Pubbe ca katapuññata, to be endowed with merits accrued in the past; this is the way to auspiciousness.

Established 1914

Volume XII, Number 101 11th Waxing of Second Waso 1366 ME Tuesday, 27 July, 2004 General Khin Nyunt receives officials of Fritz Werner Industries (Germany) , 26 July — Prime Minister General Minister were Minister for Foreign affairs U Win Khin Nyunt received Mr PD Christ, Sale Direc- Aung, Deputy Minister U Khin Maung Win, tor, Fritz Werner Industries (Germany) and Mr B Deputy Minister for Industry-2 Lt-Col Bieger, Representative, Fritz Werner Industries Khin Maung Kyaw, Director-General of the (Yangon Branch) at Zeyathiri Beikman, Prime Minister’s Office U Soe Tint and Director- Konmyinttha here this evening. General of Protocol Department Thura U Aung Also present at the call together with the Prime Htet. — MNA

Union of Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt greets Mr PD Christ, Sale Director, Fritz Werner Industries (Germany) at Zeyathiri Beikman, Konmyinttha.—MNA

At a time when friendship and cooperation between Myanmar and the People’s Republic of are in the process of rapid development, Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt’s visit to the PRC had been able to promote the existing Paukphaw friendship to fraternal relations. During the Prime Minister’s recent visit to the PRC, prospects for enhancing cooperation in energy, hydroelectric power, mining, industrial, transport, communications and agricultural sectors were sought. PM calls for constant contact, coordination between Myanmar and PRC officials for speedy implementation of agreements

YANGON, 26 July—Prime ment Council Office, heads of able to promote Paukphaw added that he met Premier Mr Minister of the Union of department and others. In his friendship already put in place Wen Jiabao two times, one Myanmar General Khin address, Prime Minister Gen- to fraternal relations, he said. private meeting and other Nyunt attended a coordina- eral Khin Nyunt said that he During his visit to the PRC, working meeting, discussed tion meeting on implemen- paid a goodwill visit to the he met President Mr Hu matters related to boosting bi- tation of agreements be- People’s Republic of China in Jintao, Premier Mr Wen lateral cooperation in all tween the Union of July 2004; that although the Jiabao, Chairman of the Na- spheres. The meetings have Myanmar and the People’s trip is a goodwill one, matters tional People’s Congress of been able to pave the way for Republic of China and Co- related to economic coopera- China Mr Wu Bangguo and further enhancing cooperation operation held at the tion were coordinated during member of the Standing Com- in energy, hydroelectric Zeyathiri Beikman on the trip. As friendship and co- mittee of the Political Bureau power, mining, industrial, Konmyinttha here at 4 pm operation between the two na- Mr Luo Gan, and discussed transport, communications today and made a speech on tions is making progress with matters related to friendship and agricultural sectors, he the occasion. added momentum, his good- and cooperation between the said. Also present on the occa- will visit to the PRC has been two nation, he disclosed. He (See page 9) sion were the ministers, the deputy ministers, officials of Constant efforts are to be made for successful realiza- the State Peace and Develop- tion of agreements and MoUs on cooperation between General Khin Nyunt addresses coordination meeting on implementation of agreements Myanmar and PRC. between Myanmar and China on Border Areas Management and Cooperation.—MNA INSIDE Perspectives Towards speedy emergence of special industrial park (Page 2) Article Extended transport facilities for further development of border areas (Page 10) Poem Want Mother to see (Page 11)

Emergence of the State Constitution is the duty of all citizens of Myanmar Naing-Ngan. 2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 27 July, 2004 PERSPECTIVES People’s Desire Tuesday, 27 July, 2004 * Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views * Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation Towards speedy emergence * Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State of special industrial park * Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy The State Peace and Development Council has been putting its energies into the task of building a peaceful, modern and developed nation. Fully aware of the fact that industrial development plays a pivotal role in building a modern and developed nation, the Government, since its assumption of the State responsibilities, has been setting up industrial zones the length and breadth of the nation. So far, there has been a total of 19 industrial zones, including Shwepyitha, Hlinethaya, South Dagon, Shwepaukkan and Yangon industrial zones in satellite towns around Yangon. Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt and party, during their recent goodwill visit to the People’s Republic of China, paid special atten- tion to the study of flourishing industrial zones there. The Prime Minister and ministers accompanying him had had opportunities of discussing ways and means for Myanmar’s industrial development with Chinese leaders, state-level officials and personnel in charge of industrial zones. Kachin State USDA Secretary U Rawam Jon presents K 7 million donated by USDA Headquarters to Talawgyi Village-tract PDC Chairman U San Tun and party. (News on page 11) —˚MNA A coordination meeting on the construc- tion of the Special Industrial Park (Thanlyin- Kyauktan) being implemented by the Depart- 9th ISD Karatedo ment of Human Settlement and Housing Tournament commences Development was held at the Thanlyin- Kyauktan Industrial Zone Management Office YANGON, 26 July — The and Han Myanmar Electronic 9th Inter-State/Division Managing Director Dr San on Yangon-Thanlyin-Kyauktan Road on 25 Karatedo Tournament 2004 Naing donated K 3 million July and it was attended by Prime Minister commenced today at Aung each to MKF, and Metropoli- General Khin Nyunt. San Stadium. It was attended tan Industry Co Ltd Manag- In his address on the occasion, the Prime by Myanmar Olympic Com- ing Director U Khin Htwe and Minister said that, as Thanlyin-Kyauktan was mittee General Secretary Soe Moe Kyaw Lottery Shop Sports and Physical Educa- a region where a seaport can be built, the owner U Myo Thant, tion Department Director- K 500,000 and K 400,000 re- Thanlyin-Kyauktan Industrial Zone Project General U Thaung Htaik, of- spectively. Dr Ye Naing Win was being implemented to establish an indus- ficials, Myanmar Karatedo accepted the donations. Dr Ye Federation President Dr Ye trial zone with foreign investment and trans- Naing Win also presented Naing Win and executives, port electricity and water supply needed for awards to Myanmar team, members of the panel of lead- which secured second prize in the emergence of an international-standard ing patrons of the Myanmar industrial zone had been fulfilled. And he added Women Sports Federation, the sixth Asia Karatedo Tour- that the systematic flourishing of industrial and others. nament held in China in Feb- ruary. zones was very important for the economy of Donations were also A total of 165 athletes the State as rapid economic progress would be made on the occasion. Kyawzeya Telecommunica- from 13 states and divisions possible only with industrial development. Secretary-2 Lt-Gen accepts K 7,536,000 for tion Services Co Ltd Manag- are taking part in the 9th flood victims donated by officials of Kachin State There is a favourable environment for karatedo tournament. — MNA ing Director Dr Naing Win MCWA. (News on page 16) — MNA development of industries of international standard in the Thanlyin-Kyauktan Industrial Myanmar Golf Tour 2004 to be held Park. Therefore, measures are being taken for YANGON, Myanmar Pte-Ltd, was held aging Director Mr Arend answered the quarries raised the emergence of a special industrial park 26 July — A at Sedona Hotel here this af- Ng gave a speech explain- by those present and the through a master plan. press confer- ternoon. ing their objective in sup- press briefing came to an We would like to urge all those responsible ence on hold- First, President of porting the tour and men- end. It was also attended by to work in concert with one another for speedy ing Myanma MPGA and MGF U Win tioning the venues of the General Secretary U Aung emergence of a special industrial park in Golf Tour- Hlaing presented the sched- tour event. Next, General Kyi and executives of MGF, Thanlyin-Kyauktan region. 2004, organ- ule of this year’s tour and Manager of Myanmar PGA Managing Director Col Soe ized by expressed thanks to sponsor U Chan Han explained Win of NPE, local and for- MPGA and MGF President U Win Hlaing addresses Myanmar Golf Federation companies. Next, on behalf launching of the tour. eign journalists, officials the press conference on organizing Myanmar Golf and mainly sponsored by of Rothmans of Pall Mall After U Win Hlaing, from sponsor companies Tour 2004. — MNA Rothmans of Pall Mall Myanmar Pte-Ltd, its Man- U Chan Han and officials and guests. The tour will be launched at venues in Mandalay, Monywa, Bagan, Taunggyi, Myeik and Bago. Handsome prizes are to be presented. The Co-sponsors are Air Mandalay, Tiger Beer, Alpine Drinking Water, Htoo Trading, K.M Golf Centre, Maruman, Tour Stage, Spixon, Wilson, Grand-slam (Musing wear), Accel International Co Ltd, Sedona Hotel (Mandalay), Sunfar Travels Tour and Han Event Management. MNA

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 27 July, 2004 3

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Iran rebels say US-led coalition has

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PARIS, 25 July— Iran’s main armed opposition group said that the US-led coalition had granted its militants in Iraq protected status, despite its listing as a terrorist organization by both Washington and its key allies. Islamic group warns Italy The National Council of Convention. nated National Council. dogs have called on the coa- Resistance of Iran said it had “It is a very significant Iran has been pushing for lition not to hand over the over Iraq -Web statement received notification from step because the Iranian re- repatriation of the several fighters to an uncertain fate coalition commanders that gime has been demanding thousand Mujahedeen fight- at the hands of their archfoes DUBAI, 25 July—An Islamist group in a purported People’s Mujahedeen fight- for the past year the People’s ers under US military guard in Tehran. Internet statement on Monday issued a new threat to ers who have been confined Mujahedeen be handed back, at Camp Ashraf northeast of The People’s Mujahe- attack Italy if Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi does not to camp in Iraq since last which would obviously put Baghdad, and last Decem- deen set up base in Iraq in withdraw troops from Iraq. year’s US-led invasion had their lives in danger,” said ber Iraq’s coalition-installed 1986 and carried out regular “This is a warning to the Italian government which has been accorded recognition as Farid Sulimani, a member of interim leadership voted cross-border raids into Iran, given itself to serving the criminal American crusade to protected non-combattants the foreign affairs commit- unanimously to expel them. with which Iraq fought a follow the example of others and leave Iraq,” said the under the fourth Geneva tee of the Mujahedeen-domi- But human rights watch- bloody war between 1980 statement signed by the Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades. and 1988. “If not, we will speak in the language of blood and shake Several thousand the earth everywhere in your depths,” the statement, dated Mujahedeen militiamen July 26, added. were disarmed by US forces “To the vile Berlusconi, if you don’t hear this warning, following the fall of Presi- we’ll make you hear it in Rome... We give you only a few dent Saddam Hussein re- days, Berlusconi, before we make you see what will not gime in April 2003 and please you.” barred from undertaking Islamist militants have regularly threatened to target military operations. Italy as part of their war on the United States and its allies. Their fate has been a But the warnings have increased this month. prickly question for Wash- The same site on Saturday carried a statement signed by ington as it prosecutes its another group claiming to be a branch of al Qaeda in Europe worldwide war on terror, which warned Italy and Australia of “columns of rigged since the group is listed as a cars” if they did not pull troops out of Iraq. terrorist organization by both Australian Prime Minister John Howard said on Mon- the US State Department and day he would ignore the threats. the European Union . “We will not parlay and negotiate with terrorists and I The National Council believe the overwhelming majority of the Australian public statement said that the coali- will agree with us,” said Howard, who sent 2,000 troops to tion had undertaken to pro- the US-led war on Iraq. vide continued protection for A statement posted on the Internet earlier this month in the Mujahedeen fighters at the name of the Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades — which A badly wounded Iraqi police officer is rushed into al-Yarmouk hospital after he was Camp Ashraf. claims links to al Qaeda — has warned of a “bloodbath like shot in a firefight in the capital Baghdad, on 24 July, 2004. —INTERNET While recognition as pro- September 11” if Berlusconi remained in power. tected individuals removes Berlusconi, a close US ally, backed last year’s invasion Iraq hostage crisis spirals; controls on the fighters’ to overthrow Saddam Hussein and Italy has around 2,700 movement, potentially al- troops in Iraq. lowing them to emigrate to The Philippines withdrew troops from Iraq this month to clashes north of Baghdad third countries, Sulimani said save the life of a Filipino hostage. It joined Spain, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Honduras which ear- BAGHDAD, 25 July— Two Pakistanis working for a Kuwait-based company were all were likely to stay as they wanted to remain close to lier quit what once was a 34-nation US-led coalition. feared kidnapped on Sunday as Iraq hostage crisis deepened, with at least 22 countries Internet affected by the wave of abductions. Iran. —Internet Fighting also raged north of Baghdad, as he left a Baghdad mosque on Friday. Most where Iraqi security forces killed 13 sus- of those kidnapped so far have been drivers. Japan to welcome Chinese tourists from more areas pected guerillas after coming under fire Abductions have sharply increased since TOKYO, 25 July — Japan and Liaoning provinces, Japan” campaign, Hosoda from mortars and rocket-propelled grenades April, when several dozen people were seized is to remove its visa restric- plus Tianjin Municipality, said. In lifting a ban on group while providing security to US forces dur- in one month. Around 60 people have been tions on Chinese tourists to in addition to those allowed trips by Chinese tourists in ing a raid near the town of Baquba. taken hostage since then, officials say. allow group tours from more already from Beijing, September 2000, visas were Pakistan said the two missing nationals, Although most have since been freed, at areas from September 15, top Shanghai and granted only to groups from an engineer and a driver believed to be least six have been killed — four of them by government spokesman Province. municipalities of Beijing, working for the al-Tamimi Group, van- beheading — and on at least two occasions Hiroyuki Hosoda said Fri- The measure is expected Shanghai and Guangdong ished on Friday as they drove toward Bagh- the hostage-takers’ demands have been met, day. to help increase the number Province. According to gov- dad. a move that may be fueling the surge in Japan and China agreed of foreign tourists to Japan ernment statistics, the “We are trying to find out the details. It abductions. last month that Japan will in line with the government’s number of tourists to Japan is feared they have been kidnapped,” a In the clashes north of Baghdad, US issue 15-day visas for the target of doubling the number from these three areas is now Foreign Office spokesman said. “We will army Major Neal O’Brien said fighting broke first time to tourists from to 10 million during the dec- more than 30,000 annually. try our best to get them released if they are out as US troops raided farms near the town Zhejiang, Fujian, Shandong ade to 2010 under its “Visit MNA/Xinhua kidnapped.” of Buhriz, 60 km (35 miles) north of Bagh- Over the past 15 months, nationals from dad, a hotbed of rebel activity in recent nearly two dozen countries have been kid- months. napped in Iraq, sometimes by criminal A doctor in Baquba said one Iraqi was gangs, but increasingly by militants seek- killed and nine wounded. O’Brien said the ing to put pressure on governments and fighting lasted nearly an hour and US artil- foreign companies to pull out of the coun- lery batteries were used to help suppress try. mortar fire from insurgents. He said no In a step up in sophistication for mili- Iraqi security forces or US soldiers were tants, a senior Egyptian diplomat was seized wounded.—Internet 10-part TV serial on Deng’s life to telecast BEIJING, 25 July — A 10-part TV serial on the life of Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997) will be telecast across the country to mark the 100th anniversary of the late leader, known as the Chief Architect of China’s reform, opening and modernization. The TV serial was jointly shot by the contains interviews of scholars, Deng’s rela- Documents and Files Research Institute of tives and others familiar with the leader. the Communist Party of China (CPC) Cen- Quite a lot of documents and photos in tral Committee and the Publicity Depart- the TV serial have not been made public ment of the provincial CPC committee of before, Wei said. Hunan Province. Beginning July 26, the TV film will be According to Wei Jikui, chief director, displayed by Hunan Television’s satellite the TV documentary tries to reflect Deng’s channel and more than 20 other TV stations US Army 1st Infantry Division soldiers break down a door while searching a school in life experience in a truthful way. The film throughout China.—MNA/Xinhua Baqouba, Iraq, on a night mission on 25 July , 2004.—INTERNET

