposed and seconded by two voting Members. All nominations must be accompanied by the signature of the nominee stating acceptance of the proposal.

17. An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called at any time to discuss and vote on a specific item. Such a meeting will be called on the submission to the General Secretary of a resolution signed by 14 voting Members. All adult Members shall be given 14 days’ notice in writing of the date of an EGM.

18. Voting is restricted to adult members, officers and members of the committee and will be by show of hands or secret ballot at the discretion of the President or Chairman. Rules may only be amended at an AGM or EGM called for that purpose.

19. The By-laws of the Club will be decided by the Committee.

20. Finance: a. The Club will run a current account and a deposit or interest-bearing account. b. The signatories of the Club shall be Treasurer, General Secretary, President, Chairman and Membership Secretary, any two to sign cheques. c. The Committee has the power to invest Club funds as it considers prudent. d. The Committee has the power to reimburse expenses incurred by Members on Club business. e. The financial year of the Club will be 1stDecember to 30th November. f. Account books will be kept and audited before submission to the AGM.

21. The Committee has the power to negotiate the purchase and rental of fishing rights including negotiation of any loan but not to dispose of any without the approval of an EGM or AGM.

22. The property and fishing rights of the club will be held in Trust by the Trustees of Nidderdale Angling Club according to the Declaration of Trust document currently in force. The Trustees declare that they stand seized of the property defined in the schedule of properties held by the Club. The properties to be sold, leased, mortgaged or otherwise dealt with as the committee of the club from time to time directs. Trustees will at all times observe the rules and constitution of the club. Trustees act as agents of the club and shall in the absence of negligence or misfeasance be entitled to be fully indemnified against all liabilities out of the capital of the club or (if that be insufficient) by the members of the club. Trustees shall be appointed by and may be removed by the committee. At any one time there should be no more than 4 and no fewer than three trustees. Any three trustees may sign documents.

23. The Club shall only be dissolved by a postal ballot of the Members where two thirds of the total Members vote for its dissolution.

24. In the event of dissolution, the winding up of the Club affairs will be carried out by the Committee.

25. Matters not provided for. Subject to any Club rule or by-law in force from time to time, any matter not provided for in this constitution and any question arising there from which requires interpretation shall be decided by the Committee subject to confirmation at the following AGM.

MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE President: Dr. J. Shillcock Past President: J. Shuttleworth Vice Presidents: Mrs. B. Breckon, T. Burden, R. Campbell, B. Clarke, D. Furniss, T. Harpham, J. Kerby, M. Pattinson, F. Shuttleworth, Dr. R. Spain, P. Stevenson, P. Wells. Chairman: D. Tetley Vice Chairman: T. Metcalfe General Secretary: J. Pearson Treasurer: A. Freeman Membership Secretary: J. Goodliffe Committee Members: Term to 2022: I. Hegley, N. Bedford, N. Blogg. Term to 2023: K. Saunders, O. Boatfield, T. Brewis. Term to 2024: N. Shuttleworth, P. Phillips, T. Metcalfe, P. Solomon. Honorary Positions: Patron: T. Wheelwright Hon. Fisheries Advisor: Dr. J. Shillcock Hon. Auditor: Mrs. G. Deakin


General Secretary: Jamie Pearson Tel: 07 971 873 746 Email: [email protected]

Membership Secretary: John Goodliffe Tel - 01423 711 822 or 07 889 507 610 Email: [email protected]

Nidderdale Angling Club 18 Grange Road Dacre Banks HG3 4HA

Web Site: EA for pollution incidents 0800 80 70 60


1.Summerbridge Stores* 2.How Stean Gorge 3.Royal Oak, Dacre Banks 4.Pet Pad, High Street, Pateley Bridge 5.Spar, High Street, Pateley Bridge * 6.Scar House Café (only during summer months) *Day tickets during the grayling season from the above outlets only