To Mid-16Th-Century Glass Finds in Moravia

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To Mid-16Th-Century Glass Finds in Moravia REPRINTED FROM JOURNAL OF GLASS STUDIES VOLUME 48 • 2006 Hedvika Sedlácˇková Ninth- to Mid-16th-Century Glass Finds in Moravia Copyright © 2006 by The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, NY 14830-2253 Ninth- to Mid-16th-Century Glass Finds in Moravia Hedvika Sedlácˇková NTIL recently, research on medieval by the limited amount of additional research on glass in Moravia lagged behind that on that subject.3 Domestic glass production devel- Uglass of comparable date in Bohemia, oped in Bohemia in the 13th century, and im- which has been a focus of scholars since the late ports of glass were rare. In the 13th and 14th 1950s. Attention to Moravian glass was direct- centuries, Moravia was supplied with imported ed mainly by Zdenka Himmelová (1942–2001), glass, and domestic glassmaking was not well who published several assemblages from south- established there until the 15th century. It is like- ern Moravian sites.1 However, finds of medie- ly that the first glassworks in Silesia and north- val glass from archeological excavations in Brno ern Moravia were built during the second half were so extensive that Himmelová was able to of the 14th century. publish only some of them.2 She concluded that When I succeeded Himmelová in working glassmaking trends differed in Moravia and Bo- with the collection from Brno, I had already pub- hemia, and that conclusion has been supported lished on medieval and early post-medieval glass Acknowledgments. This article is a result of longtime work lezy skla na moravských opevneˇných sídlech = Archäologische with the medieval glass from Moravia, particularly from Brno, Glasfunde von mährischen befestigten Siedlungen,” Archaeolo­ which was supported by the archeologists Petr Holub, David gia Historica (Brno), v. 19, 1994, pp. 431–436; idem, “Nálezy Merta, Marek Peška, and Rudolf Procházka of the Archaia dutého skla z archeologického výzkumu hradu Melic na Vyškov- Brno, through whose excavations the finds were offered. These sku = Das Hohlglas in den archäologischen Funden von der Burg archeologists also supplied important information on dating. Melice,” in Z praveˇku do strˇedoveˇku: Sborník k 70. Narozeni­ Additional cooperation was provided by the archeologists Dana nám Vladimíra Nekudy, Brno: Muzejní a vlastiveˇdná spolecˇnost, Cejnková and Irena Loskotová at the Brno City Museum, where Moravské zemské muzeum Brno, 1997, pp. 219–224. the material is deposited; the conservators Lea Chatrná and 2. Zdenka Himmelová, “Sklo strˇedoveˇkého Brna = Mittelal- Anna Žáková, who made many reconstructions; and the pho- terliches Glas in Mähren,” Archaeologia Historica (Brno), v. 15, tographer Karel Šabata. In the discussion of finds from Opava 1990, pp. 437–446; idem, “Prˇíspeˇvek k typologii strˇedoveˇkého and the Cvilín castle near Krnov, I was helped by the archeolo- dutého skla (Zusammenfassung),” in Historické sklo, v. 1, Sbor­ gist Markéta Tymonová of the Silesian Museum in Opava. This ník pro deˇjiny skla, Cˇ elákovice: Sklárˇská odborná sekce pro article was translated by Jana Klicˇová and Derek Paton. My deˇjiny skla prˇi Cˇ eské archeologické spolecˇnosti, 1991, pp. 13– thanks to all of them. 16; idem, “Umeˇlecká rˇemesla cˇ. kat. 306–311,” in Od gotiky 1. Zdenka Himmelová, “Nález strˇedoveˇkého dutého skla z k renesanci: Výtvarná kultura Moravy a Slezska 1400–1550, Prˇibic (okr. Brˇeclav) = Ein Fund mittelalterlichen Hohlglases Brno: Moravská galerie v Brneˇ, Muzeum umeˇní Olomouc, 1999, aus Prˇibice (Bez. Brˇeclav),” Archaeologia Historica (Brno), v. 4, pp. 582–583. 