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 27 July, 2004

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Pinoy workers in Iraq may lose jobs ¢


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AGHDAD ¥ B , 26 July—American and British companies implementing reconstruction projects in Iraq may have ¤ to terminate the contracts of some 4,100 Filipino workers owing to Manila’s stringent measures to protect its citizens in that country. An official of the Philip- workers in Iraq]. . .but we their manpower requirement The official, who visited pines-Iraq Reconstruction hope that the ban is just tem- from 80 other countries that Iraq early this year to deter- Report says Filipino drivers and Rehabilitation Team ad- porary because we are com- supported the Coalition of mine the Philippines’ par- mitted Sunday that losing job mitted to be part of the re- the Willing that invaded Iraq. ticipation in the rebuilding opportunities is one of the building process in Iraq,” said As a result of the kidnap- process and negotiate with forced by employers into Iraq consequences that the Phi- an official of the team who ping of Filipino truck driver US and British companies MANILA, 25 July— Saudi employers are still forcing the lippines might face because requested anonymity. Angelo de la Cruz by Iraqi that won contracts in rebuild- Filipino truck drivers to deliver cargos into Iraq despite a ban of the current ban on Fili- The official said the Phi- militants, President Arroyo ing Iraq, admitted that the by the Philippine government on Filipinos to make cross- pino truck drivers from cross- lippines has many competi- ordered the foreign affairs security situation there re- border deliveries into Iraq, said a report reaching here Sunday. ing into Iraq. tors for jobs in Iraq, saying department to enforce a ban mains to be stabilized. The local ANC news network quoted a Filipino truck “It is one of the possibili- that British and US compa- on Filipino truck drivers from “Iraq is still a war zone, driver named George Gonzalez as saying at the Saudi-Iraqi ties [loss of jobs of Filipino nies could instead source entering Iraq. we had to cut short our visit border that he and 18 of his colleagues were forced by their there because it is too dan- employers to go into Iraq at high risk of their life. gerous. We all got so scared The Philippine government has warned Saudi employers that they would be held responsible if any Filipino’s life is that we never got out of our threatened because he is forced into Iraq. hotel rooms,” said the offi- President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo Friday ordered a ban cial. on cross-border delivery by Filipino workers in the wake of The Philippines-Iraq Re- the recent hostage crisis involving Filipino truck driver construction and Rehabilita- Angelo de la Cruz, who was kidnapped by Iraqi militants but tion Team has been explor- released after Manila ordered the pullout of Philippine ing business ventures with military contingent from Iraq. American, Japanese and But local politicians have expressed doubt whether the British companies for sub- ban can be enforced, because the Philippine government is contracting jobs in Iraq. incapable of stopping cargo companies in Saudi Arabia Internet from sending Filipinos to deliver cargos in Iraq. —Internet Philippines, Spain defend Iraq decisions MANILA, 25 July —Facing strong criticism, Spain and the Philippines on Sunday defended their decisions to pull troops out of Iraq, insisting they had the right to do what was best for their countries. Earlier, Australian Foreign Minister after militants kidnapped and threatened to Alexander Downer said the withdrawals behead Filipino truck driver Angelo de la “encouraged” Islamic militants who have Cruz. After the withdrawal, de la Cruz was Linda May Ellis of Rockland, Mass, joins The National March on the DNC, a demon- stepped up kidnappings and demands that freed and returned to a hero’s welcome last stration on Boston Commons on 25 July, 2004. The protesters were calling for the more nations leave Iraq. His comments came week. Downer said that because the Philip- removal of US troops from Iraq and other nations.—INTERNET after the al-Qaida-linked Tawhid Islamic pines capitulated to the terrorists, more hos- Group threatened in a Web site Saturday to tages have been taken in Iraq. turn Australia into “pools of blood” unless The Philippine’s national security ad- YUKOS continues oil supply to China it recalled its troops from Iraq. viser, Norberto Gonzalez, lashed out at MOSCOW, 25 July— Russia’s oil giant YUKOS, teetering on the verge of bank- The Philippines withdrew its troops this Downer for linking the new threats to the ruptcy due to a huge back taxes bill, keeps supplying oil to China as usual, a YUKOS month, a few weeks earlier than scheduled, troop withdrawal. —Internet officer said Friday. “We are shipping oil under contracts,” the Russian tax authorities would drive it HK govt deficit improves to $5.14b Sergei Prisyazhnyuk, director of YUKOS’ into bankruptcy because it could not raise HONG KONG, 25 July — The deficit of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Beijing office, was cited by Interfax news enough cash for the payment after its assets Government for the financial year that ended on March 31, 2004, was 40.1 billion HK agency as saying. were frozen by an earlier court order. dollars (5.14 billion US dollars), lower than the government estimate earlier. The remarks came after YUKOS chief The Justice Ministry bailiffs have so far 40.1 billion HK dollars rep- billion HK dollars (0.69 bil- executive officer Steven Theede warned collected 340 million US dollars as payment The official statistics re- resented an improvement of lion US dollars) lower than here Tuesday that YUKOS, the largest oil of the tax bill, chief court bailiff Arkady leased Friday show that the 8.9 billion HK dollars (1.14 the revised estimate due to exporter in Russia, might reduce its oil pro- Melnikov said Friday. expenditure in the last fi- billion US dollars) over the lower-than-expected operat- duction due to the back tax demands of 3.4 The company has been trying to seek nancial year amounted to revised estimate of 49 bil- ing expenditure, and spend- billion US dollars against it. compromise with the Russian authorities by 247.4 billion HK dollars lion HK dollars (6.3 billion ing in capital works and non- Prisyazhnyuk confirmed that YUKOS restructuring its tax debt and preventing the (31.7 billion US dollars) and US dollars) announced in works projects, as well as a will continue to deliver oil to China till the confiscation of its assets, but no official revenue to 207.3 billion HK the Budget Speech in lower-than-anticipated take- end of August, and the volume of monthly response has been made. dollars (26.6 billion US dol- March. up in a number of loan assis- oil shipments to China has remained un- Critics see the one-year legal investiga- lars). Expenditure of 247.4 tance schemes. changed at 420,000 tons to the China Na- tion in YUKOS as a Kremlin-initiated on- A government spokes- billion HK dollars was 5.4 MNA/Xinhua tional Petroleum Corporation and 250,000 slaught against the company’s former chief man said that the deficit of tons to Sinopec Group. executive Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who has He added that oil transportation to China reportedly sponsored opponents against Rus- is underway. YUKOS has warned that the sian President Vladimir Putin. underpaid debt for the year 2000 charged by MNA/Xinhua China to complete rural retail network in five years BEIJING, 25 July— China will build a national rural retail network within five years, an official from Minister of Commerce (MOC) said here Friday. Xu Ming, deputy direc- According to the Na- to lack of quality surveil- tor of MOC market system tional Bureau of Statistics, lance equipment and regula- development department, in the first quarter of 2004, tions. Registration fee, com- said China will develop chain consumption by the citizens missions and taxes raised supermarkets and express of rural China fell to 34 per dealing cost and therefore stores in counties and major cent of the national total, a discourage peasants from towns, and transform coun- record low since 1990s. It is entry. try fairs to chain stores. The believed that the shrinking According to Xu, the government also encourages rural consumption results government will encourage retailers to update rural gro- from the low income of peas- businesses to develop cheap cery stores into distribution ants and inefficient distribu- but durable products tailored outlets or franchisers. tion network. to rural demands. It will fur- Despite amounting to There are only 1.6 coun- ther improve infrastructures more than 70 per cent of the try markets for every 60 thou- in rural areas, including Armed Iraqi guerillas stand guard around a street corner during clashes with American country’s population, Chi- sand peasants. These rudi- transportation, electricity, nese rural population have a mentary open-air fairs are communication and drink- troops in Baqouba, some 65 kms northeast of Baghdad, Iraq, on 25 July 2004. disproportionate consump- filled with fake commodi- ing water. American and Iraqi forces clashed with guerillas near the violence-wracked city of tion capacity. ties and illegal dealings due MNA/Xinhua Baqouba on early Sunday, the US military said. —INTERNET THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 27 July, 2004 5

