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RU041 0001 Al RU041 0001 A i I Aj I Tol; I Al DISCLAIMER Images are produced from the best available original document, nevertheless portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Disclaimer Please be aware that all missing pages were supposed to be blank. ORGANIZERS Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Division of Cemistry ad Material Sciences Researc Cuncil Oil Organic ad Or-anoelenient Cenlistly AX Nesrnevario, Institute of Organoelerrient Compounds N.D. elinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry N.S. Kurnakm Istitute of General and Inorganic Cemistry Institute for Physical Chemistry of Ceramics M.V. Lomoiiosov iMoscow State University St"ite ScIcimfic-Research Istitute of Cliernisti- ad Technology of Organoelerrient Compounds ,,VIAM, State Research Center SPONSORS I U PAC U N ESCO Ministry of Industry, Science ad Technology of te Russian Federation RLISSIaii Foundation for Basic Research BORAX Europe Ltd. AV!;'WOR OAO WELCOME TO IMEBORON XI Dear Colleazues, Welcome to the XIth International Conference onBoron Chemistry in Moscow. Boron Chemistry as a connecting bridge between many fields aintains one of the leading positions in modem chemistry. This is reflected both y an ncreasing number of publications on organoboron, carborane and metallacarborane chemistry and a lot of boron conferences of International, European and National formats. We feel very much honored that the MEBORON XI, the first Iternational Conference on Boron Chemistry in the XXI Century, will be held in Moscow, te Capital of the Russian Federation. This Moscow Conference will take place in the conference halls (the Red and Blue oes) of te main building Of th Rsian Academy of Sciences, 32a, Lemnsky prospect, 3 d floor. T ivited 35 inutes long) and contributed 20 minutes Iona) lectures will poceed in two parallel sessions A and B. There will be two poster sessions displaved i te Foyer near te Lecture Halls. Soft drinks, coffee and tea will be aailable in the fovc- dUrin, tile breaks. For all participants, lunches will be served at the restaurant ofth sme building. The OraanizinL Cornmi tr c e rrABLE OF CONTENT'S GENERAL INFORMATION Introduction B I E130RON Sites Reuistration desk Participants' badges Alail and ',Nlessages Telephones Lunches Ack-nowleduements Internationai Committee Oroanizinc, Committee NationalAdvisory Committee SOCIAL EVENTS AND ACCOMPANYING PERSONS' PROGRAMME SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME Oral pogramme Posters LOCAL MAP GENERAL INFORMATION Introduction The IMEBORON-XI conference on Boron Chemistry is sponsored by 1UPAC, UNESCO, Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, Rssian Academy of Sciences, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, JSC Aviabor" and Borax Erope Ltd., and takes place at the Main Buildin- of the Russian Academy of Sciences from Monday 29 July to Friday 2 August 2002 wth participants foregathering on Jly 28. Imeboron Sites I Castle Liblice near Prague,Czechoslovakia Jaromir Pleek 11 Leeds Egland Norman N. Greenwood III Munich d Eltal, Gcrinan-v Heinrich N6th IV Salt Lake City ad Snoi-bird, US.4 Robert W. Parry V Swansea, fVales, United Kin-doni Andrew Pelter VI Bechyne ear Tabor Cechoslovakia Bohumil Stibr VII Torlin, Poland Marek Zaidle,vicz VIII Knovville, Tennessee. USA George W. Kabalka