Chiang Kai-Shek 蒋介石

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Chiang Kai-Shek 蒋介石 Forthcoming 2013 Berkshire Volumes Dictionary 1–3 of Chinese Biography 宝库山 中华传记字典 Editor in Chief: Kerry Brown, University of Sydney Brochure Contents 目录 June 2012 Volumes 1-3: List of Entries . .v Publisher’s Note . .viii About the Editor . .ix Introduction . x Sample Articles Volume 1: Xia/Shang Dynasty–Sui Dynasty (2100 bce–618 ce) Volume 2: Tang Dynasty–Yuan Dynasty (618 ce–1368) Batu Khan 拔都汗 . 1 Franck BILLÉ, University of Cambridge Volume 3: Ming Dynasty–Peoples Republic of China (1368–1979) Matteo Ricci 利玛窦 . .11 Frances WOOD, British Library Chiang Kai-Shek 蒋介石 . 18 Jonathan FENBY, British journalist and author UncorrectedDIAN Qu, Oxford University galley pages Chieh-Ju LIAO, University of Cambridge Characters & Glossary . .30 Geographical Locations . 32 Uncorrected galley pages Berkshire Dictionary of Chinese Biography 宝库山 中华传记字典 Volumes 1–3 Uncorrected galley pages Kerry Brown Editor in Chief Berkshire Publishing grouP great barrington, Massachusetts Editor in Chief Kerry Brown, University of Sydney Editorial Advisory Board Christopher Cullen, Needham Research Institute, Cambridge University Julia Lovell, University of London Peng Guoxiang, Peking University Chloe Starr, Yale University Jan Stuart, The British Museum John Wills, Jr., University of Southern California Frances Wood, British Library Associate Editors Patrick Boehler, University of Hong Kong Winnie Tsui, The Chinese University of Hong Kong UncorrectedBerkshire Publishing galley Group pages Marjolijn Kaiser, [email protected] Karen Christensen, [email protected] Volumes 1-3: List of Entries 第一-三卷:条目表 VoLuMe 1: Xia/Shang dynaSty–Sui dynaSty Xia and Shang 夏商 (2100–1045 bce) han 汉 (206 bce–220 ce) Fu Hao 妇好 Ban Gu 班固 Yu the Great 大禹 Ban Zhao 班昭 Cao Cao 曹操 周 Zhou (1045–256 bce) Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒 Li Guang 李廣 Confucius 孔子 Liu Xiang 刘向 1-3: List of Entries • • Volumes Laozi 老子 Sima Qian 司马迁 QU Yuan 屈原 Sima Xiangru 司马相如 Zhou, Duke of 周公 Wang Chong 王充 Wang Mang 王莽 Warring StateS period 战国 (770–221 bce) Wang Xizhi 王羲之 公孙龙 Gongsun Long Wu, Emperor (Liu Zhi) 漢武帝 韩非 Han Fei Xu Shen 許慎 孟子 Mencius Xuan, Emperor (Liu Bingji) 宣帝 墨子 Mozi Yang Xiong 揚雄 孙子 Sunzi Zhang Heng 张衡 荀子 Xunzi Zhang Jue 張角 庄子 Zhuangzi Zhao, Emperor (Liu Fuling) 昭帝 邹衍 Zou Yan Zhuge Liang 诸葛亮 Southern and northern dynaStieS 南北朝 Qin 秦 (221–206 bce) (220–589 ce) LiUncorrected Si 李斯 galley pages Tao Hongjing 陶弘景 LÜ Buwei 吕不韦 Qin Shi Huangdi 秦始皇帝 Sui 随 (581–618 ce) Yan Zhitui 顏之推 Wen, Emperor (Yang Jian) 文帝 List in progress – additions may be made • v • • Berkshire Dictionary of Chinese Biography • Volume 1 • VoLuMe 2: tang dynaSty–yuan dynaSty tang 唐 (618–907 ce) Zhu Xi 朱熹 An Lushan 安禄山 Jurchen Jin 女真金 (1125–1234) Bai Juyi 白居易 完颜阿骨打 Du Fu 杜甫 Wanyan Aguda 拔都汗 Han Gan 韩干 Batu Khan 成吉思汗 Han Yu 韩愈 Chinggis Khan Huineng 惠能 元 Li Bai 李白 yuan (1279–1368) 太宗 Taizong, Emperor (Li Shimin) Guan Yunshi 贯云石 王维 Wang Wei Guo Shoujing 郭守敬 武则天 Wu Zetian Khubilai Khan 忽必烈汗 玄宗 Xuanzong, Emperor (Li Longji) Luo Guanzhong 罗贯中 周昉 Zhou Fang Wu Chengen 吴承恩 • Zhao Mengfu 赵孟頫 Liao 辽 (907–1125 ce) Taizu, Emperor (Abaoji) 