Egyptian FM calls for release of hostages in Iraq

CAIRO, 26 July — Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit on Saturday urged those who kidnapped an Egyptian diplomat and a truck driver in Iraq to be merciful and set them free. “I hope that the kidnappers will have The hostages, including three Indians, mercy and free the Egyptian diplomat and three Kenyans and an Egyptian, worked for citizen, so that they can return to their work the Kuwait and Gulf Link Transport Com- in the service of the Egyptian and Iraqi pany. people,” Gheit told reporters. The group calling itself the Black Flags He said that efforts had been made to had on Wednesday threatened to behead secure the release of the two hostages. them if the Kuwaiti firm for which they “We will never leave Egyptian citizens worked does not pull out of the country. in this situation,” the Foreign Minister said. It also demanded that India, Kenya and The kidnapped Egyptian diplomat was Egypt withdraw their personnel from Iraq, identified as Mohamed Mamdouh Qutb, the vowing to behead one hostage every three third most senior official at the Egyptian days if its demands are not met. Riot police clash with protesters marching towards the presidential Blue House in Embassy in Baghdad. On Monday, Alsayeid Mohammed Seoul, on 24 July, 2004. About 2,500 protesters gathered in Seoul on Saturday to On Friday, Qatar-based al-Jazeera TV Alsayeid Algarabawi, an Egyptian truck demand the government drop plans to send 3,000 troops to Iraq and that it pull 670 channel aired a footage which showed Qutb driver working for a Saudi company, was South Korean military medics and engineers out of Iraq. —INTERNET sitting in front of six masked men in black. released by the so-called Iraqi Legitimate The militants claimed that they seized Resistance after the company agreed to end the diplomat in revenge for Egyptian Prime its business in Iraq. US agrees to move troops out of Seoul Minister Ahmed Nazef’s remarks that Egypt Last month, another Egyptian driver, WASHINGTON, 25 July — The United States and South Korea finalized a long-delayed is ready to offer its security experience to Victor Tawfiq Gerges, was released after deal on Friday to move the American military headquarters and all US troops out of the the interim Iraqi government, al-Jazeera said. being held hostage by militant groups in Iraq heart of the capital Seoul, the Pentagon said. Also on Friday, an Iraqi group which for more than two weeks. During talks in Washing- War, agreed last year to move US troops from South Korea abducted seven foreign hostages issued a Egypt has advised its citizens to stop ton, the two countries ap- the sprawling Yongsan gar- to duty in Iraq. new 48-hour deadline to the captives’ Ku- seeking work in Iraq. proved a plan to relocate all rison from central Seoul to a Most of the US Army’s waiti employer. MNA/Xinhua 8,000 US troops from the site well south of the capital 2nd Infantry Division now Seoul metropolitan zone to but failed to work out final positioned just south of the the Pyongtaek area, about 50 details until now. border with Communist Iraqi unemployment rate reaches 70% miles south of the capital, by The Yongsan base area will move to the BAGHDAD, 25 July — A study by the college of economics at Baghdad University December 2008, the Penta- has been in Chinese, Japa- centre of South Korea, out of has˚found that the unemployment rate in Iraq is 70%. gon said. nese and US military hands reach of most North Korean The study says the problem of high ments have aroused a mixture of interest, “This relocation agree- for more than a century. artillery fire. unemployment is going from bad to worse, distrust and resentment. ment helps us meet our en- The United States an- “A final decision on the with the security situation deterioriating Long queues of Iraqis can be seen during commitment to the de- nounced last month that it timing of the 2nd Infantry and thereconstruction process faltering. every morning outside the advertisers’ fence of Korea and to the planned to withdraw a third Division relocation will be Private employment agencies — a offices,carrying their CVs and the$50 ap- security and stability of the of its 37,500 troops from decided by the respective na- newphenomenon in post-SaddamIraq — plication fee. region,” Richard Lawless, the South Korea, where for more tional leaders at a later date, are cropping up across the country and Guidelines introduced by the private US deputy undersecretary of than half a century they have taking careful account of advertising their “services” through the employment offices state that every defence for Asia Pacific af- guarded against aggression the political, economic and mass media. applicant must pay $50, with just half the fairs, said in a statement. by Communist North Korea, security situation on the pe- Promising job opportunities in Libya amount refundable should the agency fail South Korea and the as part of a global force rea- ninsula and in Northeast and Arab Gulf states, these advertise- to get the applicant a job .— Internet United States, military allies lignment. In May, the Penta- Asia,” the Pentagon said in a since the 1950-53 Korean gon said it was shifting 3,600 statement. —MNA/Reuters Gulf’s maritime Oman signs helicopters purchase Chinese Vice-Premier meets US business agreement with France transportation secretary expanding ABU DHABI, 26 July — Royal Air Force of Oman (RAFO) on Saturday signed an agreement with French BEIJING, 26 July — Chinese Vice-Premier Huang met here Saturday with the ABU DHABI, 26 July — NHI Company to purchase 20 NH 90 helicopters, the visiting US Transportation Secretary Norman Y Mineta. The Gulf’s maritime sector official ONA news agency reported. Huang, also standing committee mem- can further their exchanges and cooperation is expanding rapidly, which But the report did not disclose the value of the purchase. ber of the Political Bureau of the Commu- so as to create a better transportation system generates one billion US The signing of the agreement came as part of the ongo- nist Party of China (CPC) Central Com- for the economic and trade development and dollars’ worth of business ing RAFO efforts to develop its defence capabilities, ONA mittee, highly valued the role that the trans- to promote the healthy development of do- annually, the Gulf News re- said. portation departments of the two countries mestic economy. ported Saturday. As per the agreement, the French company will enter have played in promoting Sino-US eco- Mineta also signed an agreement on avia- The report attributed the into joint development projects with the Omani side, it nomic and trade relations. tion with Yang Yuanyuan, director of the rapid development to the re- added. — MNA/Xinhua He said he appreciated that the Sino- General Administration of Civil Aviation of gion’s expansion of econo- US maritime agreement has taken effect China to expand flights in the booming mies, trade increase, oil and and the cooperative projects within the market between the two countries and drop gas exploration as well as memo of cooperation on transportation, most restrictions on each other’s airlines. expansion of shipping busi- science and technology have been Mineta said this lays foundation for strong ness and the opening of the launched. development of bilateral relations. Iraqi market. He said he hoped the two departments MNA/Xinhua Official figures at the Dubai Drydocks, which Volkswagen, GM remain strongest among recently received the In- ternational Ship and Port China’s top ten carmakers Facility Security (ISPS) Code, showed that Dubai, BEIJING, 26 July — Two joint ventures of the German carmaker Volkswagen and one of the emirates in the one of the US auto giant General Motors top the rankings of China’s biggest 10 sedan United Arab Emirates producers both in production and sales in the first half of this year, latest figures (UAE), represents about released by the China Automotive Industry Association shows. 50 per cent of the the According to the figures, Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen, by sales during the same Gulf’s maritime services the top 10 carmakers by out- SAIC Chery and a new period, followed by sector. put during the first six comer of FAW Toyota Guangzhou Honda, The sector is expected to months are Shanghai Motor, with last year’s Chang’an Auto, Tianjin- get a solid boost with the Volkswagen, FAW- ninth player Fengshen FAW-Xiali, Beijing development of Dubai Mari- Volkswagen, Shanghai Gen- Motor out. Hyundai, SAIC Chery, time City, which is being eral Motors, Guangzhou Shanghai Volkswagen, Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen built on reclaimed land next An Iraqi police officer looks through the window of a Honda, Tianjin-FAW-Xiali, Shanghai General Motors and FAW Toyota. to the Drydocks. police car after a shoot-out in west Baghdad, Iraq, on Beijing Hyundai Motor, and FAW-Volkswagen also MNA/Xinhua Saturday.—INTERNET Chang’an Automobile, take the first three places MNA/Xinhua

6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 27 July, 2004

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Iraq, Syria to form border ¦

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  security committee  DAMASCUS, 25 July — Syria and Iraq will form a committee to improve security along their long desert border, which Washington says anti-US guerillas use to infiltrate Iraq, the countries’ prime ministers said on Saturday. After a series of meetings in Damascus, US militants from crossing into Iraq, though Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi said the the US military acknowledges that foreign two countries had agreed to look at how to fighters account for few of the guerilla sus- better control the 375-mile frontier, which pects it has detained. Washington and Baghdad see as a serious “We do not only say that we deny, but source of instability in Iraq. moreover we oppose any infiltration that “We have... formed a joint committee to takes place from Syria to Iraq as we do look at these issues (border and security) in oppose any infiltration from Iraq to Syria,” detail in the future, in the weeks ahead,” Syrian Prime Minister Najial-Otari said. Allawi told a news conference. “We have affirmed during the meeting the “Syria has seen terrorism in earlier days, keenness of Syria under the leadership of even by the old regime in Iraq when Saddam President Bashar al-Assad to achieve security tried to inflict a lot of damage on the Syrian and stability in Iraq and Syria’s support to the people and kill a lot of Syrian civilians. efforts that aim at achieving that.” Allawi’s Now it’s time for us to close ranks.” interim government won a pledge of support US officials have repeatedly accused on border security from Jordan on the first Syria of failing to do enough to keep anti- stage of his regional tour.—MNA/Reuters An Iraqi National Guardsman orders a motorist to stop at a checkpoint in central Oil pipeline ablaze north of Baghdad Baghdad. Egyptian and Iraqi officials joined forces to seek the release of a kidnapped Cairo diplomat as Iraq’s wave of abductions continued apace with the snatching of a BAGHDAD, 25 July — An oil pipeline was ablaze in a blast on Saturday south of the state company director on the streets of central Baghdad.—INTERNET restive city of Samarra north of Baghdad, witnesses said. The explosion took place before dawn and huge black column of smoke rose in the Russia, China still oppose Sudan sanctions threat sky over al-Tharthar area south west of Samarra, some 110 kilometres north of Baghdad, UNITED NATIONS, 25 July — Russia, China, Pakistan and Algeria on Friday a witness Amir Hameed told Xinhua. opposed a threat of sanctions against Sudan in a US-drafted UN resolution aimed at Guerillas frequently attack Iraq’s oil infrastructure, setting explosives under pipe- keeping the pressure on Khartoum until atrocities against civilians in Darfur stop, lines and oil wells in an effort to disrupt the country’s reconstruction. diplomats said. The pipeline attacked on Saturday was a subsidiary line which takes oil from Baiji At initial Security Coun- ing civilians. The 15-month right opposition to the draft refinery, some 200 kilometres north of Baghdad, to al-Dawra refinery in Baghdad. The cil negotiations on a revised conflict has killed at least and strong support from Eu- line has regularly been sabotaged. — MNA/Xinhua draft, envoys at the talks said 30,000 people, forced vil- ropeans, diplomats said Rus- there was no agreement on a lagers into concentration- sia, China, Pakistan and Al- Philippine President bans “cross-border provision demanding that camp type compounds and geria objected to using the Sudan face unspecified UN left 2 million people without word “sanctions,” against assignments” of OFWs sanctions within 30 days if it enough food and medicine Khartoum, preferring only a did not arrest and prosecute in Sudan’s western region of threat of “further action”. MANILA, 25 July — Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Friday ordered the ban of “cross-border assignments” of Filipino contract workers into Iraq. Arab militia leaders, called Darfur. Pakistan’s UN Ambassa- Janjaweed, accused of abus- Although there is no out- dor, Munir Akram, said Arroyo ordered the Philippine Foreign The government has made representa- some Council members were Affairs Secretary Delia Albert to implement tions with the coalition camp commanders to India, Burkina Faso calls for waiting for reports from the ban to safeguard Overseas Filipino Work- enhance security measures for civilian work- international monitoring ers (OFWs) in Iraq and other Middle East ers, particularly Filipinos, inside their bases strengthening int’l legal system missions in Darfur so that countries during the Department Foreign Af- to put out of harm’s way some 4,000 Filipino NEW DELHI, 25 July— Voicing grave concern over any resolution would be on fairs’ 106th anniversary rites Friday morning. workers in Iraq, Arroyo said. growing terrorism, India and Burkina Faso Saturday firmer ground. The text was In her directive, Arroyo said land-based Likewise, Arroyo said the government called for strengthening international legal system to “a good basis for discussion” Filipinos, particularly contract workers hired has also advised Filipino workers to stay fight the scourge as the two countries agreed to further but there were “several ways as drivers by oil companies in Saudi Arabia inside the protection of the camps, exercise consolidate bilateral cooperation in diversified fields. to improve it,” he told and nearby countries, should be banned vigilance and to always keep in mind emer- A joint statement issued ral trade talks at WTO level, Reuters. from crossing borders into Iraq. gency procedures. She also stressed the policy after discussions between particularly those related to Both US Secretary of State She said she hopes that the measure of not allowing further deployment of Fili- visiting Burkina Faso For- agricultural subsidies and Colin Powell and UN Secre- would prevent the abduction of contract pino workers in Iraq “outside secured and eign Minister Youssouf market access. tary-General Kofi Annan workers from happening again, referring to established bases”. Arroyo imposed the tem- Ouedraogo and his Indian Both agreed that there said on Thursday they were the case of Angelo de la Cruz, a Filipino porary ban immediately after the kidnapping counterpart K Natwar Singh was considerable potential confident the Council would truck driver for a Saudi-based oil company of de la Cruz in Iraq some two weeks ago. said the two sides consid- for India to undertake adopt the resolution. And who was abducted earlier this month and Later, however, the President said it would ered this wave of violence mutually beneficial coopera- some European envoys later released after the Philippines with- be up for the Department of Labour and related to terrorism, religious tion with Burkina Faso in hoped the United States drew its 51-member humanitarian contin- Employment to decide on whether the ban intolerance, international various sectors. would put it to a vote soon gent from Iraq. should be lifted or not.—MNA/Xinhua crime, drug and arms traf- New Delhi decided to and see who would dare op- ficking as a threat to the sov- extend the scope of the on- pose the measure. ereignty of states. going cooperation under The US draft resolution It also posed a threat to ITEC programme. Possibil- demands Sudan “apprehend development, stability as ity of deputing ITEC experts and bring to justice well as to international peace in key sectors identified by Janjaweed leaders and their and security, it said. The two Burkina Faso would be con- associates who have incited countries condemned terror- sidered, the statement said. and carried out” the abuse. ism in all its forms and mani- They agreed to give pri- It expresses “the Coun- festations. ority to strengthening bilat- cil’s intention to consider They agreed to pursue eral cooperation in transport further actions, including the contacts to ensure that the and communications besides imposition of sanctions on basic concerns of develop- roads, ports and railway con- the government of Sudan, ing countries were taken into struction projects in that in the event of noncompli- account in future multilate- country. — MNA/PTI ance”. —MNA/Reuters Floods, landslides kill 102 in Nepal KATHMANDU, 25 July— districts in the eastern Terai Meanwhile, 32 people At least 102 people have been Belt, said Durga Raj Sharma, have died of gastroenteritis killed and thousands affected undersecretary of the Home in various villages of Kalikot in the floods and landslides Ministry. District in western Nepal, he triggered by heavy rainfalls Hundreds of acres of said, adding that a large Iraqi police frisk a civilian as they look into vehicles in Baghdad, Iraq, on Saturday, in the past few days across paddy land were inundated number of people have also Nepal, the Nepal Home and thousands of people af- been suffering from diar- 24 July, 2004. Increased security could be seen around the city throughout Ministry said Saturday. fected by the floods and land- rhoea and there is scarcity of the morning hours, including joint checkpoints with US Army and Iraqi National The death toll was re- slides across the country, medicine in the villages. Guard soldiers. —INTERNET ported in Sarlahi and Siraha Sharma said. MNA/Xinhua THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 27 July, 2004 7