IX Heidelbero, Germanv Walter Sebert Durhani, United Kin-dom Kenneth Wade XI -Afoscoit%Russian Federation Yuri BLibnov Reoistrationt, desk The ain Re-istration desk is situated in te foyer of the A. N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelemen Cmpounds, 28, Vavilov St. (Moscow). The scientific sessions (A and B) will be eld at the conference halls of the Russian Academy of Sciences ain building P floor, 32a Leninsky prospect, Moscow). At the sarne place posters are been,, ounted. The Registration desk will be open from 200 till 22.00 on Sunday 28 July. Pai-ticipants' badges6 Clippin-on bad2es have been sued for all participants and accompanvingpersons. Participants are kindl rquested to war their bad-es troughout the rneeting. For the purposes of easy identification h folio" ng colour scheme is being used: "Iclilv arlicipants Blue .-h collipani i- PerSons ffinte C0117121ittee Green Assistants Red Nlail and Messages To all participants, letters ShOUld be addressed to the irldividual: VNIEBORON XI A. N. Nesinevanov Institute of Organoelernent Compounds Vavilov Street 28, 119991 Moscow V-334, GSP-1, Russian Federation E-rnail: hneboron( Telephones There re card-operated elephones. for outgoing calls. available in hotels and postoffices. Cards for the [P tclephony are also available. Lunches Lunches, admissions to which is uovemed bv TICKET ONLY. will take lace nthe res'MUratit f the Main bi-111dinLy of the RAS. Acknowledgements The Organizing Committee extend thanks to the Russian Academy of Sciences or providing the Conference with comfortable halls in the Main Buildin- of the RAS and all the Oruanizers and sponsors for the prolific partnership. International Committee V. 1. Bregadze (Russia) H. N6th (Germany) H. C. Brown (USA) P. Paetzold (Germany) Yu. N. Bubnov (Russia) A. Pelter (UK) R. Contreras (Mexico) S. G. Shore (USA) Y. Do (Korea) W. Siebert Germany) N. N. Greenwood (UK) B. tibr (Czech Rep.) R. N. Grimes (USA) A. Suzuki Japan) M. F. Hawthorne (USA) F. Teixidor Spain) G. W. Kabalka (USA) K. Wade (UK) W. N. Lipscomb (USA) Y. Yamamoto Japan) M. Zaidlewicz Poland) Organizingt5 Committee Yurii N. Bubnov Chairman. L,%,'EOS R IS Vladimir 1. Bregadze Vice-chairman. NEOS RS Pyotr M. Valetsky Vice-chairman. NEOS RS Valentina A. 01'shevskaya Secretai-v. LVEOS PNS loor T. Chizhevsky INEOS R,-I S Vladimir A. Dorokhov i0c RAS Mikhail E. Gursky 10C RAS Valerii N. Kalinin INEOS RAS Alexander R. Kudinov INEOS RA S Larisa A. Leites INE,0) RA S Dmitril G. Pershin IOC RAS N.itional Advisory Committee Yti. N. Btibnov V. 1.Bregadze E. N. Kablov K. A. SoIntsev N. T. KLIznetsov P. A. Storozheriko V. V. Lumn P. M. Valetsky 0 M Nefedov V. V. Volkov G. F. Teresliclienko IL. Zakharkin 6 SOCIAL EVENTS Sunday 28 July 19.00-22.00 Reception for the participants at A. N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds of the RAS. Wednesday 31 July 13.00 Informal sightsecing tour around Moscow: "Kolomenskoye" Reservation-Museum, a boat trip along the Moskva-river. Buses will depart frorn the "Sputnik"-hotel at 13.00. The excursion includes dinner at the 'Sputnik"-hot,21. Thursday I August 18.00 Conference Dinner. ACCOMPANYING PERSONS'PROGRAMME Following Tours are suggested for accompanying persons to attend: lt7 - In a) Moscow Sightsecing b) The State Armoury Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin c) The State Tretyakov Gallerv SCIEN rrIFIC PROGRAMME: 1 Ivited and contributed lectures JuIN7 29, Nonday 9.00 Opening Ceremony Introductorv remarks: Yu. Bubnov, Chairman IMEBORON Xi Remarks on WPAC Meetin-s: Deleoate, nternational Union of Pure ad Applied Cemistry Chairman: R. E. Williams 9.