I{ORTHWEST CHESS WashingtonChess Federation April2007 407 $3.95 OregonChess Federation {Citarnpiwrshlr DonaldsotrrKoons Tie in Collyer Memorial LeapinoLeprechautrsr Pupols{ollyer and More! Ifyor'dlikeyon gamesanncatodbyasenic NorthwestChess master,send them to our GamesEditor: HapWHolidaysfrom April2007,\blume 6l,4Issue 706 lM CtuckSchulien theEffior ISSNPublication 0146.494l
[email protected] Prrbli$cdnodly by tte Northrcc CtcosBoard. OF is. Subscriotion Information Well,this l6-page fc of rcoord:2420 S 137$t, ScadeWA98l6t. printer NorthwcstCtcss is a benefitof mernbcrshiph sueis ofrto the at FOSTMASTER: SendAddress Changes to: eitherthe Oregonor WashingtonChess Fedcra- aneady date (April 3),htr Iferit'sardhslatrdsh tr Norfrr,€d Checs,PO Bpixld/il46, tions. Adult duesare $25; Juniorducs (undcr Etrtor's Scde WA 9t124.5o46. 20)are $17 (or $10for six months).Please s€od efforr Udortunalely,if I Dcslh Faiodicalr Pocage Paid at Seafilei WA dues,along wilt pcrtinoilinformation to: took onenore dayto im- USPS Fiodicds podrge p€rnil nd€r (O422-39O) BusinessMouger prwe th issE, it woild NwC Snf Northwest Cherg takeone more week to gstto tb print€r,as Eric Holcomb I an ftyiag ofrto Foxqoodsand Carolis Editor: Fred Kleist PMB 342, 12932SE Kent-KangleyRd leadingtheSCC Team toReno. GamesEditor: FM Chuck Schulien Kent WA 98030-7940 your Technical Assistanoe:Russell Mller
[email protected] Yes,I still will need inpuqso keep Printer: Snohomishhrblishing hup:/ftvww.nwchess.oom onwritingthose articles andkeep thosepic- Busims lvfanager:Eric Holcomb turesooming! Boud Representatives BestWishes, Orregon:Clart tlarmon Northwest Grend Prix K. Kltr4l & Dave Yoshinaga Administrttor Fat*n;* Thanlcsto R. Mlllorlbr u,ofiig m the cmestablea. Washington:Geofr Ciale& rvbrner MulinVarner Murlin Thanksb C.