All-round development throughout the nation

Newly-inaugurated runway seen at Kyaukhtu Airport built by Directorate of Military Engineers in Saw Township, Magway Division. – MNA

Opening ceremony of new building of Mongkaing Township Hospital The newly-opened gymnasium in Kyaunggon Township, Ayeyawady Division. — MNA in Shan State. – MNA

Kunchaung-2 Dam Project in Kyangin Township, Ayeyawady Division, will benefit 20,000 acres of farmland and can generate two megawatt of electricity. —MNA

The North Yama Creek Bridge linking Yontaw village of Yinmabin Township and Aungchantha village of Salingyi Township in Saging Division. — MNA 8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 27 July, 2004

Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Thein Sein inspects construction of stone-filled retaining wall in Waingmaw port area, Myintkyina.(News page 16) — MNA Highly-qualified human resources necessary for emergence of peaceful, modern developed nation Multimedia teaching centres opened in Theinzayat, Hpa-an, Hlaingbwe YANGON, 26 July — sion, Commander Maj-Gen Member of the State Peace Thura Myint Aung said and Development Council that Mon State Peace and Lt-Gen Maung Bo of the Development Council pro- Ministry of Defence, accom- vided over K 100 million to panied by officials of the all BEHSs, BEHS State Peace and Develop- (Branches), affiliated ment Council Office and BEHSs, BEMSs and BEMS various departments on 23 (Branches) to become three- July morning left here by car platform schools in Mon and attended opening of State. He urged teachers and multimedia teaching centres students to try their best to of Basic Education Schools apply knowledge gained in Mon and Kayin States. from e-Library. Mon State Accompanied by Chair- Peace and Development man of Mon State Peace and Council is providing neces- Development Council Com- sary assistance to them. mander of South-East Com- Later, he urged all to coop- mand Maj-Gen Thura Myint erate with the government Aung, Lt-Gen Maung Bo for uplift of education stand- Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence, the headmistress, arrived at Theinzayet BEHS ard. teachers and students pose for documentary photo at Theinzayat BEHS, Kyaikto. — MNA in Kyaikto Township and at- At Youth Development tended opening of multime- Parahita Gaha in Kyaikto, where Lt-Gen Maung Bo Trustees U Than Nyunt re- teaching centres have economy, security and other dia teaching centres. Lt-Gen Lt-Gen Maung Bo presented and party were welcomed by ported on efforts made to emerged. issues of a nation depend on Maung Bo unveiled the a computer and accessories Chairman of Kayin State open the centre. Lt-Gen He said in the 21st cen- education. This is why the signboard of the teaching for the Gaha. Next, School Peace and Development Maung Bo presented tapes tury the world has been education sector is being centres. He inspected multi- Board of Trustees Chairman Council Col Khin Kyu and and CD-ROMs to the head- changing and developing upgraded, he added. media teaching centres, arts U Maung Nyo accepted TV officials. They attended the mistress. Chairman Col rapidly. Advancement of He said the State Peace studio and domestic science and VCD donated by opening of multimedia Khin Kyu also presented information and technology and Development Council is room. Kyaikkale Minkyaung teaching centre of Shwegun three computers, Chairman causes challenges for human endeavouring in every sec- Lt-Gen Maung Bo pre- Sayadaw U Candima of Basic Education High of Hpa-an District Peace and beings. In order to overcome tor for emergence of a sented teaching aids for the Mingaladon Township School. Development Council Lt- these challenges, every na- peaceful, modern developed teaching centres to headmas- through disciples. Headmistress Daw Col Ko Ko Gyi, a VCR and tion is trying to seek meth- nation. In doing so, it is nec- ter U Min Lwin. On arrival at Hpa-an Myint Myint Win and Chair- members of School Board ods for development tech- essary to produce highly- Speaking on the occa- Township in Kayin State man of School Board of of Trustees, K 5 million to nology, he said. qualified human resources. Trustees U Than Nyunt for- the headmistress. To keep abreast of in- Multimedia teaching centres In the 21st century the world has mally opened the centre. Lt-Gen Maung Bo said ternational community, are the most basic necessity. been changing and developing rapidly. Next, Lt-Gen Maung Bo thanks to the efforts of the Myanmar launched educa- By operating electronic de- formally unveiled the sign- headmistress, members of tion promotion programme vices, students will gain Advancement of information and tech- board of the centre and in- School Board of Trustees, in 1998, the second phase better experience for the nology causes challenges for human spected the way students are under the close supervision in 1999, the third phase and future. He urged the teach- beings. In order to overcome these learning with the aids of of Kayin State Peace and national education promo- ers to nurture their students modern teaching equipment. Development Council and tion four-year plan in 2000. to become outstanding ones challenges, every nation is trying to Headmistress Daw the Ministry of Education Moreover, the 30-year long- with the use of multimedia seek methods for development tech- Myint Myint Win and Chair- and with the guidance of the term project has been imple- teaching centres. He also for nology. man of School Board of government, multimedia mented since 2001. Politics, concerted effords of the parents, the people and serv- ice personnel to cooperate and promote the education of the students in preserv- ing national culture. Next, Lt-Gen Maung Bo and party attended the opening of mul- timedia teaching centre of Hlaingbwe Township BEHS. Lt-Gen Maung Bo formally unveiled the sign- board of the centre and in- spected the learning of the students. Lt-Gen Maung Bo presented tapes and related equipment to the headmas- ter. Col Khin Kyu presented five computers, Chairman of Hpa-an District Peace and Development Council Lt- Col Ko Ko Gyi, a VCR and Member of the State Peace and Development Council Lt-Gen Maung Bo of the Ministry of Defence unveils the signboard of the multimedia wellwishers, cash to the classrooms of Shwegun BEHS, Kayin State. — MNA headmaster.—MNA THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 27 July, 2004 9 PM calls for constant contact, coordination between Myanmar and PRC… (from page 1) In addition, altogether 12 agreements and MoUs be- tween the two nations were signed in the presence of the Prime Ministers of both sides including one MoU on com- munication sector that was signed in Shenzhen, he said. The respective ministries are to make constant contact and coordination with the officials of the PRC for speedy implementation of agreements and MoUs signed Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt receives Mr PD Christ, Sale Director, Fritz Werner Industries (Germany) and Mr B Bieger Representative, between the two nations, he Fritz Werner Industries (Yangon Branch) at Zeyathiri Beikman, Konmyinttha. — MNA said. There have been frequent tion of the agreements and eration between the two na- of agreements and MoUs reciprocal visits of leaders of MoUs, and some agreements tions, he said and called on signed during reciprocal both sides and agreements and MoUs are under imple- officials concerned to goodwill visits of leaders of Significant progress has been made in and MoUs on mutual coop- mentation. present the necessary re- the Union of Myanmar and implementation of the agreements and eration were signed during Therefore, constant ef- quirements. on China. The meeting ended MoUs, and some agreements and MoUs are the visits, he said. forts are to be made for suc- Next, ministers and with the concluding remarks under implementation. Significant progress has cessful realization of agree- deputy ministers reported on by the Prime Minister. been made in implementa- ments and MoUs on coop- progress of implementation MNA 2,568,000 by Myanmar Red State places emphasis on maintenance,… Cross Society; foodstuff (from page 9) emony to donate cash and ices, damage to monsoon worth K 160,000 by the Com- Kachin State PDC Chairman kind for flood-hit townships paddy plantations in mander-in-Chief (Air)’s Of- Northern Command Com- in Kachin State at the city Myitkyina District and fice; household things worth mander Maj-Gen Maung hall of Myitkyina. Also Bhamo Township and ar- K 2,303,915 by Kachin State Maung Swe, Union Solidar- present were Lt-Gen Ye rangements for recultivation USDA; K 1 million by Shal ity and Development Asso- Myint, Minister Brig-Gen of paddy by the Agricultural Family Gems Co; K 2 mil- ciation Secretary Kachin Thein Zaw, the deputy min- Supervisory Committee. lion by Phakant Entrepre- State in-charge Minister for isters, members of district Next, the Secretary-2 neurs Association; K 1 mil- Communications, Posts and and township PDCs and of- accepted K 15,282,453 do- lion by U Kyaw Myint of Telegraphs Brig-Gen Thein ficials. Commander Maj- nated by Kachin State PDC; Whole In One Co; K 1 mil- Zaw, Deputy Minister for Gen Swe re- K 7,478,365 by Northern lion and clothes by Military Home Affairs Brig-Gen ported on occurrence of Command; K 500,000 by Intelligence (Head Office); Phone Swe, Deputy Minis- floods in Myitkyina Town- Commander Maj-Gen K 500,000 by Daw Ah May; ter for Social Welfare, Re- ship in the third week of this Maung Maung Swe and fam- K 100,000 by Camp Com- lief and Resettlements Brig- month, conditions of flood- ily; K 7,536,000 by Kachin mandant’s Office of North- Gen Kyaw Myint, senior hit wards and villages and State Maternal and Child ern Command; K 200,000 military officers and officials households, opening of tem- Welfare Association; and K by U Tha Hsan of Kwanlon of social organizations. porary relief camps, dam- 30 million by USDA (Head- Peace; 10 bags of rice by RC The Secretary-2 Lt-Gen age due to the floods, relief quarters) and business en- Catholic Association; coffee Thein Sein attended the cer- assistance, health care serv- trepreneurs of Yangon. mix and cereal mix worth K CPT Minister Brig-Gen Thein Zaw presents K 30 million Next, Lt-Gen Ye Myint 700,000 by Mikko Co; 100 donated by USDA Headquarters and entrepreneurs of There were many countries suffering from and Commander Maj-Gen bags of rice worth K 600,000 Yangon for flood victims relief to Secretary-2 Lt-Gen unpredictable catastrophes like inundation, but Maung Maung Swe accepted by Swiss Aid Myanmar Pro- Thein Sein. — MNA our country encountered less disaster. The rea- foodstuff and household gram; K 1 million by Kachin mental heads, he, together things worth K 6.9 million Special Region-2; and K ing cash and kind. son was that natural environmental conservation with Lt-Gen Ye Myint came and K 1.5 million donated 500,000 by Kachin State In his speech, Lt-Gen measures were under way through the protection to Myitkyina to inspect by the Relief and Resent- Organization for Women’s Thein Sein said leading a flood-hit areas and to pro- of forests. ments Department; house- Affairs. The donations to- team comprising ministers, vide assistance to victims. hold things worth K talled K 84,580,995 includ- deputy ministers and depart- He said there were many countries suffering from un- predictable catastrophes like inundation, but our country encountered less disaster. The reason was that, he pointed out, natural environmental conservation measures are being carried out through the protection of forests. In particular, he added, special care should be taken in such a hilly region like Kachin because deforesta- tion would have a deteriorat- ing effect on natural envi- ronment followed by adverse weather conditions, drought and inundation. He also said that to en- sure balanced climatic con- ditions, State paid emphasis Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Thein Sein gives instructions on taking relief measures for flood victims of Myintkyina. —MNA (See page 11) 10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 27 July, 2004 Extended transport facilities for further development of border areas Myint Soe (Na Ta La)