1979, pp. 283–285; idem, “Nález okenního skla z Mikulcˇic = 3. Eva Cˇ erná, ed., Strˇedoveˇké sklo v zemích koruny cˇeské. Fund des Fensterglases aus Mikulcˇice,” Jižní Morava (Miku- Katalog výstavy, Most: Ústav archeologické památkové pécˇe lov), v. 23, 1989, pp. 233–239; idem, “Sklo ze zaniklé strˇedoveˇ- SZ Cˇech Most, 1994. Brno: nos. 3, 8–11, 27, 28, 30, 32, 35–39, ké osady Konu˚vky = Glasgegenstände aus der mittelalterlichen 43, 45–47, 52, 74, 77, 84, 129, 130, 133–135, and 141–143; Ortswüstung Konu˚vky,” Acta Musei Moraviae Scientiae Socia­ Jihlava: no. 72. Finds from other localities are not specifically les (Brno), v. 75, 1990, pp. 131–140; idem, “Archeologické ná- identified. 191 FIG. 1. Map showing cities and sites mentioned in the text: (1) Brno, (2) Bílovice nad Svitavou castle (Brno, country district), (3) Buchlov castle (Zlín district), (4) Cimburk castle (Kromeˇrˇíž dis­ trict), (5) Cvilín u Krnova castle (Bruntál district), (6) Cˇejkovice mansion (Hodonín district), (7) Cˇ epicˇka u Tišnova mansion (Brno, country district), (8) Deblín castle (Brno, country district), (9) Divice church at Brumovice (Brˇeclav district), (10) Dolany cloister (Olomouc district), (11) Hra­ nice château, (12) Jihlava, (13) Konu˚vky mansion at Nížkovice (Vyškov district), (14) Koválov vil­ lage settlement at Žabcˇice (Brno, country district), (15) Kromeˇrˇíž, (16) Kulatý Kopec mansion at Žabcˇice (Brno, country district), (17) Lelekovice castle (Brno, country district), (18) Lukov castle (Zlin district), (19) Melice castle at Pustimeˇrˇ (Vyškov district), (20) Mikulcˇice (Hodonín district), (21) Msteˇnice village settlement (Trˇebícˇ district), (22) Msteˇnice mansion (Trˇebícˇ district), (23) Námeˇšt’ na Hané (Olomouc district), (24) Olomouc, (25) Opava, (26) Pohansko fortress at Brˇe­ clavi (Brˇeclav district), (27) Pohansko fortress at Nejdek (Brˇeclav district), (28) Prosteˇjov, (29) Prˇi­ bice cloister (Brˇeclav district), (30) Rokštejn castle (Jihlava district), (31) Rýmarˇov mansion, (32) Smilovo Hradisko castle at Žárovice (Prosteˇjov district), (33) Staré Meˇsto at Uherské Hradišteˇ, (34) Strachotín (Brˇeclav district), (35) Šakvice village settlement (Brˇeclav district), (36) Šternberk castle at Telcˇ (Jihlava district), (37) Tepenec castle at Jívová (Olomouc district), (38) Uherské Hradišteˇ, (39) Vysoká Zahrada at Dolní Veˇstonice (Brˇeclav district), (40) Zelená Hora castle at Pustimeˇrˇ (Vyškov district), and (41) Znojmo castle. finds from central and northern Moravia and view in this article ninth- to mid-16th-century Silesia.4 After a detailed investigation of finds glass found all over Moravia and in part of Si- from 135 features in Brno, including about lesia (Fig. 1). My previous publications on the 2,200 pieces of mainly hollow glass, I will re- Brno collection include a general typology of the 4. Hedvika Sedlácˇková, “Sklo první poloviny 16. století na 441–458; idem, “Strˇedoveˇké sklo z Opavy = Das mittelalterliche Moraveˇ v archeologických nálezech = Mährisches Glas der 1. Glas aus Opava (Troppau),” Památky Archeologické (Prague), Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts in archäologischen Funden,” Pra­ v. 95, 2004, pp. 223–264; idem, “Archeologické nálezy skla veˇk NRˇ (Brno), v. 10, 2000, pp. 163–191; idem, “Gotické sklo z hradu Cvilín u Krnova, okr. Bruntál = Archäologische Glas- na strˇední a severní Moraveˇ v archeologických nálezech = Go- funde auf der Burg Cvilín (Schellenburg) bei Krnov (Jägerndorf), tisches Glas in den archäologischen Funden aus Mittel- und Bezirk Bruntál (Freudental),” Vlastiveˇdný Veˇstník Moravský Nordmähren,” Archaeologia Historica (Brno), v. 26, 2001, pp. (Brno), v. 56, no. 4, 2004, pp. 367–379. 