315 T/Ie Punjab Appropriation [ RAJYA SABHA ] (No
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315 T/ie Punjab Appropriation [ RAJYA SABHA ] (No. 2) Bill, 1984 316 Punjab Apropriation (No. 2) Bill, 1984 has been placed before this House lor consideration indicates the state of affairs that is obtaining today in Punjab. Sir, you are aware that under article 356 of the Constitu!io;i, administration of the State of Punjab wns taken over by Ihe President of India, and as a consequence of that pro- clamation and Act made by the President of India, Parliament is benig asked to pass the Punjab Appropriation Bill. As we have seen, since 6th October, 1983, when the President's Rule was imposed in Punjab, the state of affairs which has developed in Punjab has become a national problem. The other day, my esteemed colleague Mr. Darbara Singh had rightly stated that the problem of Punjab was not a problem of Punjab alone; it was a national problem. Sir, in Punjab, when, the Slate administra- tion was taken over by the President of India, it was stated that in order to help overcome the impasse the State was under- going, the imposition of President's Rule was essential. So the State Government was dismissed, though the State Legislative Assembly was not dissolved. Naturally, it was taken for granted, when the State Government was dismissed that the State Government was not capable of handling the situation obtaining at that time. But. after that, we saw a new set of Govern- ors with a new set of advisers, the police directors, etc. All these people were com- missioned for handling the Punjab situa- tion. But what happened in June, 1984? We saw that even the Central administra- tion proved to be ineffective or incapable of handling the situation. And as a result, army operations had to take place. In fact, though this Parliament is being called upon to consider the Punjab Appropriation Bill, there is now virtually Army rule in Pun- jab. The Army is ruling Punjab at pres- ent. The Governor has been changed and the advisers who were commissioned to handle the situation have been changed. So il proves that not only was the State Government incapable of handling the Punjab situation, but the Central Govern- ment was also found to be incapable of handling the situation in conformity with civil rule, with the procedures of civil rule, and army rule had to be imposed there. 217 The Punjab Appropriation I 6 AUG. 1984] (Ao. 2) Bill, 1984 318 Sir, before I deal with this particular the army operation. Their shops were aspect, since the discussion is taking place gutted because of the army operation. Their in connection with the consideration and documents, accounts books, everything approval of the Punjab Appropriation Bill, was destroyed. Their sales-lax re- 1 want to draw the attention of the Gov- cords were destroyed. So they ernment, through you, to a specific aspect made certain proposals to the Government which has direct relevance with the App- in regard to their sales-tax assessments and ropriation Bill. Sir, you are aware and other tax assessments, that the assessments everybody is aware that after the so-called should be made on the basis of the prev- extremist activities had gained momentum, ious records because they cannot produce the Army had to enter the Golden Tem- the present accounts records and that they ple complex and there was a pitched bat- should be granted exemption from payment lie between the extremists and the Army of municipal taxes. They want certain and apart from the people who were killed, concessional rates in regard to facilities the shops and buildings located around like water, electricity and telephone till the Golden Temple complex were des- normalcy is restored. troyed. Recently I had gone to Punjab. 1 had visited Amritsar, the Golden Temple Another point is the Government has complex and other parts of that State. I undertaken a scheme of widening the had met the people, the Army authorities, roads, beautifying the area surrounding the temple priests, the local people, the the Golden Temple Complex, creating sort shopkeepers and the residents who had of a palika bazaar like in Delhi, and so on. suffered losses as a consequence of the But the point is they wanted rehabilitation Army action. Along with other Members at the same place. And till the scheme is of this House and the other House, T had implemented, they want that they should be gone there. And we were told by the given alternative shops and arrangements shopkeepers, by the traders who were do- in certain other areas. They have men- ing the business of trading around the tioned the