In retrospect, despite efforts and various ways and with poor transportation, it is impossible to build firm and Road, Panhsan-Mongpauk Road, Panhsan-Panyan Road, means, previous successive governments could not manage absolute trust among the national brethren and to take Mongmaw-Panwai-Panhsan Road, Tarkawet-WeinKaung- to achieve any success in the tasks to cease internal armed effective steps for regional development. Panhsan Road, Manmeinhun-Pankhun Road, and Road to conflict or to restore peace and tranquillity in Myanmar. Roads and bridges built in the respective regions Namtit from Nyinaung Bridge However, in the time of the Tatmadaw Government, a total The Government has been building a network of Shan Region of 17 armed groups of national races gave up their armed roads and bridges covering the entire nation. It had spent Bawkyo-Umu Road, Manpon-Mongkaung Road, insurgency and returned to the legal fold. over K 57,000 million on border development projects from Hsaungkye-Mongkhe Road, Nampaung-Namtma-Naunglai Now they have been making remarkable contribution June 1989 to 30 June 2004, 54 per cent of which covers the Road, Narmon-Hsaungkye-Seinkyawt-Mongyai Road, towards bolstering up community peace, prevalence of law road and bridge sector. So far, it has built 2,941 miles and 2 Hsipaw-Kunhauk Road, Namlan-Hokho Road, Naunglai- Namtmuse-Paphan-Tahsaihlyan Road, Yaypu-Naunglai- Ponwo Road, Mongyai-Mongha Road, Kenglin-Kehsi Road, Mongkhe-Manmon Road, Pontun-Hanna Road, Kali-Hopan- Nant Road, Lweyin-Taingkaung Road, Mongkai-Kabwee- Mongyun Road, Hopan-Wanmaing-Mongshu Road Palaung Region Namtu-Bawdwin-Manton Road, Namtu-Namhai- Mongwi Road, Namhsan-Manton Road, Manton-Moemeik Road, Mankan-Lontauk Road, Manton-Mongwi Road, Lwehsai-Taungma Road and Namkham-Panhsay Road Kachin North-East Region Kutkai-Kaungkha Road, Tarmonye-Shaukhaw- Tekkanai Road Kengtung East Region Mongngaung-Mongwa Road, Mongyawn-Mongyu Road, Kyet-u-taung-Mongpauk Road, Mongyan-Hsilu Road, Mongyu-Monghe-Wamphyat-Border Post No 240 Road, Kengtung-Mongla Road, Mongyan-Mongphyin-Hotaung Road, Wanyan-Wannaung Road, Mongpauk-Panhsan Road, Mongyawn-Wanphaing-Kengkon Road, Mongkai-Mongtin- Lanhsat Road, Kengtung-Mongkun Road, Mongyawn- Mongkai-Lwemway Road, Mongkhat-Mongnone Road, Mongla-Wankyin-Hsantauk Road, Hsilu-Mongla Road, Tachilek-Adee Road and Wanhnyat-Wanshan Road

Scenic beauty of Mongyan-Hsilu road in eastern Kengtung region. (Photo: PBANRDA) Homein Region Tasuttein-Homein Road and Homein-Khanpa Road and order, and cementing national solidarity and Mongtaw/Monghta Region implementing development projects. Development of border The Government has been building a Mongkyut-Nakaungmu Road, Nakaungmu- areas and national races play an important role in the network of roads and bridges covering the entire process. The colonialists absolutely disregarded the Monghta-Panmaingsun Road and Monghta-Khanpa- requirements of socio-economic infrastructures of border nation. It has spent over K 57,000 million on Hsangodown Road areas, in which they could not gain any benefits. Although border development projects from June 1989 to Mawpha Region Myanmar had regained her independence, respective 30 June 2004, 54 per cent of which covers the Lwepa-Lwehola Road, Point 6028-YaungU Road governments in the past were not able to take effective and Tarkawlay-Metman Road measures for the well-being of national races in border areas road and bridge sector. due to various reasons, resulting in greater development gap Pa-O Region between border areas and plain regions. furlongs of earth roads, 1,744 miles and five furlongs of Kyauktalon-Naungtaya Road, Kyauktalon-Pintun The Tatmadaw Government is the only one that has gravel roads, 325 miles and six furlongs of tarred roads, 47 Road, Taunggyi-Kyauktalon Road, Kyauktalon-Nampan ever grasped the opportunity to make endeavours for progress large bridges, 662 medium bridges and 16 suspension bridges Road, Hsihseng-Naunghtaw Road, Ponchaung-Kadugyi of border areas and national races. The Central Committee and repaired 3,162 miles and six furlongs of roads in border Road, Maukmai-Namlut-Kadulay Road, Kadugyi-Tasuttein for Development of Border Areas and National Races chaired areas. Among them are: Road, Banyin-Panaw Road, Haingnalay-Naryaing Road, by Head of State Senior General and the Work Kachin Special Region 1 Kyaunghto-Kettu Road and Mongpun-Monghsit Road Committee for Development of Border Areas and National Mammein-Chipwe Road and Chipwe-Sawtlawt Road Kayah Region Races chaired by Prime Minister General Khin Nyunt, and Kachin Special Region 2 Hsibu-Thaauk-Maungbalawt-Kyekatawt Road, respective subcommittees were established in order to put Mobye-Lagyinwe-Pikin Road, Pruso-Muso-Hoya Road, that opportunity into motion. Nagmon-Pannandin Road, Myitkyina-Putao - Hoya-Kekaw Road, Hoya-Khabe Road, Hsibu-Thikyeik The Central Committee had to lay down guidelines Sumprabum Road, Machanbaw-Phayukha-Nagmon Road, Road, Hsibu-Leiktho-Yado Road, Pikin-Laei-Latein- to establish the Ministry for Progress of Border Areas and Hopin-Kontha-Lonton-Nyaungpin Road, Mogaung- Hsaungpyaung Road, Zalontaung-Laei-Latein-Pikin Road, National Races and Development Affairs responsible for Karmong-Lonkhin-Phakant Road, Myitkyina-Tanai- Dawyawkhu-Lwekahti Road, Lobakhu-Kupaya Road, constantly supervising border areas development Nangyun-Panhsaung Road, Khaunglanphu-Machanbaw Kupaya-Loinanpha Road, Pantein-BP 15th Road, Me’se’- undertakings and to ensure participation of other ministries Road, Tanai-Mongkun-Nantphyu Road, Tanai-Hsinhsa- BP 14th Road, Bahon-Kyekatawt-Maungbalawt Road, in the development tasks. Kaunggya Road, Bhamo-Sinkhan-Shwegu Road, Bhamo- Bawlekhe-Dawnyekhu-Dawtamagyi Road, Loinanpha-4th Pursuing its firm and specific goals, the committee Lwegwe Road, Tayon-Daikpha Road, Gwehtaw-Ayezut- Mile Junction Road, Lawpita-Payekhu-Boya-Dawphy Road has been striving for production of human resources along Gwanhsayan Road, Namhsanyan-Padaung Road, Putao- and Bimikho-Kwakhi-Huko Road with building of economic, transport, production, industrial Phonkanrazi Road and Narlon-Laizayan Road and electricity foundations of far-flung areas in conformity Kokang Region Mon Region with the five objectives. Chairman of the Central Committee Chinshwehaw-Laukkai Road, Laukkai- Ye-Gani Road, Khawza-Magyi Road, Ye-Khawza Senior General Than Shwe delivered an address to the Yanlonkyaing Road, Tashwehtan-Tapar Road, Hopan- Road, Ye-Kyaungywa Road, Khayongu-Tayanar-Kawtbein- meeting of the Central Committee for Development of Chinshwehaw Road, Holi-Kamong-Theintan Road, Minywa Road, Kawtbein-Kanni Road, Zathabyin- Border Areas and National Races held at the office of the Wawchun-Mongpawlay Road, Kongyan-Monghaung Road, Chaungnhakhwa Road, Kyapan-Wiyaw-Daukyet Road and Commander-in-Chief (Army) on 21 April 1995. The Senior Namtaung-Mongpaw Road, Mongkoe-Mankan-Mongya- Nyaunghtauk-Hsinkwin-Winkan Road General in his speech said that it is essential to intensively Monghaung-Mongsi Road, Mongpaw-Mankan-Mongkoe Kayin Region implement the projects for ensuring smooth transportation Road, Kyugok-Mongkoe Road, Mongkoe-Phaunghsai Road, Wabotaw-Kamamaung Road, Kya-in-Seikkyi- in the open season which is crucial for border region Holi-Namkywan-Wawchon Road, Laukkai-Konggyan development, stressing the need to build all-weather roads Tagay-Kyaikdon Road, Htipokalo-Naungkamyaing- Road, Tarmoenye-Mongsi-Tapar Road and Tashwehtan- Shwegun-Myainggyingu Road, Zathabyin-Kyonphe- in the important regions. The transport sector plays a key Kyasiru Road role in implementing development projects and for Kyagalay Road, Thingannyinaung-Wheshan Road, strengthening unity and friendship among national brethren, Wa Region Myawady-Mehtawthalay Road, Thandaunggyi-Leiktho he noted. The Senior General stressed the importance of Hopan-Mongmaw Road, Hopan-Namtit Road, Road and Kya-in-Seikkyi-Methayaw-Taungin Road construction of all-weather roads where necessary because Mongmaw-Mantun Road, Mongmaw-Narphan-Naungkhit (See page 11) THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 27 July, 2004 11

(from page 10) Road, -Panhsat-Sunbrabum Road and Laungngauk- Taninthayi Region Sitphaung-Kyunphaung Road Poem: Tenth Mile-Chanphan Road, Taninthayi-Thephyu- As a result, over five million local people in border Want Mother to see Mawtaw Road, Hankapyu-Ywahawtlu Road, Khamaukkyi- areas have enjoyed fruitful results of smooth and secure * While Mother was living Maryan Road, Mandaing-Yadanabon-Alesakhan-Hleseik transport. The uneven ground bumps and ditches Road, Hseikphu-Maryan-Ayechantha-Namtun Road, During the last year’s excursion, U Po Sein, 74, of Made up road to our village Chaungchi-23th Mile Post Road, Palauk-Pyicha- Myitta/Taungthonelone Region, in Taninthayi Division, Don’t ask if it was rough Aungthawaya Road, Santhida-Namtun Road, Chanphan- said “Now I have enjoyed the golden opportunity to visit the Now— Hatsatin Road, Thabawleik-Thepon-Thayagon Road, Shwedagon Pagoda because of smooth transport, so this has Village road is level Palauk-Pyicha-Thayet-Aungthawaya Road, Chaungchi- fulfilled my ultimate desire”. His words made my eyes fill Flowers by roadside 23th Mile Post Road, Chanphan-Hatsatin-Awgyi Road, with tears, sharing his heartfelt pleasure. It’s so pretty, Mother. 57th Mile Feeder Line-Aungbaywa Road In his address to the Meeting of the Central Committee * While Mother was living Rakhine Region for Development of Border Areas and National Races held A single drop of water on 29 March, 2004, Senior General Than Shwe said that to Buthidaung-Taungbaza Road, Buthidaung- Let alone a full drink ensure development of border areas, measures for economic Only if you went quite far Kyauktaw Road, Kyauktaw-Paletwa Road, Maungdaw- development in the region and better transport are being Villager got a drumful. Kyeinchaung-Aungthabye Road, Maungdaw-Kyeekanbyin undertaken since better transport is of paramount importance Now— Road, Maungtaw-Alethangyaw-Anhumaw Road, for development of a region. There are many donors Kyaukpantu-Thazinmyaing Road, Kantaunggyi-Shaukchun Now border areas have enjoyed fruitful results of Water gushing out Road, Khamaunghseik-Hlaingthi Road and smooth transport, but there are a lot of measures to be taken, In merriment, they carry clear water away. Wakhokchaung-Kundaing Road he said. Although better transport has now been brought Returning from mid-village Chin Region about in border areas, there is still much to be done and Sound of clacking busy loom shuttles One can earn extra money. Tiddim-Tonzang-Kyikyeekha Road, Thantlang- continued efforts are to be made for emergence of roads Lonle Road, Tiddim-Reedyaykan Road, Tiddim-Htokhlaing serviceable in all weathers and tarred roads for better * Mother and I while we lived happity together, Road, Zawhtaung-Lawdawt-Leinkhaing Road, transport, he pointed out. With silvery sheen under the shining moon Tweekhayan-Darkhine Road, Yayswa-Hlinelinpi Road, The emergence of mushrooming roads and bridges The floor itself bereft of pride Yayzwa-Hsabaungthe Road, Hariphi-Waungthu Road, has helped achieve more-than-expected success in building There was no walling. Waungthu-Ngaphaingphi Road, Kanpetlet-Kyindwe Road socio-economy infrastructure covering respective border * Nowadays, Mother, and Khwirein-Yanpan Road areas and ensure the development of border cities to be on a Rural homes, it’s called par with that of interior cities. With walls of planks, Kabaw Valley Region Thus, border areas development projects strengthen Roof of corrugated iron Alaungphaya Road in Tamu, and Tamu Border friendship and relationship among the national brethren as Floor of hardwood padauk, Road well as mutual trust and understanding and unity. Beams of Thityar Sagaing Region It is sure that the transport facilities that have emerged With posts of hardwood together with restoration of peace and stability will lead the Pretty, world renown Kalewa-Mawlaik Road, Kanbalu-Kyunhla- entire national people to a peaceful, modern and developed Dainty, inviting to live in Chatthin-Kyakhataik-Kawlin Road, and Popa Approach nation. With these houses, Mother Road linking Pale and Alaungtaw Kathapha The main room for parents How this son would like to do honour Naga Region (Translation: MS) O, how I miss you Mother. Lahe-Taikyan Road, Hkamti-Lahe Road, Lahe- (Myanma Alin, Kyemon 19-7-2004) Yankyon Road, Lahe-Kyuyan Road, Lahe-Taikyan-Ponnyo ***** Maung Seikta (Education) (Trs)