192 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.1 2.3 2.5 FIG. 2. Glass finds from the Great Moravian Empire period. Scale 1:3. glass,5 as well as several important assemblag- Hollow glass from Olomouc is represented by es6 and partial results.7 a tiny fragment from a small, thick-walled vessel made of greenish glass.9 Chemical analysis has Late NINTH TO Late shown that this glass, and that of vessels found 12TH CENTURIES at Mikulcˇice, was made of soda-lime glass.10 A complete beaker was found in 1940 at the Great Moravian Empire Period, Pohansko fortress at Nejdek (Fig. 2.4).11 This about 850–950 (Fig. 2) In the ninth and 10th centuries, Moravia be- 5. Hedvika Sedlácˇková, “Typologie des Glases aus dem 13. und 14. Jahrhundert aus Brünn, Mähren,” Beiträge zur Mittel­ came part of the Great Moravian Empire, which alterarchäologie in Österreich (Vienna), v. 19, 2003, pp. 127– afforded it extensive political, economic, and 138; idem, “Abriss einer Typologie der mittelalterlichen Glas- cultural ties to other European powers. Among importe aus Brno/Brünn, Mähren, Tschechische Republik,” Annales de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre, the imported goods it received at that time were v. 16, London, 2003 (Nottingham, 2005), pp. 237–240. objects made of glass. Most of these were small 6. David Merta, Marek Peška, and Hedvika Sedlácˇková, jewelry items, but there were also supplies of “Prˇíspeˇvek k poznání strˇedoveˇkého skla z Brna = Ein Beitrag zur Erkenntnis mittelalterlichen Glases aus Brno,” Praveˇk NRˇ hollow and window glass. In the fortress at Mi- (Brno), v. 12, 2002, pp. 359–412. kulcˇice, some fragments of several types of glass 7. Hedvika Sedlácˇková, “Skleneˇné šálky: ‘Scheuer’ ve strˇedo- veˇkém Brneˇ = Glastassen: ‘Scheuer’ in mittelalterlichen Brünn,” of Carolingian origin have been found, includ- in Brno v minulosti a dnes (Brno), v. 18, 2005, pp. 461–483. ing at least 13 funnel-shaped beakers of mostly 8. Zdenka Himmelová, “Nálezy skla z Mikulcˇic = Die Glas- greenish glass. Two of these beakers are decorat- funde aus Mikulcˇice,” in Historické sklo, v. 2, Sborník pro deˇ­ jiny skla, Cˇ elákovice: Meˇstské muzeum v Cˇ elákovicích, 2000, ed below the rim with yellow trails (Fig. 2.1 and pp. 85–99. 2). Another form found there is beakers with a 9. Josef Bláha, “Nálezy vitrají a dutého skla z období rané- slightly inturned mouth, one of which is made ho strˇedoveˇku na lokaliteˇ Olomouc: Biskupské námeˇstí cˇ. 1 = Funde des Fenster- und Hohlglases aus dem Frühmittelalter in of blue glass (Fig. 2.3). There is a green beaker Olomouc: Bischofsplatz Nr. 1,” in Historické sklo [note 8], pp. fragment with a white trail, and a fragment of 81–82, fig. B.5. blue glass has an opaque white trail. Another 10. Himmelová [note 8], pp. 88–89, fig. 2.3; Bláha [note 9], p. 81, no. 5. member of this group of hollow glass vessels is 11. Boris Novotný, “Výzkum velkomoravského hradišteˇ ‘Po- the lower part of a green glass lamp.
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