Caring for our Common Home CARITAS STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT REPORT FOR OCEANIA 2015 Auki, SolomonIslands. CARITAS Caring for our Common Home CARITAS STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT REPORT FOR OCEANIA 2015 ... a true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor. Pope Francis, Laudato Si’, 2015, para 49. Manaakitia te whenua, manaakitia te tangata Care for the land, care for the people ST FRANCIS DAY 4 OCTOBER 2015 Tutu ana te puehu Stirring up the dust © Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand PO Box 12193 Thorndon, Wellington 6144 AOTEAROA NEW ZEALAND
[email protected] Lead research and writing: Martin de Jong Research and editorial assistance: Kahurangi Dey, Joanna Viernes Staff assistance and photography: Crispin Anderlini, Lisa Beech, Emily Benefield, Cathy Bi, Nick Borthwick, Roger Ellis, Julianne Hickey, Mark Mitchell, Anna Robertson, Taneora Ryall, Murray Shearer, Br Adrian Watson Editing and proofing: Johanna Knox Design: Rose Miller Cover photo: Cleaning up after cyclone Pam in Port Vila, Vanuatu on a Caritas Cash for Work programme. Credit: Crispin Anderlini. This booklet has been printed on paper produced from sustainable sources, after consideration of the options available to us to reduce the impact on the environment. ISSN 2463-3194 (Print) ISSN 2463-3208 (Online) 2 CARING FOR OUR COMMON HOME: CARITAS STATE OF THE ENVIRONMENT REPORT FOR OCEANIA 2015 About this report In 2014, Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand produced our foundational environmental report on issues affecting communities in Oceania.Small yet strong: Voices from Oceania on the environment drew on interviews with groups from our Caritas and Catholic networks to paint a picture of environmental changes and issues impacting the lives of people throughout the Pacific.