State places emphasis on maintenance,… (from page 9) to maintenance and preservation of forests, the State placed emphasis on maintenance and preser- vation of forests. He also spoke of the need of the locals to cooperate with the government in those measures. Later, he thanked departments, social organi- zations and wellwishers for their contributions to relief pro-grammes. After the ceremony, the Secretary-2 and party inspected inundated areas in Mansein Ward and Sitapu Ward. They also looked into measures being taken for Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Thein Sein meets locals in flood relief centre, Talawgyi Station Hospital , Myitkyina . — MNA prevention of erosion at Waingmaw Port Area. Maj- First Session of departments under the Myanmar-Bangladesh technical Gen Maung Maung Swe, U authori-ties. Myanmar-Bangladesh Ministry of Commerce, the agreement (Protocol) signed Ohn Myint, U Pe Than and After greeting local (from page 16) Bangladeshi ambassador and officials conducted the people, the Secretary-2 and Manjoor Rahim and officials. In the evening, YANGON, 26 July — A Myo Tin and departmental Secretary-2 and party round party left the village. officials. Brig-Gen Pyi Sone hosted a ceremony to sign a technical heads. Marine Admini- agreement (Protocol) stration Department Director the port area. They proceeded to The two ministers spoke dinner to the Bangladeshi between Myanmar and the -General U and In the afternoon, the Hsinbo in Myitkyina, where on the occasion, followed by minister and party at the People’s Republic of Ministry of Shipping Joint Secretary-2 and party arrived they met with township- discussions on commercial hotel. Bangladesh was held at the Secretary Mr Md Taiyebur at Talawgyi village in level departmental officials, matters. Before the dinner, the Ministry of Transport this Rahman signed the Protocol Myitkyina Township by air members of the local Before the meeting, the two ministers signed in the afternoon. on Myanmar-Bangladesh and went to a rescue centre battalion and their families, Bangladeshi minister and meeting record of the first It was attended by Coastal sea-borne Trade opened at Talawgyi Station and social organizations and party called on Brig-Gen Pyi Myanmar-Bangladesh visiting Minister for Com- 2004. Hospital. On the occasion, gave instructions on harmo- Sone at Hall-3 of the hotel at Trade Joint Commission merce of the People’s Next, the Bangla- the Secretary-2 cordially nious and active 9 am the same day. Present Meeting. Republic of Bangladesh Air deshi Minister and the greeted the flood victims. Lt- participation of the local at the call were heads of MNA Vice Marsha (Retd) Altaf ambassador met Deputy Gen Thein Sein, Lt-Gen Ye people in cooperation with Labour Minister meets ex-ASEAN Secretary-General Hossain Choudhury and Minister U Pe Than and they Myint, Maj-Gen Maung depart-ments concerned for party, Bangladeshi Ambas- discussed maritime trade YANGON, 26 July — Mr Rotolfo C Severino, ex- Maung Swe, Brig-Gen Thein regional development. sador Mr A B Manjoor between the two countries. ASEAN Secretary-General, called on Minister for Labour U Zaw and officials handed After greeting local Rahim and Commercial Also present at the call were Tin Winn at his office at 2 pm today. over K 10.2 million, people the Secretary-2 and Attaché’ Mr Md Aftabuzza- Deputy Minister Col Nyan foodstuff and clothes, party left there and arrived Also present at the call were Labour Department man, Deputy Ministers for Tun Aung, Officer on Special donated by social organi- back at Myitkyina in the Director-General U Soe Nyunt, Adviser to the Ministry of Transport U Pe Than and Duty Brig-Gen Myo Tin and zations, ministries and evening. Foreign Affairs Dr Khin Ohn Thant, Director of the Prime Col Nyan Tun Aung, Officer departmental heads. departments, to local MNA Minister’s Office U Myo Win and officials. — MNA on Special Duty Brig-Gen MNA

12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 27 July, 2004

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CLAIMS DAY NOTICE MV BOUGAIN VILLA VOY NO (063) Consignees of cargo carried on MV BOUGAIN VILLA Voy No (063) are hereby notified that the vessel will be arriving on 27-7-2004 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of M.I.P where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11.20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm up to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY AGENT FOR: M/S PREMIER SPECTRUM

A D V E R T I S E M E N T S Phone : 256908/378316/376797

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while on its way from Tur-

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4 Ismail Gurses, said his cli-

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' commercial jet makers. $ %$ &  


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 adding responsibility for the

!"#*  accident belonged to the tish newspaper reported on Virgin and Airbus have a vestors that will take a 51- Read Junior Leader to improve your English. state railway company Sunday. long-standing alliance which per-cent stake in the airline. TCDD. “We are on the verge of Boeing has attempted to The United States cur-

Turkish Prime Minister putting in a very big order,” break-up by trying to per- rently restricts foreign own-


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˜ ” ”˜ ™”“ “ quoted Virgin Atlantic twin-jets rather than the Air- ing a maximum 25-per-cent his Transport Minister and Chairman Richard Branson bus A340. voting stake and 49-per-cent AlØ' Tim\;®ma;mgçla' Asv\;Aew; AKm\;Ana;m¥a;t©c\ eKt\m^ other senior officials despite as saying. Separately, The Sunday total equity.

plp\sts\sa;p©´N˙c\. kula;Tiuc\m¥a; es¥;NOn\;qk\qas∑a®Pc\. c˙a;rm\;enpåqv\" mounting pressure on the


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³² ¶³ ² government, and said he head in the next seven to 14 that Branson had secured the Gerald Greenwald, a former would await a report from an Am˙t\ 228-qim\®Pølm\;' biul\teTac\‘mi>ny\" days. Airbus is marginally financial backing of head of United Airlines, the investigation. Pun\;-245620' 245642 ahead. That is a 5-billion- Greenbriar Equity Group, a world’s second-largest MNA/Reuters US-dollar order.” US investment firm, for Vir- carrier.—MNA/Reuters Prodi vows to defend EU interests Freight train derails in southern Turkey in world trade talks ANKARA, 25 July — A that the freight engine along and injuring 81 others. BRUSSELS, 25 July — The would be discussed at the Government support for freight train derailed in the with four cars derailed while The train, travelling from European Commission talks in Geneva on 27 and 28 farmers in rich countries has Pozanti Town of southern it was pulling 25 cars. Istanbul to Ankara, was car- President, Romano Prodi, July. been blamed for depressing has reassured France that Eu- Prodi also noted that the world prices and preventing Turkish province of Adana An investigation into the rying nine crew members and ropean negotiators will try European Union would agree farmers in the developing on Saturday, semi-official cause of the accident had 234 passengers. to reach an agreement on ne- to end farm subsidies only world from competing on Anatolia news agency re- been launched, he added. The worst train accident gotiating framework which on condition that export sup- world markets, and is seen as ported. On Thursday night, a in Turkey occurred in 1957 protects the interests of the port measures by other main one of the major obstacles to Turkish State Railways high-speed train derailed when two passenger trains European Union in World farm exporting countries completing Doha round glo- (TCDD) Sixth Area Chief near Pamukova Town of collided head-on, killing 95 Trade Organization talks were also abolished. bal trade negotiations by the Director Yasar Tatlisu was northwestern province of people and injuring 150 oth- next week. He forecast that “the next end of this year. quoted as saying that there Sakarya, killing 37 people ers.—MNA/Xinhua Replying to French Gov- days are certainly going to French President Jacques were no casualties in the train ernment concerns in a letter be hard” but said EU offi- Chirac said on Wednesday which was sent late Thurs- cials would fight “to draw up the WTO proposal on agri- derailment. day to French Prime Minis- a negotiating framework culture was “profoundly un- The freight train derailed qs\etaqs\pc\' K¥s\Kc\t´.l¨m¥oi;" ter Jean-Pierre Raffarin, which protects the interests balanced to the detriment of while it was approaching the Prodi said that the draft text of the European Union while the interests of the European Pozanti Station at about qs\pc\kiuN˙s\sU\siuk\' erWtiuk\kiusiu;" including a proposal to end meeting the hopes of deve- Union”. 16.00 local time (1300 agricultural export subsidies loping countries”. MNA/Xinhua GMT), Tatlisu said, adding

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 27 July, 2004 13

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NZ researchers find chemical that generates new brain cells WELLINGTON, 26 July — Researchers have opened the way to a “smart pill” by finding a chemical that generates new brain cells, New Zealand Herald reported Saturday. A New Zealand-American team led by Auckland Uni- through a genetic mechanism. They work together”. versity’s Professor Matthew During has made “super-smart” Another group was put in a stimulating environment rats by injecting them with a gene that makes the chemical. with toys, a maze, a running wheel, nesting material and He believes similar techniques may soon help children food treats. A third group was kept under standard labora- with Down syndrome, older people who are losing their tory conditions. All rats were killed after the experiment and memory and students trying to learn a foreign language or the scientists examined their hippocampus, the part of the swotting for exams. brain that controls memory. His study also found that rats which were given extra The researchers found that the only chemical that in- mental exercises generated more new brain cells than other creased in the hippocampus of both the first two groups was rats, showing that environment as well as genes help to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), one of more than shape intelligence. “No longer can you say there is only 100 molecules called growth factors in the body. This one was nature or nurture,” said Dr During, who spends 80 per cent already known to promote the growth of new blood vessels. of his working days as Director of Neurological Surgery Scientists still believed that people could learn new Research at New York’s Cornell University and rest as a things with their existing brain cells. professor at Auckland University. But circumstantial evidence suggested that injecting ex- “It’s nurture driving nature, nurture driving the genes. tra VEGF- expressing genes might generate new brain cells The environment is switching on these genes and working and boost intelligence in humans. — MNA/Xinhua

Spanish bullfighter Cesar Jimenez fights a bull during US partially suspends research work at nuke a bullfight in Valencia, southeastern Spain.—INTERNET weapons facilities Anti-AIDS Dragonfly Project LOS ANGELES, 26 July — The US Energy Department has effectively shut down part of the nation’s nuclear weapons complex, fearful that security lapses discovered at Los Alamos National Laboratory had occurred launched in Sichuan Province elsewhere, the Los Angeles Times reported Saturday. CHENGDU, 26 July — Anti-AIDS Dragonfly Project Energy Secretary Spen- nuclear weapons facilities in they have declined to say what and potentially thousands of volunteers have been working in Chengdu, capital cer Abraham ordered two California, South Carolina, is on the disks, though mem- their employees would be of China’s populous Sichuan Province, to educate dozen national laboratories Tennessee and Texas. Such a bers of Congress have sug- affected by the order, which employees of entertainment places. and several other nuclear shutdown has already been in gested the loss represents a takes effect Monday. Their major task is to launched by Sichuan Provin- weapons facilities to stop us- effect for nine days at Los serious security breach. Abraham’s unprecedented inform the staff and their cial Disease Control Centre ing classified information Alamos National Laboratory Officials said they had order would curtail operations companions of AIDS pre- and Sino-British Anti-AIDS stored on computer disks, port- in New Mexico. The action no idea how long the order across the Energy Department’s vention, since they are most Project. It began from a trial able hard drives and tapes that was taken after the Los would continue or how chain of laboratories, comput- vulnerable to AIDS/HIV vi- operation in a town in Chengdu employees can easily remove Alamos nuclear lab reported many employees would ing centres, accelerators and rus, said Wan Shaoping, an two years ago and had been from work, the report said. it could not locate two com- have their work disrupted. factories that employ more than official in charge of Sino- proved effective before pro- The biggest effect will be puter disks that contained Some labs and weapons 100,000 workers, the report British Anti-AIDS Project. moted across the provincial on the Energy Department’s classified information. So far, plants said that hundreds said. —MNA/Xinhua Dragonfly Project was capital. — MNA/Xinhua Swindling great- Earliest palace city granny busted discovered in Central China by Italian police ROME, 26 July — Italian ZHENGZHOU, 26 July— Archaeologists said that the police have arrested an 80-year- palace city discovered last spring at the Erlitou site in old great-grandmother sus- Yanshi City, central China’s Henan Province, may be pected of drugging and robbing the earliest palace city ever discovered in China. easily fooled victims for years “The design of the city had erected a model for later to feed her gambling habit. dynasties in designing their capital,” said Dr Xu Hong, who Vittoria Benetti was de- leads the archaeological investigation team at the Erlitou tained after her last victim, a site of the Institute of Archaeology, the Chinese Academy 70-year-old woman travelling of Social Sciences. in the same train compartment, The rectangular city is 300 metres wide from the east to identified her in a photo, Italian the west, and 360 to 370 metres long from the north to the media reported on Saturday. south. Benetti drugged her with Four roads, each 10 to 20 metres wide, are on each side a cup of coffee and then es- of the palace area, forming a transportation network in the caped with 1,000 euros which central region. The city wall was just built along the inner Third quarter sales figures expected this week for France's Euro Disney theme park, she promptly spent at a casino sides of the four roads. seen here, are expected to reveal slower growth in vistor spending and add to its woes in neighbouring Slovenia.