太祖 Song 宋 (960–1279 ce) 第一-三卷:条目表 • Bi Sheng 毕升 Cheng Hao 程颢 Cheng Yi 程颐 Huang Tingjian 黄庭堅 Huizong, Emperor (Zhao Ji) 徽宗 Li Qingzhao 李清照 Ouyang Xiu 欧阳修 Sima Guang 司马光 Su Shi 苏轼 Taizong,Uncorrected Emperor (Zhao Kuangyi) 太宗 galley pages Wang Anshi 王安石 Yingzong, Emperor (Zhao Shu) 英宗 Yue Fei 岳飞 List in progress – additions may be made • vi • • Volumes 1-3: List of Entries • 第一-三卷:条目表 • VoLuMe 3: Ming dynaSty–prc 1976 Ming 明 (1368–1644) Liang Qichao 梁启超 Qianlong, Emperor (Aixin-Jueluo Altan Khan Hongli) 乾隆帝 Dong Qichang 董其昌 Yongzheng, Emperor (Aixin-Jueluo Hongwu, Emperor (Zhu Yuanzhang) Yinzhen) 雍正帝 洪武帝 Yuan Mei 袁枚 Jin Shengtan 金圣叹 Zeng Guofan 曾國藩 Koxinga (Zheng Chenggong) 鄭成功 Li Shizhen 李时珍 repubLican china 中华民国 (1911/1912– 李贽 Li Zhi 1949) Lin Zexu 林则徐 陈独秀 Matteo Ricci 利玛窦 Chen Duxiu 蒋介石 Nurhaci 努尔哈赤 Chiang Kai-shek 胡适 1-3: List of Entries • • Volumes Qiu Ying 仇英 Hu Shi 康有为 Tang Xianzu 汤显祖 Kang Youwei 宋美龄 Wang Yangming 王陽明 Soong Mei-ling 孫逸仙 Wanli, Emperor (Zhu Yijun) 万历 Sun Yat-sen 汪精卫 Xu Guangqi 徐光启 Wang Jingwei 袁世凯 Xu Xiake 徐霞客 Yuan Shikai Yongle, Emperor (Zhu Di) 永乐帝 peopLe’S repubLic of china 中华人民共和国 Yuan Chonghuan 袁崇焕 part i (1949–1979) Zheng He 郑和 Chen Yun 陈云 Deng Xiaoping 邓小平 Qing 清 (1644–1911/1912) Hua Guofeng 华国锋 曹雪芹 Cao Xueqin Jiang Qing 江青 慈禧 Cixi, Empress Dowager Lin Biao 林彪 Guangxu, Emperor (Aixin-Jueluo Liu Shaoqi 刘少奇 光绪帝 Zaitian) Lu Xun 鲁迅 洪秀全 HongUncorrected Xiuquan galleyMao Zedong 毛泽东 pages 黃遵憲 Huang Zunxian Peng Dehuai 彭德怀 Kangxi, Emperor (Aixin-Jueluo Qian Zhongshu 钱锺书 康熙帝 Xuanye) Zhou Enlai 周恩来 李大钊 Li Dazhao Zhu De 朱德 Li Hongzhang 李鸿章 List in progress – additions may be made • vii • Publisher’s Note 出版人前言 journey of a thousand miles, the Chinese phi- life of its own . It continues to have its own dy- losopher Laozi (Lao-tzu) 老子 said, begins namic direction—thanks to the growing number withA a single step, and the Berkshire Dictionary of of experts who are sharing their passionate de- Chinese Biography is the first step in what will be sire to explain China to the students, citizens, a long journey: bringing the stories of China to and leaders of the twenty-first century . Berkshire a global audience . We are deeply grateful to the Publishing is already collaborating with other scholars who have guided us and shared their biographical projects and will be expanding this excitement about the stories of China . I am par- collection into a comprehensive but accessible ticularly grateful to Kerry Brown and wonder if online resource, as well as an ebook collection either of us will ever remember exactly how this available in different formats . We will be develop- project got started . Somehow, over the course ing tools for using these biographies in teaching, of a conversation when we first met in London, too—sign up for free samples and updates at the idea of a major biographical work took on a www .ChinaConnectU .com . • Karen Christensen 沈凯伦 出版人前言 Founder and CEO, Berkshire Publishing Group 宝库山, • Great Barrington, Massachusetts Uncorrected galley pages • viii • About the Editor 编辑介绍 Professor and Executive Director of the China Studies Centre, University of Sydney erry Brown is professor and executive di- and African