Ideal Gas Thermochemistry of Silicon Inorganic Organic and Ion Compounds
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Alexander Burcat, Elke Goos, Ideal gas thermochemical properties of silicon containing inorganic, organic compounds, radicals, and ions, Int J Chem Kinet. 2018;50:633–650, which has been published in final form at This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving. 1 Ideal Gas Thermochemical Properties of Silicon containing Inorganic, Organic Compounds, Radicals and Ions. Alexander Burcat Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion- Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel, and Elke Goos, Institute of Combustion Technology, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR, German Aerospace Center), Pfaffenwaldring 38, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany. ABSTRACT The ideal gas thermochemical properties such as standard heat of formation, entropy and heat capacities of 112 inorganic and 35 organic neutral compounds, radicals and ions containing silicon were calculated using molecular properties obtained with the G3B3 (or G3//B3LYP) method. Among them were linear and cyclic silanes, silenes, hydrocarbonsilanes, fluorine and oxygen containing compounds. Many of their molecular and thermodynamic properties were calculated for the first time and 16 of them had no CAS No. Additionally the thermochemical properties were presented in the NASA 7-term polynomial format for the temperature range of 200 K to 6000 K commonly used in chemical kinetic modeling and simulation programs. The polynomials are available in the supplement to this article free of charge. 2 KEYWORDS Thermodynamic data, Thermochemistry, Thermochemical properties, Heat of formation, Entropy, Enthalpy, Heat capacity, NASA format, Quantum chemical calculation, G3B3 composite approach, Silicon hydride, Silanes, Silicon fluoride, Silicon hydrocarbon, Silicon ions, Silicon compounds, Database INTRODUCTION Silicon containing substances are widely used and important for the mankind.
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