Travelling by airplane to

Travelling by airplane to Aarhus takes 1-5 hours from most places in Europa.

You can find flight destinations to Aarhus Airport, but also to , , and , from all of witch it is relatively easy to get to Aarhus. Traveling in is never for very long distances.

Information about the airports:

Aarhus Airport:

Aarhus Airport is in Tirstrup, 43 km north-east of the city.

Direct connections from: Stockholm, Oslo, Goteborg, London and Copenhagen.

An airport bus runs between the airport and the railway station in Aarhus, meeting all major flights. (50 minutes) Se more at:

Billund Airport:

Billund Airport is located 100 km south-west of Aarhus.

Several direct flight connections go to Billund. Check destination map :

Bus 912X and 913X runs between the airport and Aarhus bus station. (Traveling time 1 hour and 45 minutes). Find the bus schedule at:

Aalborg Airport:

Aalborg Airport is located 100 km north of Aarhus.

Direct connections from: Amsterdam, Barcelona, Frankfurt, London, Oslo and Copenhagen.

You have to catch a bus to Aalborg train station and then train to Aarhus train station. (Traveling time bus + train approx. 1½-2 hours). A cap to Aalborg train station is convenient and costs 25-30 euro.

Find travelling information on:

Copenhagen Airport:

Copenhagen Airport is located 180 km east of Aarhus (300 km by car).

All international and national connections.

It is very convenient to travel from Copenhagen Airport to Aarhus City by train. The train leaves directly from the arrival hall in the airport (this is also where you buy tickets) (approx. 3½ hours). Buses are also convenient (and cheaper) Buses also leaves from Copenhagen airport (Bus no. 888). Find travelling information at:

As an alternative you can take the domestic flights to Aarhus Airport (SAS). (Leaves seven times daily).