INTRODUCTION I am very pleased to be able to make available the ACBAR Databasefor 1993. This is the sixth year that ACBAR hascompiled a report on NGO activities. This publication, which stretches to some 1200pages in total, has taken considerable time and effort toprepare. It provides a compilation of all the activities (projects) as reported by some 240 mainly Non -Governmental Organizations (NGOs) working forAfghanistan. Whilst the, majority of these agencies are Peshawar based, agency activities are also reported for those located in Islamabad, Quettaand inside Afghanistan. The information is as reported by agencies and ACBARhas no ability to confirm the information provided.However, I am confident that this publication provides as accurate a pictureas possible of activities related to Afghanistan and refugeesover the period to 1993. As a change from previous editions the mainpart of the report covers projects that are: completed, ongoing,discontinued or approved by donors. Proposed and surveyed projects, thathave not as yet been approved for funding by donors,are listed in the Appendix. Refugee programmes, for the first time,are presented in their own volume. The Database is presented in four separate volumes: Volume ILocation - Province/District Volume II Sector Volume III Agency Volume IV Refugees I would like to express my gratitudeto the staff of agencies for providing the data. However,most of all I should thank Mohmmad Ismail Shakir, Khalil- ur- Rehman, Zakir, Shafiq, Shenky Zahery and Sayed Mohammad, staff of theACBAR Programme Office, for all their considerable efforts in putting this together. Theyhave spent considerable time, including theirown free time, to ensure that this publication is well presented and ready withina reasonable period.
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