areas where they wanted alter- Golden Temple complex, that as many as native accommodation. Therefore, when we 500 shops "were destroyed and with the are considering this Appropriation Bill I destruction of 500 shops, as many as 800 should be glad if the honourable Minister families have been denied their normal, re- kindly says something on this aspect. In gular earnings. There are other residents the grants that he has asked for there is also who have suffered losses. They had one item—Rehabilitation, Relief and Reset- met the officials. They had come to Delhi tlement. Parliament voted for Rs. 61,19,000 also. They had submitted a memorandum and nothing has been newly charged on to the Central Government regarding com- the Consolidated Fund of India in this Ap- pensation and ofher things. But only Rs. propriation Bill. I want to know what 5.000 on an ad hoc basis has so far been specific steps the Central Government has given as compensation to those shopkeep- proposed or has taken to deal with this ers. Apart from the compensation, they particular problem, the problem of giving have asked the Central Government to con- compensation and rehabilitating the shop- sider certain aspects in their memorandum keepers and the residents who have suff- and some of the aspects are. that their te- ered losses; they have lost almost every- nancy rights which they earned when thev thing in the army operation in and around got the shops under the Tenancy Act. have the Golden Temple Complex. to be protected. They want protection of their tenancy rights on rehabilitation. Then they want immediate settlement of their I want to say one or two points on the claims for compensation, including insur- Punjab issue as a whole. This House had ance claims. Their insurance claims are the opportunity of discussing the whole being denied. And they want that banks matter in a total perspective. And now we should be advised to give loans to them on again have a chance to discuss this Pun- liberal terms, particularly those shop- jab Appropriation Bill. In fact, this Appro- keepers who have suffered losses during priation Bill should have been considere* 319 The Punjab Appropriation [ RAJYA SABHA ] (No. 2) Bill, 1984 320 [Shri Dipen Ghosh] About Kar Seva 1 am nol going to tell by the State Government. But there is an you what we asked them and what they abnormal situation prevailing there. There- told us. We have seen some scenes in fore. I want to know what steps is the Dramas and films where people do the Government taking to overcome this im- construction work while singing and dan- passe. As 1 have already stated, along cing. In fact what is going on in the with some of my colleagues in this House name of Kar Seva is much cruder than and the other House I visited Punjab only what is seen in Bombay films. Some 25- recently. 1 visited the place. [ talked to people line up; they take one brick each the army authorities. Rather, the army and place them in one place chanting the authorities briefed us on how they faced hymns and while doing so TV people the situation, how they entered the Tem- come and take pictures from behind and ple Complex. We also met the priests. We front. We saw it. I am not going to say met the SGPC. We met the ordinary peo- anything on that because Mr. Darbara ple. We talked to them. We also talked Singh is going to speak. He knows it. to the people who were taking part in the so-called Kar Seva. We met Baba We met Baba Kharak Singh at Dera Kharak Singh whom the SGPC, or for Baba Budha Gurdwara. We talked to him. that matter, the Government also had ear- If the damage caused to Akal Takht in ihe Golden Temple Complex is to be repaired,, lier authorised. to undertake the Kar Seva. through Kar Seva, the Sikh masses should SHRl RAMANAND YADAV (Bihar): he roused.. You have to ensure their parti- Santa Singh. cipation in this movement. To my mind for that purpose Baba Kharak Singh is SHRI DIPEN GHOSH: Baba Kharak the best suited person. You may agree or Singh. We also met- in Jalandhar the disagee. 1 have seen the big hall which was grandson of Lala Jagat Narain who was huill through Kar Seva at the instance of killed and son of Ramesh Chandra who Baba Kharak Singh. About 50.1)00 people was also killed. We have with us the could be accommodated in this hall. People views of the priests, the Akalis, ordinary there told me that this work was comp- people, the Sikhs, the Hindus and the leted within the stipulated time. After saints.... seeing that I came to the conclusion that SHRI RAMANAND YADAV (Bihar): Baba Kharak Singh alone can rouse the Do not complicate the matter further.