MNA/Xinhua as it struggles to restructure its 2.9 billion US dollar debt, analysts predict.—INTERNET MNA/Reuters

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Plough cholesterol drug WASHINGTON, 26 July — Merck & Co Inc and Schering-Plough Corp won US approval recently to sell a two-in-one cholesterol pill called Vytorin that is expected to generate billions of dollars in yearly sales. Vytorin combines two currently avail- fully compete as a first line agent with all able drugs that lower levels of LDL or so- statins for all patients requiring cholesterol called bad cholesterol in different ways, medications,” said Adam Schechter, a vice- Merck’s Zocor and jointly developed president for the Merck Schering-Plough Zetia. joint venture. The Food and Drug Administration ap- Shaojing Tong, an analyst with Mehta proved Vytorin late on Friday, an agency Partners, expects the medicine to post even- spokesman said. tual annual sales of three billion US dol-

The companies said the new drug will lars.

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cost wholesalers 2.34 US dollars per pill at Other sales forecasts veer as high as ¨

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all doses and will begin shipping to custom- eight billion US dollars, based on Vytorin’s ers as soon as possible and no later than ability in clinical trials to slash LDL levels by early September. up to 60 per cent at higher doses. “We believe that Vytorin can success- MNA/Reuters 14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 27 July, 2004 FINA gives warning to Danish China win world women's volleyball GP HEFEI (Central China), 26 July— China won the Hefei leg of the 2004 World Grand S swimmer for taking banned drugs Prix women's volleyball tournament despite a final round 3-1 loss to Italy here on GENEVA, 26 July— Female Danish swimmer Mette Jacobsen has Saturday. been given a warning and reprimand as she failed to declare the use of The Italians came from one set down to in the last three sets". P banned drugs when a doping control test during the European swim- beat China 16-25, 25-19, 25-21 and 25-20. Down by two sets and trailing 16-13 in the ming championships in May in Madrid, the International Amateur China, Poland, Italy all finished the four- fourth, China managed to pull within 19-18. Swimming Federation (FINA) announced in Lausanne, Switzerland, team round-robin competition with two However, Italy ran off six of the last eight O on Friday. wins against one loss and the former two points to secure the victory. "Italy destroyed On a doping test on May 16, Jacobson did not declare the use of teams were also tied at sets won-loss ratio. our receiving with high quality services and Glucocorticosteroids (Prednisone and Prednisolone) in accordance The defending World Grand Prix champion they did very well in defence," said China with the International Standard for TUE (Therapeutic Use Exemption), finally won the top place over the European head coach Chen Zhonghe. R FINA said in a Press release. champion with better points won-loss ratio. "Our ace spikers were struggling and our The FINA Doping Panel conducted a hearing on July 20, 2004 and Italy settled for the third place before players became impatient late in the match," decided to punish the Danish swimmer, in accordance with FINA Dominican Republic, who lost to Poland 3- he added. Roared on by a full capacity home T Doping Control Rules. 1 Saturday afternoon for its third straight crowd at the Hongshankou Stadium, China The European governing body LEN will thereby consider that defeat in Hefei. started strongly in the match between World automatic disqualification of individual results shall follow any anti- China also cruised into the six-team Cup title-holder and reigning world cham- S doping violation in connection with an in-competition test. World Grand Prix Finals to be held in Reggio pion. The Chinese women raced to a 12-5 MNA/Xinhua Calabria, Italy next week as the third placers lead and went on to take the opener at 25-16. in the three-round preliminaries while Italy Italy, who lost to China a week ago at the Australia request automatically qualified as the host. Hong Kong leg, fought back with improved Copa America "We began badly in the first set, then we attacking to claim the next two sets and berth for 2007 improved our play to win the next three overtake the lead 2-1. LIMA, 26 July— Australia sets," said Italy head coach Marco Bonitta. Elisa Togut and Antonella Del Core had have asked if they can take "We did a good job in blocking and defence 18 points each for Italy.—MNA/Xinhua part in the next Copa Brazil win extraordinary final on penalties America, South American Football Confederation LIMA, 26 July— Brazil scored an equalizer with the last kick of the game to draw (CSF) president Nicolas 2-2 and then beat arch-rivals Argentina on penalties to win an astonishing Copa Leoz said on Saturday. America final on Sunday. "We've had a letter from Argentina were set to win the competi- the game is to decide which of the two teams Australia asking if they can tion when substitute Cesar Delgado put them was best, the final position obtained was participate in the 2007 Copa 2-1 ahead in the 87th minute only for Adriano contradictory to what each of the teams did," America," Leoz told report- to equalize in the third minute of injury-time said Argentina coach Marcelo Bielsa, appar- ers. with his seventh goal of the competition. ently meaning his side was unlucky to lose. Australia have often com- The world champions had pulled the Argentina were left waiting for their first plained about a lack of com- same trick in the first half when Luisao Copa America since 1993 despite dominat- petition in the Oceania re- scored with the last touch of the half to wipe ing the game. gion and also that, to qualify out Cristian Gonzalez' 20th minute penalty. They quickly took a stranglehold and de- for the World Cup, they must The second equalizer sparked a brawl as servedly went ahead when Cristian Gonzalez play a series of games against Brazil's players celebrated in front of the sent Julio Cesar the wrong way from the spot the local rivals then take on a Argentina bench. after winning the penalty himself when he Juan Martin Parodi, left, of Uruguay fights for the ball South American team over Argentina responded by squirting water was fouled by Luisao in the 20th minute. against John Viafra of Colombia during a match for third two legs. at their opponents and referee Carlos Julio Cesar prevented another goal shortly place of the Copa America soccer tournament in Cuzco, They were beaten by Uru- Amarilla summoned riot-police to stop the afterwards as he turned away Luis Gonzalez' Peru, on Saturday, 24 July, 2004. Uruguay beat Colombia guay in the qualifiers for the trouble while Adriano was booked for re- low drive after the Argentine midfielder, moving his shirt. enjoying another excellent game, burst 2-1 to capture third place in the tournament. —INTERNET 2002 World Cup in Japan and South Korea and will Argentina seemed more unsettled by the through the middle. South Korean coach lays again have to face the fifth- incident and missed their first two penalties But Brazil equalized out of the blue in best team in the South Ameri- as Andres d'Alessandro fired his effort at first-half stoppage time when Luisao glanced down law can group to qualify for Ger- goalkeeper Julio Cesar and Gabriel Heinze in a free kick taken by midfielder Alex, who fired wildly over the bar. had barely touched the ball in the half. JINAN (China), 26 July— Four games into the job, South many. Korea coach Jo Bonfrere has left his players in no doubt who The Copa, the oldest of Brazil converted all their penalties — Argentina regrouped after the break and is in charge. the world's continental tour- just as they did in their semifinal win over continued to sweep forward, missing several The Dutchman dropped several top players for Friday's naments for national teams, Uruguay on Wednesday. good chances. The best ended with Mauro Asian Cup clash with the United Arab Emirates after being held features the 10 South Ameri- "Nobody messes with Brazilian foot- Rosales' shot being blocked after Carlos to a disappointing 0-0 draw by Jordan in their opening game. can teams, while two teams ball, five-times champions of the world," Tevez, excellent throughout the match, bril- Bonfrere left 2002 World Cup heroes Ahn Jung-hwan and from outside the region have Brazil coach Carlos Alberto Parreira said. liantly worked an opening. Park Ji-sung on the bench but they made an immediate impact taken part by invitation since "They were winning the game with five The game came alive in the 87th minute after coming on to help South Korea to a 2-0 win. 1993. minutes to go — tapping the ball around and when Delgado scored from a rebound after "Some players just didn't really perform to expectations in Mexico have always been trying to get fouls and this irritated us. the Brazil defence had failed to clear a cross. the previous game so I left them out," said the former Nigeria one of those sides while the "It's a game we will never forget — nor But in the third minute of injury time, coach. second has included Hondu- will our opponents," he added. Adriano scored on the turn to send the game "We started well in first half, we controlled the game and ras, Costa Rica, United States It was an extraordinary achievement by straight to penalties, as extra time is not created some good chances. We deserved our lead after we and Japan, who were invited Brazil, who had rested their top players for played at the Copa America. scored from the free kick." in 1999. the tournament. "It's clear that if the aim of MNA/Reuters The 1-0 halftime lead, however, flattered South Korea. The Leoz did not give any in- FIFA to consider artificial 2002 World Cup semifinalists were under pressure for much of dication of whether Austral- the time and were twice rescued by goalkeeper Lee Woon-jae ia's request would be ac- pitches for 2006 qualifiers before Lee Dong-gook struck in the 41st minute. cepted but said the CSF were LIMA, 26 July— FIFA are to consider Substitute Ahn, who scored the golden goal that knocked considering increasing the allowing artificial pitches to be used for Italy out of the 2002 World Cup, added a second in injury time. size of the 2007 event in 2006 World Cup qualifiers, president Sepp South Korea are level with Jordan on four points, with Venezuela. Blatter said on Saturday. identical goal difference, after two games in Group B and He also said the CSF were Speaking at the Copa America, Blatter cannot afford any slip-ups against Kuwait in the final game on in regular talks with said that the matter would be studied at the Tuesday. CONCACAF about a single next meeting of the International Board, the Park, who scored one of the goals of the 2002 World Cup tournament for the two committee which decides on changes in the against Portugal, was disappointed not to start against the UAE regions."So far, there are dif- rules of the game, in October. after missing the Jordan game with an ankle injury. ferences in the thinking be- He said that all matches at the 2006 "As a player you always want to start," said the PSV tween the two confedera- finals in Germany would be held on natural Eindhoven midfielder. "But the coach makes the decisions and tions," he said. pitches. all you can do is hope you are picked." "It's not easy to integrate "This is not a revolution, it's just part of Bonfrere has only one real injury concern, former the 40-odd teams of the normal evolution of football," he told Trabzonspor midfielder Lee Eul-yong carrying a knock from CONCACAF with 10 from reporters. the UAE match. South America. "CONCACAF has been playing games Experienced defender Kim Tae-young should be fit after "It could be easier if there on artificial pitches with a lot of success and recovering from a knee injury. was some sort of qualifica- without problems. Wendy Doolan of Australia hoists her trophy "Kim wanted to play against the UAE but if he had played tion system involving the "Nowadays, artificial turf has practi- after she won the Evian Masters women's 45 minutes we might have lost him for two weeks," said South (Caribbean) islands." cally the same structure as the natural golf tournament in Evian, eastern France, on Korea physio Robert Jaspert.—MNA/Reuters MNA/Reuters variety."—MNA/Reuters Saturday, 24 July, 2004. —INTERNET THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 27 July, 2004 15 sets of Myanmar 20:45 National News 22:20 Fantastic Scenic Sun- 16:25 Song of Myanmar 20:50 Water Hyacinth Furni- sets of Myanmar MRTV-3MRTV-3 Beauty & Scenic Sights ture 22:25 Songs On Screen “Mingalabar” 20:55 Myuu-Kywa-Thanzin “Through My Eyes” 16:30 National News Kagyo Sin 22:30 National News 16:35 Music for Your Ears (A 21:00 National News 22:35 Music for Your Ears (A Melodic Musical Piece) 21:05 The Wooden Walking Melodic Musical Piece) (Guitar Aung Shein, Stick (Guitar Aung Shein, Gold Medalist) 21:10 Songs on Screen Gold Medalist) 27-7-2004 (Tuesday) 16:40 Taninthayi, Land of Oil “Phenomena of Love” 22:40 Taninthayi, Land of Oil (Programme Schedule) Palm 21:12 The beautiful green ice Palm Morning Transmission 16:45 National News 21:15 National News 22:45 National News (9:00 - 10:00) 16:50 Clothes decorated with 21:20 Folk Art of Pottery 22:50 Clothes decorated with Sequin-like Colourful 21:25 Song of Myanmar Sequin-like Colourful 9:00 Signature Tune Plastics Beauty & Scenic Sights Plastics Greeting 16:55 Traditional PaO Dance “Myanma Panorama & 22:55 Traditional PaO Dance 9:02 Song of Myanmar 16:58 The Role of Myanmar Myanma Sentiment” 22:58 The Role of Myanmar Beauty & Scenic Sights Rice 21:35 Let us Take Part in the Rice “Mingalabar” 17:00 National News Chinlone Festival 23:00 National News 9:06 Let us Take Part in The 17:05 Palm Leaf Inscription 21:40 Headline News 23:05 Palm Leaf Inscription Chinlone Festival 17:10 Myanmar Modern 21:42 Myanmar Traditional 23:10 Myanmar Modern 9:10 Headline News Songs “Fetch me in a Snack “Dawei Nga- Songs “Fetch me in a 9:12 Myanmar Traditional horse-car” moun” (Fish Crispies) horse-cart” Snack “Dawei Nga- 17:12 Blacksmith of Kayin 21:45 National News 23:12 Blacksmith of Kayin moun” (Fish Crispies) State 21:50 Myanma Lacquerware State 9:15 National News 17:15 National News 21:55 Nay Yar Daw Khin 23:15 National News 9:20 Myanma Lacquerware 17:20 The National Museum 21:58 Welcome to Bagan 23:20 The National Museum 9:25 Nay Yar Daw Khin (1) 22:00 National News (1) 9:28 Welcome to Bagan 17:25 Song of Myanmar 22:05 Kachin hand-woven 23:25 Song of Myanmar 9:30 National News Beauty & Scenic Sights material Beauty & Scenic Sights 9:35 Kachin hand-woven “Come and See 22:10 Song “Love Boat” “Come and See material Myanmar” 22:15 National News Myanmar” 9:40 Song “Love Boat” 9:45 National News Evening Transmission Rainfall on 26-7-2004 9:50 Fantastic Scenic Sunsets (19:30 - 23:30) of Myanmar 19:30 Signature Tune – (0.55 inch) at Yangon Airport, WEATHER 9:58 Song of Myanmar Greeting – (0.75 inch) at Kaba-Aye and Beauty & Scenic Sights 19:32 Song of Myanmar Monday, 26 July, 2004 “Come and See Beauty & Scenic Sights – (1.18 inches) at central Yangon. Total rain- Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hours Myanmar” “Mingalabar” 19:36 The World of Mro Na- fall since 1-1-2004 was 1635mm (64.37 inches) MST: During the past 24 hours, weather has been cloudy tionals at Yangon Airport and 1578 mm (62.13 inches) in lower Sagaing Division, rain has been scattered in 27-7-2004 (Tuesday) Kachin and Shan States, upper Sagaing, Mandalay and Evening Transmission 19:40 Headline News at Kaba-Aye and 1581 mm (62.24 inches) at (15:30 - 17:30) 19:42 Thihathana Throne Magway Divisions, widespread in the remaining areas with 15:30 Signature Tune 19:45 National News central Yangon. isolated heavyfalls in Taninthayi Division. The notewor- Greeting 19:50 Expedition of Rare thy amounts of rainfall recorded were Kawthoung (6.54) 15:32 Song of Myanmar Crocodiles Species In- inches and Dawei (2.60) inches. Beauty & Scenic Sights habiting in Fresh and Maximum temperature on 25-7-2004 was 29.5°C Seawaters (V) Daw Khin Khin Sein “Myanma Panorama & (85°F). Minimum temperature on 26-7-2004 was 20.2°C Myanma Sentiment” 19:55 Kayin Dance (We Bu Age (55) years (or) Paddy Winnowing (68°F). Relative humidity at 9:30 hrs MST on 26-7-2004 15:36 Let us Take Part in the No. 171, 50th Street, Pazundaung Township, Chinlone Festival Dance) was 92%. Total sunshine hours on 25-7-2004 was (0.6) 15:40 Headline News 20:00 National News Yangon, Daw Khin Khin Sein, aged 55, daughter of (U hour approx. Rainfall on 26-7-2004 was (0.55 inch) at 15:42 Myanmar Traditional 20:10 Song “To a Silvery Than Maung)-Daw Khin Ma Gyi, wife of U Tin Latt Yangon Airport, (0.75 inch) at Kaba-Aye and (1.18 inches) Seagull” Snack “Dawei Nga- (Officer, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Food & Drug Ad- at central Yangon. Total rainfall since 1-1-2004 was moun” (Fish Crispies) 20:12 Cruise on Min Kyan Sit 1635mm (64.37 inches) at Yangon Airport and 1578 mm 15:45 National News 20:15 National News ministration), mother of Ko Myo Myint Htwe-(Ma Moe (62.13 inches) at Kaba-Aye and 1581 mm (62.24 inches) 15:50 Myanma Lacquerware 20:20 A Pilgrimage to Thuzar) and Maung Kyaw Thet Latt, passed away at Dhammayangyi at central Yangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon 15:55 Nay Yar Daw Khin 2:30 am on 24-7-2004. (Kaba-Aye) was 5 mph from South at 08:30 hours MST 15:58 Welcome to Bagan 20:25 Songs On Screen “If it 16:00 National News Rains” Funeral cortege will leave the Yay Way Mortu- on 26-7-2004. 16:05 Kachin hand-woven 20:30 National News ary for Yay Way Cemetery at 3 pm on 28-7-2004 Bay inference: According to the observations at 20:35 Myanmar International material (Wednesday) for cremation. (09:30) hrs MST today, the low pressure area over the 16:10 Song “Love Boat” Fish Market North Bay and adjoining West Central Bay persists. 16:15 National News 20:40 Old Master Artist U Ba Cars will leave the above residence at 2 pm. Yin Galay Monsoon is generally strong in the Bay of Bengal. 16:20 Fantastic Scenic Sun- Bereaved Family Forecast valid until evening of 27-7-2004: Rain will be isolated in Kayah State and lower Sagaing Division, 8:15 am 5:40 pm scattered in Kachin and Shan States, upper Sagaing, Man-