-)o [B-I V.N. Kalinin: "Prof. Leonid 1. Zakharkin's contribution o he carborane chemistry" IA-I M. Frederick awthorne: "Further ad\ ances at the iterface of boron and carbo cemistries" 10.30 Coffee-Tea 11.00 IA-2 Ken Wadt-: -Evoiving patterns in boron cluster chemism a reassessment of some old oeneralizations" I.-, I B-2 Botiumil Stibr: "NeNN t\pes of carboranes and phosphacarboranes" 12.10 Lunch Chaii-lnaiv P. Paetzold Chaii-nian.-M. ZaIdlewich 14.00 IA-3 kk . Siebert: -Polvboranes. carboranes and - B-3 Geor-e W Kabalka: The use of oroanoboron heteroboranes" halides in or-anic snthesis" 14.3 5 CA-] Robert Greatrex: -Cluster fluxionality and CB-I flya D. Gridnev: "Search for intermediates in rearrangement in ten-vertex closo the catalytic hdroboration with QUINAP and dicarbaborane sstems" QUINAPO liands" 45 CA-2 T. JelineL: "Prouress in the chemistry of eght CB-2 Vladimir Gevor-yan: "Novel applications of and nine-vertex nonocarbaborane anions" perfluorinated arylboron catalystsin organic synthesis" 15.15 Coffee-Tea Coffee-Tea 15.45 Posters Posters 8 July 3, Tuesdav Chairman: L. Barton Chairmaw G. W. Kabalka 9.00 IA-4 John D. Kennedv: Intramolecular and I B-4 Donald S. atteson: -Ne% s% mmoric syntheses supramole-cular cluster interactions" with boronic esters and fluorohorancs" 9.35 CA-3 Mamoru Shimoi: "Reactivity of the cluster CB-3 Hirovuki Nakamura: --Synthesis and hiolo-ical core of ruthenaboranes toward phosphorus evaluation of boron containing EGI R protein compounds" tyrosine kinase inhibitors" 9.55 CA-4 Youngkyu Do: "Luminescence of roup 4 CB-4 V. A. Ponomarev: and (R)-(-)-2-methyl- metal carborane complexes" 1-boraadamantanes" 10.15 Coffee-Tea Coffee-Tea Chairman: W. Siebert Chairman: Y. Endo 10.45 IA-5 Narayan S. Hosmane: "Recent advances in I B-5 Marek Zaicllekicz: "Enolboration of conjugated the chemistry of carboranes and ketones. synthesis of boronic acids, and P-ainino metallacarboranes" alcohols" 120 CA-5 Alexander V. Safronov: Closo- CB-5 Victor A. Bratisev: Sulphur introduction into iridacarboranes ith carbocclic ligands a B 2H 1,2 by [(NH,),CSjCL- - a nev halogen- new one-pot synthetic procedure" like lectrophilic aoent" 11.40 CA-6 B. GrUner: -Ncw functionalized cobalta- CB-6 Stefan SjOberg: Radioli-flogenated polyhedral bis(dicarbollide)(I-) ions" boron clusters or use i tar-eted oncolo(Ocal nuclide therapC 12.00 Lunch Lunch Chairnian: N. S. Hosmane Chairman.- D. E. ,11LIfniann 14.00 IA-6 Alan J Welch: Supraicosahedral I B-6 P. VeeraraLhaan amachandran: -S,,ritheses of (metalia)carboranes" biological] acti%e olecules ia or-anoboranes" 14.35 CA-7 Yasuro Kawano: Borl complexes and CB-7 Andreas Franken: ar-,lated [clo.s-o-l- cationic borane a complexes of manganese: CBIH,2] -and [closo I C Bj I anions" heterolytic clewage of the metal- coordinated B-H (Ybond" 14.55 CA-8 B. Brellochs: -Snthesis of new CB-8 V.A. 01'shevskava: -Boron-containing hydroxylated LOSo-dodecaborates BH,,- porphyrins a ne\v snthetic anproach" n(OH),,2-" 15.15 Coffee-Tea Coffee-Tea 15.45 IA-7 Zuowei Xie: "Arachno-carborane anions and I B-7 A.
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