Studies, an associate of the China rector of the China Studies Centre at the Policy Institute at Nottingham University and at UniversityK of Sydney . Before moving to Australia, the London School of Economics and Political Sci- he was head of the Asia Programme at Chatham ence IDEAS Institute, and an affiliated researcher House, an independent policy institute based in at the Mongolia and Inner Asia Studies Unit at the About the Editor • • London, and led the Europe China Research and University of Cambridge . Advice Network (ECRAN) funded by the Euro- He is the author of Hu Jintao, China’s Silent pean Commission . Educated at the University of Leader (2012), Ballot Box China (2011) and the edited Cambridge, University of London, and University collection China 2020 (2011), Friends and Enemies: of Leeds, he worked in Japan and the Inner Mon- The Past, Present and Future of the Communist Party golian region of China before joining the Foreign of China (2009), The Rise of the Dragon—Chinese and Commonwealth Office . He worked in the Chi- Investment Flows in the Reform Period (2008), Strug- na Section and served as First Secretary in Beijing gling Giant: China in the 21st Century (2007), and from 2000 to 2003, and was head of the Indone- The Cultural Revolution in Inner Mongolia (2006) . sia East Timor Section from 2003 to 2005 . He is a He was a coeditor of the Berkshire Encyclopedia of research associate of the Centre for International China and contributed a number of articles includ- Studies and Diplomacy at the School of Oriental ing “Beijing Consensus .” Uncorrected galley pages • ix • Introduction 序言 ven to the most fervent observer of Chinese China of great unity and considerable extent . Its affairs, the great sweep of China’s past is over- borders are nowhere near as extensive as at the time whelmingE . Chinese history is long, indeed very long, of the Yuan, 800 years ago, when the China of the and as the centuries—and millennia—have passed Mongols reached deep into central Asia, and even “China” has taken one shape after another, with crept to the borders of what is now Europe . But they different boundaries, different leaders, and differ- are approximately the same as they were at the end ent guiding principles . There has been splitting up, of the period of Qing expansionism in the eight- reuniting in different forms, and fragmenting again . eenth century . But today’s China understands that But there is continuity, too, and at the heart of its history has been marked by disunity, and this lies this new encyclopedia is a belief that in understand- behind the current Chinese government’s constant ing the stories of over 100 remarkable and significant emphasis on the importance of unity and stability . individuals, we can come to understand, and make This is only one of the ways in which China’s past comprehensible and manageable, the vast sweep of informs and influences its present, and is one of the Chinese history . stories to be told and explained in the DCB . • No expert expects to master more than a small Whatever the multiple histories of China have fragment of Chinese history .
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