Vol. 26, Issue 4 | July/August 2014 Page 4 Cleveland University quick quiz Wanna win big? inVol. 26, Issue 4 | July/August 2014touch It’s fun and easy to play. And you really A newsletter for the students, faculty & staff of Cleveland University-Kansas City don’t need a big brain to win. Just do a little research, either on the Interns volunteer at TMC health fair leveland Chiropractic College Linda Gerdes, community outreach Internet or otherwise, Pe ter Conce again answered the call manager, worked with Moore and Dr. to serve others as a large contingent Debra Robertson-Moore to prepare for and you’ll be well of Clevelanders participated in the 4th the health fair. Although the commit- on your way! Annual Touchdown Family Fest, July 19 ment of time and energy were substan- at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City. tial, the results were worth the effort. Sponsored by Truman Medical Center “There is a lot of time and work in- To enter the “Quick Quiz” (TMC), the day-long event offered free, volved in organizing such a large event,” basic health care services to those in need, Gerdes said. “But when you see all the trivia contest, submit your That’s so totally random. including dental and vision screenings for people you are helping, it makes all the answer either via email to children and adults, as well as adult phys- hard work worth it, and hopefully teaches
[email protected] A little more than nine years ago, we launched the first in a series of “totally random” trivia questions icals and youth sports physicals.