Immigration under Labour Edited by Tim Finch and David Goodhart A collection of essays featuring: • Rob Ford • Don Flynn • Will Somerville • Matt Cavanagh • Ed Owen • Phil Woolas • Barbara Roche • Arten Llazari • Sarah Spencer • Greg Thomson • Claude Moraes • Jon Cruddas • John Denham • Shamit Saggar About ippr The Institute for Public Policy Research (ippr) is the UK’s leading progressive think tank, producing cutting-edge research and innovative policy ideas for a just, democratic and sustainable world. Since 1988, we have been at the forefront of progressive debate and policymaking in the UK. Through our independent research and analysis we define new agendas for change and provide practical solutions to challenges across the full range of public policy issues. With offices in both London and Newcastle, we ensure our outlook is as broad-based as possible, while our international work extends our partnerships and influence beyond the UK, giving us a truly world-class reputation for high-quality research. ippr, 13–14 Buckingham Street, London WC2N 6DF +44 (0)20 7470 6100 •
[email protected] • Registered charity no. 800065 This collection first published in November 2010. © 2010 The contents and opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors only. About Prospect Prospect was founded in 1995. It now has a circulation of more than 30,000 and is Britain’s fastest growing current affairs magazine. Prospect, 2 Bloomsbury Place, London WC1A 2QA +44 (0)20 7255 1281 • Acknowledgments The editors wish to record special thanks to the public services union UNISON for supporting the publication of these contributions to the immigration debate.