Yorkshire and Humber Route Utilisation Strategy Draft for Consultation Foreword
Yorkshire and Humber Route Utilisation Strategy Draft for Consultation Foreword It is a pleasure to introduce the Route The additional capacity provided at Leeds in Utilisation Strategy (RUS) for Yorkshire and the last five years has already been largely Humber. This RUS, like the previous ones, used up as a result of the growth in demand, sets out the strategic vision for the future of and the RUS identifies the best solution for a particular part of the rail network. the next decade as being the introduction of more short distance cross-Leeds services in The network in Yorkshire and Humber is the peak. It proposes an additional service incredibly diverse, with heavily used services each hour between Leeds and Manchester, and fast-growing demand into the larger cities as well as some journey time improvements. such as Leeds and Sheffield and across the Additionally, the proposal in the East Coast Pennines to Manchester. There is a great Main Line RUS to introduce a regular clock- deal of freight traffic, particularly to and from face timetable should assist considerably the ports. By contrast, some rural parts of the in terms of both local and “east to network are relatively lightly used. west” services. A number of generic gaps have been Further into the future we can expect to see identified. These include the need for further journey time improvements between additional capacity at peak hours for Leeds and Manchester, between Leeds and commuters into the cities and in the core Sheffield, between Sheffield and Manchester, Leeds to Manchester corridor; the need to and between Bradford and Manchester.
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