Regional Development Strategy of the Czech Republic 2021+

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Regional Development Strategy of the Czech Republic 2021+ III. Regional Development Strategy of the Czech Republic 2021+ CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTORY METHODOLOGICAL REMARKS ....................................................................................... 3 1.1 GEOGRAPHICAL DELIMITATION OF THE RDS OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................... 7 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE PROPOSAL PART ................................................................................. 14 2 PROBLEM ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................... 17 2.1 EXTRACT FROM THE INITIAL ANALYSIS FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC 2021+ .................................................................................................................................................. 17 2.2 INSTITUTIONAL CONTEXT ............................................................................................................................ 28 2.3 MEGATRENDS .......................................................................................................................................... 29 2.4 MAIN RESULTS OF THE ANALYTICAL BACKGROUND MATERIAL ............................................................................. 32 2.5 PROBLEM TREES ....................................................................................................................................... 39 3 PROPOSAL PART .................................................................................................................................... 67 3.1 VISION ................................................................................................................................................... 67 3.2 GLOBAL OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................................................... 67 3.3 STRATEGIC AND SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES AND TYPE MEASURES................................................................................ 68 4 IMPLEMENTATION PART ...................................................................................................................... 148 4.1 PRINCIPLES OF IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................................... 148 4.2 STRUCTURE OF THE RDS ACTION PLANS ...................................................................................................... 157 4.3 MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES OF THE IMPLEMENTATION ................................................... 159 4.4 CHANGE MANAGEMENT PLAN ................................................................................................................... 164 4.5 RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN ......................................................................................................................... 164 4.6 MONITORING SYSTEM AND EVALUATION PLAN .............................................................................................. 166 4.7 COMMUNICATION PLAN .......................................................................................................................... 170 4.8 SOURCES OF FUNDING: ............................................................................................................................ 171 4.9 IMPLEMENTATION TIMEFRAME .................................................................................................................. 172 4.10 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE RDS ACTION PLANS IN TERMS OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH IMPACTS ...... 173 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................................................................. 176 5 ANNEXES.............................................................................................................................................. 179 1 INTRODUCTORY METHODOLOGICAL REMARKS The ambition of the Regional Development Strategy of the Czech Republic 2021+ (hereinafter referred to as the “RDS”) is to set the main objectives of regional development in the horizon of 7 years, or to define, in accordance with Act No 248/2000 Coll., on regional development support (hereinafter referred to as the “Act on Regional Development Support”), the main objectives of the State's regional policy in the period 2021–20271. We define the regional policy of the central government (hereinafter referred to as the State) as a policy which should regulate the sectoral policies of the State so that they take into account the specifics of the various types of territory (metropolitan areas, agglomerations, regional centres and their rural hinterlands, structurally affected regions, economically and socially vulnerable areas) and which, at the same time, creates its own instruments influencing the development of specific territories. The main purpose of the RDS is to identify which thematic areas need or require a territory-specific approach2, and to define what (different) interventions should be implemented in different territorial contexts so as to promote competitiveness, reduce regional disparities and find solutions promoting sustainable development of the territory. Three test questions have been defined to determine whether a particular topic has a territorial dimension3 and whether the RDS should focus on it. Those questions serve as a guide in deciding whether or not to address a particular topic. However, it is not necessary for all of the three test questions to be answered in the affirmative, i.e. that the topic has both a national scope and territorial specificities for which national-level instruments can be defined. The set test criteria were evaluated in relation to the individual regional development themes at working group meetings. (1) Importance/significance of addressing the topic from the national level. This is a topic that needs to be addressed by national interventions (i.e. it is not a local issue). The purpose of the criterion is to determine the order of significance of the topic. The individual problems/challenges of regional development can be broken down by their impact/importance at least at global, European, national, regional or local level. The RDS is a document produced at national level, and should address problems of national importance. That concerns enhancing the strengths of regions and their development potential, which will strengthen competitiveness and reduce disparities among Regions (“Regions” shall mean hereinafter the administrative units of regional self-government, NUTS 3), for example by promoting business and entrepreneurship in deficit areas. It also concerns developing a knowledge-based economy, especially in territories with the greatest potential for it. 1 The Regional Development Strategy of the Czech Republic 2021+ builds on the Regional Development Strategy of the Czech Republic 2014–2020. 2 Territory-specific approach is understood to mean that policies, programmes or instruments of State intervention (or State regulation) do not treat the whole territory of the Czech Republic identically, but either have different objectives in different territories or are set differently in different territories or can have somewhat different conditions in different territories. 3 The territorial dimension in this sense is not understood as interventions from or through the level of territorial self- government or organized in a certain territory, but in terms of the territory-specific approach described above. 3 Global or European challenges are considered in the RDS only under two prerequisites: (i) they manifest themselves significantly in the Czech Republic (which makes them national themes) and at the same time (ii) manifest themselves differently in the various Czech territories or cause significant inter-regional differences (mainly between Regions). The ambition of the document is not to address global challenges (e.g. eradicating poverty and hunger, ensuring the availability of sanitation facilities). Such challenges are the subject of strategic documents drawn up, for example, at the United Nations level. Similarly, it is not the ambition of the document to solve problems of a local nature (e.g. problems connected with a departing employer, which reduces the number of jobs in one region). Such problems should be addressed in Regional or municipal strategic documents. (2) The topic has certain territorial specificities (a different solution is needed in different territorial contexts) or it has different territorial consequences (i.e. an intervention carried out from the national level will manifest itself differently in different types of territory, or the national intervention must be designed so as to achieve different goals in different territories). The RDS is not an overarching document setting out the desirable development of the Czech Republic in all areas. It is a document that defines in which areas/topics it is appropriate to apply different instruments in different territorial contexts (i.e. territorial specificities) and which national sectoral policies are to have different territorial implications and need the territorial dimension to be integrated into them. The RDS defines the territory-specific objectives and presents the instruments either in the form of type measures, or indicates that they must be designed and formulated with respect to the territory-specific objectives. An example of different
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