e Progressive and Verbs of Creation* Alex Silk
[email protected] Penultimate dra. Please consult the official version in the Journal of Semantics. Abstract is paper investigates what ontological commitments are carried by cer- tain sentences in the progressive. I focus specically on telic sentences in the progressive with verbs of creation. First, I argue against prominent exten- sionalist analyses given by Parsons and Szabó. Next, I develop and defend a competing intensional analysis. is analysis captures apparent intensional phenomena with certain sentences in the progressive while maintaining an extensionalist analysis of the progressive itself. I distinguish three features of the meanings of sentences like ‘Alice was baking a cake’: rst, the perspective taken on the event contributed by the progressive aspect; second, the inten- sionality in the interpretation of the verb’s internal argument; and third, the telicity and modality manifest at the level of the verb phrase and sentence. e proposed account of the progressive and verbs of creation raises interest- ing broader questions concerning our conceptualizations of change and how, and to what extent, they are represented in the grammars of natural languages. Some sentences, like (), carry their ontological commitments on their sleeves. () Unicorns exist. Most sentences are not so forthcoming. is paper examines what ontological com- mitments are carried by certain sentences in the progressive — specically, by sen- tences like () describing things coming into existence. *I am very grateful to Ashley Atkins for extensive discussion of many of the ideas in §. anks also to participants in the NEH Summer Seminar on Quine and Davidson, and to Nathan Klinedinst and two anonymous referees for the Journal of Semantics for comments.