The Interaction Between Telicity and Agentivity: Experimental Evidence from Intransitive Verbs in German and Chinese
Originally published in: Lingua vol. 200 (2017), pp. 84-106. DOI: POSTPRINT a,b,* a a a,b Tim Graf , Markus Philipp , Xiaonan Xu , Franziska Kretzschmar , a Beatrice Primus a Institute of German Language and Literature I, University of Cologne, Albertus-Magnus-Platz, 50923 Cologne, Germany b CRC 1252 Prominence in Language, University of Cologne, Germany The interaction between telicity and agentivity: Experimental evidence from intransitive verbs in German and Chinese Abstract: Telicity and agentivity are semantic factors that split intransitive verbs into (at least two) different classes. Clear-cut unergative verbs, which select the auxiliary HAVE, are assumed to be atelic and agent-selecting; unequivocally unaccusative verbs, which select the auxiliary BE, are analyzed as telic and patient-selecting. Thus, agentivity and telicity are assumed to be inversely correlated in split intransitivity. We will present semantic and experimental evidence from German and Mandarin Chinese that casts doubts on this widely held assumption. The focus of our experimental investigation lies on variation with respect to agentivity (specifically motion control, manipulated via animacy), telicity (tested via a locative vs. goal adverbial), and BE/HAVE-selection with semantically flexible intransitive verbs of motion. Our experimental methods are acceptability ratings for German and Chinese (Experiments 1 and 2) and event-related potential (ERP) measures for German (Experiment 3). Our findings contradict the above- mentioned assumption that agentivity and telicity are generally inversely correlated and suggest that for the verbs under study, agentivity and telicity harmonize with each other. Furthermore, the ERP measures reveal that the impact of the interaction under discussion is more pronounced on the verb lexeme than on the auxiliary.
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