dalay and Magway Divisions and widespread in the re-












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abcbeeblmpqrsb C















>G> 7. > 8. maining areas with likelihood of isolated heavyfalls in Mon State and Taninthayi Division. Degree of certainty is 8:30 am 5:45 pm (80%). 9. Sing and Enjoy State of the sea: Occasional squalls with rough sea 8. International news are likely off and along Deltaic, Gulf of Mottama and 6:15 pm Mon-Taninthayi Coast. Surface wind speed in squalls may

8:45 am reach (35) to (40) mph. Seas will be moderate elsewhere
















uff u Tuesday, July 27

9. Grammar Made Easy 10. in Myanmar waters. Outlook for subsequent two days:




Tuesday, July 27 } Tune in today: Increase of rain in lower Myanmar areas.










€uu 4:00 pm € Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for View today: 8.30 am Brief news 6:30 pm 27-7-2004: Some rain. Degree of certainty is (100%). 7:00 am 1. Martial song 8.35 am Music: We’ve got Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for





© 27-7-2004: One or two rain. Degree of certainty is (80%).


¡ 11. Evening news

¡¢£¤£¦¨ ¨£¡ £ ¦

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1. 4:15 pm 8.40 am Perspectives Flood Warning






 7:00 pm



 8.45 am Music: Fast cars (Issued at 13:00 hrs MST on 26-7-2004)



   2. Songs to uphold

8.55 am National news/ The water level of Ayeyawady River at Aunglan is

©© ©©© ©

©© ©

©© ©©© ©



¡¡ ¡¡

¡¡ ¨!¢ " ¢ £ ¨!¢ " ¢ £

 12. Weather report

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National Spirit Slogan (2533) cm and Pyay is (2876) cm. The water levels may

 9.05 am Music: Just to have reach their respective danger levels of (2550) cm and

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 7:05 pm

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'4:30 pm (2900) cm during the next (48) hrs commencing noon




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( ¤¡"+¡#¦

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 13. today. ( ¤"+#¦



)* ) 9.10 am International news

3. English For Everyday Use Flood Bulletin




- 9.15 am Music: My heart


# ,%¦¡ ¦(

# ,%¦¡ ¦(

# ,%¦ ¦(

# 7:20 pm

(Issued at 13:00hrs MST on 26-7-2004)




*4:45 pm beats like a drum The water levels of Ayeyawady River is above the







/ 14. The mirror images of 1.30 pm News/Slogan


. . . 4. Musical programme danger level about 2.5 ft at Bhamo. It may fall below the musical oldies 1.40 pm Lunch time music danger level during the next (3) days commencing noon 7:25 am 4:55 pm - Just the way you today.

7:35 pm are The water level of Ayeyawady River is above the

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g -La Luna danger levels about 3ft at Katha, 3.5 ft at Mandalay and

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>8:00 pm -Will you be there els may remain above the danger levels during the next








V (4) days commencing noon today. V V

3. Morning news V


Y Y Y 9.00 pm English Speaking

16. News The water level of Dokhtawady River is above the




D Course Level-1









7:40 am >



Z\ Z danger level about 4.5 ft at Myitnge. It may remain above Unit (23)

17. International news the danger level during the next (4) days commencing








B 9:15 pm Article/Music



Z 4. Nice and sweet song Z 18. Weather report noon today.

9.25 pm Weekly sports reel Earthquake Report

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7:50 am 5:15 pm g

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c9.35 pm Music for your

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19. u (Issued at 06:00 hrs MST today)

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; listening pleasure

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345679:45: 345679:45:

}nd‚j }nd‚jn† n†

}nd‚j n†

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n An earthquake of strong intensity (7.2) Richter Scale

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5. 6. Dance of national races c

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u u

u u u-I’m all about you with ts epicenter outside of Myanmar about (1034) miles 5:30 pm -Life is good southeast of Kaba-Aye seismological observatory was re-

8:00 am 20. The next day’s




8 corded at (21) hrs (09) min (16) sec MST on 25th July,



C 9.45 pm News/Slogan



FU59759^?JB9_5BK? 7. F 6. Song of yesteryears programme 10.00 pm PEL 2004.

R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press, No 22/30 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 296115, Manager 296864, Circulation 297093, Advertisement 296843, Accounts 296545, Administration 296161, Production 297032 (Office) /297028 (Press). 11th Waxing of Second Waso 1366 ME Tuesday, 27 July, 2004

Four political objectives * Stability of the State, community peace and tran- quillity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution Four economic objectives * Development of agriculture as the base and all- round development of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Development of the economy inviting participa- tion in terms of technical know-how and invest- ments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples Four social objectives * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and pres- ervation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national character Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Thein Sein presents provisions and personal goods donated by Adjutant-General’s Office * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit of the Ministry of Defence for flood victims to local resident U San Tun. — MNA * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards State places emphasis on maintenance, of the entire nation preservation of forests to ensure balanced climate Agreement on joint Secretary-2 Lt-Gen Thein Sein attends cash and kind exploration of copper and donation ceremony for flood-hit townships in Kachin State other minerals signed YANGON, 26 July — Than, Deputy Minister for military officers, officials Kachin State. YANGON, 26 July — Geological Survey and Min- Secretary-2 of the State Education Col Aung Myo of the SPDC office and The Secretary-2 and eral Exploration Department and China Hainan Jiayi Peace and Development Min, Deputy Minister for department heads left here party were welcomed at Machine Import & Export Co Ltd signed an agreement Council Lt-Gen Thein Sein, Religious Affairs Brig-Gen on 24 July morning and Myitkyina Airport by on joint exploration of copper and other minerals and accompanied by SPDC Thura Aung Ko, senior arrived in Myitkyina, (See page 9) conducting of feasibility survey in Hsinbo-Nanlihsan members Lt-Gen Ye Myint Special care should be taken in such a hilly region like Kachin Block in Bhamo Township, Kachin State, Monywa of the Ministry of Defence, Block-1 in Kani Township, Sagaing Division, and Deputy Minister for Agri- State because deforestation would have a deteriorating effect on Monywa Block-2 in Salingyi Township at the Traders culture and Irrigation U natural environment followed by adverse weather conditions, drought Hotel this morning. Ohn Myint, Deputy Minis- and inundation. Present at the agreement-signing ceremony were ter for Transport U Pe Minister for Mines Brig-Gen Ohn Myint, member of Myanmar Investment Commission Minister for Energy Brig-Gen Lun Thi, Attorney General U Aye Maung and departmental officials, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China Mr Li Jinjun and embassy officials and Chairman of the company Mr Zhang Sheng Can and members. GSME Director-General U Win Ti and Mr Zhang Sheng Can signed the agreement and exchanged the documents. Minister Brig-Gen Lun Thi and Minister Brig-Gen Ohn Myint presented the investment permit of MIC and the permit for exploration of copper and other minerals to Mr Zhang Sheng Can. — MNA First Session of Myanmar-Bangladesh Minister for Health Dr Kyaw Myint and Malaysian Health Minister Datuk Dr Chua Sai Lek hold discussions for enhancing cooperation in health sector. — HEALTH Joint Commission on Trade held YANGON, 26 July — Sone, Bangladeshi Minister Myanmar, Malaysia enhancing cooperation in health sector The first Myanmar- of Commerce Air Vice- YANGON, 26 July — A Minister for Health Dr Malaysian ministers held cine. Bangaldesh Joint Commis- Marshal (Retd) Mr Altaf coordination meeting on Kyaw Myint extended discussions on sending doc- Afterwards, the minis- sion on Trade took place at Hossain Choudhury and enhancing cooperation in greetings and introduced the tors and specialists needed ters of the two countries the Grand Plaza Parkroyal members, departmental health sector took place at Malaysian Minister to those in to Malaysia and on co- and those present posed for Hotel here this morning, heads, Bangladeshi Ambas- the meeting hall of National present. operation in the develop- documentary photo. attended by Minister for sador to Myanmar Mr AB Health Committee, Next, the Myanmar and ment of traditional medi- MNA Commerce Brig-Gen Pyi (See page (9) Pyidaunghsu Yeiktha Road, Dagon Township this after- noon, attended by Minister for Health Dr Kyaw Myint. During the meeting, Malaysian Minister of Health Datuk Dr Chua Soi Lek and members, Deputy Minister for Health Dr Mya Oo and directors-general of departments under the Min- istry of Health took part in the discussions. First Session of Myanmar-Bangladesh Joint Commission on Trade in progress. MNA